Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 02, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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Of late I dtfi iroerl a vision rnr
Tbo future, ri8 lik a clul-cret f sir
At ! t day ;
I fein(l to iee tli tiuant yea
Crowded with much of 1 1 --i and fears
" I'.efoie my ay ."
Th whirling cddlew of life's Btrcami,
A hCOr i of yens paved In ny drciipi
Ami v:i li It li fill MtillM
But smoother waters tichli d litem lay,
ITher the w.irld Uy kl-ied by .sunlight ray
lirfoic my eight
Wliex- are they all, the f;n-t s fair
..Til at In other days have f-lt mv fare
And Hliiircd my J j ?
Death lias r'iiliui'd hhiiih. and dei-f 'iiy liljh
Hath scattered far 'ncath eaiih and s'vy
(k Kacli girl and uoy.
"Jloi charmed the home of my cblidhood men
A.nd each familiar face ami u'.t u.
How p mlu siraue !
And old frlei:ls too, hotu ; at and small,
IJttTC IIC1 DUE IIUW IllltJ i&uu
Had fluttered change."
But ai f anxiom kik Ih iI along
O'er valley, hill, each crowded throtg
Jo earth's exiange.
The ions of Oelhl .01 appear
Prosperous with end) p ..ssiug year,
iiy happy chance.
i . i . . . . . .i . i
Foremost la batll"tled a d mart.
Each biavc'.y bearing well Irs part
Anions tlx bet ;
Though some had won hut little fam,
iei none had cau-e to blush for nhamo
Or dr p his crest.
Daughter of Delhi. high in fame.
Each making for her.-e li a name,
A far wf re seen ;
The la lot was lut mm Miiall ritit
Added to woman's innate miht
lliat m ke her queen.
T !i!iw mif in tlm ii-iiitii fiVil4
ud lit her life the (Juspel wields
O'er dai k-ncd soul ;
A power that biing the light ' f tiuth
To feeble age aud buoyant youth.
AiiuMiowH life's
Another from our Cotner baud
At the capito! of cur hiad.
While plaudits runt?
Within the wiilla of wtrie-ho:.te fair
A youthful pres dent s.-.w I there.
Aye, very Y UNO.
As sober mini, tern some stood.
Whose thoughts wriv pure and deeds were good,
Who led the la id.
Another there was whose mighty pen
Exerted powers o'er the minds of inea
For purpose grand .
Two famous counsellor next f taw.
Whose livee were tiveu to the law
. In cause of riht ;
Whose fame was kne wn and honored far.
For often they at. justice's b:ir
Crushed erring iiiiyht.
To Cotnertlien my faii'ies fl.w.
Fame had she won, lias teen no woe,
i" he le i the van.
Unchanged as Time's stream by hfr swept.
Uer president's na:ne the sains was kept
. In younger man.
Then I looked for honor? 1 had won,
41 come kind deed that I had d i.e
. I A ripple mark ;
Ah t ilte unkind. There w;i uo tr..ce.
O'er my accut mod place
1 ho clouds hung dark.
And yet I can but fondly think
Since other waters note can drink
Than those, they meet.
Cool streams from far off mountain crefci
Are flowing toward us, nor stall rent
a in us nicy ureei.
Coiner University.
County Court.
From Thurtddy Daily
David Rice vs. Mary
Suit for work and labor.
March 31, 10 ai m.
Calvin II. Parmele vs. Charles W
Spence et al. Suit on note. Hear
ing April 4, 10 a. m.
Lewis Crane vs. A. G Cline. Re
Review of judgment. Trial to court
and subtnittea.
Supreme Court Diciaion
The supreme court handed down
quite a grist of opinions yesterday,
in which nearly every case was re
Yersed; among the rest we note a
Cass county case in which O. II
Ballou comes out victorious, that
reads as follows:
Pickens vs Plattsmouth Invest
ment company. Appeal from Cass
county, affirmed in part. Opinion
y Chief Justice Cobb.
' W. II. P. contracted with the P.
Land and Investment company to
erect a building known as the Park
House, on forty acres of ground,
for the purchase of which that com
pany had an unwritten agreement
with the P. Land and Improvement
company, the legal owner, which
agreement wad subsequently aban
doned by both companies, &tul n
balance of $S00, for the erection of
the building, was claimed by the
In an action to enforce the me
chanic's lien against both compan
ies tby the contractor. Held, that
the fwivestmont company alone was
liable, and that the contractor's lien
was limited to the buildiugand that
the land of the Improvement com
pany was not chargeable. irith vh
Lundiu, 44 X. W. R.
According to the new cennus
Douglas county stands tirat with a
population of 15S.UIW; Lancaster
County, 70,1595; Gage county, 3,344.
Otoe by the padded census of Ne
braska City, supersedes Cass as the
fourth county, and is given a popu
lation of 25,403, while Cass ha?
24,080, and becomes the fifth county
in the state.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
WVaa D7 Bid, w ir- hr Carton.
VWi tbm u a, Child, cried for Caatori
Tkt aha tmuii Km, abe dung to CmUr Jk.
tatlxti vg Xs o te ,
The following bills assed the
house yesterday:
II. R. Xo. 41.1, by Williams, for the
compilation and publication of the
statutes, was read the third time
and passed by a vote of 82 yeas to
3 nays.
According to the provisions of
this hill, J. K. Cobby of Heatrice
shall do the work at his own ex
pense and the volumes shall not be
sold for more than $2.50 per cop3
II. R. No. :r2, by Vandeventcr, was
passed by a vote of 80 yeas and no
nays. This bill provides that no
county treasurer shall be entitled to
receive any fee or per centum on
any money collected or turned over
to him by any township, city or
village treasurer.
II. R. No. 197, by Williams, was
passed by a vote ot Ol yeas to tz.
nays. This bill appropriates $25,(XXJ
for additional buildingsat the insti
tute for feeble minded youth, situa
ted at Heatrice.
Jl. R. No. 170, by Hreen, was read
and placed upon its passage. This
bill is an act to incorporate cities of
the first class having less tliau
25,000 and more than 8,000 Inhabi
tants. It was introduced for the
benefit of South Omaha where there
is a large amount of grading to do,
made necessary by the numerous
hills within its limits. The only oh
ject of the bill is to allow ten years'
time in which to pay grading tax,
instead of having the assessment
fall due at one time. It will enable
poor men to hold their lots. The
bill was passed without a vote in the
The Stale journal says that
the maximum rate bill, II. R. No.
12, will not be sent from the engross
ing room to Governor Doj'd before
tomorrow morning, and it will re
quire the united efforts of the entire
force to have it ready by that time,
liarly yesterday morning a stir was
ma.Ie in that department when the
committee on enrolled and en
grossed bills found that a Nebraska
City man had been appointed to as
sist in the work. On account of his
affiliations lie was mistrusted by
the committee and unceremoniously
lired. The committee room is now
kept locked for fear some one may
interfere with the work of engross
i ng.
Mrs. Win. Tighe was thought to be
dangerously ill yesterday but she
js much better tins morning.
Gordon Knotts is in the city today
from Council UluJfs, on his way to
Des Moines, where he expects to at
tend school.
Deputy Sheriff Tighe took G. I.
Smith, the forger, up to the peneten-
tiary this morning to serve out Ins
18 months' sentence.
The Sutton Wreck.
Fuller details of the wreck at Sut
ton yesterday indicate that engine
203, with Bob Smith, engineer, to
which was attached a snow plow,
was coupled ahead of 245, the mogul
which was pulling the flyer, and at
a speea ot ntty mites per hour.
they ran into the rear of a freight
which was said to have been run
ning at the rate of twenty-five miles
per hour. The blinding enow from
the snow plow prevented the engi
neer from seeing anything in front
of him. Twenty freight cars were
ditched, the baggage car and mail
coach smashed and one of the' pas
senger coaches was turned, on its
side, yet no one was hurt except the
fireman and engineer on the second
engine, wnicti was thrown some
thirty feet on its side. 'Engineer
Roberts was caught under the en
gine with his hand on the lever and
was not removed until about
four o'clock yesterday from
under the powerful mogul. His
fireman, Mr. Udell, was caught tin
der the coil and scnlded horribly
so that he cn-tl before he could be
removed to Lincoln. A freight
car loaded with cattle was thrown
on top of engine 203, yet the engi
neer and fireman escaped without a
scratch. Ttie cause ot the wreck is
naid to have been a mistake of the
train dispatcher's in his orders to
No. 77. It is understood that there
mains of Mr. Roberts will be
brought here this evening on the
ly er. Speaking ot' th deceased the
Lincoln Journal says:
"The remains of both the unfortu
nate men were brought to Lincoln
last evening and taken to.Undertakrr
Roberts' establishment where they
now are. Fireman Udell died on
the way to this cit anil when about j
two miles out of tovn. '
John G. Roberts is u married man j
and his wife is now visiting at t ier- i
inaiitowti, this state. .She will come
in on the 10 a. m. train and then de
termine what she will do with th
remains of her husband.
Fireman Udell is also a married
man. His wife is in Omaha visiting.
She has been telegraphed the sad
new of her husband's death and
will arrive this morning. It is pos
sible that Udell's remains will be
shipped to Niagara Falls for inter-
Pairi( Away.
Father Robert II. Polk, an old and
dearly beloved citizen of New Castle,
aged t years, lias been ill for seve
ral weeks, gradually sinking, atid
since Saturday has seemed to be
hovering over the grave. A the
hour of going to press he was very
low and his demise was expected at
any moment. His son, John F.Polk,
arrived from Greenwood, Nebraska,
Monday evening, and h is daughters,
Mrs. John Newby and Mrs. Jacob
Kennard, are at his bedside. Other
relatives were expected to arrive
from Nebraska last evening, and the
family felt that the good old man,
whose faculties continued bright
and clear, was exerting his vitality
to keep alive until he could say
farewell to all. New Castle (Ind.)
Courier. .
Since the above was printed,
Robt. 11. Polk has passed to the great
beyond. He visited Nebraska annu
ally for the past fifteen years, and
his kindly face was known to many
of our citizens. He was born in
1N00 and was a young man grown
when his grandfather died, he
having been born in 17(55, so that by
word of mouth he was familiar not
only with the revolutionary war,
his father being an officer therein,
but with all the acts which lead up
to it. Mr. Polk's mind gave no indi
cation of his great age; his recollec
tion was perfectly clear as to events
of yesterday or nearlj'a century ago
It had been his fortune to live al
most to the end of a wonderful cen
tury, the most progressive the
world has ever known, and to hear
him relate the opinions that were
prevalent in the early years of the
century was indeed interesting.
Kidney troubles, superinduced by
a bad cold, were the immediate
cause of his death, as otherwise his
health was quite good. He died as
he had lived, peacefully and happi
ly, though deeply mourned by
scores of people who realized that
"Uncle Robert" or "Grand Pa" was
called away and that his great kind
heart had been stilled forever. He
was buried with imposing ceremo
nies by the Masonic fraternity,
having been a member for nearly
three-fourths of a century.
From Friday Daily
A prominent citizen of this cit'
called at the C. R & O. headquarters
in Chicago the other day and en
quired as to the company's inten
tions as to Plattsmouth. He was
very positivelj' assured by the man
ager that the would be full of
men in a very short time, and that
the Havelock plant would not re
duce the Plattsmouth pay 'roll a
single dollar. That the Havelock
shops would be new, and that no
work would be moved from Platts.
mouth up there. Such positive as
surance from the vice-president of
the great Q. sj-stem, our informant
thinks, ought to have great signifi
cance attached to it. He believes
from his talk with officials that
Plattsmouth has a right to expect
some new shops here this year.
F. II. Ellenbaum was an Omaha
passenger this morning.
Bird Critchfield went to Lincoln
Elder J. A. Williams, of King
City, Missouri, is visiting his cou
sin Mrs. Bird Critchfield. He goes
to Lincoln today and will occupy
the pulpit in the Christian church
in this city Sunday.
W. L. Browne has gone to Minne
apolis, Minn, on important legal
Colonel J. A. Connor cashed up
over $8,000 yesterday as his profits
on some corn deals. For a ten days
profit with a small investment, we
would like to know who can beat
The snow, although wet and
heavy all over Western Nebraska is
from eighteen inches to two feet
deep. As most of the wheat is sown
in Western Nebraska tin's will
bring it up with mo:titre enough
to keep it growing for several weeks.
The remains of Fireman Udell, ac
companied by his wife, his brother
and a delegation of Odd Fellows
from the lodge to which he belonged
in Omaha passed through yester
day evening on the flyer, bound for
the former home of the deceased at
Niagara Falls. New York.
Mrs. J. G. Roberts came in last
night ami will accompany tier Hus
band's remains to his former home
in West Virginia. They go east on
the flyer this evening. Mrs. Rob-
erts savs her husband was alive un- I
der the engine for over four hours, j
but that nothing could be done to j
lift the massive boiler in time to J
save his life,
1 be bill
IlStJl lit. JU'ijrt.
making a district out ol
Cars ami Otoe counties is now a
law, and since it contained an emer
gency clause it is already in full
force and Lfeet. Judge Chapman
will occupy the bench in Cass and
Otoe a.- we are entitled to but one
judge. Lancaster will have three.
two to be appointed by the governor i
to act with Judge Field. Cass and
Otoe are ?o near of the same size. J
population and politics that we on
uo doubt get akng nicely together.
The R i vet- A ppi'oj fi.iiion
' M ... . . ... . :-terl.i y
for St. lonis 10 attend a in-.-eting of
the Missouri rivercommission. Mr.
Ireland has spent considerable time
working for a large :;z 'd appropri
ation for Nebraska t'iiy, and when
he got on the train yesterday was
confident that ei 1 her .f 7... . ') or $1:K.
or-' w ' ' :,.r thi
city. Nebraska City Press.
There it is again! Every town on
the river is up and doing on this
appropriation matter except Platts
mouth. Why can't we have a dele
gate meet these river kings at tlicir ;
place of rendezvous in St. Louis and
get what belongs to us. The prize
is well worth the eifort and if some
business man or the mayor would
go down to St. Louis we might get i
round $100,000 for this city.
A Pon Mortem.
A post mortem examination of
the body of Mrs. Donat was made
by Drs. Schildknecht and Humph
rey yesterday afternoon. It weenis
Mrs. Donat had been sick for .some
time and the physicians could not
agree as to her trouble, hence, Dr.
Schildknecht desired to if possible
confirm his belief of the existence
of cancer of the stomach, that being
the result of Dr. Huinphrei-'s diag
nosis also. On investigation their
theory proved true as she was found
invested with a large cancer of the
stomach which was the immediate
cause of her death.
New Laws,
The following measures have
passed the legislature and only
await the g-overiior's signature to
become a part of the statutes:
S. F No. 23, by Moore, was passed
tn the house without an emergency
clause by a vote of 02 yens to Onays.
This bill reduces the fees of county
treasurers by striking out the 5 per
cent for collecting delinquent tnxe's.
11. R. No. 83, the bill apportioning
state into congrressional districts,
was react the third time, and passed
the senate with an affirmative vote
H. R. No. 20(3, the bill to appro
priate $50,000 for the world's fair,
was read the third time and passed.
11. R. No. 357, a bill to provide for
creating a county road fund by
using one-half of the district road
funds for the purpose, was read the
third time and passed with the
emergency clause.
County Court.
Wm. Deering & Co. vs. Frank
Busche. Suit on note, continued by
consent until April 3, 10 a. m.
Petition filed for appointment of
Adam Strott, guardian of Minnie
Schneider, minor child of Meta
Schneider, deceased.
Petition of Adam Strott filed for
adoption of Dora M. II. Schneider,
minor child of Meta Schneider, de
ceased. Union Laconics.
(Delayed correspondence March 25.)
W. D. Johnson's smile (?) was
seen here Sunday eve. HATTIE.
Wm. Eikenbary sent his cattle to
the Chicago market last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson of your
town contemplate visiting friends
here soon.
Jas. Allison boarded the Missouri
Pacific train here Friday for Ne
braska City.
BeckerBros were entertaining the
normal students that came through
and here Sunday.
J. G. Oldham sent some fine cattle
to the South Omaha market last
Monday, March 23.
Chas. Mooton was combining
business with pleasure in and
around Pastureland Monday.
Mr. David Williams of Eagle Grove
Iowa, arrived here Tuesday and will
visit at the Becker home few days.
Miss Eva Campbell is visiting in
Custer county. She will return this
spring to teach the school north of
here in District No. 7.
Miss Florence Richardson of
Eight Mile Grove, passed here to
day fur home from Peri:, where she
has been attending school during
the past ten wleks.
To-day takes one back to the time
when nature paved our roads wiih
the downy substance ami let us
glide over it as did "Noah over
the waters in his ark." We sincerely
hope we will have some more snow.
i r.iii Saturiliiy's fuiHj
Yesterday afternoon at about 5
o'clock the fire bell rang out denot
! ing a fire in the Second want Sev
f eral hose carts were soon out, and
I the tire was located in the house of
: John Williams, about two blocks
t . . r t . ,i
no" tu "''lnM 11 dW)r',th
i that Mr. Williams was out of the
city at the time and Mrs. Williams,
who was alone, had fallen asleep
j and knew nothing of the. tire until
i awakened by the neighbors who
; discovered it Too late to save the
building.. Mrs. Williams fainted
! through fright upon becoming
aware ot rne condition ot tne duuo
ing and her narrow escape. The
friends succeeded in saving the fur
niture on the first floor, but the
building and its contents on the
second lloor were entirely destroyed.
he bouse wiwi"3i aoout .? I.UJJ.
upon which there w:ii $UO0 tnsur-
Louisville is talking of starting a
creamery there thif summer.
What is
Cortoria 1 Dr. fiainucl Pitcher's precxHticra fiv Infant
itnd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morpliliie nor
other Narcotic substance. It la a hamleta vubstiiate
for Parcjrorc, Irop, Soothing Syrup, cvnd OoKtor OIL
t is Pleasant. Its carantco is tklrty ys tto by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms tukd allays
fcverishness. Castoria prevents Yomitl lour Ourd,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Col la. Oatorl rolieres
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulate tne stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
"Otatoria la aa eiccUVnt mcHc!n for hn
dren. MoUiors have repeatedly told me of iU
Ifood effect upon Uiclr children."
Dr. O. C. Oboood,
Lowell, U&sa.
Cartorfa la tho beat remedy for chiMren of
which I am acquainted. I hiyw tho day id-i ot
far distant when mothers willconsUcr tho roul
Interest of tlu-ir chiMren, nnd uso Co.stori:i in
stead of the various quack nostrums v.'hich oro
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, aoothrnjf syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throatu, thereby semi In j
them to pr mature, grarcM."
Da. J. F. IteccnELOU,
Conwuy, Art.
Tho Centaur Cozipr.ry, 77
DOOIW, ELESDS.and all buildiu nifit. ii
Call a nil sec vis at the corner of
llth and Elm street, one block
north of HeiseFs mill.
latismouth., Nebraska
A Valunble Find in Mercertown Tht
Will be Thoroughly Investi
gated. While diginrr a well on his place
in the western part of this city Mr.
Crawford, a reliable man saya he
Htruck fraa at a depth of about 90 ft
which issued forth from the bottom
of the well for a while with a percep-
table noise, and a smell that could
not be foroton. It soon stopped
flowing but a constant roaming1
can be heard at the bottom of well.
A company is being' formed today
to drill for this wonderful product,
and the outlook for success is in
deed flattering. The money should
be raised at once that the'machinery
and casing for the well night be
ordered without delay. These
Plattsmouth hills would turnout
regular bonanza fields if the find
proves the gas to be in sufficient
ijuanities for fuel and lighting
purposes on a large scale. .Many
r;er.-'tis Jiuvt; visiu-a uie wen in
doubt only to go away convinced
that the evidence of gas in paying
quantities is sufficient to repaj a
searching investigation. Idattsuioth
is bound to lead the procession, let
the "'ood work iro no.
.Mi.-s Tillie Ilauer, of Weeping
Water, came in on the Schuyler this
morning and is seeing I'lattsmouth
Henry Ahl, a prosperous farmer
from near Cedar Creek, is attending
to important business in this city
House Role No. 472, authorizing
the Hag to iloat over school house
during school hours, was passed in
the house yesterday.
The Democratic Kditorial Associ
ation met in Lincoln yesterday, and
after congratulatingeach other that
they were alive, they elected the fol
lowing officers: President, M. Me
hau of the Seward Democrat; first
vice-president, John W. Barnhart of
the Auburn Herald; second vice
president, G. V. Corcoran of the
Yorl4 Democrat; third vice-president,
I. II. Kller of the Hlair Couri
er; secretary, Kd J. Hall of the Grand
Island Democrat; treasurer, C. M.
Hubner of the Nebraska City News;
executive committee, C. J. Howl by,
J. G. P. Hildebrand, M. Mehan, Kd J.
II all and C. IL Hnbner.
Cantnrta Is so well adopted to chiMren thai
I rvcomiuend It as superior to any prwacriptir
kiMwa to sue."
II. A. Annuo, M. D..
lit flo. Oxford lit., Ur.oL.lyn, K. t.
" Otir physicians ja tin children's depart
meut have highly of their experi
ence in their outcido praeMco with Castoria,
and although tvo only uuvo among eur
incd:cul supplies what is Jcaown as regular
produces, yet we aro frjo to confess that the
merits of Castoria hau won us to look wita
favor uin it."
United IIosriTAL and PiKPFjtaAirr,
Uobton, Mans
Alle:j C. SafiTu, Prrt.,
Murray Street, New York City.
County Court.
Oliver & Kange vh II. 11. Vanara
nam. Suit on account. Answer
April G.
Petition filed for appointment of
Frank Carruth special administra
tor estate of John G. Roberts, dr
ceased. State vb William D. Knis. Com
plaint for procuring money under
false pretenses.
Henry Brockman vs Ktta Grothe
& Co. Suit for work and labor.
Hearing April 3, at 10 a. in.
Henry Brockman vs Ktta Grothe
& Co. Suit for work and labor
Hearing April 3, at 2 p. m.
Isaac Crane vs A. G. Cline. Judg
ment of reviver in favor of plaintiff
for $22,1.78.
Letters testamentary issued to
Henry Ahl and Abram Walradt, ex
ecutors of the last will and testa
ment of Cieorge Walradt, deceased.
Letters of guardianship issued to
Adam Strott, guardian of Minnie
Schneidur. minor child of Mei;i
Schneider, deceased.
Decree of adopt ion of Dora M. II.
Schneider, minor child of Met;:
Schneider, deceased. 1 y Adam Stnn T
and ife.
Save in n y a::d get
leetion and :.'i:ea u
Gerinji" iv Co.
We want evirJody in ihe coimtv
pt see our stuck of w all paper before
ourchasing. tiering A; Co.
The best s pedacles in the world
are sold by G: riniTivCo. They gum
antee the lit or monev refunded.
I'robate Xotiet-Kinitl Mrttlemerit
in ihk mVitki: or un: rrAiK or
i Jotin Inheldrr. (iocenseil.
In County "jit. Ca.-s County,
Notice ; lier'ti sdien that LouiC. KicUhoP
sJiiiiiiislr .lyi of i lie entitle t the said John
IntiPldcrdereatf-d, Iih mait application tv
fiu:il SKitlftiieia.uiitl tiiat i4id r:u:i is net f.''
hpKriu at mv thcr :it ('iiittm,Mit u. n
121b day r Ah i, A I. 1-,1, at 10 ' i.)k ;.. lu
oa saul day ; t lucU lime um alt l er
soes Interested may 1 irrr.t :n.i ex.'trnirjr
Naid accounts
K s. Rahkv.i.o. Jud?
i'lattoinouth. M;ti.-!i J7. w3t
Final Httleineot.
OK TiiK EST A f E Or
Frederick BiebofI.
In the County Court. Ca. County. NebrHa
Notice W li,-i-J.y llial t.oni C. Kit-kh(t
administrator of tli -iie ot ih r;i id Fred
erick KtCkk9 dfw'ivH-d . Ills rrinJi; ucpilcatioti
tor fia' etll?n Dt ati.l th a tl r;uif -; for
hearing a( tu unli.- hi t!i
13th day of Ai ril A. P. 11. ;-t so o'clock a. in
on said !a ; at Uii;ti unit- !;! a-e uli per
sons laterested iu rc prent and examine
said accounts. .s. kmsky.
County Judffa
Piattmo'ith, Blifch I? wat