Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 11, 1891, Image 2

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    The Plattsmouth Herald.
KNOTTS BROS, Publishers
Ibllshtvl rfry Thursday, .and daily everj
veiling except Baaday.
KeglMtered at tli I'latUmonth, Neb. post
lUcefor trarnmimion throHRh the U..S. ijihIIh
At necond clan rate.
Office corner Viae tid Fifth Mtreets.
Teleplione 3S.
One copy, one year, in advance ..SI 50
One copy, one ye;ir, Dot In advance 2 00
Ona copy, six inontlif. iu alvance 75
Oaa ypy, three month, in ail vanoo. . 40
Ona cop one yar in advance $ 00
na copy per week, hy carrier I a i
ae copy, per rnont li 50 j
Some few Republican papern in
their despernl itm and humiliation
over the init-uitou Mc Kin ley hill
are tryintr whistle up connive. -Memphis
The Commercial can count on the
lingers of one hand all the repuldie
an paper that lo not stand squarely
l3" the McKinley law. It will be in
the national republican platform
as a leading issue of lS'.ili. The "!es
Iteration anl humiliation" belong
to the ot hrr fel lows and not to re
publicans, The latter were never) sai'sfied ami moi e iiiit''d
upon the principal of protection to 1
the nation's iiidusiric . ,
KosuiXLl'. l;UHVKk' is stated as
the, democratic candidate for gover
nor of New York. His. chief qual
ification for the race is n barrel
which contains Jj-'K l,(X A),(Ht ). Kx.
X 1 1 K Globe-Democrat thinks . only
two things are necessary for a-s-mired
republican success in lSUli.
And that is the nomination of
Cleveland for the presidency and
the election of Mills of Texas as
speaker of the House of Representatives.
Kx-Sre.ATOR Ingalls is a brainy
tnan beyond question, but of late it
Heenis his mou'h has been ruiiiiin
a';)' with him. Such remarks ns
this, that we have not had a threat
man for prc.-idt'iit since Thomas
Jefferson, is calculated to set Mr.
Inijalls down as a soincd cynic.
TltK attempt to make a hero of
the late Jefferson Davis can never
succeed, for the simple reason that
there was not a single heroic quali
ty in h is coniposit ion. He was vain,
selfish and vindictive, and at tin
crisis of the fortunes of the Confed
eracy he deserted those who had
bravely stood by him and tried to
nave himself bv iirnomiuious fi-rlif
"ALTHorcii the week's packing
phows no enlargement in the west
Omaha maintains a slight increase
over the pack for the season as com
pared with last year white Kansas
City falls off 217,OU"i hos. St. Louis
holds her own but every other city
including Chicago and excepting
Omaha, shown a decrease as com
pared with IS')."
lias named Saturday
as the day when a tie
The court
cision will be handed down in the
oil inspector cases. If Governor
Thayer succeeds in his theory of
the case IMattsmouth will be in the
soui). whereas if the Bovd crowd
come out on ton we will be honored
with an officer in the person of F
S. White, a deputy inspector.
The latest reports from Brazil
indicate that the crops are likely to
be more than usually abundant i:i
that country this year. Such news
is especially gratiying in view of
the arrangements ' that we have
made for obtaining a much larger
share of the brazil tratle. That re
ciprocit3" treaty is going to be one
the best things for us that has
come to pass in many years.
SEVEKAL hundred Sicilians have
relurned to their native lands from
NewOrlean? since the 14th of March
It is to be hoped they will remain
away. Thi county is not in need
of that class of emigrants. TliE
HERALD predicts that before 'JO
years rolls around when the boys of
today are men, that emigration of
any kind will be vigorously opposed
We have a rich count rj- and why
should we rob our children to share
it with foreigners.
Tammany Hall . which has
long been a synonym for polit
ical rottenness and corrup
tion has struck sympathetic
cord in Missouri. The democrats
in that state are engaged just sow
in organizing a secret ortler and
have adopted the Tamaiiny Hall
constitution. This ought to be
enough todamn the order beyond
the pale of respectability and show
that gootl government is the natural
enemy of that association.
The Mormon Church has sold its
newspaper, and as the Saints have
gone out of the polyganij' business,
and, presumably, turned their backs
on the Democratic party. There is
great hope for their future salva
tion. The latest twin relics of bar
barism have been Mormonism and
democracy. Kven so polished a
democrat as Dr. Miller of Omaha
used to defend the mormons
through the columns of his paper,
THE IlEKALD. Since the Wwin re
lics' have dissolved and are crumb
ling into naught but unpleasant his
tory, we may expect great reports
from Utah territory.
The fuller iht measure of infor
mation imparted concerning Ihe
Hchring Sea negotiations the
greater is the tribute paid to ?lr.
Blaine's statesmanship. I'ntler ins
able guidance the United States has
achieved success on every impor
tant stage of the preliminaries io
n rhit rat ion. It now appears that i he
proposition for a "close season"
originated with the American
secretary, and that its accomplish
ment has been dela3-ed solely by
i,orci a lisoury s 1 ru it less euoris io
have it made as absolute against
the Xorth American Conmany as
against British poachers.
The passage of the bill now pend
ing in Parliament will close the
waters of Behring Sea to British
seal catchers, but it can not pass in
time to have effect upon this j ear's
capture of the famous fur-bearing
animals. But Ihe presiden t's proc
lamation will be respected 13' the
North American Company, whose
catch it will limit to 7.", !) skins;
something near io this will be the
number taken 13' the British and
Canadian poachers. The reduced
supply of skins will have the effect
of increasing prices for ne:.t winter.
But as seaL-'iins long have been the
exclusive wear of the very rich, or
of the ver- foolish who ape therich.
no great harm will ensue. As far
as warmth and beaut- are con
cerned there are materials in plent3
of which cloaks to etptal those of
. -alskin can be made. And it is to
be considered also that the restric
tion of the catch for a j-ear or two is
necessarv to prevent the virtual ex
:nct;on of the seal race. A f-
years more of such unregulated
slaughter as prevailed dining th
past three would have the effect o
making seal fur a? rare and cost!'.
as en n 'tie. Inter-Ocean.
for themselves or their children;
that, in thei'- scant 'wages there is
no margin for misfortune and
sickness, pauperism being the 011I3'
refuge. I know that in this repub
lic the prudent, temperate and in
dustrious worker is sure of an
abundant reward; that hisambition
to .-uccccd seldom meets with fail
ure; that he owns land and home;
that 1 11 u lies fo t he Kuropeau labo
rer are neci ssilies to the American.
I low then can we compete with the
former and maintain our superior
ity in these regards':' Steam and
electricity have made of Ihe world
one neighborhood, eliininaling
largelv the protection 1 i ice a lion let 1
b time, distance and t rn nsport a-'
t in. There is one way only of,
solving this problem: I .egi I a i ion
lti' our own. a ta ri If for prol ect io:i. j
. . rrve m American on iiii.-I
I ItV will the third
gists explain the It
pari 3 apolo-
tloctrine of equal
pecial privilege
The June number of Romance
the New York Story Club's maga
zine. is now read v. Jt contains
seventee i stori s, all interesting,
and all ot rreat merit, there is no
better traveling companion than
Romance, and those who are about
to start on their summer jaunt will
tlo well to leave a place in their
gripsacks for the June number.
1 here are lour original stories 111
the lurie Romance.' K. II. Lewis
writes of a strange buel which took
place in in Vienna several year
ago. Charles Scates contributes ;
Jove storv which is mterestmtr - sis
all such stories must be and very
effectively told. S. II. Behreiul des
cribes a bit of detective work. This
tory was written in German, and
was translated for Romance In' I.
Fust. One phase of life in the coal
regions is the theme which engag
es the pen of Daniel Dane. Besides
these there is a story by the dis
tinguished Spanish hovelist, Don
Pedro A. de Alarcon, dealing with
events in trie L-arlist war. it was
translated for Romance by K. J
Among the writers in Romance
for June are Maurice Thompson, M
Quad, EdwardS. Van Zile, Margaret
Sutton Briscoe, Ada Cunnick jnch-
bold, Acton Davies and William
Wallace Cook. These are all charm
ing story tellers, and they never ap
peared to better advantage than
they do in the magazine of the New
York Story Club.
The stories in the June Romance
are of'all varieties. The account of
a strange confession of a murder,
the story of a novel duel, the des
cription of a mysterious incident in
the New Orleans of seventy 3ears
ago, two war sketches, a railroad
comedy, a romance of the Rocky
Mountains, a tale of tne Pennsyl
vania coal regions, a ghost stor3
two spirited biographies of heroic
men, a story of the plains, one of
the Carlist war in Spain, a detective
stor3', the account of a remarkable
wedding journey in such an as
sortment as this there is surely
something to interest every reader
of fiction.
Romance is published montlil3-
for the New York Story Club, by W.
H. Benton, 30 Kast Twenty-third
Street, New York, 2.1 c a cop3', $3.(10
3" ear.
Because facts confront us, not
theories. I have seen, the wage
earners of Great Britain and Conti
nental Kurope; know how the3' live;
that tht3r are homeless and land
less, as far as ownership is con
cerned; that they are helpless and
hopeless as to any brighter future
owing plank of ! fre.-h fruit
. 1 - . , . . . 1
men Cincinnati piaiiorm 10 int.
hi mest farmery
Believing in Iht
rights to all and
to none, we demand that taxation
national, state or municipal shall
not be used to build up one interest
or class at the expense of another.
We demand a just and equitable
system of graduated tax on income.
Do they mean absolute freetrader
Do they demand, as equal rights to
all, exac1l3"the same free tratle be
tween foreign countries as the3r do
between the states of our Union?
Is it possible that 1 1113- ut even
desire the levy of duties on luxu
ries': That they want these "equal
rights to all" to appl3' to the wine
merchant of France, the tobacco
merchant of Cuba, the diamond
broker of India? That they are
against protection to the wage
earners of America? That all our
working- men's wages should be
brought tlown to the equal rightsof
the foreign wage earner?
Revenue must lie raised by
graduated income tax, must it
What are you going to pay tha
revenue in." 1 wo percent treasnrv
note shinplasters? Would there b
any real 11101113- in the treasury
Who would put it in? Nothing but
stiinpiasters.- 1 low wouitl the gov
eminent purcha.-e anvthing with
the trash? Who would work for it
Who would sell aiithing for it
Where is the alliance farmer who
wouitl exchange his corn for such
stuff'r Or dt) the Cincinnati states
men intend to use it simply to pay
debts with':
We have alwavs banked on the
intelligence of the farmers, ant
when we read the sub-treasury
scheme foisted onto the Cinciniiat
convention of farmers l3- a lot o
representatives from the old de
timet green oacii part 3 we were
fearful lest the American farmer
would lose his reputation for level
headedness. But he comes to the
front slowly. 3-et firmly, and now
denounces "the indefensible views
and unnatural coalitions of the Cin
cinnati convention. At any rate
that is what a state conference of
farmers did this week in New Yorl
WHILE the Charleston was unable
to tuid the Itata on the high sea.
the reputation of "Uncle Sain" wa:
such that as soon as the runawav
put into the insurgent port at
Iquique the insurgents promptly
surrendered the ship, crew and all
munitions o'f war to the United
States authorities, to be dealt with
according to law. The entire outfit
will be taken back to San Diego and
legal proceedings taken up where
they were left off by the tlight of
the steamship. It is probable that
the captain will be punished for
contempt of court.
The city schools will close next
week after a very successful years
work. A year in which the pupils
have made rapid advancement, and
one that no derelict teacher has
marred the harmony of, by an over
weaning zeal to disoipline ever3
bod3T but themselres. Most of the
old teachers have been emplo3red
for the coming year which will in
sure another season of successful
management, and good schools.
Superintendent McClelland has
made many friends by his careful
conservative course and we but
voice the sentimeut of the people
when we congratutale the school
board for having secured his serv
ices for another 3-ear.
A Wonderworker
Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man
of Burlington. ()., states that he had
been under the care of prominent
physicians, and used their treat
ment until he was not able to tret
iround. The3' pronounced his case
to be consumption and incurable.
He was persuaded to tr3" Dr. Kings
New Discovery for consumption.
coughs and colds and was not able
at that time to walk across the stJeet
without resting. He found, before
he had used halt ot a dollar bottle.
that he was much better; he con
tinued using it and is to-day enjoy
ng gootl health, 113011 have anv
throat, lunir or cheifct rouble try it.
We guarantee satisfaction. Trial
)Ottle free at F. G. Fricke A Cos
drugstore. 5
Slio 'Want a Stor Where She Can Tluy
It Cheaply mitl K:it It on the Spot.
"New York has a big standing army,
fruit Bta nling .10113-, I mean," said a
woman tho other day, "and I know of
no other city where. Mich lino fruit can
bo procured at one corner, anyway, of
almost every block of buildings in the
town, and at all seasons of the j-ear.
These open air fruit stands do an im
mense tral'i in tin; agre'ate, I am sun,
and laying low rent- as their owners tlo,
they are abb; to sell fruit more cheaply
than rx-ople who keep regular fruit
stores ami pay proportionate rents.
"Such a merchant, when he. thinks r.f
his landlord's bill, must often envy the
poor man who sells just as god fruit
across the way under tho cover of an
awning or an umbrella, and is aide to
set a cheaper price on his commodities,
because his expenses are so small.
"1 have often thought, however, that
merchants who ket p fruit stores might
add largely to their revenues if they
would provide tables and seats where
their customers could sit and devour the
when they buy it. Many-
people are attracted by the silit of pur
ple grapes, rosy cheeked peaches or mel
low pears as tlo'3 pass by the windows
where the fruits are displayed, who long
to sink their teeth in the luscious things,
ami 3-et tlo not like to do so 111 tiie street
ami cannot be bothered carrying the
fruit home. Moreover, they tlo not feel
like buying enough to make it worth
while sending it home, so they pass on
ami forget it.
"Now, if they knew that inside the
6tore there wero u table and a chair or
two that they were welcome to use, with
perhaps a trifling extra charge for table,
napkin and finger bowl, 1 am sure worn
en especially, who are out shopping and
who like sweet tilings and fruits, would
olten and often drop into such stores
and buy a peach or two, or bananas or
oranges, etc., and eat them on the spot,
"If one goes into a restaurant and or
ders fruit, one pays a big price for it, too
big; but if I, for one, could buy luscious
ripe fruit at all seasons of the year in
this way at the ordinary rates, I would
be only too fdad to eat it on the spot.
standing up at a plain, unvarnished
luncheon counter if need be."' New
York Tribune.
1 Qm.
1 Yota Tant to Sell
oar Vvo'jszry
THK IIKKaLD'S jV tieprtrtiaent baa beea fittetl with ow
"yj- ajthI, ii able to do the fiit of work and on .hort uotief.
it voii wiBt muo bills call on this oflico and get oar prices which are
reaiwuiib! and alike to all.
A Tickle That V;is Not Katf-n.
"My most embarrassing e.periL-nc
repeated the 3'oung ladv thoughtfully.
veti, as nearivas I can remember, it
was connected with a pickle. I was a
guest at a dinner in Washington. It
was not a very formal affair merely
formal enough for the gentlemen present
to wear evening dress. There was a
dish of dainty pickles near rne, and I
took one a baby cucumber. It was
about big enough for two bites, and 1
tried to cut it with 1113- fork, when sud
denly- it launched itself like a skyrocket
across the table anil struck the immacu
late shirt bosom of a very particular
swell opposite, fairly in the middle.
"I don't quite know how it could have
happened so fortunate-, but conversa
tion had been going on so briskly that
no one save the man who had taken ine
into dinner saw who was the author of
the accident. I never blush, a fact, I
trust, not to be set down seriously to
ni3- aiscredit and I managed to so skill
ful- dissemble otherwise that nobody'.
with the exception I have mentioned.
suspected me at all.
"None of the other guests were so ill-
bred as to take visible notice of the oc
currence, and the talk went on almost
uninterrupted, while my victim ad
ministered surreptitious wipes to his
manly chest in a boneless attempt to
remove the stains of pickle. To this day
I am unsuspected as the author of the
mischief," Washington Star.
W e
-nip r
.(1,1, 4
- r.
to Please
yr- try.)
m . tit -A -
Cor"Fifth and Vine Sts
Time Table
So 1,...
9,. .
11.. .
...3 :;'.() a. m
... 5 :4" p. in
. ..9 :25 a. 111.
. . 7 rl5 a. ni.
. . . 6 p, m .
. . .5 :25 p, di.
...11 :05 a. m.
N o 2,.
" 4.
" 8..
" 10.
" u.
" 1
f 1
. .10:3(1 a. m
. .7 ;4i p. m.
. 9 :45 a. 111.
.10 :14 a. in
.8 :30 a. id.
Tne pioneer meiohanti f
AVyrliffe'H Hible.
The first complete translation of the
Bible into the English tongue was ef
fected by John Wycliffe about 13S0. This
was the Liollards Bible, and a- larj'e
number of manuscript copies must have
been written and circulated, for 170
copies are still in existence. There were
also many transcripts of certain books.
as well as of the whole Bible. Wycliffe
could not go to the original texts, so he
translated from the Vnlirate. or ac
cepted Latin version. It was not a per- C H AS Lt
feet performance; but the reformer was
prevented by death from revising it, as
he doubtless intended to do.
The revision, therefore, was under
taken by John Purvey, and completed
in 1388. It is curious that the whole of
Wycliffe's Bible was not printed as one
book until 1850, when it was published
under the editorial care of the Rev. Jo-
siah Forshall and Sir Frederic Madden.
Chambers Journal.
Carry a full Rtock f grnerai
merchondistj which theysell yery
close. Highest pric paid for
all kinds of farm produce. Grn
eroue treatnaentand fair dealing
is tLe secret of oor tucceas.
Sotarj Tublic
MrrY Kcb.
The Citizens
Protections for Gunners.
Experiments are being made by the
navy department with a new system of
protection for gunners in exposed places
on men-of-war during action. From a
Pennsylvania factory has been procured
a peculiar description of wire webbing
made of interlocking steel spirals which
is remarkably flexible and strong, lt
bears some resemblance to old fashioned
chain armor, and it is proposed to nse
curtains of this material to protect gun
ners behind shields from fragments of
exploding shells. The resisting qualit3T
of the netting is believed to be equal to
solid plate of steel an inch thick. Ex
The Great Orloff Diamond.
The great Orloff diamond which sur
mounts the Russian imperial scepter is
the first in size and the third in value
in the world. It once formed the e3'e of
the idol in a temple near Seringham,
India, and was stolen by a French ad
venturer. It weighs 1S5 karats, and is
valued at $2,399,410 in United States cur
rency. St. Louis Republic.
:iyital stack paid In $yi 0 0
Authorized Capital, $100,000.
President. Vice-PrfsMD'
w. H. PUSHING. Caehier.
rHiih i.'arriiti .1. A. Corn or, F. B. Gnthrnani
W. .Joiiui-ou, Heury Bo-ek, John O'Keete
W. D. M- rriara, Wra. Werencamp. W.
H. Gushing.
tsues CMtiflcates of deposits bearing tntereel
Buys and sellc xchitiige. county and
city -B-iij-Mns
A Strong Minded View.
Mr. Meeke The paper sa3's the judge
reserved his decision. I don't see why
it is judges invariably put off deciding a
point until the next d iy.
Mrs. M. Huh! Judges have sense
enough to want to consult their wives.
' New York Weekly.
Thoicest Brands of Cigars,
including ur
Flor de PepperbarjD' and '8uJ
always in stock. Not. 36. 1685.
AND - IN - im
We want jour Poultry, Kffs, But
ter and your farm produce of all
kindsi, we will pay 3'ou the highest
casdi price a we are buying Tor a
lirn in Lincoln.
Plattsmouth - - Nebraska.
Soeiicta scWrk
Th- WathinjttOB irfio
Provision Merchants.
He&dqiartt-rs for
We pay no rent and sell fr . CA!H
Tou dorTfpay any bills fer df ad beatt
when ye- buy of this firm.
The bebt SOFT COAL always