Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 30, 1891, Image 4

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i I
4 L
-.The boy may live to be 80, but
the poor horse for want of a blan
kct in the stable has to die at 2C.
FREE Get from your dealer free, the
& a book, it has handsome pictures and
Talnable information about horses.
Two or three dollars for a sa Horse
Blanket will make your horse worth mors
sad eat less to keep warm.
5A Five Mile
5A Boss Stable
5A Electric
5A Extra Test
SQ other Btyles at prices to suit every'
bok7. If you can't get them from your
dealer write us.
Ask for
10 other style fc-A Nets, price? to si'I. all
bold by all . 'ers.
Oovekxok H(ivi lias apjjpointed
Lieutenant Griftitli of the Universi
tyis aid-de-camp, with the rank of
colonel. t
GKOli'M) was broken yesterday at
Riverside I'ark, New York, for the
lonsj talked of monuiiient to Gen
eral Grant.
Till-: president appears to be
having a pleasant time in Califor
nia. Yesterday he attended church
in San Francisco and to-day lie will
visit points of interest about the
Jonx M. Cotton', the editor of
Vanitj" Fair, waived a preliminary
hearing on the charge of criminal
libel at Nebraska City yesterday
and was bound over to the district
court in the sum of ."!. :0. He gave
bail for his appearance.
C'JIMA is no longer chilly. The
insurgents have made it so hot for
the president that lie will only
allow his mother to prepare his
food; and if tin
to an end s .;
a!l have been .
an revolution
b ioud ic 1 war i
ar is not brought
population will
I o'f. The Chili-
: 1
Is out as
1 limes.
1 I have traveled all through the
' industrial regions of Kiuope and
have seen with my own eyes this
! pinching want among the indu-tri-j
al classes. I have seen women
' ban-footed in the brick yards of
I merrie Kngland. carrying cold
slabs of damp clay.
1 nave seen uicni lining tiie coke
! ovens of sunny France. 1 have
seen them emerge from the coal
j pits of busy Ui lgiuin. I have
looked on m pity and ama.eiuevt at
women bearing the brur.t of the
heat ami toil in the harvest field ?
of the German Fatherland.
I have watched with sorrow and
indignation, women hitched up in
-Austria-Hungary with dogs drag
ging trucks and hauling burdens.
Minlmnit iiml tH'iit, witli ropes
over their shoulders, I have seen
women trudging- along the banks
of the canals and dykes of pictu
resque Holland, dragging boats
along the turgid waters. And, as if
to cap the climax of cheapness and
degradation, 1 nave seen women,
dressed as men, mixing mortar'and
carrying bricks up the scaffolding
to the bricklayers, in the charming
cit3r of Stockholm, Sweden.
Having seen all this, knowing all
this, I ask if anyone can seriously
consider this state of thingsandyet
repose in absolute satisfaction and
confidence, as some of our states
men do, 111 the doctrine of cheap
ness? Hon. Robert P. Porter to the
Republican Fditors of Ohio.
hen Major Mclinle3' says the
Boston Journal, lately delivered his
masterly address in Providence,
the chief democratic newspaper in
that city remarked that he would
do more harm than good by raising
the tariff issue in the state election.
R(i;i:k" . MlI.I.H, the great south
ern free trader, expected to succeed
Senator Reagan of Texas, who re
cently resigned tin.
s 1 1 1 j from that state
ty commissioner.
I. S. sell.'ltor
t I eeon ie ra i 1
1 lie was
mistakened; even Texas has had
enough free trade and begins to un
derstand the McKinley bill. The
governor has appointed Horace
Chilton, a man not known beyond
the limits of his state.
Jl'PC.i: Ckounsi: has been sworn
in as third assistant secretary of the
When the McKinley bill was
passed these were the declarations
of Senator Carlisle voicing free
trade prophecy as to its effects:
1. It would increase taxation ami
swell the surplus revenues; 2. It
would decrease importations and
create greater obstructions than
ever in the way of foreign com
merce; 3. The extended free list
would prove of no value; 4. New
industries would not be created;
5. Reciprocity, being a humbug,
could not succeed. It is already
proved that all these prophecies
are false how false another j-ear
will show. Already the custom
house entries prove that the reve
nues are much smaller than they
were in the same months of 1890.
They also prove that importations
are much, greater, both in volume
and value; that the free list has at
tracted a vast How of new business,
which is business that does not
compete with American production,
and that the importation of those
foreign goods upon which the du
ties were raised has been checked
Already in the making of these
goods American manufacturers are
active, and the market, held for
their benelit, is being occupied rap-
The sincerity of this assertion can I idly, without a penny of increased
be estimated by the fact that twenty
four hours later, this same news
paper devoted a large portion of
its editorial space to a frantic en
deavor to show that the democratic
party is a friend to the tariff, and
that "the real question is not be
tween free trade and projection."
In the interim our Rhode Island
contemporary had evidently begun
to hear from the people. One of
expense to tne consumer. Anu re
ciprocity, denounce it as they may,
has opened two new and vast mar
kets to American production, un
der conditions that are giving on
farmers and merchants an unrivaled
opportunity, and are calling forth
the jealous protests of Furope.
Tilt: champion of the Cottonwood
alli.jnce. Colonel Ki-er, roars again
in last even i n g's Jou rua 1, which the
editor of that .-lu-rt designates a
' finai" roar. That means that Colo
nel Kis.-r is through that i- if I'm;
IlKK'Al.P will allow the Colonel to
close his brief and brilliant career
in that way, which for the benelit of
the alliance and t he publ ie we ca n
not consent to do. The colonel
last com m nil icat ion is weaii lust to
the extent that he allowed the dem
ocratic meddlers to assist linn in
its preparation, and to that extent
loses the fragrance of the last year
corn in the crib ami tne Imttercups
and daisies in the clover past urc
The colonel loses the scent; he
started out to abuse Senator Thomas
and TllK IlKk'AI.h punctured his
democratic bladder.wh ieh evidently
discomposes the colonel. "Silence
gives consent; " hence, we are saft
in saying, a we surmised, that the
colonel voted against Senator
Thomas, although he (the colonel)
alleges that Senator Thomas, an al
liance man, made ample pledges, as
an alliance man, and that he (the
colonel) voted for White and Shry
ock, who, he asserts made no
oiedges. Why? Because the said
White and Shryock were democrats
This is the point THE IlEKALl
makes on the leading politician of
the Cottonwood alliance. We have
no quarrel with the alliance as an
alliance. That is all right, it is the
democratic end of the Cottonwood
alliance that we expostulate with
Again, Colonel Kiser does not deny
the soft impeachment that he is
budding, blossoming candidate for
office. Watch the colonel and see
how closed' we prognosticate his
political bearings. The denial that
the colonel enters to the friendly
accusation that he is a politician is
as child-like as it is refreshing. He
denies being "any kind of a politi
cian (?) except an alliance politi
cian." Now certainly the colonel
will not say a final adieu with this
incoherent statement; it is entirely
too utterly alliance. Let us have
light colonel. Are you a Missouri
alliance politician? or a North Caro
lina alliance politician? or a North
ern alliance politician? Are you in
favor of a national alliance ticket?
, 4
A !
Hucknek, Mo., April 10. To the
hniTOK. If tariff on an article does
not l twrpjisp its nnrp to th eoti
. . 1 . I i,...l IJ-.11- f
siimpr whv Una sno-:ir lieromi I oi .lie von. iiiec vuiunci i oin. m vai
i 1 , r t . w . . I - J ' " - v " " - - i
tne ecnoes oi .Major mcivinley's cheaper since it was admitted free olina and Colonel Hall of Missouri
speech is in this interesting com- of duty? A. OLD Subsckibek. I against a third oartv? Speak uo
The protectionist position is and colonel, for the party, and define
always has been this: your position: having acknowl-
.' I g; :
a li;
t '
! ;:ie p
loc racy !or
-si class sen
result of
i Waco, Texa
'.;: indicimen;
' n 1 1 .-.cioas
ieetiou frauds, and
-at ion it is said was
the news. lien
Tiiorougnoreu soma .-rn states line
Texas attempt to punish election
irauus. out little' more evidence is
necessary to prove that the mille
niiim is not far oil'.
Pk-Ks-IDKNT llAk'k'isoVs little pro
tective tariff speeches are" already
bearing fruit. .Mills, the rank free
irnuer, was cast asiue uy me gov
ernor of Texas when he was looking
for senatorial timber, for the reason
that he, iills, was in favor of free
v.'(.!:!. Thus showing- conclusively
that a ray of light hail pierced the
gubernatorial mansion, notwith
standing it was hedg'cd in by the
benighting in tl uei ice of a hundred
thousand democratic majority.
A SrEClAL to the Omaha lice
from Lincoln this morning sa3's:
"It is now reported that Lieuten
ant Governor Majors will not tile
intervention papers in the Iioyd
Thayer contest, as at iirst intended
by him. as his attorneys have been
assured that such a course is un
necessary. They claim that when
the supreme court settles the matter
concerning the citizenship of Boyd
it will also decide, in case Boyd is
Ottsted. whether Thayer or Majors
shall be chief executive. Therefore
Majors has withdrawn the papers,
although they were all ready for
PAWTUt'KET, R. I.. March 20. 1891
In Mr. t'harU: K. Sertoli Secretary of the
jjrmuenuic i uu i nmnnru e:
DEAR Sik Permit me through
you to present my resignation as a
member ot the democratic city com
Jhe undersigned is a tariff "re-
lormer. J lie republican and demo
cratic parties are both tariff "re
formers. I he distinction between
both on the ouestion is one of
method. i he republican method
s by protection supplemented by
ts natural and logical complement
1 he writer had the honor and
privilege to hear Mr. McKinley at
the Young Men's Republican Club
of Providence. That political lineal oi i ! .mi il ton. Clay and
Webster made the most masterly
speech upon the tnritf question that
Rhode J.-iand has ever heard. The
presentation of the topic from the
standpoint of protection was com
plete. In matter, form and delivery
it was all but perfect. Its force,
weight and argument are incontes
tible and unanswerable. It has
left no doubt in the writer's mind
1. Tariff is a tax and increases the
cost ot an article upon which it is
laid when that article is one that
the country can not be made to
produce for itself out of its own
raw material or from its own soil
Thus it is protective polic3' to admit
coffee, tea, indigo, rubber and the
things which this country can not
produce, or can not produce in
quantity nearly adequate to its d
mantis, free of duty. Free trade
policy taxes an tiiese tilings.
J.. iantr is not a tax, and does not
increase, but rather decreases price
when it is laid upon things we can
produce from our soil or by our
own industry, and in suiucien
quantity lor our own use. 1 litis tne
tarn: nas stimulated tne -American
production of silk, of iron, of cotton
oods and of most articles to which
it has been applied, and by increa
that protection is the life line alonH the Production h:ls increased
edged that you are an "alliance pol
itician," let us see where the alli
ance ot Cass county and ot Ne
braska stands as viewed through
your political field glass.
The Italian premier, Rudini,
seems to know when he has enough,
ind has subsided very gracefully
since learning- something of the
mettle composing tile' .American
A MAc;.it'K-?;.Y gas find has been
made at Blooming'ton. 111., at a
depth of only la ) feet. This is the
largest well in the West and it is re
ported will furnish fuel for several
j he Lincoln iieraiu. wnicn we
have often remarked as the ablekt
democratic paper in the state, has
another qualification not common
to the fraternity in that party, in
that it often tells the truth, though
it be at democratic expense. Last
week the Herald remarked editori
ally that "tlfere is nothing the dem
ocratic party as an organization so
much resembles just now as a last
year's birds' nest." The similarity
is very striking and the authority
being excellemt we refer the- matter
with proper regret to our neighbor,
of the- Journal, v, ho is a little dull
about seeing the
his adopted party
real condition of
winch the I nileel States with least
injury to itseif must follow in its
march toward the ultimate free
trade with nil nations.
Coming to such a conclusion up-
sii tne national question which has
oeen and is the chief ground of no
lineal contention between the two
great parties, he feels that he could
not honestly and consistently con
tinue a member of your organ iza
iion, smee organically you repre
sent in a measure ttie democratic
policy on this great question. He
tloes your organization thecretlit to
oelieve that you had rather have an
honest outspoken opponent whom
you respect than a dishonest asso
ciate to be despised and suspected
in closing, permit me to offer the
democratic city committee my
maiiKs tor tne tmitorm courtsey and
i c . i .
gooti reeling- the organization has
collectively and individually shown
me during my short term of mem
bership. Respectfully yours,
Richard Martin.
This manly and outspoken letter
explains itself. How many more
there ma3' be among the best and
most substantial of the Rhode Is
land dejnocrats who have had their
eyes opened by Major McKinley's
cogent arguments, we have no
means of knowing, but we doubt
not that it is a considerable number,
In a state like Rhode Island, with
an intelligent people, and great, di
verse and prosperous industries,
the free trade case simply cannot
stand the test of discussion.
The Rev. T. Dewitt Talmage
opened his new Tabernacle in
Brooke-it 3-esterday with imposing
ceremonies. The Tabernacle has
cost $4.i0,000 and has an indebted
ness of $'00.000 to pa3'. The collec
tion yesterday amounte-el to the re
markable sum of $a0,(XX. It won't
e many such efforts b- the gen-
erous paris.ii toners to relieve theen
tire debffc Rev. D. Hamill of Wash
ington delivered the dedicatory se-r-
mon. 1 he seating capacity of the
church is o.aijO.
competition, and has, necessaril-,
lowered prices.
s to sugar, it became apparent
that protection did not stimulate
production bej-ond a certain point,
and this point was far below thede
mands of the county. For example,
the total sugar product of Louisi
ana for the 3-ear 1S50 was 414,790.000
pounds; the product for was
but 37,933,1114: pounds. Now, sugar
has been protected ever since 1842.
The inference is either that the area
of soil suitable to cane sugar is lim
ited, or that the climate conditions
are enervating and limit the pro
gress of enterprise, or that labor
conditions are unsatisfactory. In
and event, it is plain that produc
tion has ceased to stimulate pro
First Baptist Church.
l!!E HERALD is pleased to note
the progress being made in the
erection of the new Baptist church
in South Park to take the1 place of
the old "Tabernacle." The base
ment was completed last Saturda3',
and a competent force of carpenters.
under the direction of Philip Mc-
Cullough, are now bus' raising the
For want of space we can not give
t de'scription or the building, ex
cept to sa3" that it is a brick base
ment 50x00 feet, 10 feet high, upon
which will be erected the building
proper, with a sixteen foot ceiling.
The old "Tab" building will be torn
town next week, and all the materi
al that can be used will be worked
into the new building. The new
church will present a fine appear
ance when completed and will .be
At the Ccsey Tarn near Union Depot, St. Joseph, Io.
We will pell IS bulls and 28 cows and heifers of the r-el early
maturing sort. Some timet excellent bulls and fiereral 1'UIZE WIN
NING IIEIFEKS will be included." If you want first-class cattle
dont fail to attend this sale.
Now Point, Mo.
Sabctlia, Iiuns
Gertrude M. Wiley vs. Charles K.
Wiley. Action for forcible deten
tion, Trial to jur3' and verdict for
S. J.Tabervs Frank Busch, con
tinued l3' stipulation until April L'9
10 p. m.
Petition of Christina B. Roberts
filed for appointment administra
trix, estate John G. Roberts, deceas
ed. Hearing May 23, 10 a. m.
Beeson & Root vs. Wm. A. Linch,
defendant, andO. B. Polk, garnishee.
Continued l3' consent until May 0,
10 a. m. to take answer of garnishee.
Philip Kraus vs. H. C. McMaken.
Settled and dismissed.
The State of Nebraska vs. Thomas
Molinsky. Complaint for assault
and batter' on Wm. Krisk'. On
trial to-day. H. D. Travis for the
. . 1 "S ..-... - ll,n
state aim liiuit-w ucuuy ui we.
License to wed issued to Mr. Wm.
Hamilton and Miss Hattie Canoni
both of Weeping Wate.
duction of cane sugar. By way of the Pride of the South Park PeoPle
contrast it may be said that in I860
there was not a pound weight of
steel converted into rails in the
United States, but in 1889 the pro
duct was 1,704,864 tons of 2,000 pounds
each. So that tariff has stimulated
the production of rails. Also it
may be noted that the price of steel
rails was $158.50 per ton in 1868,
which was the first year of their
manufacture in the United States,
and only $29.25 during 1889. In
creased production had provoked
competition and lowered prices.
But it is worth noticing that up
to a certain point protection did
stimulate the production of sugar.
In 1857 the product was 01113- 81,373.-
000 pounds, and the price in Boston
was ll'i cents a pound for raw
sugar, 14 cents for loaf sugar. The
war ot injI-M, ot course, cut ott the
Louisiana production and increased
prices. But in 1SS3 the tariff was
changed with the effect of cheape-n-ing
sugar si ightly by lvducing re
finers' profits, though not with the
effect of greatly increasing the pre
duction of raw cane sugar. Inter-Ocean.
Klder Wood is deserving of much
credit for his enterprise and push
in forwarding the building in so
speed3T and satisfactor3' a manner.
Next Sabbath will be the last the
old Tabernacle will be used for
worship, after which the basement
of the new building will be used
till the upper story is completed.
No flies on my horse, no sir. Flies
will not bother any horse where
Haller's Barb Wire Linment is used
Wedef' any one to produce as good
a Liniment tor barb wire cuts and
old sores. Heals like magic. For
sale b' all druggists. 3.
Doctors may differ in opinion as
to the cause of that feelinjf of lan
guor and fatigue so prevalent in
the spring; but all agree as to what
is the best remedy for it, namely.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla; it makes the
weak strong, anel effectual- re
moves that tired leeiing.
The State of Nebraska vs. Thomas
Molouisk-. Complaint for assault
and battel on the person of Millie
Kriskey. Trial to court and evi
neiiee lied llisumeieiil 10 siieuiin
the charge.
Timothy Clark vs. H. II. Yanara-
.... i 1 r .-'.-
nam. ,uit 011 account. iieaimg,
May 1st, 10 a. 111.
Timothy Clark vs Plattsmouth
Canning Co., etah Suit on account
Hearing May 1st 10. a. 111.
Albert N. Sullivan City of Platts
mouth. Suit for prolessional service
Demurrer to answer, sustained, and
cit' held liable for employment by
CU3- council.
The State of Nebraska vs Lean
Swinheart ctal complaint for unlaw
ful asseuibl-.
In spectacles, buy only the
Gering & Co'o. wtf.
The superior merit of Ayer's
Cherr3' Pectoral as an anod3 iie ex
pectorant is due to a skillful com
bination of the most powerful in
gredients. Nothing like it has ever
been attempted in pharmacy, and
its success in the cure of pulmon
ary complaints is unparalleled.
A perfect fit guaranteed on all our
spectacles and eye-glnssew. Saild
subject to trial. A lit or no sale at
Gering & Co's. wtf
All scalp and akin diseases, dan
druff, falling of the hair, gray or
faded hair, may be cured by us
ing that nature's true rcmedy,HaH's
Hair Renewer.
Christ iana
Miss Olive Horning
administratrix estate
Horning, deceased.
Miss Olive Horning appointed
guardian for Blanche Horning, mi
nor child of Cornelius and Christi
ana Horning, deceased.
Final settlement estate Charles M
Holmes, deceased. Accounts of
administrator allowed and decree
Last will and testament of Jesse
B. Ryan filed for protest.
The Vanaranam replevin suits
will come up in Judge Archer's
court to-morrow morning at 9, 10
and 11 before a jur3
Legal Notice,
Charles K. lVnnewc-ll, D.ivirt Berlin, J. M.l
Billims and William A. JlaK-h, defendants, i
will t;ike notiee on the day of April. 1
lH!) M, Kobertx, plaintiff . herein filed
ins petition in t he Dieinct Court of Casi
county. Nebraska, against fiaid defendant.-",
the object and prayer of which are to obtain
decree ot iil court that the quit claim der-l
duly recorded of said Charles li. I'enuewell tl
David Beebe for the undivided half of lot l l.
block 29. in the city of I'laUi-mouth, may be IN
full and complete cancellation of a ccrtaV
mortjjaKe need of said lot from David Beebe to
CharleH K. Bennewell, dated July c, 1857, and
that the marginal .satisfaction and cancellation
of a certain mortae of said lot lO.from Win.
A. Match to J. M. Billings, entered by H. S.
liillinu's, atty., on trie UUi Vayof December,
lHi;;i. may be decreed to be a full and complet
cancellation and satisfaction of said iuortaKr.
That plaintiff's title to said ot o, block tj, be
1 all v M'lieted and that all person be forever
barred from claiming title in and tot-aid real
estate by virtue of said mortgages,
Yoli are requested to answer sunt petition on
or before the Kl h d iy of June, tiul.
Dated April IX'.il . Wlt
by J. s. H Aril kws, Jos. M. BoiiKirrs,
Attorney. plainlill.
Statk f.v NriiUAsKA, i
(Ja-- County.
---em i-nana lyonun', f!eceas;f.
Not ice is hereby yi veil 1 li it t he c'.t i ms and
de.nands of all pui.sons against Im-tina
Hoir inL' deceased , late of n.u1 co:inly and
stitte will be received, examined and adj'f'cd
by l lie county court al the court ho-isu iu
Mattsiiioiit li on the :jotli day of October A. D.
1"M. ar. 10 o'clock in the forenoon. And that
six months from and after the .-frith day 'if
April A. l. is tiie time limited forcred-
ifji s ol aid deceased to present their clillns
for exemption and allowance.
Given und( r my hand, this 27th day of April
A. D. lsyl. B. S. Kahskv,
County Judge
We are THE place for wall paper
Gering & Co., the druggist. wtf,
"Do Gering & Co.. sell Wall Paper?"
"Well I should think so." wtf.
Itch on human and horses and all
animals cured in 30 minutes by
Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This
never fails. Sold by F, G. Fricke &
Co., druggist, Plattsmouth. wtf.
Beyond comparison? The prices
Gering & Co., make on wall paper,
paints, oils, and white lead. wtf.
The greatest of all remedied for
children. Cures indigestion, con
stipation, feverishness and loss of
leep. Sold b3r Gering & Co. lm
There is no need of a 113-person be
ing troubled with that dreaded dis
ease' Consumption, if the'y will use
Halh-r's Sure Cure- Cough Syrup. It
is compos. -d of the latest known
remcuies In
and used b
eers of our
r that particular disease
3- the leading pract ion
cit3". For sale b3' all
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
"M3stic Cure" for rheumatism and
neuralgia radically cured in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system is
remarkable and mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause and the di
sease immediately dissappears.
The first dose greatly benefits. 75c.
Sold b3' F. G. Fricke, Druggist, wtf
Notice is herebx- given that we
will apply to the Hoard of Trustees
of the village of Avoca. C;i-s county
Nebraska, for a license to sell Malt,
Spirituous and Vinous liquors for
the ensuing yc;ir, commencing on
the first day- of Ma3 191.
w3t Bk'OCKMAX Bkos.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv v irt lie of an order of sale issued bv W. C.
.Showalter, clerk of the d isti ict con it wit !i in
and for Cass county, Nebraska. a' il to me di
rected, I will on the I St li day of May, A. D.,
1S:1 . at 2 o clock v. m .. of said d.iv at t he foot.
ot the stairwav leading up to Boekwood Hall.
in tiie city of I'lattsiii iuth, Cass county, Xs'e
bra ka. that bein the place where the lat
term of the district court was held, in said
county, bell at public auction, to the highest
bidder for cash, the following real estate, to
wit :
Lot No. eleven (11) in block Vo, four (4) In
the village of Klmwood, Cwsh county, Nebras
ka, together v ith the pri vile''es and appurte
nance? thereunto belonejiiK or in any wise ap
pertaining ; thebame being levied upon and
taken as the property of J .A, I'lielpsdnll name
unknown) Jind S. 1. Phelps (full name un
known) defendants to satisfy a judgment of
said court recovered by American Exchange
Bank, plaintiff, against said defendants.
Plattsmouth, Neb., April 15th. A. D.Jls9i.
Sheriff Cans County, 'eb.
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