Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 19, 1891, Image 8
.1.. . i 4 1,.. Jru..f-. i ery fii-nl.iy iiiulu block. AH i hi K- tl HI t.lld W lu ll VI- r f v .ii X f J t i wring I if in- i: ' vi. VWiii s, Miir-rinsr cm fully ur U by ( nth lira. f"i -em Vvik F. i.w-.-t -v- II) I IIZir laid ordial y invited ''' .. .. I I I M. . i. Ill IHiK, ". r.t il hi-4 ::Mi!iKj. For t-VUrtTilo.! .f .1 littl -. ...i r i.. ; f..f ! ecn ei a coirwaanic m-m a j.rui ivan-ii ' m a ;l deal f hiii-teil that lln-ro wiM something wrong with ihe? laot run- I .. t-ignillelit of steel s-f nt. in.ismuch afl the f yy ,'is,,.,.(. r lir-l ,r4 e mil n i,iy lliOll .illeg'd it Was Soft. ' Thin frnr- ' left ---k. it. adii jr ;ir...- my m h. ;tn I i.l-pris.-d the manufacturer, as I.tV,"-? nnan- ' ni""!,"!"!' iv i.n- . ii i'.im i.t i, y ,.. , r , . . .,, ' :Ci'l ' I' i i - i i -i ;i- O.U.I I ti'il I -.- In ii'.wi of thesame !, !.! J t 1 I pvca witis- j y.v;r. -.ii.-f.-Ui.-i. n a'i .,.i faction ol.-rfrwiiore, ;ui 1 In; iiiiu.-iel Went i ST l.e: 1 i.n.l m li i. ; II I II i. 4 . . .. I fr'.i'A, II I I a- III .i-h dlie;n to investigate the matter. . . f i - I jA L . . : i i..- i. '..,.r .... i. JI ;w Mill more surprised when he i iy.iit' "'m M.oul.'cn-, until my found 1hut lln-; -.feel was holt after heat in ;:iel Mii:jii..i :i tj tin? usual lath. K.N (ill's I'V : IAS, ;-:m t I "f't'H N.. i7 Al.i l v. .-.I y .-v. liinK HI tilt- I ll 111 Ilk Ii A ,l Vi-:t.l-! k i. 1 1 1 - "if i-'.hII i i v 1 1 ii-il in :i'if il, (. . A. M.t hlKill. '. .; Ki.". U 1'iM n. Iv ; S. Y' U ; MI'.N'S' III 11 I' N Si'CIATIOV . :ii, r i ' . ii M.i k n Mi'i 1. I n. .ins .f. fr in i :; ii in ! 0 r f. I r men n'y iHi e I 1 1 1 1 - L un ewi y Mi.ini;iy iillei Ii u ifl 4 Tin; Maeksi;iit!i In.-fore whom hj'i tli li-.-t a: '! tL' t in-r workmen Ktainl in'j .a iu:i'l 1 ol; iii!. ji-iins to linle their uiciit of 1 lii' e.!"". t'ri (liseojufiture. j "Yi n '(, it is M!'t," ;,'iiil the Llack fiuitli, willi ;i ;-rin, ami for ;i monieut i thu m.imifari us er was at a loss what iV ; jjtJJ-' -sy. itrtiiH nun l.iiuli'ei, initil my T, , j-J'"11"' i1'-1 ''"e "'lf It '" Velf'l HIV fl'Ulf llOllv. my .'"j, J ' I - I lare. I e:in ,ii.' sltouli'elH In-ji Illi T'1 to i!.. u a:: i loa siruek liim. "La this hath all ri;;iit?" he aske.l, junl I without waili-.i for an ai:sver h j iiluui il hii h::u;l into the trough ami ! hh'-il a ioil sizej lurui of sijap. So G. A R. Mct'oi.i.ll.l 1-m. ... v,. i... fts eicry SKtur- j l h mlea in a .soapy hath, ami ! ami I f.-. 1 it mv .liiiy i aay evenu a' , :.. in ii.Miiii.ii. ".e-K. oo. . ...... ..f .... ,... nr,...r. , i"i if Hlock All ".1-ilint: cilnui.tH alt- Invtred to .jeel witti t . ll. K. Ni, !".sl A.tJ. F. A. I ales. ('um, Our Clubbing List. Ol-1 ! emoei ii' kikI 1 1 KHAI.I. . . , Harper1 Mnynzine " " ... IlHrp-rV V, ..:ir Deiiiorn t'.s MuKsine .... Omiilir. Il. e " ' I oh-.! ) Hi i.l ) " " Lincoln C..11 " " NKtion .l Tiihur.e ' TliuF.ii um ' " Int.-r t ). . -n ' Linotn .I.':r:r.'l ' Tht: lloi.-ie the hlaclririth, who hal iI.i3'el tlm tritif, was li.-cuar;je.l, ami lie confessed a rival manufacturer of ttecl ha.1 iven him :"i) to put thu so.ij iu the hath. Piltshurj' ll"ei-t. '111.- wlillf soiil'S f. ll rui tianlh licin mv lieail !imrr. Mini aimv! the ki win! il till. k n iiii.i lie icil ; fi 1 1 . 1 1 v . a' it i lil.l l-liii'k ami l.If.-.l if sei au-l.fil Att.r n'lii.u' in;i Ii 1 1 it .1 r.-rl s if 'it: suf ito'liir, I War. ll Dlllllllll'f (I ill .in al.'f i 1 au, : i li. i i i i . ii i mimmi. ii I a. t.-r living I o l It i-t- n 'l i: i: - I." i.v -KM". 1 .ni l a i-h ii". ii" i :i r I )i.l I .-ii . ii i h iIf -. I : Ini( t .ill. il. .mil wl ea I ii--( m lull', s .. l'r i Ii ( ha l;i: h .. v k.n t. line I., x nl ( i i n i i: , an .i. .f i i t;, i n A S.i v. I w, IS ell . (I Ll I In- ln-:.ll 111 !.-. -ac ll. lil uhi.'li I li;:l uli.-r. .! live jears, I ;ninl e .i'i'-s i' li a .e: wl.a' I s'lll. r.-il I f ri. -,inif lie- KhAiKIIKS I In-v s:if .1 inyli'f ci. hum il I lie in Mv s Is. 's my ejfMlit. MKS. KOSA K KLI.Y Ukw cllt ity Iowa. rn u ( P ( p ii 1 i v 0 1 1 o P vca) TIIK ( )K Ki I N A I () K Or IK N.ST LW IMMCKS ( lo(lipiM . 4.(iO . 4. sO . :i i o ; . 2 4-"i j . i'.ir 2.4.-1 :aZH'e No I.. " 3.. f... ' 7... . 11. " III.. Tim3 Taba oi .v.; :i:-'i' ;.'!' a. el No 2.. 5 :l". p. m - 4.. :V. a. m " ?... i I', a. in. " 1M . .. , :- ., III. " 1-' 5 :-'5 ). in. " 2). 11 :05 a. in. 'IIMI l'AT 5 :' p. m .... It. -:a a. in 7 ;1 I', in. !) :4.r it. 111. lr :14 a. Ill ..8 -;m a. in. Sir. riroiiiiin Tivo 1 iii-. r Short. A on tin; 1H :.'. o'clock ex jiress for D. .- on, which lnul just arrived, was si.i.rhu. in Hie doorway of one of tin- ;:'. -'i .v. ot:c of h han is relin iu tin' irooV." wl;. v;r th'j door closes. A ust of v.-i'.rl or t'je y.v.-i?iifin of the car I caiiM-:! t:;.- i! :: y dnor to close with con ; sideral !e f. .ree. c-it.-'iiu two of the I ma:s'.-. 'i'.:- rh-rp cilir.- of tho jI' r!i : .,' of th:- in -l;il lock ain- ...j j iu!.iteil ;Lo li :c.: r.i aha.wi j:s si.ioothly j as v.-.i-.i..i a :-:r;: -.-n . i::j:ie. in., mv , ami .1 i!:! were tukou (.11 at the i li:-.-: ioi.ii. 'i'h fnjrired n;:m was lartin Freo a I.'c.v York Lusjin-ss man. lie w:.- lak.'ii up lowri hy ILickrii.ari Dn.n Liy, v. lio was; mmer-ted to drive to some i!i.'s't i.iu":; ...'lice as soon as n s;l il,-. The olihvs of D;s. i'dailhouse, Distil. Uussell ami D.nv.a were visile. 1. but .ill were out. Finali- Dr. IawI;es was found at his of- CUTK UUA I8KSOLVKXT Tlif rrw li)(il nmififr, internal y ti. rlcHM' ttif blmxl of iill iiiiii' ritif s .ami i-niniiin fie ri, "ii s . ami ( ii ice ha I lie v iv ;il .-k i'i enif ami i c i in ISA -a p. :-n exiiilsii.' sk to tieaiit'fl .1 rx e nally 1 1 el. ;ir I lif .-k mi ami m a p a' d r' M f 'lieli.ur thoiiKamU of eiies '.vl'ere I ne slif lliit; .f sealer incasiir il a (glial I llaily, f lie's k 1 1 1 ei iick i .l, 1. 1. 'fill. ii;. t (i " i Lf ami itching Linnet Levi nil ei.iiiii:iiici-, L; ir iiit l. s an.l a i .". iii!'ei ii ;r i. n 1) V hat .;iln r remedies liai e imnle Mich fines? 'old evei l-eic. 1 i i e ll 'l i i; . TOc So a i '2!it'. IIsi I vk.m . 'I I'lenaieil ly the IViti i'k lllllili A 1 1 I III .MII'AI.I (Hi l'( ISA HON, I' i r"S-ml 'or Mow to I'ure Skin ;is"s (' 1 1 a'..-i rn ill -I ai 101..-, an. I 1 no text inn. n tal- hi as vmm w-n r tl vl .1 11 N ) A . V j i TOFc is solo ovior of- loptjlqir Fis(qIY 1 A Notional Event, The in-liliny of tLc World's Fair I I 3 ri L,iiiii e. 1...X i. .ic.mI- . ! il. K 11-I1 dial .( d all t r i 1 v s i n ci r a .c 1 1 r s r a " . r. ii si . ir it-. !; r. 1 n !Viek ;i..,'i.', kidney nain. M-ikness I lien li-111 . aiid 1,111 -cii'..:r 1 ;t 1 1 n 11 -o i'V pain plas ;"i cjllf-vtJ in o n m 1 Curicura Acti-p ter. he. ami lie 1 Freeman's woumhi. New Haven I1;.Lrister. An Ol.l IJireel.iry John jrcPherson's directory of Phila- !elj)hia, ijiihiir.he l in 17S., has b.' uti- in a cite scarcely 11113 jeais niu j .-.u me 1. .im'.u, lucjiuiiuineui names ill lies a rciiiarkalile event, lut it cont.sir.s are thesi: "Franklin Benia- -whetlirr it will really bciieht tins nation as imii'li as the discovery of the Restorative Nervine by Dr. Franklin Miles is doubtful. This is just what the American people need to cure their excessive nervousness, dyspepsia, -headache, dizziness, ssleeplessnes, neuralgia, nervous de bilitv. dullness, confusion of mind, eic. Jt acts like u charm. Trial bottle and fine bock on "Nervous anil Heart Disease-.-;," vith une qualed testiinonialsr free at V. G Frickc .i: Co. It is v arranted to con tain no opium, morphine or danger ous drug's. 1 Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Mieli.-'iM 1 urt lie. ri.-iiiiiieK. III.. . in;kis tliestittf mem 1 1 1:1.1. nIi i-.iuf it - oil. HI1---I s-t tied on I'.er I lirs ; "In w f iiear.-.i I t a in- ni 1 by Ucr i.citiiv lif- iin-vv wnisf. lie old lier st s a 1'. ! 1' -- v:ct e--nti mi 1 ti.'ii and li.;:; 1.1" ! .- ;.. '.: - is..:. Id n;.- !.rr Her Lni;rj,:-t siu--t:et"! br. KiseV 1 cw !;srnv orv lor e l-s-:si:;i: 1011 ; '!.' ! "'.i'.it l-e'.l! to.lier ,:iv;';.'i! fotunl.. ;:-;:-'iis"i '101:1 tie-, .first I,- .--. ;-sie .-.!!.? i. ;-il ' u e :!. -IVr ta'-;-in lea b .it: J--.-. t". I )e..;. ".' Millllu liliil Wt !1 now liiii-. in J" i.v. :i ii:).;-evoi.v ii:.d is as a si;:' (V ! v. i::ce tiiii.; l-orile.-- of, tliU rciit lirti.'ovei y ;-.t h'. ii. i ii.;.vC -i. o t , l-'iu Mile rKi-l.ultics .'.'j':, ai.ifrl. Soni'.' years at'o C!ia nheilaiu Sz Co., of Desj .Moiuc'S Iowa, C' niMieiiCcii : Iu: lirn: uf.ictui c ol a eolith Fyi 'r, In li. vin it to he tlic nu st rjr.iiiipt ar.d rt-li-ihie ja'. -iiara-tiou ytt pio'.iuc.-;i for coughs, ctld-i and croup; that the pullic appneiuto true tiaCt'it, 111 nl ia time it was certain to be come popular. Their most sunuine hopes have hren more thun realized. Over three hundred thorsaad lu t;lti of Ciininberhiin's Coasli Kemedy are now Fold nc!i yca; rmd it is rccopnizi-fl as 'tiio hfst inaft?," wherever known. It will cure a severe cold in 1cp3 time than any other treatment. For sp.Ie by F. (. Fricke & Co.' lain, his excellency, 1 Franklin court: .Morris Robert, merchant, J01 Market street: Pi; teahouse David, 109 Arch .street; Hamilton Alexander, fCi't Second .street." Altliinrj;h on the title page M :ci!i;Trioa sriells his uameia that man ner, m thi.' body of the work his name app-'t;rs as John M.c. Pherson, broker, 7 L'h: si nut street. That all the? people of the t'iv.'ii vvert not iu F.ymjvrthy with his work is i:if..ri'.-. I from these ciifri.-s: "1 sh::ll not s-civemy muue, "'!'; ii tampers ;:Ii- y. "I v.-o:'t have it ruimh. rc i," -178 (.iv.-. n :!. "I won't tr II yon my i:-r: .." Wh-it yo.i )h-is:.." .j; and 5J r-Iarks-tclret. X.v.' Vurk IVcrld. Ajm-.! to f!o 1; j Jr. j i . ;l. , ;: ::.r :i f:o:.i 1. . --1 el' 11'.: 1 Jo. t.- !i r .jv; 1 !.. ; M r iv.-. 1 1 ..'.. i-. -ii.ia, e m: - :--r of h!r:::;.!:i.-e -. I' ' .1 Jive 01 :-!" a ":;vi.l r:r, t".,-' r- ,-, a c.:.-:i: .-.i. l lire -.i-.rou i i rcluru. The vaL'.al.Ie oil-.-, is of lambskin. s..,i' .1. r. .1 wLli 1 l.uic v.'rt I i'. iue: riiii ::i;.r. TI:e ;o:. compasses .U;d the all sec-iiisT eye are staiiijied in s;. -M. Dr. Wharton is a TJasori, and ex pects to iimv ;i i-leasant time with the members ia Jerusalem. He sailed with his pav.y for Palestine Wednesday. Baltimore San. Hrwto Succeed. . This is the o-reai problem of lib which few satisfactorily solve Some fail because of ill health, oth ers want of lin k, but the majority from insufficient f'rit --want ofnerve. Theyare nervous, irresolute, chaiioe- ablc, easily iret the blues and "take the sj)irits down to kei' the spirits up, tlius wastintj-money, tune, op portunity and nerve force. 'There is nothing like the Restorative Ner vine, iliscovcred by the threat spe cialist, nr. -Uiles. to cure ail nervous diseases, as headache, the blues, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, neuralo-ia, St. Vitus dance, lits and hysteria. Trial bottles and line book of testimonials free at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s. Eupepsy This is what you ouvj-ht to have, in fact. ou must have it, to fully en joy life. Thousands are search iiii?; for it daily, and liioiiriiin because they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars arc spent an nually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be bad by all. We o-uarautee that Fleet rie Dittcrs. il ii-od :icc n ! i i' ; to directions anil tin- use in.-rsi.-ied in. will briuo" yon irood diu'.-siioii and oi:--t the (K-iaoa dispepsia : n . 1 i i ; 1 .- ' 1 in-le.-id eup.-p-ity. We .s'eco : n ; ! 1 c: e i lijcctric Hiiicr.; for dyspep.-l'i arrd ;. 1 1 di.-'-a.-'C.-' :' liver. sit;)!.:.-:i kidneys. Sohlnt r.: c.,ari! s ! .' ' ) p.-r boitV iv 1". (1. 1-ric'i.c A: Co.'.-- dri:!?- .-'..! . ILcolr Oia.t for TO'r3 Siprlm .fL. ' r1 i J ( XL r3 Fcxlcids liiqqy '(liqul'js (o lis foi' lch libci'ql Fq (ronqiio q coivliqqoqs of lo sqiio iq Frioijcls qqd Jq(roqs iq lr, ioqs( qqcl qsl'is (lie fq(qr(. Eveiything at and Below cost Until April CLARK'S HOG REMEDY f:,'i'H"-:'?;'-i? - . ;-.---' ' ' f M 1 v Insure your projiorly .'igiiinsl fire, li-Iihiiiiir mul iv 1. :.. u. l)r 1 . Of Cincl'inatti, ); io l-rdo Tree T will hav. The firip fn One remarkable peculiarity of the grip in Ja);;n wao its prcvaleuire among the uppir clasiLss whereas tho chelera se lected its victims among tho poorer people. Samo idea, of the extent of the c ideinio may he gathered from the fact that at Yokohama the sufferers officially ri'Iiortcd numbered over o!),000, and it is estimated that the unreported cases throughout the prefecture were 'nearly twice as .'rear. Of the 10,000 inhabitants of Kobcs, C,(; 0 weie attacked by the disease. Ia l( -:io lac i r-iucmic; raged Happy Hoosiers. V.'m. Tinaaen.-i, I'ostm ut: r of !diiville ind., wrUiv : -'!-!e. trie ir.tterH li:.- doiit n,"' ie for mr r'i-ci ; '.i .ati.-r e. iriLi-.u i. f..r 1. id fv: a- ari.-ir.'t; i'.om Kidi ey Liver! with f-:reat virulence, and similar reports tr.iU'.'l.'." .lull.! !....'. l;irii'C:-aiitt t.(!m;ln, vt Mimir hic-, t-i-y- : "l'uid l.leetrse ihu-r-. to b. ... i -r; y 1. v.'v i-1 mii iiii'. iiniiti: fie it-e" e ; ia"V IL- -.-1." '.- .,t li.-iraw.-uv ri' i'.-'iai r, s;: si;( tov. a. s-;;ys : "l.tce tric i-itiei s is just tin-1 -n i a sn.'.a vlio 1's ail mi u.o-n and ('.usi'l car.- w-icnlii-r lie la es or r sale at lolm Y. Stone's fruit farm, o::e raih; west of (ilenwooil, Iowa, iu time for plant ing tins spring, ;i i;irc -lock ol ap ple trees of the varieties tested bv experience in this climate and prov ed to be valuable in South-western Iowa and South-eastern Nebraska. These trees were jq-rown in ?Iills county. Iowa, and in Missouri and from this stock Mr. Stone will plant heavily" this sprinij, and most of them were thrown in the nurseries from which he has planted largvly durin; the hist six years. This farm is six miles cast of Flatts- mouth. K. c. White, wlit Glenwood, Iowa. c -7 - - . ' f r-.r- V iy JiiJ . V i . .. w v ; - : 1 1 f t , dies : lie .'..ia d i.( w"! h Sllld lei; V.--1 Idee lie ll ill a lif'.v md It'ilMS '.I'l'Ctl'.H Oil Only ..t)u, a i)ut;1u i'. J. l'licUe Co's Inig Store, Tho following advertisement, pub lished hy a. prominent -we-stern patent incdiciue house, would indicate that they rugard disease as a punishment for sin: "Do you vijh to know the quickest way to cure:; severe cold? We wiil tell you. To eure.a coiel quickly, it must he treated before the cold has become set thel iu the system. Tiiis c:ui tdways he donu if you choose to, as nature in her kiudness so raia gives timely warning aad plainly tells you ia nature's way, that us a punishment for Some indiscre tion, you ?re to he afflicted wih a cchi rnlcsa yu choose to wurd it off by irotuctior. 1 he nrst symptoms of a tost cases, is a dry, louel couh The couph " t f '. - r erne ii'Oia !'oTn:' or tao (.. i:;r;.-t- cities. Fr.'ir-cis'co C.-dL!ii!S '- I'i tedent. A c.i-j ( f iateni't to sc'rool teacliers c rme in C 'rr.vford ccr.nty court re ci n'.Iy. A teacher ia ono of the schools, Mi.v? Alice Denlley, atl'.-.apted to correct a boy imi.iul (Juy McCliutock, wiio was smearing ink over another boy's face. Yeuiig :. and silra o v inj t p:c! 1".T) slate teacher 1:1 tuc- face, seri- iiig ncr and incapacitating hs r for sell. '..I duties. The board of di rectors disposed of the by suspend ;::g the boy for one term. Friends of 3"iss De-ntley them lard the case brought i;. to court. It was tried and a verdict of guilt v of assault was rendered. Mea'dvillo (Pa.) Tribune. A Fatal Mistake. Physicians make no t.more fatal mistake than when they inform pa tients that nervous heart troubles come from the stomach and are' of little consequence. Dr. Franklin Miles, the noted Indiana specialist. has proven the contrary in his new book 011 "Heart Diseases" which ma v be had free of 1. G. Fricke A- Co", who -guarantee and recommend Dr. Mih"-:' j; ; -'j ;;;, . -, i,(.v; Heart Cufl. w liiclt i.a.- iiic la.'jrv.-.t suk- of ;iuy lie-art remedy in tho world. It cures nervous and oro-.-mic he-art disease, short breath, lluttering-. pain or ten derness in the sieie.arm er shoulder, irretrular )ulse, fainting, smothering-, dropsy, etc. His Restorative Nervine cures headache, fits, etc. Clark's Poultry iSemcdy. 1 BEST.IX THE WORKD. For sale br 0, H.'&NYDEIt, DruSgist, Plattsmouth, Neb. Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Kurd of Groton, S. D.,wejuoter "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my lungs, cough set iu and linaily terminated in consump tion. Four tloctors gave me up say ing 1 could live but a short time. I gfave myself up to my Saviour, de termined if I could Hot stav with I mv friends on earth. 1 wcuhl meet my absent ones isbov". My hus band was adviseel to ge-t Dr. Kihg's New Discovery fo- consumption, coughs and colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles; it Pais cured nignt- tr.e names ot ml tao ieliows wno j inc ana tnaiiK uoul am no .v a well .-r nosed to her last summer. and hearty woman." Trial bottles -ii . -:nh.iriw V-tt F. G. Fricke & Co.'s druir 00 Poor Cholls-. Maud F.:hel is very conceited. Choily I never thought h .r so. Mawl Br.tsh'is. She t..-1-l me last ' . LOOK A1TD LISTE2T. If y.-u wan!" your '-' atsdi repaired If you want your l,"neU repaired. If you want a handsome. Tea set If you want a handsome Knai kii: ris:. Or anylhing-in the line of Jewelry B A. McELWAIN Who I'? - i'lovf-.i into the Hotel Riley Block, South sicla of Schilclknccht's Shoe St.TfG is CHUCK FULL Of Satisfaction to deal out to every customer in the cit-, $3oo,ooo.oo StficlJi-iMfrs itvl ivi li: ill v li-.'ih tr ot Ohio wliieh tofrofi;. P of Ji p:'( lit !t' t .-::i ri!;:s ; s 00'- f-'tatr- U': v. :!h (i. buaratit. i; ot-ubont Si imi,ii()!1.o0 tonolicv ho!lcr.s Losses in hiiiorcc-n years, (sin-o nribizatiouj ris-aHy tour miHioj lioll.-irn J. II. iiEATTIE, S. rretnry. Wm. L. BROVriE, Reside n (i AZZAM GANO, Pmident. Art-nt, Plattsmout.! Nebraska desk, 3ee::oraoDUm: file U SGMFFfiAifU'S ASTMM CUE El i WAJTI.MJ fbr BKsClTS. Btic: JAlnnc trial cotiTiaces'.he ttio-.t iker.tMl PrW f,.l.''1 1. of I'ruStJ o- Sit mm-i. Samr-! fcKLK (--LJ .tamp. DR. R, PCHrFFHANIT, St.Pol. Kirsa. Sa?3S32E58i$rrSfia2ESS I i's '. ''. ' --T""'"'---.. "" , - ; i '3- -' 'J JT- V ... . 'i - . '... - ',- --J ; L'J 'Aye'r's medicines have been s itis factory to me throughout my ( practice, especially Ayer's Cherry , i peeMoral, which has been used by j ' j many ed 1113" patients, one of whom savs he knows it saved his life."--"Ill i F- L- Morris, M. D., Droodlin, N. Y. V.y the directors of t? ston Losm and Ihiikli'i: tiou at the secretary's office .ov er ! Carruth's jewelry" store, Thursday, he 10th. 1 IvloriGy to Loan. 1 hiving A - -oe'ia- at Tliis iiic is not a culcnder, bat a rc-oi-'J, -.c!ien; a!i fiispenfe iteni3 can be recorded aud each item, as con.-ecutively dated, ?Ul take it? 'place at the tront" and stare you in the face, until tuch item shall liave attention. At the time ot writing; letters relativfi to important matters, dates er.n be fixed when thes matter will eome up again should euch letters receive ro reply. fcnof!.ilivr ndn.r..d to record in-" for future attention ?uch ma - UVVl II J -- , ' . -- ters a apT'etit!iients, Payment of Lifo Insurance J'rerniui of Fire Insurance, bpocial collections, l'ror.;n-:os to Payment of taxes, Dates set tor suits, E.vjii ratio; lusine55 men who see these mt'b, a a 1 Price, with ink welKs and full supply of me complete. Parties desiring- cIa-s ink wells will SPECIAL TERMS TC Taylor & MANUFACTURES AUD ( X Y. Lite Ihii-diusr, Omaha ( r T ! 1 . ..