Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 21, 1891, Image 8

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    The ButinetH Men'aCkrnival,
The ladies of the M. E. church
have l)fcn lmsy for several weeks
jfettinr up a hiiHines nien'B carni
val that would please and satisfy
the most critical public judgement.
And Till-: llKKALI is informed that
they have succeeded in their under
taking. There will be a host of the
prettiest girls you ever saw dressed
up in fantastic ', costumes repre
senting' different firms and lines of
trade in this city; they will each have
something appropriate to say in be
half of their several "patron saints,"
with lots of excellent music thrown
jl to c;ilivetl the occasion. The
editor of This IIKralO attended a
Carnival similar to this once at Be
- jitrice and it was a most enjoyable ,
affair. The opera house should be
crowded to-morrow night and we
guarantee, you will be glad you
went. The prices of admission have
been purposely fixed at so low a
figure that none need stay at home
on the ground of fancied economy.
General price of admission 25 cents; under twelve and over
eight years of age, 15 cents.
County Court.
Hearing on petition of Jane Wal-
radt, widow of George Walradt, de
ceased for allowance of $400 for sup
port of herself and minor children
pending settlement of estate, prayer
of petitioner granted.
Petition of D. W. Foster, adminis
trator de bonus non of estate of
Maria K. Jones, deceased filed for
final settlement. Hearing June 13,
2 o'clock p. m.
Licence to wed issued to Mr. Chas.
11 and Miss Augusta P
Frohlich both of Eagle.
New K.of P. Hall.
r.. C. Parmele and T. M. Craig are
having the hall over Bennett &
Tutts store repainted and decorated
in good style for the K. P. Lodge.
Th v. M. C. A. folks who are the
present occupants of the hall, will
have to move into new quarters.
Tii.v will orobablv ero into the
Anheuser Uusch or Wettenkamp
Uncle Robt. Metteer lives with his
son in law Peter Eveland near the
new town of Murdock on the Rock
Island. He has often compared
their excellent railroad facilities
out there with oura to ourdetriment
The last trio he made to Platts-
mouth has taken the conceit all out
of him. He boarded the Rock Is
land train ;for South Bend at an
early hour in the morning expect
ing to connect with the Schuyler,
but he failed to connect, and after
laying all day and part of the night
at south Bend he got a freight for
Plattsmouth which landed him
womewhere ud about the water
works ; he finally showed up here
foot-sore and disgusted.
ff'M All Reen There.
"No," said Fogg, "it's no use for me
to go to concerts. I went once, and liked
it well enough too; but great guns!
when I took up next morning's paper 1
was flabbergasted. It told of rambles in
bosky dells, tlumbrous musing over the
dimpled waters of the gurgling brook,
the soughing of summer breezes, the
roar and rush of the winter's storm, the
merry singing of birds, the frolicking of
lambs, the daisy piled fields, the lovers'
soft glances, and and in fact half a hun
dred other things that I didn't see or
hear when that fellow was fiddling at the
concert, it made me so ashamed of my
self that all these things were coins 6M
light jq front of me and I not know it
that I just made up my mind that con
certs weren't in my line." Boston Tran
script. Miss Louise Imogene Guiney, daugh
ter of the late General P. R. Guiney, has
been invited to read an original poem at
the Sherman memorial meeting in Bos
ton, June 4. General Hawley will de
liver the oration.
The Esquimau dog will eat almost any
of the dried fruits. The sour or acid
fruits, as the orange, lemon, lime, shad
dock, etc., as well as the sour plums and
the bitter olives, are rarely eaten.
Where Gold Comes From.
The gold taken from the river bars
was mostly in the form of scales resem
bling cucumber seeds, and of varying
size. It was most plentiful on the bed
rock and in a few inches of soil above it,
though sometimes three or four feet of
earth would pay to wash. Where the
bed rock was hard the miner cleaned it,
for a shovelful of dirt might contain a
few dollars in small particles. Where the
bed rock was soft shale or slate on edge
the miner picked away an inch or so
and washed it, as frequently the scales
were found to be driven quite thickly
into the crevices. When the ground was
very rich the rocker was cleaned of gold
every hour or so. E. J. Waite in Century.
For lame back, side or chest, use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster.
cents. For sale by F. G.
Co. and O. II. Snyder.
Price 25
Fricke &
Try Brown & Barrett's cream soda
milk shakes and mineral water. tf
For Rent
tage with all
at The Herald office.
-A nice five-room cot
conveniences. Apply
For Rent A good house in
Fourth ward. For particulars en
quire of Jim Sage. tf
Wanted A bright, smart girl of
16 years or over to learn the milli
nery trade. d3t Wise & Root.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Livingston, Loan & Building
association will be held at the
council chamber Thursday, the
21st, at 8 o'clock. Money to loan. 3
Take your prescriptions to Brown
& Barrett'e.they dispense pure med
icines, tf
The fragrant Heliotrope in bloom
wonderfully cheap at Moore's Green
House. dtf
of the spectacular will
have an opportunity of appeasing
their appetite Thursday night May
28th when the "second edition" of
Gilmore's magnificent spectacle
"The Twelve Temptations" will be
seen in its new dress at the Water
man opera house when it begins a
brief enrarement of one nijrht for
the first time produced here. Man
ager Yale has entirely rewritten the
piece and made it a more of a pan
tomime than a drama, charging the
three acts with some of the greatest
mechanical and trick scenery ever
invented, which was the result of
the summers vacation. The piece
will have the assistance of a strong
dramatic company and a number of
pantomime artists from a leading
pantomime theatre in London,
while Continental Europe will be
well represented in the way of spec
ialties premieries and large ballet
corps who will be seen in several
new ballets, richly costumed, sur
rounded by a scenic accompani
ment, for which alone Gilmore's en
terprises are so well remembered.
Prices will be $1.00, reserved, 75 ad
mission, 50c gallery, 35c children.
A Serious Accident.
Yesterdaj- afternoon between
three and four o'clock Theodore
Barker, the seventeen year old son
of Hon. Samuel Barker took occa
sion to trade his watch to Frank
Voorhees, a boy living near by,
about fifteen years of age, for a
small pistol. In making the trans
fer of property the pistol was acci
dentally discharged the, ball en
tered the body of young Voorhees
a little above the navel at an angle,
and deflected to the rights. Drs.
Schildkuecht and Siggins were
immediately called and made a
critical examination of the wound
which they fear will prove fatal one
bullet could nof be located. The
bo' was still alive at noon today
but his chances for recover- art
very slight.
Brown & Barret carry the largest
line of druggists sundries in the
city. tf.
Dr. E. L. Siggens has returned and
may be found hereafter at his office
Llewellyn Moore's the Recognized
Headquarter for the Artistic
"rid the Beautiful.
Aquilegia chrysantha, coreopsis
lanceolata, chrysanthemum maxima
antirrhinums, platycodens and cle
matis make up a partial list of Mr.
Moore's grand plants, that are per
fectly hardy and are not injured
by a Nebraska winter. Mr. Moore
nas a line stocK ot geraniums,
coleus and some of those richly col
ored French carinas, also a fine line
of bedding plants. In roses he
makes a specialty of the following
hardy varieties: General Jacqui
mot, Md. Plantier, Perle, Niphitos,
together with the old standard La
France and that Queen of the rose
family, the American Beauty, which
under favorable circumstances has
produced roses o inches across,
bright red and of a most delicious
fragrance. No collection of flowers
is complete without some of these
hardy roses. Mr. Moore has the
reputation of being the best rose
grower west of Chicago; he never
forces his plants, thus making them
tender but gives them every requis
ite to make them hardy and strong.
This spring is an unusually good
one for setting out plants and
should be improved by our people.
Remember the place where plants
and prices will suit the most exact
ing is at Llewellyn Moore's on West
Locust street, and call at once. tf.
Baby is Sick. The woefull expres
sion of a Des Moines teamster's
countenance showed his deep anx
iety was not entirely without cause,
when he inquired of a druggist of
the same city what was the best
to give to a baby for a cold? It
was not necessary for him to say
more, his countenance showed that
the pet of the family, if not the idol
of his life was in distress. "We give
our uaby tnamberlainss Cough
Remedy," was the druggists answer.
"I don't like to give the baby such
strong medicine," said the teamster.
"You know John Oleson, of the
Watters-Talbot Printing Co., don't
you? Inquired the druggist. His
baby, when eighteen months old,
got hold ot a bottle of Chamberlain
Cough Remedy and drank the whole j
of it. Of course it the baby vomit i
very freely but did not hurt it the
least.and what is more it cured tha
baby s cold. The teamster already
knew the value of the Remedy, hav
ing used it himself, and was now sat
isnea mat mere was no uanger in
giving it even to a baby. For Sale
by F. G. Fricke & Co Druggists.
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well ,
and so popular as to need no special
mention. All who have used Elec
tric Bitters sing the same 6ong of
praise. A purer medicine does not
exist and it is guaranteed to do all
that is claimed. Electric Bitters i
will cure all diseases of the liver
and kidneys, will remove pimples,
boils, salt rheum and other affec
tions caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system
ana prevent as wen as cure an ma
larial fevers. For cure of headache, 1
constipation ana indigestion try
Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction
guaranteed, or money refunded.
Price 50c and $1 per bottle at F. G.
Fricke & Co's drugstore. 5
il A
Opera House Comer PL ATTSMOLTTH
Time Table
over Gering's drugstore.
I am now prepared to deliver ice
to any part of the city. Telephone 72.
Baby's Fearful Suffering from Skin
Disease Covering Entire Body
Cured by Cutlcura
1 3 :30 a. m
" 3 8:45 p. m
M 5 9 :25 a. m.
7 :15 a. m.
"9 6 :25 p.m.
" 11 5 :25 p. m.
"19 11 :05 a. m.
No 2 5 :05 p.
" 4 10 :30 a. m
"8 7 ;44 p. m.
" 10 9 :45 a. ra.
" 12 10:14 a. m
" 20 8 :30 a. i
Tne pioneer meichanta of
The largest line of patent medi
cines will be found at Brown & Bar
rett's tf
Hair chains, rings, crosses and
hair work of all kinds to order.
Mrs. A. Knee.
tf 1726 Locust St.
Yes! In bloom, of the most
gorgeous colors. Ihey will con
tinue to bloom all summer, too, and
can be selected at Jrloore s Green
House for from 40 to 50 cents per
dozen. dtf
Needles, oils and parts for all
kinds of machines can be found at
the Singer office, corner of Main
and Sixth streets, with H. Beck. tf.
The Carnival to-morrow night is
putdown as a great winner. It is
onie thing new; don't miss it.
Mrs. J. G. Kichey and Son visited
friends at Cedar Creek yesterday.
Don't fail to see the doctors repre
aenting the Health and Home Med
ical Institute Omaha. N"eb., at the
Riley Hotel. Saturday May 23. Con
imitation free.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Thk Best Salve in the world for Cut6
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever
Sore3, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or bo pay required.
It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
Ft sal by F. G. Fricke Co.
Will be Given Away.
Our enterprising druggists, F. G.
Fricke fc Co, who carry the finest
stock ofMrucs. perfumeries, toilet
articles, brusTies, sponges, etc., are
giving away a large number ot trial
bottles of Dr. Miles' celebrated Res
torative Nervine. They guarantee
it to cure headache, dizziness, ner
vous prostration, sleeplessness, the
ill effects of spirit, tobacco, coffee,
etc. Druggists say it is the greatest
seller they ever knew, and is univer
sally satisfactory, l ney also guar
antee Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure in
all cases of nervous or organic heart
disease, palpitation, pain in side,
smothering, etc. Fine book on
"Nervous and Heart Diseases."
free. 4
My baby was taken very sick wheu he was
three months old and lu a few days befran
breaking out. We employed both of the home
doctors and they could do nothing tor him.
Then we sent for the best doctor in Ea on
Kapids, Mich., and he doctored him for two
weeks, and he g. t
worse all tne time ;
and then I took him
to Jackson, to a doc
tor who attendeds j
especially to skin
idiseases, and then he
Fsrot wor,e ever.
The I told my hus
band we had better j
try the Cuticura
hemidiks any wav :
(lid not havejany idea
'tney would ao anv
good, but in less than
two months from the I
time we began giving them to him he was en
tirely well, ana n t a spot on him. Ilia hair
began growing right off, and W thought he
wouia always oe Daia-neaaea. inerewas not
a spot on Ins whole body, face, and head, only ;
uis nose ana eyes, out wnatwas as raw as Deet-
steak. So poor there was'not auythine but
Dones, ana so wean ne could raise neither hand
nor head.
Mrs. Frank Barrett, Winfleld, Mich.
J2 - L:l
Notice of Probate of Will.
In the niattei of the last will and testament
of Elisha Stradley, .deceasod. in county court
Cass county, Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day of
June A. JJ,, I8i, at tne countj judge's ornee in
Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, at 10
o'clock in the forenoon, the following matter
will be hear and considered :d The application
of Samuel Stradley t admit to probate the
last will and testament ot kasha btradley late
ol tireenwood precinct, in sail county, de
ceased, and for letters of administration with
the will annexed to Aaron C. Loder.
Dated May lSth, 1891. By order of tie court,
H. S. ItAfllSK V,
County Judge
Carry a full stock of generai
merchondise which theysell very
close. Highest price paid for
all kinds of farm produce. Gen
erous treatmcntand fair dealing
is the secret of our success.
To her Millenery would say
to the
Notary Puliljs
Murray Neb.
The Washington Avenue
The new blood and Skin Purifier, aDd great
est of Humor Kemedies, cleanses the blood of
all impurities and poisonous elements, and
thus removes the cause, while Cuticura, the
great skin cure, and Cuticura Soap, an ex
quisite skin heautilier. clear the ski'i and
scalp, and restore the hair. Ihus the Cuti-
cuka Kemkmes cure every species of itch
ing, burning, scaly, p'mply, &nd blotchy skin,
scalp and blood diseases, from pimples to
scrofula, from infancy to age, when the best
physicians fail.
That she will be prepared to take
orders from now on. Having the
best system of cutting in the city
she can
And would be pleaeed to have ;
share of your patronage.
Provision Merchants.
Fleadqmarters for
Sold everywhere. Price, uticura. ae :
Soap, 25c ; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by the
Potter Drug and Ch emica l Cor po rat ion,
tST-Send for "How to Cure Bleod Diseases."
T"VrJwkin and Scalp purified aud ,
JJ-A-J-1- -beautified bv Cuticura Soap.
Absolutely pure.
Rheumatic Pains
In one miant the Cntitara Anti-Rain
Planter relieves rheumatic sciatica.
hip, kidney, chest, and muscular
pains and weaknesses Price. 2nc.
Plattsmouth. - - - Nebvaska-
First National
Paid ap capital
Our Clubbing List.
Globe Democrat and Herald. ,
Harper's Magazine " "
Harper's Bazar " "
Demorest's Magazine "
Omaha Bee " ' .
1 oledo Blada ,4 "
Lincoln Call
National Tribuae 44 44
The Forum 4
Inter Ocean . .
LincolH Journal 44 44
The Home Magazin 44 44
. 4.60
. 4.S0
. 3.10
. 2.40
. 2.45
. 2.15
2 30
1 5
dealer in tub
Thoicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Flor de PjpjsrSsrgo' and 'Bui
Offers the very beM. facilities for the promp
traneai'tiom of ligitimate
Banking Business
8toeks, bonds, gold, government and local se
curities bought and sold. Deposits received
and interest allowed on the certificates
Drafts drawn, available In any part of the
United Statet asd all the principal towns of
TKi .
Highest market price paid for County War
rants, State ana County bonds.
John Fitzgarald D. Hawkworta
Sam Waugh. K. E. White
Georea E. Dovev
John Fitzgerald. S. Waugh.
Prefident Catr.i
We want your Poultry, Kjrs, But
ter and your farm produce of all
kinds, we will pay you the highest
cash price as we are hiivln 7-
rn in Lincoln.
" ' A. y
Plattsmouth - - vPhr,cv0
Tie Citizen
TTe pay no rent and 6ell for CASH.
You don'tjpay any bills for dead beats
when you buy of this firm.
best SOFT COAL always os
Oayital stock paid In
Authorized Capital,
omcF.M . .
President. Vlce-PrMent
W. EL CUSHINO. Cashier.
frank Carruth J. A. Connor. K. R. Onth,nMD
w- Johnson, Henry Bobck, John O'Keele
W. D. Merriam, Win. Wetencamp, W.
H. Cushlng.
transacts;! general BANKING BUSiNES
saues ceatiflcate of depoHits bearine lntrt
Buys ;oid tell, exchange county and
city KJijjjn
THE ELIIIiAR? cirhbge m mum m co.
rarm Harness, f , L i 5aH !-pct conin. r. r?
-vfc-r W W VA " irw U-JX.EJT. V. 15 fJnn.
pay rm-itai CflArm rw-.ri m .r
frtarj! Winnot everything fOT3T I52?1
Any ooe whoonn writ ,L- . .TZ. 1
always in stock.
Not. 26. 1885.
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia
and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vit
alizer is guaranteed to cure you. 2
ffo. 41 Wagon $50.
A. V.i S X
odo who oan writ cin mW a Btievr
urran irritn n 1 1 m nm ,
riVVf" 3 ?-"uae otoer. sell to.
TJL?nIF7f H ? rood gold at au.
t ,A No- I OaJj TBtbr.