Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 18, 1891, Image 8

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l i
One Wy Savajre Have of Choosing it Wife
When Mitny MfiiQVant Her.
The oblong wede, tile Maori order of
battle, advanced, fringing in a low t"ii-,
and gesticulating in what thy would
have culled a mild iiiatint-r. On they ad
vanced, the Kioveini-iit raising no KUsii'e
ion in the breasts of tln-ir adversaries, it
being part of the cnstujnary of the
war dance, until the thin end of the pha
lanx overlapped the Mania, and stood be
tween them and the gates of the pa.
Suddenly a change was visible in th
antiH of the Ngatiroa. Their gesticula
tions becauie violent, their eyes protrud
ed, their heads were thrown back, and
their throats uttered a mighty shout
A he cry passed their lips a stream of
warriors rushed up the hanks of thr:
gully and joined the cluster of their com
rades, now bwolleii to a compact mass oi
COO me!:.
When the Mania realized the nse prae
' f.iced upon tljem tney never for a mo
ment thought of giving up the fair cause
of the incursion without a struggle. Into
the ia poured hotli parties the Mania to
rail' round the gil l: the Ngatiroa. except
the unall party expressly told oif to
carry away the lady, tec-king every man
an opponent to. wrestle with. Each party
was anxious to avoid bloodshed, both be
ing "Tribes of the River." The uproar
was therefore greater than hud they been
engaged in actual warfare, it being moro
dillicult to muster a man by strength
of muscle than to knock u hole through
him. At length superior numbers pre
vailed. Those who fought around the lady
were dragged away. She was roughly
seized, and such a tugging and hauling
ensued that, had she not been to the man
ner born, phe must have been rent in
pieces. At last but one young man. a se
cret admirer of the lady, retained his
hold. An active young fellow, he had so
twisted his hands and arms into the girl's
hair, and fought so vigorously with his
legs, that he could not be removed until
he was knocked down seiistles;.
The contest ended, and the bride being
borne in triumph to the canoes, both par
ties proceeded to pick up their weapons
and smooth their feathers. Everything
had been conducted in the most honora
ble and satisfactory manner. Lieuten
ant Colonel A. B. Eliis in Popular Sci
ence Monthly.
A Wonderful Sense of Smell.
The buzzard's wonderful sense of smell
is a curious subject that has often been
discussed, the discussion of the matter
having resulted in a general uniformity
of opinion among scientists that they lo
cate their food by their sense of smell
alone. C. L. Hopkins, the noted biologist,
says that he has noticed that in Florida
they never leave the roots where the
night is spent, especially on damp, foggy
mornings, until the moisture has been
dried by the sun. They then move slowly
across the wind until a "scent" is struck,
when they move more slowly "up the
wind" until the carrion is located. Some
times they will drift down .the wind past
their prey, until they have struck the
scent, which they follow up until they
have found the object of their search,
sometimes in the densest thickets. Mr.
Hopkins says that he has upon several
occasions killed wild hogs i n't he thickets,
and after dressing them and taking what
meat he wished would see twenty oi
more buzzards coming down with the
wind. On one oeeasioif they had discov
ered some animal remains he had covered
up, and on another had found a dead
nake which he had buried: St. Louis
The Old and New Way tit Semiring Wool.
Our ancestors scoured their wool in
tubs, much as our wives and daughters
scour our clothes today. In the hand
washing of wool, a tub was filled with
the suds, in which one or two men with
long ioles stirred the wool until clean,
when they lifted it upon a traveling
apron, which carried it between a pair
of rollers which squeezed out the water.
The same principle is applied in the au
tomatic scouring now in vogue.
Great forks or rakes seize the wool as
it is carried by rollers from a fee-ding
apron into the iron tanks, and by alter
nating motions of their teeth give it a
thorough scouring. Thus cleansed, the
wool is delivered ly rollers to the dry
ing machines, where hot air ami great
fans are now utilized to extract all the
moisture without tearing the fiber. S.
N. D. North in Popular Science Monthly.
A Learned .Jewess.
Eve Cohen Bacharach was born in
Prague in the latter part of the Sixteenth
centur3 The mother, who was a "woman
of great knowledge," carefully educated
the daught'r. and together they took
great delight in studying rabbinical
literature. The most abstruse works
written by the learned men among her
jieople were thoroughly appreciated by
tiie youthful pupil. Later in life her
explanations of the "festival and ieniten
tial prayers" were listened to with rare
pleasure. She was, it is recorded, ir.
on the Bible quite at home." "No less
marked was her proficiency in Hebrew,
which she read and wrote with ease and
Will Kat in Heaven.
We cannot discuss the subject of
heaven with editors who show by their
statements that they have never studied
the question of the resurrection. Our
bodies will be material after the resur
rection. This is an article of faith.
Heaven is ;l material place. The object
of the resurrection is to reward the body
for its partnership in the good done by
the soul in the flesh. It shall have bod
ily enjoyments after the resurrection.
Will eating and drinking be one of
them? We think so. Why not! West
ern Watchman.
A Candid Confession.
He Life with me has been a failure.
She You must have had and wasted
eome opportunity.
He No, I have spent half my life rais
ing whiskers to conceal my youth, and
the other half dyeing them to conceal
ay age. Mansey's Weekly.
I have kissed the girls a-plenty,
Accil from nuu year fdd to tv.-cntT,
IWn lietter tar than honey, 1 can taale their
mit-a.iH yet:
I. lit lur ' ai'cr thnn the klss.cs
(ivcu me hy kindly missi-st
fc Uie ever verdant mciu'ryof a kiss I did not
For olio u inwiiuc little fairy.
Wit !i a r:n e so iij;ht and airy.
Kept rnc ever toimly baying, "I'll achieve my
imrpose yet."
Hut at Unth she shyly vanished
With the fiit l'r w uih I f.iini-lnd.
And hlii.' lelt mo tsadly oiyhiug for the kitxi I did
Let yet.
Header, pardon this digression.
I)oe pursuit or does possession
The greater pleasure briiiK'f I really caar-ot
bay, and yet
I've toriroiten innny misses
Who irMii el on inc their kiss"".
Put I'll always reeolleel the girl w hosu kiuts 1
tiid not, yet.
Now, of eour-e, there is a moral
In this simple story for all
Those iudisereet young ladies, who will eom
times much regret
'Hint they fan: their kisses freely.
For they'll lind a lover really
reiiieiulter inoro than ail the rest the
kiss he did not get.
Chicago Herald.
The First I'ost itiluvittn Family.
An English divine has prepared a
startling table of the figures, perusal of
which will make one thankful that he is
living in the latter part of the Nine
teenth century instead of in the days
rtnmediately following the landing of
the ark. lie shows that if one of Noah's
boys had lived to be 500 years old, hav
ing his first child at thirty and his last
at four hundred and seventy, and allow
ing for but one addition to his family
every three years, and supposing them
all to live to the ripe old age of 450, he
could gather around him at least 147
Bons and daughters.
With a reasonable degree of prolific
bearing his grandchildren would until
ber between 10,000 and 12,000; tl. ) great
and the great-great grandchildren taken
with the others enumerated above would
swell the figures to something like50,0i;0;
this, too, if monogamy alone were prac
tised. If polygamy were the rule, as it
probably was at that time, the figures
would be still more startling. St. Louis
Method of Se;i Doctors.
It is related that a lieutenant in com
mand of one of her maiestv's gunboats
deemed the responsibility of the charge
of a medicine chest too much for him.
' Immediately she was olf soundings th
! gallant officer mustered all hands and
' divided the contents of the chest equally,
! so that each had '"his whack and na
mair." There are two other naval yarns
i in this connection well worth mention
! ir..
j A man-of-war doctor whose name is
, unfortunately lost to posteritj' had a
! simple method of locating a man's ail
1 ment and alleviating it (save the mark!)
' by drastic and infallible remedies. He
! wonld tie a piece of tape around the
! waist of the complaining mariner, and
' command him to declare whether his
j pain existed above or belowr the tape. P'
j above an emetic, if below a dose of salts
j followed as a matter of course. Pall
' Mall Gazette.
How the Tea riant Started.
As you drink a cup of tea do you ever
think how tea came to grow? Tell your
next visitor the story. A Persian prince,
on his way to meet his betrothed, vowed
that he would not sleep until he saw
her. After traveling seven days, he
stopped to rest under a shade tree, and
j there, being no longer able to resist the
j temptation, lie fell into a sound slej'
I When he awakened he was so sorry
I that he cut off his eyelids and threw
! them on the ground. From them grew
j the tea plant. It is rather unfortunate
j that the story stops here, because it
j would be interesting to know what the
lady thought of a sweetheart without
eyelids, and whether it would be possi
ble for them to grow again. New York
Sat I'pon by an Ostrich.
A gentleman had a theory that auy
creature, however savage, could be sub
dued "quelled," as he said, by the hu
man eye. One day he tried to quell one
of his own ostriches, with the result that
he was presently found in a very pitia
ble predicament, lying flat on the
ground, while the subject of his ex
periment jumped up and down on him,
occasionally varying the treatment by
sitting upon him. Doubtless it was
safer to lie down than to stand up to be
kicked, but to be sat upon as if one
were an egg must have been indeed lm
iri hating. London Spectator.
Future oi ierm del Fueffo.
The notions of Terra del Fuego which
prevailed ten vears ago have been com
pletely upset by recent explorations.
The latest travelers there are Messrs.
.Roussou and Willems, who have re
turned to France from their scientific
mission in Terra del Fivgo. These ex
plorers believe the northern part of the
island can be turned to good account,
and that th clay is not far distant when
large herds and flocks will be raised upon
ranches established all along the river
valleys. A large district north of the
Straits of Magellan, in Patagonia, which
was wholly unoccupied twelve years ago,
is now full of little farms devoted to
raising sheep and cattle.
The owners have prospered so well
that the territory they occupy has be
come too crowded. It is impossible to
extend this business further north, and
the farmers will therefore be compelled
to turn to Terra del Fuego, which will
receive the overflow from Patagonia. On
Dawson Island, near the northwest coast
of Terra del Fuego, Jesuit fathers are
now engaged in stock raising, and for
two years or so a fine ranch has been
established on the northern coast of
Terra del Fuego, where there are today
about 30.000 sheep and 6,000 cattle. The
English have been the first to establish
themselves in this territory. Stock
raisers are now reaping a profit of 50
per cent, per annum. The explorers say
the availability of the island for 6tock
raising has been amply proven, and
there is now no doubt that a prosperous
future is before it. Chicago Times.
I nonpht the new, unknown to meet.
And found a Kay and favored Htrert
Where fashion walked with flitting feet;
And as I watched, a golden gleam
l'iercl swiftly through the summer air
And darted o'er the human stream;
Then nestled 'midst some dusky linir.
I ciied upon the hair's dark trace.
The tender frame to woman's face,
'I hat pictured all its charms so sweet.
Then its I looked I met her ejes,
I)ecp as the blue of southern skies.
And from them glanced a lany smilo
My own poor treasure to beiruile;
Through every vein, throughout my frame.
There swept a dry, an ardent llame,
Love's passion!
'Twos in the time of Ixve's defeat,
I wandered through a busy street.
And paced to where four crossways meet:
And as I gaxtil, the thronging crowd
Pressed onward, without reck or heed.
With hasty feet, too anxious browed
To cast a gl.iucu upon my need.
Th. -chill neglect, the biting blast
That o'er my he;u t as ice wind p;ussed.
And turned to bitter all the sweet.
Brought Iron) its frozen realms a gift.
The love of self, a careful thrift
To guard its treasure and to guide
The current of its burning tide
Through every vein, through every pore.
An angry summons at my door!
A uil.ition!
1 wandered for a dim retreat.
1 found a quiet moss grov n itroet.
And trod its length wilh tired feet;
And as 1 pas-ed, a door ill kept
And battered with the strife of years
I'ui liiv.'il. and forth a iigtire stepped
Ami met me with a face of tears.
A ligure that had iH-auty's mien,
A face that iu a mood serene,
I'umarred by grief, h;id leen more sweet
Than aught (hat painter's art had traced.
Or chiseled marble cildly graced.
And as I gazed with anxious will
There came a glow, a silent thrill
Through every vein, through every lrt,
The swift borne message to my heart.
Life's mission!
II. Boyd Carpenter in (rood Words.
Arc we in it? Are wc in it?? Are
we in it'rr'r
Well I should say so. when it
comes to wall paper, or wall paper
or wall paper, wc arc clear in it.
thai is with the l:irj;vst stock o-rent
est varictv and the lowest prices
We call the attention of, and in
vile, every one to conic and ex
amine our stock and prices. no arc
we that advertise thus? Wc arc the
lowest price, and the leading house
in the wall paper business, th
ntilv small lliiMirs about lis i-- our
price.-. Goring; Co., ilruggist.
A Scrofuluos Boy
Runniug Sores Covered His Body
and Head. Fones ArTected
Cured by Cuticura Reme
'.Mien six months old. the left hard ot our
little era i di-hild beg 1 t swe'l ;i,d had every
appearance of a large boil. We pelt iced t our
all to no purp se. A b in live ' eiilhs after i
became a turning sore s. en other sores fon-i
.rn-.,- ' ed . He then had two o
v Mieiu on earn luiuit. -iiim ;
S' ""-rTiT " his b.oi a be-ame nior all
- more impure if to
'3 I ui e to l.i e;ik our.
) enme eii hi- chin !'
ink less
.the under lip which va
It,';' V rv ( llei.sive. ilis head
" - i. i i. ., i
charging a g-e;t deal. 'I his
as niit sui;n ,ii
was Ins condition at twen
Iii-Iki' months old, when
Ii.I'l .nil' t 1... . .... ,.f 1 !),
-i; UUUT I il Iliev inn
"jj his mother having cWei
when he was a uifle nior( than a year old, of
eon uinntien (scrofula, of coursal. He could
walk a little, but e uld not get up if e fell
d w ti. and c.-uld not move !: n i bo.i. ha leg
no u-e of his baud I immediately coimneiiei
with tie ( fill i t'A km kii Ks, i euig al
freely. One sore after another lieali d. u b 'i y
matter totming in each one of hese live iei
oi es just In-fore healing, which wauhi fnnlh
glow an-' were taken out: then they
would heal rapidly. lie of these ugly bone
formations 1 pi es.hved. After takeing a doen
and a ha f botl les he was completely rureu
and is new . at the age of six years. a and
healthy child MKH. h . S . BKItiO
.May 'u. lss.-, t.12 K. Clay St.. P.loointiigton, 111,
)!v gr in; son remain.'! perfecly well. e
signs of scrofula soul no sores.
MK-. K. S. MilGCS
Peb 7 lss.",. Hlooinington. I il
run run a resolvent
Th new blood Purifier, internally (to clean
the'blood of all 'iniiiirities and poisonous ele-
ne-nts and thus removed the the cause), and
Ci tk cka, the great Skill Cu e, and CCi l( L'ka
-oaf. an exquisite Skin Hcautitier. evternally
(to clear the skin and scalp. ar.d re' t res the
Jiairi euiveveiv desease aad humor of the
skin and b'ood. from pimples to scrofula,
sold everywhere. Pi ice i'cticika.
Soai'. :''ic, KKs avKNT. si. Prepared by ttie
Pother Drug and chemical c rpor; tion l'.oston
Send tor-How to Cure Hlood Disease."
AHV- skin and scalp puiiticd and beauti
fied by (''icviM soap Absolutely pure
In one minute the Cutteura Anti-
Pain plaster relieves rheuma lc, sciat
hip. kidnev. cnest ami muscular
pains and weaknesses. Price 2" e.
Wagon and Blacksmith shop
Wagon, Bugo;y, Machine and
plow Repainno done
He uses the
Which is the best horseshoe for the
farmer, or for fast driving, or for city
purposesTever invented. It is so made
that anyone c:.n put on sharp or flat
corks, as needed for wet and slippery
days, or smooth, dry roads. Call at
h'8 shop and examine the nevekslif
nd you will use no other.
12 North Fifth St. Plattsmoutb
work and fine gold work
DR. STEINAUS LOCAL a well as other ian
estheticsgiven lor the painless extraction of
tec th.
C. A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald Block
.4 7
Ti-TK icFciiioisrq ok-piigk GU(yvimrx
Opera House Corner PLATTSMOUTH
F. II. KJ.I.KNHAl'M. Prop-
The best of fresh mcatalwiiys found
iti this market. Also fresh
Kos and lintter.
Wild cratne of all kinds kept in their
t r T r c r- r i ' rv
First National
Paid up capital
. ..
Oilers the very best facilities for the promp
transaction of lif-itimate
Banking Business
Jt-olz KrtriHa o-oia crtvpTiTYipnt and loeal a-
surities bought and sold. Deposits received
and interest allowed on the certificate?
Drafts drawn, available in any part of the
United Statee and all the principal towns of
Highest marker price puid for County War
rants, state aim uouiiiy uonus.
John Fitzfrwrald D. Hawk-worth
Sam Waugh. F. E. White
(leorire E. Dovey
John Fitzgerald, S. Waugh.
President c'i"-
l I Wi TEBMAN & 808
Shingles, Lath, Sash,
Doors, Blinds
Can supply eyerw demnnd of the city.
Call and get terms. Fourth street
in rear of opera house.
iNi) nirr ok
I 0 E ,
The number of button
hoohs in our icindoiv
was (SJ, Maud Current
guesses the nearest and
wins the slippers
Remember that K. O. Castle & Co have- an immense stock of
AiKlCJuanmtee Satisfaction in all Tilings
4 7
XJ-- j . "
33" 251
it '
n U
' 5 i i