Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 28, 1891, Image 8

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    General Tlliu' nannies roof.
A re.silent of Bay St. Louis. Miss.,
tells a pretty Htory about ex-Postm;ister
lleneral Vilas, n rabbit's fiot and the
little mistPMS of the postoftice at tho
lake shore resort. It will be rem inhered
that when Mr. Vilas took charge of tho
lostoIhce system of the United States
the heads of offensive partisans dropped
very rapidly, but in Houth Mississippi
along the lake shore there were no voters
in office, for the postmasters were all
women. Nevertheless the decree went
forth that they must give way to adher
ents of the party.
Among the office holders was a little
woman who did not believe in being in
a hurry. So she asked the postmaster
general for an extension of time, which
was gallantly granted. In looking around
among her few treasures her eyes fell
upon one she considered above price. It
vas a small and delicate left hand foot
of a rabbit mounted in silver, with a
name and date engraved upon it. This
Rhe concluded to send to the postmaster
general as a token of gratitude. In her
letter of presentation she said, among
other good wishes, that she trusted the
rabbit's foot might some day be the
means of landing him in the United
States senate.
Her wish, aided by the efficacious
properties of the rabbit's foot, has been
successful, and Mr. Vilas has been ele
vated to the senate. Ho himself acknowl
edges the means by which that good for
tune was achieved, and in a letter to trie
little postmistress he said:
"I still possess the good luck charm,
and you are at liberty to claim any ad
vantages that might be due to it, and I
fchall take it as a compliment." Cor.
New York Times.
Catarrh is an inflammation of the
mucous membrane. As the membrane
lines every cavity of the body that has
an outlet, there may be as many differ
ent forms of catarrh as there are such
The closed cavities are lined, not with
mucous membrane, but writh one that
secretes a thinner fluid serum for lu
bricating purposes, which is readily ab
sorbed after doing its normal work.
Still the serous membrane also may be
inflamed and its secretion abnormally
Thus we may have pericarditis, with
V3 "water" around the heart, from in
flammation of the membrane that lines
the heart bag, or pericardium; pleurisy,
with its fluid crowding against the lungs,
and sometimes causing their complete
collapse, from inflammation of the mem
brane that lines the chest; peritonitis,
so painful and dangerous, from inflam
mation of the membrane that lines the
cavity of the abdomen; synovitis, with
its painful and puffed out joints, from
inflammation of their similar lining
A common "cold" i3 an inflammation
of the air passages. When it i3 confined
mainly to the nostrils, it is popularly
known as a cold m the head, but medi
cally as coryza.
When it is confined mainly to the
bronchial tubes, it is called bronchitis,
which, when it has gained a permanent
hold, greatly resembles "consumption,
and is often mistaken for it by the peo
ple. 1 outh s Companion.
An Actress Criticised to Her Face.
A good story is told in the Stuttgart
Nene Musik Zeiting concerning one of
the most eminent German actresses and
a theatrical critic, equally well known
to fame. A number of ladies and gen
tlemen were the other day traveling to
gether in a railway carriage from Dres
den to Leipsic. Only two of the pas
sengers knew each other, but the con
versation soon became general, and the
Court theater at Dresden became the
subject of discussion.
One lady, who had been present the
evening before at . the representation of
"Euryanthe," was loud in her expres
sions of disapproval. "Worse than all,'"
she exclaimed, "that Mine. Schroder is
much too old for her part Her 6inging
is becoming unbearable. Don't you
think so too?" she asked, turning to the
gentleman next to her. "Would you not
rather tell all this to Mine. Schroder
herself? She is sitting opposite to you,"
he replied coldly.
After the general silence which fol
lowed this remark the critical lady
turned to the actress with many con
fused apologies. "It is that horridcritic,
Schmieder, who has influenced my judg
ment concerning j'our singing. I believe
it is he who is always writing against
3'ou. He must be a most disagreeable
and pedantic person." "Had you not
better tell all this to M. Schmieder him
elf?" calmly asked the actress. "He is
sitting next to you."
Why lie Didn't Have a Crutch.
Three little boys were flying kites in
West Philadelphia, and another little
boy limped along with them, looking up
toward the sky at the bits of paper and
wood which were dancing and sailing
through the air. The other boys were
heart", healthy youngsters, with red
cheeks and stout limbs, but the fourth
one was under size, pale, emaciated and
a cripple. Every step that he took
seemed to wrench his system, but still
he laughed and hobbled along in an un
gainly manner, enjo'ing, as well as he
could, the fun that the other boys were
having. A gentleman passing by called
to him, and he resijonded.
"How did you become crippled?" he
"I had scarlet fever when 1 was a
baby," the child replied, hanging his
head as if he had leen taught that his
infirmity was a disgrace.
"Wouldn't it be easier for you to walk
with a crutch?" the gentleman asked.
"Yes, sir," the boy replied, and a tear
glistened in his eye, "it wouldn't hurt
ino near so much, sir, but mother, she
says she couldn't stand seeing me walk
around with a crutch, and so I don't do
And so the little chap limped away,
never for the once thinking how cruel
bis njother was to make him suffer so
just because she disliked the idea of hav
ing him nse a crutch. Philadelphia
Freris. I
Union Correspondence.
Countv clerk Critchhelcl was in
town Tuesday.
Mrs. K. H. Wallace returned home
Wednesday from a visit whh rela
tives :it Nehawka.
M isss Alice Chalfant returned here
Wednesday after a several weeks
visit with relatives and friends in
Kichardson County.
Laimber office Foster, and Hotel
landlord Smith visited your town
T 1 lend a 3'.
Our town Kt ill booms, (in popula
tion), three births in three days last
Peter Clarence, of the firm of J. M.
Martin and company, has Ktarted a
waff 011 through the country buying;
eggs to nhip.
M r. P. M. Amsburv has also put a
tea m on the road to collect ei;
butter etc in charm; of Silas M. Cox,
one of our jovial butchers-
I is.s l3-rtle HaUH returned to
Nebraska City Sunday to pass her
examination in the hiffh school.
She returns Saturday.
Peter Becker of the H. &M. at your
city was visiting relatives in this
vicinity Sunday.
Mjss Mary Taylor and sisters,
visited near Lewislon Sunday.
Several will attend the supper at
Murray io morrow evening.
Several of our old base ball team
have joined the national club, and
are not members of the team now;
but we have a team that are jjood,
considering the few mimes they
have played.
We are pleased to note that Mr.
Amos Ilugbson who was reported
sick in these columns recently, is
now convalescent.
There is talk of orminizinpf a brass
band at this point, under the man
agement of Mr. Chas. W. Padebb,
of the Ledger,
We are liavimr an abundance of
rain, and the crops look promising.
Several ol our tanners are rca'-y to
commence cultivating corn a.s soo
as the weather is favorable. Kvery
one answer "a good stand of of corn
K.Ii. Nickles arid wife of Rock
Ulutfs precinct was in town Sun
day. 1 1 is wite let t 011 Po.V lor Ne
braska City to visit her sick mother.
The M. K. church is almost fin
ished, aim last Wednesday eveninir
the good members gave an ice
cream andStrawberries social.
which netted over $20 the money be
used for incidental expences.
Baby's Fearful Suffering from Skin
Disease Covering Entire Body
Cured by Cutlcura
My l;.ly w:if taken very siek when he was
three months old and in H few days heg;iu
breaking out. We employed lint h of the home
doctors and they could io nolhum lor him.
Then we sent for the best doctor in l:n ou
ltaphts, Mich., and he doctored lem for two
wet-ks. r.nU he K t
worxe all the time ;
find then I took h in
to Jackson, to a doc-
or wlo attmdels
especially t shin
diseases, anl men lie
jjot wor e than ever.
Hie 1 told my hus
band we had better
try the (Juticuka
n km 1 1) iks any way:
ilnl not have any luea
Miev would do any
t-'ood, hut lu less than
two months from the
tun we began jriving them to him be was en
t 'rely well, ami 11 t a sp 't on him. His hair !'rnvinj; right off, and Wf thought lie
would always be bald-headed. 'Ih-re.was not
a spot on bin whole body, face, and head, only
Ills nose and eves, but what w is as raw as beef
steak, so poor there was'not anything but
bones, and s weak he could raise neither band
nor head .
Mrs. Frank l!arrctt, Winfield, Mich.
The new blood and Skin Pur tier, ai d great
f- of Humor lii-medies, cleaiiMes the blood of
all luipmiii' S and poisonous elements, and
llius it iiiov s 1 lit; cause, while Cuticuka, the
fj'eat t-kin cure, and CU'MCUka Soai. an ex
iuisiic skin 1 autilier. e'ear the nki" and
s alp. aii-i restore the hair. 1 bus the ft'Tl-
n k a Kkm ki ks cure every species of',
bun. inr. scaly, p inply, nd blotchy kin,
calp and biood disease, from pimples to
sciotu!. 1. iron: infancy to age, when the best
phyi ians tail.
Sold everywhere. Trice, tfuTlcuRA. 60c :
Soap. 2r: ; Kksolvfkt, SI. Prepared by t ho
Cr"Send for "How to Cure lilood Diseases."
n rkin and hca'p purified
.A I 1 1 bc-'.utilied by cuticuka ;
; liS.dlll I V Mil l'.
-s&s Rheumatic Fains
ffvv.'ij In one mi mini th v
Piaster reiievs rfc
ip. kid ev, chest,
1 in-. '.vim!--ne s''
utirura Anti-Pain
umaUc KCia'n-a,
and muscular
s ( rice, "J.xi
The first rraduatinfr class from
the Dominican Sisters' school will
be dismissed with honors at the
opera house, Friday evening-, My
U9th. A rare treat will be in store
for those present as talents of a
hierh. order will be -displayed in
every number on the program.
Cheap Sugar ought to being
Cheap Coffee. FOUR packag
es Lion or McLaughlin's
XXXX Coffee for $1.00 at E
v nnrpc
ii u iLuu
The 5th St. Merchant Taiior
Keeps a Kull Lino ef Vour 1 uteres by lvtn Htoi Ofdl
ilj) rLrr ou
J 0 E ,
Opera House Corner PLATTSMOUTH
The largest line of patent medi
cines will be found at lirown & liar
rett's tf
I'or a trouuiesome coucrn mere is
nothing better than Chamberlain's
Coujrh Remedy. It strengthens the
pulmonary organs, allays any irrita
tion and effectually cures the cough
It is especially valuable for the
cough which so often follows an at
tack of the grip. b"or sale bv F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Flop'1 Bd M a Specialty
; l l Hi
fht Puble Solicited.
Will ron suffer with Djrspepsia
anc! Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vit-
alizer is guaranteed to cure vou. 2
Are we in it? Are we in it?? Are
we in it???
Well I should say so, when it
comes to wall paper, or wall paper
or wall paper, we are clear in it,
that is with the largest stock great
est variety ana the lowest prices.
We call the attention ot, and in
vite, every one to come and ex
amine our stock and prices. Who are
we that advertise thus? We are the
lowest price, and the leading1 house
111 the wall paper business, the
onlr small tilings aoout us is our
prices. Gering- & Co., drug-gist.
Mine frent. vas you not likes to
try our Hoots and Shoes. Ihey
wear ust like py gracious never vas
before. They out wear any hard
ware in town. They stand the verj-
roughest wear and lit. oh my! ust
like the shell on eggfs. Yen you
not tinks so ust come vonce 111. Y ou
will find our leather strong and
solid, witliout paper in soles or
counters. Our prices are not the
lowest in the city. Hut our figures
fit the qualitv of our goods the
closest of any in Cass countv. To
demonstrate this fairly drop in at
. II. bchildknecht s shoe store,
west half of J. P. Young's room, on
Main st., I'lattsmouth. Neb. 12wl
Notice of Probate of WIM.
In the mattei of the la t will and testament
of Klislia Stradrey, deceased, in county court
Cass ceunty, Nehrsi'-ka.
iNoticc ik Herein triven that on tne Kth day 01
.Tune A. I),. 1891. at the count iudue'B office in
Plattsmouth, 'as county. .Nebraska, at 10
lock in the lorenoon. the following matter
will he hear and considered :d Ti.e application
of Samuel Stradlev tw almit to probate the
last will and testament of liliha Stradlev late
of Greenwood precinct, in caM county, de
ceased, and for let'ers of administration with
the will anpeved to Avron C, lender.
Dated ilay 1MI1, 1x3!. lly order of tte court,
li. S. KAMSEY.
County Jude
Dyspepsia has driven to an early
and even suicidal grave many a
man who, if he had tried the virtues
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, who would
be alive to-daj- and in the enjoy
ment of health and competence.
Suffer, be warned in season, and
don't allow the system to run
Hair chains, rings, crosses
hair work of all kinds to order.
Ik'S. A. Kxek.
tf 1720 Locust St.
There will be an ice cream social
at Murray Wednesday evening June
3 for the benefit of the United Pres
byterian church at that place. The
social will be held in Lee Oldhams
grove. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to all to atted.
The entering- wedge of a com
plaint that may prove fatal is ften
a slight cold, which dose or two of
Ac er's Cherrv Pectoral might have
cured at the Commencement, It
would be well, therefore, to keep the
keep the reinrdy within reach at all
estimates and plans of all work furnished &110
Records kekt.
Office in Martin Block.
Plattsmouth - Nebraska
The best of fresh meat always found
in this market. Also fresh
Kgg and Butter.
Wild game of all kinds kept in their
Meat market!
First National
Paid ap capital
50.0" 0,0 J
1 11 almost every neigh borhod there
is some one or more persons whose
lives have bee.n saved by Chamber
lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhiea
Remedy, or who have been cured of
chronic diarrhu-a by it. Such per
sons take special pleasure in recommending-
the reinedj" to others.
The praise that follows the intro
duction and use makes it -er3' pop
ular. 2." and fid cent bottles for sale
by F. (1. Fricke & Co., Druggists.
I am now prepared to deliver ice
to any part of the city. Telephone 72.
Rheumtis m Cured i n a Day.
'Mystic Cure" for rheumat ism and
neuralgia radically cured in 1 to 'A
days. Its action upon the system is
remarkable and mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause and the (li
st ase immediately dissappears.
The first dose greatly benefits. 7fc
Sold by F, G. Fricke, Druggist, wt
There are many liniment on the
market now that are good for some
purposes imt only one tnat wi 1
lieal barb wire cuts effectively, ar.d
that is Haller's Harb Wire binimt nt.
If your horse or stock is cut buy a
bottle and witness the wonderful
result. For sale bv all druggists
The bald man's motto: "There is
room on top. inis top may lie
supplied with a good crop of fine
hair by using Hall's Hair renewer.
Oilers the yery tieft facilities for the promp
transaction 01 liginmate
Hanking Business
Stocks, bonds, eold, government and local se-
surities bought and sold. Deposits received
Hid Interest allowed on the certificate?
Drafts drawn, available in any part of the
DDite States aDd all tUe principal tewne of
TED. Highest market price pid for County War
rants, State ana County bondB.
John Fitzgerald D. Hawkcworth
Sam Waugh. F. E. While
George E. Dovey
John Fitzgerald, S. Waugh.
frecident Cat.-
1 art!
Kcnifiubfr that K. O. Castle & Co have an immense ttock of
Ami Juani!itee Satisfaction in all Things
I Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Wlwm Baby ir&a ick, ire pare her Castoria.
WK ah was Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she bteaoie Miss, she clung to CaAtaria,
VTbcn stv hail Oblhlrrn, sbe fxvo thecm Caarias
Shingles, Lath, Sash,
Doors Blinds
Can supply everw demand of the city.
Call and get terma. Fourth street
x in rear of opera house.
to "be glT7-ern.
tlbLO CriG t3L3,t
tlbLe nearest
n-uim"tasr oTonjLttor2. liooks
o.Isipla,3recl in oio.r "win.-ca-OTxr-
i""They will be counted June 13, 191.-