f t j 4 it i 1 i it; i 1 1 i i i SI i 5 K 1 1 i ; A I i .t I 5 ii 1 a 1? d 1 1 O. MAYES, County Surveyor AN I CIVIL. ENGINEER. Ail rders left with County Clerk will. receive prompt attention. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. SoeDiiclisei scMrK The WiiHlilnglton ATenim GROCERS , -ANI- Provision .Merchants. Headquarters for FLOUIl AND We pay no rent ami sell for CASH. You don't. puy any bills for dead beats when you buy of this firm. The Hand. beat SOFT COAL always on DONT FORGET A r THK Opposite KicheyBroH Lumber office A ..', .rV - - " r- '..-; -J GOLD .AND POIiO'CLAlN CKO'.VNS -Bridge workmnd tine gold work a SPECIALTY. DK. STEINACS-LOCAL as well in otlier :aii eatheties0'iven lor the i utile's exiraotiou o' tecih, C. A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald T' The Use Of Harsh, drastic purgatives to relieve costive ness is a dangerous practice, and more liabla to fasten the disease on the patient than to cure it. What is needed is a medicine that. In effectually opening the liowels, corrects tiie costive habit and establishes a natural daily action, Bucli an aperient is found iu Ayer's Pills, which, while thorough in action, strengthen as well as stimulate the bowels and excretory organs. " For eight years I was afflicted with coiw stipation, which at hist became so bad that the doctors could do no more for me. Then I began to take Ayer's J'ills, ami soon the bowels became regular and natural in their movements. I am now in excellent health." Wm. II. Del-aucett, Dorset, Out. " When I feel the need of a cathartic, I take Ayer's Pills, and find them to be more Effective than any other pill I ever took." Mrs. I?. C, Gruhb, Burwellville, Va. " For years I have been subject to consti pation and nervous headaches, caused by de rangement of the liver. After taking various remedies, 1 liave become convinced that Ayer's Pills are the best. They have never failed to relieve my bilious attacks in a short time; ami I am sure my system retains its tone longer after the use of these Pills, than has been the case with any other medicine I have tried." II. S. Sledge, Weimar, Texas. SWEET bCENTED FLOWEHS. Ayeir mm PREPARED BT s 3 fi O 3 Llewellyn Moore's the Recognized Headquarter for trie Artiue and tiie Bunutiful. Aquilegia chrysnntha, coreopsis lanceolata, chrysan t hem urn maxima antirrhinums, plat ycudciis and cle matis make up a partial list of yi r. Moore's grand plants, that an per fectly hardy and are not injured by a Nebraska winter. .Mr. Moore has a line stock of geraniums, coleus and some of those richly col ored French cumins, also a line line of bedding plants. In roses he makes a specialty of the following hardy varieties: General Jacijui mot, Md. I Mantier, I'erlo, Niphilos, to;;vtlier with the old standard J. a France and that Oueen of the rose family, the American 1 Icauty, which under favorable circumstances has produced roses H inches across, bright red arid of a most delicious fragrance. No collection of Mowers is complete without some of these hardy roses. Mr. Moore lias the reputation of being the best rose grower west of Chicago; he never forces his plants, thus making them tender but gives them every requis ite to make them hardy and strong. This spring is an unusually good one for setting out plants and should be improved by our people. Iemcmber the place where plants and prices will suit the most exact-i;i'- i.i at J.lewellvn :x !r"'.s on Locust street, and call at once, tf ENTERPRISING INDIAN SET TLEnS. Dr. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. the TYPEWRITER HENRY BOECK The Leading Iltrnituee dealer AND -A x", -r UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand everything you need to furnish your house. A strictly first cU-. nvi'-liiiio. fu!!v warrn it- l. iMade iroin th- very l.est marerial b Kuieu w..rKiiien, an,; wmutiie Det tools tual iive ever Keen -levi -ied : o.iro ise. Vv'ar- amru i m a;i r:at ear.re leaso tali v ex- oeetfd r toe very Uvt tvuewriter extant piiieot wj'Tiii vviriis fcr minuti o; K'K'-a(Monting t. the ability of the opi-iat' J r Sudden Deaths. Heart disease is by far the most frequent cause of sudden death, which in three out of four cases is unsuspected. The symptoms are not generally understood. These are: a habit ot 1 vmtr ou the mrm side, short breath, pain or ditress in the side, hack or shoulder. irregular . I it . . . . I 1 . ' jiuise. asiiima, weaiv aim jiuut;ry -pells, wind in stomach, swellinyfof ankles or droi)s-, oppression, dry couh and smothering-. Dr. Mil.'s' ill ustrab-d book on Heart Disease, free at F. G. brike Ac Co's, who sell and iruarantee Dr. Miles' mieuualed New Heart Cure, and his restora tive .vervine, winch cures nervous ness, headache, sleeplessness, drop sy, etc. It contains no opiates. '"ST1; 'lis- PUKE 8100. 'littier.? is jii ag'.-'.n i.i your to.vu adrtrei t!if 'i uuiaetun s. Till-: PAhlSil M'F'G CO. ' ;rents wanteil t'arish IN, V. P. 1). SICELEMITiH, Agnt. Lincolu, Neb, 5 COEKER SIXTH AND ?I UN STREET Plattsmout - Neb PERKINS waif 217, 219, 221 and 22:5 Main St., Mattsmoutft, f.'ebraskn. H. If, B0::5, Proprietor Ihe Perkins has bjen tiioniLch-. renoyated from toi tc .cttOii r-c '. now one of the best hotels in the stair Boarders will bo taken by the w ck a: $4.50 and up. GOOD BAR CONNECTED r.s i2 S I J t TP- THS OLD nLSAQLE;. p LUi tf ULl Shingles, Lth, Sash, Tit " 9 asu:: Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The ijfc;T Salve in the world ior Cuts Ih-ui.se ', Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. I'v e? ?'res. letter. Chapped lianas. Ciaihiriins. Corn?, and all Skin Eruption?, an 1 p-:i-Livi.ly cures I'lies, or ho pay required. It i.s Guaranteed to ive satisfaction, r iiio.i' y rel unde I. I'riee 20 cent. per ix,-'. For sale hv P. G. Fricke & Cu. Pronounced HoijIc-j1', Yei Savcl . b'rom a letter w; iite:i by .Mrs. At'.a iv. llurd or uroton, fc. i)., :e i ucie: 'Was taken with a bad cold, which setuoti on my if.ntrs, coiiii set m and finally terminated iu coiisump tion. rour doctors irtivi.' rne up s.i y itii I could live but a short lime. I ffivc myself up to my Saviour, de termined if I could not sty with J113' iriends on earth, I would nice my absent ones above. My bus oaiiu was auviseu to tret ir. Jm s New Discovery for consumption, comrhs and colds. 1 gave it a trial look in all ei-j-ht bottles; ithasenred me and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Tri d bottles Jree at I. Lr. hricne A: Co. s flru: store, regular size, aOc. and $1.00. Some year3 ago Chauioerlaia & Co., of iJ s Moines, Iowa, commenced the mau ufacturc of a cough syrup, believing it to be the most prompt and reliable prepara tion yet produced for coughs, colds and croup; that the puiiiic appreciate true merit and iu time it was crtain to be came popular. Their most sanguine es have been more than realized. Oyer three hundred thousand bottles of Chajnberlain's Cough Remedy ar? now sold hcIi year, and it 13 recognized as 'the best made, wherever known. It will cure H severe cold in less time than Wonderful Traiirrma.t Ion by Itetlsktn of the Inland of Metlakuhtla. Ilev. W. Duncan, of Metlakahtla, Alaska, is a portly, benevolent looking old gentlemari of j-rlnps sixty-live years, and the world has been iiia'le better by the grand work in which tin declining years of his life are being spent. When interviewed by a rejxir'.er he was reticent ut iirst in speaking of the fruits of his philanthropic labors in the land by the frozen sea, saying that a description of the colony h had found. -d would seem better coming from tho lips of disinterested parties. "Metlak-ahtla," said the venerable ?nis sionary, "i.s situated on an island in ? I . -archipelago in the southeastern part ol Alaska. It is a coif 113 founded three years and a half ago, when I org-'iniy.ed thirteen bands of British Columbia In dians, and by showing them the virtues 01 a ciry ami government ot tlieir own and instilling in their minds the beauties of ;i civilized existence, induced them to migrate to the far north, where they would live in peace and Fecuritj- and where thej- would not bo disturbed in their peaceful possessions. -Toda3" there is a city of 800 souls at Jletlakahtla, and the .settlement i.s a flourishing and happy one. I am one of those who reject the declaration that the only good Indian i.s the dead one. I ;lin iiVie to demonstrate that the best Indian ij a live one. "Three years ago the forest primeval stood on the site where now many happy Indians live, in many pha.-aut cottages. There are sixty-one capacious houses in the eit3 For three years I was the only white man in the settlement. I have re cently been joined by an assistant, how ever, in the person of Dr. Dlewett. You might sa3' that the Indians have an e3e to real estate values, for the' all wanted corner lot?, so that I was compelled to divide the blocks each into four lots. Eveiybod' is satisfied, for an inside lot is not to be found there. WE EXPECT TOO MUCH. MARRIED PEOPLE DEMAND UNREA SONABLE ATTENTION. IVliy I.ove'n Vomit; lr-:m Often Sudly I iNK-lleJ s.'inillv After tlm llunrymuun I Over VI liy M:m's T:tnt I (;-iirnlly ItilVerent from W iii:tii'H. A BOY HERO. cussed question, "Isinar ' came up at a small s- The much di riage a failure: L-i.-il gat iiering a few evenings since. In the company were an old bachelor, a widow, several man ied people and a conpl of .i:-,ng jx rsous wlio were al fo;'.,ed in U -ucee.s.sf nl attempts to per Ku;tile the company that they never beard of such a thing as hive's j-oung dream. Various opinions were advanced and soiii'j little v.-,-ir:ath was becoming evi dent in t;'o rermirks of some of the ia:ir ritd p-uc: la. rj bfi bachelor was cj-uioal, U10 yor ' 7 ' :o ncwliat shficked and wnv-i fid . 1 Iho entire company nn comforta Lie. At length a lady who had hitherto re tnainod Kilent was u pealed to for her opinion. j ,-If wo judge' bj' the amount of Lappi- I nrvj wo li'j 1 in famili'-.s," kIio said. "I think wo may c::ll it a failure, for a per- 1 ft'C?!) har.'iionions houseljol I n very hard to find. Tiiere isr.o much selfi.dinef-.s and ' f-o i.:nc!i indifreivrico disj-Iayed, so much i 1 nnd ro lr.f le yon, that tho instinct of s?If prowrv.it ion springs up and takes! tdann, cod the i;idividu;d is at ouce put njnn the defensive as to his or Lor rights. "Young TK-opTo marry and begin their bomelife on a wrong basis. Courtship and marriage, while oft-.-n merely an in cident to the man, is all absorbing to tho woman. Hhe dreams aliout it, lives in it, worries and cries over it, and throws her v.Iioh; life info Ihe ideal as she has read it in books', ller ideal husband is In lit-nrtleM 1'arln, which to forrltro eya Sec urn muile of inlrrorN, trns! lrli t ni diMptar. A HIilelilii liuililiiii'ii wall iM k'iin to rlne. AHeemliiii; hlono by Hteno from dity to day. IIi;,'li uuil more lilk'l' tliu pllo will huilcletl will, Ami heoros of liilitirer.t were luny llit ro. When siel'lcnly 11 frailit ntut;iiii fell. Ami twit hlron w irkineii hwuiik' iilofl lit lr. Suspemteil hy tln .r hitmlH to one nlilit hold. Thut Ih-IiL unci 1 re.. kid heneath their niidilen weight; One worn wit it toil, an I row hit: k'ruy nml old. One a meru hoy. ju-l re.ti him; hihii'h ent:ile. Vet with 11 hero'H houl. Alii!) !;red yoimn, Were it not well t.) yield his n. ler'e life. On wlii. li no :irent leaneil, no eh: lr.11 1 hint;. And have the ot tier to lii-i hitheit itnd v ife He naw that ere deliverencff rotil I he hi wirht The f rail siiiiiMii t t hey e,ne,iied iiiiimI mkc! hrea'i. And in that hhndderin; moment' ll.i-li ot thought lie ho.se to pe-ri-.li for his eoinrade's -:ike. Wit Ii lif:-. very Mleli as heroeM m IiIoiii I. nov, , " 'l'ia riiilil." he said, and loosiin; his l ron Propped like a stone upon the htoneH hehiw. And lay there dead, t he niiile st ill on his lip. What thoiirh no I; "i rel.s urmv h!s rave uhove. And o'er his na.iie no M iilpl nred hal'l may rise' To the swef t spirit of lei-elli h hive, a. i not his I i le 11 -1 n io.is 1 .'. rri :',ee? Kli.aheth Akers in Ihirper's Vomii-.; 1'eojile. In .1 th are lieoii How t'. iriaHsel It. ris ing village of Oxford county y relatinga little "The inhabitants live by hunting and ! mvrn K tfr'TI1"'. fn-ier ami con.siaeraie; fishing, but the latter occupation has j aUva3s Il"i!,f! with n smile on Ins branched a ' into a large indn-trv row. ! tRCfi ::n'1' '-tuougli tmrlene, with inii t inn iw.vo rA.t-..; , , . . .. ! and i "r: .! ' x c 1 with bu- nil lii-i oLtuii liu. ri.iii ilia. i salmon cau chiuer' and an outfit for nery tliere. "I --ould rather have a tourist speak of our colony than to dwell upon its merits lnyself. ijhould 3'ou visit our ; island j'ou would be surprised to find a i city of Indians and natives with onh- j two exceptions. We have a government j which is an Indian council presided over j by an Indian chief. The young ones are j taught in commodious schools, and hi ! care lierpJ ': 1 Willi husmess, is never other than a hero. She i.s quite 1 i lirely to forget the ideal man can be very dis agree;:!.!'.? when he i.s hungry, and finds little to comfort him in kisses and blisses if the laundress has failed to bring home his linen, or ho hasn't a quiet corner where he may sit down and rest. "For man is a more solitruy creature than woman. There i.s an old legend to the effect that God's original plan was to create woman the mother of the race e who si ill en incident illustrative of th" confusion likely to fall upon the stranger to our language who uses synonyms indiscrimi nate. The pastor of t In; leading chureli had made arrangements to exchange with a good German brother of the same denomination. Having himself In-en a witness to some ludicrous mistakes of that worth, tho minister was not with out a feeling of uneasiness. The German having arrived in the vil lage Saturday was courteously invited to a pleasant gathering near tin' pars-mage. The elite of the town were pres ent,. All went well with our German friend until he was introduce 1 to the beautiful Jliss Howard, whose match less complexion was the pride of tho vil lage. Feeling that such lu auly deserved some recognition, and wishing to com pliment the beautiful stranger, the Ger man exclaimed with his beaming ad miration, "Why, frauh-in, what a beau tiful hide-ou have!" Lewhitoii Journal. nny other treatment. Fricke & Co. For sale by F. G ,'-tn supply everw demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street iu rear of opera bouse. n t. " : r.-x a cu;e is ic rc.-.! . -I I. i'll C'-liYir-t.Ci thi K - .-mi-j ; i . r ' f irt; "i rn or Sr ir.:' i i;t:.n. t.oza'i fm.i- !? t. by l-.-ks Invisible Tslular Ear Ca.b Luis. hi?--per3 hiard. Coinf'-rtnble. :rt'l. Sr; iivP. l!i(raz,Only , ri '-.. in:i; Icr uoc-k cf prouis fl SZIC ' X..-'..Si;:iIi:rj4.L..-J-.', ff.;.-' 7-- t1 vj -f?i-3:ii ' cS-?.--r,b-L0J3JB "-'I- OI jJsSlIiiS!l3 BOILING WATER OR MILK rf lis e-asisssinj L r r 5 w g sr lief n?? GRATEFUL-COMrORTING. ts s ais&-iu w w HH S o5-Sa5jatSS LABELLED 1-2 LB. TIN'S ONLY. Eupepsy This is what you ought to have, in fact, von must have it, to fully en joy life. Thousands are searching- tor it flatly, and mourning because they tiud it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent an-nunlK- b3 our people in the hone that they may attain this boon. And 3-et it may bt? had by all. We gTiarantee that Electric "Bitters, if used according- to directions- and tae use persistea in, will iiring- you uooa digestion ana oust the demon tlispepsia and install instead eupep- s. v c recommend r.Iectric iiitters for dyspepsia and all diseases of liver, stomach and kidneys. Soldat ode. and ?1.(X) per bottle "by F. G Fricke ACo.'s drug store. mv absence a native te-ieher is insfrnr-f- u oi ail, out, in nts lar seeing wisdom, in" tht-m. 'K! decided that a woman shordd never "Iu olden dav3 tho Indian tribes wen? t"-' doTio in tho world; so man was cre envious of each other, and feuds were I at;'d f'rst' lhat she r:11orht find a compan inces,ant and wat wa.? a business. In ; ,on evon 111 her whest hours of exis our colony the hatchet is buried out of ! tonc('' anJ fl'ua bcr "'fancy he craves fight, the tribal jealousies are fon-otten I sor-(--t, :iU through her girlhood has in the educated life and the weapons of ! l-r little girl friends, and their associa war have? been molded into implements i a,,on 18 mnch lnore lntlnate than that of peace. i tiIe """ith his mates. And rdl "Wo have a native corns of constable? ! through her yonng days how she con ned oiucers to attend to thj city's health I ,er,,r,1 "ates and tells them andwi.rnr-i.tirm. U'.-lnvntArfnir,,,,), i an or ner nine secrets, reaus ner nrst too, and splendid music- is furnished b' em- Tn.li.m liarid rf twenf-.- in-if-rTiim.-ntc We have a large sawmill conducted bv cljth,l Wlth nices as w-,h il :ir' Indians, and never was a happier colony j ment' How natural that she should than that of the British Columbia Indians can7 il -,rcat (lQ:i of thls 1,1,?al lnto her on the island of Metlakahtla." Seattle -:lrrlI anu expect ioye auu devo tion an or tne nine, ana mar ine nus- love letter to them, and tells them all about tho ideal which she has fashioned Telegraph. His Critics! "What it takes to make a pnradise," some one has said, "depends upon the band will be as devoted and as self sacri ficing as the lover. "But all the same he isn't, and she feels chilled and unhapp3 when, after person who is going there." There was j one greeting kiss, he looks bevond to see once an artist who painted a picture of j if there are signs of dinner, or frowns if C'jiuse of Corpulftiey. It is verj evident that corpulency ii due to some pecnliarit' within the sys tem which favors the incr-a e and sfar age of fat, but the actual c.ti: -; is 3et to be determined. Physicians who have oeen corpulent, and therefore have had the most favorable opportunities for stud and experiment, have all reached the same conclusions -namely, tii.it cor pulency indicates a degree of ill health not of excellent health, as m my peo ple supxo.-e. They also hold that one and veiy potential cause of the abnor mal storage of fat i.s the lack of func tional act iv it 3' in certain important or gans of the bod, and particularly those concerned in freeing tho system of waste products. In other words, when the system i.s choked up wit h waste less fat is consumed therein, and its accumula tion id favored. Boston IIeral-1. e o d tc w ; S- 3 5 s-asf sis t S e m V e2 0, m m 5 Bf m J nets? al!S s 1 1 sl 9. .2 Sata.OJ3fco3 m b w T3 PARKER'S r --2.'" A?.-' C1itwc and beantiries the hair. S.S, - " a P-tjrii,l fi lnvririntit err. .at U liever Fmits to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures nrAlp (i9eaa ft hair failuiz. Ji'r.and jll.fv 1ni'rriiu Parker's Ciiruer I'oiuo. It rurf-i tiie wur.t d.uh, Wek Lunsi, IVbilirv, Idejiion, Paiu, Take in tiine.oUctj. HIWPERCORNS. The cnlv rere cure for Coma, Stops tu iju. 1a at Xiruotista, or lilSCOX CO., N. Y. The Henries Method for piano and organ, the favorite and most suc cessful in France and Germany, also liarmony tauglit. dtt Mrs. Merges. Dr. Grosvenor's Bell-cap-sic Git quirk rrlUf PLASTiiK. Jrumpain. RhAmnttiltni. nnnrAr.ft nlfanrinvanrl InmhuFi! mirwi at once. Genuine for by all DrnEBihti. f' CHICHESTER'S EXGUZH. HFO CttOSS V:. D'.fiW'o BR'HD i h 1-m Lb. o fWj ri'i r. "tW. f 11.1 ?rr tn'c. ii ill ' i? .'o ' i m-j.;r v' THE DPISIKtLtNDCCnUmC. Th' ivulTSifr. H- TiMrA. auk Ilru-.t far Wiie: -r J I'x xin.'nti Jirtmi nn mta tnu ii'i-aon. 1 auc too oiur k'nil. -.ru9 Cifii(it-j::ii- mil ii.i.-.;:,wrj,. AH itlU 1q paslA(nxJ U'SSS, f.ink wrapper, are inr?''rl)k:ii iilini.'r;(ifc. At Vr ri'r:i: jr bp! tjJ 4.1 Himiri f-ir narticvtiri. TlucotaiJ( and '"I'.'itl' ! l.TMUt-'. wi l-f;cr, l. ri-;unl &ipii l,0l Tiutl-wniui.. aw rar. CritCMlaTCrt CmiKICIL C )., .mi...b lun.-.n. A Mystery Explained. The papers contain frequent no tices of rich, pretty and educated gfirls eloping- with negroes, tramps and coachmen. The well-known t-pecialist, Dr. Franklin Miles?, says all such girls are more or less hys terical, nervous, very impulsive, un balanced; usually subject to Head ache, neuralg-ia, sleeplessness, im moderate crying rlauo-hing-. These show a weak, nervous system for which there is no remedy equal to Kestorative Nervine. Trial bottles and a fine book, containing many marvelous evires. free at F. G. Fricke & Co's., who also sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart Cure, the finest of heart tonics.Cures 11 uttering, short breath, etc. 'Miss Nerve and Liver Pllle- Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowele through the uerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Fills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Une qunled for men, women, children. .Smnllest. mildest, surest! 50 doses, 2.c. Simnhi free at F. G. Fricke & Co's. :dam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, It was exhibited publicly. One day the painter, entering the hall, saw two men who appeared to be farmers, standing before the picture. "Now," said the artist to himself, "I can hear an unprejudiced orinioii of my work." Ue drew near and listened to what the farmers were saying. "Well, John," said one, "what do you think of itV" "It's pretty good," said the other, "but there's one thing about it that strikes rne as a little mite queer." "What's that?'' "Why, he's got Eve with a Rhode Isl and greening in her hand." "Well, what of it?" "Hum! Seeing that the first Rhode Island greening was raised in this cen- tur3T, I don't quite see how they could have had them m paradise!" "No greenings!"' exclaimed the other, contemptuousl'; "how do 3011 suppose they could have got along iu the Garden of Eden without Rhode Island green ings?" Youth's Companion. Safe Sheep Stealing. Among the guests at the Palace ia Joseph Cohen, of Red Bluff, who is credited with owning nearly or quite half of that portion of the state l'ing north of Ynba county. Sheep and cattle form the greater portion of Mr. Cohen's wealth aside from his landed interests, and it is said that in order to acquit a man who has been arrested for sheep or cattle stealing it is only necessary to prove that they were stolen from Joseph Cohen. "At one time," said United States At torney Garter, "I was emplo3ed by Mr. Cohen to transact a portion of his legal business, and among other things I had to assist in the prosecution of men for stealing sheep. I can truthfully say that I do not know of a single case where a man was convicted by a jnry when it was proved bj- the defense that the prop erty had originally belonged to Cohen." San Francisco Call. II i h Kxcnae. Clara (at the wane of the honeymoon) Dearest, don't you love me as much as ever? Am I not as sweet as I was? Charles Yes; I suppose you are. But, then, sweetness is not what it was. You can get twenty pounds of sugar now for one dollar. Pittsburg Bulletin. Gt to Phillip Krause for your lr3 goods and groceries, where you will find the best of everything, he also keeps fruits and vegetables in their season. tf. Sometimes there is spasm of the mus cles of accommodation. In this case the person may seem to be near sighted while really far sighted, or greatl- near sighted while onl- slightly so. The ocu list alne c;"-" t.rwit such eves. there are a number of girl friends scat tered all about the house, putting an end to the quiet, restful hours he feel 3 he needs so much after the day's business. He is certain that she cares less for his society than that of the girls, and nat urall3' resents it. ne thinks he married and had his home as a place in which to be quiet and comfortable, and makes up his mind that he will put a stop to all this compan3. Then he reflects that he is selfish and a brute, and will do noth ing of the sort. "But such reflections never make the average man happier. He doesn't like to admit, even to himself, that he is wrong, and the necessit for doing so nettles him. And the' 'both get irritated and petty jealousies spring up, and the'-e are sharp words and bitter feelings, and everj'thing goes wrong. Perhaps good sense comes to the rescue, and they come to a perfect understanding, but much oftener they grow worse, until he rushes away to the club, and she sits down to mope and worr', perchance to c"3; or, following his example, seeks congenial societ', and their lives end in dissipa tion or an open rupture. "And all because each expects too much of the other. Indeed, thi3 is the keynote of almost all unhappinefia in life. We expect too much. Our ideal is too high, and not finding plain, practical facts to meet it, we are disappointed and discouraged, and become soured and cynical A Untter.'ly Soc-ial. A "butterfly social" is one' of the novel entertainments for rai-ing funds in char itable work. The room is decorated with butterflies of tissue paper, and in tho center of tho ceiling a huge butterfly of wire and thin silk or paper is sup'-nded, some three feet from one wing tip to the other. The legs of the insect are of wire, painted black. Those who preside over the affair are dressed to resemble different varieties of butterflies, in bluo and silver chiilon, black, brown and 3rd low velvet, with gauzy wings and a but terfly for a headdress. Exchange. Steel Kails as I'it I'rojis. In consideration of the serious inroads which are being made on the timber of this country by the use of wooden props in mines, it is satisfactory b note that a patent has been tak-'U out for a method of making steel rails into pit props and supports' for eollierie, mine.-, tunij' bridges, etc. The rails are cut at their ends and suitably fraimyl together. In point of cost it is said that this mode of propping compares favorablj with brick ing and other systems. New York Com-mt--rcia Adverlis'.T. The Moiilcey am the Hon ndi-r. A man walks round a pole, on the top of which is a monkey. A.--.the man move the monkey turns round on the top of the pole so as still to keep face to face with the man. When the man has gone round the pole, has he. or has he not, gone round the inonke-? As either au-wer to this question may be upheld with strong and logical argu ments, the reader is left to decide the question for himself. New York Tribune. "It sometimes happens that two peo- 1 . r, , T ., . , , , pie who have passed through some of f " English North country church ux the severest trials of existence, and have learned wisdom from the things the' have suffered, two such congenial spir its may meet, and with the experiences of years stamped on their lives and char acters may establish a home on a basis of mutual concession and unselfish love, and each may spend his or her remain ing years in the acknowledged effort to make up to the other what life lacked aforetime. Such homes are rare in deed, but when they are found I am cer tain that neither the members of the household nor the few friends who are permitted to share the beauties of their inner lives will go away declaring mar riage a failure. "Such a home is a stronger plea for the marriage relation than any series of arguments that the most learned and published a scale for contributions ex pected for the collection plate. The church will be content if it receives two pence for ever five shillings of income, or 3 per cent. A man in receipt of tliirt y pounds sterling a week is expected to give a sovereign. Many people wondered win Mr. and Mrs. Kendal are never to be seen acting unless in each other's company. The reason is that when the3 married the made a vow never to be parted when plaing a vow they have kept to this day, with what happ3' results ever3-body knows. A want of quickness in the sense ex skillful theorist can bring forward. But i s11 must be caused by anything which such relations are rare, indeed, in early life. It is only when the spirit has been trained to quiet toleration of the irritat ing trifles of life that such mutual con cession seems possible. One sided gen tleness is dangerous to family peace of mind, as it is almost certain to develop a t3Tannical aad overlfe;tring disposition in the party. Comradship and genuine respect are the best and safest spirit and outlasts the fever heat of passion and the storms and sunshine of adversity and prosperity." New York Ledger. shuts off the air from the olfactorv nerves a pol3pus, for example, or facial paralysis, which interferes with nanal dilation and the necessary muscular ef fort in smelling. In Genoa the wives and daughters of the fishermen g--t from the factor pat terns and thread, hand spun flax or silk, and return the same weight in lace, re ceiving therefor such a price as pays them wage five to ten cents a day.