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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1891)
They relate to n from Rytiltn irwr Mer, in France, a remarkable inciden of fidelity. A Danish princes, one of thono fairy bcantifs of the north who Boom to draw their jM-ftiliiir charm from the melancholic hjil mlor of their '.Innate, one of thoHo Oiielias, with limpid ryes as the bluihh crystal of the Scandinavian lake, had a friend, faithful, devoted, loving, patient, whom sin- has dee-ted in a moment of forget fulness. Leaving suddenly, wlien M.-rf-i-Tidin;; the outside bridge to the steamer, she forgot lier friend, the most faithful companion of her youth, a splcndfd black do, wit'r-tx-antiful dark hhinim; hair; from tha. time the poor animal, i-tandinvj erect over . he fences of tin? mole, barks l'nr ously after the waves, jumping jiyoi: ly mh soon as can be perceived afar the HhiS'kiiitf Khaf't of a steamer, which he tJ'.t'iiyw thinks will bring back ashore his oeJoveu owner. lie is always waiting, hopeful nd Above all true and faithful, though cen nolated and petted by the gloved hand of the beautiful and romantic English inisj-es who g;ive him sweet names, call liif? him -(Jh, you dear, faithful friend Sweet boy." And over there, afar, afar In the north', the fairy Scandinavia i feels some inexplicable want. Som tiiing is missing to her; she does t:A linosv what it is; it is the unconscious regret of the faithful companion desert ed afar. Baltimore America Suljscri ImI or SiirHtribpI Many are the pitfalls which lie r? ere path of the man .vho sits down to i. il.e his will. In a case recently tried in Lhe probate court the witnesses were stated in the usual words to have "hereunto subscribed their names," but it happened that these witnesses' signatures were written in the margin and somewhat higher than these attesting words. Hence arose the grave question, Could a P'gnature be said to be subscribed when, strictly speaking, it was superscrilwiJ? It is tasy to conceive a judge of rigidly logical tendencies who would have de cided that there had been in this case no proper attestation. Fortunately Sir C. Parker Butt, forti- feed by a decLsioh of Lord Campbell, de cided that, though it might seem a strange interpretation to put upon the word "subscribe," to hold that writing the witnesses' names above the testator's signature in the margins was a com pliance with the act, yet in the eye of the law the word "subscribe" "simply means signing the name without any reference to its position on the docu merit." London News. Itoston'g Fant Speaking Preacher. Two hundred and forty words a min ute, four words every second, is a rate of speed which seem. almost beyond tho power of articulation, yet that was the measure of the torrent of eloquent ex position and apieal jKmred forth in St, Paul'a church Monday by the Rev. Dr. Phillips Brooks. Try to equal it read ing from a printed page in a conversa tional tone, and then imagine the im mensely increased difficulty of the task in a large church, before a great congre gation, and without the gr.idance even of a written note. The business men, for whom the service was especially de signed, had been assured that the dis course would be short, and so it was in time, for it was finished in twenty-five minutes, but the report made by two stenographic reporters covered 6,000 vords and gave the extraordinary aver ages with which this paragraph opens. Bodice Journal. Norel Bird Storj. When Mr. Andrew Young returned from Alaska last fall he went out to his ranch on Young's river to dig his pota toes. Passing a hollow tree he noticed several bushels already gathered. He looked around the patch, but saw no signs of anyone having disturbed the ground, and to solve the mystery watched -the tree. He was soon rewarded hy see ing a flock of bluejays alight on the tree, nd each bird had .1 potato in its bill, wMch was dropped into an opening in a lirrb and passed on down to the ground, lie procured sacks, and as fast as one was filled another was put at th-3 place, and in this way tho birds harvested fifty bushels of potatoes for him from various patches around the country. Astoria (Ore.) Express. A Mnttkrat Trap. Jim Can dee, an old Lyme trapper, has caugh: an unprecedented number of Tfluskrats this year. He sinks a half barrel near tae runs of the rats to the level A the ground, half fills it with water, and then c n fixating pieces of boards in the tub places pmali pieces of carrots. When the muskrat jumps in after the bait he can't get out, and he leave3 the trap set for another victim. Mr. Candee has caught as many as six rata in a single barrel in one night. Hartford Times. Wftkrd frm Ills Wiutr leep. A Ledy.ird !xy on Monday diicovered a woodchnck in a heap of leaves in an old tree and pulled him out. He waf? curled up, with loth forepaws pressed closely over his eyes. When his paws were pulled off his eyes he did not open them, but yawned an 1 gaped as a heavy sleeper might be expected to do. The animal could not be aroused from hi dormant condition until he had been in a warm room for several hours. New London Telegraph. A IIomrkt'-iin; Yontti. Mr. David ITembree, Jr., son of Mr. David R. Hoiabree, of Cro.-sville Dis trict, Millen count, is IS years old, and lias lived all his life within four miles of the Chattahooehie, but has never seen tho river. He is the best working boy in the district, and has all his life staid at home and worked. Alpharetta (Ga.) Free Press. In Rome the Easter eggs are taken ta the parish priest, who blesses and sprink les thme with holy water, and the nuna afterward paint and sell them. They ttiust be placed on the table with the Howers and other decorations, and eato m the first coutm for tlu Vm&mv omiim i)rMtiiik Btiwtwi Conram. The pretty fashion of making the salad dressing on the table obtains among fash ionable people at small informal dinners. Defore the precedirr.f course has been re moved t lie servant brings the hostess a shallow silvtr bowl, into which are broken tho yolks of two eggH. B-fore her are alrfo placed the oil decanter, two tiny til ver pepper boxes holding white and c&y enne jx-pper, a small mustard pot with vhe unmixed mordant, and a bit of lemon on a plate or a second miniature decan ter of tarragon vinegar, as the taste of the hostess prefers. Then, while tho plates are being :hang-d. the mayonnaise is concoct 'd. Into the unbeaten yolks are c; ;vf ally ne -a. i ; red i.r.-t a salt;poon of s ill and au jlherof d: y mn:-.tard, a good pi.ich of cavenae and a better one of white pep- p--r, t.:vii wiih a silver forlc the stirring piMc: s begins. Drop by drop the amber ! oil does its work nil. thick, trolden and velvety, t'.ie inayor.'iai'se is ready for tho touch of ;:cid from lemon or vinegar, End afterward to be sent around the table as tiie i.ahid is served. It is a graceful f (ice l'..r deft lingers. JItr Point of View in New York Times. Juiim- Knvsi-ll I,o--M'm I!lrtlilny. If I had been asked a. few weeks ago to name the two most interesting men in America,! should have answered with out hesitation, "Mr. Lowell and Gen. rjherman" or "Gen. Sherman and Mr. Lowell." for tins order of the names would have- mattered little. The general's stroi'g yet childlike nature, his varied and well remcmlered experience, his ex tensive reading, and his readiness and slv" in eMnressi n:r himself iei a thousand topics, made him a fascinating talker, whether he were addre.-.iing two or 1 ? - twenty people. On the other hand, Mr. Lowell's poetic imagination and keen yet kindly wit, hi: intimate acquaintance with the bes thoughts of the best minds of all lime his familiarity with the history of the past and his personal connection with the historic happenings of his own day combine to make him one of the half dozen living men whom it were best worth while to know. Like Gen. Sherman and George Washington, Mr. Lowell was a February child, and was 72 years old on Washington's birthday. Gen. Sher man reached hi.i seventy-first birthday on Feb. 8, and died on the 11th. Critic A Larc 1'rico for a Flower. I eaw a new variety of plant for pc.rlsr decoration in a florist's window the other day, the price being marked at the- mod it-t ligure of $100. In tho passion for this sort of display, which is now rampant here in Boston, I am told that the money expended is out of all proportion to the intrinsic value or beauty of the product, some rare specimens being sought fcr in preference to one in which the attrac tions of form and color are conspicuons. This sort of interest recalls the Dutch tulip mania, and though there is perhaps no danger that our Yankee flower fan ciers will lose their heads, as the old Hollanders did, yet it is worth remem bering that the latter were hard headed, matter of fact people, and it is uch, by the way, who are apt to be most unset tled by a gust of excitement. Boston Post. Lark of Men Who Dance. The complaint is made that the danc h g men in society are scarcely beyond the age of knickerbockers, and a call has gone out for more men of years, weigh and discretion who are willing to make themselves generally useful at the finall dances of society. There has never been a year in the hi.-tory of Xew York when balls occurred in private ho-ises so fre quently as this season. Two or three dances a night have been the rule. As a majority of the men ic society are also in business, it is difficult to see how they can be expected to sit up until 4 o'clock in the morning every night in the week and still go to their offices at the accus tomed time. Apparently there is an other long felt want in society which th& conditions of New York life make it impossible for men to fulfill. New York World. Wanted to Complete His Trade. Charles Drum, 20 years of age, wtj pleaded guilty to snatching a purse from a lady on Jackson street, got threo years and a half in the penitentiary. The judge was about to sentence him to the reformatory when Drum spoke up and informed the court that he had once be fore been coTivicted, the first time fv burglary. Drum's counsel let the cat out of the bag by saying tbat his client preferred Stillwater to St. Cloud be cause he desired to complete his trad that of a tinsmith. The court did no appear to be ranch swayed by the de fendant's preferences, and made it state prison on his admission of a former con Tiction. St. Paul Pioneer Press. Good Day for Whale. A Brazilian bark which arrived in New York the other day reports seeing eighty-four whales ia one day. Some of the monsters were two or three miles away, but others came so close to the w&sel that the fishy odor made tue sailors sick. At this season of the jca we see no reason to doubt the story. Detroit Free Press. The question of a change in the posi tion of the earth's axis has led to come special refinements in the methods of ob serving astronomical latitudes, and ex peditions are about beiuj fitted out in different countries for the purpose of making a series of latitude observations. The scientists from this country will go to the Hawaiian islands. A newly patented vz boiler cornbiaes the sand;;l;uss arrangement with an au tomatic "alarm" when the egg is cooked, which .o:ild seem to be an invitation rather than an alarm, as an ingenious device lifts it out of the watei, so that all the cook has to do is to eat it. Professor John Tynlall, tho famous British scientist, did not marry until ha was 615, when he wedded Lord Hamil ton's eldest daughter. lie is now in hia pightietli year. Morlar-Spott-l skin. Covored With Scales. Awful Spectacle. Cured In Five Weeks by trio . uticura A1im t ' I'O lt if Aiiii mt t iioticcl me l'- . 11. 'lies lt i ('ii' i iih mil all over mi)- Ii il v, lint 1 mi-Klit u-e li'iiv: of ii 11 til 'cine li;ni later . livi it i i , j Mke up - f I I i . r M 't'cil ii. : w ;'li . ;iine It 1 1 lav- I'lC !('' HI -allil'ii uilll 1 t-lihi-j;. 1 Weill SCIIIIcIl vciy 1'' 1 w m o'v. Ii 11 ill iit-xt i.ixi't l'i" p- ! 1 t Iflns; I riiirH hi-." wlille wrc scan Im-'I tf aaiu. 111 v 1 n til.l I c 'i mi t 1 lue lee in - Hi It i 1 1 v it 1 ( ut : i 1. ' fit r L' Vil K l 1 lnM e. I '--i'i-V' t.. . 1 I :i: 11 eil I" re- :ui in.Vi 11 h Ii. 1 lit Hi lie I c t:: 1 fi . !. i.t v r.r t"l n I A V"-. .'- 1 I Slt-'l'lrs. ami :i' 11 ' '. J V's' - vy'i'iii !' t'iv rii'i-'. iiii'l I ' I srfy- i Ii aiie'il i'I.i iiiiae ieale 10 I ' . . ;.i f 1 lici .11 l" ii- tare lii i' t he sea! v el 11 )l ions ;'r.i'l na I v 'i i-iii-a ell ami 1 iMari ;ircil one tiy nc tint il I liaii l-eii uily , ciiieil I ha I t Ii ! :i"i' ' Ii ii iti 11 iinml lis ! !' ic I Iicl'iiii lakinK the la-jimiKs, ami in ' f-ui-or Ii ve vt i ks as 11 I -ly c.ncil. Myel ! x- atf w;n eciiiri "ml pseria-i. 1 1 new tf a ! uieat many w-Iki h ive t.ikfii ill- Uhmkdiks ! and 1 1 ai'k iim; fur 1 lie l iM'wIcdLze of tlicin. i'- - daily inutile is w!n have Ii '. s wl Ii scaly el iipllens 1111 heir heads a:i! bodies. I c iiei-'t fxpiv s 111 v thanks ' V'-u My body wis covered wnli sea cs. ami 1 :is 11 awful fi: tai'ie tn behold. Now mv cki" U fie 11 us a babj's, V,l:i). i (I I KY. Men ill. A In. CUT10UUA INSOLVENT The new r.'ood and Skin rurififr nd nieale-t of lluuii.r Ueint-dies. ii.ienmily (to cl an e llie td 11 (I of all inipifilies, and iIiiih 1- inovi-the cause), an. I ' i TiccnA. the K'fat "-km Cur--, mil CUTiruia Soap, an exqiuMte skin Beau; -Her. extt rieiHy (to clear M e skin aim cil,t ami rf stern ilit hair), every octe-t of aiMini. Intt. itcli iuvr. burning, ccnly. and pimply Ul seases ol 11k; skin, scalp, aid blood. i-'iiH everywhere. l'i ice. Ci tiitka, Trc Soap 'I'n'.. Uhii1.vhm',. freii:ii('(l bv the 1"TTKK DllVli AMI tlllEMtCAI. t Ol.-eoKATlON, ItiiPton sSttitl 'iir"lliiv.'to Cure Skin IHnejispt," C4 jiaKcs. r0 lll'iM'aiiox.s, and loo tcstiumiiiale Tiini'es. In ic.k licadi- i'-d. roiiLrh fliarin-U and i- nil v sk in cur l oy ( crier a mia i I CAN'T BREA - HE. Cliest l;iinw. Sort- n"cs. V-akncsx. II'M klnu' tinli. ;Aslhm . rirurisy atid i ii II; in iii.i ion relieved In onn mlnutR livtlie Cutiriira Anu-r'ain Piaster, "tumg like ii i weak Lungi No greater triumph in medicine or chemistry Man been recorded than Hall's Hair Kenewcr to revivify and restore gray hair to the color of youth. A Remarkable Farm. I will sell my farm of 160 acres six miles southwest of Plattsmouth very cneap. Hie tarm is lii-hly improv ed with bearing orchard, jood resi dence, barn and other out-uutlding-s. Enquire on premises or by letter to abash, Neb. w2t Robert Meteer. If your cough keeps you awake and restless at night, take Ayer's Cherry .Pectoral and obtain imme diate relief. This remedy allays in ilamation, heals the pulmonary or irans, induces sleep, and restores health. The sooner you begin the better. "Gentle Spring" loses many of its terrors when the system is fortified by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparill.a With multitudes, this wonderful tonic-alterative has long supersed ed all other spring medicines, being recommended everywhere by phy eicians. The Now Discovery. You have heard your friends and neighbors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you Have tried it you are one ot its staunch friends, because the won derful thing about it is, that when once given a trial, Dr. King's New iJiscovery ever after holds a place in the house. It you have never used it and should be afflicted with a cough, cold or any throat, lung or chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke & Co's drugstore. Will be Given Away. Our enterprising druggists, F. G. Fricke & Co, who carry the finest stock of drugs, perfumeries, toilet articles, brushes, sponges, etc., are giving away a large number of trial bottles ot Dr. titles celebrated Kes- torative Nervine. They guarantee it to cure headache, dizziness, ner vous prostration, sleeplessness, the ill effects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, etc. Druggists say it is the greatest seller they ever knew, and is univer sally satisfactory. They also guar antee Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure in all cases of nervous or organic heart disease, palpitation, pain in side, smothering, etc. Fine book on Nervous and Heart Diseases, free. 4 Prunin. The greatest of all remedies for children. Cures indigestion, con stipation, feverishness and loss of sleep. Sold by Gering & Co. lm The Createst Strike Among the great strikes that of Dr. Miles in discovering his New Heart Cure has proven itself to be one of the most important. The de mand for it has become astonish ing:. Already the treatment of heart disease is being revolutionized, and many unexpected cures elfected. It soon relieves snort breatn, liuttcr- incr. pains in side, arm, shoulder, weak and hungry spells, oppres sion, swelling or ankles, smothering and heart dropsj. Dr. Miles' book on Heart and Nervine Diseases, free. The uncqualed New Heart Cure is sold and guaranteed by F. ! G. Fricke & Co, also his Restorative j Nervine 'for headache, lits, sprees, hot flashes, nervous chills, opium j habit, etc. 4 rVWlss" Nervennd IJVer Pillo- ! Act ou a new principle regulating j the liver, stomach and bowel? through ! the uerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' j Pills speedily cure hihousness, bad taste, I torpid liver, piles, constipatiori. Lne qualed for mea, women. children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 23c Sampla free at F. G. Fricke & Co'a. Needles, oils and parts for all kings of machines can be found at the Singer of fice, corner of of Main and Sixth -trects with Henry Boeck. -wtf rnu 10 TOYc is sole iieqt Xlcols: C"ULt for JOE'S n.o-w Exteqels iqqqy tqqqliS to qis foi leii libei'ql Pqli'oqqae q continuous f iveiything at PETERSEN & LABSO N. THE LEADING GROCERS HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. "EVERYTHING - FRESH - AND - IN - SEASON ATTENTION FARMERS We want your Poultry, Kggs, But ter and your farm produce of all kinds, we wiU pay you the highest cash price as we are bu3Ting for a firn in Lincoln. Petersen & Larson THE LEADING GROCERS Plattsmouth - - Nebraska. THE MAN WHO Drives the the Hearee is not in it And for that matter, neither is the Singer Sewing Machine Company. Over 9,000,000 Singers have been sold in the United States which means that we have over 9,000.000 wit nesses to the fact that the SINGER is the best machine made. All the newest improvements have been added which truly make the Singer The Queen of all her Realm. : Machines sold on the most favora ble terms by the department mana- Rer MR. D. P. CRONIN, at his headquarters in Henry Hcrcks Furniture store or by Mr. Atherton, local agent. rj AWSON & PEARCE Carry a Full Line of FINE M1LLESERY AND CHIL DREN'S CLOTHING. ALSO FKEPH CCT FLOWEKS ROOM 2, It. LEY BLOCK. PLATTMOCTB on ILLINOIS AND MISSOURI FARMS Ovfneur St. Louis. Inclose itamu fur dccriD- tlons. 4t3 :irres. lt'.O acres, 20 i -.'ore n -:ir norms Station Jfierwn Co.JM... "i iy miles tr-ni St Louis. Frice to f.V if aerf. 210 acre farm. St. KaucoH Co. M . with etcck. crops, imnipmenn wltn nosspsston 63.000. Thomas j Bett. 525 Chestnut St.. St. Louis. Mo. i 1 bwi THK ORIGINATOR OK HONKST 7J oijGi' of l PoiMilqi' Fcslqbl isl- r. t1!6 iq and Below cost JLQ HAVELOCK ARE YOU - GOING - -IF Remember that R. O. Castle & Co have an immense etock of LUHBER AND ALL BUILDIDG MATERIAL And Guarantee Satisfaction in all Things R. O. CASTLE & CO HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA. FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS ; WE WILL GIVE SPECIAL EEDTJCEID PEICES IN ALL OUR COMPLETE LINE OK BOOTS AND SHOES BAQHINS FO ALL. W. A. BOECK CO; Also the Li"ii running Domestic Sewing Machine for sale hnn't Pav there is no help for catarrh, hay fever and cold in the head, since thousands testif that Ely's Cream Halm has entirely cured them. It supersedes the dangerous 110 n lumifls and snuiFs. It is easily applied into the nostrils and cives reliet at once. i-nce.uc. Dissolution Notice The partnership heretofore exist- i trued is this day, the 11th day of March, dissolved bv mutual consent. All debts due joe Klein, the Clothier, must be paid to Joe Klein, who assumes all in debtedness of said firm. tf JOK KLKIX, V?I. FlaHEK. Miss Mollie Tucker. Dressmaking and millenerv a specialty. Rooms over Ilarold'a store tL LbW PRICKS -vr J A. O s 3 J S;pr Iznigr -ci- Fi'icqels qqd Pq i'oqs iq tqe pqst qqd qsl's qUU'G. Until April 1st. TO - BUILD - THEREf SO- "Fruita and Friut Trees" is an abl3 written book and givea trusty information for all whorrow fruit of any sort or kind. Stark IJros.' Nurseries, Ixmisiana, Mo.' will send it free to all interested. Orange Judd Farmer. A century of progress has not produced a remedy equal to Elj-'a Cream Halm for catarrh, cold in the head and hay fever. It is not a liquid or snuff, but is perfectly tafe and easily applied into the nostrils. It gives immediate relief and cures the worst cases. For Sale. X good farm one-fourth mile from the town of Murray, on the M. P. H. It. Plenty of timixr and water. Good orchard. 330 bearing tree. Plattemouth, Neb, Feb., 9th, 1891. wtf IL W. IlTEBa.