Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 14, 1891, Image 7

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Thomi D. Reed In Roma.
Behold me a I stand,
Where Kome has Blood
Ior twice a thousand years
And more!
Hehold us both:
Me and Kome!
.And then, clear friends,
I'leane give your eyes a rent.
Kome Iiuh her hiH'iory,
And I have mine;
Ihit Rome, although nhe Bat
Upon her neven hillH
And ruled the world,
Never Hat in the speaker'H chair
Of the J'ifly-lirHt
And bowsed that
Me-gnt herian nggregation
As I did.
And that i where I've got
The bulge on Rome!
Here in old Camir'H district
I Hit me down, and with iny feet
Upon hin ancient mantelpiece
I feel at home.
Me and Cienai!
Twin HtarH that twinkle through all
Two iron heels that trod as one
Upon the people's necks.
And then we got it in our own!
By gonh! dear friends, I don't like
that A little hit,
And Ca-sar didn't, either,
Although he didn't have a
Word to Hay after it was over,
For obvious reasons!
Hut Hrutus wasn't a patching
To Springer of Illinois,
Or Rogers of Arkansas;
And Ciesar has something
To be thankful for!
I'm with you, Rome,
From the I'assamaquoddy's
Tumbling tide of sawlogs
To where the tawny Tiber flows,
And we should organize
A Reed and Roman trust,
And swipe the universe!
Are there objections?
I hear none.
The ayes seem to have it!
The ayes have it!
Then let her go, Gallagher!
But I shall never think
That in that elder day
To be a Roman
Was greater than a speaker
Of the grand old Fifty-first.
And don't you forget it!
That's what! !
New York Sun.
From Thunddyi Daily
Mrs. Bird Critchfield has gone to
Weeping Water on a visit. v
Samuel Kline of Union is in the
city to-day.
John II. Becker is in the metropo
lis to-day.
Eight more car loads of the Wis
consin red stone came in last eren
iug for the court house.
Samuel Richardson and son Will
were the purchasers of the Metteer
farm mentioned last week.
Patrick Blessington, a prosperotis
farmer south of Louisville, came in
on the Schuyler this morning.
Our genial post master and his
worthy spouse started this morn
ing for McCook to visit their daugh
ter, Mrs. Margaret Jackson, for a
few days.
, There was a fight and some blood
shed out on the bottoms yesterday,
but eye witnesses refuse to tell who
the parties were.
The fish car and guests of Mr.
O'Brion, as printed several days
ago in THE Hekald. departed for
the Klkhorn lakes last evening.
County Commissioners Todd and
Trietsch are at Union to-day meet
ing the Otoe county commissioners
to arrange for an iron bridge across
the Weeping Wrater on the county
line road.
Wiley Black purchased the B. F
Turner property on Dey street yes
ferday, and will move up to it the
first of next month. It is a nice
place and will make Mr. and Mrs.
Black a cosy home.
Miss Edna Eaton is the new cash
ier at Dovey's since the' have put
in their new sj-stem of cash carriers.
Business in expedited by the new
system Vind a record of the business
is also more easily kept.
The Murray Banner made its ap
pearance at our sanctum to-day. It
is a neat paper and from its well
filled advertising columns it is
evidently doing business in a live
community and has come to stay.
Hon. Anderson Root sold a load
of oats in Plattsmouth on Friday
last for HO cents per bushel. Sev
eral of our farmers are taking ad
vantage of the excellent market to
dispose of the surplus. Murray
The supreme court has adjourned
to Tune 2.1. It seems the "entente
cordiale" has been slightly strained
between Judge Maxwell and his as
sociates on account of the recent
decision and the haste shown in is
suing the writ which ousted Boyd.
The following is a fishy flavored
special that appears in to-day's Bee
y'rom Lincoln.
In the middle of a crowd of men
on O street this afternoon Lieuten
ant Governor Majors and. Colonel
J. D. Calhoun met. The ousting of
Boyd immediately became the sub
ject of discussion, and during the
course of it Calhoun suddenly ejac
ulated: "Tom, you needn't plead ignor
ance. I have tumbled to this deep
laid scheme and one of my infor
mants is in Washington. It is
simply this: When Secretary Proc
tor of the president's cabinet re
signs, Manderson is to be selected
for that position, then Thayer will
resign as governor and you will
succeed to that position and then
repay him by appointing him to
the position of senator, made vacant
by Manderson."
For the first time in his life Tom
Majors turned deadly pale, made
one or two ineffectual attempts to
talk and finally rushed away with
out saying anything.
From Fritlnyi Daily.
Wm. Ossenkop, a prominent citi
zen of LouiHV'lle, ia in town.
T. B. Wilson, the Ashland lawyer,
is in town on legal business.
A. L. Timblin, a Weeping Water
attorney, is transacting business in
the city to-day.
Sheriff Tighe says the Irish don't
have to go; they have already
Nehawka ;ppearH to be booming,
iuduriiur from the advertising col-
iiiiniM ot 1 1:
e Weeping
Water Re-
K. R. Todd came in
seventy-live bushels
which he is shipping
to-day with
of millet,
to Omaha
Gust Reinhackle is quite sick at
Colorado City, having been brd
fast for the last week with some
thing akin to la grippe.
The Greenwood Gazette lias again
Huspended. We believe it has been
no fault of the town, but rather
lack of capital to start
with on the
part of the publisher.
Jim Sage hauled two dimension
stones yesterday for the courthouse
at one load with his brag team that
weighed 7,040 pounds, the stones
were from the Cedar Creek quarries,
eirht inches thick, four feet wide
and eight feet long.
Pearlman's team had another one
of its periodical runaways jester
dav and attracted mute a crowd as
it tore across the stone at the court
house and came to a sudden stop
against a tree near the alley. No
one hurt and but little damage done
to the wagon.
Ex-Lieutenant Governor E. C.
Carnes of Seward has been ap
pointed state oil inspector in place
of Louis Ileimrod of Omaha. Ed is
an enerireiic fellow with hosts of
friends all over the state, who will
be heartily glad of his appoint
Four days have been occupied
in selecting a jury in the Sheedy
case at Lincoln and still the end is
not yet. Two Hundred and four
teen men have been examined and
ordered to stand aside because
they were intelligent. A jury in a
modern murder trial places a high
premium on ignorance.
W. S. Purdy has received a well
merited increase in his pension ac
companied by a neat sum of ac
crued back pay. Mr. Purdy was a
captain of scouts during the late
war and saw lots of hard lighting
and had some narrow escapes. Hie
IlEKALD is glad to know of his being
recompensed a little for the good
work of thirty years ago.
Chas. Flower met with quite a se
vere accident last week. Whilelead-
ing his fine horse "Ney" into Mr.
Philpot's barn in the country, a
horse he was passing kicked him
on the nose and the side of the
head and knocked him down and
his horse ran over him. Mr. Philpot
pulled Chas out of the barn in an
unconscious condition. That's
what.s the matter with his nose.
Weeping Water Republican.
The two Sitzman boys, aged about
ten and twelve, were discovered hid
away in Bennett & Tutt's store last
night as Cap Bennett was closing
up. The boys were handed over to
the-police and were lodged in jail.
Their object could have been noth
ing more nor less than robbery.
Owing to their age, and the fact
that nothing was taken, Mr. Bennett
declines to appear against them to
day. Consequently nothing will be
done except to discharge them.
I. Pearlman has purchased the
Weckbach room of J. V. Egenberger
jr, and will remove his furniture
store into the new quarters as soon
as the room can be fitted up for
him. Mr. Pearlman begun in this
town a few years ago with a pile of
scrap iron and a few old stoves, but
by close attention to business he
has built up a large trade in furni
ture and general house fittings, and
has become one of the heaviest
propert- owners to be found among
our business men.
The moon-faced Ass that edits the
Journal and pretends to do job
work in the hole under Sherwood's
criticises the board of trade folder
recently issued from The IlERAtD
office. . As we are securing job
work on merit and not through
bulldozing, we have to-day circu
lated among the business houses of
the city a sample of the same kind
of work done by the Journal office
last year, along with a sample of
our own. Pay your money and
take your choice.
The River Improvement,
.The Missouri River commission
is in session right now in Omaha
If the committee appointed by the
mayor would wait on the members
at once with Mr. Berlin, our de
mands would receive prompt atten
tion and a long trip to St. Louis
would be avoided and money would
be saved for the city. If the right
kind of zeal is manifested this mat
ter will be attended to forthwith
and then if the board has any doubt
about the representations made to
it, an adjournment can be made to
this city and the river looked over
by the honorable board. In
this way we might have work
begun at an earlv dav
and have the channel thrown
where it used to run. savinn-
the city from the danger of an epi-
uemic as a resuu ot tne sewerage
and villainous smells that hover
about the old channel durinir the
hot months. By all means let us
have the expenditure of that $50,000
this summer when it is needed. If
nothing is done while the present
excellent opportunity is afforded,
the committee will have to bear the
blame for the failure.
( Raamua Piron.
Mr. Peterson needs no introduc
tion to this community. Most peo
ple have dealt with him and recog
nize the square and accommodating
methods he has always observed in
his treatment of the public. He has
now succeeded to the handsome
grocery business of the late lirm of
Larson A: Peierson wlicre lie niisr
be relied upo.i to t oi
the best goods at the
tinue selling
lowest prices,
conducive to a Hafe business.
Honors to Mr. Derrick.
A complimentary concert will be
given to Mr. W. A. Derrick, a promi
nent member of the Apollo club
and the bass soloist of the St. Mary's
n ."'Ml':" C- : ' ' '-
concert will be given on Friday eve
ning, May 13, at the church. The
following excellent talent will as
sist: Mr. Hans Albert, violinist; Mr.
Taber.organist; Miss l)uiy, soprano;
Miss Ku-der, contralto; Mrs. Day,
coidi-ali'.r. :!..; ! 1 ' .-';
Mr. Wherry, tenor; Mr. Jay North
rop, tenor; Mr. J. 10. Butler, accom
panist. World-Herald.
County Court,
Florence Fetterman vs. estate W
J. Agnew. $;i0.fi0 allowed on claim
George W. Fetterman vs. estat
W. J. Agnew. Claim of $171.20
dueed to $1 :.)!.
Christ Wohlfarth vs. Mrs. John L
Minor. Suit on account. Contin
ued by consent until Muy 12, at 10
a. m.
License to wed issued to Mr. Wm
A. Cleghorn and Miss Helen Stan
der of Louisville.
World's Fair Appropriation.
During the past few days of ex
cilement it appears that almost ev
ery one nau lost sigitt ot tlie ap
pointmetits to be made under the
act appropriating $r0,000 for a di
play at the world's fair.
There are seven important offices
to be filled; a commissioner genera
who shall receive $'J,5(Ji) peryearand
six commissioners who shall re
ceive $5 per tlay for each day actu
ally employed.
K. I'. Roggen of this city, it was
claimed, was to have been ap
pointed commissioner general by
Governor lioyd when the proper
time came, but the selection was
never made. In fact Governo
Boyd's friends claim he intended to
make none whatever until after the
supreme court should have handed
down a decision in his favor, and
might have refrained from doing so
had the pressure been less weighty
The appointment of a commissioner
general, it is said, was also prom
tsed to Colonel North, of Columbus
Now that Governor Thayer is in
there is said to be nothing in the
way of ex-Governor Furnas. He is
considered as good as appointed by
those wno claim to know.
William A. Cleghorn of Louis
ville was married yesterday to Miss
Helen Stander, daughter of Frank
Stander, Esq., of that city.
Willie was inclined to bachelor
hood, but the winning ways and
genial manners of Miss Helen were
too much ior him and he had to
Mr. Cleghorn is one of Louisrille's
best and brightest young men and
well deserves the congratulations
of friends for the good fortune
which has attended him in the se
lection of so accomplished and tal
ented a voting lady for a life part
ner. The Hekald extends its hear
tiest congratulations to the happy
couple wuii best wishes tor healtli
wealth and happiness.
Mr. Orrin C. Smith the popular
time keeper at the B. & M. shops
was married in the city Wednesday
evening by FJder Reid to Mrs
Frances Rounds. Mr. Smith is well
and favorably known in this city
where he has resided for the last
ten years. The bride is also well
known and admired for her laclv
like demeanor and kindly disposi
xion. a ne iieraiu laives pleasure in
wishing Mr. and Mrs. Smith all the
good things of life in unmeasured
abundance. The above notice
hould have appeared vester
daj- but the cop- was mislaid) Ouite
a gay and noisy, charivari party
put in an appearanceu unanounc-
ed save by the dm of tinware at the
Smith: Rounds wedding evening
before last, and after making'"Ronie
f , , r r ,
nowi ror a iew minutes tney were
treated to a hearty surplus of cake
and cigars, after the discussion of
which the crowd dispersed.
We notice in the Otoe county pa
pers a new wall map of the county.
which gives general satisfaction, is
being delivered to subscribers
there. If the maker of that map. or
some one who can execute a good
one, would come to this county, he
could, we believe, do a good busi
ness. It has been thirteen years
since a map of the county has been
engraved, and it ia out of date.
Send your map man over. Weeping
Water Republican.
Major Pearman, the maker of the
Otoe county map, has been en
gaged for some time on a map for
this county, which he expects to
have completed at an early day,
And we are sure it will be a good
one that will give much better sat
isfaction than the old one did, yet
it will only cost about half as much.
Snyder the druggists is again in
trouble overplus indentity. A Ger
man farmer who has been in the
habit of trading with Mr. Paul
Gering took Snyder for Gerinir and
bought a bill of paper of him; but
the farmer was worried to under
stand how the "old man" had for-
gottou his German all in a month,
nr. anyaer not being able to speak
the language.
Supreme Court.
The following syllabi of two Cass
county cases appears in late de
cisions: Shafer vs. Stull, sr. Appeal from
Cass county. Affirmed. Opinion
by Justice Norval.
Where a party cuts down a fence
on the lands of another, and after-
I wards attempts to justif- the act on
! the ground that the fence is within
i a public road, he must prove by a
preponderance ol tne evidence that
the fence at that point was within
the limits of a legally established
public highway.
2. The existence of a legal public
road over the premises ol a private
person ma' be shown by user
alone, but in that case the user
:'itist have been with the know
ledge of the owner, and have con
tinued the length of time necessary
to bar an action to recover the title
to land. This rule, however, does
no' apply when the user is of wild
uncultivated prairie land. Graham
vs. Hariwell. 10 Neb. .""17.
H. The defendants have repeat
edly torn down plaintiff's fence in
order to pass over his lands, and
have threatened to continue to do
so. Held that the plaintiff is en
titled to relief in equity by injunc
tion, in order to prevent a multipli
city of suits.
Lehnhoff & Soennichsen vs. Fisher
et al. Error from Cass
Affirmed. Opinion by
J ustice
A rule of the district court which
provides that an action in which
the statutory time for filing a reply
has expired or will expire one week
before the first day of the next suc
ceeding term, whether issue has
been joined or noi, may be noticed
for trial at such term by either par
ty by filing with the clerk one week
before the commencement of the
term, and no action, not so noticed,
will be docketed for trial or tried
upon an issue of fact, except by
consent of both parties held, not to
apply to cases which are for hearing
on error.
2. Under the provisions of sec
tion 531 A of the code the wages ot
sixty days service of laborers, me
chanics or clerks, who are heads of
families, in the hands of their em
ployers, are absolutely exempt
from execution, attachment or
3. The provisions of section 531
of the code, which reads
"Nor shall anything in this chapter
be construed to exempt irom execu
tion or attachment, property of the
value of five hundred dollars ($.i(X))
for any debt contracted by any per
son in purchase of the actual ne
cessaries of life, for himself and
family," do not apply to debts con
traded by the head of a family for
groceries and furnished him as
supplies for a boarding house,
lite base ball boys are going
right ahead with their work, fixing
up their new ball grounds whicl
are now surrounded by a neat fence
about completed. A St. Joe pitcher
has been sent forand Walker a first
class player from Mt. Pleasant will
also be a member of the nine. These
two additions with our talent will
make a nine that can white wash
neighbors with neatness and dis
In the case of Hester Pool vs. Wm.
Philpot. The defendant was taken
before Justice Archer and waived
an examination. He was then
bound over in the sum of $1,200 to
appear at the next term of the dis
trict court.
Needles, oil and repairs and parts
for all kinds of sewing machines at
tne singer oltice. dim
zzczz, ana oy as mucn as tne latter are
calculated to dispel agreeable illusions;
they are destructive of happiness. There
fore I am inclined to think that however
desirable knowledge may be respecting
things with which one has no personal
and intimate concern, it is most com
fortable to know a very little about one's
self and one's environment. 'Drink deep
or taste not the Pierian spring. ' " Wash
ington Star.
Two German Words Tliat Much.
German barbers in New York have a
curious system of signs and mysterious
words by which they indicate to each
otiier the tendency of customers to give
large tips, small tips or none at all. If
a new barber in a lare shop gets a gen
erous customer in his chair, a fellow
workman who has shaved the generous
customer before mutters in his ear.
Brunz"' that is, "lie tips." "Bnmz"
is a distinctively German product, and
till recently was never heard outside of
continental barber shops. Its greatest
merit is that it means nothing to per
sons who are not barbers, for it has no
indorsement from the German diction
aries, and does not even enjoy the ques
tionable authority of student slang.
German barbers in New York desig
nate a man wno gives no gratuities as a
"muff." Like "brunz," "muff" is no
word at all, and was invented by wily
continental barbers for the needs of the
shop only. The amount of the tip to be
expected is revealed by the old journey
men to the new ones by various contor
tions of the fingers and by low German
monosyllables of no apparent relevancy
.Montreal Star.
Stones Are Composed of Shells.
The tripoli, used for polishing our ta
bleware, ia composed entirely of the si-
hcious shells of infusoria. The earthly
paint with which our houses are colored
is nothing but the remains of different
species of these animals. Even the hard
est rocks the flints show, when exam
ined under the microscope, that they,
too, are composed of the skeletons of in
fusoria. I once examined a thin sec tion
of a flint formerly used by the great
hunter, Daniel Boone. This flint was
composed of the shells of infusoria. The
gun, an old flintlock rifle, from which
this flint was taken, is still preserved at
Frankfort, Ky.
Even many of theprecious stones, such
as the caraelian, owe their beautiful
colors to the presence of fossil infusoria.
ilacon Telegraph.
t 'm Ai T V hi
What is
Cast oris Ls Dr. Scjnuel Pitcher's proscription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotlo Biibstauco. It ls ft harm leu sabatiiuto
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrup, ivnd Castor Oil.
It ia Pleasant. Its groaranteo ia thirty years tue by
Million of Mothers. Cast or i a destroys Worm and alloys
feverislinca. CastorLa prcrents vomiting Sour Curd
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Caotoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Cartoria assimilates the food, reguluter tlio stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
io ria is tho Children's .Panacea the Mother's Friend.
Cnrtrl- ia &n excellent medicine for cfafl
deo. M other have repeatedly told me of i4a
good effect upoa their children."
Do. O. C Oaoeon,
Lowell, 1I&M.
Cwrtorla ia the hvul remedy for children of
vhich I am acquainted. I hje the day isiot
far distant wlien mothers wniiooDaiJer the real
hitereat of their children, and uso Caatoria in
stead of the rarious quack noHtruma which are
destroying their loved onea, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
ageota down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Da. J. F. KiMcnEixa,
Conway, Ark.
The Centaur Company, TT
DOORS, DLINDS.and all building material
Call and sec us at the
11th and Elm street,
north of Hciscl's mill.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Also the Ivih running- Domestic Sewing M.icli
Having bought the J V Weckbach store room
on soutn Main street I offer my entire stock at
a sacrifice to save moving. Mow is the time
to buy Gasoline
Opera House Block
Cartorl ia mo well adapted to children tliaa
I recouiineud it as wiper ior to amy preacripUo
know a to rue."
II. A. AncmrR, M. P..
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
"Our physicians iu the childrati'a depart
ment have spoken highly ot UiuU- experi
ence in their ouUide practice with Cuittofia,
aud although we only aave among our
medical supplies what is kaown as regular
products, yet we are free to eoufesa that Um
merits of Castoria has won us to look wiUt
favor upon it."
11 ok ton,
Aixxir C. Smith, TV.,
Murray Street, New York City.
corner of
one block
A Lie.
ino for sale
and furniture of all