TT A otr , . - . . - . WiWl 11 The C. O. T'h An Intrrr.tmt O,.lnion. P A CV WTTTT A "f A M T? TDD I M... ..........V .,,.1. . A lady-we shall not MI hsr name- n ai ujin V. ' ' " . . v.. i .... , mrtlnhiv ;imi vcrswry wiis npiuo GHOSTLY CEREMONY WITNESSED IN 1 ,ZX1 nTT 7 I"-" 'v vUmU.l Tlnn-v eve- A JAPANESE CEMETERY. Thl. ADVENTURE OF AN ENGLISHMAN IN J,y ; Iis,,.. ,,;.,,. ,,,-, i tahl'e work, an.jVv.-r ,.. anon sh- lenU THE SAMOAN ISLANDS. I i m io St i h s. I'r.mlvi." Mitc. Mny A t'onr Itsy' IVast for I.f..i(ry S,.lril. ! h.-rs-lf to Hi- d i.--;jrei-ahl.. ti-l: of ho I I '; 1 1 1 . I '.- 1 1 . l . I I ) : 1 1 1 . . 1 1 . M ; 1 1 1 . 1 V i i . I'l . liarylng 41 round KM-liljr ..,! . x , . , 1 i. -J I i : I',' In ,:) V C lt.n hil t ifM to Ml'il Willi KnJ.iylns; Plank,-. on the J.HI" M: i 1 1 ; 1 1 in . M.I ISucK.. I.ia'.- oiiHly !,.., rat.-.! with irM.l .! 1 WrtJiy can.-. -.1 ;e nil.- may lr:'.o-ri to ,, Nr tl.. Kh.r r ..,i.... ... Mill, i- 15. i tlm V..- M:il)i.. M. ..I.- 'lmtiiK Viand. Dr. (i. II. Col ton Hnlh-r, who f..r many yearn was United States consul in Jari.ui and afterward entered the Chinese nv eminent service, a.t-d thoughtfully into the lowint? cmhers in the ki;iU- ;i ri J after a short pause told the following tale; The many storien puMi died aliont Indian host dances and the M.--i.ih craze remind me of one of tin most, re Iiiarkahle incidents I haveever v: iiesned during my loti career in the ();.nt, and I am Nitre there an- hut few Ane-r-cans or I aa; p.;n -a us who li.ave had 'he opp.rtnr:it y '...- the sights of uaii ii I am 'oiicr to id!. The n;i I r. r ! i L,'i ) of t h" ;rm is, an you k:; ".v. ;;:idd i-ni. arid i :i-r.- i eo creed Wh.rlt i as i" .'. of s.;.. it ..rj. Soiri" oft!)'- anci.-M; Ii.dii-fsof i!i.. Ie:l dii. ; s ate i a icnlit d to fright -'t : fa i t h 1'nl anil '. i vi ' '. .; ' i ay i hoi ;; : ., jkiii isl.iiienl, i h it awai's I !ie -infiil man after lie cIom-; his i-arl i,iy care. -. Ill I - oi !,.-r(, with ch.i n f i re: . i : . : ; i : , . . i i hi I the j.rn-ale.-,t aim of '.w ilmdoo rdi.irioii is t ( i !-i"" - l'r-i i". i-1 e:ic". . i lit. of ! .i 1 . :e-mv . ' ion of ot,N a a !: i'- a lt-;ior i in ;i tw i..- a. ..! ; .-: ! : ',: foil 'at hav--in h u. d. ThiM i , rat le-r iiii'Ti atefn mi;i:ient, hut this la ly a; ;;. .) ; velf ( '. i' : 1 y to i: . f ,r .she r c ) . i a a part of h- i- '.iris: i.m duty. It 1 fell that this wo-t!jy woma-i ii : 1 t : : : ion to ar;r '. i Mr. II ue'ii.i ; i ' oih.-r arc--! .hi, a id . h- ' 1 ; o i i t VUitor Nurrowly i:-ui-l a s,u.i;u . r 1 1 1 : i ('idmail ;illl Katie I inns, who Sluirk - Oiifir Sport .mil l:r.;:.n Sjiea.'nn;; of adventures." said mi comjianiori, who had heeri Ii r : numlter of stones told m tli old house. ! can r date on- t!r t . ; i 1 at .-piri: of charmin;; '.rood T. tlnre, whi "t tlie t line seemed exci 1 1 n em u , a I had .-t onsj-l u-hi j Id li'ii: m iv-r ' : 1 reside. i I ' f -r the ; ;.! ' .dah. or i.. . 1 1. i li:ion. ( : i. isionariejj and I aid. was many ears. id f. -li . ".. !,..:: ! n... the f. . . : oi : , i th .. .. : . r : : . .read . perhaps, h :; -n. : !c. .Vow "r. J I . r - -! :!;-oii i- a v.;: 1 :;u and i Id. ;.i it ; iliat he i cai; ; corner hv afivhody. But th; ; !.:' was ,.) M ejition;di v ; ::. esn'.etai.t t hat liie crafty ! . . a. . a '. : C.n e up a risji s.'U .- 1 1 : i . -1 i.e lore lie was aware of i: Andtiien v. e ' t :;. .'. ,' MlppoM', he I .e;a;i i o re;;r. it. Onhir the foii-i;,,,- id' ra'dy surpri-.-.; sh had he.n- thai Ii.. was a hanl, enfeei v-' t..a:i, yet oinular I:. .:..). iiad I.e .,ot le.-p cded and hill toj I .J '.'enerou-lv to ii.-r appeal? :':! 'as so beach, uj ii '.;. . ! iriaieinl that siie i 1 1 i -1 1 oa siril.i': have i-v.t a '; .. Ieen travel in-j; around the wo:-!!.: the fashion of K:i;!i-'i!.! ; 8top-d at the SaiMo in i ! and wav up from Austrvn t . ; ; i ; M and tjaiti r.ome m f . ,t . , the natives, ineir v.: .. i . , .i M a re-. alt I I ! v.;-., place. . : ite I ; !v. tliel e n a : V ;. e I : : i -: ? i ; t:.;,: i; .... I Tami ir . i v.-. : , ,. a ,u 1 the e;), , ; . I ! I ! 1:; p.- l-.i i -! i : i ! hands with the old m ;:i. a : sa-- i .- ;.,!, fee!..: d . 1, w!, I' . --We do not ' dl:'!!iH.-. la- .-it, a! vv.;ys . our re.vard i--r: '. r. Hutch- live Tin- in -a i!!-..,i!, i.ut we .-lion' 1 r. iia-m i .. r t hat, t lie ! befori ran . i . -1 i Lor i 1. .v -th a dieer!'ul .;iver." aw In- .1 l:.lti :.i ; I -o-.n "V'v. i've often lie, i d I '!.":: lis wered .''r. hinsoii dryly, "i.ui i"m inmv i.o-re..,.-. in fiiidin' :.', tiie Lord's opirooii of a. (di.-erful ln-;,':.;;ir.'' ( 'hicao N.-ws. 1 I ail . o ; poi: 'I. !. ; 1 be f. -1 l ad I-.-, n tu- Who!-- C ' ho t:. - ! , ." was ; v t h- oi Christianity in .i n-' 1. 1 ":v of the n-1 ,'ious fetes ace r- . . ! s rved, and the o;. .. .. , i .. .1 about t" p -a!: had its la-! . ' ivd I. inalloii in 1- .;. ju-t before I left Vaira--aid. 1 .K oiiA'II i ;i: W r.VAkD.s. , 1.-. .iiii'ti the ."daisii ..ri and was held d;: : :'.ie last week in August or the fi: . in Septer.:i er. contimnn;;' f . iii- da '! cdavs .ei er et a.-i.i - 1 ; r i re - in 1 tiie spi.'its of the who, ae I'll.,,, to a 1- . 11 r:ry b.-Iief, return 1 a ; -. r to ; ' ;) 1 Id ho. : '. :r - v. eeks pi-e i,,is o ii.,- :'. ... d fa iiv.i i. .11- had b 'I i" ; r. v . 'I:--- ia -s of the bei-ev.-'-f:.:: . swept, ch a"- -1 ' : . Wile ai I r S. -.. a Hie '-y liat i e ii r:- a:,d r ' !i 1 u' .-id 1 --d it ii t: ; I'.- r p-ire,' a-.-d i cioi I'd i'l le diday a : t t... the n : :.i . d.-a,, were i ec-i . wit h mucii ct re noa , in tl e e-.-aveyard. wh; h i- in a 'h.-.t. ,;;f'ol rove. Jvich mound was pr.d n. dec orated with lighted la .trMs aa d uar land ; i f many colore.: per Lrlol-ea hunLr I'lci.i tree to tree. t he to f every LCrave food of lie- daintiesr lii '.d wa.s spread in a tempt inn i' and in ijuan tities snllicient to appease the appetites of an army of the hungriest kind oi i;hosrs. On mats sj.tead about: the graves sat all the livinr tlescenilants of the person who had been buried in that part icular spot . Not a single tomb was n"xl crel. If in the course of years the family of any one of the silent sleepers had eoinjiletely died out his jrrave had b.-.-n uibelhslied and supplied by slran irer.. T: spiri . r supjiosed to arri vcat."' d -pa: by water from the sea, and for f.c.i;- days and nights tiie livimc -ommcu'! with their dead and were with them iu .spir;'". The souls of the departed were sr.pi osed fo hover around the? tombs like s;. ;.- ant-.,! visible beings, and they were treated with every attention due to sacred and distinguished visitors from the other wo:' 1. T'.e niprht of the second day was de vct ed to a 'raml tersiclioi-ean entertain nit'ut or -pirit dance, and tin-.ijrav -yard was transformed for once into a ball room, where ghostly dancers were sup posed to hold revelry. A SIM.KMUIJ SKJUT. Tiie sce-nes made a strong and ever astinj,' impression on me. The niht vas perfect, the moon was at its full and M:e ;';r was fragrant with the perfumes uf 'ia.usands of (towers. Mria Is of U. jchts were fiickeiine; ,n the hillsides whi. ii surround the city, and the colored Ian . r is s waved if.-ntly to and fro. keep yiu 1 :ae to tiie cliiup's ,,f the silvery b.-l. iu the temple tower, which fur r.isl. . the music for tiie mystic enter-L.ii- .-nt. Around an artificial l ike in the .ierof the i ard the Jieople kra i m siic;.'. d.evo'ion, wor--hij-i i; on Mi - murine of lJiiiLma, wliose emblem, the iet ns t'ower, rose from the middle of the la ii.-. . y one of the four days and nights bi .u.u new surprises and ceremonies, m.;.. ol' the latter hein held in the tel ; '. the ii. or-i of Wiiich were closed i:; ' -,a;ard -d against the entrance of i:;t". '. is. On the last niht or the night or 1 . rs. as ir was calh-d a grand pro-re.-- .. f::.i-h-- i '.he loiival. The people marc. ied in p.-ira-l" t escort their spirit vi.-; o.s to the water front, where they w . t. depart. I . ! men carried on their shoulders a gig...'." craft built of wood and .-'.raw, in v. ! :. li the dead were supposed to he seaT ".. and wh.ich was to convey them back to spirit land and to Ohata. the great lather leyoud the sea. This boat, which is called Fukny. was master piece of Japanese carpentry. It was ninety feet long and had a stately mast with a huge sail which ore in native charai iers the inscription. "Naidinama wiui," a word which is symbolic of Gaul.. ma's greatness. Thi; boat, artistically and richly deco rated, was launched with much cere moi'.v after the last spirit had been em braced and, figuratively speaking, had taken his seat 011 Ixiard. It was then pushed out into the sea, and drifting a wav was finally carried out of sight by the tide. And so ended the last festival of Iatsidri ever held, publicly in Na gasaki, and the moat Eplendid religious celebration I ever wifcaesaed. San frau cieco Chronicle Twine from ;r..-. A St. I'ar.l (Mln.i.) ial says that tliroiem the 1 1'fort-; of an invi ulor of Iowa articles which can be manu factured from co.'um :i .-l-.K-.-l! -grass are atlraci ;.:g con-iderable attention. The t'a.riae! s of the north vVest have been pay ing large prices for binding twine, .and it is tin's fact pro'oab-y which started l ; .'1 I. id .-on i -:."i In s. i t. v ' !v-:-i to . -i ,v - ; :): :: - II'; . .i.l ipiiclrly initiated LMlsh . a ;. Ii I ! .. . Ccaled ..n a to :a , -llie ' '.'e- v.'. I! . a I me 1 : . -.. ia. -.t . -. able. ;:n I I v. . as rv into it 1 s ! ati Mi sfo::r. "Tile 1:1 u li::v,.- n.i what i;Mie clo'h ing tln-y wor.- Then eacli s. iz.d :i pla;:. and atl'-mpTed to launch it '.'"his we--easier said than d...,e. and many were the up-ets that en-ue.l as the big rollers came in. but finally all of t hem ot be yond tie shore and beyond the point wnere me waves nroice, -m.i ttn-n 1 saw 1 wiiere tiie fp.)tt came in lurning m ! shore the men thi-ew tliems -Iv.--, utiori are the members f ;m rvrlnsivr " a 11 i.a t i 01 called the ( '. ( . T. society. h'e 1 1 csl ! 11 lc 1 1 1 s were icl and cnjoycl l. tie lair :., 1 1 .--1 s, while the Imys were left out in the cd.. Thi was tie- seciiiid m.-.-tiii d the ('.. 1". cl 1 1 1 1 and as lu.i- - I a great success we mav cc t 1 it 1 iers to I d I 1 w . Fit S,,,!... A ... .. I t , 1 1 1 1 oie t 1: 1 1 i. 1 1 1 : ! - 1 ( .11 1 t he ovmi ol M 1.1 1 ay, . 11 t in- .M I. I.'. K. l'ent o 'i;n'i 1 ,111 u a- r. bio. well u.i. Kail I..- iiiua tr. . 11 . t-:a.-utli. . b.. I ' !.., :- h. 1 - ! wl f i:. w. 11 i i ns. When von arc in Lincoln, call on . ('. Ail-tin .Vt'n.iu Melt: h!e Mock corner o 1 f t w 1 I I 1 1 ;ir. 1' S;a .l loc llavt'lo. k ;iuil I 'ni a-r.-ity property. Net lib s. o i .-..:! p . 1 ! - i o 1 1 i k 111 us ot ii.u-liila s ,n be found it' the Sineer o 1 tie., coin. a ot ot Main airi Six h -tree's .ill II. ai V 1 i e ,. . w 1 1 m iIf-s' Norvoarxi LlvorPillo Act on a r."v ; . : t .- oh--r i-e u I 'it in the liver, -loniai Ii and lioVe- tlooegli The l:eies. A le- lii-eovei v. Dr. .Miles'" I'ills sp. citliy cure Iwlioiwic s-, bnt t:e-te. tiwpi.l liei', pil-s. e...r oati-.n.. I'm-.piah-d tor null. wan-ii, chlldnn. Mieilhst., surest! a" do-es, 'gac Sinipla free k' V. (i. Fi 'uk.- A' ( "o's. -- - - ' U 1 L c'' 1 4 m'- f I'A"! W fi ' J "Wa? fcver Okv barken, Arji 1ovy- before km N.K.FairbankCo. sahtacuw., ctoo. (i.-org:- Lourvto inv.-aligate th-- uses I where the i-jK,rt came m Turning i'j ' ''"ln" h-alMiyt-'id imply by t( k Wl iTi'll CO I ' I 111 I ill ll I ! V, 'l f l i 1 lot I t i 1 1 to I 1 . .1 f . I , i ""'""'"'. '. ' : shore the men t hn-w t hems elves upon tiie pn-c ..t de.-nn. ,. ie- ...ts ,. n-. itliei,li,,;K1m,l,w:ltl-!ii.,-,Mhr!r,,I,,r11. which are an as-nr.-l sl!e..,.ss. Tin-bind- : nitv ivvvvd t,K., s that .v h(.1(1 SWINE RAISERS ing twine made by his j-,e,h.l is strong. I 1KKitio on the crest of th.- roller j , . . durable, ami. ahovf.ill. ch-ap. While Aud c.une it witn t. (),K.(. UI,.r u.,v ' 'e i' to thcn,selv.-s ami M,c,,-.y t. the mai'-rial fr.-;ii wh .-ii -.rdiu.-u-v bind- ' i ..i.;in-ii : .. i ... ... ,. " I r rfrn a -sr.? " i" r THP; BONNER STABLES. W. D. JUNES, Proprietor. HAS THE FINEST RIGS IN THE inriaiics lor Pleasure iinil Miorl I)rivk Alwajh "or. lt!t .-itid ' 1 IK- I'latt.-nioiitli, Ncluiink ing Iwirie is made costs from st-.'M t. pU ol I ll'-ll.r. . their feet, and so stan.iii!'r unri-'-hr cam.' ' -In swin- i.-d-in ' . . ' - ;"-" '-' - '"' -. ' rushing 1.1. Some wen- tossed other.- t o l. i a t Oil Ill'.l 1 ! '" c I-I iif 1 1 . -1 1.- i it:..1 . . . ; ...v. rt-i-; caugnt in tin- nreait-ing wave twine a, eitner m-il -rial is th,- u-hli,.tlu. most skillful and intn-md re- ! 5? - 3 same. A company has b-en organised ; ..tUt.ti standing position until th,-v j g ij' ftlr t ... li.'IIMlhirtll.-.. ... ::i In n... i .. ........ . , were Uierailv ::ei:g u:..:i tin J he company wilt a!-" ma1.- e,,v,j . i- .. n ' -: ; i ... . ; - . j .. "'" '' ' 1 ' ' "" ; am now. ;;;al soon con v meed m - It that maisfi gi'.-.s-. .oar.-'! g..a-.- i.-:;i;.. . lfilo -,.'ia;. ti.,Tiv-..w -.1, 1 r .. .a.... . i ...a. . : w- " I ' "" luiii.' il can n-;i.ii; i n f- o en ! , . e. .,i I - Cleth of ' 1 "I was voi'.ngi-r m i i ' 1 siiould enjoy this spot t as Well ; I' '. e,i a v.- t hari I .I' I- 'I.e ..' I. b-. " f. ( WW(tW c (lo WliJi KKKP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A !'"nll a d Coinph-te Jim of rope in uuv -ie. ;.;id ! .; 'Uslie.l out from t'e- sho,-,- 'J he hr-.-t u si ri 'i. wee e can oe v,-.,,-.. tl,-.t , ,.).. a... i put to a variety of u.-e. Til- cotton , m but 1 dived i'lo'the next an my planters of the I n-te.J S: at, . annually ! r)ia,,!: b.-at me in abta-.t two mb.ico.s . . i During that visit I did not attain y - .' raise about 7,00i).ouu bales of cotton which require about t.o.uoo.iniij yards of bagging. 'I he jute bagging costs about eight cents," yard. Tu-.grass t wine bag ging can I.e ri-;.!". a: a.' one cent a yard less. New York Tribune. Why Not Try tcimois? '"I clean my eye.ri.; -s these days with a ten dollar note." said a well known citizen the other day, with a smile, as he began to rub his spectacles with a bill, '-it cleans the glass and doesn't hurt the mo.;-y. A one dollar bill would a"-;wer the purpose as well as a note for a hundred, but in this case I happened to have th- ten and ns-d it. I have been clea ;.;.; j;:y glasses for years with bank no. s. ,-.nd I have never found an:;.i:a; ti.a. makes them as clear. If you use a handkerchief it leaves the lint behind, arid ten to one the glass js hlunvd. Th money i-( -,iioves all the dirt and and leaves no trace of 5tself. Am 1 afraid of contracting some di.-'ease of the eyes? Well. I never thought of that, and I know that some physicians claim that diseases are trans- mi; led by money, since it pa.-.-es through so many hands. No. I am not afraid: and I will continue to use the hank no; . f, .i- tnis purpose. Tiie texture is so!' . and it ce rtainly removes dirt. lu ll.. :. there is nothing hla paper money ior polishing tine glassware." Albai'-" Express. j;N-4-t rieity 'atoi's Klephants. A novel ap; li-'.-.t ! :i of electricity- ha recetitly be.-n made in ae !i i:n calching. A. t .a recent capture of for: y of these ar.i ma's, who.'! the last of their unwieldy 1 ....: passed tiie entrance into th M,. ...a. tiie signal for barring tueirexit w:..- give:i. instantaneously and without a w i . i.-.lcen. by in -aiis of an el-etric wire. It is only a . -la .-'t time since p--T m- j ! -;! .-e i.-d ?;ati-."e veg. table oils ! S'or lightii.g throughout the bazars and I v!!i::--res of India. .Electricity is now r .i-.iu:. t lie place loth of petroleum or i ..'! t in tin' great spinning factories, fo.- v. aic.i ii is peculiarly suited in a hot climate, owing r. it- coolness and ab sence of :-ni'-n. ! 'hiladt-iphia L-dg.-r. A S:i . -I .lelnl. For downright .-.ircasm :ia i-j tlieiiierits t ;i l.. ., recotrmeml ns to the worthy j -;:: who off-' red a little advice to a drher of a pirate "bus. one of whose hor-es tumbled down t he other day in he Strand. Tie- n ;. ; : it -t '-.'nuous effort s. had been got on its feel , when immediately it fell over again on its side. T say, old 'tin," cried the rival driver, "you must 'ave got "im out o' b"d too early tiiis tnornin". llun round to our stable and they'll lend yer a pitchfork to turn "im over with." London Tit-Uits. -'ld'iicient skill to enable me to take the r;d standing, but en subsequent oc ca .-lewis 1 became faulv proiiejeut. and then the sport for a ii ;ie became" a veri table craze wi.k m,- u.t. rested a number of Englishmen ami Americana in it, and we really fell into the habit of getting up wave riding parties 1 had become so skillful that I rarely missed a wave, and could make my way out with ease and come, riding in with H-rfect equipoise. I became .so daring that I often swam out bey wid the rest that 1 might obt ain the full force and exhilara tion of the ride, and one day when the eea was particularly high and rolling very heavily I met with my adventure CHASED BY A MONSTKU. "There were six of us enjoying the sport, with as many natives. 1 had a plank especially made for the purpose, wide and btout enough to hear my en tire weight, and by lying upon it I soon forci-d my way over the incoming rollers and floated in the comparatively smooth water beyond. Here I turned my plank shoreward and waited for a good roller. Ever- third one was, as a rule, large, and finally a big, green bodied one came whirling in, shutting out the horizon. As it came I caught it, and as I felt the transferred motion lightly sprang to my feet and steadied myself on the monster that extended up and down the shore and was rushing to its own destruction "On 1 went, (shouting gayly to my companions on the beach Then I sud- iOG and POULTRY REMEDY Tin only ii li tbh- medicine l,.r -win.-. lcd suce-s-fully for fourteen v.-ur. Prevents eisoaso, Arrests Diseii;,e, stops Cough, Hastens tiaturitv. Destroys Worms, increases the Flesh. For sale by F. (;. Fricke cc Cu I'lattsmouth, Ni b. I'lUCKS; j.-,liM cms, 12..l. $2.- f in I .(. per o ick ige. Tin; large are ru ; .-ii m ;st. Write ror testhu mial "! log dogy," a f p ig.- p.-iiiiphh-t on swine will be mailed for a 2 -cent stHinps Orders l.iy mail reieive prompt attention. JO. HAAS fnai tiMpolis It it- "L j ' Tr?dld'nGS, Paints, and Oils. DSUCG1STS SUNDIMES AND I U W IZ LIQUOIiS xw x vrijilioi's fseivfssii.v Com piiiiiKlcd Hours Lwmiiar Yard ! fet m HKA'I'T V. U 'asliinirtoti. N. .1. A;KTS make !'; IV r rent net en inv t oi 5.-ts. I. cits 111 aishes, ( 'ui Im -. and ni.'il-H-uif.s. Saniplfx live. Write n..v. Dr. Iliiil man, art Ili'.ia.l'.vay . V. LUMBER Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, Blind I. I IO"i S r; t J i st., I.'nioii JJlock, formcrij 1 l.j .Mtin ntreet. I . Splendid Market, when. K kept is First Class. We aim to "n-i"":, rum so j nil me i atron . . . . i . ii- i ge oi lie; i-urilic. I niE choicest steaks, EXCELLENT R( A STS, THE SWEETEST CUTS, FINEST CURED MEATS, 1 i A M K. FlSlt A N I O l lll tt JKI.ICACIK.S I.N SKA SON. Dffl r'--'N Ati l HKAI NOP-KS CURKIl lv Cli4r ,',pl ks J N'VISIH l.t: a-.iJ!J"r ear ('iao;i. u'!iiiit-:- eai-.i cnin leiTal.te. sui-e --liil wneiv all rein-dins litl!. Sal. i tiy V. HIS' ()...iilv. s li e.-ai u ay N. York. l ite for ef ui..ifs t ULE. i e ; i ! Iv became awttre tliat s nn-;!:ii was hcslde me. I gave ;i sj.;,. tdal.c a a id the reality ;.Ir:rst made ;a . i,isn:y to.-tiiold up..;! tiie rushiii-;' ; i..r:a ia-;t i v. as tno s : ia : p do'.' -a I i.a - -i a i.a.m oa'i;:--. s'K -..t;.r.j ai.:: ..i. n '..! .:.i.-t ' ' a k i i . .: i lie .-: -. a ; . : r; : "m ' ' -' : '. - : '.- y ; r. .y '.'.". :!. .. ' . -.''..',.. j; t lie will i--, i .-I: mv OH m BACK, That o-ener;illy tiicm.-' tmiii iiii'I suffering-. Hut wby sufferr I r. (irosvenor's !iell-c;iir-sic jiorotis I'l.ister will relieve ott in m' riio-ht, sure. Scud :i -ii ii st a i ii i to ( i n )s-ei n r A: K' iclin r I s, Costoii. ;iss., and learn li.o.v to remove a porous plaster si-icnt ifn-nliy it will pay you ;iih! dnn't forget tint tin- best in rolls plaster in the world has the picture of ;i In ll on the !;ick clotii. ami is called Dk CiK' )SVK.N lv"'S 'an 3tip)ly everw demand ot the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. Hv fair mid henest d a!inf I expect to merit a fdiarc of tiie trade. LU-lni. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER J. H. VALLEKY, I'rop AND 'i-;' j, J -".'V,'VC. !' ' A .' '.',. si UNDERTAKR. '.'unstHnt! v keeps (,n hand .-verything you need to furnish your house. I '.'. .-..a.t : t. ir r i: ; -.. . i.aind t!:.;r p . i i ,y i . n.i.-. i ... :'. i ra ; - i .. i . ,; not i.;.".!.. an ;.t:;-ck i:nle.-s i did. t i. will'.' u;i,evo..;, ; w;:y I v.--- ; , .'.!. to retain I :; -ai' p' - .-s-! I ; !"..' end I v. as u.i!.;:. :; . -very s.-eoi;-! : a the ti-r wave i.taf-;- the i.-each . . , Was oti UK '.i'l':.'f oi bre'.iwii .. bharic mai:;i ained its position . a i heard the weicouie ror above m--. a-ei down it came like an avahiuciie. .- a :.: I.atitig and gleaming, until wit a mighty burst the .inatie: m .u. :,- or..::. For a siiiglt-second 1 stood, in the- ;.:i "am ing m;tss, and then was .-i-ii-.-d upo;. th beach safe and sound. 'The shark did not me in. winch iSitlinK Hull's ITopbetic Drni. eioence lo me mat n h.w "ol ueen One Bull, a nephew of the dead chief- I overcome by tiie rusti or me water, dui tain, related an interesting incident that ! waa M'-PO' following me wun uue re hapiened just the dav lefore Sitting I 8d to its cuisine. I need hardly say linll . killed. He said Sitting Hull that this was ruy last exiK-rieuce wding that dav climbed to the top of one of the breakers there. Upon inquiry 1 learned hi diest" neighboring buttes. where he that natives had been attacked by sharks fell a-sleep. and dreamed of the startling j during the sport on several occasions, tragedy that would hapien the next day. I vvht'u 1 ok back upon it and recall th He came down and told his people that sensation of rushing onward high on the their great medicine man would he killed crest of a blS wav 1 almost wish I could on the morrow. How true his words indulge in the sport again, thouga with were was attested by developments the out shark aocompammeaf Phila &Mt morning. Cr. Sk Paul GU)be. dpbia Times. P is- 5SIC. BOILING WATER OR MILK 5 tj FUL-COMrOKTIiSlS. A. .'' li H . j J i4 l t ED 1.2 LB. TINS ONLY. COKN'EU SIXTH AM) MAIN TkI-:KT Flattsmout - Neb .HIKE SIIXKLLHACIiCK. Waon aud IJiacksiiit Ii sliop 'Vagon, Buggy, Machine and plow Iiepairiqv done j. .s HAIR BALSAM Clcnfe and bantifirf tne 1 lrom,,tn a lnxuriunt (a-uvnh. Never Fails to Hf-Btore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures uraip d.iraea St hair taking. SV. and 1 .' al rTOCVit I o Parker's O-incer Ionic, i: cur.-s u,,ri c.u-.., Wrak l.unjr. IVl.iliry.;ion, Pain,Take iu t:me. 50,i. HINPERCORNS. The onhr rurc cur for Curni. Su.pi a. a-u. Zj. at Intuitu, or UISCOX CO., N- Y. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY He UAe tiie NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which is the host horseshoe for the ttirmer, or for fast driving, or for city purposes ever invented. It is so made chat anyone C-n put on sharp or flat corks, as needed for wet and slippery days, or smooth, dry roads. Call at his shop and examine the neversmp nd you will use no other. J. M. SfJNEI.LB ACKER. 1 12 North Fifth St. Plattsmouth CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. RED CROSS Diamond Brano X THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. Tli vnly Safe. Hir aal Pill tor V.. irrj a2 iV5 iJIdlro. lit Omniat for CTlc'n- iiflut DvuM uranjt in Ha ana m-viaie I 1.1 .... . n..Kr. T.L.a.AikLI.H. ALuss Suoitmtions JrtvtUtcnM. I ts fcvK All pUI ia paitebaard boxes, pini wra(pra art uDrroH roan terfrl ta. At Unjgiu or wrrA as I m. (V 4-. in Karawi tor canicaiars. uauiaaaiais, and "Kiter for 11." m Utter, bi mmrm Mail. If 10.OOO Tratimociala. A rp-r. . CHICMCSTCR CHtatlCAL Co ., slidlw iti JULIUS PEPPER3E3G, MAKL'FACTCHKK OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL IJEAI.F.K IN THK Thoicest Brands of Cigars, including our FCI.I. M.NE OK r oBACCO AND S.MOKEKS' ARTICLE VWH.Y3 in stock. Nov. 26, 1HHH. . j. umn DEALtK IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, GLASS AND QUEEXSWARE Floor U Feefl a Specialty Patronacre ot the Puble Solicited. JOHNSON BUILDING, mi MS