Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 30, 1891, Image 1

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D. K. IJarr was called to
Or-rn wood this morniiur on learn
ing the Had news that her fathf
wan not expected to live.
The hoard of education
purchased a nice or
hirh .school room
an for the
it the central
building which the higher classes
are delighted with.
N. II. Ishell the Mercertown farm
er finish shucking his cucumhers
ycHterday and is now enaiel in
trimming his turnip trees. He says
his strawberry bushes are loaded
and his peas are chuck full of pea
nuts. Mr. George Pfeiffcr of Bologna,
Italy, having recently married an
Iowa lady, is visiting his uncle, Nr.
Paul (jering, and his brother Krnest
in this city before his departure for
Ilia future home on the Mediterra
nean. Since the storm doors at the high
school have been taken down the
pupils pass in and out four abreast.
The entire building was emptied
yesterday at the sound of the lire
alarm in just one and a quarter
Mr. Pulton says he saw llarry
Kneller and Thedc Katou quite
often during his sojourn at Colora
do Springs, that they are both feel
ing first rate, like the country and
their folks seemed to be enjoying"
life on the mountains.
Our friend Kiser, of Cottonwood
alliance, loses his temper in trying"
to discuss a question with Till.
IlEIvLl. through the columns of
the Journal. Keep your shirt on,
Urother Kiser; the sheriff's office is
yet too far off and must not be
pulled for too strong.
Ed Hutchison Slioot.s and Probably
Fatally Wounds a Woman at
IM Hutchison who seems to be in
pretty deep water jut now is an
old resident of this cits' and lived
for many years on a farm twelve
miles west of town. Mr. Hutchison
is a brother-in-law of Cal Parmele,
and his wife is an invalid. The fol
lowing account of the attempted
murder is taken from the State
Journal, which says:
"There has been a murder com
mitted up there," exclaimed an ex
cited old man as he stepped from
the door at the foot of the stairway
leading to the second floor of the
Kitchen block at 1523 O street.
The remark was addressed to a
number of passersby who had
nanru temporarily mere at the
sound of a pistol shot repeated sev
eral times in quick t-tuccssioii. The
old man who emerged walked hast
ily a few steps westward toward Fif
teenth street, passed a policeman
and wad seen a little later snapping
a revolver at his own head. It
failed to respond to the trigger and
the old man started around the cor
ner on the run; headed south to
ward the capitol and disappeared
in the darkness.
Meantime in a room on the second
floor of the block lay a woman with
a gaping wound in her back, moan
ing" in the deepest agon", while the
blood dyed her clothing and was
spattered around her upon the
The excited old man was Tv. V.
Hutchison and the wounded woman
his victim, was Mrs. Jennie Green,
his paramour.
Last evening between S and t)
o'clock, so Miss Rice says, as does
also Gus Gilbert, the wounded wo
man's brother. Hutchison came to
the house to see Mrs. Green. They
were in one of the front rooms en
gaged in pleasant conversation
when last the other inmates of the
apartments noticed them. The
brother went into the bath room
The nianv friends of Mr. and Mrs.
i ) ' - Will S. W ise will be sorry to learn
3'? " ri -. : . . ! : I rinrl ttirlnln-i fl i,i 'in ni'lMi!tiiitJn.i
. ieir Having iiaiisciioiisiuugi ee- . . inmiij; juuui;i,
0 : .i-urr, jvio-; in nit rear room.
as Kiicnen ana uuiiiir
TllK IlKk'ALl) representative was
unable to attend the council meet
mg last night and went to the cit
clerk's office today to see the record
only to learn that Mr. Sherman had
it and as he kept if up to the time of
going to press we are unable to
print the council proceedings today.
We had supposed the clerk's office
was the place to keep the records
and papers belonging thereto.
A New Ferry Road.
TheR&N. folks have offered
rignt ot way alontr their old river
track to the ferry if our people will
simply make a good crossing over
or under the main line track at or
near happy hollow. This would
give us a lirst class road instead of
the hilly round about way that pe
ople are compelled to travel at the
present time. A good level road to
the ferry would bring a great deal
of trade from the other side that we
donot get on account of the bad
road. Mr. Petersen the proprietor
offers to make a round trip rate of
7.1 cents for team and load if the
new road is fixed up. The citr coun
cil could not do a better thing for
the town than : to make this much
needed improvement.
Go to Phillip Krause for your
drv troods and -iroceries. where vou
will find the best of everything, lie
al-j keeps fruits and vegetables in
their season. tf.
jis aooui inaiieis piiuiv
'.selves, to such an extent that
4 ce proceedings are said to be
the tapis. Mrs. Wise has been
stopping with her brother, Walter
Dykes, at Pacific Junction, since her
return from California a week or
teu da-s aro.
S. W. Dutton returned home Sat
urday from a six week's visit at
Colorado Springs and other mount
ain resorts in that vicinity. Mr.
Dutton earned considerable in
weight, and while he isn't as fleshy
as Coon Heisel, fie looks ten years
younger than when he went away
and is greatly improved from
havincr taken the trip, as TllK
Herald is glad to note.
"The Little Tycoon" has scored a
popular success and already its
principal airs are being whistled
on the street. The libretto of the
opera is arausinjr and the music
bright and catch'. The costumes
are very handsome and the stage
settings very pretty, and Willard
Spenser, the author, is with the
company. You will miss a rare
treat if vou do not hear it next Sat
urday night.
During the time that Mr. Spen
ser's bright, sparkling, ever-popu
lar work has been on the stage
nearly fifty comic operas have been
brought here irom abroad ana pre
sented, and yet "The Little Tycoon"
has outlived them all. It caught
the popular favor at the start and
has retained it to the full measure
for over two years. Crowds still
flock to see it under the author's
personal supervision. Only com
pany now playing the opera. At
the Waterman next Saturday
For powers of attraction "The
j1 Little Ty coon" still proudly heads
Mthe list, and there is not one who
' hara it tint will romp ncnin tr fn-
joy e sweet music and rich hu
mor. The elegant costumes and
splendid scenery are all new. No
lover of good music and good
singing should fail to see the per
formance of Spenser's "Little Ty
coon" under the author's personal
supervision. Go and hear if at the
fopera house next Saturday night.
f -I 'r
wincli serve
Suddenly, at about 9:'M, two shots
iired in the front room startled Miss
Rice, and a second later Jennie
ineen dashed into the kitchen
Hutchison followed in quick pur
suit, tired twice again and Jennie
All from C'tis County.
A full report of the Valparaiso
Bank robbery was given in yester
days Herald. The escape of two of
the robbers was noted, but they
have since been captured S miles
south of Greenwood and turn out to
have been l-"1 rank Tobin son of a
Greenwood precinct farmer and
Klnier Nelson a farm hand residin
near I".-. i tie young men sav it
was their first attempt, and seein
how near the robbey came to bein
i murder it will certainly go hard
with them. Ihey were taken at
once to Wahoo where they will be
neia until district court convenes
next month, when the certainly of a
long term in the penitentiary con
fronts them.
Mr. H. C. Ritchie wilfvi- it f I i !
in Omaha today.
W. II. dishing and I". ICY. !:oc
are in Omaha to-day.
Win. I'rwin and Jos. Petit :.." i
town tod a y from Louisville.
Mrs. W. S. Wise came over to ..mvii
from the Junction this morning.
Mike Child and wife of Loui.-viile
came in on the Schuyler this ::,rn
ing. "Geo. Slioeman a prosperous far
mer of Louisville precinct i in the
city today.
Mrs. J. M. Roberts went to Lincoln
this morning to visit her sisn-r, Mrs.
lid. Hutchinson.
H. N. Dovey and J. N. Summers
are attending to business i.i the
metropolis to-day.
Attorney Haldeman of Weeping
Water is attending to bu iuess at
the court house toda3.
Mr. J. W. Hendee came in this
morning from a brief business trip
to Jalesburgh aad I hi.-hnci I, 1
l-'red, son of Paul Vandc'voon ol
Omaha is in the city t
guest of his friend Geo
Thomas I. Gordon of
arrived in town tliis nioriii
after his properties whic';
-ugiist Wendt the
owner ot the town ol J-i: ".
old time friend of this el
tending to business iu n t
lid. McMaken came u
orning from his ::'! :
in l'eiiiisylvaiun. .em,
enough lor l.d. in.- t ve , .;
on't want the be:-1 .
Col. Matthew ( irrni:
Wickersham walked ii
iciiic -uuctiou ;d a . :
this morning, havii
walked all the was" : '
City and the walking
good either.
n.i?iri sr- Aimo, e e-meirf' :
!::y the
i- Cope-
i 1 1 i ni' ire
;' i ) loi i '.
: ; j liile
and : : : i
v, as a t -
,y job
.- .good
ays lie
' ia 'or
: I .)'.! r
We are showing a beautiful line
and the latest novelties in rogue at
prices from .fli.aO to 10.00.
Pull Line of
inch Zcpher Gighains.
Preton Zypher Gighains
A P C ( i i gha m.
I omest ic ( ighams.
Henrietta Sateens.
Pg""ltian Printed Cottons
Silk Striped Madras Cheviots
Paney printed Chambrays.
We carry a comph-te liii of Gor
don's Past Dye Hosiery for ladies
and childrens wear --Guaranteed
absolutely stainless
A good ladies ribbed vest at 10c
Past black ribbed vests at '.Cc.
ISlack lisle Thread vests at lac
SilkMixcd vests at 7.c
l-'ull Pin-' oi Childrens underwear
)ur li
oi b!a
k and while
ei ngs excee I
sh n by us
a ; . thin;
;:l prices
e -r
I )efore
as last
j I ()!.; I
I v a i i - a -:'.ot
Settlement Notice
parties indebted to the firm
sank with a groan to the lloor, strik- of Wildman & Fuller are requested
Howard Zinks trial on the charge
of embezzlement was concluded be
fore Judge Hall of Lincoln yester
day. The suit was hard fought on
both sides. There seemed to be but
little dispute as to facts, but when
it came to interpreting the actions
of Zink, the opposing lawyers dif
fered widely. The case was given
to the jury about G o'clock,
At 9 o'clock last night the jury re
turned into court with a verdict of
guilty as charged in the information.
ing the table with great force and
rolling under it. Hutchison turned
and retreated into the front room
The brother came rushing from the
bathroom half clad only to see
Hutchison going out of a side door
into the hall, snapping a revolver
at his own head as he went out. As
Gilbert started in pursuit the
wounded woman cried to him to
her, that she was shot.He did so and
the old man was thus permitted to
go out unmolested.
Dr. Griffen and Dr. Lowrey were
called. Jn examination of the
wound showed that the revolver
must have been pressed against the
woman s back when the shot was
fired, as the clothing was burned.
the flesh around the bullet hole was
blackened and burned to a crisp
it was a remarKauiy targe aper
ture lor a bullet Hole. Hie mvesti-
to call at once and settle.
dL't-wlt L. H. WlLOMAX.
L. C. Fuller.
A Surprise Social.
Last night several friends of Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Kikenbary met at the
home of N. II. Isbell, carrying
baskets well filled with good things
to eat; and about 8 o'clock the en
tire crowd, armed with their bask
ets, marched in unannounced on
Mr. and Mrs. Ivikenbary, where a
most pleasant evening was spent.
Among those present we noticed
Senator Thomas and wife, E. R.
Todd and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Andy
Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. A. Todd, Mr.
and Mrs. N. II. Isbell, Mr. and Mrs
gation further revealed the fact that Richard Horsley, Miss CassieRupp,
the ball hadpassed directly through Miss May Ratten, and lid and Allic
the vertebral column, a little to the Todd
leit oi the center and about the
iunction-of the ninth or tenth rib
lhe unfortunate woman is almost eu or tne delicacies oi the season,
thirty-two years of age. Slie is were thoroughly discussed and en-
onginaiiy irom Minnesota, but ioved bv all present.
i I
"The Fair" has ju
nesv invoice of hainn.
sets, boys' express sv;,
s. croqui
JJeaiitifiil lino of Solid JJIack I lYni-ietl i
ecus in
Iriped, Brocaded and l'olka Dolt cll'i'ds, cut i icly new and
apid .sellers.
Drown & Barrett ha
and finest stock of v.
borders in Plattsmoaih.
the large.'-
ill paper a nd
"The Fair" has the reputation of
being the cheapest place Pi toss i;
on ribbons, laces ami embroideries. tf
Drown & Darreti, successors to
Wildman & Fuller, have an endless
variety of wall paper and borders
all new colors and u signs. wit
For S'u-.i.
A pood farm imu-1
town of Murrnj, i. i..
Plenty of timb, r i t
orchard, 350 Injuring ! .
Nebn Feb., 9th. IS 91
I I.I:
i m t li.
I. li. R
;i; r. (J nut
I'l l t.-nn utli,
W. llVK.RS.
Baby Cti-nnj-s.
Patent sleeping c 'aclies for babies
with removable cushions and finely
tempered springs. They are novel
ties that the public will appreciate.
For sale only by J. 1. Unnih. dtf
Croup, whooping cough and
bronchitis immediately relieved by
Shiloh's Cure. 4
The refreshments, which consist-
fro m
lived in Colorado and one or two
other Western states ere she came
to Lincoln two or three years since,
She had a husband named Green
in Minnesota, but what became of
him is not stated.
About a year ago or perhaps a
little more, she was arrested on a
charge of prostitution. She lived
then in the Sheldon block. In po
lice court a line was administered.
she appealed to the district court
and by some means escaped the
fine. She claimed when arrested
that she was a detective. She is a
large woman of passibly good ap
pearance, never seems to work and
always dresses well.
It appears to have been along
last June or July that the relations
existing between Hutcheson and
Jennie Green began to attract the
attention of observant people.
They made frequent trips abroad,
especially to Omaha, on the same
train, and often chatted together
sociably in the same seat. Then at
length the twain entirely disap
peared and were gone for some
time. Rumor has it that thev had
eloped. They had not been back
many weeks ere the scandal gained
publicity through the suit on the
The most vigorous search was
made for the missing man, but up
to 2 o'clock this morning he had
not been found.
In order te settle up the affairs of
the lirm of J. . Hendee & Co., we
will for the next 30 days sell Hard
ware lit rock bottom prices. Come
along and see for yourself. Every
thing goes, price no object. J. W.
Hendee & Co., U. V. Matthew's old
stand. tf.
Owing to rush of business. Wise
&.Root have not been able to make
the line display of patterns prom
ised. But by Wednesday their sec
ond invoice will arrive and they
will be ready to receive their pa
trons and show them the most ele
gant line of hats, ornaments, etc.,
ever shown in Plattsmouth. The
stydes will be absolutely' correct. 2t
The children of the late Spensor
S. Billings have erected a beautiful
marble and granite monument in
his honor, which is placed over the
grave at the family burial place in
the south part of the city adjoining
the old homestead.
For sale or rent: M- house is for
sale or rent. Anv one wishing a
nice house should call at once,
tf I. A. CO.X.VOK.
We sell men's working pants and
blouses at a discount ot 20 per cent.
We are closing out this, line of
goods. tf "Tin; Fair."
N oti oe.
All person;'- knowing themselves
indebted to undersigned for last
year's ice and other s ear's ice will
please call and seitle, as no ice will
be delivered to them until former
accounts are paid
The ice wagon
is on the street daily and ready to
deliver on order, tf F-S. White.
A rents Wanted.
Apply at the Singer agency at
Henry Bueeck's. dtf
I am now prepared to deliver ice
to anyr part of the city. Telephone 72.
tf 11. C. MCMAKEN.
The proceedings of Lodge No. 2
of , the National -Association of Sta
tionary Engineers at the opera
house will appear in the IlEKALP in
full tomorrow.
"The Fair" has only a few more
velocipede's left, which are being
closed out at cost. tf
TheC. O. T'm.
The C. O. T's. were very pleasant
ly entertained last evening at the
home of Miss Mae Dutton in honor
of her nineteenth birthday. Those
present were as follow:
Misses Rose McCauley, Nettie Bal-
lance, Frank and Mamie Stiles,
Mae Patterson, Georgie and Maggie
Oliver, Ida Bocck, Lizzie Miller,
Bertha Wise and Pheme Robbins.
Dr. E. L. Siggens has returned and
may be found hereafter at his office
over Gering's drugstore. tf i
The regular meeting of the Ladies'
Aid Society of the M. K. church will
be held to-morrow afternoon at 2
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Dunn,
on Rock street between Eighth and
Or. Marshall
Has returned from Dental College
and wl.'l be found at his office in the
Fitzgerald block, where he is pre
pared to do all kinds of dental work.
The entertainment which was to
have been at the M. E. church Fri
day evening next, has been post
poned. J. D. M. BUC KXER.
Baby is Sick. The woefull expres
sion ol a ues -Monies teamsters
countenance showed his deep anx
iety was not entirely without cause,
when he inquired of a druggist of
the same city what was the best
to give to a baby for a cold? It
was not necessary for him to say
more, his countenance showed that
the pet oi the family, if not the idol
of his life was in distress. "We give
our baby Chamberlains's Cough
Remedy,"' was the druggists answer.
"I don't like to give the baby such
strong medicine," said the teamster.
"You know John (Meson, of the
Watters-Talb'ot Printing Co., don't
your Inquired the druggist. His
babj-, when eighteen months old.
got hoi ! i a bottle of Chamberlain
Cough tOemedy and drank the whole
of it! Oi course it the baby vomit
very freely but did not hurt it the
least. and sshat is more it cured tho
baby'.- cold. The teamster already
knew the value of the Remedy, hav
ing used it himself, and was now sat
isiied that there was no danger in
giving it even to a baby. For Sale
by F.'G. Fricke ?c Co Druggists.
For lame back, side or chest, use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 2.1
cents. For sale by F. G. Fricke i
Co. and O. II. Snj-der. 3
Ac'ditional local on fourth
One Door East of the First National Bank
stock of
Remember that R. O. Castle & Co have an immeru
And Guarantee Satisfaction in all
4 IlllS
Also the Ligh running Domestic Sewing Machine for sale
i Ti 5; t
Ho. 1 Farm Harness. ?JuZSSi?V
1 a r V)
V ir. v 1 r't-'j!it vii"iv-j t-i
H roiddifciium toorufar furthJtn wegiFOL-o era!:.,
1 Pkitform. ThreSprinff or r'omMntioa
WaitoiiHi IStiO t kudo as nUie .! at JU
Oun at MINI pneat tilnr ft i ;..
,7 ' ttr-r
v i. r'r . vV
.So. SI.
A'n 1 I'fftnnn Stf) Phaeton. J 1 lO; mim as soil at. 8130. vv v,"-
- . i
l Are iiu is. l uaK ititnrr.
iNlnirtn. ! to S;20. LlirkX Diabl9. COto S lC-
epiureiaiiHtTatoa.Oal. I D CafiTT fr H SlI.iSl. li-T?.