Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 23, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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The Plattsmouth Herald.
K NOTTS BROS, Publishers
Published e very ThiTsday. .and daily every
venlnK except Hunday.
Registered at the riattHniouth, Neb. post-
fUcefor transmission throuuh the U.i'S. maiU
t second class rate.
Oftlce corner Vine and Fifth greets.
Telephone 3H.
One copy, one year, In advance $ 1 5fl
hie copy, one year, not In advance 2 00
One copy, six moiithf, in advance 75
One C'li'Y. three Months, in advance. ... 40
One cop oik; yar in advance $t W)
One copy per week. Iiy carrier in
One copy, per inoiitli
Tin-: Cdohe-Democrat. Hie;ikinir of
the impending national organi.a
lion of the alliance for the next
presidential campaign, says:
"Col. Polk, the national president Uncle Jekkiv Rusk is in this nd-
of the alliance'has prepared an ad- ministration and everybody's glad
amounting to hundrels of thous
ands of toiis to foreigners, and soon
took front rank ainon maritime
nations. American Economist.
I 'K'KM I KK K'l'Wl.M's line Italian
hand appears io be cousidern y
disabled ly the lSlaine grip; hut it
feehly fans the wind anl Iconic
howls. Kx.
Youn remarked in New York that
he expected California will spend
all told about UXX.UKK) on the fair.
1 art oJ ilus great outlay will oe ex
pended keeping her display of
fruit and ilowers fresh.
Jlr. 1JLAINE says we are not insur
ing the lives of foreigners against
inevitable accidents or natural re
sults. The niaccaroni eaiers seein
to think the treaty with Italy was a
great insurance jmlicy, and they
want their money without delay.
TtTE IlEKALD's theory- that the al
liance resolutions from Cottonwood,
had loo strong a democratic flavor
and were put up by tbe democratic
end of th;it machine, was proven
true by the eagerness -with which
the democratic organ in this city
printed the resolutions.
THE Plattsmouth Journal wants
to have McKinley meet Hrj-an at
the Commercial Congress in Kan
sas Cit3', to receive from him a few
points on the tariff. For once we
are iiaccord with the Journal. A
few lies have been exploded since
the ranting' of Nr. Uryan enthroned
him as the apostLe of unanswerable
logic. Weeping Water Republi
bEXATOK uokjux deciineu an in
vitation to a receptiou in his honor
by the Manhattan Club of New
York in recognition of his work in
defeating the federal election bill.
Senator Gorman understands that
the election bill is not a good issue
for the democratic leaders to keep
prominent until the election of
JS92. Kx.
dress, of which l,(i(X),(KX) copies are
iiot being mailed to all parts of the
country. Col. Polk is also a North
Carolina democrat, but lie is more
of an alliance man than a democrat.
In his address he says:
'"We are told by presumptuous
and arrogant partisans and self-
constiliiled leaders that farmers and
other laboring classes 'should not
go inio polities'; that we 'will ruin
parties and ruin the country.' Who
constitute parties in this country?
To whom do political parties be
long to 1 lie people or to tne lew
who arrogantly assume to control
llieiii'r Who has a better right to
go inio politics than the farmers of
this country? Io they not clothe
and feed tin- world? Do they not
;iy from their hard earnings eighty
cents of every dollar of ihe coiuiliy'
Of the $1,00; ),(:) ),;;)!) expended by the
last congress, did not S(t;),0(;!),0:t0
of it come from their pockets.'
"Col. Polk will not go to the third
party-conference in Cincinnati, but
his suggestive address will be in the
hands of every suh-hllinnce in the
country by the time the conference
meets. Polk is an abler man than
the countrv generally gives him
credit of being. lie knows how
to put things to reach the masses.
Here is another paragraph worth
quoting from his address: After
speaking of the 'billion dollars' ap
propriated by the Fifty-first con
gress, winch he says was a sum
equal to $77,000,000 per month;
$17,500,(XK) per week; $2,500,000 per
day; $104,000 per hour; $1,733 per
minute, and $2S per second, he said:
'"Let us bear steadily in mind
that eighty cents of every dollar of
this vast sum came from the agri
culturists of this country. These
millions besieged the
doors of the capitol during that
lime pleading for relief. They were
turned away empty handed their
importunities disregarded, their en
treaties ignored and they were in
solently admonished to 'keep out of
politics,' to 'live closer and work
harder.' The great masses of the
industrial classes, north and south,
democrats and republicans, with
out regard to sectional or geo
graphical lines, with one purpose
and with one heart, have locked
their hands and shields in a com
mon cause the cause of a common
country. They have solemnly re
solved to turn their backs upon the
past and make one mighty effort to
rescue our government and institu
tions from impending peril.'
Col. Polk niar not go to the Cin
cinnati conference, but there is little
doubt where lie stands with regard
to third party."
of it. Two years ago at a cabinet
meeting, when the secretary of
agriculture was, f'om the youth of
the new office, rather fresh at the
business, Uncle Jerry chipped in a
remark from his end of the council
table. Blaine smiled. Then Uncle
Jerry flung back this: -'That's all
right, gentlemen; I may be the tail
of the cabinet, but if I am I'll try to
keep the Hies off this administra
tion. Inter-Ocean.
The alliance talk about our Sen
ator Thomas promising to sup
port their measures in the senate
is pure bosh. How many votes did
Senator Thomas receive at the
theliandsot the alliance party in
this county? Judging from the
vote which I,emas(ers received,
Thomas did not get a vote from the
party that now wants to run him.
Thomas would have been a chump
to have done violence to his own
convictions in order to help a parly
that did all in its power to defeat
him at the polls.
WE have looked carefully through
the columns of all the great western
dailes and many of the more ob
scure ones for a mention of that
great Hryan-Filley debate at Kan
sas City wherein the young man is
reported in the W.-II., as having
mopped up the earth, metaphor
ically speaking with the Missouri
war norse, out not a line can we
find except in the World-Herald,
which lead- us to remark that we
are more firmly convinced than
ever that the modest (?) young con
gressman from this district wrote
the World-Herald report himself,
and that the only foundation for it
lay in the exuberant mind of the
young man who feared the eyes of
Nebraska's democracy might be
cast in another direction rather than
on her favorite son. '
The popular "Uuck" Kwiug, cap
tain of the New York's, has written
an article for the Hoy's Department
of the Ladies' Home Journal for
June, on the "Ins and Outs of Pasc
hal I," in which the famous catcher
will tell how to play the game; how
to form a nine; the hardest posi
tions and how to fill them; how to
throw a ball, etc. This is Kwing's
first article and it is said to be the
best which has ever been written
for boys on the great national
The Italian premier in remarks to
his supporters in the Italian cham
ber of deputies yesterday showed
very clearly that war was one of the
things that could not occur with
this country. He expressed him
self as being confident of the ulti
mate settlement of the whole matter
in a manner favorable to the rights
of Italy and of those of all civilized
governments, all of whom were with
Italy on the points at issue. If it
- i ... i . 4 . . -.1.
ui'it jiioveo io on io.:-i u ii iw g
tain a favorable solution of the
problem,grave complications would
not arise, but he would deem it a
matter of profound regret that the
people of the United States, so ad
vanced in civilization, should show
themselves is far removed from the
principles of right and justice, uni
versally proclaimed and scrupul
ously observed in Kurope. From
his remarks, quite a" tumble is not
iced from the hights where the pre
mier had but so recently lodged
when he called his minister home
His belter judgement has caused
his temper to cool, and the futility
of attacking this country by force
of arms has evidently suggested
itself to the Italian statesman.
CtuOoriA 1 Dr. fi&innol Pi teller's proscription fibr Infhnfci
and Children. It contains neither Opium, JIorp2vfaio no
other Ifarcotio nbirtanco. Ik Is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrnps, nad Castor Oil.
It is Plca&mit. Its t'tjaranteo is thirty yean ma by
Millions of 2Iother. Cnstoria destroys Worms and. allays
fevcrislmoss. C&siorLa prevents vomiting Sonx Card
nre Iiarrhra and Wind Collo. Custoria relicvoa
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Cautoria assimilates tho food, resiiLit-f tho stomaali
and bowels, giving JjeaUhy and natural sleep. Ca
toria Is tluj Children .Tauacea-tho Mother's Friend
"Caatorta U an excellent meHo!n fnr &t
liren. Mothers huvo ropcatoUy told ii of Ua
good eCtoot upon Sujir ehiltlruu."
LR- Q. C Osaoon,
Lowell, liii.
" Castoria fa tho be.t rtwaeOy Tor chlliirwi of
which I am aequoinUd. I hope th day idnot
far distant when mothers wflf eouaLlor titc rcil
kitervst of their children, and uso Castor La In
stead of the various quack nostrums which aro
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and otlktr hurtful
agnt down their throats, thereby sending
Sbssu to premature gTaves."
Dm. J. T. KnonniiOa,
Conway, Ark.
" CastorU fa so wall adapted to Jatdrati thai
I rocominuiid it ussspwrior toiuiy prusoisiUua
luowa to nw.
H. A. Aidm, XL. D.
111 Co. Oxford tii.., Brooklyn, N X
" Our physician Jn the ahildrsrTa dnpeoSv
ment havo spokun highly of tlwilr xporV
wico In Uiatr outside practice with Ca
aud although we only havo among
medical supplies what la taown as rngalor
produats, yut we are froe to eoufiMS tliat Vtm
merit of Oastorla, has won us to look wttk
favor U(oa it."
tJrrso IIoaprrAi. Alto DuratBim,
Auxk C. Smith, iVs.t
Th Centaur Company, T7 Mnrray Street, Xew fork dty
C. II. VAX WYCK and Frank P.
Ireland are appointed World's Fair
commissioners from this state.
Two from one town is pretty good.
The gang that runs with the ma
chine here spends most of its time
trying to prevent a Plattsmouth
man from being appointed to 3113-
thing. There is loo much petty
jealousy in this town and county
for the good of the people. .
President Hakkisoxs trip
tlirough the South has been a con
tinuous ovation; and his iiiasltTl)'
addresses art; 111 strong contrast
to tbe pedantic cyclopediau cul
Iings which Mr. Cleveland afilicied
the people with on a similar tour.
The president shows clearer than
ever, that lie is a man of broad
views, thoroughly familiar with the
political history of the country, and
capable of making a sound patriotic
speech, exae'd' suitable to the occa
sion at all times without becoming
dull, prosaic or common-place.
THE republican administration of
national affairs has during its two
vears existence paTd off L'lX .0!K ),()()
-of the pulic debt, thus stopping
interest on a vast sum of money.
The l-oikr years of Cleveland did
not reduce the debt half so much.
The difference was. Cleveland loaned
the money from the national treasu
ry to favored banks without inte
rest, while republican management
paj-s off the debts and thus reduces
taxation. There is a vast difference
between democratic campaign pro
mises and democratic methods of
taking care of the people.
Ol'k" .friend Hrm's mouth got
started at Kansas Cit- the other
day, and according to the World
Herald, it ran away with the entire
convention. The W.-II. correspon
dent, wliom we have reason to be
lieve is none other than Bryan him
self, says with much gusto, that the
veteran protectionist, Chauucey I.
Filley. of St. Iouis. gave an hour's
address, which Hryati socompletely
demolished in live minutes that the
crowd refused to let him stop, and
that the young Mr. Pryan talked
eloquently for fifteen minutes, leav
ing Mr. Filley nothing to stand on.
.As a rac' news item some one
should read this W.-H. dispatch to
the convention.
CllAUNCEY Depew, of New York,
the noted lawyer and brilliant ora
tor, was in Omaha yesterday, and
during an interview wiin a news
paper reporter, who inquired what
he thought of Mr. Blaine's letter to
Rudini, replied as follows:
"I think that Mr. Blaine's contri
butions to the diplomatic literature
of this country are the most bril
liant productions of the age. The
fine Italian hand at the other end
of the business seems to care more
for a little blue fire and thunder
than for the actual merits of the
case. Why, the mere idea of Italy
going to war with the United
States, on such an issue, or on any
other issue, is enough to make the
gods get up 011 their hind legs and
laugh the stars out of their sockets.
Since the adjournment of the leg
islature and the supreme court our
alien governor is allowed to pursue
the even tenor of his way untram-
meled. But isn't he to slow about
those appointments? We only have
a democratic oil inspector to show
for the three months of democratic
rule. It is said that Lancaster
county is to have the warden of the
penitentiary if Pat Ford don't want
it; a Plattsmouth man is to be stew
ard at the asylum, but Colonel Sher
man, after setting his heart on the
brass buttons and epaulets of the
governor's staff, with a real title, we
are told will be disappointed. This
is sad for one so young to be so gre-
viously disappointed, it is very dis
piriting, and then you see the old
manwouldn'thave turned that som
ersault and plaved the sycophant,
making laughing stock of himself,
if he had known the governor was
croine: to look coldly upon his de
mands for place and power. 'T would
be very cruel of the governor if he
failed to recognize the merits (?) of
the"aunty-monopoly "organ ofPlatt-
mouth ringsters.
DOORS, BLINDS.and all building materia''
Call and sec us at the corner of
11th and Elm street, one block
north of IleiseFs mill.
iaitsmonth., Tbras3sa
Our esteemed contemporary, the
New York Herald, has been display
ing on its editorial page precepts
from Secretary Windom's last
speech relating to banking and
currency, which it says were his
last words, but it does not give the
last words. They were:
Give us direct and ample trans
portation facilities under the Amer
ican flag, and controlled by Amer
ican citizens; a currency sound in
quality and adequate in quantity;
an international bank to facilitate
exchanges, and a system of recipro
city carefully adjusted within the
lines of protection; and not 011I3'
will our foreign commerce again
invade ever sen. but every Amer
ican lndusirv win 1 e quieiveiieu aim
our whole people feel the impulse
of a new and enduring prosperity.
Like the expert witness in the
story, the Herald is not hired to
testify on that side.
Nor is it likely to quote the fol
lowing statements found in the
same speech:
They (the founders of our govern
ment) fully appreciated the value of
the necessity . of a strong and
healthy merchant marine, and left
011 record no doubt of their purpose
to protect the interests ot the repub
lic, on the water as well as 011 the
land. The second act passed by the
First congress -July 4. 17Mt pro
vided for the protection of Amer
ican shipping by the imposition of
a discriminating duty 111 favor of
teas broug'ht in American vessels,
thereby signalizing the lirst Fourth
of July under the Constitution by a
declaration of commercial inde
pendence as a supplement to the
declaration of political independ
ence made thirteen years before.
The third act of congress, passed
sixteen days later, imposed tonnage
duties as follows:
American vessels, per ton. . . . .(Hi
American-built vessels be
longing to foreigners, per
ton . . 30
All other vessels, per ton ..")
On September I, the same year,
congress prohibited any but Amer
ican vessels from carrying the
American Hag. By the tariff act of
17it an additional discriminating
duty of 1( per cent, was levied on
all goods imported in vessels not of
the I'nited States. And in all
changes of the tariff prior to the war
of lsii this discriminating duty of
10 per cent, "was re-enacted. So
great was the development of our
shiphuildingaud shipping interests
under the fostering inlluence of
these acts that we sold ships
The Baltimore Sun published the
other day a dispatch from Little
Rock, Arkansas, under the caption,
'Jefferson Davis Displaces Wash
ington.' The dispatch states that a
life-sized portrait of Jefferson Davis-
which the clerk of the Arkansas
house of representatives had been
authorized to have painted, had
been received and placed over the
speaker's desk. "It took the place,"
the dispatch adds, "of the portrait
of George Washington that had
been hanging in the hall for twenty
years. 1 lie .Arkansas legislators
are reported as greeting the portrait
of Jefferson Davis with great
Substituting the picture of Davis
for that of Washington's would
have been a si.ange poeeedwig
even if it had taken place when the
'on 1 hern states were in arms
against the Union. That it should
nave taken place a quarter 01 a
century after the last army of the
Confederacy had surrendered seems
almost incredible. To sa3 that the
Arkansas legislature displayed ex
ecrable bad taste in this matter is
surely not waiving the "bloody
Secretary Blaine's answer to
the letter of the Italian Premier ap
pears in tne associated press dis
patches this morning. It is the
same calm dispassionate, clear and
concise statement tor which lr.
Blaine is justly famous. It is large
ly a reiteration of Mr. Blaine's form
er letter somewhat elaborated upon
the question of our duties as,to pun
ishing the slarers of the mafia at
New Orleans. The democratic press
which had predicted a back down
on the part of our secretary of state.
in the face of the war-like threats of
Rudini. is compelled toadmit again
that Blaine is master of the situa
tion, and that the firm tone of his
letter bears no hint of a back down
rather on the contrary he is more
firm and explicit than in his previ
ous note, the London newspapers
;ire compelled to speak in high
terms ot the amiity ot the papers
from the American premier and
criticise the Italians lor hemg too
LJ W tj
(SucceBr to U. T. Mathews.)
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware Etc.
(J Having- completely reclean 3d and renovated. We now
iiave as neat a hardware stock as can be found in Cass
County. AVe respectfully invite the public to call ani
'earn our method of doing business. i
The official canvass of the election
returns in Chicago was completed
last night, and Hempstead Wash
burne is shown to have been elect
ed, notwithstanding the democratic
frauds, bj a plurality of .'JSK. Van
Cleve, the republican candidate for
cilj clerk, has a plurality of over;
Mayor Cregier, in an interview
with a representative of a local dem
ocratic paper last evening, when
asked what he is going to be, said;
"I am going to be, lirst and above
all things, a democrat. For the
next two years I am going to saw
wood to help save the state for the
democracy in 1SI'J. A great and the
only difficulty is the deadly work
of traitors to the party.
k. MEM & M
m 1
Hardware can be sold cheaper for cash than
on time and we are the people that propose
r.o do it
I !
Everything to Furnish irour House.
Shingles, Lath, Sash,
oorsa Blinds
Chii supply everw demand of the city.
Call and get terms. Fourth ttreet
' in rear of opera house.
, I lETWKEX dodging Judge Haines
and Alvin Jenkins, the Journal ac
rabat was kept quite busy, though
each succeeded in getting a correc
tion in last evenings Journal,
Cure for Impattoea, Lo9
of Manhood, Seminal
Emissions. Spermatorrhea,
1 . M' I. , . , t
LJXJSi-rV n.r.-. JujaSTXOXG. Vigor-
K-aiEfJ-S-yVrrST? ous K.:n. Pricm ft. GO. a
will' mm cvjr. Maretm
ssia LuaMAw.
i mmm
Under Waterman's Opera House
11 buv ot him clieapt.-r "not or can pcfirf u hat you need to furnish a cottape orf
mansion on the INSTALLMENT FLAN.
Agent tor the Celebrated "White Sewing- Machine.
" he largest and most c jrnulete Stock to select from in Cass Couhty. Call and see me
era House Block PEARLMAN.