Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 09, 1891, Image 3

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Ko M r:nro It M't-rrm, no M ratine ond swci't,
'1 hut hern lift:' tiiiu onro Miiwc;l; liiiv-l tr( our rr.irnlsirc' (wt,
" if ti liilil, tu-rirl, or with ln-nvy Inail,
Through thU foiHiiki-ii ttirr.iike roiuL
Ah vnlklng In somo n,'.y tmvn
Wo trciul tlio (pi4H8 truwii ruts t'xl.iy;
Ah If they r;uirki:J imiiic u-w ii lit tiravo.
Wo w:ircli upon Mm milvKtoncs irrny
Tlitlr numbers almost worn away
iJf.von'l tlio wool windiiit; Ktr:im
lli jit ( ho world's iu)sv, si roni; ami clr-ar.
With roar urnl rush of btfl and sti-ain:
lint, cliiiiii.'clrss t iirmiKli I hcflutiitfiiiif year,
A Microti hilt-ufo rcitiiit-uli lu re
V t lfldM tuid the windllo'.vt r pwoft
In fairy host hero irn-t 1 1m upriiii'.
Ami following Mumm r'.-i! i f - t.
I'.hit! fjt'ritutn -sliy ami inwn:n I h'iiif
Coiiich I th to htatr the l.ihl hud siii.
And Fancy wcavc.i n mystic nll
Arniind thin nook in Nature's hov.orrv,
I'crt banco I lj silil' arid tc.'iv t bat lull.
'1 hli lllllllhtH 'Ulrl l"f;;i: H!4 wi ll
'J'luit made lift in ;hii'-c bvL' l.ntirs.
Have here found nxilaad hlixiin in lluwva,
Ami could it le. or. every tomb
(As tt our toll v oil poal i-i-imli,
Tbat Momo h weel IlovvershmiM I i ve and bloom,
ilitrvi-stnt brave or holy deed -Ab,
u liocuulil link a richer meed?
God rest their souls In byways fair.
Who hxivcnly heed tm tar Ih have sowed.
While we v. Iio si ill life's burdens hear
i'utienlly lift our loiuis of care,
Kenen ire for our hImxIu
Sticb bloom as (ills t lie, t urnpiko road.
-Annio Ixuiie J irakenrido in fclrin(lle!(J
One evening, net many mouths jid.
three jit rnons were seated in a snug cor
ner of tho Jonuriny room of the Elec
tricians' club of Vienna. From the in
ietit ami eager expression on the laces of
two of them it-was evident that the sub
ject of the conversation was mole than
ordinarily interesting
The leader of the conversation was a
man apjKirently on the turn of thirty
five, with a face strongly marked by the
unsparing brusii of late hours and unre
strained passions. He had reached the
pith of the tale, and was enjoying the
impatience of his listeners with a keen
relish. At hist, yielding to their eagei
importunities, he said:
"Well, I'll tell you Hie name of the
Lady, but remember you have given youi
word of honor that it shall go no far
ther. When I followed her from the
train I found it was oh, shades of vir
tue! Mrs. Waldenier."
"You lie!"
The words rang through the silent room
like a trumpest bla.-t. Springing to their
feet with a haste that sent chairs and
table tlying, the startled trio turned and
eaw a gentleman in evening dress stand
ing not three feet away. His face was
convulsed with rage, and his futile strug
gle for speech only caused his pallid lips
to utter incoherent sounds.
For a few 6econds no one moved, and
the ominous quiet was only broken by
the deep, labored breathing of hitn who
had so unceremoniously interrupted the
peace of the night; then with a sudden
bound a form cleared the intervening
space, and before hand could be raised
in hindrance tlio boastful roue- had
planted a terrific blow full in the face of
his adversary, almost felling him to the
flocr. The infuriated combatants were
quickly -pa rated by the excited by
stander, and both hurried iioia the
On the followii
quentc-rs of the- f-.
knots dieujsing tin
before. There v.-;is
thy with th ; :w
cc-ivf d i lie ! low. a
pi-fusions of arj.;--r
the members, wh -.
at the publicity t!
follow p;:eh a di-.:;;
One old svr.ti.-mi!
g iiiorniij:
stood ale
epi.-. Ie o i
a nri vi. i"
' ::-. :- V. .:
he fre
t I:i litllo
tho t.iglit
1 siBpH-
1 . ! re-
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d ia by ,
f'TM'.-.gcd !
re v.". i
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i'l pr
I 1'
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against a 1
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; 1
pass uiipr.m
does not c).
r Waldenier
d!ea.:;- that brute, why, I'll
do it myself, if cu general princi
the chol
fad man finished.
commot ion at tne
frhowed the en-
trance of seme one with
fresh news on
the engrossing tot ic.
The newcomer was quickly surround
ed, and with the eagerness of a beamr of
glad tidings lie exclaimed:
"Waldemer has challenged him, and
the challenge i.-; .iccep'.ed of course. I
have just come from the house of Rnkert,
who, you kno w, conducts all such aHairs.
lie wouldn't tvll me when it was to take
ilace, or iud- ed anything at all about it.
But there are going to be some extraor
dinary arrange melds; 1 could tell that
Ly his air of m stery the pompous eld
The welcme intelligence created a
feeling of c; a-:i ral relief among the mem
bers, and i: wa hailed with great satis
faction. They dispel sod to their various
homes, knowing that their code of honor
was still intact.
For several days the curious made
every efToi t to discover any details con
cerning the impending duel, but with
out avail. There was only a certainty
that it would take place, but where and
how was only known to the principals
and the indef atigable Rukert.
On the morning of the sixth day after
the quarrel at the club the community
was thrown into a state of horror at the
following article published in the Neue
Freie Presse:
At half-past 8 last night, as a party of
young men were passing the house of
Ilerr Waldemer, in Strasse Wallfiscb
gasse, they were startled by the loud re
port of a revolver coming from the direc
tion of that gentleman's residence, fol
lowed immediately by an agonizim
scream. They hastily forced the front
door, and after a vain search in several
rooms, all untenanted, they reached th?
study. There, prostrate on the floor, was
the form of our well known citizen
dead. A hideous wound in his left tem
ple and a revolver lying near at hand
showed the cause of death. Stretched
across his body, her hair dabbling in a
pool of blood, was his beautiful wife. It
was at first thought that ehe also was
dead; but a hasty examination nhoweu
that he ml only fainted.
One of the horrii'ied gentlemen ran lor
the nearest doctor and also to report the
melancholy news to the proper authori
ties. The others set to work to reviv"
Mrs. Waldemer, and soon had tin-sat : -faction
of peeing her recover conscious
ness. liy a fortunate f'oiiici.b-nre Dr. Iireslon
.ipt'iteil to lie in the lit ihboj hood, and
he was soon in at He pro
nounced Wald'-mer pa-t all ne dical ai l.
but sai'l tint the l;uly was only su't'eriTi
from a severe nervous shock, natur.d
under the circn!"-danct's.
Despite ht-r proter-tatioiis Airs. Wal
demer was taken into cii-to ly and re
moved t the hoti1-!' of detention, whole
hhe reiuaini-d during the night, all oilers
ol bail being resolutely refused.
Owing to a most extraordinary ami
fortunate circumstance w-e are enabled
to clear the unhappy lady from all sus
picion, and also to give our readers the
de-tails of a very singular duel that took
place in this city but a few days ago,
ami which undoubtedly caused the sui
cide just mentittjel
Last night at half-past 10 o'clock a
messenger left a package in the ante
room with" instructions that it le sent
up to the managing editor. Upon the
removal of the outer wrapjier was found
i sealed envelope with the following
"June 13. 1839.
"To the Matia'.nng Editor:
"Von will inid inclosed an important
item of news, which you are at liberty
to use only on condition that this en
velope Ikj not received before 10 o'clock
this night I trust to your well known
honor to see that this .stipulation is faith
fully carried out.
"RCDOLrll W A r.Di". M K ft. "
Long before the receipt of the mys
terious package Waldemer's suicide had
been discovered, and so the seal was im
mediately broken Inside was the fol
lowing remarkable confession:
"These, my last words, are written on
the threshold of the unknown. Though
in the prime of life, the mere thought of
living lias become a dread more terrify
ing than that of death.
"It is still fresh in the mind of the pub
lic how 1 overheard in my club the name
of my wife bandied about by a lecherous
scoundrel, who has already gone the
road I shall travel tonight.
"I challenged him. The challenge was
accepted. All the details were left to a
mutual friend a man learned in elec
trical science who enthusiastically pro
posed the adoption of electricit- as a
weapon. 1 assented with indifference,
not heeding the agent so that I had my re
venge. My antagonist agreed, prompted
by a professional curiosity. For several
days the mysterions preparations went
on. and at last there came a note stating
that 1 was to call at a certain house o:i
the outskirts of the city at midnight.
"On arriving at the place indicated the
scientist met me at the door and led the
way to a little anteroom on the second
floor. There I found my antagonist, and
it was only the knowledge that but a
few minutes could elapse before we
would be engaged in mortal combat that
restrained me from throttling him where
he stood.
"We were taken into an adjoining
room, and what I saw there iilled my
soul with a grim joy the iu.-t for mur
der. Returning again to t he outer room,
we were requested to submit without
demur to any preparations necessary. I
complied with alacrity, but he evidently
lie.-ltated before answering, and I noticed
wnli pln-usure that his voice trembled
a::d ins face paled with a cowardly dread.
"The old electrician prcduced two
long, close fitimg rc-L.s that enveloped
ns (roni net-:; to he Is, and with skillful
. ei s he s-pecutiv
l.. iking th
luttoi'ed 1 hem around
iil-;e garments
.re secure by p.
nit the f' i'j i.i
it -red in this Vj
r unable to move
-ting a stout cord
iuti mil ruble turns,
y we lay upon the
id or foot. Sat-
d at last that the fastenings were
f-ecure, he d ra ::.:: us wail infinite care
into the chamber of death.
"It was a small, square room, devoid of
f urniture, and but dimly lighted by a
common oil lamp suspended from the The Coor had been waxed and
polished until it was as smooth as glass.
In two corners of the room, diagonally
opposite each other, were a couple of pe
culiar looking metal disks placed hori
zontally on the floor, and having a round,
flat knob in the center. Leading from
each were two lines of insulated wire
about six or seven yards long, ending in
shallow cups containing dampened felt.
"Placing us side by side, midwav be
tween t comers, the cups were fastened
to our bo.W-o, one being placed on the !
ru ck at tne nase or tue main aim tne
other at the extremity of the spinal col
umn. Thus attached to our respective
disks we were told that he who first
reached his opponent's corner could, hy
merely placing his head on the elevated
spot, send the annihilating current on its
deadly way.
"The old scientist, after a few hurried
directions, given in a voice agitated with
strong emotion, retired to a corner,
where I could see him standing in au at
titude of rapt attention, hi3 head bent
forward, his eyes protruding and glow
ering with a fixity of expression almost
maniacal in its intensit37.
"The room was filled with a solemn
quiet, unbroken save by the low mur
mur of heavy respiration or the regular
tick of a clock, whose monotonous
rhythm sounded like the beat of a drum
to my overstrained nerves. Thus we
lay for nearly half a minute, each wait
ing for the other to make the move.
"A 6hort reflection had shown me that
victory would come to him who showed
the greatest cunning, as the manner in
which we were tied precluded the dis
play of brute force, and the 6lippery
floor offered no fulcrum wherewith to
propel one's 6elf along.
"Slyly I turned my head and saw,
close by, the livid face of my antagonist,
his deep set eyes watchful and alert.
"As a feint 1 turned slowly over. Efe
did the same. Then with a sudden ef
fort I swung around so that my feet
6truck liiin a 6harp blow in the face. It
aroused all the devil in his nature, and
he quickly retaliated by making a des-jwrntt-
lunge at ray head. His heels
tlew pat within an inch, and the force
, t f t he movement placed him almost be
I tw -en me and my corner. He wasquick
I t tin advantage, mid started to roll
j v. itii iucroa.-uig IoI'ch in that direction.
Then ensued a t -rrible race for the disk.
, "Over tin- glns-M fioor, slipping and
j s!i 'lag, with hea l advanced in futile en-
"i -.i inr to gain a greater momentum, we
V.iiiiied and squirmed, vainly grasping
at 1 ie- polished surface.
"Th" room revolved in a dizzy whirl,
and soon t:,y eyes were blinded by aching
t'-ais vi!I -i forth by a raging terror at
tie- heart a fear that he might gain the
vic'oiy and live. With one last siiper
b'H'iari i llott 1 threw myself across the
widening gap between us and stopped
his progress. Tin-re we lay panting for
breath on the very edge of the metal
plate, but 1 was nearest.
"After what seemed an eternity of
time the strange combat recommenced.
I was posted in t he angle, my feet pressed
firmly against one wall and my head
against t he ot her. It was a living bar
rier of resistless strength.
"Suddenly I felt his form against
mine, creeping cunningly closer. With
a hasty jerk 1 drew my body in. and
with shoulders pressed firmly against
the plastered sides gave one powerful
kick find sent him sliding to the center
of the room. Hefore he had stopped 1
was rolling in the direction of his corner.
" With elbow and heel, invoking the aid
of every nerve and muscle. I rapidly cov
ered the intervening space, and then
found my passage barred and the goal
snatched from my eager grasp on the
threshold of victory. Wild with baffled
rage I threw msel f upon him, and with
hellish fury tried to tear his throat with
my teeth.
"As we struggled the room resounded
with an infernal din of gasping moans
and oaths strangled in their utterance.
For a time 1 lost all sense of direction.
and was only intent on crushing out his
viperous life.
"We had neared the middle when, by
what crafty trick I know not, he broke
away, ami with miraculous speed, now
leaping half erect and now writhing like
a serpent, he again approached the disk.
1 watched him with fascinated eye as he
drew nearer and nearer. My tongue
clove to the roof of my mouth, every
drop of blood turne ": to ice, and 1 felt
the bony hand of death clutching that
heart which in a second would shrivel
at the lightning's touch.
"He reached it; up went his head,
higher and higher. My God! why does
lie prolong this living death? A thud as
it touched the iron plate; a horrible
gurgling noise cut off in its infancy; one
long, convulsive shudder of the body,
and he lay dead before me, killed by his
own wire. He had mistaken the plate!
"Hours afterward 1 was carried from
the house, my reason almost gone and
the dread terror of the scene still before
me. How his body was disposed of I do
not know. Probably it was buried un
dtr a false name. His death was not at
my hands, but the horror of it rests upon
me and it is more than I can bear."
Enrique II. Lewis in Romance.
AVIy YVonn-n Have Iyspopsia.
A medical journal, in a learned discus
sion of the alleged causes of dyspepsia in
women, declares that they are mainly
lack of exercise an 1 eating indigestible
food at unholy hours To this a cele
brated woman physician takes exception,
and asserts that laziness and self indulg
ence are not tho main causes of dyspep
sia in women.
"I have found," she says, "that wom
en arc usually victims of the atonic va
riety of dyspepsia that variety which
comes from a lack of tone in the stom
ach rather than from any disarrange
ment of its functions. It is sometimes
caused by a generally enfeebled condi
tion of tho system, but i- oftener the re
sult of their getting overtired and then
attempting to rest themselves by eating
a heart- meal.
"Women are so reckless ia the expendi
ture of their strength the' go shopping
for a whole afternoon, or they call, or
entertain, or are entertained, without-a
thought of their bodies, until suddenly
they find themselves utterly wearied out.
When this exhaustion occurs, instead of
lying down for an hour's complete rest
before eating anything at all, they will
sit down to a hearty meal in order to
rest themselves, as they think; and the
tired stomach is too weak to care for the
load of food that is thrust upon it. L5y
and by a dyspeptic condition is induced,
and the poor souls wonder what they
have eaten that has brought on dyspep
-Detroit t ree Press.
Knsli-t't ami Anserican Homon.
Much is said of the luxury of the Old
World, but people who have had oppor
tunities for comparison testify that the
average of comfort in living is much
higher iu the United States than in Eng
land and Europe. Even the homes of
the wealthiest are entirely lacking in
comforts and conveniences that are re
garded as indispensable among the mid
dle class and even the poorer homes of
the United States. Many English houses
occupied by families of means are not
supplied with steuni or water, and the
general method of heating is by open
fireplaces fed with smoky soft coal.
Hot air furnaces are almost unknown.
Set bowls, with hot and cold water
faucets, are regarded as non-permissible
extravagance even by the wealthiest,
and only the very wealthiest sometimes
indulge in the luxury of a bathroom. A
hotel having one advertises it as a spe
cial and unusual attraction. Candles
are still much relied on for illumination.
A hundred other c "-veniences regarded
as necessaries in American homes are
unknown in English households. Good
Interehted in the Skeleton.
Little Allert had been allowed to
amuse himself by turning over the
leaves of the big illustrated dictionary.
The picture ef the skeleton impressed
him particularly, and at the breakfast
table the next morning he surprised his
father by asking suddenly, "Papa, can't
that bony fellow in the dictionary wig
gle his fingers?" Youth's Companion.
lie V:et n llolio-lv Itrlmlle Cur I'.,
Streets mul Ha- 1 1 ii l.i 1 1 le n i i
.Master from a Watery I lent The I'ai 1 1:
ful llo Ufci'iii'M luti Credit.
There was a In-neh show of dogs in t!r
Central rink, and all the pugs, and terri
ei's, ami matilf-., and St. Rernards, and
bulldogs, and all the other high bred
dogs who were sure to what class they
belonged .and whose owner could prove
their right to Ih so classed were there.
People were coming and going, and the
papers dad been full of descriptions of
the affair, illustrated by wood cuts of
some of tlie finest animals.
Over on another street of the same city
wasquitea different scene. In a narrow
court near the river lay a shivering,
white faced little shaver, whoso clot lies
dripped water Over him bent another
toy with a quart of steaming hot liquid
in his hand.
"Drink this here hot coffee, Jim," he
said. "Bill's gone for to hunt up si me dry
duds, and maybe we can get yer inter
that engine room ter dry. Don't yer go
ter gettin' faint nor nothin' now. Want
yer head raised a bit?"
Rut the boy raised himself on his elbow
and looked around him. He took a drink
of the coffee, and seeming to get strength
"Where's Bnster?"
"Oh, he's around somewhere. Duster's
all right. There comes the hi ys with the
duds, and we'll have you all right, too, in
a minute. Don't feel dizzy or nothin',
do yer?" ,
"I'm beginuing to feel first rate again.
Where's Buster? Some of you whistle;
I ain't got the wind."
But at that moment a bobtailed brindle
dog came around the corner, closely pur
sued by a couple of boys.
"Let Buster alone! What are you chas
ing Buster for?" demanded the prostrate
"Why, yer see," explained the others
still keeping up the chase," there was a
man said if -we could get him around to
the dog show they'd give him a prize? for
pulling you out of the river, and he won't
let us catch him."
"Wot sort of a prize is it?" demanded
the wet boy
"Money, you They're
all swells down there, and he said there's
a prize for the best dog that saves a
feller's life."
This was enough to satisfy the inqui
ries of the smaller boy, and to excite the
best efforts of the others to capture the
dog, but for some reasons he eluded
them. Perhaps he hail good reasons for
being suspicious of boys who were too
friendly. Anyway, he dodged and kept
out of their way, almost causing one of
them to be crushed under the wheels of
a cable car, when the wet boy gave a low
whistle and ordered the dog to "come
The . niihal obeyed without a whine.
"Now lay down!" The dog got down and
put his nose between his paws. "You've j
got to go and get that there prize, and i
I'm going too." j
It was doubtful at firstif the boy would j
be able to keep his word, but by the help i
of the others, who had taken off his wet i
clothing and wrapped nun up in some
thing drier, he managed to go.
When he saw his master going th? dog
followed, and they soon stood before the
bulletin board in front of the rink, an
nouncing the bench show and tho terms
of admittance.
There was some consultation, and then
while four of them stayed with the boy
who had been in the water, one of the
largest took the dog by the strap around
his neck, and, paying the admission fee
with the combined wealth of the com
pany, undertook to drag the dog in with
"Here! leave that dog outside," com
manded the doorkeeper. "You can't take
that dog in with you, I say."
"What's the reason? Ain't I taking
him in to get the prize?"
"What prize? There is no prize for
such curs as that. Turn him out, I tell
"Yes, there is a prize. Wot are you
givin' us? Didn't a man tell me so? He
ain't going to eat up none of your fine
haired pups, but he's goin' to get that
There might have been a fracas and
an arrest, for the boy who had paid his
money was positive and determined, but
just then a gentleman chanced to step to
the door and asked what was the matter.
"Oh, hte's got a fool notion about a
prize for brindle pups," explained the
gatekeeper, "and is making a fuss about
his dog going in."
"There isn't such a prize offered, I am
positive," said the man "1 am one of
the judges."
"What sort of a show is this here,
"A dog show, of course."
"And no prize for the best dog?"
"It is for a certain kind of dogs those
that cost a great deal of money."
"And not for the kind that jumps into
the ice and drags a boy outen the river?"
"Did your dog do that?"
"Yes: and that there's the boy he did
it to."
The gentleman looked incredulous, but
just then a newspaper reporter who had
been watching the boys from the street
stepped up and corroborated the state
ment. "Wait here a minute," 6aid the gentle
man; and he disappeared within and
went briskly to where a group of his
friends were talking. In a minute he
came back with something in his hand,
and followed by several others.
. "We have decided," he said, "that
there ought to be a prize for that kind
of a dog, and here is a five dollar gold
piece for the owner of the tlog," and at
the same time he stepped forward and
tied a knot of blue ribbon to the strap
around the dog's neck.
A prouder lot of boys were never 6een
than those street waifs as they led the
dog away. Our Dumb Animals.
vell satisfied IL?M
Is1Ig Best LaundrySoap
"MADE. ONLv""i5r;
I W I A4
m ir a- -
I M.rx.l AIHoANrCg.LO. UllC&SO
4. II. (K X YES A CO.
DOORS, BhlN'DS.Hnil all building riiHiirin
CJiill ami see us at tin
lltli and Kim street,
north of ESeisePs mill.
lattsmoutb., Nebraska
F j K'ii' -iii-- C2
A Full and Complete line of
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded i all Hours
The Best is
Th-it is Wby Fred (bmb r ath-r K
Agricultural implement d-iler in the
merits which he carries utid heartily reeomim mils t
Zotclrum. Xlolino end Sclivittor
iiraalsy, -soru, and Dosro
tivatcrs and Badger Cultivator.
worth Checkrowers and Planters
Handles the iinettof iJiiir-ie.
Carriages; uikJ other ve
The largest line in Cass Countv
prices so low that it will pay vuu
betore purchasing elsewhere.
workman has charge
ot our
Plattsmouth and Weeping Water
Having bought the J V Weckbach store room
on south. Main street I offer my entire stock at
a sacrifice to save moving. Mow is the time
to buy Gasoline stoves and furniture of all
Opera House Block I. PEARIJIAK.
irjtrje World
a,. Any sensiAleWamb-n.
II . - ...
corner of
one hloeli
the Cheapest
years t.f experieiiee u-, tie- inii-t successful
county li'is selected tin- followiiif imnle.
his friend
Mid piitrons.
5 I
I'iia'ton.a, Cru-t:
liieles that are
Vaon?, and
"1 (lolil
iu iuti hih sin
le harness at
inspect stock
t come m i les uihI
nirriess .-In p.
uj experienced
Vour House.
New York. PrlcefiOcta.