-1i ; r jilMWillMJflii IfT- r iff riiYtffT ff -ii- V mi- 1 V J I 1 t I 1 1 r. I- -V ! f ! The Plattsmouth Herald. KNOrrS E3HOS. Piibiih-Ms ruWMie'l evry Thursday, anl i!y vi-ij evening except Sunday. Rttj;l-ttMV. .itttlrt ll.!lUl, N'l. p:-Sf- Oftlcefor tr;iiisiHi'!i t tr-fi eri t'1- ' 1 S. inni! t second clas raff. OHlce corner Vino and Fifth streets. Telephone TFKMS FUR WiCEKI.Y. One copy, one year, in .Ktv:tii One copy, one year, not li advance 2 f0 On copy, six inuiitlif, in alvam'e 75 One copy, three month, !n niivance. ... 40 TEICMS KOIt DAIf.l One cop "oin! y.-ar in :nlvinte J ft 'JO One copy per week, by cm ier I'i One copy, per iiiontli 5: Til I'K'SDAY, JINK ", IvjI Till-; census of Knid.'md and V;il hIiows ;i popuhit ion of tit , X . bein ;i n i norm? last decade. of M.Ot.l.Cii) in the TllK sun shines strain with its ac customed vior, after an unprece dented fall of rain. The farmers can afford to smile to-day. Tin; following additional carriers wore appointed yesterday for west ern cities: Milwaukee, hi; St. Paul, 8; Minneapolis, '.; Omaha, V; Lin coln. S and I'lattsmouth none, of course. If our people will not help themselves it is not likely that any one else will help them. CALIFORNIA has made an impres sive hid for the democratic national convention ly sutrirest inr that free liquors will he served ly their hos- tJitah e neoole. 1 here is no other argument that lays closer to th democratic heart or would hav t- . . r r more loree than tne one oi net drinks. GEN". Lkkse. the "Sweet William bouquet of the alliance party. want to he mdire of the supreme court so bad he can taste it. William. 3011 are too previously previous; try vour hand on the farm a vear or two and make 110 more application for railway attorneyships until tlu farmers ;-et a chance to elevate you and then look out. THE President of Harvard Collet; says that a majoriy of its student? on graduation, are Kepublicans. He could also have truthfully said that four or live years after uradua lion the Republicanmajority anionic them is still larger. Thehard practi cal facts of actual lifequickly knock the Democracv out of younir. intelli ent and observant men.-- Globe Democrat. England must not be haudieap- ned bv nreiudiees. says Premier j Salisbury in his recent remarks i ti favor of irivintr a larger place to silver in the currency of his country-. A very sensible remark on the Xart of the Knyiish premier and if followed up to the extent of placing silver on a par witli jold as the currency of the real 111 this country would be benefitted even more than Ktiidand. The Rothschilds, the ureat Jewish bankers that are supposed to carry the fate of nations in their capa cious, well-filled vaults, do not seem to have much effect on Russia. Threatened by thehead of the Roth schilds to stop his anti-Jewish reg ulations, the cx.ar stolidly persists in hisefforts at banishment. There's evidently one government in Kurope that dont care for financial credit. Ax Kastern journal say: "Senator Vilas, of Wisconsin, owns t ..'!(acres ofcranberries." But that is not the cause of the Democratic acidity which prevents Vilas from beinff the "most formidable Presidential candidate. He was too good a Union soldier to meet the demands of the Democratic party. that, and nothing more or iess for he easily leads the entire list of condidates in brains and statesmanship. IxilAXA Democrats will next year make a determined fight to nomi nate Governor Gray for President. 'Vailing in that they will push him , for the second place on the ticket. trhey claim that the mantle of Hen ' lricks rests on Gray's shoulders, atid that 110 other Democrat can carry Indiana into the Democratic column- The day of small tilings has been reached when Presidents are to be made from such material as Governor Gray. The Timescal Tin Mining compa ny has put in a plant that will turn outturn) tons of block tin this year. This will be a sulYicieiit'amount of metal out of which to make Major McKinley that service of plate that some of the democratic papers have been promising him when there is enough American tin on hand for the purpose. The seven tons shipped to San Francisco the other day might make a small service, but ".Hflll" McKinley ought to have the largest and most complete out lit that money can buy and he can wait for more tin.- Lincoln Journal AN tYEOPENtH. Whether a protective tariff n-ally protects this country or not at the expense of foreign powers, the fol lowing article from an unbiased unprejudiced standpoint ought to set the dumbest of tree traders to thinking, and cause a few of the scales to fall from their eyes. The interview is dated at Berlin and rends as fol lows: "Willi referer.ee to the propuM-d German World's Fair to beheld in litfi, which has already been men tioned in 1 1 lese col u mil", t he assso- ciated press correspondent asked the views of Mr. Werner on Sie mens, the eicat electrician, who is a leading mcmiicroi ineiair com mittee. Mr. Von Siemens said that the year I'.Ni had been lied for tin- exhibition so as not to get too closely 011 the Chicago exhibition. While it was yet too early to .-ay anything positive, Mr. Siemens Ihoughi (hat the German govern ment would . -Mist:; in the movement and that the exhibition would take place at the time mentioned. "'We will have no humbug, no Kilfi-l Tower or similar attraction,' said the Privy Councillor, 'but we will make a solid showing of what we can do in the way of 111.1 11 11 1 ic tur'iig. It will be a business aifair throughout. We may meet with some opposition on the part of France; but, aside from her, we shall be sustained by ail Kurope.- 1 be Imi I'n pea 11 nations are i ecom 1 ng aware that they must consolidate commercially as against American aggression. .America is not only s 1 1 1 1 i ; i 1 1 g out many of our products bv prolnintive taritls, out site also threatens our trade with the South A 11 ie-.Mca n re u hi ics, and even with Africa and Asia. Your country is young, full of natural resources, and by your enterprise, no less than by your present policy, you threaten to deprive us of our foreign trade. Power naturally makes you aggres sive, and Kurope must take care of her interests or else she will be pushed to the wall.' "'Do you. then, believe that com mercial war will be pronounced be tween the Old World and the New World?" the correspondent asked. 'Yes.' said Mr. Von Siemens, 'if y ou keep on as you are doing now we shall have to go to war. We will erect a big fence to keep out your grain, your cotton, your meat. We will retaliate. I am naturally a free- trader, but I believe in meeting protection with protection.' " 'Can Kurope exist without Amer ican grain?' "'Of course we can. We can sup ply all our wiinb f om Russia or Indi 'i.' "'Do you think that Kurope. and Germany especially, will be the gainer by such a policy? Do you know that millions of dollars' worth of your manufactures are exported to America every year? That we could strike a serious blow by simply prohibiting your sugar?" j 1 es. out we snail lint other cnanneis 01 trade. nesides, as America advances in manufacturing- she will need less and less of our goods. The day will come, and come soon, when we shall have to fight against vour aggressions." "'Will vou exhibit at the Chicago Fair?' "T do not know as yet. At pres ent it seems to me folly to exhibit in a country where people will not buy from us.' This conversation is significant of the feeling of fear with which American enterprise and the pres ent American policyr are regarded in Germany. With her commerce threatened in Central and South America, it is only natural that Germany should show some bitter ness of feeling. But on sober re flection German merchants and manufacturers will hardly fail to realize that the best policy is to keep on friendly terms with Amer ica, lather than to provoke even more restrictive measures. Of the nearly 700 steam vessels which were recorded upon the Navy Register in lSv5. at the close of the civil war, there now remain only t he Ianscater, Pensacola. Hartford, Richmond. Kearsage, Iroquois, Wa bash. Minnesota, Franklin, Yantic. Monocacy, Michigan, Palos, and Pinta, besides the thirteen single turreted monitors. This entire fleet carries fewer guns than were carried by three of the original ships of the navy the Constitution, the Con stellation, and the United States--in the war 1812. Four of the ob solete warships, oldtimers that were famliar to the navy yards hospital nurses, and which had been con demned by the governornment, lost their opportunity of ever again having their wounds healed at navy yard, and were sold to the highest bidder for old junk a few days ago, which was recorded inthe Washington dispatches at the time. And so one after another of the old cripples are disappearing, and in a few more years the new cruisers, commerce destroyers, battle-ships, ironclads, and torpedo boats will have displaced them all. THE Italian incident has passed into historv. ro it seem.-, a laledaie for an entirely new theory regard ing the New Orleans lynching to be sprung upon the world. Signer Corte. who was the Italian Consul at New Orleans on March 11. h;:s, ho-.veyer. informed Premier Rudi li the murdered men were k i I led -imp- I v he. -a use I hev were Italians, a ud ' were competing in the labor mark I ets against naliv.-s. liow men in j pri-011 on grave charges could b ; competing in the labor markets is ; not made clear. It does not seem l likely, however, that illogical c j )lan;ilion will lead to a reopening I of t lie case. Till- Omaha World-Herald will never make a representative demo cratic journal. It lies enough about the tariil to entitle il to a front seal, but iheie is a subtlety of expression lacking, a sort of a take-it-b:!ck-the-net day air want ing, that well ported democrats don'l admire. The true deniocraiic sheet to be popular must lie on one side a while and then turn over and lie on Hie oilier. I lie Niiliriiini (never lea 'Ml ) principles o I 1 he '. -1 I. are beyond criticism, but the editor riu-t be more versatile and not tell the same lie twice il he wants to be come popular with his party. iwi 111 1 iwi il mm tnmt- TlIE handsomest county paper we remember to have seen lately reach d us to-day. It is the souve nir ed i t io; 1 o f iheNew ( 'a -1 le ( I ml.) Courier. It is a modei ol typo graphical neatness, while lis edi torial and news-ga I iter i 11 g force de serve even stronger compliments than the mechanical department. Tin fiftieth anuiversai . oi its birth was the special occasion that called out the souvenir edilion which is largely of a historical nature, giving an interesting ac count of the birth and doings of the Com ier for the past fifty years. THE IlKI'AI.I extends congratula tions and hopes the present man agement may preach good repub lican doctrines and d isseminate the news for the next half centurv. Wi. I.EKSK, having been honored three times with the offce of Attor ney general by the republican party smce learning that .Nebraska Ke publ icans do not care to keep him in office for life has discovered that the g. o. p. is a very shabby affair am is owMied by and in the interest o corporations. Mr, I.eese faded to lind this out so long as the party kept him in office, and even now the overweeing desire to be judge of the supreme court at the hands o the Alliance party is very clearly the sum total of his ailments, which has disorganized him to the extent of thinking the old pr ,y is out of joint. "Brother I.eese should be consistent even if he wants office very badly. Too much zeal, so sud dentlv shown in favor of the Al liance by an old reptioncm oliice holder, who is now out of a job will onlv cast suspicion 011 his intergri tv ot purpose and make tne ex- attorney general a subject of critic ism. THE LADI ES HOME JOURNAL. If it is true that "not one Ameri can in a hundred knows how to take a vaction" the July number of The Ladies Home Journal has a distinct educational value, for it quite over flows with new and good counsel lor summerings: beside tne Units for "The Mother in the Country, to which many clever women have contributed, there arc helpful words from Mrs. Margaret Bottome and Dr. Talmage; while in the bright page for "The Woman in the City" the lot of the stay-at-home is shown to be not so dreadful, after all. Other attractive features are Mrs. Henry Ward Beeeher's "Birds in the Home; the sketch and portrait of Mrs. Joel Chandler Harris; A Bride in the Diamond Fields, by W. I1. Pond, a bit of Switzerland deli cately pictured by Mary J. Holmes and some very excellent fiction, in which "Isabel's Father," by Belle C. Greene, is given a prominent place; "A Soul from Pudge's Corners" by- Jessie F. O'Donnell, and Mrs. Whit ney's "A Golden Gossip" are con tinued stories of expectional strength. One is conscious of the July sunshine flooding the depart ment pages and, in fact, the whole number; better summer reading would be hard to find. One Dollar a Year; Ten Cents a copy; issued by the Curtis Publishing Co., 433435 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Asked f give it Up. New York Tribune: A tin plate consist essentially of a series of pots containing water, sulphuric acid, oil, and metal. The work to be done consists of the passage of these steel plates, held by a pair of tongs. from one pot to the others. And we are actually asked not to engage in this business, consuming nearly 1,000,000 tons of iron ore. 2.000,000 ton of coal and coke,300,00f) tons of lime stone, n,.'VX),000 pounds of lead, and 12.000,000 feet of lumber, all of which lie at our very doors, and which we sire competent to turn into steel and roll into sheets we are asked to give up this great industry upon the ground that we're incompetent to carry the sheets by a pair of tongs through half a dozen pots of water, acid oil, and metal. HONFST MONFY. f.... . t -...! . ; I 1 ii e, ia 1 1 i 01 iiii 1110s i importance . im the Ohio Republican platform is 1 ...... . 1 .... 1 ( ..- iil Kin Mi I I'll 11 ,11 I il MM Hi , sound anil .-table currency, and the ! use of both gold and silver as a basis thereof. That is ;i cardinal I Republican doctrine, and can not be safely departed from under anv j ci rcu i n.-l a nees. The otie-tioii of the circulating medium with which I labor and prodiu ts are paid for isj one of the mo.-t important in ourj politics. There are no aguments in , favor of the inflation theory that I will stand a moment's careful and I logical consideration. As Senator' Sherman declares, "the people want good money a ml plen t v of i t - monev j of eijual value, so that a dollar will j be the same whedier it is made of gold or silver or paper." The kind of material does not matter -o long as its purchasing power is up lothe best standard. Bat in order to maintain tiiai inlormily of value it is neces-arv to limit the volunm of different forms of currency, and to be sure that die basis is adi:ate and permanent. This is the latal objection to the free coinage of sil ver or to the superabundant in crease of paper currency. The ad vocates of these experiments do not stop to think how eaisly the present conditions oi security might be changed by pushing the ciicula tion beyond prudent and reason able limit-, thus substituting' bad money lor good and unsettling property values of every deserio t ion. We are now ble-t with a curi-i;e-sy-n in thai is uiiex elied in the world. Our national credit ise.piai il not superior, to that of and oner coi.ntry; and this superior credit is due hi large measures to that ad mirable s y -1 ei i 1 ol 1 t ov i-. 1 i 1 1 g In st class money tor all purposes ol tradeand indu-lry. We have had such money -ince the resumption of specie payments in Januraiy. Is71.; we can have it always by heed ing the lessons 01 experience and perpetuating the policy under which our prospect v has exceeded all precedent. More currenv will he needed and should hi- provided as time passes and business increases, but we do not want it in Hoods of irredeemable coins or notes. Y want, as .Maior .Mcixmiev savs, a circulating medium that shall be secure from discount or II net ua t ion "not only g"ood among ourselves but wherever trade extends"; and that want can be supplied without taking any risks or inflicting any damage upon any class oi citizens "The laborers and farmers give tin best they have," to quote again from Maj. McKinley's latest speech "and thev should receive the best of money for their work and products." This can not be if we depreciate tlu currency and put forth dollars of unequal value. If we fill the chan nels of commerce with monev of differing values, the cheapest takt precedence 01 tne rest and an one- rations are conducted with it. Tlu republican party has consistently and resolutely opposed that method of dealing with the problem. It i.- the party of honest money, which means money of uniform value and general acceptance by all nations By its efforts, money of that kind lias been given to the neople: and by its efforts, such money will I continued so long as it shall retain the power to defeat schemes of in- nation and to prevent proeessess of so-called reform that lead inevitab ly to disatrous results. Globe I democrat. THE QUESTION 0 F" AMEHICAN TIN AS RELATED TO THE MANU FACTURE OE TIN PLATE. For the last few years, says the Utica Observer, "we have been read ing glowing accounts of the ahimd ance of ore our tin mines would produce some time or another. Our Republican contemporaries have attempted to justify the tin plate taxation largely on this feeble possibility- or prediction." Protec tionist justify the Tariff on tin plate on grounds entirely independent of American tin. Whether American tin mines can produce a single pound of tin or not. we want a Tar iff 011 tin plates, for we know that we can produce those just as well as they can be produced in Wales. e have the steel and iron which constitute t7 per cent, of the ma terial used in their manufacture, and we can get the other 3 per cent. the metallic tin 111st where hug- land gets it and just as cheaply. For it is only a very small Mart of the metallic tin used on the tin plates imported by us from Wales which comes from British mines. Amer ican Kconomist. L Rhumaiim Curid 10 a D iy. "Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia radically cured in 1 to H days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mvsterious. It re moves at once the cause and the di sease immediately dissamtears. The first dose greatly benefits. 7ac Sold by- F, G. Fricke, Druggist, wt JOSEPH SHERA. For 27 years Joseph Shera, of Rock Bluffs has been engaged in the business of selling general mer chandise at that place, and to-day he carries a large and complete stock of groceries and general mer chandise which he can sell cheaper than any competetora for the fol lowing good reasons. He pays no city taxes. He pays no house reht. He, with his family attend to his business. His farm furnishes all his needs and more too. Conse quently it is hard to undersell him. Ie keeps constantly on hand a large supply of flour and meal. He is alive, and a let live man. Before Judge Archer. In the case of Robert Donnellvvs. A. J. Johnson, action on promisor note, judgment was taken by- de fault in favor of plaintiff. lr. Chesney Owens, arred 21, and Iifs Kiuma Kates, atred 17, all of Cass county, were married by ul-e rcfier to-clay in the ludjre s blandest styde. Called MetinvJ. All members of tlu- I-.Vbecca de cree ot Utld l-illow.-, ;in reciuesteu to meet at their hall Monday- eve- niiiir as business ot importance will be brought before the lode. Iiy order of the NiiBLE Gkaxii. Santa ClausSoar ' YpU?S!xMQ W'by'TIS Sirl"p ClU5?, The r-vf Aeo.-!':-' PLvvirJ Ifiopc, il.'" r f ' 1 -d- - ; 00 it's -:y f-?N HK.Vm RBANK &Co. NEWLUMBER YAAR n. t ft. DCAI.KKS IN PINK I.TMbKU. SHINGLES, LATH. SASH. BOOKS, i:LlNTnS.nd T1 ii Atii una S 1 a 3 I! tX4 u 1. .1 north of 3 r4- ?iiJ lLa F pinion ft V WILL KKEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND .V Full and Complete liie of Drugs, Medicinop, Paints, and Oils. DSUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions CnrclnIIy Compounded at all Hours The Best is the Cheapest t That ia Why Fred Conler after 15 years of experience as ti? tiwmt successful Agricultural implement denier in the county hus M.-lectcd tlx; following imple ments which he curries and heartily recommmids to his friends mid p.-itrons. ii0 C "vv TT'O i -1 WAGONS, Eradloy, ?oru, and Dooro LISTERS and PLOWS NEW DEPARTURE TONGUELES CUL tivators and Badger Cultivator. WEIRS AND BRADLEY STALKCUTTER, DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND HA worth Cheekrowers and Planters. tlandlos the fineiitot Huies, I'lia-toiis, Carts, Sjritjrr Wagons, and Carriiirres and otlier veliieles that aie manufactured. The largest line in C;i?s Courifv, prices so low that it will pay you to come. 20 miles and in.-pr-c.t tock before purchasing t-lsewliere. DAVID .MILLER an experienced workman Las chartre ot our liarne.-? s lion. Fr edGorder, Flattsmouth and Weeping Water Ererythiiig to Furnish Tour House. AT I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODERN HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Having bought the J V Weekbach store room on south Main street I offer my entire stock at a sacrifice to save moving. Mow is the time to buy Gasoline stoves and ' furniture of all kinds. Opera HomBe Block t- PEARL3IAN. J . 1 THE POS J ELY EKUTHER3. 6 W Wjtoi 8 C H I CAGOt ir p o . t 1 jtj-j ill building niHtcn'al at the corner of one block 33 ?f 23313 1? s if. n (32 , -3 . - .4.1 of douhle an;l iii'dc harness at - '(CviAMr'.sv ml. V. itive: cure:, r Kew Tort Price 60 eta 1 t i 1 hi ! 1. 1Uv I I'M '11 j ds 1 M l i.1, r 1