i 18 y PEOPLE." The "Reform" Club in never happy when anything1 .American comes to tlit; front. It is now send introiit matter to tlie Free-Trade press, in which it sm eringly refers to the brand, "Cutlers to the Ameri can IVople," anl adds the old mat ter from tlie Democratic Hand book of IS'.tl, where Messrs. Landers Frary Clark are accused of sell ing goods at export at less than home prices. "Cutlers to the Ameri can ieoile" was instantly voted a Hiiccess by all the "live" press of tin country of both parties. Kat Field's Washington, which cannot be accused of Protection proclivi ties, says It is tune, l)v the way, that spades were called spades, even though made in the L'nited States; and wbeti Landers, Frary & Clark of New Britiau, Cnn., stamped upon tlie polished steel blades used at this Tariff banquet "Culters to the ..American People they conceived an advertisement which is a stroke of genius. There is far more maj esty in the American or any other people than in a patronage, how ever exalted by birth; and on the dawn of the twentieth century it be comes Republicans to cease worshiping false trods and enter upon an era of self-respect. In reference to prices for export, Mr. Lander's recently said: What is the use of trying to con vince those who won't be convinced by facts. This charge was answer ed conclusively and in great details by'Senator Hiscock in his speech in the L mted States Senate, on Sept Id, lH'.n. Now, let me make an un qualified statement. Our prices for export are not less than our home prices. We will sell for cash in any case a lobbinir quantity ot goods at export price offered by us that can be produced. What ether manufac urers are doing we have no means of knowing, as there is no associa tion, combination, trust or under standing nf any name or nature in this line of gootls. I do not seehow I can put it any stronger, and while on the subject it may not be out of place to say that the advance in the price of table cutlery which was to take place on occount of the McKin ley bill has not materialized. We did not intend to advance the price, have not advanced it and do not propose to under the present price of materials and labor; and there seem nothing left to attack us on but exports prices and the fact that mills here; and there can be none; and that there are no trusts there and can be hone? Rochester Post Kxpress. M I J R RAY 1 i R K V I T I ICS. HY PANSY. The' farmers in this vicinity are behind with their corn plowing some not having cultivated their corn over the first time. M rs. joying K. A. Hurton has been en a visit from her mother and sister from Iowa. 1 hey returned home last week. Hon. A Root and family spent last week visiting the family of -Mr. Kd Woolsey at Wyoming. Work will begin Wednesday morning on the new depot he re, there will be eight carpenters on hand ready to put the job through Cherries are an abundant crop this year and can be bought at the rate of $1.50 per bushel. We notice by the impruvemen our city physician Dr. Brendle, is making on his property, that he is a live bnsiness man. The new sign on the front of tlie drug store adds greatly to it appearance. Miss Grace'Dean has been on the sick list," suffering from a sore throat tlie past week. Mr. Howard Young and sister Anna returned last Friday from Lincoln, where they have been at tending school at Cottier Univer sity the past year. A great many of our farmers are forced to hire extra help to finish their corn as hay harvest has com menced. Where are we going the Fourth jfiosi 01 us win ceieoraie in your City, we nope to te able to take ride on the new railroad. The young people of Murray spent a pleasant evening Monday of this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs' Robert Root. About 05 were present, ice cream cake and lemon ade were the order of the evening. Dr. Brendle of our city was taken ,11 , , . r. . . . . suuueniy n i last saouatti morning and it was feared for a while fatally a messenger was dispatched at once for a phj-sician from Plattsmouth and his suffering was relieved; the symptous were neuralgia of tlu stomach. Mrs. K. F. Dean is very sick at this writing. we are .American manufacturers and believe that the home market is trie oest market in ttie world, w e would like all the orders we can gel ftrr the home market at export prices. American Economist. Hrown & Barrett have a complete ne of paints, wall paper and wtf. dm EFFECT OF THE McKlNLEY BILL. Loxpox, J une 20. The Times to day referring to the fact that sixty delegates from the tin plate work ing tlistricts of Wales are going to the United States in order to in quire into the prospects of profit able eniployiiient there and to th statement made that American agents in London are buying the latest improvements in tin plate machines as well as offering double wages to tin plate workers says: "Should the delegates report favorably upon the prospects for tin plate workers in the United States it is not unlikely that there will be so large an exodus to Amer ica as to lead to a great portion of the trade hitherto monopolized by Wales being transferred to Amer ica. "Hitherto, the idea has been that it was impossible to manufacture tin plates in America, owing to at mospheric conditions, but tin plate makers who accompanied the iron and steel institute delegates to 1 America, reported that there was nothing except the want of skilled Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tuk Bkst Salve in the world for Cute IJruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt liluuni. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It i guaranteed to irive satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale hy F. G. Fricke fc Co. labor to prevent the successful manufacture of tin plate in America." loiix C. Kleix, the well-known journalist, says the Philadelphia Times, who was married at the Rutgers Riverside Presbyterian church on Wednesday last, is the enterprising American who kicked ud the bobbery in Samoa a few years ago. Klein was there as correspondent, espoused the cause of the insurgent Samoans, and thereby became embroiled with the Germans, who were endeavoring to dominate the island. He was with JMataafa's men when the German naval contingent was Urea upon, and for a period it was thought that he would become an inter nntional issue. Mr. Klein's wife 4 was Miss Ora Cecil Hell Dasent, at Olie time fin acircsw in nu?in Vokes' company. Thought He Knew Every One. Tom Fletcher had the good fortune to be born in County Kildare, Ireland, and to emigrate to New York at ten years of age. At twenty-five he had attained a six foot physique, a big black beard and a clerkship m "uptown postoffice 6ta tion Q." Looking through the little brass bars of the general delivery one day he saw approaching Mr. Barney McGuffin, fine old Oirish gentleman he had known in boyhood. The old man was un changed, but the boy had outgrown Mr. JIcGuffin's remembrance. "I dunno, is it too late fur t' stamer th' day?" said the old man as he poked a letter through the bars for "The Widow OBnen, Curragh of Kildare, Kildare county, Ireland. "An' is this to de Widde O'Brien that lives on d' Ballywink road?" said Tom in his best brogue. "An' how the divil did vou know she lived on d' Ballywink road?" "Phat would Oi be doin' in de post orfus af Oi didn't know the Widde O'Brien lived on d' Ballywink road? Git away from d' winddy now; you've had y'r toime." And the old man was frequently seen to stop on the sidewalk and gaze with awe ana wonder at the man "what knowed iverybody in Oireland." Dry Goods Chronicle. Calvin G. Tabor ve. O. II. Pitney Motion to quash service, sustained. In the matter of the lat will and testament of Paulina Dettman, de ceased, proof of execution of will taken and same admitted to pro bate. Williairi Neville vs. MoUne, Mil- burn Ac Stoddard Co. Suit in at- tachment for $1 '...". Motion to dis solve attachment overruled. Trial to iurv and verdict of $10.00 for plaintiff. In the matter of the last will and testament of Peter Thicman, de ceased, proof of execution taken and will admitted to probate, with letters testamentary issued to Caro line Thieman, executrix. in tlie matter or the guardianship of minwr heirs of David. Thimgan, deceased. Sarah Ihimgau a pointed guardian, with bond fixed at $25,000. In the matter of the guardianship of the minor heir of William Wehr bein, deceased. Fred Gorder ap pointed guardian with bond fixed at $25 K . In the matter of the estate of David Thingan, deceased. Hearing on claims. In the matter of the estate of Thos Starkiohaim. Hearing on ! claims, and final settlemen. Decree of assignment John N. Farwell com pany vs. A. Cohen. Suit on account Continued by consent until Septem ber loth, 10. a. m. In the matter of the estate of O. II. Tabor, deceased. Hearing on final settlement. Accounts allowed and decree accordingly. Last will and testament of Sarah Mastou, deceased filed for probate. In the matter of the estate of Mashall D. Abbott. Hearing on claims. nil Jill y fc-H. Tit-,' b l. - 9 . it n u Tl When you take (utility liny Cheaper and a u 3 Jlake Place in in Consideration .vm flic World than of i Can not I"T1 it ? il ..pa n The Only One Price Oi othier in Sass Go. TO APPRECIATE JOE'S LOW PBICES Yon must call ami Examine Ilis Superior Make anil Quality of n othing, Furnishing Goods, Hats THAN THOSE KEPT BY HIS COMPETITORS, ! Etc., Notice. The business relations heretofore existing between I S. Wickham and A. J. Graves are this day terminated tjy mutual agreement. R S. Wic kham, A.J. GkAVKS. Dated: Plattsmouth, Neb., June dO. IMtl. For all forms of nasal catarrh where there is dryness of the air pas sages with what is commonly call ed stuffing up" especially when go ing to bed, Klj-'s Cream Halm gives immediate relief. Its benefit to me has been priceless. A. G. Case, M l)., Millwood. Kansas. cme oi my ciniuren had a very uaa discharge from tier nose. 1 wo physicians prescribed, but without benefit. We tried Kly's Cream Balm and, much to our surprise there was a marked improvement. We continued using the Halm and in short timejhe discharge was cured O. A. Cary, Corninr. N Y. ENGLISH VIEW OF TIN PLATE The Liverpool Daily Post makes this remark to the Welsh tin plate syndicate: 5 Vrii must reduce tlie price ot tm plate at once. Kvery reduction made by you increases the chance of choking down the new American mills for a year or two, when the McKinley law may be repealed. This is very curious. It indicates . . , i I., ii.:.. T- ythat over in ivngiano peojjit- noun. there is such a thing as the tin fjplate trust; and that they also be lieve that tliere are new American tin plate mills. Isn't it possible for the Kvening ii.:.. ,l.t 1 Post to dispose oi tins uuii"ic uc- usion, and per? uade the English I The Poet ltiley and Mrs. Wilcox. "Can you recall more than a single in stance of a man of letters marrying a literary wife?" asked a Chicago writer the other day. "Browning? Yes. I know another instance which comes pretty near it. I do not think the fact is generally known, but James Whit comb Riley, in the earlier days of his literary career, was a most ardent ad mirer of Ella Wheeler, the poetess of passion, and a favored suitor for her hand. "Both the young people were poor, however, and neither had attained a na tional reputation at that time, although both had written some very charming specimens of verse. I do not know whether Ella ever intended to marry the young Hoosier poet or not, but I do know that young Riley was nearly heartbroken when their -cordial relations were sun dered." Chicago Mail. Are we in it? Are we in it?? Are we in it..-. Well 1 should say so, when it comes io wan paper, or wall paper or wan paper, we are clear in it that is with the largest stock great si variety and tne lowest prices. We call the attention of, and m vite, every one to come and ex amine our stock and prices. Who are we that advertise thus.- e are the lowest price, and the leading house in the wall oaoer business, the only small things about us is our prices. Gering Ac Co., druggist. Hrown A: Barrett successors to Wilduian & Kuller have the cheap est and best line of Wall paper in Plattsmouth. wtf. TORTURING EXZEMA, Etlitor Iowa Plain IN-uIer Currd ef IiiMiitlerlile ltohiiij mid Iaiu by the Cut feu ru Kemeuies, A'o Lfss Than Five I'hjsyeiaii Con Hulted. Their Combined Wisdom followed Without Itenefit. Joe boys Only From the Best Houses in America. . JOE - Quotes no Prices But he Will Sell You The Best Goods FOE THE LEAST J&OXTET. if Goods Found not seated, or as 3F CO) 1 'hmfl Opera House Corner Plattsmouth, Neb. How to Succeed. This is the great problem of life which lew satisfactorily solve. Some fail because of ill health, oth ers want ot luck, but the majority from insufficient grit want ofjnerve. 1 heyare nervous, irresolute, change able, easily get the blues and "take the spirits down to keep the spirits up, thus wasting money, time, oi portunity and nerve force. There is nothing like the Restorative Ner vine, aiscovereu oy the great spe cialist, Dr. Miles, to cure all nervous diseases, as headache, the blues. nervous prostration, sleeplessness, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, fits and hysteria. Trial bottles and fine book of testimonials free at V. G. Fricke A Co.'s. High Slier ifT Henjarniu Disraeli. An Irish antiquarian has discovered that the "Benjamin DTsraeli, Esq.," who was high sheriff of the county of Carlow in 1810 was an nncle of Lord Beacons field. He is bnried in St. Peter's chnrch, Dublin, having died in 1814, aged forty- eight. This Benjamin, of whom none of the writers on Lord Beaconsfield ap pears to have known anything whatever, left a large fortune, and his will, which is preserved in the Dublin record office, is signed "Benjamin Disraeli. Lord Beaconsfield once wrote asking for a copy of his uncle's will, but neither his name nor his fathers appears in the document. Benjamin D'Israeli the elder was only the half brother of the author of the "Curiosities of Literature." Lon don Truth. I am sixty year- old. in August 189 was troubled with a Pfccular fkm dietse to which pt'ople i.f my ae are subject. ki,ou among medicinal men as eczema, its nrsr appearance was near the ankles. Itrarirtly extended oyer the lower extremetiea until niav Icl- wr nearly one raw eore ; liom legs the trouble ex tended acioss the hip;', shoulders and the en tire lenulitn ot my arms, th levs and arms bad !v swollen with an itchinir burning nam without cessation. Although tlie bet medical advice attainable was employed no lees than five phy- sn-!iiii oi iiie piace ueniK conPUirea ;ina the presciptioue Teiug the resuot of their combined wisdom, the disease though apparent y checked would rvcur hi a lew days as bad as ever :dur. iiiK the proiness my weight fell away about ivveutT-irve iouna. as an experiment I bf gan to the us ol C'cticdbA followed the sim- pl and plain insMuctions givrn with the Kk.m- KiiKsana m lour w eks round myeelt well with skin soft and natural in color the ltchimr "nor lowa nam Dealer,, C resco, Iowa, CUT1CU11A IfifiSOLVEST Tlie new blood Purifier, internally ttn clean thelblood of all impurities and poisonous ele ments and thus removed the the cause, und C'UTicL KA-, the great Skin Cure, and Ccticvra "OAP, an exquisite skin Beautitier. evtema lv uo ciear tne skiii ana scaip, and restores the nairj cure every aesease and numor of the skib ana dioou, irom pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price Cbticuha. koc : Soap, 25c, Kesulvekt, i. Prepared by the Pother Brut; and chemical corporatioa Boston. tSSend for' How to Cure Wood Disease." BABY'S skin and scalp purified and beauti ried by Cuticyb soap Absolutely pure. RHEUMATIC PAINS In one minute the Cuttcura Anti Pain plaster relieves rheuma ic, pciat ic, htp, kidney, chest and nmecular pains and weakneesei-. Price 25 c. Notice In the District Court, Cass County, Neb. In the matter ot the application "i of A. C. Adams, administrator i )n Boitis i7)i of the etate oj .Jo ) sialiS,. Keefer. deoeas-ed foi ii- cene to sell real estate. I ORDBK OF rOfKT. It satisfactorily appearing from the peti tion of paid administrator that the personal property ie insurocent to pay the debts out standing against said estate aiid the costs of administration and that it is necesai y to s 11 Mime portion of the real eetate for that rurpose It is hereby ordered that all persons interested in said estate appear bfore me at the oftice of the Clerk of the District Court of Cass County Nebraska at Plattmiouth on the 30th day of .luly l:l at the hour of 10 a. in. to .how cause if any" they have why said administrator should not receive license to sell the real es tate belonging to the said estate or; so much thereof af may be necessary to pay the debts outstanding against said estate. It is further ordered that this order be published four successive weeks in The Plattsmouth Wkfki.y IIf.hai.d pnor to paid date. Samckl M- Chakmah, Judge. A Safe Investment. Ic one which is niaranteed to briii"f you satifaotary results, or in case of failuree a return of purchase price, un tins sate plain 3 011 can buy from our advisertise Druggist a bottle of Dr. King-.s Xew Discrvery for consumption. It is truarantecd to brinjr relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat Lutiirs, or chest, such as Consum ption, Inflammation of Luii s Bron chitis' Asthma, Whooping- Cotiffh, Croups. ets., etc. It is pleasant and trareeable to taste, perfectly safe and Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke & Co's Druirstori. Ii. J:L .) U V JX BE CHEAP AT J. FXlTLtlZT J-022ITS02TS. NOTE SOME OF MY CASH EQUALED IN PRICES NEVER BEFORE THIS CITY. AlFatal Mistake. Pli3'sicians make no more fatal mistaKe man wncti tney liiiorm pa tients that nervous heart troubles come from the stomach and are of little consequence. Dr. Franklin Miles, the notedIndiana specialist. has proven the contrarjr in his new book 011 "Heart Disease" which may De naa tree or P. 0. Pricke & Co., wdio guarantee and recommend Dr. Miles' unequalled new Heart Cure, which has the largest sale of any heart remedy in the world. It cures nervous and organic heart disease, short breath, flutterincf, pain or ten derness in the side, arm or shoulder, irregular pulse, fainting, smother ing, dropsy, etc. His Restorative Nervin cures headache, fits, etc. Merit Wins. We desire to say to the citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Dr. King's Xew Life Pills Bucklen's Arnica Slave and Klectric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guar antel them every time, and we stand read3r to refund tlie purchase price, if satisafactory results do uot follow there there uae. These remdies have won there erraat popularity purely on therr merits F. G. Fricke A: Co Drugcfists. rViilss' Nerveond Liver Pllle. A.ct on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure bili."t-n. bac taste, torpid liver, piles, c.j.-: j tin. Une qualed for men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 25c. Sampla free at F. G. Fricke & Co's. .f2.50 clothes wringer now .75 grass scythe now 1.00 grain scoop now. . . . l.l.i grain scoop now. 1.25 grain scoop now 1.15 spade now 1.00 spade now .75 shovels now .75 manure fork .50 hay fork ' .45 hay fork 1.00 hand saw 1 85 butcher saw now 1.75 butcher saw now 1.05 carpenter saw now. . . 2.00 .50 .05 .SO .sr, .05 .05 .(15 .50 .0 .35 .50 - egg beaters now .35 wash board now ,00 lard can now 1.50 wash boiler now .20 stove pipe now gun powder by keg, 25 lbs stove hoards at cost 1.2.) screen doors now. window screens out of sirht Househ old sewinof machine i tinware at bottom nriccs Table Clltlerv le.SS tll;m rntl J-Ji'iears Sc razors never so low as l..v20d cut spikes $2.50 per keg, 1.2o 3d ii,u ct nails $3.00 per keg. . .20 . .15 . ,05 . .00 .12V, .. 5.25 . 1.15 . 20.00 now AND THOUSANDS OF OTHER AJiTICLES TO NUMEROUS TO MENTION AT IBICES NEVER lip FORE HEARD OF Cash Only At The Above Prices NOW IS TUB TIMK TO GET BARGAINS. For HAVELOCK ARE . YOU - GOING - TO - BUILD - THERE? IP SO- Remember that R. O. Castle & Co have an immense stock of LUMBER AND ALL BUILDIDG MATERIAL And Guarantee Satisfaction in all R. O. CASTLE HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA. Things & CO