, .WtortT V- I now FiriY kscai'i-d. CONFEDERATES WOnnr3 A CL'Vr scheme at cam,j cjtl::;!. reimportation frnm riminn In IRS. Wii i.:iil our monv an;l w.-nt 0:1 Wml tlio vos.-fl, which w:is Hiiclion.-l al.mit I)!x;;uK-il ;ii Oil i.t" ii unit Ariii-il ivilli 1 it'ill'il on I- I M- Ti: I";' itl tin Vi-illi'i; I);iyi. 1 - l : L A in. 1:1 in in ' t in. .;!' nil y 1 traHini) f ill is I. 1 r; 1 1 11 is c .1!' a 1 1: a , 1 1 1 I'. .IV h nv,u . ! : 1, if tV , -i;. u ' i-'-cii-.l a i .li;.-r i.i 1 1- ;l l.i a.'l ill t 11 i: a ci:ii:'!-lfi-;:ti i l ll;R- lO i'f I-'1 . .1 at 1'oi-l. lJ.i:n 1 ills (.;.;!!. ''if 1 . .1 1 1 -.. 1:1, ,.Ii r. II i IV. i W.iii aii'l vil.h . Iir.rrifil M-.il'l.'lf S Will thrillii: c 1, . w;r a! if I:i nr.-. w !..!' 1 1 alert a -r 1 r. '. t'lU'l! V. ' lean re, V.'ii' ill' 'I't-iia '.-II.- v, h.nl l.i. r.lif ca i liiin-i:-' ai'io:,i l.i" O...D a.ei in .v;.-'-e;-aif.l in C;nnn Jiul-.-r, a h;,iil. wh.r'n wul lw;:0- 1 .. r.-mein-Ijeiv.l 1'V i.'".-- wii 1 wen .so unlixcliy as to lie tlii jaa.-oaeil WiKilll iiS l.;ittIfUie!it.-. Afler luiiii; loi-fVeial weary months for an e.a-iiai.WC that was lieVer iavtetl t!i . . : ..it ii' i'a p.iirio;.- set aiiout to ao-coiai.ii.-.i tii. ; r .vu.l liverunee. Vari ous j.ians were vuacocU'.l, lit wore all (.uia-i.-inily tinvaru-.l by tile viiltii'vo vi tin ir (. ii.'to.Iiai..-.. L-' i;.lly the ia-pira-tic:i -i' ti.i.i s'.'-a-y lnt ii;hi a seLena; which for aii'hu i;y a:.u eievi-rm'-s is un .receiieiitei:, aii'l won lor it.s ori.i uaiof 11 title Ji.i'l vi:.-;iaci.ioa anion-' L; e.-m-Iaiiu:j-s nich linn, ha.-; not yet jljiner- ate.l. Ainon tlie prisoners at Can in Bui ler Wtiv a iUiiUber of ioy.-W:: j S'-rve 1 in ' Coiiteil- rai-y in th i:..te.iy ol -i-'Wi;-r muiiUey.s,' a f auction well l:no,n to heavy ariiiieriis IT WAS A C'l.I-V l-il I I. AN. The duties of the.se youn-.-terrf were to convey jiowder ciarye.s from the magazines to gunners in trenches or to ai.st in like manner on the lio.-aine; bat teries which annoyed the federal gun boats in l.ie Mi:-si.-ii"oi river. Two of the.-e lirtle fellows, who had fallen iiuo the hands of the enemy, w.-re tn-at.-l with tin- dignity due prisoners of war, ai.d coiieijiwn; ly found tii n.'selves hundreds of miles away from homo and mamma and subject to all the la-art 1cm di.-ci iii'.e of miiioii-y fi-"11- Tn.' laauiy f. ,11 1! :i.!e of the.-e two iuvenilo wart ioivs attracted the martial s-oiil of Colonel Morrison, whu ' cominturV-.l the iott. To make their imjii ionment h r-s ardu ous he made tiiein hi ; oiice orderlie.-v, and sent them on the hundiv'ii of e.-. rauJs which a comma ti im.ar flnt.-f a daily necessity in the di.-,ciiare of his duty. The little fellows v ere true patriots, and no persuasion or punishiaent cmUd dissuade tlu-m from tiiecau.-eof riiea fathers. It was throuyii tiiein that tii hero of this st, .ry accomplish d las de tiiirns. The boys i.a t ai c-ss at ail times to the colonel's, ouice, likewise the adju tants desk. Due m.-;ht they were bidden to steal from the adjutant's desk a lot 0 blank pas.-ports. But what good were passports to a soldier whose try uniform forbade exit from the inner stockade of the prison, might be asked. Fortunately, however, in the prison there was a sutler who pos sessed all the venality characteristic of his cloth. Among the prisoners in Camp Butler there were several confederate soldiers who were the sons of wealthy parents and occasionally received money from home. From this element a general fund was collected an 1 appropriated to the use of the plotters for deliverance. With the Butler, whose loyalty to the American dollar exceeded his lidelity to the Ameri can Union, it wa-s an easy matter to smuggle in a suit of citizen's clothes now and then. A FEW GO AT A TIME. On visiting days hurdreds of people from the country around would throng to the post to look at the fiery rebels. They were shown, under tlie escort of a guard, through every part of the prison, and on several occasions these parties. In eome unaccountable way, would number one or two more on coining out than they did on coming in. Each individual, however, displayed his passport, to the guard at the gate, and retired unques tioned from the portals of the fort into the loyal prairies of Illinois. Had the guards counted their guests nion their arrival and departure some startling surprises would have resulted. On one occasion two confederate officers escaped by the guard with forged passes and had taken seats in a carriage which was waiting to serve visitors at the gate of the fort when Colonel Morrison him self came out and, addressing them, asked if they had seen all they wanted to see. "Yes, sir," replied one of the fugitives suavely. "They are a hard looking set, nin't they, colonel?" At the same time he was so alarmed that his tongue al most refused to articulate. By this process half a hundred Con federates were released from custody and returned to their commands in the field. Tlie reader must not imagine that these men were not missed by their guardians, for after every muster the guards were .i,.i.iu.i ami manv commissioned and UUUUiu '- J lion-commissioned officers relieved, it be veered that thev were responsible for the mysterious disappearance of the c iavuriv th t1hu onerate under Lii x a cautious restrictions that the leak through which the human contents of that noto- .ar!aned was not discovered until the man who created it had been duly exchanged And was fighting under his own fla on the fields of Georgia, where he wa known to the army as Colo- nel Morrison' adjutant. in asn vine Am erican. criil rnimoroTed. Slasher I hear that Jawkins has taK ;n . - i, 1, V, wire irom tue wasmuu. ( Stabber That is not so: she is there j yet. Ham's Horn. t.-,.,. fr.mi i!iorr. We ton:! . 1 1 1 1 1 'j inn. i .reini. eiioiis crowd from every i:.i a raider If tv- . ll:-s predominate!-,' yp being ilea of t he Ani"i iea'i r .si-.--. j. deck w.- s so densely jaciod wi-'a n ; from i-t. i.i t sh in tint w ' eo-ild s -lv move. M-.ny mth pro.-iraK- willi s"ie?;ue,-s or snpiiorted by 11 i--a-l -, !' h iir.C in b.-cuaoelis swim ; alon e the s'i.'.e 1 i ' :;. All day lo.-rc fo .-. d of men - see t ui.i r, sv. ayinir. 1 ' ! ' 1 :in'4 an 1 e:n- in.-;. Xo food wa - ! - ; ide.l, ai.-l lete- r and lhir-t e an ..', ' to tii-' bad -a:-io!H d' the mob. '1 I..- r.i.tain. a United St.-t.-s ic-.val r. had not a umed (-oinmano I"- lie was .-hut oil from 1 -i lie-u y.- eh-e ,t i- . r- .-.-.!. At lel'-t II, lO'.. ::. I v, In- . 1 1 n t h" o aa: '. ei- .. .: -honteil above tip- an ;ry mill i- ' ,,1 i- ,, 1 of tin; - -ovd 1 hat the deck H M. be cleared for 111- men so that 1 n-- ' could rai-e the anchor. I h.vl c-ont.-riu-d with a lew of tlie more n-spei-tabl.- lo..': ing passengers, and W" liad e,,nc!u i Ihat there were more ne-ii on board ih.n ; uUr contract stipulated for, so we replied to the enpt-an t'uat the anchor could not i be raised antil we had had a count. ! The eil'err to get the men in order and i to set them in motion so that they could j pass around in line required twoorthret j hours, bur was at last accomplished, and tile resi.n. siioweil 4 to persons on 110.0.0 besides the sailors. This attempt of the con siirnee to increase his enormous profits dishonestly at the risk and discomfort of the passengers excited a torn 'lit of indig nation. Inflammatory speeches were made, and a committee was appointed to vi-it the consignee and adjust the matter. About KM) men h.-i't for the shore in boats that the natives had in waiting about tho vessel, and those who remained agreed to keep the ship at an chor until they should return. John C- Fremont in Century. i Will you suffer ".villi Dyspepsia iiiol l,iv r CoiiiplniMlV Shiloli's it ! ali.cr is o ; 11;, 1:11 il el 1 Cin e otl. '1 i'loir is lower llnin if lias I - -1 1 ' -.,.- ",';; 1 . 1 - I .- i HI' oil lis ;: 1 i ' i ' 1 i I 1 p . - . . ,;! ; 1 I t . . 1 i 1 1 1 a ' . 1 : ' ' 1 I ' Oil e l et r ;,..,-.) 1 , r.e . i" I ;: 1 ; '1 I. " . ' v 1 il i . 1 nun ! at ! .;" v. 11 1 ii.ir tf D.iwsomA I'earcc wish to i 11 form 1 ' : . j , 1 I . I ii- 1 1 1:1 1 they ba e ( hi 1 1 a 1 1 l,,!!- -l.ie!. i S I 111 Mi l l- glUe!-' v. Idea will ia- - oM ;it ; y iv.i-i.n-; : I price.-. i I w - . . 1 1 1 1 Il.iir cli.iins, rin.o-s. ero-.-es nial hair worii l nil Uiml- 1 on'ei". MKS. A. 1 1 '-. I ! . t j 1 (d 1 .m il -1 St. ID. 1 ! . ! c!.e-t. U J !'ia,le;-. 1'ijee 'Jo 1 .v F. ('.. f'l i he A- Mbr. i Ci . a : n j Tn!o- oi:r a csci iptioos to I'.rowii i A: I ;;n rett '.-.ihey ilispelise pine lilf'l- 1 1 ! f . S -1 ! 1 e C ! I : : ill - i i 1 i" s;ih" 1 1 1 i s ol ice. has on ( " 1 1 ic: i e- 1 ri vt For imriiciilars call at tf l...v,,f . -I--- fills !i;.s saved o tit ol sickness. When reiilcdv !oes not liappi'ii to he witll- , li oeoi e nre ilile to nt'o ieii i:..i,i -.;i.ii...ii mid. ol course, if L....-; iiiiw-s follows thev have O. -l-.lVel- 111.' COI1SC I UC11CCS. .'A stitch in time M w fh 1 1 -: x aved nine." 1 1 1 , ..-ra, h it r U ! I- j J 1 Virginiik Giants. If ever the United States government, like Frederick the Great and the present King of Belgium, requires a regiment of Titans, it can doubtless recruit one with out advertising very '-.irgely or ver long. A correspondent tells how big sonic- of the men grow in Pulaski and Montgomery counties, Va. and other states are still to be heard from. Three brothers, Messrs. Henry, James and William Mctiavock, are respective ly G ft. Gl in., ii ft. 5.V in. and G ft. 7 in. tall. Two brothers, near neighbors of mine. Andrew and V. 'illiam Ingles, are each G i t. 4 in., while several others 111 Pulaski county, whose height I cannot -ivefroni po.-itive knowledge, are known 1... 1,,, ward of six feet. In fact I be lieve the men of this county will aver age at least six feet tall. In the adjoining county of ;. Inn turn ery, near me, there are two brothers, one of whom. Mr. James Childress, is 0 ft. 7 in. in height and weighs Soo pounds; the 01 her, Mr. Thomas P. Childress, ia G ft. j ; in. high and weighs 20.) pounds. William Myers, of the same county, is 0 ft. o in. aild weighs 210 pounds. A Mr. Crip-mart, of Lynchburg, is 6 ft. 01 in. tail and weighs oUO pounds, and a Mr. Fet her.-tone, of the same place, is G ft. 7 in. Yoath's Companion. Sunshine. Light is necessary to health. People who live in gloomy places, say state prisons, for example, are always pealdsh. Owls affect the twilight and the dark, and what miserable mopes they are. Eagles love the sunshine, and how strong of wine, they are and how exultmgly they soar. It is true that 0110 may have too much sun, but it is cheering to se, the sunlight, even when it is necessay to sit in the shade. How it enlivens us in winter, exhilarates us in spring, en hances our appreciation of the shade in summer and charms us in gloric us au- fmnn In September, when Old Sol seems to stolen a few Dale rays from the moon wherewith to temper his fiery glories, and all througli gorgeous vci,- r,iw,r 11HV. even in .November, anu sometimes up to mid-December, and often in windy March now aengmiui is v.t. tntistiine of out happy lautuue. A blessing on the sunt "ui ims gre,. 1 lv.th .vft and soul." source of life and health and beauty, type of the liyht that shall be, symbol or tne emuo fjrodl New York Ledger. A Ho riil Sample. A crnm mercial traveler whom I know carries perhaps t' fi most unique "sam ple" in the drunr. ang proiessuwi. n nothing less thar a human body, three d. an example of the efficacy of a Yi.lmin2 fluid. For three years this mummy has been transported on the railroads as a sainpie case wujuu there is no outward sign which would indicate the uncanny nat- nro of its contents, in tins instance me t.Vi bodv is preserved the more of an advertisement it i1 or the fluid in the veins of the "stiff. The box is zinc lined, and does not exceed the limits of the railroad excess baggage rule in weight. Interview in tot. iouis uaooe Democrat. A Oueer Wliliru An English nobleman a good many manv v-Mts 2ro took it into his neau to live for several weeks on Mount Etna, in the refuge 1,000 feet or so below the crater. This worthy, but siigntiy cracK tloman endureil his hard fare of biscuits and tinned meats well enough for a fortnicht at a time. Lvery fit teenth day, however, he roile down tht mountain to the nearest village, some tnrontv miles awav. and reveled in al the savory dishes the innkeeper could put lefore him; after which banquet he returned to his mountain perch, inured once again to comparative privation. AT. the lear Kound. ThA. Thnucht It W Orlrlnal. th vin Thev tell me Kiel is the best teller of fish stories going that he took the prize offered by the Walton club. Potts Yes, it was awarded to him; r.r,f. h won .'it on a fouL lie told the story of Jojlah and the whale a hap pening to himself I Puck. j Weatlier Reports --May ISOl. 1st 7 a. m., 11 2 ; liii'bt frost. 2ml thunder storm. Oth 7 a. m., : ; light frost. Nth 2. in., Sa - ; 0th -2 p. in., SO o li:ht rains. 10th -9 p. in.. 10 O ; lioht rains. 11th 7 a.m., : ; lio-ht frost. ,...t. ... ei a . j i.n n - oi., ... - , 11th - 2 p. in., S3 - ; l.ith- 2 p. m., SS c; light thunder storm. Kith - light rain. 10th - 2 i. m., SO o ; ''Oth 2 i. m.. Sa o thunderstorm Hi 21st light rain. 22nd- heavy rain 1 lg. 24th 2 p. m.. Ki 5 ; light rain ls. 2ath-- rain storm 27th 7 a. in.. 10 - ;light frost. 2Sth 2 p. in.. S3 ;. 20th 2 p.'m., NO - ;light rain. Moth 7 a. m , 0. ; 2 p. in., SO ; Op- in.. 73 c ; mean temperature i.i i)e i.rntioii I):1V. :51st 2 p. in. .Sa C; thunder storm mean tern perat lire 7 1. Hh under storm Mean temperature ai.a. Iii-licst " I th. i ...i " 20 l(,th ra.in 1.. 1 1 -.-! . Decoration (lav. 1 nuiuier sioiin iii"-h1?2' teiin)erature. Mon'.hlv mean tcmperaiurc .x.i. Iliu-hcst " N0 2Stli. i i Oth 11th. Decoration Day hottest the daily mean being" i t.l. Total rain fall 3.00. Rainy days 12. Four "thunder storms. Four frosts the last 27th. -,-.Tr.ril In ln'hmo-stothe smilax fm.iilv f t)bints. and is found very enerallv over tlie American con- c.ii.ntj. hut ttie yarietv mat richest in medicinal properties is (I,.. I'n liliiriu root, oi whicli tlie III. wv..... ....... famous Avers Sarsapanlla is maue N K 1 5 w A sTcXTJvrv is rejoicing; over Wild -ame of all kinds kept in their i seitsoii. a .fOO.000 improvement to her His tillery. The other evening- a stranger placed his neck on the rail in front of a Lake Shore fast train, lor tlie nnmose of couimittinir suicide. ' 1 , . Hut the train was stopped in tin nick of time and the would-be sui cide was kicked off the track. Thus S"U1,UMJ . paid up capital ioio9 tion to another world changed into 3urplus io.o-o.oy vulvar pTOSJ by the boot toe or an entrineer. j o !; , TtlE IcKilDIQ ONK-PniGK (JIiOTlin Opera House Corner PL ATTSMOUTH Tf EAT MARKET"1 ifJll SIXTH SIKMCKT F. II. l-f.I.KNHAU.M, Prop. The best of fresh meat always found in this market. Also tresli Kggs ami Hutter. HAVELOCK season. SIXTH STKICET SIXTH STk'KtT Meat market! First National , BANK OF FLATTSMOUTH. NEBKASKA A Scrofuluos Boy Oilers the very beet facilities for tbe promp traiisacnou ui nsnmioiv Banking Business Runnius Sores Covered mis boo, Btocicti.ponu;,K -.'1 Reived -w . annriaa nnuin nun i ' . . -. - - - - and Head. Bones Aneciea Ind interest allowed on the certifacatee . - - W ma I ; 1 . T n nriir TX ri 111 I llr1 Cured oyguiicurn nemo Drait-s drawn, avanai ic iu. riip, Dnited States aud all the principal tewns of yXy 00108 M ADK AND PROMPTLY BEMIT appearance of a larg boil. We poll t iced 1 1 but , ted . all to no Dlirp ee. ADOllt nve miiiuns ii 1L I ,, r-r,ti7 War- oecVnle a' n.Ling .ore S.-n other sore-form- Highest market price paid Jot County War them on each hand. And as l.i .I l,.fnm mor anil more impure it took less time to DreaK out. a sme came on his chin beneath came on ni. emu ut-iirim .mm1j the under lip which wan John Fitzgerald rants. State au County bonds. DIRECTOKS John Fitznerald f tvhiZ0 Sam Waugh. n'' WDIle weorge c. uvii viy offensive, Hi head was one solid scab, a is charging a great deal. This wa" his condition at twen m.twn mniith old. nhen I undertook the ctre of him. his mother having died when he was a mtle morf than a year old. of consumption (scrofula, of coursa). He could walk a little, but cnihl not get up if . he fe.l d jwn anil could noi inovc urn ... u. .i , . j ninillipncei no ueiu ins iiiiuu with the CLTKVPA Kemkdifh. u-eing all freelv One sore alter anouier nemru, unj ma' ter forming in each one of these live deed ones just before healing, which wauld hnally r J, i Minn nun thpn thev would heal rarely. One of these ugly bone formations I preserved. After takemg a dozen and a baif bottles he was completely cured and Is now. at the age of six yeais.a stronir and healthyctna inn.-. ..iv...... My grmuipon remains peifecly well. e "S""UI":IU1UW MU-. K.'s.BKIC.tlS. Feb 7 1885. )J;i,i;iuington. 111. CUT1CU11A Ub-0LVKXT Th new blood Furifier, intemally (to clean the'blood of all impurities and poisonous ele ment,) and thus removed the the cause), and Clticl ka, the great Skin Cue. and Cuticuha -oaf. an esquisite !-kin Heautitier. evternally (to clear the ekin and scalp, and re; t res the hair) cure eve. v decease and humor of the skin and blood, from pimples to eerofula, Siold everywhere. Fiice Olticlra, Wic ; Soap 25c. Kes-uvent, Prepared by the Pother Dnm and chemical corporation lUvjton. President 8. Waugh. CaffcJe- Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. H. A. WATfiHUH ft'SUH i . TaKV skin and scalp purnit u anu oe.uui fi ed bv (TTirYB koap Absolutely pure. RHEUMATIC PAINS r ,,,. ta Piitti-iim Anti- iii our iiiii.... . . - Tain plast r relieves rheunia ic. cci it tc. nip. Kj,,rr'. ;t " pain- and, 'aknessc. Price 2 c. PINF L UMBER Shingles, Lath, Sash, ARE - YOU - GOING - TO - BUILD - THERE? IF SO- KeititMiilior tliat K. (). Cnstk- A: Co linvi- an immense stock of LUMBER A1TD ALL BUILDIDG MATERIAL A.T HAVELOCK Ami Guarantee Satisfaction in all Tliinss R. O. CASTLE & COy HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA. SLIPPEES GIVEN Doorss Blinds Can supply everw denian.l of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. Of Slippers to "be giTT-ei orra.'r to tlLe oice tin. i namloer of "bia-tton la.oo3s:.-ca.oTxr- Y w f ' They will be counted June 15, 1S013 CO. Hi r.i rli i r 1 1, n h' V.