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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1891)
WEEKLY HERALD. PLATTSMOUTH, UEBXASKA. APRIL 30 1S01 V i 1 1 Vf lf:tno tno President. I!(iv c i: . 1 1 r I5.vil : t Adjutant Gene:": i V i ."j i m i n luivc jirraii'ed Io oxtnii'l 1 I 'iv.;i'!cn ! ihirrison ;i fit t iiu;" vr! .imiic h Wl ,r ,t.- l.;i, :; ml have iict'i r ! i ? i - as.i t;i i 1 1 to I Jri;-;id irr (jcni-ra! ('i)Ihy and (ohou-l T. V. ( )ri f!i t h t ! i'? ' i.-;t i n tu i.-h-d honor if earryiii'jf a we'eonii'i inc.ssa:j;' to thi' i.iilioii's chi f c -ci-cuti vc. They wiil leave for Denver on (lie 11 iii aii'l o;i Ihc n k irn i n of the 'Z 111 II ley v.'ill deliver to him in llial city a im : .-am- of eoi'dial welcome 1o Nehr::.-I;a from the governor. They will accompany the presidential party hither and tender such infor mation rehil in.f to the state ami tlie poi 1 1 1 of i 1 1 1 crest a hnij- tlie line as may Ie deemed of interest. The Omaha brewing lirm of Stor. A. Jler has dissolved partnership and a rreat brewing association which for caj)ital will equal the noted linns of Iilwaukee. The of- iicers of the association art (iottlieh Storz, Pres. ;. Stuhhendorf, Vice I'res I4. Scimcdcr, Sec. iV Treas. Ilenrv auhens. Jvdward Ouinn, ! Direct's George 1 Ieiinrod, j Charles Grueii, Joseph Kaviiii, I John I Iochstrasser, J This with the Hroatch malting c- tabl ishments will brintr more than a million dollars into Omaha for permanent investment. A. Flowing Well. J.l;e associated j)ri-ss lispatciu-s say that the largest llowinr well in the world was struck yesterday on a farm two miles west of Huron. The How is through an ei.idit-inclf pipe, and is so strong that a solid column of water eiht inches in diameter shoots ten feet in the air and makes a tremendous noise. The well is93." feet deep but it will be put lower still if, possible. The flow is esti mated at 10,0fX) gallons per minute It flooded the ground so rapit'lj'- that great ditches were cut to carry it into the Missouri river. 3 4 111 11 12 li5 17 38 1: -0 L'4 4!) 00.3 M O.'i.l DC 0S..1 51 9!). 25 6S Jl, I 13 . 80 Ui 5 C9 94 5 li3 ti !I5 02 37 U7.3 CO 9G 5 31 95 -) 9!.5 01 RH.9 f!S 'JG.SS 50 97.17 "W !H.:57 i5 !n 4 Cl S7 5 40 01.1 An Interesting Report Of the city schools for the week ending- Apr. 21, 18'Jl: Kooni. Teacher. En'ollni't. Av'ye Att'd. 1 3!ag. i Birry 2 Miss Shepherd Uescie blonaker Miss May Kerry Ilalcey and McClel'd tW Mrs. llulsey JIi3 Seare MUs Wilson Miss Kerney 13 Miss Clark 1" Miss (Ireusel Miss Val'ery Mi"S Flyers MNs Hoi-el Mis K'.la Wright .Vis M. 1Z. Wiiglit riiss i.'empl 1 Miss II 1!ov.h .MUs S.ill' Mi Moore 2r Mrs. ; W Ti...ii.;,s Only one case of tardiness, which was in Koom 11. Nakin;- an enrollment of 1,171) pupils in our schools with only sch'ui n- m for about The Xi-braska City board has ju.t called a:i election 10 vote bonds to build two ward building's at a cost of irT.aiR) each, and Ucatrice has done th.e same. They did not liumkey with petitions but called an election to vote the necessa ry l,,fno Lends. It behooves oe.r board of education to keep abreast of the limes in this matter and not let the cities all around is leave us m 1'ie rear. . e are entitled to good school build ing's and the people will unquestion ably vote the bonds if the election is called. There can be nothing gained by waiting all summer, and much mav be lost. Von "Molthe, the great Prussian genera! died of heart disease yes terday at the age of Jl years. The Waba.-h Weekly News is get ting to be quite a paper, and is cer tainly a great help to the town when it is publi.-hed. lames Crawford ami W.I). Hill, two of Cass countv's solide-t farmers f roi a t he iei n ity ofSoutl 1 lend, visited the county seat to-day !'at l-'or d jr. of ( )maha, the young man who shot Win. Delanev in ( ioldsm i tVs saloon on January last has been acquitted by a jury befor. ! 1 1 T -- Kstelle on the plea of self defense. JMis. J. (1. niaine jr. has taken up her abode at Sioux Falls, South Da kota, to procure a divorce, .i11et3 d.iys residence there is all that i.- leuuired to give her standing in the Dakota courts. J. J., Voris sold a fine two year oid thoroughbred polled-angus steer to Kllenbaum the 0th street butcher which weiirheu over ) pounds. It will be on sale at hi. market near McCourts to-morrow morning. Y. 11. Idler of IJlair was yesterday apj)ointed y governor to be deputy oil inspector atthat point. But Platts mouth with its hosts of simon pure democrats don't appear to be in it. Democratic enthusiasm don't count for much this time. F.IIigdon received some ugly and painful wounds yesterday that he will lomr remember. He was build ing wire fence, and in tightning the wire a fasteninggave way which jerk ed several feet of the needle point ed barb wire through his hands cut ting and lacerating them in a horri abl manner. It will be several days before he can build any more fence. The M. I'. contractors are delayed again on account of failure to re ceive material which has just been shipped from Pittsburgh, Pa. The steel rails on hand are too light for the sharp curves at this end of the line and will be used in Sarpy coun ty where the line is coniparativel straight. It is fully expected that work will begin again Thursday, and nothing but bad weather will stop the contractors after that time until the line is completed. It is said the company desires to put in a new time card, to take effect June 1st, and that they expect to have trains running on the new line by that time. A woman in Missouri was a can didate for member of school board at the last election in a certain vil lage down there, and onl3r received three votes. Being anxious to know who voted for her she offered $a0 to the men who were her supporters. Before night U.10 men had called to claim the reward, each making oath that he had voted for the fair candi date. The old politicians laughed at the impracticable side of the fe- mnle sex, but they changed their tune when they found the lady in court a nsoi ute prooi ii:at sue had received 'Jm) voles which would give her;: majority over hercompet. 110 co s; est is o i a:ii ner testimony is too strong to be ig nored. The chances are she mr.v ) --et the eh-eiio-i board and be FOUR AMERICAN .SONGS. TWO WERE WRITTEN IN DATTLE AND TWO DURING PEACE. CO! me lUetl 1:1 uovic Who said thi in politics? The Missouri Pacific. In speaking of the cut off to Omaha, a gentleman said to a Press man last evening "that all of the road would be completed a.nd run ning on schedule time 1)3- the first of June. Py this ro'tle the d'stance betwecn Xebra.-ka City and Omaha is cut twenty-one miles. "fir.mediate'y upon the comple tion of the work the companj- pro poses to put on a fast train, between Kansas City and Omaha which will only make five stops on the entire run. The favored stations will be Lcavaiisworlh, Atchison, Hia watha, Nebraska City and Platts- mouth. "There is also some talk of putting on a local train hctween Falls Cit3' jind Omaha which will make the round trip cl:i i I3 ."--Nebraska Citv Press. Nr. Ixm May and wife came j'n on the fl'er yesterda- afternoon and went to South Bend at 0:2.1 to look after the state fishery. ?Ir. hi3' is the active member of the State Fish Commission and gives much of his time to the work in which he takes great interest. The commission liave just received a line lot of crop pies from St. Joe w-hich will be put in the South Bend ponds to-da3 This is a new fish for Nebraska; it is a fine one, however, and we be lieve will be made a profitable one to plant in Nebraska waters. K. "W. Hal ford, the president's private secretary, sailed yesterday with his daughter for ICurope to be absent six weeks. A Louisville Elopsmont. The ioi;iville s-v.-aiu !.y the name of Charley Xclrtire llial laid such a hard tini" trying t'i ge a license to marry the daughter of Tom L'r whi at that village some weeks ago, an ,1 .) wa.- re veil ted t father; out ; morning ich time .itted the and has b3' tlie stern old folks flown with the girl much to the disgnst of the fond parent. -Ir. Urwiu has notified oil tlie county fraph in this pari not to issue daughter is not O110 of TImth AvrlI a Vr Tli S'Miieii of I impi 1 at Mill of tin: lour Writ-i Strini;) 1 itrt A hunt llitt Music f " Aiin-rica " lloiv Kry Com jiost-il Mis I.yiic. The four great I yrics of cu-intry ar: "Cu!a: ilrt, the (li m nf the Oei-an," "Hail Coiiiiiiliia," Tlie Star Siiarjl'-d Daiuier" and "America." The fir.-t naiaed was written l,y Tiai othy Uvi;;:it, :aiee.-,;ur of Tiaiothy Dwiht, th(; jiresent iie.-i lent of Yale college. Ih.' wrote other patriotic an tlietns, hut. "(;olian!)i:i" is the only one hy which he ht.-caine famous. Dwilit was a native of Ma.-'.saciiu.-etts aad u jraihiate of Vale. Hestu.heil law, intending to alo)t it as a j r.n v.-,.- on, hut there hein a (l";?1h of i !:.:;. l.iin.s in t lie lievolul ioiiaiy ' 'y l. I . . . n . . l -i " iia uecaine one in i arson .s nriaiie oi lao Connecticut line and served some time there. It was during this service that lie composed the immortal song "Colum bia," which at once attracted ycueral at tention, itiid from the first became fa mous. It was composed without much thought, the times being fall of patriotic feelings, which inspired the poet, and he is said to have expected no more than passing fame for his production. It was caught up, however, by the patriots, and soon became known throughout the struggling colonies. After the war Dwight went back to the pursuits inter rupted 13" his entering the army, and eventually became president of Yale college, a position which he held until his death in 1817. The author of "Columbia" was a vol uminous writer, turning out many ex tended poems and books, hut all seem to have been forgotten but the great l3ric which he gave to his country dur ing the struggle for freedom. It wiil ever remain his monument. A SONG THAT TOLD. The words and music of "Hail Colum bia" were composed under the American flag. Its author, Joseph Ilopkinson, was a native of Philadelphia and the son of a signer of the Declaration of Independ ence. Like the composer of "Colum bia," he was the author of many other things in prose and verse, has come down to our day with auy fame but his national son"1. "Hail Columbia" was written in the summer of 1703, whcST we were having complications with France which threat ened to end in war. Ilopkinson had an actor friend named Fox, who was to have a benefit at a theater, and it was for him that the song was composed. The music winch accompanied the song, and to which it is sung toda3 was originally the "President's March," which was written ten years before, on the occasion of Washington's visit to New York, by a German orchestra lead er named lytes. " Columbia sprang into sudden popularitj', and it is said to have averted the threatened war, as it incited national pride and roused the whole country. Joeph HopkhiKon lived until 18-12, fill ing various important ofnees and loved y all for the great song he had given to his nation. He helped to revise tne con Ftitr.tien of Per.n-ylvania, was a-warm frier...! of Joseph Bju.-ipurto's during the ex-kh:g's soj.nirn in this country, and at th- ti New Millinery Store. Mrs. C. .M. Craves, dressmaking and millineiw. New goods, new prices, latest styt s. Store No. 110 South :!rd st: I'lattsmouth. Neb. 1m Philip K rause Is recogn ized as the leading gro cer of the city. I le keeps glassware, tieciisware, all kinds of groceries and table delicacies. dtf Dr. Marshrll Has returned from Dental College and will be found at his office in the Fitzgerald block, when.' he is pre pared to do all kinds of dental work. f - PUP,E viAPLE SUGrI iiad Syrup. Law urines ou tt d on large or small lota Strictly Pure. fliroiiclk Maple Sugar Co 1230 Monroe St., Chicago, 111. FULL Ell & DEXIPOA Western Agents. 1 it MOHBS & ROOT Tne pioneer iiieichants of Carry a full stock of general nierchondise which theysell very close. U gliest price paid for all kinds of farm produce. Gen erous treatmentand fair dealing is the secret of our success. CIIAS L MOOT, Notary Public Murray Neb. HIKE SlhNKLLHACKElt. Wagon and Blacksmith shop : ot many omer vyaon, Buggy, Machine and se, but nothing ' , . -To., , I plow Uep-: his eastern ;. ie Of th none hav o:a.i ..'.' Llannev." 1 -1 K: Vv'i judges iiy of the license as of age. Urwiu The II:. Tile lie the wed for th.- ii.-uaily gi dt an vth in tele late his We fear it is too late for Mr. io prevent the match; he luiv e liccueil th.c advice of !'".r,D given some time aj?'o. -. i act in the drama will be aie.l t!i .' return home 5ar.-a;.d Lie.- lag. .dilch is o idic io holding the j;tIge fur the live state. f':.:o;:::. i s-.ivj writers e;:. ."luring fame - . " ";"'' e, ,,. .-. ,..r.i,,.i ll is p;;a:u'5 the great e.-1 and most popular of all songs and 13-rics. It was coi:ipo.--.ei! arahl V.i-i roar cf can uoii anil the buvMir.g of h-onihs, and ye: te. i ..v..1 : ; -.;ng .-;thout eh-'olt from the la;a;l el its aathei". Francis Scott IZcv. t. r.nthnr, was a jiven.-v iii the. ha:: Is cf the JJiiiio'i when the song was coa.jioseil. He had gone down the b.;j- at I tilt;icia.d hy the Ih' lose e: securing Xr. who was held by ti a message fro:a I;r plow Ilepiiriag dooe HOIhSESIIOKINO A SPECIALTY He uses the , NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which is the best horseshoe for the farmer, or for fast driving, or for city purposes ever invented. It is so made that anyone cr.n put on sharp or flat corks, as needed for wet and slippery days, or smooth, dry roada. Call at h3 shop and examine the nevkkslip and yon will use no other. J. M. SHNEIiLBA CKER. 12 North Fifth St. ' Plattsmoutb jJEW HARDWARE STORE. S. 12. HALL & SON Keeii all kinds of buiMors hardware on hand .aul w.ll su:j.iy (utia t rs ou most fav liable tei.s : TIN ROOFING i IF YOU SHOULD THAVCL OER THE VVOnLD i AS FAR AS YCU COULD CO. ;A BETTER 50 AP TrArJ SANTA CLAUS YOUD NEVER qET TO KNOW ; - fnlp, xv my a m 8lCo. frGQ ILL I HE EE Krk A Si? H PVV HAS V. D. JOKES, Proprietor. THE FINEST RIGS IN THE Ol'r'Z" Carriages for IMeasurc inid Short Kept Jtcady. Drives Always Cor. 4th and Vine I'lattsmoutli, Nebraska F Q vmim 4 C2 WIJ.L KEEP CONSTANT III? ON HAND A Full and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all iiours The Best is the Cheapest That is Why Fred Gordcr after 15 years of experience as the most successful ?ricultural implement dealer in the county has bclected the following ininle- oients which he carries and heartily recommends to his friends and patrons. ara nil KinN done. Oide. in i n K V' ':lV'tly Im couiiuy Solicited li ;isl St. PLATrsMOUTU, JSEli. Cor riiuiu uinl Fiifa street. dtimore, then being tsli fleet, fvr the pnr-lvle.-e-a of a friend enemv. lie carried ident :.!adisr;n nsk- The Brit- rce.l to the request. 1 1 1 ur ior tne prisoner s rcicuse. i.-ii commander during the ittiack. Hey and his friends were therefore hi M back, and it was niiiie tiiey watched the terrific bombard ment of Fort ".IcKciu-y, now and then losing siht of the l'.:- g i -id i.p Citi'ital... H . IV.riH'!t r:i dlirotT M. I '.it iei si iii, II. Ci--":-!-. .T. il. M . I altrrbOU S-iOJOOn 26 00C' President Vice President (asl'.eir Ant Casuiei TORS '.ttt-rsmi, Fred Gorder, ;Colin3 asad Sclivitlor WAGONS, IS f c: o and PI ,ows NEW DEPARTURE TONGUELES AND aager r ultivators. WEIRS AND BRADLEY ST. LKCUTTE DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND worth Checkrowers and Planters. R. HA- ''i;j:iiam, Ii. S. Ramsey and nTrciT-Vpcs iJlJpolilXjC i.L J3ANZ1IIC TEA.1T3ATEP Handles tlie lincstol Hngiec, I'lneton.-;, Cart?, Spring Wacrons, and Carriages and other vehicles that are manufactured.' !i:;.c:Te.-'. Interest allowed on time ami r-roiiipt atieutiougiveu to all bus--ss eatrusttu to its care. ei se. The 1 :i:d: en ?Iai:i i trcet v.diere r::i:civ- ere ;:t w; ric hes just caed !(ivn i. i o cocx;, :-irni.i !v imirin."- 31r. Wright i.ncl another, whose name we did not learn. A Puzzle. We clip the following- from an ex change which we n.:pectfuliy refer loouryoung ladies. If they can't make it out our job printer will ex plain it on calling at this office: 'A young-lady wants to know how to make "not enough'' out of the word "enough." That is easy. It is done by transposing the letters and arranging them into two words. Take the third, second an 1 hist letters for tlie first word, the sixlh, fourth and fifth for the second and you have something- thats not enough for uuy young lady. A couple of tramps sauntered in to the l'crkins House and tried to make way with some of Henry lions' wearing apparel. 'Ihey were fired out of the town at a rapid rate by the police, who deemed their ab sence better than a term in jail at the city'a expense. its ran 101 . y.-, piieni :. 'r'li t-dhy ih:,.h: h and hi .' OVT 1 . ' Dr. il; was r."..-o that 1. :t waved over te "T-a; Star teok vh-ce in : 1 '. w. .1 t. ie i.neoe , "Ai!::ere'--;i i:i . l t:::.e was l.eil tc::k r i:i re it was of an old Heaven,'" g sang all c-vmtry. a's he.; w. ifnl ode "America" : ted to an English air, that of "God Save the Queen." Strange to relate, this :- ;;ae mi ).; answers for the national song of the German empire. Great I3rit:iiu and Ireland, Bavaiia, iver, jSot- Switzerla?iil, Crun wick. Ha way, Pr.i -:.:, Saxony, and does service in the Lihted States as "2dv Coanlrv, 'Tis of Thee." "America" lias no stirring histoid snr rcjnndieg it.: c--mposition. It was com posed in led 2. and was first sung at a children's ceki raehai at tlie Park Street church. 13. : st on, on the 1'onrtii of Jul3 the siinc year. S-imr.el rrancis S'irirh, its author, is still living. lit? is a native cf :.I:u,vicln: lS'U His "The "Morning Light Is Breaking," was written at the same time and place as "America." Di Smith has filled many inijxirtar.t ttatii ns in the church, and has written voluminously, his contribu tions embracing nearly ever- branch of good literature. New York Telegram. ;s, where lie' was born iii n.ous Mh.dcmiry hymn. B A N K oi' I'LAl'TrOl: 1 :') c;e t:d Til. NKIUtASKA . $ei,nr.o,oo - 10,000.03 )uixi tl.e v- r-.- ie-:-t fac"it!i' for the promp" ti;ta.-aeti')ii ii;--itimato Stork", lioaiis, ci.Kl, iso vt rurnent and local se- juiilte- bn.iuiit . n ! .-:..! a. Le;osits received ii',. i ni'Hrt-st ;:inwr.i on the certilicatee :. alts .;:.:..';, i'.,e ;e ia aiy part of the Jjii'v;i;ef a. i tae aaacipal towus oi Europe. Ol.LKCTIO.VS MAUK AM I'liOMPILT KKMIT-TU. - j..,. j, . fi)r coiiMty War- Ma: ;' 'o-.nity bonde. IjIIUXJ'OUS ji'.hn FitL-vra'.'t D. Hawk" worth a Saiu V.'nuii. F. E. Wbite Ceore V.. Dovey ,'oh i Fit.'.H-f Waueli. President Cast'- I"?!iest nv ran- n !Is iiuo f tl-.o Symiitoms. Maud D.jes Jack play football much? Agnes I du'i koo a Why? Maud 1 never see him walk lame. Ihxjtdi. a "1 r::t"f.T.t Cmf- v.i injury, I L M L Pi; preparation, with- X i ;;! 1 , T ; . 'I. -SC.:: . i' i ' .'J dxxd. 'Tan. A few apjdiicationa will ren der tle mof,t Flabborrdy red skin soft, rinooi-h au i v.hii.j. Viola Cream ia not a paint or powder-t cover defects, but a remedy to cure. It is euperior t nil ether preparrdicJi", rnd in guarantee! x civs MtifacL"o.i. At olrnggifcks or mail ed for CO cents. Propored by . . Iol4. Ohio. i. C BITT-fEB A :a. The largest line in Cass County, of double and single harness at prices to low- that it will ry you to come 20 miles and in.-nect stock piavaiiiiig mt-c.wieie. uv v 1JJ AtilI.ih.iC an experienced .ii to" Oeiol e workman has charge ot our harness shon. Fr ed Gorder. F'lnttsmouth and Weeping Water P H t. :.)') tt il p 3 -A f. 1 i-- hfi lipoid. W i M U DEALER IN GEOCErJES, GLASS AJN'D QUEEN SWA UE HflPiEd-Faefl a Specialty i Htroiiajre ! the Puble Solicited. IH Ills ?zpvztt?.Gnrt MANUFACTUHEK O? AND !s:i"Ai r, 7 r r . il vlUililW V. 1 1 M 1 AIL DIALKJi IN TI.'K Ti TO I I iomest Brands oj Cigars, including our FULL LINE O? 1 J i rOBACCO AND SilOKERS' ARTICLE always iD Btock. Nov. 20. 18S5. JOHNSON BUILDING, Nortil 6tll S r-y .si ii-ti. lr tifi -Mmd wvo wring oared. Bokg lnra1 "'i'i-i- i3 oiniMlir.ll. Teeiimmil8 from all l."iV'.T,rPiT f thsrlolw. lrcwpecta rOB rMK. fwTit on RnpIW-tion to Pro. 3 W Ijotomvva. W FUUiAts. Sew Vwk. The 5th St. Herchant Tailor Keep9 a Kull Line of Consult Your lQtereBf ty Giving Hioi a Call SHERWOOD BLOCK i i H;1 r .'2 1 i i ( H i -Ii r r L