r WEEKLY HERLD. PLATl'SHOUTf!, NEBRASKA. APRIL 2 1891 -1 U i The Flattsmouth Herald KNOTTS BROS, Publishers rublls'ieil -very Tbi'rHday, -and i:ttly ererj rranlag; except Huuday. Kriclstcre d at tli Plattamouth, Neb. post flOcnf'r traimnWioii throuifb tin- U.,;K. mail mt second claw rte. Office eorner Vina xnd Fifth atrta. Telephone 38. TF.BM8 FOR WIKILT, One copy, one year, in ailTttnce .$1 5 Oae eopy, one yar, not In advance 3 00 Oae copy, aix muntlif. In advjinoc T Oae c py. thret niniith. Id Hdv&uee. ... TERMS FOK DAIL1 Oae cop one y;tr in mlf mc 00 Use copy per wi-elc. by carrier 15 Oae eopy, per month M THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1891. T HE DISLOYAL PRESS. Kngland haa one advantage over -America in a controversy with a foreign power. No matter how bit--Cer her political warefore may be, .mo party ever fights the government by championing the cause of the nation with which the government is in dispute. To-day, though par tisanship runs high neither Mr. Gladstone or any liberal editor or speaker has a word to offer against Ihe claims of Lord Salisbury in the Meal fishery negotiations. They are all actively or passively for their own government in a case of this aort. In this country it is quite differ ent. Almost all the democratic pa pers have taken up the cudgels in .favor of Salisbury against IJlaine because the poor houIs hate lilaine more than they love their country. -It does not matter that Nr. Blaine is merely fighting out the battle com anenced by the democratic adminis tration under Cleveland and Iiay ard, on the lines in which he found liis predecessor engaged. It is enough that the small spite against Blaine can be gratified by fighting the battle of Kngland against him to incite all the dogs, Tray, Blanche and Sweetheart to bay at his heels. The New York Times, Herald, Post and World join in the fray, not so much because of their leanings to . ward democracy perhaps as because they as the mouthpieces of the for eign importers are always against their own country. The Knglish politicians take these utterances as an acknowledgment that the claims of Salisbury are just and equitable and are support toy a very large proportion of the .American people, and the hands of the minister are of course much strengthened by the illusion. It is in illusion so far as these newspa pers represent the American people, Trho will not hesitate a moment when the exigency comes to stand toy their own government. They will pay no more attention to the carpings of these anti-Blaine sheets -than they would to the brayings of n ass, and Secretary Blaine and the president know enough to know that fact. Hence they pay no sort of attention to the yelping in the rear. Lincoln State Journal. Mr. Will Clarke, formerly of .Bolton, Knglaud, but now era- Tloyed in a cotton mill at Bengalore, ndia, has written a letter home, giving some interesting particulars About labor in the mills at that place, some of which are reproduc ed in the Manchester Textile Mer cury, lie says: "I have not seeu a white face since October; all here are black as night and almost naked. We work from light to dark. Sun days, too (no factory act here), and we only stop the engine a half hour for dinner. Our hands only get on an average of six annas per day, which is eqmtl to five pence."' Great Britain will not permit India to levy an import dut3' upon cotton goods manufactured in Britain, and until recently Britain supjIied about all the cotton goods consumed in India. But now India is .manufacturing her own cotton goods with labor costing but ten cents per day, and the British laborers who formerly found employment at makingcotton goods for the Indian market are in idleness, forming a large contingent of that submerged tenth of Britain's Mpulation so graphically described by General Booth in his Darkest Kngland. Canadian Manufacturer, 'February 'J And the tisloviS, unpatriotic democratic party wants American labor reduced to the raine plane by competition with these starvelings of India. Shame on a man who will talk free-trade if he is a citizen of tins country and understands the issue! Ten cents per day witli bread and water, the living of the Bengalesr laborer, is just t'n cents per day more than urh ,ui Ameri can df serves. S11NATOK SwiTZLKK, of Douglas county, speaking beforr the demo cratic editorial association in Lin coln the other day. said he was born n printer and fed on printers' ink. If that is vrb.it make. him t;ilk o much, we shaJ! oppose printers' ink hereafter, either in a regular diet or its a dessert. Switzler if too windy for a businrs meeting of any kind, aud iu tli e. legislature, he become a !ore. Wil' v.'hs this vVnalor Tj ylor that absconded? A lifelong democrat, graduated from the Confederate army. His accepnioiis to the al lianc raii'is were too recent; he had not become familiarwith their prin ciples and had to fall back on his southern democratic training, which led him into 1 rouble. It in variously estimated that the bounty to be paid by the govern ment to the home raisers of sugar of Iv.o cents per pound will amount to from nix to nine millions annually. That will protect our own producers and leave a balance in the hands of the people of fully ?rf),(AJ,(KX). The IMcKinley bill iH operating, watch the machine move. When the su gar wheel comes around next month it will drop lo to 2 cents into the pockets of the people for every pound of sugar they buy. Yes, that was the best bill ever pawned by the American congress. Indianola (Iowa) Herald. The World-IIerald, which is the Official organ of Mayor Gushing of Omaha, needs a little discipline just now. On the editorial page it calls attention to the fact that Mayor Cushiug signed a petition asking Boyd to veto the rate bill, while in another article on the same page it says, '"Scratch an opponent of the Newberry rate bill and you will tickle a railroad dependent." Thus the mouth piece of Mayor Gushing s tys he is a railroad dependent. Still we do not believe it; we have known Mr. Gushing too long to be lieve that he is a dependent on any corporation, but acts as his judg ment dictates. Tilt; paving of Washington avenue and Kim street to the M. P. depot is one of the innrovemenls that we must have this summer. The ques tion as to the proper material ought to be arrived at without any diffi culty. At Louisville in this county, which is practically at our doors, is manufactured one of the best pav ing brick to be found in the coun try. It can be furnished cheaply and the experience of Galesburg and Peoria goes to show conclus ively that a street paved with good vitrified brick is not 011I3- a smooth, neat appearing thoroughfare, but it is the most economical pavement known in this latitude. It lasts as well as stone and only costs half as much. Col. Hitchcock of the World Herald has been very positive all along that Boj-d would sign the maximum rate bill. From the tenor of yesterday's paper, however, we would suppose the Omaha straddler had got a tip to the effect that the governor would veto the measure unless his spinal column was stif fened up a little on behalf of the al liance. Here is what Hitchcock says: "Time is too short to pass a peti tion around. Act quickly. Fill out blank with your name and address and mail it or bring it to the World Herald office. Remember that much depends on what the people do in this matter. We want names, names, names. Hurry, hurry, hurry." The W.-H. has evidently got frightened at the attitude of its own governor and seeks to dislodge him from his present attitude. The democrats are still howling about the disappearance of the sur plus. Yea, verily, it is gone. With in the first half of Mr. Harrison's ad ministration the government pur chased within a few dollars as many bonds with the surplus as were bought in during the entire four years of Cleveland, and the national debt has been decreased two-thirds as much as it was under Cleveland. It is a groat showing to make with the money, that it was the habit of Mr. Cleveland to loan out to his favored national banks, without in terest, while the country was paying interest on a couple of hundred millions of bonds that might have been purchased and retired with the said "surplus." This admini stration, does not nurse the "surr plus" so as to make a bugbear of it like its predecessor. Having money at command it uses it to pa3' the country's debts and pension off the helpless old soldiers. The national banks that used to have the free use of the money are the only losers so far as any business man can see. Instead of paying 4 per cent, inte rest on millions of indebtedness with millions 13'ing idle in the na tional treasury, the government has allowed a premium and taken up its unmatured obligations, thus saving immense sums of money to the people of this country. Kx. SPLENDID CROP PROSPECTS. j During the last three days one of j the heaviest snow storms in years j ban fallen over Nebraska and Iowa j and a heavy rain in Kansas. The ; a' v 1 . 1 1 . ; 1 1 I no.ti ueing out 01 me gTunnu a win fill the ground with moisture, so that in every section they have the brightest prospects for years for a jrood crop. Ax exchange remarks that if we m 1st pay Italy damages for the lynching of the Mafia assassins, then lei her pay us for the killing of Chief of Police Ilennessy, whose life was worth many times more than the lives of his murderers. The anxiety of the democrats to see the new tarilT law knocked out by the supreme court is suspicious. If it is a measure that is bound to be obnoxious to the people, the bour bons ought to wish that it may re main iu force longenough to enable them to win another congressional election and the presidetC3- on the issue of its repeal. But they want to be rid of it right away. There is danger that it will become popular when the people learn the full meaning of its many provisions. Kx The Chiltern Hundreds constitute a tract of crown land in Bucking hamshire and Oxfordshire, to which is attached the nominal office of steward. As members of parlia ment can not resign, when they wish to go out of office, they accept this stewardship, which legally renders their seat vacant. That is what is meant by the telegrams which speak of Parnell and Healy accepting this stewardship and then going before the people again as a test of their followings. With four j-cars of democratic rule under Grover Cleveland, with a democratic majoritj- of nearly KX) in congress, a measure taking the tariff off of sugar was instantly killed. The famous Mills bill, which struck at every northern iiitlustrj-, allowed the tariif to remain on sugar another proof that the dem ocratic party is sectional and unpa triotic. We have been buying" the bulk of our sugar abroad, even un der a high tariff; hence the placing of it on the free list will save $50,000, Ov)J to the people of this country. Among the records found in the tower of London not long ago was that of the man who was hanged under Kdward I, for being caught burning coal. Coal was considered a noxious poisonous mineral in those early times and laws were en acted making it a penal offense to burn it within the corporate limits of a city to the great injury of the public health. Hanging was about the 011I3- penalty that our frugal an cestors could afford. It only cost a rope and the services of a sheriff, and sheriff's worked cheap in the good old times. Lincoln Call. A REWARD FOR TREACHERY. The republican treachery in Oma ha, headed and managed by Kdward Rosewater, which defeated L. D. Richards for governor, will soon be rewarded by the passage of a bill making presidential electors, elect ed by congressional districts instead of by the state at large as has been the custom ever since Nebraska was made a state. This new method will insure two democratic votes for president even if the state should go republican by 50,000 majority. In this way is the pretended repub licans of Omaha paid back for their Boyd zeal last fall. The bill has al ready passed the house and will surely pass the senate if they do not adjourn too soon. A nice con dition of things, indeed, whereby the republican state of Nebraska will help to elect a democratic president: If a citizen of Great Britain or Germany should happen to be stopping in one of our territories when it was admitted as a state, he would lose his cherished citizen ship and at once become a citizen of the American republic. There would be no forswearing of allegi ance to the British or German crown, no oath to support the constitution of the United States. ' The above is a sample of the rot which Boyd's attorneys have been inflicting on the supreme court of this great commonwealth. Rot is too mild a name for such trash. It must be a fat fee that will make an able law-.3-er forget the honors and emolu ments of American citizenship so far that he would make such silly representations as the above to the highest court of the state. Cowan thinks citizenship is a mere bauble, a plaything to be taken up or cast away according to the whim or caprice of the individual. Away with such ideas; no man with a spark of patriotism or love for our institutions but spurns such doc trines. And we predict that Mr. Boyd will either prove that bis father took out his second papers more than two years ago or else he j will step out from the high oftic- ! which he has no right to hold. ' THE most sensible and compre hensive article on bacteria appeared a few days ago in Harper's Maga- zine by T. Mitchell Prudden. M. I . ; from which we extract the following: '"Our s3-stematic knowledge of the ' bacteria is still so meager, so many ; species and doubtless so manyfani - iliee of them have never yet come 1 into the rangetjf the human vision and our glimpses of their life pow ers have been so fragmentary that as 3ret we can only try to bring a little teitiporary order out of the to their shapes. We find, when we muster all the forms which have as yet been seen, that they all fall into one ot three classes: spheroidal, rodlike, or spiral. Further subdivisions of these classes have been made, and generic and specific names attached to mari3' hundreds of forms; but over these details we need not linger now. How the - look and what they do is here of more importance than what we call them. Although with the ordinary mi croscopic powers the bacteria look like little balls or straight spiral rods, we find, when we use the nio.d powerfnl and perfect lenses, that they consist of a minute mass of gran ular protoplasm surrounded by a thin structureless membrane. When we put them under favora ble conditions for growth, and give them food enough, they may be seen to divide across the middle, each portion soon becoming larger and again dividing, so that it has been calculated that a single germ, if kept under favorable conditions, might at the end of two days have added to the number of the world's livings 2Sl,ai)0,000,000 new individual bacteria. In fact, if this sort of thing went on for a few weeks un hindered there would be ver3' little room left on the earth's surface for liny other forms of life, anil pretty much all the carbon, hydrogen, ox ygen, and nitrogen which is availa able for life purposes in the world would be used up. There would be a corner iu life stuff, and even the master, man, would be forced to the wall, and become the victim of his insatiable fellow-worlder, the bac terium. But, as it happens, this sort of thing does not go on; the food grows scanty; or the tempera ture becomes unfavorable; or the sun shines hot and the sun is a sure enemy of your growing bacte rium; or, as it grows and feeds, the germ gives off various chemical substances which soon poisons it self, or its fellows, or both together. So the proportion is preserved by such a tine balance 01 the natural forces that, prolific as they are, the bacteria iu the long run are held closely within bounds the world over." EilfilUHDS & ROOT Tne pioneer meichants of Carry & full stock of gerterai merchondiso which theysell very close. Highest price paid for all kinds of farm produce. Gen erouB treatmentand fair dealing ia the secret of oar succeas. CIIAS L K00T, Notary Public Murray Neb. IBB rXGU&K 'tb Ifott 9 la mtr date vrU mak a .oaf vtajl fo na or woman now living will oyer dato 1 loovrnant without using the figur 0. It taoda D tbo third pUoe In 1800, wber it will retMia tea jrra and tbea more np to kaoond placa in 1S3A whore it will rot for om hcndml years. There is another "9" which has also com to it It U unlike the figure 9 in our date in the re pc 1 that It has already mored up to Crt place, wbre it will permanently remain. It is ealled the "X r' High ana WheeSsr & WiUon Sewiag MacMae. The !fo. 9" was eudorfed for flnt piaoe br th ai perts ol Europe at the PazU Kx position of vhere, after a svrereeootevt with tho loading nia jhines of the world, it was awarded the cuiy Grand Prize given Ui family sawing machine, ail others on exhibit ttiivisi,T rewived lower awurdi of gold medals, etc. Tio French CJoreramec ilso recojjnised its superiority by thd".-coratioa of Mr. Nathitolel Wae.-.-lcr. i'ridL'ntof the eonip.-uiy, vi'U the Cros of :hz I. n of Honor. Tbo "No. 9" is not an old machine irrr7rvd Tipon. t'Ct w an entirviy nisckine, &ru rV' MiDl rr;z5 Vir'. v. a-, r. .. ..r.- -X '. s:s the rrea-.J ist advance iu .- '-js? nicS:in csticnaei&ui of the trio. Those who i - it ocn rc-.t ussurtwl, liter, t re, of hiiTitii.' th-- v?: y !'::"... auj b-&t. TrIS&LfcR WiL.SAV V'Til CO., ia od lb' Ytiish J ve.. Chicatga. Or too Liiraor Habit. Puftively Care y AaarsT?nr;ifl in. ?: -iclsis It can be tjttlw in a ci! of cs. cr :s, w it t liniei ot Krd wJ;i:ou ledge of ti.-. p-zr .11 i.ikiiiR it; it u- aUtoiutuly harmlt au i rvi effect a permotietTt aed upewly cure, wletjr tut (XiUeotiaa mo-terate ininror or an aii.'onoii' wrck. it NEVtR fails, vve GUARANTEE trntnulM cure la evary loeUwaco. in page bowk La ovary Imuvuca. eta eoffcpiMm 1 K A B.D W ARB t W HENDEE & CO (Sucrer to U. Y. Mathews.) J AllKY A COJIl'JiETK LINK OK Hardware, Stoves, Tinware Etc. " Having completely reelcan 3(!2anl renovated. We now hare a neat a hardware stock as can be found in Cas County. We respectfully incite the public to call and !evr our method of doing business. Hardware can be sold cheaper for cash than on time and we are the people that propose to do it J. W. HENDEE & CO. Everything to Furnish Your House AT I. PEARLMAN'S -ORKAT HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Under Waterman's Opera House i'oa can buv of him cheap fir fpot ciLsh or enn Keonre what yon need to furnish a cottage 3 mansion on the INSTALLMENT 1'LAN. STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FURNISHINCS, Agent for the Celebrated White Sewing Machine. ' he largest and most complete Stock to select from lu Cass Couhty. Call and see ma Opera House Block I. PEAItLJLAJV. TheBesti sthe Cheapest That is Why Fred (iordcr after 15 years of experience as thn most 6Uccosfal Wicultural implemerjt dealer in the county has fcelected the following implel meats which he carries and heartily recommonds to hh friends and patrons. ISotcli-u.323.. Svlolisio and Sclintlor WAGONS, Bradloy, Poru, and 3Dor LISTERS and PLOWS NEW DEPARTURE TONGUELES CU1LTIYA tor, wheh is Absolutely the bestriding Cultivator manufactured. WEIRS AND BRADLEY STALKCUTTER. DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND HA worth Checkrowers and Planters. HsLudlu the fiueatut Buggies, Phaetons, Carts, Spring Wagoae, and Carriages arid other vehicle) that are manufactured. Did Yoq Sqy 1-jqiiess? YES! Die largest line in Ca.-s County, price so low that it will ry n to eorne 20 miles and inspect stoc - bet ore purchasing elsewhere. DAVID MILLHIi an exnerieuce purchasing elsewhere. DAVID MILLHIi au experienced J workman ha charge oi ur liarr.es Ut tkc One Ilundn-d pounds, or car loJ Fred Gorder, Flattsmouth and Weeping Water THE POSITIVE CURE. MObEUN - of duhie and single harness at .-hup. f t V I If 1 t f . '"V. 0