Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 25, 1891, Image 7

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4.1 I
5 I
i tl
t ;f 1
! -
From Thurt1ty Dtiilu
There art to he no harvi
ion iron) tin east 1 1 I .-
h;ivs 1 i ; 1 1 r 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 Fin Icy of tin"
rrii Pascner association.
V. fool id're and
t excurs-
Mr-. J.
not I H - r-
1 larrv Coolidirc I ioa !" 1 1 1
r this nioriiinu' lor IIolyoKe.
ewill, l;'im hi ! iiml 1 ir an
i 1 1 -1 a w
tin- Uy
I'M. .Mm K t of Lincoln made a
mil' run on hi.-. J i yt !c la-t ni;rht
. . .... . t ,. -i .iil I I ' . f i i p r -1 i ' o 1 1 1 1
thus b.-aiinr the record for ain.i-j
Inn-. J
Fred Bellows yesterday sold 1M0 !
acres of land four mile-' south of
Palmyra to r lando I Vlt for a
H.idcratiou ol .fT.'JOO.- N Im;i.-K;i
I 're--.
Beatrice Cliaulauqua Assembly.
For the above oc casion a rati of New,, of tie tu-i u-n Dmh of P
one fan.' for tlx round trip has been j Franklin He '.-- li- 1 th. Ci'y iliii
made. Dale of -al from all pou-d-i,.
V.1.i-:i.!ci 1 mi.- 'JJiul am! 'Si only; K. J.
tickets ..-ood-i to ivtiirn r.ntil and
. - 1 r . . 4
mtliKln.L;' J 1 1 j - nil n oohii-
Nlira-ka and Kansas within
miles of I?i atii i- tick. t- may
sold ''! id J uly ."th inclusive -for
return until and including- j
7th. 'I In- rati -s to Civic : i it- ;
half far.- June ". to Jul iuih.
i n
l ",' I
111 v
j of this
j a -ri in
j 1 1 1 ros i
! tin- r.
a rt-
left :
! to
! .i !" feet
h South
S. Wind
i'ii oon
. mia
County Ct urt.
Asiia . White v-. I ?i 1 1 1 i m
k'eli -f Department. Su't lor
bench!-:. ( 'oi 1 1 ' ! lied I iy I'm)
until J uly lift !i, h. a. m.
- It u
o ret"
hut a few
i oi
l ;m i ha.
-o t
le-: ITh for a
I ) i '. i t a to rep-'
Mi l v. in-.' V J'i'.m
(lUV I.ivi!i'.;-1e!
ram from him
n; ty
-: o i
lav -lour'
r -this
ileiin iei :
his home
HtiliePl1 I '. -;
The li. iV l. have made a round
trip rate of a fare and a third to tin
following points:
The li'Jd AtiiiualjTiirufesl at At; h
i -on, Kan-as, J line 21 Si: The Kan
sas City race, J une 'Si J uly Con
vention of I'nited Pre-1 . t eri a ; i
f i ehureh of Southern N'el ra-Ua. July
Triennial meeting of supreme
j lode of llohemian benevolent a--Mt
Donald of Indiana. I soeiation, (VdarPapids. 1 une !'. SI:
national leaders of
is reported in this
JaeK Densoii has lieeil quite poor- ,
l,f..r ...,n,.. fhtie. Yesterday he,
1 T -. . I , , i. ! I - i 1 1 like a stroke
apoplexy and is reported va ry low j
to day.
L x -Sen a tor
one of the
a s
d inr at
s te!e.;r;'U
in 1 1 1 . 1 1 a a :
Tin; 1 1 Kiv' today turned out
CM! copies of the Omaha Financial
and h'eal
real e.-lalt
printed in
bought a
1 a V hoi -e:
that a re I t
i; tale Ihilleim, the best
and inuianee journal
ilm- and D't-k Stteiht
team ot lilei !
ov er in Iowa yeslerday
1 1 1 it's. Tln'v will 1 1 1. 1 K e
the l.;'inI-iii!K-t driviau' team in
(lie city alii r they aie will broke.
filair. Kearney, fiiaiid Island,
flastinns, I Ma 1 1 much t h and Ne
braska City are about or':iiiixiii a
state It aL'iieof ball pla crs. I f they
lu. I'.aUsmouth will cai : the
Sam D ( ox. tit thelaneoln la!i
Annual camp meeting Sevi-uth Dri
Advcnti.-ts, Seward, Neb.. Aiiu-d
N lia.
A reduced rate has r'.l.-o been
granted forthe following" piaet-s:
! 5eat rice C h a u t a u pia . J 1 P ie 'Si, July
(i Crete C ha u ! a 11 ( ua , p ie lv 'July !
District camp meeiii:-- hreiiioni
J uly 7 1 1.
re.-id in"" )'!
1 :''e eoi 1 1 pa -a
few older
vt'f t'!ljo -
a!l ireent.
is to wed a Mi-
Kvansyille. Ind. TlIK
tends con e ra t ula 1 101 is
Thomp-.i. ot
I i i:k. !.t ex
a nil will I .ft
tin the iiood tiualitiesol the Hoosier
14 iris every t iuie.
I'lie eoriierstone for the court
house will he of red Tennessee mar
ble nicely polished and property
inscribed. It will be set at tht
southeast corner of the building
on Monday, J une 'S.K
k'riini 7 to 10j in the stiade v;i
the record of hot weather al! over
the state of New York yesterday.
The people of that and and boiling
clime should come west anil cool
off with the country,
A. C. I,oder was detained at hotiu
to-day and yesterday on account of
the serious illness of his wife's
mother, who makes her home at h
house. The board of equalization
lias adjourned until Monday
Mrs. C. T. Fleck. Mrs. Swart x. Mrs.
I'rentiss and Mrs. Ledford and
dauehter Mabel made up a pleas
:mt nartv bent on speiKli ii-r ttie Ia
in Omaha. They went up on tl
!)'. tram, the other one tiemir aoou
one minute too early forthem.
Farmers are already
of the condition of listed corn. On
account of so much rain it is so
weedv that unless dryer weather
sets in very soon we a re assured the
crops will be damaged by weetl
Superintendent O'Brion of tht
state fisheries brought his car down
this mornintr to be overhauled and
repainted at the shops. Mrs.
O'Brion and daughter came alontr
and will visit friends for a day-two.
bid RulTner rejdyintr to the criti
cism of the Journal says tie is 111
favor of low assessments to escape
a heavv state tax. 1 hat Omaha
avoided" the state tax in that way
which makes us pay more tlian our
Bird Critchiield and familj- and
Steve Buzzell anil wife will visit the
Critchiield homestead to-morrow.
the occasion beintr the birthday an
niversary of Mrs. Critchiield mother
of Mrs. Buzzell and the county
Mr. O'Brion, of the state rtshery
reports a fine stock of croppies
which he obtained down in Mis
souri some time at;o. He considers
the croppey one of the finest, rain
iest fishes extant, standintr next
the mountain trout.
William J. McKinley was yester
day nominated for governor by the
republicans of Ohio at Columbus
by acclamation
The Father of the
Mrs. Charles Brown.
South Seventh stret.
yesterday a fternoon a I
ny of yoiintr :s well as
people at her home. A
able time was had by
lawn names heiii tr pa r t ic i pa t ei I In
until siio' er was announced under
the trees, when all sat down ami'
enjoyed th delicious ice
cream and cake prepared by the
p-iiial hostess. All present re
ceiyetl a cute little brown jut;;
tilled with .-mall candies, towliuu
was attached a neat little curd with
a beautiful scriptural verse iji
scribed thereon. Mrs. Mrown, wt
are sorrv to announce, is soon to
leave l'lattsmouth, oointr to Chica-
;, where she will join her bus
band, who, havint;' been "laid olf
here, has secured a jrod pos-ition in
the I'ullman shops. Mr. and M
Brown are much respected and
their departure hence will leave a
vacancy hard to fill. Their many
friends join in wishinir them pros
perity in their new home.
Fnnit Fridn x Dtiily.
C.eo. Walradt of Cedar Creek
town to-tlay.
I. C . Carnes came 111 tins mornin;
from (ireenwood.
lolin hviins, the South Hentl mii-
pletiient dealer, is with us to-day
Artluirt ross camem tins morn 1 11 1;"
from Weepintr Water precinct ttii
business trip.
Supt. O'Brion and family returned
to South Bend this mornmtr by tin
way of Omaha.
O. B. Polk, villatre attorney of
Greenwood, is in town to-da- on
letial business.
li. h. Allen and Jim t lark are ir-
intrto hold an Alliance picnic at
Wabash on the Fourth of J11I3'.
N. II. Meeker, the teutleman 1 v
casmer or tne rnst .atioiiai isaiiK
of Greenwood, is in the city to-day.
Joe McKinnon, an old time politi
cian.antl a stalwart republican from
FJmwood precinct is 111 the citv to-
J cirum corps ot tliirteen pieces
lias been formed at Alvo. They
must have an ear tor music out
FJd Jeary is erect injr a bank build-
inr at Alvo, the Rock Island town.
where he proposes to run a bank in
the near future.
I,. G. Knotts, Council Bluffs most
extensive coal merchant was in the
citv last nitrht the truest of his
brother, A. B. Knotts,
Forest Cit3'. Iowa, is to have
flax palace. We had supposed all
ilonr that Iowa had exhausted the
list ot palaces out here tney are
with a new one.
tnas. u. ciapp ot hiimvoiid ac
companied bv his mother started
on Monday afternoon to visit old
friends 111 northern New ork and
then his old home, scenes and
friends in Canada, expectintr tore-
turn next autumn.
The Weepinjr Water Republican
ays Avoca and Wabash have each
arrantred for a errand celebration on
the Fourth, and Weepintr Water
will not celebrate but join in her
eeived a teli
South Dakota a 11 ; 101 inci n e' h i
w4 1 h no pa rt ici 1 1 a '"s. T in
eeived a It
1 ui hi : i n t;' a - k i 1 1 his wife tt send,
him -o'lie heavier und-r wear at;
t.nv to K'apid City. This afternoon
a telephone me--a ;t was received ,
horn I'n- wliole-ah house in Omn- J
1 - t a ! 1 utr 1 ' t they lia.J 111-t re- 1
f rom I lot Siirine s 1
ilea rt
brolien wit is almost frantic with
tri ief at the sudden loss of her
h 11 -band, and 'can miler ut ex
planation, as ile was in perfect
health when he. left here, and
had 110 heart trouble or affection ot
th d kind that any of the lamily
know of. Teletrcants have been
m'ii! to I bt Springs, thai tile whole
truth may be learned as quickly as
x s i b i e.
An I ill jI-Ih n t C 1 1 a 1 1 1 .!.
Tin; IIl k'Vi.D learns from ood
authority that Ihe often talked ol
change of Ireitrht tran-fer from
1 in- ;
It app.
not ac ! 1 i
intent to
t : ! it of N . !
in.- f .r -b
; 1 s v i : c 1
' ; 1 1 a i ! ; 1 v .
irintt t ha"'
M il - v,l Vs.
n. I,
on t he
T rial to
the act!
1 .
ill a a 1
.1 and
f eo-ts
1 y
vv rt 1
t .: i 1 1
1 1 1 t I ! i -(
tifili 1
':: j.
- ei 1 W,
r v i 1 ! 1
s i-.-pri-n
r ili l ililiitlilii,
f At 'i l' OK AN
. J
1 '
Timo Tnblo
'pf tiui.N cj r M r
p. tn.
: I"
MKAl.nil I N I If K
1 1
' ;i . in .
" .1. in.
' I', in
' f. '".
. .t. tti
. i t .11 ;i. in
7 it i', in.
. : 1 it in.
I" 1 I .4. III.
.1. III.
Seahury I.. Sear- vs, T-.'i l
C u n 11 i 11 e li, im. et al. Suit on
sory note. Def. 1 u 1 1 ol I .la I a ' i l t
a in I. Trial I 1 con rt . a ad j : 1 ! 1
lor d.-lendaiM. I bos. i-. I ,n .
ic Junction to this city will
soon bv- made. This will then be the
adol aii freight runs on this side
of the river and all the switching'
and m.ikiut;' up of trains will be
done here. Alter business opens
u t he con 1 pa i:y wi 1 1 liave 1o im
.roe ilair vacant tract near the
loot ol main street and put in race
s.'a hes. 'Tin's t lianui' will al.-o
can.-e employment ol several more
u i'Mi i n t In- a i" I s t h a 11 a. re now t-m-ployed.
It will also make this the
peruiata-ul home of many erew
v. lio now live at Lincoln or l'aeilie
une! an. iii- next mtive on II
;art of t he company will probabl
1 1 if new 1 1 ep. 1 1 w.i 1 ic 11 is e
needed very bat 1 1 v.
e 1
a i
1 n
1 1 j,
h as s 1 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 1 1
- i nee t he at ! v e 1 . 1
rav ines bet auu
. while small
: I
i ,
iled by I he
i . n j' ucjat t.
.'.' I ; I I e : I'
it w.
I l M I ! i S
1 1 t ' ' t ' I
e 1 . I . lit
n . b.
tt ie-
1 a 1 1 -.
' ier-
I ll
r I
iiiehi.oatl tu.r
''' ill
rvi.i.; o
I 1 1
Hh'JACCO A.I)S;v:Ki;!s' i I !(..'.
i:v.-;;yf ill -"nek.
r r
ITif j ii iiai i im i" Ti;t n t of
St p
1 i v
turned into d'-liant
daniatre was done
much -t 1 i I 1 011 1 a I its way
hilltops p, the bed of the
l i vel'.-.
'1 'jm .v.i.'m . 'ai'. .'ii 'cy
C.N. Smith Ivlmwoods
the ; teat e is co 11 i"i i 1; t;' at
1 0-1 la v.
a ere
( '. real
Pom the
l'eeks a m I
' I u i s
'I s.
1 it'f of
ty seat
J il.l-e Ci ltcs of
the c 1 1 over ;; i r h t
and Mrs. B. S. Ran
K. ! 1. Wooley
1 I a I ! t 1 : 1 a 1 1 o i '
in ihis liituuin:
Cha Iron vv a -the
me -1 of
Li 11. 'ol
to at!
W..!er .
nd 1 1 i -
1 11
vl r.
. 1 1 .
a 1 1 ie
1 1'
1 it-ly
o i to. I
a lew t
! Id war. I
... l.-t. Nel
ays, t iie j
La - I r.
., i s i 1 1 t
lle-'t of
he ei! V f.
li. c." :i
Niiiioniil Ed ueationrtl A s-t-ociation.
The N. IC. A. will hold its next an
nual met'tintr in Toronto, Canada,
July 1 Ith to 17tJi. next. The people
of Toronto wfil entertain royally
those who come. The leatlintr ped
aro trues and educators of the
I'nited States and Canada will be
present anil address the associat ion.
The trij) will be profitable intellec
tually, profitable socially, and prof
itable physically, to every teacher
wdio t;oes.
The fare is fixed low-- one fare for
the round trip. Less than will
pay the membership fee of $'2. and
fare from Beatrice to Toronto and
back. Nebraska teachers have se
cured tor their use, and that ot the
Colorado teachers, the lvliiott house,
a house as rood as the Windsor at
Lincoln, rale.-.7'J.()" per day. Board
can be had near this hotel in pri
vate families, at from S'l.noto .fl.aO
per da-.
A visit to Niatrara Falls is part of
the trip. New York Citv mav he
visited for round trip; Boston
for $''(; Montreal for .f!0. (this trii
is down the S1. J.nwicncc lrotn
Kiue-stoti to Montreal, through th
Ihousaml Islands an. 1 the Rapids)
uebec added to the Montreal trii
Such an opportunity for travel, re
l. .
taxation, e-eixint;- new respiration
an at such pent expense, does not
come often. The education of
travel is not less necessary than
that of books. Then let every N't
braska teacher who can jti, do so.
The rates anil the advantages of
the excursion are not confined ti
leacners, ana it is nopeil mat manv
persons not teachers may avail
themselves of the low rate and tht
advantaires ot the excursion train
i e 1 1
the 1
; t 1 1 1
f' lellPf
I riei a is i 1
1 u'i t! ; 1 tips n I ,
,viio lias
city lot
1 I toiler
1 : 1 1''.
Jerry Da n i ! 1 e r v. a s removed to the
hospital lor 1 he in.-, me at Lincoln
to-tlay where we trust he may en t i re
Iv retrain his lost faculties.
I ft-tiva!' will
The f. fih annua
s.o.i l n v l orn 1 will occur
from October 1st to 17th this year
and will be the trraudest and most
haudsonie they have ever had.
At a recent poker irauie played on
n'train from Texarkana, Texas, to
Chicat-'o one man won I'aO.tXK).
When the I'rince of Wales reads
this he will h come to Ameri
ca. Lincoln Call.
John RobhinsiV Son will be;rin
Monday to erect the hitf barn -for
Mr. Swan near I'niou. It is to
be one of the largest barns in the
C. Schater returned from Hayes
county. lie pa sed t h roil ;j, h fifteen
counties and reports crops extra
e-oot 1 and savs that the west w i ! 1
boom this lall. Lou i.-vil le Couirer
Jou rna 1.
McKinley bill, which deniocracy so j sister town's good time. Hon. J. K.
bitterly opposes, is thus honored at
the first opportunity by those who
know him best. 1 tie tin peililler
scheme won't work in Ohio this
time, as the beauties of the new
tariff are better known.
The kintr of the Iowa bottoms,
locally known as the -'bull of the
woods," drew a crowd at the river
bank this mornintr as he threatened
to whip four wood-haulers for catcher at Nebraska City
II IUV lilt; JKK J 1 1 lllO ouuv Piiv.. I , pi 1.1 1 1 . 1
Xft ,;,'l, sulphurous lano-uatre J-K- Keithly haa purchased the
m the o.-irt of both sides, the valiant residence formerly owned by B. C.
commanders of the wood boat con- Yeomans on the south of East street
eluded not to tackle the Iowa P"Ki- bridge, and moved into the same
list, ana ttie titrnt was ueciareu on, Tl,-0 ,',i.v,v:ail4aH
to the apparent disgust of the by- of his pre!?ent quarters, if he had
ftanders who wanted to W(1 any desire to continue his residence
iowa it.1.1 1 PV " r...i....w. amono- t Us Dt'OD e.-W. V. Ka.r k-
r m 1 I I A A " " w -
lor his aousive language.
-- 11 1 f p.uct,! Greenwood is organizing a dis-
Tex . the contractor for the Belmont trict fair association with JolmFitz-
Froid canal company, is in the city. I gerald as one of the chief stock
Douglas will make the eagle scream
at Avoca.
The river raised nearl3' three feet
last night and would have carried
off the big wood boat owned by
Iowa parties had not the switchman
tied it up to some piling. The wood
piles along the river bank took a
run down the river and will doubt
less help out a vigilant driftwood
to join the Nebraska partr.
-uv luioriuation uesireu may oe
had b- addressing with stamp aii3
metniier ot tne -Nebraska committt
ot arrangements, as follows: L li
Monlux. Hastings; J. H. Miller, Lin
coin: C. (i. IVarse. Beatrice.
Every teacher who can do st
should make this trip. Ex.
A Goose Chase
Fritz Bryant, a blacksmith. f Lou
lsville. suffered quite a loss last
Monday night. I lis house was enter
ed by a thief who stole a gold
watch, a ham, vest, and pair of boots.
lie saw the thief leave the house
ind gave chase but could not catch
him. and on returning discovered
the loss. In company with Geo.
Mav lield he came down here and
obtained a search warrant to search
the house of O.P. Walker, but found
nothing. It was reported bv some
one that they traded the ham to the
latter party. W eeping Water Republican.
Dennis Lay is over at Louisville
now but has not fortrot some of his
old tricks. His latest freak was to
tart the officers over there to this
city in search of a thief that had
purloined a gold watch and a ham.
His joking proclivities are liable to
cause him trouble for the trip and
expense of the officer. Weeping
W liter Eagle.
The canal will he useil tor irri
gating purposes, and will be lli.i
miles in lenghth, commencing in
Wyoming on the I'latte, about
twelve miles from the .Nebraska
line, and running south into this
state. It must pass through a
desert, and it is thought that it will
reclaim a vast amount of unfertile
country. The company is composed
of lexas capitalists and they ex
pect to derive a handsome income
from the land by leasing water
rights at the rate of & per acre per
annum. It will require nearly two
years to construct the canal.
Omaha Herald.
holders. This will give the hand
somest town in Cass county a
strong association and we predict a
first class fair this fall. One of the
best race track in the state is to be
a feature of the new grounds.
Governor W'm. McKinley, Jr.
Lieutenant Governor Hon. An
drew!.,. Harris,
Auditor Ii. V. Poe, (renomina
Treasurer W. T. Cope.
Attornej' General J. K. Richards.
Superior Judge Marshall J.
Williams, (renominated).
Board of Public Works-- Chas-
E. Goce,
School Commissioner O. T.
Dairy and Food Commi
F:. B. McNeal.
Chautauqua Rates.
The B. & M. will sell round trip
tickets for one fare to both the Be
atrice anil Crete Chautauqua assem
blies from all points 011 the line
within 150 miles of said points. On
the first two days tickets may be
Superintendent Noble is in the
city to-daj conducting his usual
monthly examination of teachers.
The teachers present were KlPi
Snyder and Dora Honk, Plaits-
mouth. Fxlna and Stella Morris.
Nehawka, Iva Minford. Ei trht mill'
nti i-r-ti n se 1 for :i li;ilf f 1 f r- . , -. I ' 1 i i t -
1'"." . , , "; """Munm' diiu iiuwiiril lOUIlg ot llir-
points in Kansas and Nebraska, ilat ray.
Hon. lv 1. J. Ram sty. county record
er of .Mini roe county Iowa is in at
tendance in county court today a
a sutiscribiiijj' witness to tne lar-t
will and testament of John G. K'ol
erls deceast-d.
I? n n n rn n h
A . I
(lurry a full ftock uf eerwrai
int-reli'iiii! -." w Itit li t lx yt' 11 very
(lust'. IIieJnt price pfiitl far
all kinds id farm p ha c Oeii
ereu heutiiieiititntl f ur ih-aliiif;
is tlie M i n t, uf mil' Miccc.
Hi.- Wu-I.nv'tt.'ii An
Piovision Merchants. ;M,"",V
N't I..
!, Li:
FK !;),
We l"iy i.' rent initl stll fer C.vSlI.
Vou tiaii't .iy i 1 1 y hil;-. ter dentl licit?
vvii-n yen buy df tLi.T lam.
be.-t SOFT COAL nhvn on
a r 1 1 1 k
si i ii s i k;;k t -
F. II. KI.I.KMIAI'.V, Prop.
The best of fr -h meat always found
in this market. Al-o fresli
Eggs and Uutfer.
I I All -M- r I K - M lti:.v:-KA
0 .v:t,il s'.n'K in . . jf't 0 0
Authorised Ciipi'rl, rSCO.OCO.
Off fr'FKH
iv... m: r uut i n. .,o.s. a. i o n no.:,
I're i,! "if. V l.-t'-I'i f'ti'ielic
V.'. II. t i .MiiMi. ( ;ir-tiit-r.
in i; r.i i ihh
"rM'ik Oirurli ,1 A. 'm I tn. I''. K. I a.tlai t,u
I. W. .Julini-eii, IJi'i r I'.n o!,.Juliii O'Kcdfo
VV. 1). M lli;t!ii, W'i'i. Wt-tt-liotllil), VV.
II. ( 'li".i!liK.
i'han2acts;a mini bakeins losines
ssiw-h t'f'.ititli'.ttt's uf ilfpuMits lii;triiiK intereht
liuvr. aii.l ht-lln t xrli;ii;'f, nullify .tint
t:lty . i 1 1 1 1
t UK LI-.AD1 NCi
Willi of all kind-.-
i'ii son .
Hellevue t o 1 ! ege ha s cha n ged ii
name to "niaha I ' n i vers i t v." -t
the annual meeting of the trustees
Hon. H. T. Clark was re-electei
presiiient. 1 tie university is now
in gootl financial form and its man
agers see a bright future for tie
Thursday June lvth closed one o
the most successful terms ot schoo
in the history of district '11. Miss
Porter is a young lady with excel
lent methods both in the instruc
tion and government of y tmth and
lias well pleased the patrons it we
omit the prejudice of one family.
Walter Lcese, assistant to Mr
Ca m pbel 1. clerk of the supreme court
has resigned, owi ng to some mis
understanding lietween the two
men. The cause is not known. It
is reported mat judge .orval an
nounces that he will investigat.
the matter. Omaha I'ee.
The South Park wedding, mention
ol which was made a lew day s ago.
will occur at the Uantist church
immediately after the sacred con
cert to-morrow niht. 1 he parties
are Miss Carrie, daughter of Elder
Wood, and Mr. Otto Thorsou of
Minnesota. Till: IlEkAr.K extends
best wishes for future happiness.
The scoool board met the other
evening anil decided that the teach
ers examination should begin the
)th of August, and all teachers
who were not examined last year
ire required to be present and take
the exam in at ion. The com m it teem en
in charge of the examinations is
S. Waugh. Prof. McClelland and J.
I. I'nruh.
If our exchanges will please cony
the following thev will confer a
favor upon an anxious mother: Mr.
Chas. Howard, wife and one child.
late of Missouri, have not been
heard from since in Elk Creek, Neb..
about three months ago, and his
mother-in-law, Mrs. I). Hamilton of
Valley, is getting alarmed about
them. Any information as to their
whereabouts may be addressed to
Mrs. D. Hamilton. Valley. Neb.
Valley Enterprise.
County Court
In the matter of the last will and
testament of John G- Roberts de
ceased, hearing continued for pub
lication ot notice.
Wm. Dee ring A Co vs. Ira Tink-
ham. Suit on promissory notes for
$237.45. Answer July (ith, 1891.
License to wed issued to Mr.
Samuel F. Carter and Miss Mabel
Seward of Salt Creek precinct.
License to wed issued to Mr. C.
Owens and Miss Emma Hates.
-IX Til ST km;
k.-pi in their j HAVE THE MOST
r: 7" - j r-
' Keeps a KuU 1.1 u of
( mil) k ou-33ii5 Goo I s.
Couault Your lnrres? by (iivi.. Ht. i a
E l hx, i - i , i . j i 1 1 la
! a i i i;."i ion r. wy. v. i.-s
j Ve want your Poultry . Iggs. I'ut
I ter and y tnir farm produce of all
! kinds, we will pay you the highest
! cash price as we are buying for a
i ii rn in Li ncol n.
' i
Plattsmouth Nebraska.
iat is
fir ( 7,: .
Casio ria i Dr. Sunutl Pitcher preription fo Infants
And Children. It contains neither Opium, Morpkinse nor
othr Xroti iabcrfane. It is a harmless substitute
for Par:orie, I)rop, Southing 8ymp, and Oastr OIL
It is Pleataat. It rnaranUe i thirty years' tuns try
Million of 31 othrm. Catoria destroys Worm and allays
lWerishiMt. Castoria prernts omiting' Sour Cwrd,
eurea IHarrhoea and "Wind Coll, Castoria ralires
tethin troubles, care eonstipation and flainianey.
Castoria asimiiates the food, reulata tbe staHaeb
and bowels, giring akJthy nd nAtnral sleep. Cos
to ria is the Children's .TanacM the Mother's Friend.
Track Laying Finished.
The track lavers on the M. I.
cut-olf have completed their work.
intl trams, we are told, will be run-
nine; jti a few day.s to St. Louis 1-
the why of Plattsmouth over the
nrw line. The depot in this city is
well under way and bids fair to In
completed by July 1st. the time
specified in the contract.
" (MMk to tua hiiImI dwIWm far
Ornrn. Kvtbars bare rif amity Ml m mt XU
go& tffltrt BKm a air cfatiAraa.'
tm a. a Ommo,
OtcrMt k tti Wet nwi ij faw mmrmi mt
-Liwh I mi uypnaMil. I bi L 4mj iC
far tmfmt v-Wn xwbt rflmnitw Wbi rwU
tMfwr&at vi ttxtur cUMns, mod mm Omiiih ia
eao4 ct bTa'to jwtt uaraMtlM ar
dsarraTiBar ttir lo-rd ooaa, hf tarring pim,
ianrtibine, wll( . i mp mi t Air karWal
Ci&na dotm t.wr tttrti t, tfcerwby aeukug
tuem t premature feifttea."
Em. J. F. EnmuuiE,
Con a, Ark.
OmIii t fct mAj4 to ahSAran that
I rnoamiiail It rayar iiat r f itmm 1 1 f M r
kuawa to Hie."
H. A. At i. X. J.
Ul Sa. Orhrt 8t., ganaiym, H.8T.
- Owr phj at laaai in tba aakSvaa's Aepaat
ii kara gpaaea kiehty td ahaar oaat
auaa is M afad yrn tMmr ir OaHrt
va aakiy- kave aaiaiai eLa
raaa a kao-va. aa riaarthr
pTLnihtaaa, jt we arc fraa U (lafmi that &
aariM vt Oaaaorta, lata -wxm tn to kxk wlbt
tar tapua tt."
The Centaur Company, TI Murray Street, New York City.