WEEKLY HERALl: PLTrSW)Ura W33. $K M ,. H 23. 1 ) ', i p,OF SSIO .AC C AH OS, T. P. LIVIN;ST.'N K. I. rUMMIN:- DRS. LIVINGSTON & CUMMINS omw No. ma. Main -t. rv Telephone V Jtflildeiici? 1 VlfplionM IV. l.lvliiK'tiili, 4:. ItexliliMiC 'I-lt'lii'iit: IT. ruiiiniiui. Surveyors IVIL KN'JIN KKli aii'l M.'KVKYoll E E. hilton. btlmati'ii and i '1. 11 m ii all wik furnished aim tUeoitls kt-kt. i ( OHice in Martin Block. PBAITHMOUTH Nkhuahka County Surveyor V -A NO- CIVIL ENGINEER. A.11 orders left with County Clerk wil mccive ij ii t utti itt ion. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE, JAW OKKICK Wm. L. BROWN. Personal aUcniiou to itll hustius milrusted to iuy care si r v i i I Titles ch iitnieil. t.sii:i. '-o-inpilcil, Iiiiur tncu written, real estate fold. Better facilities for making l':i'" 1 " tl:aii ANY OTHER AUK.M:i PLATTSMOU 1 11 TTOKNKV NKBHASKA A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-Law. Win kv-- t" met aitei.tloi, to h!1 hii-ini'- entni-te I t.i him. ihce in Union block. Ka.-t Side. I'liHtr-moitl h. Nth. TTOltNKY A I.AU. WINDHAM & DAVIES. J'MIN A. MAVIKS. ot;ci 1'ultltc K. li. WINDHAM, Notary l'ut'lu ntlice over Hank ofCa-s County. Plattsmouth .... Nehraslui ti Banks. :xalxof CiissCcmtity Cor Main Paid up cai'ital . . . Surplus 0. II. I';ini".e Fred inir.K'i' J. M. Patterson alnl Flit Ii si i t--1 . Good S!ews! Ho out), who Is willing to udopt the right course, need be long atllieted witii boils, cox hunclcs, punples, or oliicr cutaneous erup tion. These, are the, re.iuJLb of Nature's ef loiU to expel poi.suuous ami t lli-lu matter frum the blood, and show plainly liiat iLt) s is ridding itself through the akin ot inipuiili'-.s wliicli It was the legitimate, work ol Un liver and kidneys to leinove. To re store these organs to Uieir proper functions, Ayer's Sarsanarilla i.i the medicine required. That no oilier blood-pin iher can compare Willi it, Uiouaanda testily who have gained Freedom from the tyranny of depraved blood by tho use of this medicine. " For nine years I was afflifted with a skin Ul.stmse Uiat did not yield to any remedy until a friend advised ine to try Ayer's Sartta parill.i. With tlie use of thm medicine llio complaint disappeared. It is my belief Hint no other blood medieine 'il have ( fT'-ctcd no rapid and complete a cure." Andres I). Careia, C. Victoria. Tnmaiilipas, Mexico. "My tai-e. for years, was covered with pin and humors, tor which 1 could linct no remedy till I bean to take Ayer's Sarsapa rilla. Three Lollies of this retit blood medi cine effected a thorough cure. I confidently reeommeud It to all suffering from similar troubles." M. Parker, Concord, VU A m Sarsaparilla, I'linrAHfin r.Y DR. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by I)rne-'i-' .-'-'- Vorth $ a ottle. i:vt nii: R MAT-ION'AL TYPEWRITER A strictly tirsr e!.--- fnai'lii-ie. fullv warraiiT d. M.-n:e rem tlie eiy best 'j'a'enal t kil'ei! w t kuieii, and l! ii the best tools I :at Live ever bee'i 'evi -e l tor t lie pn yo ,s-'. War- ranteii t' do all tliat can be rea"-in,allv ex- !e( ti' a. the v e i y w . r 1 1 - I r r-tMie t : h ant st typewriter v ; i - er ; ii 1 1 1 : : t ahili'y of the opera' o? J 'in-' i v-. t: - Preside! Vice Presid.ii ashci Ast Ca-lm X. M.attt , ' DIRECTORS H. l mele. .1. M Patterson. Fi'-.l Corde A. K. Smith. II. II. W liidliaiu. 15. s. i;am-e anu T. 31. Patterson A GENERAL UANK1KC BU3INES TRANSATEB ). -"n..i solicited. Interest allowed nr. time and prompt atteiit ioniven to all tius- ruated to its care. The Citizens BANK Jiar rLATiSMui 1 11 - .r.tiiAsiA VJayital stwck paid in S51 ( r Authorized Capital, $100,000. OFFICERS fHANK CAKKOTH. JOS. A. CONNOK, President. Vt-e-Presi iei W. U. CUSHINf. Cashier. DIBECTOK8 Frank Carruth J. A. Connor, V. li. (Jiithfr.iiii J. W. Johnoon, Heury Bo-ck, John O'Keefe W. V. Mi-rriam, Win. Wetencamp, W. H. Cushuis:. TRANSACTS;! GENERAL BANKING EDSiNES sues cratlfleates of depo-its bearing intereft Buys and sells exchange, county and city sureties. First National BANK OF PLATTS.MOL'TII. NKP.KASKA Patl tin eaoital S.Vi.OjO.OO Surplus) lO.ooo.n:' Oilers the verv best facilities for the promp transaction of Ultimate Eiinkinij: Business Stock", bonds, fjold. Kovi'rnincnt and local se I eurities bought and sold. Deposits received I and interest allowed en the certificates 1 Drafts drawn, available in any part of the I United State and all the principal tovviif of (Europe. COLLECTIONS MADF. AM l'KOMITLY REMIT- . I Highest markrt price puf.i for County War- i rants. State an County bonds. I1IKKCTOHS John Fitzswrald n. iiawhwortn f 8am Waugh. K. K. White .y -ST ' - J. ' ' "suA.i... . -,;:" hGiK 8100. Iftliere is no airetit in vmir town address the Mu.iiiilactur. s. PAKISU M'F'C CO. At:t nts wanted Parish N, V. f. ii. SEEL'r:.Mi::i:, amh. Linoolu, Xeb, Seir Artlng Pper Cutter. A Calc utta nfvsp;ipr n latos ;in inri tlent which illustrates the- iiianifio.-iit w.i' in which the rajahs of India or at h-ast thosH of them who remain opulent ami powerful repay a Finall debt. Not loti a-?o the Rajah Ilolkar, d" Iti h-re, in paying a visit to the viceroy, the Mar quis of L.msilijwiie. at Calcutta, was f-liown hy the marquis several of tlie London illustrated newspajHTH. In cut ting the leaves of these journals. Lord L.insilowne used an ivory paper cutter. Tlie rajah had never seen a paper ctfter liefore and was much intere.s!;-d i;i lie- little illstt llilH lit. "If your excellency will make me a pi-v-.-nt of it," In- said, "I will n-ml you avol her in exch.iii'.'e." 'I he vie. Toy p: ,i o! !y fave hi.s jLru--.t ihe p r i Titter, and the rajah I'-turneil . : t -i i i t o !i is own I .m in ion-. I- :! L i,; .;-lov, 'in- I. ; I ahno. I forgotten i" lil'-nn-nt Vv'lien i;,. received notice .ay, ; Ve a pap .. ;.:.i.-.!.'s re! was on the I i. was pre.-ently a.-l mi.siied tu drou'ht to hiin a youtii and h.ind e.'eph.-i.nt , e;ich of whos(tu l:s h:; I :::!.'! idly wrought into lie shape of T CUT ter. ;'.:ir:t l fei : : c 1 1 1 some ; 1 1 u.-t i';;t ed . ,st whi.-h fie- J. s.el;:.-.l Heart disease i iisua!! supposed to he iiicurall-, lint vvie-.i ;npi-! y treated a larc portion ol -,:seri can I e cured. Thus .M r.-. lilnni.i 1 1 ,nc. .. ol Kllilinrt. 1 1 1 I., and 'A: - M :. i. Maker, of ) id, Mich.. wie . i L- i alter .sulferino; "Ju years.. C. !.i:i- lurer, (Iniee'ist at Sa:i Jose, ill., sa.s tluit Dr. .lilc.s' New i .w . C';;ie which curcil the forme.-. ".vo,-ke. wonders for his wife." I. ' l. of Muchatiati, Mich., who had a w. heart I i seae for '.V) yea rs, . -a ! w i liuiih--made him "feel like a new ui.i:i.' Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure i - . ol l and guaranteed hy I-', it. h'ric.eA; ( 'o. Mook of wo.n ler f ll l t e.-,l i mo.u.i is free. I nucKien s Arnica b.iivu. Tin: IIkst Sai.vk in tii. , i i, Ci,; liriline-. Sell s. L'le. ls, Sill Ito i:n. F V Sores, Tetter, Cliftj ie,J H no I -. 'Ii 1 1 o . In Corns, anil all Skin !iniitiiin-. m I ..es. 1 1 v I y -nrs l'lies, or ;i pix i...i;ei It is tcu-iranteed to eivi- Mli-:.ir i.i.i. o money refunded. I 'i i. e 'J.ri m - ( . i ,., K'or sale hv F. (! Friekc .V ('. A l ill.ril liri, Tl y r !:!. t, r. i from II. n! nr ?.Ier, in IVa. .('. a re:n:;i-k:;hh i;ii :!'ut of iLIelity A D ii.i .'i princes.0, ae i t ( f or l -au: i.-.i f tic north . Kt hi-iii toi.-...- t heir pecul la r cliariu fr'.tu thei;;: j.; ,( iiesi-1 :i lor i" t liei el l : ' i ', one of t lios" 0; el,.i vvil'i hlllpi 1 e e as t'.i bin: .'i eryst.il of the -a.i li'i.n lan 1 i' s. ha i a friend, 1'ai: i':;l, devot. .1, lovin g, p it ii'iit . whom he li.is ei-1el in a 1110 n f u 1 !e;i',y, till 1 e ti, friend. It In r voiit a bea:.":ir.ll . tine- 1 ,e I -1-. :.t of for ,'etf;-! i v. livti asc -li.ii. tiie steamer, s!n li: i-t faithful c . a i-pleii- h i hi ic ' I ::!: shining h.ii. po r animal, t. t In fo: ii i run his v, : . a t v.. In e.ii. !v trimmed 1 In this ;. -,, : :!i's order-;. ' ii villi; p.-:;;;-r c is .-.till in Lord ii. i'.it it is not ' : I ! II-.-.'S ( ,f the vie- e-:.':iiary opeja ' ipers lie keeps nt. Yout h"s (,'oiin 1 p:-.,-llli leaves lU.-ks. lie ei ili.lili -ii.il --. -i v. ry wiih Lis h.ld 1..- I! lit under Uter, it is i j.i'l L iWt'e's ! of t lie i -Pi r iv's lihrarv. of 1 .,.,';s a li ss bulky mnler- S J ll IS- dinai'y 1- or a;el im- UIOIl. o , V, h v 2tossi:i I The principal fc-round.- ii- -i:i ."iustiiieii t ne t'c I h-iire'.v hri .-t h-.-r are as - -rts: Fit:-- That the J. J. iei tts and too sucee ni.-n'".- and j.roperty a-.v r ;!!! 1'l.i-; Chrisi ians. Seei ! oi l t!i mselves, as a cl i of I 111.' Colli: !1 III i ; V th-.-y i'urui.-.h many of t.h.. ls ..; l :,i:--e!i2.-f mak -r . vi: -y v:: . service in the n i -o-iie patri- ic Riv -T.e--lirst .-iccusa; io!i mi u, : no o;H simtiiy t o s.-l 1 :-w is shrewder and mi -h.m h' ; n-k .!. vV r, ! . a his le i r. i.l o; !a r Wi if-. ;. : ;. . T pi:! " i. di. i i: can it b. .' -t recei vi 1 .-my v ;: : '.) .my.'.::'!-; i.f , ' IT'S i- -l! ca.-S-.el I iole a 1 now !..- : io.-S Hoi lile: his pefsei-u rhbnrs of ( i !; 'usal to in:!. lli-S (in .Jews. up on which the secu;iou of his ollov.-s. II,. as vs are too ra--fal in ;'etti ii iy fi'l t he siir i ;:d -Tint they ;s. ap-irt irom . Third That I -a lia- niliil-Foiir!h-Th-it army and dc .-.;is. y be ignored, i r i r that the re intelligent races. As t. fr,-e!v Siullp' yeais ;i,o ( 'hamO. I I 'III iV to, ol I)esi Mollies, IoWa, c lillie nrni n,- in iii iltaciuie ol a coiih syrup. Ii ll vine ii i.. he the most prouijit n 1 reli'ilde jt ,, ,i i tioil ye' (endue- d i.ii eoliths, i-oM- .on; eoilj); t(l t! the public apjinci ; in niei it, ami ill time it was c i t nn to h.- eillle popillir. I'lieir most sin.'iiiie h' jw s have ln-i-n mole I h ill re-ihz .1. Over three lnmdii ii thousand hot'. is ot ( Mi tuiberl iin's (Jmih K -im il v nn- now - ohl e,ich year, and it is reeooni.'d b st made," wherever knouii. I' th will cure a severe cold in less tune tint hi y other treatment. For sale hv F. Fr'icke it Co. L -a viui o.ltslde ,,'ot. lier ii ill of lie,-, with If mi tiiat l:.rr erect " of tin mob-, i, irks fn;i- r the waves, juaipin j, j ) iuii,ly can be H-reive.l ai.ir the siial! of a steamer, which he inks will I ri ii o- back a.iiioro nw bee iVeil i Tier. He is alvvays waitint;, hopeful and above all true and faithful, thoi:.;! con solate,! and p -lle 1 by tin- jl v, d hand of lie- I ), -a a ; i ful end romaaiie I!:!.,'hsh iiiirn-s wiio i ve him swei-t n i'in-s. call in;; him " ).i, ya dear, faithful Itii-nd. Svv. ! boy." An 1 over there, afar, afar ia lite itonh, lite fairy Scaudi.iavi'Ui fells some i Ie:; ; I le;i) ile wallt. .'iii.lie- thine- is mis '-in ' to her; she does. iiot lot l .1. ,1 I. 1 ly , Ji.i i ill. ST 1 , r 1 i i net . ie.t ol i; I'I'.Vll ..S . , , il a.'KT : . - i . , o i r t ' ou;.ly at. as s.ii .a ; noiiilie; :;i va s 1 1 I le! . Whi 1-i I II I lie ilT t in ,ti! .Id I ! L ; i - Were ti.it Mr. .'..! l':--ol.l , ly W t-:i tie- . . 11. .1-1 -t 11 T.i -i i (ler in-: c;i:i -ae i ; t in t h.t i a f.-w mot! -liers. TI ' it 111 - a. : ' y ,i- - .4.S 4 . o r .1. . i th Her e- l.iTer tiif I ut et- .1 It - r i . ; I i i aei.I i !. . :i.-reiit .1 e sat J.I ee. .'. ll I t he or ul s t o si 1 1 I V -V I e'ire flit 1 I .'.I ; i!li iW V hat it i.-; it i le;;l'eT. of 1 in- fait 1 1 fill ed afar. 1-k.him the UneoIi-.cioUS oil: Ii.lli toll de.sel't- re America s.lTI suuiV VI .- ! ' i r, s.n. ver , "In iw 1 1 ii . r t ln j;e s up there to A National Event. The holditio- of the World's in a city scarcely fifty years will be n remarkable event, whether it will real I v benefit Fail old but Ibis I e .nor. I 'i'el . z . i.aiia: w i ! . I :;t he nation iis much as the discovery the kVstornt i ve Nervine by Dr. Franklin I i Ii-s is doubtful. This is just what 1 he American people need to cure their excessive nervousness, dyspepsia. headache. dizziness, sleeplessness neu ra 1 1; ia. nervous de bility , d u 1 1 ness. con fusion of mind, etc. It acts like a charm. Trial bottle and line book on "Nervous and Heart Diseases," with une- iialed testimonials free at F. (i h ticke it Co. It is warranted to con tain 1 1 i i 1 1 1 n . i norpi l ii ie o r da :i r ous druo.-s. - 1 ;! -y ;i v PURE ISAPLE SUGH and Syrup. Low ntices ou-iteil on iarre or small lots Strictly Pure. Adirondack Maple Sugar Co 1'JoV. Monroe st., Chicago. 111. FULLER & DENIF0N WT-stern Areuts. rH The 5th St. Merchant Tail:: I- p. .lews rfei n;U lU- ii IT i;-;!-.:-' of nihi: to tlie extent that urn.tsii t Heir propori innate ipi.jt.-i to Icontents who have the courage Dut that the Jews anions the s exceed their proper piMportion whole pooulatiini is. (leai.-il hv ::! m T i ) net :.i tiili.- Jt the w! . ....... . il 1 - -T, T .ii.iii, 1 1 usi worm v wriiers. i tie cuari;e iliot tin' Jew evade? army service is dis proved by official statistics. P. G. Hubert, Jr., in Forum. lier rcoyitl Sweetness. To be called Her Royal IIi.rhiie.ss is th destiny of every woman born to wear a crown, but it remains for one woman amour; all the royal families to have the endearing title of Her Royal .Sweetness ;iven to her, and that honor helonprs to Alexandra. Princess of Wale;,. She has that marvelous art of making goodness seem attractive: of makim; the rii;it act the pleasant one and of im pressini; upon all who know her the knowledge that to do youil is to have a pleasant time, and not to do it is to miss sume of the pleasure of life. Many princesses have been written about as having been beautiful, as hav ing caused great wars, as having done ;;reat deeds of valor, of having made men die for them and kingdoms quarrel over the:.-, but of none of them can it be said, as it is of this gracious lad-, that the whole world hows down before sv.-o tness and goodness, that, peace has been the watchword of her life; audi not only does she value peace, but those loving sifters, Faith. Hope and Charity, abide with her. Lady Elizabeth Hilary in Ladies' Home Journal. I'ronotmec. I H . ; j . I - s; , ypi SuvH. From a letter written by Mis. Ada IC. i i 1 1 nl o f ( i to n . S. I .. we no! : "Was iiiki-n with a had cold, which -el t i-d on my ltiii:;, coul;!: sei in .r:d finally terminated in consump tion. Foil!- doe I ( i j: i v, . ; . i e III) 1 1 -i 1 1 g I coil 1-1 ;iv I ..if .: - Port tiiiie. I ;.; :i ve m sel ! u t 1 o m Sio.io.n-. de '.e'liiiued if ! could not siav with my I neiids on earth. I would meet my aoser.t inns above. Mv bus band was advised to gel Dr. King'.- .ew uiscovory lor consumption. coiiglis anil colds. I gave it a trial took in all eigbf bottles; it has cured me and thank Cod I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles Ireeat K J. Fricko t Co.'s dru store, ri-giilm- six.'. oOc. and sl.ln). S ii 1 si-ri ln-l r ll )-1 or l'i !el Many ale lie- pitfalls which lie i 'he patii of t he man vim sits down to i il.e hi.s will. In a ase rei-i-n i 1 v I ii 1 i . i . he probate court the witiie.s.-es were stated in t In- n-tii.l words to have "hereunto Fuhserihe 1 their names," but ithappciifil that these witnesses' signatures were written in tlie margin and somewhat hiifhi-r than these attesting words. Hence .arose the grave question. Could a hill nat lire be said l be subscribed when, strictly speaking, it was superscribed? It is easy to conceive a judge of rigid ly logical tendencies who would have de cide I that ti'.-re had l-en in this case no proper attestation. Fortunately .sir C. Parker IJutt, forti fied by a decision of Lord Campbell, de cided that, thoivh it mig.it seem a strange interpretation to put. upon tlie word "subscribe." to hold that writing names above the testator's margins was a eom- let, vet ill the eve of tin- law the word subscribe" "simply means signing the name without any reference t iis podtiou on the docu- , int-iii." London NVws. ! Is -Alien !1 . ". ' iiii'f wiriT?" a 'j-l Ii'Tmoi. "Why, them cnndl'-s; they're ro high up." Tiie yoiirc; man did not. an-w, r, Tii-old lady again g.ix.e.l at tii chan deliers ivf! (! i ve! y. "Tln-y ain'i no m-i-L I' a'l that !;giil,"s!ie said. "M i.-,' Alien in a po werfr. I wa-b-fiil woman. " Her son was a pjia rent ly a man of fevw words. Ih-r eri! ieisni w as unaol ii-i-d. l'n ut ly t he waiter hroiiglii t lie oread ami tie- plates, and what I In old lady lit was a i 'ii fork's. Si.e evid"iit ly t lion of knives a,;.; ph-asaii' ! . " i Ta. 1; a-r ein. "you'ri- j.rei t v quick. 1;,: added to In r son, "you thin' more than br a 1. , "It will be h- ! I !:!! waher, with a iioiite bow. the wit lies. f-igtiature in tie I ii iance wit h t lie gave him a sweet, smile, hungry." sh fai !. Several of tin- 1 i ip-im ba.' her observations. Some of hard faced bir-iii'-s- i.u.-n. laugh at h--r. They .:dy re With lively ililere-!. -; the taUiTloll, carefully, a: ihe.'ih.er. eviii'-ntly with no; Tiie wai ' r i ought t 'c ;. . tile. l'i l;ul Y eh r.i- :. i I I -nl ion . . . la r in:: !-. : v. S;e- : :. ! .! . a ke. a! I. r In- la a i ii i ui r.i I hi ii la !ic ;reeted hint .-he .said;. i. Hor.l.-e." Shf i .r. i r 1 .1 uiifN i n't. y hi''" 1 v." 7 1 1 in llui old l.nly "I'm pretty Kpeps a Full Line of i rr OonsulT Vour luttre?f by (Jlvu.; iilrn a Call SHERWOOD BLOCK E3 I tli-tmcnitl ; DENTISTPT Th ie egg l wmeh ;T, 5 in FitZK" I Ud. Pjieident S. Waiih. Cai-tl s ir KINS - HOUSE, 19, 221 and 223 Main St., nouth, - Nebraska. . M, BONS, Proprietor. kine has been thoroughly from top to lxtfuiii ud ; f the best hotels in the etate ill be taken by the week at 1 up. .0 BAR CONNECTED 1 ia om rwliu. Tustirnonials from all vti ut ta nlobe. Propcti POST n mm lul An amJIfiAlkia to VfaC A. UnMtM, tn Xiiiu At. Aw York. -1 si ' 'S. OOLD1A.ND PORCELAlXfCKOWNS Bridge workand tine gold work a SPECIALTY. DK. STEIN A US LOCAL as well at other iaie estheticsiven for the painless extractiou of teeth. C. X. MARSHALL. - Fitzgerald P- Btit, Prompts Poartrvfc Cur for Impolitic, lota of Manhood, 8tmlnal Cmitllon. Spermatorrhea, Ntrvonittt. 8lf Dlrtrutt. Lot of Mimory, At. WiH mtake yom a SXR0N9. Vigor out Man Prfe $7.00, 9 Bor3. 95 00. Sntriul OtreiTtfomi Malltit with uacit Bo. Aitdres '.itrA6s8T Ialraitet COt tmo Luca Ave 8T. LOUMS. - Uf I;aslT lsjs. the sign of the resurrection. tst'T festival Co-?) ne 'iiii mites. The Jews place it on the Passu rer table, ti.ereby imlicating th;it their race is to be resurrected. The Persians and Drr.ids both used it in their religious ceremonies, ari l not only the Russian, but the Mohammedan, on the early Easter morning gives the greeting, "Christ is risen," and the reply. "Christ is risen indeed," is followed by an ex change of eggs, and the egg is as well a feature in all the old Eastern legends many of which are too improbable to even bear the semblance of truth; others might be true, inasmuch as truth i oftentimes stranger than fiction. Enima J. (Jiay in Good Housekeeping. J tist Like a Girl. Agnes, aged 4, called at an uptown grocerv store the other dav. "I want, a tick of gum," she announced. After get ting the desired article she remarked that she hadn't "any penny." "How dc you expect to pay for j-our gum!" queried the vender of delicacies. "Well," an nounced the youthful philosopher, "I will give you a kiss." The kiss was taken, but Agnes ftaid, and finally, flushed with success, she made another offer: "My cousin Ethel would like a tick, and I'll give you another kiss for it." Uoth girls chewed that afternoon. Burlington (Vt.) Independent. Hard to ChooiMt. Mrs. Bargain What are you worrying aHut this morning? Mr. Bargain I need some new clothes and a new watch, and I can't make up my mind whether to get the cloth-s at a shop where they give away watches, or to buy the watch at a shop where they give away clothes. London Tit-Bits. The following adve: tisement, pub us'Hiu ny a prominent western patent medicine house, would indicate that ttiey ragaid disease as a punishment for sin: "Do you wish to know the quickest way to curea severe cold? We wi.l tell you. To cure a cold quickly, it must be treated before the cold has become, set tled iu the system. This can always be done if you choose to, as nature in her kindness to man gives timely warning and plainly tells you in nature's way, that as a punishment for some indiscre--tion, you are to be afflicted with a cc ld unless you choose to ward it off by prompt action. The first symptoms of a cold, in most cases, is a tlrj-, loud cough and sneezing. The cough is soon fol lowed by a profuse watery expectoration and the sneezing hv a profuse wafer? discharge from the nose. In severe cases there is a tiun white coating on the tocgue. What to do? It is onlv neces sary to take Chamberlain's Cough; Rem- edv in double doses every hour. That will geatly lessen the severity of thy cold and in most cases will effect ualle counteract it, and cure what would have been a severe cold in one or two days' time. Try it and be convinced." Q cent bottles for sile by F. G. Fricke & Co.. druggists. Eupepsy. This is what you ought to have, in fact, you must have it. to fullv en joy life. Thousands are searching; for it daily, and mourning because they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars art spent an nually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be bad by all. We guarantee that Electric Hitters, if used according- f() directions and the use persisted in, will bring you good digestion and oust the demon tlispepsia and install instead eupep sy. We recommend Klectric Hitters for dyspepsia and all diseases of liver, stomach and kidneys. Sold at .0c. and jd.OO per bottle by F. G. Fricke A: Co.'s drug store. Two lite, fo Speed wi p. iwer i f l ust o it i ii"; l'i earlier. e l and fol ly words a min d . e ery seconil, is a rate of ist beyond the that was the st Oil H h.in. nr w ie'n seems almos art icul.ii i- pti, vet measure of tne torrent ot eloquent ex position and appeal poured forth in St. Paul's church Monday by the Rev. Dr. Phillips Brooks. Try to equal it read ing from a printed page in a conversa tional tone, and then imagine the im mensely increased difficulty of the task in a large church, before a great congre gation, and without the guidance even of a written note. The business men, for whom the service was especially de signed, had been assured that the dis course would be short, and so it was in time, for it was finished in twenty-five minutes, hut the report made by two stenographic reporters covered G,00) worths and gave the extraordinary aver ages with which this paragraph opens. Boston Journal. She I'n e I i "Tell .Mi l-e -o y for a hurrv." Tin- v: . : t ii.a 1 1: w ia ly jias.e diners rai . old 1-iM--Letter. ill i 1 i A ! 1 I w p o i rhea nl tii -iii were I'. e-y didn't iar led her 1 " I ' . e d Ollt I i 1 1 -1 r -etetl roval. i J i I gave, .! ;;-ed !. : i.i and i.ly. As : ! i I . i 1 1 1 : e le-r I'm ia 1 1. ler 1 owed a n:id do so. 1 out of tie: d a glin s and ( bid bless h C"!I tin i Mill vely old ' the Tlie w Vork vori I fl:it. v e;u b ot iier very Nfivel ISird Story When Mr. Andrew Young returned from Alaska last fall he went out to hi.s ranch on Young's river to dig his pota toes. Passing a hollow tree he noticed several bushels already gathered. He looked around the patch, but saw no signs of anyone having disturbed the ground, and to solve the mystery watched the tree. He was soon rewarded by see ing a flock of blue jays alight on the tree, ami each bird had a potato in its bill, which was drojijied into an opening in a limb and passed on down to the ground. He procured sacks, and a,s fast as one was filled another was jut at the place, and in this way the birds harvested fifty bushels of jiotatoes for him from various patches around the country. Astoria (Ore.) Express. A Fatal Mistaxe. Physicians make no more fatal mistake than when they inform pa tients that nervous heart troubles come from the stomach and are of little consequence. Dr. Franklin Miles, the noted Indiana specialist, has proven the contrary in his new book on "Heart Disease" which may be had free of F. G. Fricke & Co.. who guarantee and recommend Dr. Miles' unequalled new Heart Cure, which has the largest sale of any heart remedy- in the world. Itcures nervous and organic heart disease, short breath, fluttering", pain or ten derness in the side, arm or shoulder, irregular pulse, fainting, smother ing, dropsy, etc. His Restorative Nervine cures headache, fits. etc. A Mtiskrat Trap. Jim Candee, an old Lyme trapjvr, has caughi an unprecedented number of muskrats this year. He sinks a half barrel near the runs of the rats to the level of the ground, half fills it with water, and then on floating pieces of boards in the tub pine; .-s small faeces of carrots. When the inuskrat jumps in after the bait he can't get out, and he leaves the trap set for another victim. Mr. Candee has caught as many as six rats in a single barrel in one night. Hartford Times. ITs;:: i i:-l Iinrt.i of :i The fact, that we l:no Well is the reason oi i he charm ol a cer tain American club. It gives an idea of this place to say that jn-ojile find them selves neglecting their bu.-.iness in order to get there in time for luncheon. Jt if. not that the company is so unusual. There are, no doubt, attractive men, foil of interesting knowledge; tin-re is plenty of good talk. But it is not enough that tie- talk should be good; the men must ie- seen and heard through an at mosjihe.re of friendship. Some of tiie nicest inert choose to say very little; but thews am men in whom, in the course of daily ac quaintance, you learn to discover ve.rj charming qualities and friendly dispd tions. Possibly everybody is not charming:. Perhaps there is even a bore or two; but bores are very human, and, to my think ing, rather cozy. There is a gentleman who tells over the same story, but. iioIkmIj minds it ;is much as he would if he knevr and he doesn't. Even the gentleman who is always talking about his heal' h jht forms a Ixmeficicnt office: he insinnaties into the minds of his auditors an im pression that lifeis valuable. E. S. N axial iu Scrihner's. l:irgin Counter Krjuirtt-t'. An earlv morning customer in a hi; retad dry goods shop is it to le-ar some Hair Work. Of all kinds to order. Hair chains, pins, rings, crapes, etc., a specialty. Orders left at Dovey's store or Mesdames Wise & Root, wiil be promptly attended to, or postal card to Mrs. A. Knek, Hair-dresser. VTk-I from His Winter' Sleep. A Ledyard boy on Monday discovered a wooucnucK in a neap or leaves in an old tree and pulled him out. He was curled up, with both forepawa pressed closely over his eyes. When hi.s paws were pulled off his eyes he did not open them, but yawned and gaped as a heavy sleeper might be expected to do. The animal could not be aroused from his dormant condition until he had been in a warm room for eeveral hours. New London Telegrapk. All the latest styles of wall paper found at Wilduaan & Fuller. A Housekeeping Youth. Mr. David -Hembree, Jr., son of Mr. David R. Hembree, of Crossville Dis trict, Millen county, is IS years old, and has lived idl his life within four miles of the Chattahoochie, but has never st?n the river. He is the best working Ixjv in the district, and has all his life staid at home and worked. Alpharetta (Ga.) Free Press. In Rome the Easter eggs are taken to the parish priest, who blesses and sprink les thme with holy water, and the nun afterward paint and Bell them. They taust be placed on the table with the flowers and other decorations, and H&ten u the first course fox th Ka&tr iivAt quaint talk among the .-l -ri:.s. who uirnm the:u.-el ves hv chaffing on - anot her while waiting for tie; active- trade of the day to begin. In an nj town shop tlie other l.iori iug a customer heard the follow ing dial' igue: "Say. fanny?"' from the ribbon counter. "What is, it, ribbons?"' from the fan counter. "Why is it that y on are so imjiopular with the ladies?" "Give it uj." "Because in cold weather they don't fan see, you?" "Say, ribbons, why is your trade like that of a granger?" "Why is it?" "Because so much of it is gro-; grain." New York Times. He T&Jif'rt the. Cake for Kronomy. There is a fanuer in Wrightown town ship why will perhaps in time get rich, as he is economy and watchfulness per sonified. He engaged a girl to assist in the house at fctated wages per w?efc. When they agreed to settle, nearly- year later, he had a bill against her of little more than $3 for loss of time for "gaping" at the cars as they went to and fro. It seems that after the construction, train got to running she would go every time it passed to the door, look at itr throw up her hands and ajirou and laugh, so j-ileased at the sight. This loss of time was charged against her in their settle ment. Long headed man, that. Doyk town Democrat. Kept His Appointment. Mrs. Blifkins (time midnight) Hor rors: utisiiana: husband: 1 hear tsotoe one burrowing through the wall. Mr. Blifkins Well, w-ell: It must In that Ixiok agent. I knew we'd all be in bed by 1 1 o'clock, and I told hiin to calL at half -past. Good News. v.""