ji I.KTlKi: IIKADS r.n.i. head.- catai.o;ui.s IP I?- i o.sti:i:s and cik'.'ulaus Tin. c "best Co-o-nt3T. THE BEST AUVEHTI iINO MEDIUM It's facilities- for doing good andjsatisfactory work are complete in all departments -t- Having added considerable new type office is a guaradtee for good clean job work the prints all the county news and is the paper to subscribe for. Send us your name and let us 'place you on our already large list of subscribers. Prompt attention given tugll orders ADDRESS ALL ORDERS TO j.FlFTH ANDjVlNE StS PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA I FEAR NO MORE. Admin the luni? of lirilrn tret's Vi c t i )k our Suii'la.v i eiiii!L,' wulk, An! in l In- i-iujI .-'.m.i btiiiniu r lin-ue Wc li uncivil loin; hi lover's l:-ilic. Our path lay m ar tin: i li un 1 yai tl stile Wo p.u-si-il iv 1 1 It flight ! ipiiii.i-ned pa.;c, A f!nt I i rii. r i t -u t In- w hi I is, A ml ca.it u dead leaf in jour face. t urni-il icto a waj - iili- pat ii. The villa-;'- lam; - liofic height and cIcai. Each i-liitiiili i it:,'! i -a. 'l t i laugh In laoi l.i r of liio oi hir'y fi-ar. Lit i!",l:t uii.'iiri tti.-.t li ii r-li rl pain 1 at atrl ''( ;ii I u iii-Iil 1 i.:uu:,U. Jy sh'hs v. i i i- ii;i-i"i.-.l willi tin- tiitlv 'I'll it sui l tin- ik aii li a tcsuu-rjuu. 4 Nmi luily tin to 1 l-'iiH to be. A ii' I lire-' iii tin: (liar pa L o'er ft ml o'er. No oi pot wjiii.,ir to t.ii:, .iine you an- ii a'i I fi-ar no more. Ja)t; Jaripies iu Yankee UUule. HIE HEART SPOKE." Somewhere and in : c-.ti. ! .ill Vie,.: cr .-.-. mail Hi- I- .1. l o.l band- ll my i, sot;:.."! upon the v;tv between e the two letters ha 1 oilier, ainl as neither the A pun; off tin 1 r.vl: m r : t 1 1 , ,t 1 1 thcV i 1 in 'J ii 't of l-t iM ; :.. h.y, t . . 1 1 ; 7 vi.-l in tine tii tu V, hi.;:! 1h- .- i t : ii--. a" :ic i'lHi V V.-i. i!- ; .:r t!.o ad- 1 V run .f ami tip am! :;i v. V:' I' l-p" ''Ws ainl l lfiilia liu in.t c h-;t ytii ; --..' t !a;t :.n ii.ue 1 inov tint tin- usual t'.U t,f t!:e liability, ami I cl; ."ivo l:n , it li-i..lin- i l!r.':-.)!i:L-! The ii..l!:ci s of tin-; luitl.ilu .-sv--3 aie furot U-n. So i'l-r-i i:-jt i i i - J'.i:iJt tliat lay a::-l it .aan"' Li l'.-ivr to thi. 1''. -nii-'-r cia..-. In ,l,ia vuii 'i't.- !Schv vl ai.-.i hai-i.i-n t, hi- Ciraat ki ami l.ti7i,j.-.s .MaiH' A-i''. wiio are wriiii! ' to cai-h otht-r, ami. iiaa-n-1. lor tiiu tirst time .siiice tii'-ir eiiyayi't'ifut. Ytiti iraa-iiie, tu col Aiug to tliis, that Baroness Marie, with a cry a'i joy, threw her emhroi:leiy cn:t ef her liand, aial wit h the help cf her thorotihbied yotiiie poiiiti-d lin.t r nail tore oprn the envek pe, and that during Ihe ixrusal of the letter a whole eop.es i t of ji lyftil seah.it ions il;;yed over iier features. 1 iv,Lrr(-t that 1 cannot confirm your exju-etat ions. The young lady preferred to fini-a a vine site was embroidering, tht.-n took a paper knife, with which she very calmly opened it, and did n t smile until sau had reac hed the erv i nd a neeuliai ly tiiumtihant. viei i n iu.:s .-.mile! "It will . not pleas lao, and peet) imp shoulder at tiie wrateu what does Count me, i cry with .i nvely ovt-r her page. "Well, 'TmizyTE, . "II expected rAi;o.NT:ss 1 kis, first of all, mo-t dutifully your hand, and wkh the deepei-t respect. 1 in'jaire after your health, of which, in spite of our solemn and weighty engagewic-nt, I allow my self to have the best hope's. The dear parents, my parents-in-law, are of course included in this question. 1 take for gr.-.nt 'd that the doings and t noughts of your l ance he near to your heart, so 1 shall 1 know that one always does it give 3'ou a conscientious bulletin of everything. 1 would like to assure you that 1, intoxicated with happiness and your father's delicious wine, embraced the porter, pressed a real banknote into the conductors hand, and, instead of turning that contrivance in the car to regulate the temperature, I pulled the safety rope.' 1 must tell you candidly, just as 1 am. that neither in happiness nor in wine have 1 that necessary mod eration 1 did not sleep; 'the ring on my finger' made me think much, too much, for I am not accustomed to think ing. 1 sx)n discovered that it was most beautifully wrought and very heavy, but about the great question according to Hamlet 'to be or not to be' 1 was not made the wiser "At the town where we stopped a half honr for lunch it all became clear as sun shine to me for the first time. 1 had drank of cold coffee there which, as it seems, made me not only handsome, but also wise, as the Baying goes. 'You must write all, openly and honestly. Baroness Mizi will understand you,' said 1, and indeed so loud that my neighbor at the lunch table, a nun. very much fright ened, took her rosary and said her prayers. "So here 1 am, as you see, writing to you. "1 must first introduce myself. The exterior appearance is sufficiently known to you. l ou were long ago informed of my "worldly goods' question. You know already that 1 have a blonde mustache and brown eyes, the required military height and a few inches over, and all that is necessary for a 'warrant of cap tion,' but of the inner man it is as un known to you as one of those charmiug places which lies on our military fron tier. You allow me to proceed? I am a tolerably sensible man, who bears the well sounding name of the Von Telkis, but has not their prejudices and who looks a little beyond the horizon of the family's laid down laws. I'm a good fellow, but if you took me for a fop the day before yesterday, allow me, with out boasting, to earnestly protest. 1 have a will, a good deal of it, perhaps too stubborn. 1 am only weak when one begs me 'from the heart. Particu larly if it is a woman, and most especial ly if that woman ia my mother, whom 1 should love and honor the highest. "Dear Baroness, I saw you day lefore yesterday for the first time face to face. I have known you in my thoughts, but that is a rather wearying occupation. You have been served to me at break fast, dinner and supper one should never go too far into the figurative lest one runs against a snag. The Telkis have since time immemorial married the Schwarz bergs and vice versa. You. tin last Schwarzberg, was destined for me, so Bureiy, bo certainly, so absolutely by fate and man that enfin, that I, who am headstrong and capricious, have eeached a right ripe age before I have al lowed myself to be moved to the un avoidable end of our of my wish to be nearer. " 'You must be back in Trieste on Monday; you can stay a day in Vienna; bow make an end of this affair,' said my mother, and she had tears in her eyea real, genuine tears. I am a good son, and, on the whoie, not a bad Telki. My heart I have bomething like a heart, after thof;iahion of novels and the play j had jLievcr refused her anything when , asked earnestly, so 1 taid 'yes" it mubt j be yes. ! "Before I confess further, permit m, ; dear baroness, to give you a good piece of advice. Change your photographer. Your photograph is not able to give tiny idea of you Alter these premises, 1 may be very hone.-t; it is, indeed, a mortal ion in the confessional to keep anything Hilent. Now then. I thought to myself, tuat simpleton of a Mizi will bo over re joiced to give me h r hand, and will that kiwo evening tell her ten dearest, bosom irit-nda, m highest heart jubilee, what a swell fellow her Niki is, and after the wedding (which will be under the eyes of all Vienna) will embroider full grown crowns and crests upon all the corners of my trousi-uu, which were imprudent ly left vacant. "Half indifferently, half displeased, entered tin- palace of Schwarzberg. I 'a pa embraced me three t imes ;'.nd mam ma called me "de-'r Xiki' and 'dear son.' Aft-r the formalities were ovtr the mo ment eaiae !'. v you to make your appear ance. When 1 saw your energetic feat ures and met tin.- lir.-t snrprl-ed and then :.o dark aiid r proachl f J lo ok, and then noticed the mocking smile which played around your laoiith, and felt how cold our hand was, which lay indiiTeivntly in mine, then I asked you in my heart to forgive thai word simpleton. Willi your s! raigln forward, rcbii!iing manner you made me qgiie embarrassed. I p.i-sed you the g:.vy ;.t the table four times, and '. my .: p i: r.-.re kissed your bract let. W:,ich a v- --y fcLai p edge, as my cut lip ..hows. But still more cut ting wits yoi.r journey;' even a child could have understood; and 'iilua.se, don't come back again.' "1 have sita e felt, and I know that we are both antagonistic to our families, .and j our self willed natures flame up the mo ment ;t yoke is placed upon them. You demand yoitr freedom again, which you have unwillingly .sacrificed to me. I know it. I will give it bad: to yon. But how? We .stand now opposed to an un friendly power, which we ourselves have created, and only with united fctrength can conquer. "I must see you and have a talk. I know that in May you will be with the Browers at their country seat. May I unexpectedly appear? We can then 'ac- "Thank you, count, will you nrt sit EDUCATION IN THE COUNTRY. down?" "The worthy Braucr will be here in fifteen minutes, ho had we not better be gin business immediately?" "Directly in median res.'' "I am, indeed, not a Hungarian peas ant, that I understand Latin, but you mean, then, immediately to reach the center?" "You have a decided instinct for lan guage. Well?" Through the tainli profile was truly e. The chin a trifle impertinent. "Now, then, I Mippose, dear count, you want to know how things stand. ht her char cut ;ii-itely beautiiul we have very golden chains to li: be p..t l. Id liko to snake oil crei t!v al- . ,n u.i. a tot.t hiui case,' 1 hope, to the satisfaction With a devoted hand kiss, Niki Telki." on the other hand, Mizi, quit of us both, your Baroness wrote: "Vifxx A. "Dear Count I am a Schwarzberg, and we have for centuries considered it a great honor when a Telki bus bestowed his heart and hand upon a Schwarzberg. I am not an ungrateful one, and 1 know how to value the honor; pardon me- if I do not continue in this tone. 1 have had many admirers and have been presented with a terrible amount of flowers, at whose sight 1 have felt myself frightful ly engaged. I am not romantic- or senti mental, so my greatest interest in those flowers has been to know the name of tiie florist and then wonder how much they cost; so in looking for the name of the firms I have half poisoned myself with the odor of the flowers. Alas! no quite. It would have truly been better, for I am beside myself and could, for the first time in my life, cr' for rage and shame. Count, I :un indeed a wicked creature, and 1 now understand why my five governesses, with tears in their eyes, ran away. It was quite vicious, what I have thought and planned and now it is revenged, as my eyes are opened. "1 have had excellent instruction, es pecially from my teacher of religion. My priest was a very practical tutor. 'The wife should obey the husband and understand, lear Mizi, when a Count Telki comes and wishes to take you home as his countess, you must gratef ulky take leave of papa and mamma,' etc. "I had never doubted but that, at some time, our marriage would be writ ten up in The Salonblatt, down to the last satin train and the last cousin from Siebeuburger. That you have never ap peared until just now was just what 1 wanted a good bashful suitor. What could one wish or expect besides? "You have already perceived at a glance what 1 get at home to see. Mamma is everything. Papa colors pictures out of illustrated periodicals, whicli he then cuts out, and is d read full 3T angry if any one disturbs him in this occupation. And the men around me, such as Vicky Arnsberg and Tom Meierhof, and whatever their names are dudes translated into high aristocracy why shouldn't this Niki Telki look just like the rest? "Oh, 1 rejoiced at 3otir coming. I wanted to fix a nice chase for you. 1 had looked for something extra in the 'Con versational Guide.' I intended, the very first thing, to hurl Lopez de Vega and Marlow at you from the saddle. "Then you came, every inch not a dude, and looked with your dejected and deeply knitted brow not at all as if you could .allow joking. You had some thing about you so lofty that quite per plexed me, and that afterward made me furious. 1 could only ask mj'self. How can such a man allow himself to be engaged, patiently and obediently, to Mizi Schwarzberg, who just twenty four hours before had turned up her nose at his miserable provincial photo graph? I forgot Lopez de Vega, Marlow and everything, and poured the gravy, which you passed me several times, over my apricot preserves. "But now I know that I am not the weak creature that you have sought. I warn you think of my five unfortunate governesses. You are a cavalier, you will not hold me caught if 1 long for liberty; you will find for me, for us, a way out of this engagement. In deepest respect. Your devoted "Mrzi Von Schwarzberq." Baroness Mizi bad found the prettiest seat in the Brauer park for herself, the bench on the bank of the lake. A laurel tree made an excellent background for her cream colored dress and flaming red parasoL "At your service, baroness exactly upon the minute." Well, lowed which we sho prix." "Just as true, ;is pooiicnlly said." His brown eyes alone mu.t make sympathetic. "Of course the withdrawing must come from your side, my dear jouug lady. I can not be expected to iii'use you." "On principle t hat is fair, but though 1 haw much c o'.ira .;. f. r 1 once fought a regular duel whit La ly Aiu r.-uerg, 1 f. ar it Would not bo Kuliicient to light one with my family. Allow me, i leasi-, to put up my parasol, the sun is t-hining right in y ur face." It was indeed n beautiful woman's head which looked from under the red thade. ".So we must have a pitched battle and conquer your family, if you expect to get rid of me. I am not a saint, in tq.it e of 1113- .-y name of Nicholas. The girls of -our ballet would, lor a small recompense, gladby get up some scaml.d about me, and" "Merc3', count, that would be dread ful for me. Besides I have, in m-childish innocence, always believed such light winged scandals belonged exclusive' to the marriage chapter." The3r looked each other questioningly in the ewes, as if the3 could answer such a rat ional question. "I think then that it looks hopeless." "Oh, no, not quite, for I can take m--self forciblv from this life" "For heaven's sake, stop. Why, eveiy little schoolboy nowadas whogetsabad certificate commits suicide, and bes it's no longer the stvle. Then it would be such a pity too" "Trulv-?" He kissed her hand, this time underneath the bracelet. "Then, perhaps, a long, iuver-to-return journey on 1113' part. Africa is quite the 'go' now, and is accompanied with chances for being eaten. The sav ages prefer roasted human flesh to baked chicken salads." "That would be deserting 3'our flag, and would decide nothing." "Yes; in the meantime you would know 3-our own heart; the right man would come, to whom you would listen." "The right man! Oh, count, 3-011 do not know this dull, insipid soeiet3 Viek' Arnsberg, or 'it overcomes me,' as Gretchen s;t3-s. So 30U must think of some other wa3" "At 3'our command I'll try." "It's strange that these two stupid gold rings should have so much power. Do 3ou see how easih' mine can be drawn off 3-ours, too? There, now, 1 hold the criminals. Yes, because it must be" she stamped her little foot "so, there the3 lie now in the lake!" "You have done that very fcl3 ly and just like a woman. We are rid of the rings, a beautiful carp will undoubtedly die of indigestion and we are precise- as before! But, did 3-ou say 'because' or 'if it must be?" " 'Because.' count." A long pause, with a swift exchange of glances; then the count said: "A cap ital idea, dear Miss Mizi. We'll present our case to the 'Salonblatt' in the form of a public explanation. No one can do an3 thing against the fait accompli. We have been brought together ag;tinst our will and engaged. We have, as sensible persons, found out that we are strangers. that we can neither esteem nor love each other. Is it not true?" "Now strangers we are no longer. I even thought we would have been right good comrades, and hope 3-et that we may be." "Why, of course, concerning the es teem on my part." "And I hope the esteem on my part will be equal to 3-ours. " "With the 'love,' indeed." iSever write. One must get angry so often with those whom one writes about See? I have gone to the trouble to draw a sketch of characters, and now this in dustrious work is to be frivolousty de-stro3-ed. I can absolutely not sa3' why those two on the bench should look at each other so long and lovingly why Mizi, the abovesaid Mizi, should sud denly cast down her e3-es and become very red. I find it also very inconsistent that Niki grasped her two hands, and that Mizi let her head rest upon his shoulder. And this is what was tremblingly asked: "Mizi, and will j-ou let me have this little hand for my very own? and to this an energetic nodding of her head, then said angrily, "Dear me. our rings lie in the lake," to which he answered: "No matter about the rings, I see here two lips which will bind the faster." Then "Would it not be well to make an end of this, children? Here 1 have been standing five minutes in the sun. In an oiex second 1 shall have a sirmtroke!" It was the worthy Brauer? Translated for Commercial Gazette from the Ger man of C. Shottler by Jennie Dickson. Towns Net-fl Ms una I Trnlnlnir '"' Cook ing M-liol nn V;I1 im t il Ion. Practical education is needed in (ho country as well a- in the city. Thero has been too much brain culture in the past, with too little sense development nid mind training. With all opportuni ties for objective teaching and manual (raining, but little of it han come to the country, and yet the l3'.s and girls there need this training as much a.s children in crowd'-.l city tenements. Successful experiments in these directions are bo ing made in many count iy neighbor hoods. Groups of ladies are inaugurat ing cooking, cirp"!itry, and clay modi-ling classes an. I .sending to (ho cities for teachers. Ill tiie.-,,; in ighberhood.S boys who ex pected 'to become clerks, and in con-e-quence- to leave their homes for c i t y boarding houses, are becoming impressed , with the interest as well as value of tools. Girls .are enjoying lessons in hygiene and the cheiiiistty of food, as ; well its J 't act ical demon;.; rat ions ( f coo k ing. Sewing is nl.-o growing more and more intere : inir, ami tin- 3ung gills , appreciate doing wilh the learning. Take, for example, (wo n- igabor hoods on t !n; 1 1 u lsoti, m ar New York. It! one a library association was f-tarl -d a few 3-ears ago ly some ladies. There teemed but few pc-pIe around who coull or would utili.e a lii rary or read ing room, but f-ooii litany men and boy.s galh red nightly. A .-w ing i-chool was Marled for Sat unlays upon strict busi ness principles, and within a month was overcrowd, d. It was hard to toll where the-hn ml red or more girls came from, but there they wcri;, eager to learn. A boys' cla.-.s for modeling and carpentry Marted, then a cooking class for girls, and all wen sueces.-f ul. Monthly enter tainments were held, when ;m admission fee of ten cents was charged, and the rooms were crowded. In the other ue i ghborhood practical classes have al.-.o ttarLed and are all crowded. In this small tell lenient are now being held three weekly cooking classes for different groups of girls, two large sewing classes, a dressmaking course and lxys" carpentr3- classes. Village bauds and choruses .are valu able. In one place a large group of bo3'3 are kept interested by lln ir weekly band practice. A right feeling of pride is aroused when the3r are called upon to lead local processions, to pi a 3- at onter taintnei'ts, etc. Here, also, (ho teacher of the village school has htarted ii g3'iu nasium, and is training boys .and girls alike in the Swedisii movements. Coun tr3' children need to be plysically devel oped 1j3t training, and taught graceful movements as well as city children. Village volunteer companies of bo3's can be organized and made a power by fur nishing practical outlets to energies, plysical as well its mental. Interest in surroundings should be roused. The count iy, with its woods, rocks, trees and plants, shonld be studied; intimac3- with the beautiful variety of animal ami insect life should be en couraged. 1 hrough such channels hejine-s will be made brighter. Happiness means contentment, and contentment comes from health, occupation and interest. Countr3' contentment will bo the result when young people become stronger, keep brain as well its hand busy, and are interested in others. Grace Dodge in Lippincott's. One Suit for Six. Writing ia Century Dr. C. B. Gillespie relates this incident ef a Sunday in Co loma, Cal., in '4'J: A group of half a dozen Indians espe cially attracted my attention. They were strutting about in all the glory of newly acquired habiliments, but with this distinction that one suit of clothes was sufficient to dress the whole crowd. The largest and beast looking Indian had appropriated the hat and boots, and without other apparel walked about as proudly as ari3r city clerk. Another was lost in an immense pair of pantaloons. A third sported nothing but a white shirt with ruffled bosom. A fourth flaunted a blue swallow tailed coat, bespangled with immense brass bnttoii3. A fifth was decked with a flashy vest, while the sixth had noth ing but a red bandana, which was care fully wrapped around his neck. Thus what would scarcely serve one white man just as effectually accommodated six Indians. The Lesk in the lierkeley School. Each pupil in the Berkeley school will have, in the new building, a desk of polished hard wood and a chair uphol stered in leather. Whenever a boy is perfect in all of his studies for a whole year he is to have his name neatly carved on the lower side of the lid of his desk. This is an old Rugb3' custom. Some time ago the Marquis of Bute offered $60,000 for twelve of the old desks iu Rugby school because of the historic names carved thereon. Among the names were those of Robert Peel and William E. Gladstone, rudely carved by themselves. Future generations may find some great names carved on the lids of the Berkeley school desks. Dr. White sa3"s that he has some good stock among his pupils. New York Times. A Miuulerfoxi Sig-n. Councilman Otto Stechhan has been casting eyea upon the heights of Parnas sus for a long time. In short, Mr. Stech han is just bubbling over with poetry. Any one who has ever called at his resi dence on Christian avenue would know this by the inscription over the portals, which is the Latin word "Salve," which is, as of course you know, a Latin salu tation of welcome. It pains Mr. Stech han's poetic temperament, however, to have rude ignorance ring his door bell and ask, "Is this yer a salve factory?" Indianapolis News. A Valuable Cat. S. W. Kimball, of Presoue Isle, has a Maltese cat which is valued as much as a horse and buggy. The other day, while Mr. Kimball was away, the cat came in from the barn and went to Mr. Kimball s wife, and after "mewintr" started to the barn again. This the feline repeated three times, till at last. to see what the cat wanted, Mrs. Kim ball followed it to the barn to where a colt was hitched, and there found the horse tied so securely that it could scarcely move, and where, if it had re mained any great length of time, it must have been severely hurt, if not killed. Lewiston Journal. Might IIuTt Been Worded IXfferently. Young Medicus Of course it will take me a long time to get started. Eminent Plsieian's daughter Oh, yes; papa Bays even the cleverest in th profession are years building up a prao- nra , n aw v our I uium