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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1891)
o 'J, -3 1 TTEEKLY HERALD: PLATTSMOUTH, DEBRASKA. APRIL 9 1891 The Plattsmouth Herald 1C NOTTS BROS, Publishers rubllnhed erery Thursday, land dally Tery -syrealag except Sunday. B?gistered at the flatUrnouth, Neb. post flteefor transmission through the U.oS. malls t second class rates. Offlee corner Vina and Fifth atreeta. Telephone 38. AMONG THE MILLS. A fact that cannot fail to be im pressed on the reader of the manu facturing it-mH this week in that a j large number of new cotton enter ! prises are Kprinjritifr up inthe nouth. ! This week no K-hh than 14 mich en ! terrorises are reported. The conscr- - vative northern reader may have doubtH about the materialization of all theae nchemeH, but tliere i no PEOPLE AND EVENTS. WONDERFUL TROUSERS. TKKMS roB WKRKLT. e eopy, one year, in adrance One copy, one year, not in advance .$1 W It M nnid tliat the ."urgTefrrate of Lawrence Barret I'm life insurance policies would have been $20,000 greater had he lived one day more to add that amount to the total of $100,000 which he already carried. j THE late Rev. Dr. Howard Cronby 1 wan always for the truth and the people, 1 1 1 1 he declined all political ' ofVce. Before he was ordained, he! refused to run lor congress, ami i when Lincoln offered him the min- refuf-ed that reason for unbelieving the reports, There can be no doubt that the , istry to Greece he trrowth of the -manufacture ot . " wr brown goods in this country will, in the future, be largely in the southern 2oo ! states, and while not -o many new Una copy, six tnoiithf. In advance TO One ennv. three months, in advanca. ... 40 TERM FOK DA 1 1.1 One cop one yur in advmce $H 00 One codv per week, by carrier 15 Omtt coov. per month 6C THURSDAY, APKII, V, 1801. REPUBLICAN CITY TICKET. ItOAKO OF KIL-CTION. Second ward L. I. I'KNNRTT. Fifth ward A. J. GRAVES. FOK TIIK roiTKCII,, Pirt ward GKO. HOUSKWORTH Secondward K.IJAKK Third ward M. It. MUUI'IIY. Fourth ward J. C.FKI EKSKN Kifth ward K. E HILTON. HOW does the democratic organ like Boyd's veto of the rate bill? But a few days ago Boyd was a personification of all that was good in modern democracy. Has he turned traitor, or is the party made up of that kind of stuff? The demo cratic platform demanded the enactment of just such a law as the Newberry rate bill, but the executor of the late democratic party has seen fit to consider that part of the platform as buncomb and acts according-. Pekhaps Boyd is not a citizen af ter all. World-Herald. CASS and Sarpy are to have one senator. Cass is to have two repre sentatives, and Cass and Otoe one representative, according to the apportionment bill which was rec ommended to pass in the house yesterday. There is no doubt bul this bill will become a law. mills will be erected in the north, machinery will be put in existing plants to manufacture the finest gTades of cloth. This week it was announced that two Massachusetts concerns would make material changes in their ar rangements of machinery, putting in that to manufacture the finest grades of cotton cloth. Two new mills are reported for New ICngland, a cotton yarn mill in Massachu setts and a white gooda mill in Rhode Island. The woolen goods mills are, as a rule, doing a good business both in point of cmplo) meiit and profit, and this week five i:cv millsare reported as to be built. Additions will also be made to two factories, and the machinery that has long been idle in a I'ittslield mill will soon be in operation. The knit goods concerns are also running full time and two new factories will be erected in New York. l'onr paper mills in different sec tions of the country that have been long idle will soon be started up and a new mill will be erected in Penn sylvania. The industry is enjoying continued prosperity and we learn of no idle mills. Men on the road report a steady demand for all grades and the products of the fac tories are well sold up. The steel industry is fairly pros perous and the Kdgar Thompson works at Pittsburgh have resumed with an increased capacity of about 40 per cent. Boston Commercial Bulletin, March 21. Unless appealed the question whether Ben Franklin'sdescendents or the city of Philadelphia shall , have the accumulated fund of 100,- unu leit oy tin pit liosopner, is con clusively settled in lavor of thecitv which may use the money lor anew manual school. A decision in the Orphans' Court was given last Sat- urda)'. A KILL before the New York legis loture, appropriating 10,000 for uni versity extension, is looked upon with considerable favor in that state- The Chautauqua movement was university extension privately directed. The present project pro poses that it shall have public di rection at the hands of the regents of the university. Tim; next sale of Washington relics in Philadelphia, faking place - April 21, 22 and 2.1, will include such valua ble papers as the will of John Wash ington, the great-grandfather of the president, the president's own will, bonds, deeds, leases and other p-i-pers in Washington's handwriting or bearing his signalure. The cata logue of the collection is just ready. K. G. Mason, of Chicago, declines to be a candidate for the office of fellow of Yale University to fill the unexpired term of the late Thomas C. Sloan, of New York, almost alone in the field. Mr. Mason's unwilling ness to run will be generallj- regret ed in the West. The other forth coming vacancy is that caused by the expiration of the term of ex-Senator Ivvarts. Through the confidance inspired by the McKinley bill, a new silk of thirty years of happy wedded Reputing the assertion that she again contemplates marriage, Mrs. logan recently said: "I have no charity for those who circulate such unfounded reports, even if I had no sentiment about remaining the widow of General Logan and I have. I have no desire or need to remarry for other reasons, since thanks to congress and the general's Inends, I am well provided lor, and I now enjoy the friendship of many good men who were his mends, and whose wives are my friends. Why siiouicl 1 want to sacrifice all these present blessings and associations Tbajr Dot Only Did Not limg, but Hid Crnck Gymnuat of tho Wearer. I an somewhat of an athlete, and am in the hubit of performing various exer cised when I have nothing else to do, and yet held a position where it in important that I should iiredent a gentlemanly ap pearance. The problem of how to prevent trous ers from bagging has for a long time re curred to my mind and pressed for solu tion. 1 have tried tho various devices advertised fur cure or for prevention. I have consulted my fashionable friends, and even the tailors, fondly hoping they could be induced to give themselves auav. Some of my friends have solved the problem by hanging up in their ward robes 1.O0-" pairs of trousers, which ma Ner.ver enables them to put on a fresh p.iir morning, no:m and night. Now, my friends and ciupk3-ers esti mate my brain power and business qual ': -!-:tio::H very nearly as highly ::n I do. unfortunately, they do i:ot attribute to ;lr.'m a very high exchangeable cash value. The important thing, therefore, for me seemed to be to discover a way of mak ing one pair of trousers last "A' days withoi Lagging. Fortunately, I have a practical knowl edge of mechanics, and am of an invent ive turn of mind. I have .-pent th? sav ing. of all my past lite in patenting car couplers, motors a la Keely, and ll3-in;j machines which very nearly succeeded in flying. My necessity hatched a new invention. I went to one of the most .skillful and artistic tailors on the Bowery and told him what I wanted, and at tho same lime warned him that I had a patent on 1 FOR DYSPEPSIA, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is an effective remedy, as numsrou testimo nials conclusively prove. " For two years I was a constant offerer from dyspepsia ana liver complaint. I doctored a Ionic time and the medicines prescribed. In nearly every case, only aggravated the disease. An apothecary advised Die to uso Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I did so, and wu cured at a cost of f 5. Since that tlmo It has been my family medicine, and sickness has become a stranger to our household. I believe it to be tho best medicine on earth." I. K. McNulty, lUckiaaa, 29 Bummer at, Lowell, Mass. FOR DEBILITY, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is a certain cure, when the complaint origi nates in Impoverished blood. " I vm a preat sufferer from a low condition of tho blood and general debility, becoming finally, so reduced that I was unfit for work. Noth ing that I did for the complaint helped mo so much as Ayer's Sarsaparilla, a few bottles of which restored me to health and strength. I take every opportunity to recommend this medicine In similar eaea." C. livick, 14 E. Main St., Chlllicotho, Ohio. FOR ERUPTIONS And all disorders originating In impurity of the blood, such as boils, carbuncles, pimples, blotches, salt-rheum, scald-head, scrofulous sores, and the like, take only Ayer's Sarsaparilla PttBI'AKKD BY DE. J. O. AYEE et CO., Lowell, Mass. Trice $1 ; six bottles, 5. Worth $6 a bottle. SIU AL CARDS. r Surveyor QiViL. cl KV KYoK B E. HILTON. jUiUm 1 "I nil w..ik (urnisUed and Itecord ktikl. Chrysalis is the name of a neal and liand3- publication from the hands of County Superintent Noble, in relation to the schools and school work in this county. The paper of four pages contains many items of interest, which we will take pleasure in clipping-. WHEN Congressman Bryan bought sugar at a reduced price yesterday a big lump of sorrow lodged in his throat and his voice was choked with emotion. It was the saddest moment of his life. He wants everything to be high while the McKinley bill is in force. State Journal. mill has been recently established at Belding, Mich., by the well known firm of Holding- Bros. & Co., which in addition to its property at Beld ing, has silk mills in operation at Rockville, Conn., Northampton, Mass., San Francisco and Montreal. American workmen are being en -ployed at the mill at Belding-as fast as they can te taught to operate t ie machinery, and when in run ning dVcfer the mill will give em ployment to about four hundred hands." Since the passage of the McKinley bill this firm has also begun the manufacture of the higher grades of silk and mohair braids, and this in time will employ about seventy five additional operatives. life fies; for the uncertainty of other At a late hour last evening Cap tain Phelps Paine was discovered attempting to start a daily newspa per on O street in front of the post office. He was overpowered after a desperate struggle, and the number of evening papers remains at five. It is feared that several more at tempts in the same line may be made today. The police should be unusually vigilant. State Journal. TlIB condition of affairs in the coke regions of Pennsylvania is such as to command the attention of the entire country. Twelve hundred strikers Poles and Hun garians undertook to capture the .Moorewood works and were opposed "by an armed guard which shot MAJOR McKixley is now in great demand as an orator. The people are beginning to understand the ex tent to which they were imposed upon by the importers' ring which made them believe last fall that the McKinley bill would raise prices. Some people can be deceived all the time, and all the people can be deceived sometime, but all the peo ple cannot be deceived all the time. McKinley has his turn now, the peo ple having discovered that they were greatly fooled last fall. Inter Ocean. TnE World-Herald, which cham pioned Boyd's election last fall with a zeal fulby equal to that of Traitor Rosewater, has evidently soured on the 011I3- democratic governor we ever had, or ever expect to have. The democratic organ this morning says editorially: "Boyd's veto is the most foolish tning ne ever out. ins veto mes sage is the weakest public docu ment he ever wrote. (iTT! . j . .. ins motives nceu not be im pugned. He is honest as the mad Mian is honest. He is brave as the suicide is brave. He has faced the public opinion of a great state, and in full view of the people has taken his own life politically. We have said Boj'd's is weak it is puerile livery objection he states against the Newberry bill has been met and answered. Granting the accuracy of his statistics and truth of his premises his conclusions are forced and false. , lle ig a laljen idol, a dead leader, a blasted hope. it 4e ray icier.. ily idea was tofjet some of the cement which enables a broken plate to support a ton of cobble (stones ;ml a sheet of the genuine, old lushioncd gum such as the old fashioned ffum hhocs were made of ;oul paste back of the kne e an oblong piece, wide enough and long enough to cover all that part of the trousers which genera 1 13-bags. 1 he tailor entered into my idea enthusiast ic::lly. He offered to buy the patent outright for twenty dol lars, and to give me a royalty of five cents a pair on the first hundred pairs which .should be bold. I refused his mag nanimous offer, and ana "holding for a rise." Ho thought that if a little elasticity was :i good thing a groat deal more would be better. I think ho must have pasted in.side those trousers tho soles of his grandmother's gum shoes! The first time I went out with those troasers on strangers accosted me, and said they should not have known that 1 had no legs from my walk if they had riot been informed that I was a Grand Army man and had had both legs shot off at the battle of Autietam. The cause )i their delusion was that as I lifted each foot from the ground the leg from the cnee suddenly snapped forward. On the way home from business I went into the M. A. C. gymnasium. I had no .hue to put on my gymnasium tights, a,nd -outented myself with taking off coat, vest, collar and cuffs. I started in for a ran. 2dy friends and the director thought 1 showed poor judgment in starting at such a pace. Some of the crack runners were on the track, and at the outset I al most equaled their fastest spurts. But, great Scott, how they were durn r'ouncTed when 1 spurted! They said 1 ot around the track at such a rate of -peed that I was oaly visible as a con tinuous curve, diabolic rather than para bolic. I felt that if I ran ray fastest igain I should need a pedometer with an air brake attachment. The swift way in which my feet glided forward and the extent of their reach were especially ad mired. A crack oarsman's "recovery," they said, was nothing in comparison. 1 jumped the high jump. In fact, if I stooped down suddenlj. I felt obliged to jump up straight into tho air several feet. I broke the records and left the pieces tar behind me in "high and 'brad j"umping, I smashed the lifting machine, and in short did aonishing feats in all that grade of work where the action of the knees cornea into play. I wjp heralded far and wide as a new and marvelous sprinter and jumper. And, beet of all, my trousers now never bag. They keep their virgin form aa ichsen Schirk The Washington Avenue GROCERS Otlie- PLAlTMiOUTn 111 AUrtiii Block. NuiuiAaiUk C. 2vl County Surveyor -AN1- CIVIL LNCINECR. i.11 orders left with County Clerk will t:ccivc prompt nlti ulion. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. JAW OKKICK VVm. L. I1HOWN. I'ersoual atlt-iitliu lo ail bunluttsa ntrito4 SO 111 V mire OTUtV I HVU'.K 1'illtM exaiiiln-i, AliMiaclieoiiipilt'U, Iimur nice written, mil -siif huU. lllr l.ioiniic mi- niAkiiiK Farm l.oaiia than ANY OTHElt AGENCY r'LATTS.MOU 1 11 Klilt AHKA -AD- Provision Merchants. He.-tdquartrrs for FLOUR AM) FEED, We pay no rent and sell for CASH You don'tjpay nny bills for dead beats when you buy of this firm. The Hand. best SOFT COAL always on DONT FORGET A r TIIK 5 CORNERS Opposite Kichcy Bros Lumber office THE EN T ER1ST AT IQ N AL TYPEWRITER A nrrictly first clann machine, fully warrant ed. Made irom the very best material b skilled workmen, and with the best tools that nave ever been devised for the purpose. War ranted to do ail that can be reasonably ex pected of the very best typewriter extant capable or writinu im woras per minute 01 more according to the ability of the operator. TTORNfcV A. N. SULLIVAN. ittorney Will (,'ivv prompt attention all iiUHineK.-i entrurtr.i lo lnui. Otlico la Uaioii block, Kant MUe, I'latlniuoulli, cb. JTTOKNKY A LAW. WINDHAM & DAV1EH. tt. B. WINDHAM. JOHN A. 1A VIES. .Notary I'uhlic olay 1'ubllo Olllce over Hank of Caxs Couuly. t-lattmouth .... Nebrasha Banks, B a ak o f C 11 s Co ttaty Cor Main and I-'lltli hlrcet. faid up capital f vi'ooij Surplus 5UX) OFFICERS 0. II. Pamela f red (iururr J. M. Patterson T. M. 1'ullerson, I'resldenl Vice 1'reMtMnt 'alielf AHKt Cashier DIRECTORS '1. II. Parmele, J. M. Patterson, Fred Gorder, li. Smith. It. 11. Wicdliam, LI. . Katimey an, I. M. Patterson GENERAL BAN21KC TRAKSATED BUSISf Accounts solicited. Interest allowed on time tepoMitH ami prompt attciitionsiveu to all bus iness entrusted to its care. Missouri received more than $600,000 by the refunding of the di rect tax, and the legislature turned the whole bundle over to the state university. The direct tax refund Governor Boyd's veto of the maximum rate bill meet9 with much opposition among the rank and file of the democratic cohorts, who had really been imposed upon I lDX they hold together. New York to the extent that they honestly f "v'v "1C How He Go Off. nonparty, xney naa listened to One nhrht Brown came hom vrv lt PIUCE $100. If there Is no agent In your town address the m&nulactures. THE PARISH M'F'G CO. Agents wanted Parish H, 1. F. B. SEELEMIRE, Agenl. LLncolu, Neb, down six of the strikers and fatally I ing- bill is one of the extravagances I tne buncomb speeches of Bryan I and found his wife evidently prepared uuier rauroau attorneys, con-1 to administer a v-anaie lecture. lriAte&a demning corporate power, until they I gifcf to bed ho took a seat, and rest- believed the "speakers were in ear- ia& ms eioows on niB Knees, seemed -f- nest; and now that the mask has ,u blnin Qeay been withdrawn and , he party 1ead- S-fteCl-a""Un " Mrs. Brown, moved by curiosity, said wounded many others. The strikers cry out for vengeance and more trouble is anticipated. of the Fifty-first concrress that dem ocratic orator3 in rlissouri are not likely to dwell upon at any great length. The fact that Missouri has been so liberal with its university, means one of two things that the legislature is afraid of the demo cratic state treasurer or else the state is going republican. The Italian war cloud still ap pears upon the horizon, but will jrobably be dispelled in a few lays. Telegrams from Rome are of 5 mnrp narific nature, whilf the last ittrr f Trr TilaiP Tadle TALK for April presents its Xtalian charge d'affaires clearly readers with an excellent and hand ahows there is no cause whatever eomely finished portrait of its edi tor hostilities on the part of King tor, Mrs, S. T. ?orer, who, as a teaefc HumberL Mr. Blaine's clearheaded er of cookery, is becoming known At A- and firm manner of dealing with lIle country over ana ner name a The Citizens BANK PLATTSMOUTH - NKBKASXA Oayltal stock paid In fyt 0-a Authorized Capital, SIOO,O0O. oreiCKM tfUA-NK CAKKUTH, JOS. A. CONNOrt, President. VIc-Presl len W. H. CUSHIN0. Canhior. DIUKCTOKl) frank Carruth J. A. Connor, V. H. Guthnian? J. W. .fohciion, Henry Ko-ck, John O'Keefa W. D. Merriam, Wa, Wetencainp. W. H. Cashing. rSANSACTS.'A GENERAL BANKING BUSiNES wues cejtiflcates of deponlts bearing Interest Buys and sell exchange, county and city sureties. First National BANK OK PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Paid up capital ....f rAOTO,00 Surplus 10,000.09 the question has compelled even abid democrats to praise his wis dom and statesmanship. household word among the readers of her charming- magazine, which is overflowing each month with in formation about what we shall eat and how to prepare it dinners, teas, receptions, weddings, family menus, Ac. all presented in a wny FoR standing up for his own country against the British the democrats and mugwumps have -s-ead ex-Minister Phelps out of the that is as sensible and practical as party. That is right. A man who it is dignified and captivating. The loves the Hag and holds to his alle- April number, as all others of this fiance to the United States through delightful magazine, is filled with thick and thiu, no matter who is practical articles, that must deeply president, has no business in the interest the housewife and every democratic party. lie belongs natu- lady of refinement. srally to the republican organization. Published by TABLE TALK Pub- T9.T. Phelps should, of course, have Lisnixo Co., 1617 Chestnut Street, sworn that Lord Salisbury and the Philadelphia, at $1 XX) per year. Canadian seal poachers are right, I and that President Harrison and "Secretary Blaine are wrong about -Hie matter of the Behring sea aislieriea. State Journal. era ana manajrers are shown in their true light the rank and file see that they have been duped. They havejbeen played for suckers, and a flattering degree of success has attended the effort. Now that the true status of the democratic party is known we shall await with pleasure the action of these gentle men who condemn Mr. Boyd. Will they act as they talk or will they continue torake chestnuts for the conscienceless inogxils of the party, that dictate its platforms and sells out the principles to which they are so solemnly pledged. sharply, "What's the matter with Smith?' "Ah,M said Brown, "hia wife is riving him fits just now." Mrs. Brown let her husband off that tune. Exchange. Oh! Lord what a veto! And now you can see too, How you will when you won't, Or how you can do. when you don't-1 nor in Nebraska!! GOVERNOR BOYD TO HIMSELF FRIDAY MORNING. To sign or not to sign that's the question! Whether better to please the independents byjsig-ning-this (abortion) my death roll: or to stick by those who bled and died X A 1 t ior me, anu inus earn tne curses of the gTeat "reformers" or better still by opposing- all, andsigning Homing-, 1 can worry through the slings and arrows ofoutrageous iomine ana leave tne supreme court in me iurcn instead 'o Boyd. - . ....... j 1 e goas, wnat lis to Le a gover- ReptUe With 2,000 TMth. Many herbivorous reptiles of the meso- eoic period had enormously long hind Ifgs, on . .ich they were able to wade far out into the deep water after sea weeds and other food. These creatures were par ticularly extraordinary in point of their dental equipment, inasmuch as each of them had about 2,000 grinders to chew with, arranged in magazines of 500 each like cartridges. Interview in Washing ton Star. The rolnta of m Boarbonnd. The boarhound is, like many other dogs, of high temper and courage, but quiet when its natural game is out of view. It 13 obedient enough when prop- erlytramed, but has unflinching courage, and when attacked does not know when it ia beaten. It iB not a dog to korp in town. English Mechanic GOLDIAXD PORCELAINICROWN3 Bridge workgand fino gold work a SPECIALTY." DR. 8TBINAC8 LOCAL as well a other fan- esiaeucsgiven tor me painless extraction of teeth. a A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald B'r. HENRY BOECK The Leading FUENITURE DEALER AND 4 r ir - - . '4 : : ' -: T i UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand 'everything Sot m Warning. "Your time is up," remarked the con tractor to the sexton, having just Ln- uhed fitting the church steeple with m brand new clock. Amencn Grocer, you need to furnish jour house. CORNER BOTH AND MATS STBKET Plattsmout - Neb Offers tne very Dent facilities for tne pro rap transaction of ilglttmato Banking Business Stocks, bonds, gold. Rovemmeot and local s rarities bought aud sold. Ieposlts received and interest allowed on the certificates Drifts drawn, available In auy part of the (Jotted States Dd ail the DrlnclDaJ towns at Curope. OOtXBCTIOirS MADB AND FEOMfTlT BSKIT TIU. ttlgbest market price pld for County War rants, 8tte ana (Vnnty bonds. DIRECTOR3 John Pitzgvrald li. Hawksworth 8am Waugli. F. K. White neorge E. Dovey . lota FlUgerald. 8, Wangh. President Catto, PERKESS HOUSE, J 217, 219, 221 and 223 Main St., tattsmouth, - riebraaka. H. M. "BOSS, Proprietor, lhe Perkins has been thoroughly renoyated from top tc lottom S now one of the best hotels in th state. Boarders will be taken by th week sJ 14.60 and up. GOOD BAR CONNECTED mt r M IQnd maderfss cured. Books lesnxxf in om raatiiuc. Taetimonisla from all txtrt vt th rlobo. Proapectas posv Am LoifBm. XSl VlLLq An. 2T Tut. WSCHlFFkJAtN'S ASTHMA CURE Imfrblr i! (. WAfTIHW ftor Slr LIS. B-i rif1 hr lnhiM. luuu. 1. . T ; .pvnm-ajij, strtti. Xia.f 1 v A. 4; E a II! A Sk t f 1 1 1 ! 1, V 1 ,1 - , it 'i. i, . U I x 0