Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 23, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Estimates and i-Ians of .ill work furnished and
Kcoorus keKt.
Ollico iu Martin Block.
County Surveyor
All orders left with County Clerk will
icceive prompt attention.
Personal attention to all business entrusted
10 iuv oare
Titles exaiuineil. Abstracts oomiiiled, Iiibut
ftnee written, real estate cold.
Better facilities for making Farm Loans thai)
Attorney at-Law. Will give prompt attention
to all bUHiuena entrusted to him. Oltlce lii
V'niou block, East Side, I'latteinoutli, Neb.
Notary Public Notary Public
Office over Hank of Cass County.
Plattsnieutu - N'ebrasha
- :vj
A 3
The Washington Avenue
-AN O-
Headquarters for
of i
- " I ill I?) x ' 1 I iiil
"We pay no rent and sell for CASH.
"Tou don'tjpay any bills for dead beats
when you buy of this firm.
The best SOFT COAL always oe
Opposite Iiichcy Bros Lumber office
-ijT . .... . t J.
Bridge workjand fine gold work a
DR. STEINAUS LOCAL as well as other Sao
estheticsgiven for the painless extraction of
C. A- MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald Klro1
The Leading
Cc:;tantly keep. on l.hnd everything
you ned to funii-li your housr.
217, 210, 221 and 223 Main St.,
lattsmouth, - Mebraska.
E. U. rC-173, Proprietor,
Ibe rcikhi-, 5.". -i tliorougblj
reuoy it td if. '' t emd "f
row Out: t-f tit-- i - : h.-t'.'n in the rtate
Boardora h.- tui.u- bj the week at
ti-SO ard u?.
. -5". r, ' tA X M.
: . ) . ; v; i-oxr". pink wrppy, re dajireru ccit-erTelLab At Urafmata. ar sa
Ayek's Pills
r.n 1 all other? n a family mcHllotne. They
are suited t every coiialittiUon, old luui
youiiK, and, bi.-lii .suj;ar-conUid, are Hfrreo
aV.e to Like. Turcly vegetable, thoy leavo
no ill effects, buLjsLruiiKthen and regulate
he stomach, liver,' and buwMU, aud restore
every organ ti iU normal function. For uao
either at home or abroad, on land or sea,
tluuee PilU
Are the Best.
"Ayer's Pills have been used In my family
for over thirty years. We find them an ex
cellent medicine in fevers, eruptive dLseasea,
and all bilious troubles, and seldom call a
physician. They are almost the only pill
uaod In our neighborhood." Kedmon (.
Comly, Kow Landing P. O., W. Feliciana
Parish, 1-a.
" I liave been in this country eight years,
and, during all this lime, neither I, nor any
member of my family have used any other
kind of medicine than Ayer's Fills, but theso
we always keep at hand, and I shiuld not
know how to get along without them."
A. W. Sodcrhcrg, Lowell, Mm
"I have used Ayer's Cathartic rills as a
Family Medicine
for 36 years, and they have always piven the
utmost satisfaction." James A. Thornton,
liloomington, Ind.
"Two boxes of Ayer's Pills cured me of
severe headache, from which I was long a
sufferer." Emma Keyes, Hubbardstown,
Ayer's Pills,
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Maaa.
Sold by all Dorters in Medicine.
A strictly first c-ia- machine, fully warrant
ed. Made from the verv best material b
skilled workmen, and with the best tools that
'lave ever been .ievNed for the purpose. War
ranted to do all can be reasonably ex
pected of the very best typewriter extant.
Capable of w 'ie' IV: wms er minute 01
more according to the ability of the operator.
PltiCE $100.
If there is no agent in your town address the
Agents wanted Parish N, Y.
Lincolij, Neb,
linifln' T r lrea tha nn.t rnU. .....k. - - m .
gj.omiurfeiii.v !vp. JoWAIfIJHi!brRS-,rtSS. Bcini
2J1TjThr,'' ',"l'i'n. lwk.ii U l.niuliate, direct anC
r, . ' ..ii L- u . i :itc, ckw Flier TiciiL lrlff,uc
gflMnp. hR.R. ECH-IFTlSLAIIW, 8t.ul. 1SUul.
Cleanar and beaoUna the hair.
Promote a laxoriaat growth.
Never Fails to Beatore Orj
Hair to ita Touthrut Color
Cures vcalp r!paea a: hair falling.
f t.uul Drurirtju
i barker a Gincer Tonio. It curea the wort Cuuo,
Weak laiiiTs, Dtbilr, Indigeation, Pain, Tuka iu time. 50 eta.
The only nire cure for Cotth.
Sui uii paju. at Iiruggista, or ULbCOX r"r , N. Y
Dr. Grosvenoi's
Jrum patn. 13
Rheumatism, neuralirin. rlenrisyana lombattop'j
cured nt once. Genuine tor sale by all Drnfei'ts.
i?T7 v T-T'-vr n.v
(new) Sil45, OK
Jjii,r ill ;47w
UEATTY. Washing
AfiJ'.JJTS nrike I S Ser -fit net on my
Cornets, Kelts. 5ruhes. Curler, .ind med
ieiues. Siimiiiet- tree. Write now. Dr. Uridg
man, :'-71 I'roadw.iy TST. Y.
Pc3 i n .
Vt,i-i. V't ic tor Ui of pruoUi flLC
That fivmnlls means pain
and Bitfforinrif. Hut why suffer?
Dr. Grosvenor's Ut-Il-cap-Bic
jiorons I'lastcr will relieve
yon in one nifht, sure. Send
a pennj- stamp to Grosvenor
& Kichardt?, Hostoii. Mass.,
and learn how to remove a
po rou's plaster scientifically
it will nnj- you and don't
forget tliat the best porous
plaster in the world has the
picture of a bell on the back
cloth, and is called
Dr. Gkosvexor's
, Pen
"-. r.
1 U 'Sis? W .
w a-r.
J - r
r5T; j&SK
Ct.ICHt-.Ttf, CHI.C.4jrs
Bocklon's Arnica Salve.
Tine liic.vr SAi.vt in the worl.l lor ('ut.
Ilrui ncs, Stu-es,,, Salt Khi-uai. l'' ver
Sorerf, Tetti r, CliajH-.l liana.-, Cliilbl.tii.:,,
Corns, itnd all Skin Kruptinnt--, ainl posi
tively curb l'lley, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to t;ive Htttisfaction, ir
money refunde-1. I'rice 2. cents per box.
For Hale by F. O. Fricke & Co.
A Mystery Explained.
The papern contain frequent no
tices of rich, pretty and educated
firls eloiinr with negroes, tramps
ana coaenmen. I lie well-known
Hpecialist, Dr. Franklin liles, says
an sucji lrls are more or less hys
terical, nervous, very impulsive, un
balanced; usually subject to Head
ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im
moderate cr in"- or lauuhintT- These
show a weak, nervous sy stem for
wliicn liu ie is no remedy equal to
Restorative .Nervine. Trial bottles
and a fine book, containiiiL many
marvelous cures, free at F. G. Fricke
A Co's., who also sell and guarantee
Dr. Miles' celebrated .New Heart
Cure, the finest of heart tonics.CureH
llutteritifr, short breath, etc.
Some years ago Chauioerlaiu & Co., of
Dee Moines, Iowa, commenced the man
ufacture of a couh syrup, believing it to
be the most prompt and reliable prepara
tion yet produced for coughs, colds aud
croup; that the public appreciate true
merit, and in time it was certain to be
come popular. Their most sanguine
hopes have been more than realized.
Oyer three hundred thousand bottles of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy are now
sold each year, and it is recognized as
the best made," wherever known. It
will cure a severe cold in less time than
any other treatment. For sale by F. Q.
Fricke & Co.
Height of Cruelty
Nervous women seldom receive
the sympathy they deserve. While
often the pictures of health, they
are constantly ailing-. To withhold
sympathy from these unfortunates
is the height of cruelty. They have
a weak heart, causing' shortness of
breath, fluttering-, pain inside, weak
and hungry spells, and finally
swelling- of ankles, oppression,
choking, smothering- and dropsy.
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is just
the thing for them. For their ner
vousness, headache, weakness, etc.,
his Restorative Nervine is unequal
ed. Fine treatise on "Heart and
Nervous Diseases" and marvelous
testimonials free. Sold and guar
anteed by F. G. Fricke & Co.
The following advertisement, pub
lished by a prominent western patent
medicine house, would indicate that they
ragard disease as a punishment for sin:
"Do you wish to know the quickest
way to curea severe cold? We will tell
you. To cure a cold quickly, it must be
treated before the cold has become set
tled iu the system. This can always be
done if you choose to, as nature in her
kindness to man gives timely warning
and plainly tells you in nature's way,
that as a punishment for Some indiscre
tion, you are to be afflicted with a cold
unless you choose to 'ward it off by
prompt action. The first symptoms of a
cold, in most cases, is a dry, loud cough
and sneezing. The cough is soon fol
lowed by a profuse watery expectoration
and the sneezing by a profuse watery
discharge from the nose. In severe
cases there is a thin white coating on the
tongue. What to do? It is only neces
sary to take Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy in double doses every hour. That
will geatly lessen the severity cf thy
cold and in most cases will effectualle
counteract it, and cure what would have
been a severe cold in one or two days'
time. Try it and be convinced." 50
cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke &
Co., druggists.
The Hennes Method for piano and
organ, the favorite and most suc
cessful in France and Germany,
also harmony taught. dtf
Mr3. Merges.
The First Step.
Perhaps you are run down, can't
eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do
anything to your satisfaction, and
you wonder what ails you. Ybu
should heed the warning, you are
tnkinp-the firt stef into nervous
iOOiidiiuu. luu xicvudllciVC tOliiC
and in Flectric Bitters you will find
the exact remedy for restoring your
nervous system to it normal, healthy
condition. Surprising results fol
low the use of this great Nerve
Tonic and Alterative, Your appe
tite returns, good digestion is re
storer', nnd th" liver and kidneys re
sume healthy action. Try a bottle.
I'rice aOc, at F. G. Fricke & Go's
fi'-ilss' Nerve and Liver Pine
Act on a new principle regulating
the liver, atomach and bowel through
the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles'
Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste,
torpid liver, piles, constipation. Une
qualed for men, women, children.
Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 25c.
Sfimpla free at F. G. Fricke & Co's.
The New Discovery. '"
You have heard your friends and
neighbors talking about it. You
may yourself be one of the many
who know from personal experience
just how good a thing it is. If you
have tried it you are one of its
staunch friends, because the won
derful thing about it is, that when
once given a trial, Dr. King's New
Discovery ever after holds a place
in the house. If you have never
used it and should be afflicted with
a cough, cold or any throat, lung or
chest trouble, secure a bottle at
once and give it a fair trial. It is
guaranteed every time, or money
refunded. Trial bottles free at F. G.
Fricke & Co's drugstore.
Needles, oils and parts for all kings f
machines cn be found at the Singer of
fice, corner of of Main an 1 Sixth -treets
with Henry IVecl" wtf
Hair chains, rings, crosses and
hair work of all kinds to order.
Mrs. A. Kxee.
tf 171!6 Locust SL
O'.i, tv. j!i-liT hour of f.-ati.t iiiel my.-tie ':' t,
V.'Im ii s f;i!I in ro s the fadin,: l.ii. 1.
And ion:; f .Ken of the pa'-t
ricutt haeli arid ehant like t-jiiril - of the tii,.!it,
In voire :wid and moI-miii. till at lat,
W'n veri:c, t hey t-easu in the mi.-ertaiii I: :M.
When mists iihmij the water rise anil drift
And liaiiL; upon the rimpliiu; wavelets elrar.
In wb.ii h the dark reileet ions of the trees
Shadowy, indistinct and dim appear.
Like specters, tall and K-'Uint, the cedar trees
Stand dark ni;ainst the golden tinted j-ky.
Whilst from their topmbut boughs tho scltliuf;
Utters its desolate and direful cry.
Tho undulating reeds sway to the hree.e
That o'er them fiitjhs ita plaintive wailing
In the twilight hush like vesper soft it sounds.
As o'er tho tranquil watf r it doth float.
Oh, silent hour, dreamlike and indistinct.
When Ion? forgotten voices of the past
Ii t urn, and hold communion with t he soul!
Oh, sad and mcivil hour of dyiiej; day.
Whoso death th' hallowed AiiKelus dot It toll.
Kneel thou to silent niht anil his dread sway.
A. J. Stringer in Dominion Illustrated
The Iiollts ltilils' Charity.
A story about tho head of the bunking
house of Rot h.-idiilds was related at tho
Grand Pacific hotel by Raron Ileinrich,
of Berlin. "Some years ago the old
cashier of the great establishment, " said
the Baron, "went to Rothschild and told
him that after thirty years of service ho
had managed to save 250,000 francs and
he desired to go into business for him
self. His employer regretted his cashier's
departure, but bade him good luck. The
cashier embarked in speculation and in
a short time lost every cent. Recogniz
ing the fact that while he was a good
servant he was a poor master, he called
on the Rothschilds, told bis story and
asked for re-employment.
"The banker installed him in his old
place, iind advancing him a year's salary
advised him to invest it in a certain
stock. The cashier did so. The banker
instructed his brokers how to act, and
between them they sent the price up to
a point at which the banker advised the
cashier to sell. The cashier did so at a
profit that recouped for all his losses.
The price then settled down to its nor
mal figure, and the banker charged him
self with the 250.000 francs which he
knew his old employe would have been
too proud to take outright as a gift."
Chicago Post.
The Price of Wisdom.
There is nothing stranger to youth
than the persistency with which age prof
fers its experience; there is nothing more
trying to age than the determination of
youth not to accept it. The fathers,
mothers and guardians who have learned
their hard lessons would be glad to iiat
part their knowledge, without its ruin
ous price, to those they love. But the
youngsters will have none of it. No;
they must buy their own wisdom, "dree
their own weird," "pay the piper" them
selves. No yearning affection can shield
them from the trials and temptations
they rush so gayly to meet.
But why should the elders continually
mourn that such is the case? They have
sient their lives in learning how to live.
So did their predecessors. Their chil
dren will do the same. The law is uni
versal. Knowledge comes only with
age and wisdom with the close of life.
It must be that it was so intended. The
blunders of youth, the struggles of ma
turity, the regrets of age, are all part
of the inevitable training of each soul;
a training necessary before it is prepared
to enter on a fuller life. Harper's Bazar.
Tlie Interview.
To the newspaper interview we are
indebted for a vast amount of enlight
enment, learning and wisdom that the
interviewer has got from men who, with
out his suggestion, would never have
given it to the werld. The principle of
interviewing, going right to the source
of information, gives us accuracy also.
And take it all in all, the American
newspaper contains the most truthful
history that has ever been written.
A fine interviewer is one of the most
valuable men on a great journal. He
must be a man of education, acquainted
with affairs, skilled in the use of words;
above all, he must possess an instinctive
understanding of human nature. A fine
man who is being interviewed is like a
fine fish that you have hooked. You
will fail if you attempt to "yank him."
You must humor him a little; play out
and reel in; let him have his own way,
and then he is lost and you land him.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Defects and Excellencies.
"1 am sorry, Henry," said Uncle
George, "that you exhibit so little pro
ficiency in orthography. That letter you
wrote to Mr. Brown the other, day Lad
so many misspelled words that it set the
whole counting room m a roar.''
"H'm!" said'Henry. "That's just the
way in this world. There were a good
many words in that letter that I know
were spoiltd right, but of course I get no
credit for that." Boston Transcrixt.
New York has contributed 2G cabinet
officers in all, Massachusetts 21, Penn
sylvania 22, Virginia 21 and Ohio 17
Missouri comes well down toward the
fjoot of the list with 4 to its credit. All
of the original thirteen states except
Rhode Island have been represented at
one time or other in the president's min
isterial council.
The late S. S. Cox was toasted once at
a dinner in New York by au admirer
who told him he joked too much and
recommended him, in Emerson's lan
guage, to "hitch his wagon to a star.'
He promptly replied that he would do
so and that the star should be Sirius.
The Dublin and Wrightsville railroad,
extending a distance of nineteen miles
between two Georgia towns, has been
called the "cheapest railroad in the
world." It was built and equipped for
$4,000 a mile and has earned 40 per cent,
a year.
There is a law on the statute books of
Massachusetts requiring that tiny person
finding property to the value of three
dollars or more shall have the same re
corded at the office of the town or city
clexk. .
SfiiHi s (in to !! p lii 1). (mil - ! : r.
Ai-i-i'l-iiili ; t tfe- li'-f wf't i.n (V
Kiil ..i-i-T, :l !::: , 1 e:: :i ...)!.!;. 1 1 ' ' ' ' i )
b"4i:inilK,r to s-l.-cp tin- s.-M-i i ind
unitedly Call itro : of .-:;;m'- r. 1- :!
drop oil i.h'- :. i'i . :" i . t ; :. r. '!'!. i .'.t
ce;t.'-es, in con. -i-pi' !! i 1' lie1 r. ! ' i : . 'il
of the eyelids, to iv.-cie iinj r -.-inns
first, while nil Ihn of her s.-n- -. iv- i vc
their m-!i:i'..i'iity entire. Tin' s.ns" of
taste is the next which loses its su-ci pti
bility to impressions, and then the si
of smelling.
The hearing is next in order, and last
of all comes the sense of touch. Fur
thermore, the senses ;ire thought t-s! p
with different degrees of profoundness.
The sense of touch sleeps the im-.t
lightly and is the most ci-ily;. !, 1 ;
the next easiest is the hearing; the next
is the sight, and the taste and spelling
awake the last.
Another remarkable circumstance de
serves notice; certain muscles and parts
of the body begin to .sleep before otte rs.
Sleep commences at ibo t x! ivM:ti s, be
ginning with the feet ami legs, and
creeping toward the center of nervous
action. The m cessii y for keeping the
feet warm and peri.ctiy sliJl as a pre
liminary of sleep is we'll known. From
these explanations it will not appear
surprising that, with one or more of ihe
senses, and perhaps al.-. one or m re
parts of Ihe body, imp rfectly asleep,
there should be at the same time an im
perfect kind of mental action, which
produces the phenomenon cf dreaming.
Chambers' Miscellany.
Senator IIersl'M Men In Iurlr:tm.
One day while the late Senator Hearst
was a young man and yet had his fi.rt
une to make ho ami a few companions
were tm a prospecting tour. Along in
the afternoon they sighted a hand of In
dians, and, as in days all Indians
were hostile, Mr. Hearst and his friends
naturally wanted to get away from there.
All the prospi v tors. except the future
senator, were mounted on horses. He
was on a retired army mule, and soon
found himself left in the rear. The In
dians were on his trail and thiriLrs began
to look serious, when he caiied out to
his rapidly disappearing companions:
"Hold on, boys; there's only a few of
them. We needn't be afraid."
Just then the mule scented the ap
proaching Indians, and with a wild snort
started out at a gnit that soon left the
horsemen far behind. When Hearst was
about a quarter of a mile iu advance he
turned in his sadddle and yelled at the
top of his voice:
"Hurry up, boys; you'll get scalped.
There's more'n a hundred of them."
Chicago Post.
Wyoming' Woman Miner.
Mrs. Shane, a widow with two chil
dren, came to Wyoming two years ago
and took up her residence in Jawbone
gulch, Silver Crown mining district,
where she took a claim and with her
own hands has kept up the assessment
work. The claim promises to be a pay
ing one, and already she has uncovered a
body of rich gold quartz, with indica
tions of richer ore as depth is gained.
Mrs. Shane is a soldier's widow, and is
a lady of fine education. Her cabin in
Jawbone gulch bears evidence of refine
ment, and while it is in one of the most
out of the way places in the camp she
has any number of visitors, among whom
will be found tho best people of Silver
Crown .'ind the surrounding country.
To judge i'lvm appear::m.-e she is
about thirty-five years old. She has
brown hair, blue eyes and fair and intel
lectual face. For the past year she has
been teaching the Silver Crown public
school, by which means she has made
her living while waiting for her niinu tc
reach pay. Cor. Denver Republican.
Doctors Are Safe.
When the devil was sick his eagerness
to become a monk is historical. A
small New Yorker has been finding
in the same way that altered conditions
have a pronounced effect upon one's am
bition. He is the son of a lawyer, i and
his admiration for his father has led him
to announce frequently that when he
became a man he intended to be in "just
the same business as papa." He fell ill,
however, and the services of the family
physician were sought with prompt and
fortuitous effect. Convalescence is apt
to engender reflection, and the small
Robert became thoughtful the other af
ternoon, with this result: "I guess, mam
ma," he said, apropos of nothing, "I will
not be in papa's business when I grow
up. I would rather be a doctor, because,
you see, he can't die." Her Point of
View in New York Times.
Tacts About a Venerable loose.
John P.ay, an old and res- ee; .
of r-atiiam county, say- th it : j :
siding iu Putnrim ". ?;ty i Vi .-.. -.j
a gooso .f one Isa h", liiii, and that, the
got we was 52 yearn old when he pur-"a:t-d
her for seve::t -live cents. lie kepi iier
for three years. Ft'i-h year th'- ;; '
laid over fifty r-trgs. and the M'--t ?:r
raised il.' !.:"--! ::-TS which foil over a
high wall in tho creek and were drowne'l.
The s-'c-.r.d year she raiie.l tw.-my-tv.-c
goslings, tiiid the third ";. r forty tros-
HllgS. Ho tin. 11 &a ' i h-l' a.. Ice i.-::l ol
the third year to y.w .::, Ai-tin tor
s'KiO. Mr. Ray says to tin- t r.f his
knowledge and h'-M-.-f tV :; i still
alive, makingher S5 years old. Kingston
(N. Y.) Freeman.
An Old Story illt a Modern ilei.i.
One day when Dr. Riv. -ks was -;lli!:
at the or a ix.'.-isiuon. r a LiUo uoy
f ihe familv, who had b
', - Tie
- ! ,. . --1 1
awe of Dr. Br ioks as 1
reuieinb t. v. 1 t
man. -Oli. Dr. . .
ark':" 1 is ic.:.c cu-i-v
". !.l :::e
1 t . huh
llilU Vp. b'lt the '.ny Weill mi, "Oh, I
gues you wasn't, Vauso i;.-c aniiiiiila
Win all i-i p;.::'s. :.:.: ii' t e .'"'s
oiher like you it would "a sink". I tha
ark:" B ;loii Trari.-c'-jft.
iI.IM i
a f
"How so':"
"ilo is resolvl.
ration." Puek.
A lii) l.ocra 1 1 in Sioi I.-. I by Him
I l'i'l'i.'l''iir. of a Slnjiiil I".iill I I . ;.li-il
llionpliai k-l Whale An i ncrcdi
Sl.iiy of Hard I. nek.
In parsing up Front street a reporter's! -:it ion was attracted t.o a singular -peai
leg in. til who stood In front, of a hide
and fur Mtorw examining a very haud
s une tva ofb-r skin which hu ig in tho
window. 1 lis hair wa-. long, r. id his face
covered with a full growth of beard of a
rich auburn hue. which hung down on
his breast. His clolhing wa.-. of ;'ialtg
make and material, a. id ids
was calculated t give o:r- an idea
'itl tlie wit. I man oi noli. en na ijiihi,
coaie to 1 1 iwn." Tin- rep. ii Ler apai o.ichcd
tue window, and after pacing .'. inu
la. ..I .-a.d:
"That is a very h oi 1- cue si; In!"
"Yes." said tin- stranger, "il is very
l:ue. There is nothing that, produces
ii -iier fur than the sen otter. I havtr
slnit many of them."
"Might 1 ask where:" baid then-porter.
"Tip sea ott'-r is a rareai. ii.i .l te-w
"I .--iqipose lii.-y are about aii i.ilied oIT
liv tins time on this coast," sail tho
stranger. "It was f-ri years ago when I
was shooting them o.i thecoast, of Wash
ington territory, and they wen? not very
uii.iier.ius then, but in the course of two
y -ars I had ki'l'-d over fifty, besides a
good pi;,;. fur .seals, and had saved up
over v.."), oou hi cash, when I w.i.s an idi-uly
b:- ike up in business and tak ..-n to it
.-; range country by a very singular acci
dent." On In ing pressed for an explanation
tin; su-aager mid the following remarka
ble .story: "Ten years ago I was hunting
s-vi otters on one of the- wild'-st parts of
tie.- coast of Washington, several mile.s
north of the (jiuillayute Indian reserva
tion, between Destruction Island and
Cape Flattery. It is one uf the wildest
and most out. of the way places on tlw
coast. 1 had been shipwm ked on Do
st ruction Island, and had been rescued
bv the Quillayute Indians and had been
living with them several years, and had
married tin- daughter of no of tho head
men of the t ribe.
a. ua no Knot's rr.ncit.
"I was happy and contented, for, after
years spent in the forecast le of a ship,
tie life I led among the Indians was
comparatively pleasant and luxurious.
Besides, as I told you, I had saved up
several thousand dollars, when in a mo
ment, by tho freak of a stupid, bull
headed, humpbacked whale, I was torn
from in' home and family and cast pen-,
nii-'ss on the shores, of a stranger and
wilder country than, the one I had so un
ceremoidou.dy left, among people, com
pared to- whom my (uillayuto friends
were civilized and intelligent.
"You know, of course, lirr.v sci otters
are shot by the hunter having a stand
rigged up away out as far from the shore
as po.-siblc, by setting up three tall poles,
,o that they cro;ss a few feet from the
'top, and by building a kind of crow's
ncsi in the top of this frail structure. I
hail rigged up one of the.-e stands away
out at low water mark and made it as
comfortable ivs possible, and soim -t imes
spent two or three days out there, my
wile keeping a lookout aud securing any
otters or seals I shot. 1 I was doing first
rate, owing to being so far out, and, al
though several times badly scared by
rough weather and by schools of whales,
which came around my lookout, I could
not think of giving it up for a place
which laight be safer, but where I could
not kill so many otters.
"The last time I got into my lookout
was early one morning. As the weather
had been stormy I was expecting that
otters and seals would be coming near
the shore, so I took along a good supply
of provisions and water and plenty of
tobacco and ammunition, expecting to
stay out two or three days. As soon as
it was light and the tide was near the
flood, I saw a number of otters, lying
asleep in the water just beyond- range,
and while I was waiting for them to
drift down toward me along came a
school of half a dozen or more of the
Maall whales common on that coaot.
"They came toward my lookout rolling
nd spouting and playing, and at length
I saw one of them making right for the
lookout. I was afraid he would up:et
me, and yelled at him, but, whether by
accident or design I knew not, ho
plunged between two of the poles on
v.-hieii my n'-st was perched, rr.d s-rik-i:.g
tho other with his cnocd it
iv.t'.iv in froiit of him, and over went
my ic-st. lauding on his ba--k, one of tho
poles sticking straight ahead aud tho
o':h..-rs strad-Iliii f hiai as a trr-.'i does a
.loise. When Isawl was going I juiup
. :r.-. H:.d-1 arile th- whale's tail,
.-iu-1 quick--)- than a wink with my keen
s';.-,;:h k::if. I cut the m .::c!e. o"i each
.-a ;e of hio tail, win. .i prevented him
from going down. I lli-.-n clambered up
to my nes!. and there I wa. afloat ou a
whale, with provisions for three days,
ar.d i) '-itii.-r sail, oar nor
"The first thing I did was to cut
soi iir lo.-p., iii the thick hide of the
whale aud secure my nest by lashing it
(irmly t his back. Ho struck out from
sh ami made the best speed he could
whh his partially disabled tail. I hns
buu 1- -1 my provi.-iojis and water, and as
i had whisky and plenty of tobacco
a:: 1 .- ,s used to living in my m-.-t, I g';t
al-..g v. ry e duf-irl-thly for a v w hen
th'.-g b look blue. F...-;:.u.-iU-ly
t it ; -i .ii ship bouii-i for Vlndi vo.-to-i?
c t.; -:e along and pick 1 mo up.
s wo werti!u
l-dnud:- 1
..a 1. after
't. till L.i?
St-:-.-- a boat ami
-tiding about six years th.
wild ivdinV-itants. sue,
,- ; t ..Tap in ?:mt
y g'. A v -:i a;.d :
h'l i:,
el ring
a d a
.r : w. t-:i
on a s
i. . .1 ! - f" '-a " - : -
. 1 : .... ..... .'.'.:- the
twenty dollar pieces we had when I went
-Portland Oregouian.