Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 02, 1891, Image 1

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    SAINT tOU;a uo.
IP i mlB 111 p llltl
VOL. XX VI I. NO. 2.
Dr. A. Sillnliury Iihh llif txrlunlir rliflit t uh
Or. Sit-In iu'h l.iu-nl I ua-l lift ir f'-r U- I r !.
titrnrtlm f Tim th in IliUiitj. OHir-Kock w .o l
UI'M-t .
ill'il iUMlvc. II I lilt- III li- HJl I J"
;MI iik 1,1 1 1 V. v. it li I iiiti H-r. hi - r'fiil
In li 'h own t-ecli'iii ;i r- m"hmM fw V i I U
IIO'IM'. I I ll-IIM-i M. MANL'K.'.t'l I'ltKIC, IMCIr
Box l.Vf. Niw Vmk.
CASS I.Olx : IC. No. 115. !.t. ). F. inci-ta fv
ry I'lifffliiy Muht at tlieir hall I" Filzfnil'l
block. AlHuiil Kfllmvn arc cordially Invited
to attend v a visitlK I" ' -""y-
T. K. Wn i iASH. N. (1.
.1. w I'.itlixsK. Sen.
KNKilllS OK 1'YlllIrtS. liiilllilUt l-oilu.
No. -17 Mi'Pti- 'veiy fdnepday eveiilriK
aitlicirli Din "iik1 ail) block. All viMiixf.
kniutits arf c ndi i'Iy i'iv ti'd to nttend. C. A.
IHH'.sliall. V. r. : I ru k Dix. n. K. It. S.
v iileriiuiii lilmk ?!ain Mnet. Kooms
open fr- m 8 :(JO it in I" fl l r; For men on y
iosi'l meet iik every Sunday alterimon at 4
o'ciock .
C. A R.
McCoiinthle ToHt, No. 45. meets every Satur
day evening at 7 :30. In tlictr hall, Itockwood
Block. All visiting comrades aie Invited to
ueet with us.
ti. F. Nile, Tost Adj.
F. A, l atcs. I'oft Com.
Our Clubbing List.
Globe-Democrat and IIeiiald. .
Ilarper'H Magazine 44 '
Harper's Ilazar
Demorest's Magazine "
Omaha Bee
oledo Blado
Lincoln Call
National Tribnne "
The Forum "
Inter Ocean ' ' . .
Lincoln Journal " "
The Home Magazino " "
. 4. CO
. 4U
. 3.10
. 2 40
. 2.45
. 2.15
. .5.55
2 30
1 i5
V A i.fTW - v. nj-t j v"tmci
Time Table
Ho 1, 3 :30 a. m No 2 5 :06 p. m
5:45 p. m "4 10:30 a. m
' 6, 9 :25 a. m. " 8 7 ;44 p. m
T :t5 a. m. "10 :45 a. m.
t 6:25p,n. "12 10 :14 ft. m
- 11 5 :25 p. m. " 20 8 :30 ft. m.
19 11 :05 a. m.
Ballance went west this
See Petersen & Larson's ad on
another page.
J. H. Waterman, of Lincoln, is in
the city to-day.
Read E. G. Dovey & Son's ad on
another page.
Judge Donahoe is in Omaha today
on legal business.
Mrs. McVickers came home this
morning from Omaha.
Y. II. dishing and wife are seeing
friends in Omaha to-day.
Mrs. J. V-lEgenberger jr. is visit
ing friendsin Omaha to-day.
Judge Newell is looking in on the
legislature at Lincoln today.
Riley Jones has been on the sick
list but is able to be out again.
L. A. Newcomer went to Oxford
last night on company business.
II. V. Kinsey and his wife are
seeing the sights at the metropolis
' 'to-day.
13. Elson and Colonel Connor were
amonir the Omaha passengers this
Mr. Latham, of the B. &. M. at
Omaha, is in the city today on com
pany business.
Mrs. M. B. Murphy left this morn
ing for Humboldt, Neb., to visit her
daughter, Mrs. Cliatburn
W. D. Jones and Jus Richsy went
over to Bartlett this morning in
pursuit of the festive duck.
Engineer Rob Smith came in last
nicht looking none the worse for
his recent experience in the Sutton
Pierce Love, an old time Platts
mouthiau, now residing in Lincoln,
announces the arrival of a twelve
pound boy.
Mrs. F. E. White, together with
her cousin, Mrs. Cook, and her
mother, Mrs. Vallery, are spending
the day at Lincoln.
Ed HcMakeii bid the boys good
bye last night, preparatory to a trip
to Pennsylvania where he expects
to work in a glass factory with John
Judge Chapman returned from
Lincoln, having finished up his
business there as far as the court is
concerned, that county now being
in a district of its own.
J udge Crites.
A. W. Crites of Chadron was sent
down to the capital to look after
their normal school bill. The bill
was defeated yesterday but Mr.
Crites received the Jippointmcnt of
judge of the district court lor their
new district up in the northwest
corner of the state. Mr. Crites'
friends in this city will be glad to
learn of his good fortune.
The Waier Quf n
Kiralf- Bros' "Water Oueen" was
presented to a I a riff audience at 1 lio
opera house last night. The jug
gler a. id tin- performer on tin hori
zontal har were more than good.
The play as a whole wa.s a brilliant
success and we believe no one re
gretted their attendance.
The encouragement given the
opera house people by .so liberal an
attendance will doubtless brace up
Mr. Young to continue in giving us
nothing but first class attractions.
W.C. I. U. Beeepeon.
The W. C. T. U., assisted by the Y.
M. C. A., will hold an informal re
ception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. B.
Spurlock, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Karnes,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kikenbary, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Wescott,
corner Ninth and Main streets, Fri
day afternoon, April 3, from U to 7
o'clock. Members of the Union and
friends of the parties are cordially
An Amputation.
E. A. Kirkpatrick, of Avoca, the
victim ot tne accidental uiscnarge
of a shot gun, mention of which
was made in yesterday's IIekald,
was compelled to submit to the
surgeon's knife yesterday. Dr. Wal
lace of Union was called and in or
der to save a part of the arm, the
forearm was amputated about mid
way between the wrist and elbow.
Mr. Kirkpatrick is a brother-in-law
of Wiley Blacii and from him we
learn that Mr. K. suffered terrible
pain from the effect of the gun-shot
wound, and the doctor said the
hand had to be amputated or he
could not recover. At last accounts
he was getting along as well as
could be expected.
A. Barrel of Money.
Speaking of the characters in "A
Barrel of Money" a theatre-goer re
marked: "They are so admirably
drawn, eo real, eo entertaining that
you love them, you hate them, you
sympathize with them, you laugh
at them and applaud them. "Briefly
that tells the wide scope covered by
the comedy, except that the musical
features are up to the highest stand
ard of the best farce companies.
The cast is an excellent one. A
company containing such perfor
mers as Gracie Einmett, Grace Can-
ington, Belle Byxne, Will II. Kohnle,
Danny Maun, Lloyd Neal, Will
Spalding and Ralph Dannan. A
great hit is the Salvation Army
At the Waterman opera house,
April G.
FJngine 243 was brought in from
the Sutton wreck last night and
looked as though it had seen rough
usage. The smoke stack made of
inch boiler iron was broken square
ly off close to the boiler, while the
cab was crushed and splintered and
the pilot was carried entirely away
From the appearance of the engine
one would have thought the engi
neer and fireman had a poor chance
for life even if the engine had not
turned over.
An Unexpected Return.
During the last term of the dis
trict court County Attorney Travis
lost his leather hand satchel con
taining some valuable legal papers.
He was very much worried over the
loss of the papers, some of them be
ing difficult to replace. A few days
ago, however, he received a neat
package through the mails, and on
opening it he found his lost papers,
without any word of explanation,
The post mark was so dim it could
not be made out. Mr. Travis says
he would like to thank the thought
ful thief in person for his kindness
in returning the papers.
For Sale Cheap.
A nice spring wagon.
ticulas enquire at the Singer agency
in Boeck's furniture store. dtf
The legislative apportionment
bill before the house makes the
Sixth senatorial district consist of
the counties of Cass and Sarpy, thus
insuring the election of a democrat
ic senator from this republican
county. The independents opposed
the measure and succeeded in
having it indefinitely postponed by
a vote ol M to 40. It will, however,
be brought up again as the demo
crats say they will have an extra
session if an apportionment bill is
not passed.
A farmer coming into town yes
terday with an empty wagon to
which was attached a team that
would weigh 2,800 pounds had to
get out and walk as he drove into
town on the avenue. Some paving
must be done this spring; the de
mand is imperative.
Heport From Iinnoln.
Lincoln, Neb., April 1, . '1:15 p. m..
(Special to the 1 1 fk'AI.I ( -No decis
ion has yet been handed down in
the Boyd -Thayer case. It seems to
be the opinion here that Boj-d will
not be molested and that he will
veto the rate bill to-morrow.
Legislative Noies.
The following is a list of the new
laws that were ground out at the
capitol yesterday.
II. K. No. 134, a bill to prohibit the
keeping, maintaining or harboring
of girls under the age of eighteen
years and hoy under the age of
twenty-one years in houses of ill
fame and to authorize the officers
or agents of the Nebraska humane
society and all other humane or
charitable societies to compel their
removal from such houses, was read
and recommended for passage.
S. F. No. 182,, the Pierce Normal
School failed to pass, there being '2.1
yeas and 4'J na3's recorded.
S. F. No. 23, the Chadron school
bill also failed to pass, 40votiugyea
and 42 voting nay.
S. F. No. 180 was passed without
the emergency clause. This bill
was introduced by Senator Collins
and its provisions apply to cities of
the second class having a popula
tion of over $5,000 inhabitants. It is
intended to allow the city of Beat
trice to vote bonds in excess of the
amount now allowed by law, in the
amount of $25,000, for the purpose
of making improvements in the
water works system.
II. R. No. 318, by Cornish, was
passed by a vote of 75 yeas to 3 nays.
This bill compels school district
treasurers to keep a register in
which all school district orders
shall be registered in the order pre
sented. It is made his duty to noti
fy holders of warrants whenever
there is sufficient money in the
treasury to cash the same. The ob-
ject of this bill is to prevent holder
of orders from drawinir interest
thereon indefinitely.
II. R. No. 190. a bill for an act re
lative to public schools in metro
politan cities, and to repeal an act
approved March 31, 1887, entitled an
act relative to public schools in
metropolitan cities, and all acts
amendatory thereof, was read the
third time and passed with the
emergency clause.
H. R. No. 104, the eight hour bill
was read the third time and passed
Mrs. V. W. Wiley of Murray made
The Herald a pleasant call today.
Col. Peterson of the Journal has
been on the sick list for several
da3'S but is able to be out on the
street again.
Mrs. Kelly Fox was the finder of
the gold watch advertised in The
HERALD, which accounts for its
prompt return to the owner.
Harry Green is a fine singer with
histrionic tastes. Yesterday he
made arrangements for a good sal
ary to travel with the Sagwa Indian
The alliance out in the drouth
stricken district, it is said on good
authority, are paj'ing the expenses
of their legislators for the extra
time they are now puttinsr in at
The regular meetingof the Ladies'
Aid Society of the M. E. church will
be held to-morrow afternoon at 2
o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Edwin
Davis, corner Vine and Eleventh
Mr. Harry Phelps, son of Mr. S. E.
Phelps of the M. P. in this city, came
in yesterday from Virginia, where
he has been engaged in railroad
building, and will visit for a week
or ten days.
You who have not registered
should not forget that Saturday of
this week is the last opportunity
that will be afforded. Those who
registered last fall do not have to
register again.
Ilarman Bestor says he is one of
the farmers that wants to go on
record as opposing the two cent
fare bill. He says it would be of no
earthly benefit to the
ariners and
would hurt the roads.
Henry Boeck had
four horses
yesterday in
hitched to the hearse
attending the funeral of Mr.
Farthing at Rock Bluffs and could
hardly get along then. The glass
end doors of the hearse were
smashed in during the trip by a
carriage tongue.
N K 1 ' ' A SK A, Till J USD
.U iv'K.l 1 lll-.'lvUilh.S
Hay is a t--,.rce article i:i o.i:
:5imuiiity at present.
Miss Carrie Wood is vi.-jiting her
.-ter, Mr.--. Frank Root.
Mr. James Walker
the sicK list most of th
has been on
e past week.
Hon. A. Root spent the latter part
of last week at Turlington, attend
ing a stock sale.
Mips Pearl Wood from Platts
nioiith, has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. Frank Root, the oast week.
Mr. John Dickinson, who has been
viaiting his sister, Mrs. lames Root,
departed Saturday for his home at
Our daily mail arrived here Mon
dav, and it is the last time since last
Ihursday on account of the roads
being so bad.
The past week has been one of
continual mud. and i t' the weather
doc;; not change we will soon have
no bottom in the roads.
Easter Sabbath was not a very de
lightful day in our midst. It was
stormy and disagreeable, and then
again, "l-:r.(;.-," were scarce in the vi
cinity of Murray.
Mr. Troy Davis dsparted for the
Western Normal College at Shenan
doah, Iowa. Troy is a gootl student
and a bright future is predicted for
him. May success follow him.
The M. P. folks are re-modeling
over their bridges on the "cut-oft"
between Plattsmouth and Union.
The men are at work and the bridges
will be completed in a few days.
A few days or a week of sunshine
would be one of the grandest bless
ings that nature could bestow upon
us; it would brighten up our house,
make us all feel glad and rejoice
that spring had come in all her
beauty and gradeur. Welcome! wel
come! Spring.
Time is money then go to toGer
ing & Co. to buy wall paper.
The Fair will be closed until Fri
day on account of invoicing stock.
That hacking cough can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it. 1
Fred Robinson came up from Ne
braska City yesterday and was kept
busy shaking hands with old friends
Nearly a million pounds of sugar
was placed on the market this re
maining at Omaha this morning.
A. S. Tibbetts has been appoint
ed Judge of district court in Lan
caster County. The other appoint
ment hangs fire until an apparent
sell out is completed.
An appropriation was passed in
the house yesterday allowing $133
to each newspaper, that published
the amendment proclamation last
fall. The Weeping Wrater Repub
lican is the only paper in this
county that got a plum from the
public table.
The local management of the
opera house were very much disap
pointed when they found the scenic
effects of the company last night
could only in a small way be placed
upon the stage. They would not
have advertised it as being placed,
had they not felt sure it would go
Italy on Her Muscle.
King Humbert has without a word
of warning recalled his resident
minister from Washington, presum
ably on account of the New Orleans
affair. The sea coast cities are
greatly excited, as a like action with
a European power would mean war.
What it means to us can only be
surmised, but the most astute states
men in Washington do not attach
any serious significance to the fact.
That Uncle Sam has been insulted
by the abrupt treatment of the King
of Italy no one can deny, unless the
state department is in possession of
facts not yet given to the public.
The division of agriculture of the
census office is now engaged in pre
paring its nnale report on vitvcul
ture of the United States. A bulle
tin on that subject ha3 already been
issued by the superintendent of the
census which shows that in 1889
there was a total of 401,261 acres of
vineyards in the United States. All
but (10,000 are in states where the in
dustry has a commercial value.
The terrific wind storm which re
cently passed over Montreal and
vicinity doing great damage to the
city and destroying Pillow & Ilcrsh
ey's new rolling mills and damag
ing the magnificent new depot of
the Grand Trunk railway and al
most devastating the country dis
tricts for many miles around is an
other proof that tornadoes are not
confined to southern districts dur
ing the cold season.
Save money and get the best se
lection and cheapest wall paper at
ering & Co.
AY. A 1 U I J 1MM
n rr-
it Pf
Li.) CD a
our iijvijsrui'n
E HAVE cut the
ties in need of anything
save money by calling.
Our new line of embroideries, the handsom
est andlargest line ever shown by us.
The Insurance Agency conducted by myself, for the last 20 year
The last five years under the firm name of 11. E. Palmer & Son. has been
sold to Mr. Thos. Pollock, whose character and reputation in this com
munity are a sufficient guarantee that your interests will continue to be
honestly and faithfully cared for. Mr. Pollock will de vote his time and at
tention to the business and with such stalwart companies as thvHome of
New York, Insurance Company of North America, Springfield F. & M. of
Massachusetts, Fire Association of Philadelphia, Liverpool, London and
Globe, North Brittish, Mercantile and others in the agency, will be able
to attend to all business entrusted to him to jour entire saticfaction.
I shall continue to watch with interest the destinies of the agency and
will take pleasure in doing what I
Those with whom I have done business for so many years I wish to re
turn my sincere thanks. We have paid back to you more than $50,000 in
demnity for losses incurred with no contests, no higgiing, no law suits
in twenty years business. I bespeak for my successor your continued pat-
ronage. v ery xruiy yours, n. r jiiuunK.
Office next door north of County Treasurers office.
Having purchased Capt Palmers Insurance Agency and opened a Real
Estate and Insurance Office as above I am prepared to give prompt and
careful attention to all business in either department entrusted to me.
Special attention will be given to abstract and Notary work.
A Fatal Mistake.
t'Oiiona 'i Ita tn r mrkrA ratal
mistake than when they inform pa-
tients that nervous heart troubles
come from the stomach and are of
little consequence. Dr. Franklin j
Miles, the noted Indiana specialist, i
has proven the contrary in his new
"'"" "
book on "Heart Disease" which may
be had free of h. G. i-ricke & Co.,
who guarantee and recommend Dr.
Miles unequalled new Heart Cure,
which has the largest sale of any i
heart remedy in the world
It cures :
nervous and organic heart disease,
short breath, fluttering, pain or ten
derness in the side, arm or shoulder,
irregular pulse, fainting, smother
ing, dropsj', etc. His Restorative
Nervine cures headache, fits, etc.
The Pulpit and the Stage.
Rev. F. M. Shrout, pastor United
! Brethren church, Blue Mound, Kan.,
says.: "I feel it my duty to tell what
wonders Dr. King's New Discovery
has done for me. My lungs were
badly diseased, and my parishoners
thought I could live onlj- a few
weeks: I took five bottles of Dr.
King's New Discovery and am
sound and well, gaining "JGlb3. in
Arthur Love, manager Love's
Funny Folks Combination, writes:
"After a thorough trial and con
vincing evidence, I am confidant
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, beats 'em all. and cures
when everything else fails. The
greatest kindness I can do my
friends is to urge them to try it.
Free trial bottles at F. F. Fricke &
Co's drug store. Regvlar sizes 50c
and $1.
$1.50 A V KAIL
U - IS f
Ui3 ted Kiii La; a
prices deep, and par
in the above lines will
can to promote its growth and pros
j Dr. Marshall
! . .... . -
i ana will be round
:this office in the
Fitzgerald block, where he is pre
pared to do all kinds of dental work.
Philip Krause
Is recognized as the leading gro
cer of the city. He keeps glassware,
queensware, alL kinds of groceries
and table delicacies. dtf
JOE, the One Price Clothier, will
continue to sell you at and below
cos?t until April 1st, as JOE is very
mucn in neeu oi money. tt
Catarrh in Colorado.
I used lily's Cream Balm for dry
catarrh. It proved a cure. B. F. M.
j Weeks, Denver.
El-'s Cream Balm is espically
I adapted as a remedy for catarrh
i is aggravated by alkaline dust and
! dry winds. W. A. Hover, Druggist,
i Denver.
j I can recommend Ely's Cream
Balm to all sufferers from drycatarr
; from personal experience. Michcal
Merry, Pharmacist. Denvr.
Elj's Cream Balm has cured
many cases of catarrh. It is in con
stant demand. Geo. W. Hoyt.
Pharmacist, Cheyenne, Yy.
When you are in Lincoln, call on
W. C. Austin &. Co, in McBride block
corner off twelvth and P Street for
Havelock and University property.
We want even-body in the countv
pt see our stock of wall paper before
ijcring i eo.
The best spectacles in the world
are sold by Geriug&Co. They guar
antee the fit or money refunded.