Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 19, 1891, Image 7

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1 1
Irs. i;ui:ii)(f
lol:iy in the
v;iM ;ikrn .ick
i'4" witti liemor-
two lllO ll!."
e of tin lusi ?: :iii1
)!ain Miirr-liy, f Ar:ip:ilioc.
'fidcnt of lliis cily :nil lnotln-r
IJ. Murphy, has Imvii here f. i"
r lhr-' lays o:i lut-invs.
Iilmi'i- tin ui'M f I i'!1l:tl!
fed veirrdn v as senator IYdim
oim, i a lirst cousin of J. I).
John will answer to (lie title
)loiicl hereafter.
lrnnk:i Cily is all torn up vrr:i
do soniv. A Ixiloufiia harvest
i(l to he in progress down there
ie mayor has ordered every d
v--that shows ilsel ' on the street.
ih Thomas has quit the
Irki i s.ud will move onto his
i live m'.le.s west of town as.
J the weather will permit.
I ... 1 "V T MM
Morry 10 lose .'ir. i iioiiii ;ts
state relief commissioners
urchas.ed :i.00) hushels of lar-
ni I. .A. Connor and ..,).)
m of wheat from 1. K. White,
with laru'e a.iiounts pureiias-
i tMlier dealers will he ship-
front as needed.
ciiroit s ioiks expeet .'lis.
a;jl her husband to arrive
. is even i:;;" from .'hiea;"o.
sie ..Is a republican member
resell California leisla ! u re
'1 SOillCW
liat di.-:
pointed in no!
I'eoiLl a:i
io laKe a
S:'!ia I or
ai Sar ra
hand in the I'nied
li.n'ht that is now i
Chadron is
ill) in arms for a nor
A. V. C'ri U .-.. I'. M. Do:
seveal otlieis iiavi
.nial sehool.
iiil!rlo:i and
ee;i ai
: lit .
I 1 camo ul v. ; : i
the leu is I
a i
1 see!
1 1
1 1 .- . i -l
ie aiedr
i red pi u in. .!
e norma I se a ; . ! t
I'n i ve.'.-i iy i ;
-out P-'.rj i.-es, a .
a .-'!:;
1 1 i i i
d th
.urea! iv o
The ia!
fo - all in-.
ol oihe'" scio
1 1
at a
ie i
K n i .
ic (
; of I
o i 'lii'
sl-.a, made
bovs a pi'
that was
Seism is
the 1'ialts visit
hoi ul;'!i ly
a hearty,
and pMi-
e-eiideuiaii :
and eiie'-:;'y
locle-e here w;
"e. by his wi-e
l.lio Ins
is revivi
cou nsel
'w jAv tM say s
lloin' jolice diny atl'aci
, "ion if lie knows himself,
hinks he does. lie took a
i'Ver at 7:1a in the e4eaiiu;
, nir to cret hack in an hour
he 'aint
lie J une-
and lie
or i-.
but instead, he had to patrol the
tracks r.t J. J. until the roosters
crowed for dayliehi before he e-ol a
chance to ride back. lie say s he
',:''''iet a chance then, he just
' j and after ffel t hii on top of a
oox car lie held his breath
x'm p for fear the train
idii't stop lurNit ;"ot to la'ncolii.
I :ty claims if the 'web feel want
; more Nebraska prisoners "they
Y lave to come aflher thim, and
.' you forget it."
J mid Mrs. I a 1 1; ntt
friends lol:iy in llicj
1 1 i
I I. lid lMIISl
(Ir. Will
nice! !i
!for YI
uth K. 1
L evening
ioyed. Mi
ol" feu led
ic . ?e
i.i r
( i m t
"is '
i j ? I. Snj'der, the dru-is;. is su;
t "atl to look very much like Jud'e
pAisey, and is ofien saluted a-
"Jfidg-e" hy men whom he never
met. A few days auo an incident
occurred worth mentioning-. It seems
Mr. Snyder had business in a store
on Main street ami the proprietor
called him "Judge Kamsey." Mr. S.
made the necessary explanations
and they lauhged over the mistake.
Some time afterwards he was called
ag-aiti into the same business room,
when the proprietor called him
"Judge" again and took him to one
?ide to tell him what a funny
mistake he had made a few days ago
by taking Snyder for him.. The
druggist again explained matters
and tne business man wilted. lie
says the will never again speak to
Stiy Ier for fear it's Kamsey, nor to
'Wfeainsey for fear it's Snyder.
A New Firm.
W. G. Keefer has made many
friends during his slay in this city,
and built up a fine trade in his line
of harness and saddlery. In a Tew
days he takes O. M. Streighi, an old
harness man, into the firm, and as
both these gentlemen are husders
from way back, they will make a
strong team.
The Uouisville Reformatory,
he Louisville reformatorv
bill j
recommenueu to
pass in the
e yesterday by a vote of at to42.
f,)inmitte which went up from
-iy, consisting 01 .'lessrs. loiiii.
1'aaaersoii, Carruth and others, did
excellent work for this measure, as
at one time, Pefore the vote was
taken, it looked as though it would
be defeated. It is thought no ser
ious opposition will be met in the
senate after the measure passes the
house, which will probably be done
to-day. This will give Cass eounty
its lirst stale institution, and one
that probably will grow inio a very
extensive and important, adjunct to
the present penitentiary.
A Small Blaze,
nearly 1 o'clock this morning
re lh4Jraiiir out indicatim"- a
ir;. i he Iv. I
up an inte- i
jA . 1
a L I 1 . . " . M j
it. ,- r
j "vAyuig- the
) Vv.inl
, Idled
"i f I
1 (I . I
no. '
no aiix.ous looKiiiii' men 1 rauir
do irhellai ."." Sonlh Tvvenly-
sixlh .sireei aiaioiu in oc. Joeu yes
terday inoniiili;'. Th'y were i.l tlesU
of a m.idsloae, aad oelieved they
needed it badly. The caller were
John Weir a.:d I'vank -s, both oi
-Nebraska ( "i; . and they we et woof
the three men bii.e.i by die mad
d 1 1 la t i a ii at la r:;e in die slreeN
ol ihatei.y Mniidny. The -, 1 1 was
answered by I-ee 1 Henbow, whose
uiadsione has been ,ln- Mn'i'a m;
many a p d u i i 1 1 , I . tn .
i'liv wounds on tin hand of Mr
'e; - were tleep and, I'.'lv looking-bei:;;- in n 1 1 : : i i ie. . . en id 1 1 1-;
to Mr. Weir'.-. siaieme;ii die doi' inel
!i i i i ii d ie s . reei , s p. a a u inn i him.!
and t honi; h he t h : -w up
the animal e.iu'-iii him
il i s hands
a id hum:'
on 1 1 1 1 i ' ! lie was violently- swum;'
M r. I : i v i wo u 1 1 Is a r o u 1 1 1 e 1 1 a 1 1 d ,
but of a I i ;ii ;er uaiui'e. The two
lid not know mm Ii about (lie third
vie; i m.
Mr. llenboiv, b prieldii'- the ll"-li
in and near the won. ids ia.'ied
blood .and applied the .-lone. Ii o'id
not drav or adhere to the won, id.
A fier repeat .-d trials I i-. Henbow.
who has had considerable exper
ience with such cases, declared thai
then" was no hydrophobia in the
wounds of the biUen men. The
wounds had been cauleri.ed soon
after the- had been inilietsd.
It was wiihi;'reat rel ief 1 hat t h is
cone' ii:-.'on was lis.eaed to by tin.'
men i'.oni .Nebraska I'i-y. and the
rel i! i aed to their i ionic last ve d 1 1 ,.
The mad-.-lone in i he t)ossessiou
of M r. Ilenbow is a sori oi heirloom.
It was ,ien to his real l rand
father by the Indi'iis i l ( ) 1 1 io I ) i
years a 40 and ha ' co n-- down
lliroif'h tin1 family to its pr-s-ni
owner. It lias
ca:-es. and hyd
a j )j ea re: I i 1 a
die stone has
W01 l.l-IJera.l''.
II l"c : e V a I serious
iphobia has never
ii:,"'c i : - ; . : ice when-
heen 1'-'
Oman. 1
G i v
n up ;!io Fi;r!i t
r.-.r.i Ii '
I';;:; I hi !-i
. ,i le lias v, i vi
oimtv .--eat.
1 up 1 1
1' i a 1 1
1 e 1 1 1 1 1
. : : 1 o s 1 1 1 1 .
Hon. I
a:';"i'e.'i i
a. to leu'
on t iie
; . i in : :
re; iresei 1 ! a : 1 vc.
i'1'O! !'(! to ha i e
ori, .1 r. Sh rvoc
K. Vv l.iie, is 1
V.itil I I is C( ,):
a bill thiol
;;ii the I.
;i-la ni re lo
leniie.ii iar
await 'the
-.11 ' 1 i ; a . 1 I'll- . 1 . ; ' ii,i;i- j a
at Louisville. We shall
result aad see if this pair
ran foist a-noiii r instiiu
state aad locate it
o I o 11 e 1 . :
ion on die
here tln-
It will be iiHcresting- to kno.v how
much of the lo,(;U the purchase
price of the Stout castle has been
furnished by J da U ,-nion i ii in con
sideration of the dropping of the
county seat contest by Louisville.
11 the services oi Mr. Whiie to the
scheme is all they donate,! hey have
made a good bargain, while Louis
ville will be holding the bag" for the
"snap' that fails to fall that way.
The voters of ( ass county who
have put their names to a petition
011 two diiferent occasions for the
purpose of locating" the county seat
at Lop.-eville are not feeling" very
happy at the thoughi of being made
a cat's paw in that l-.imd of a way.
and will be rather shy in thefudtrc
in being duped that way again. A
large majority of the people want
the seat of government changed for
the benefit of the masses, They still
feel like try-tig again to secure jus
dee. Weeping" Water Lagle.
The true feeling that exists in
Weeping W ater is pretty clearly ex
emplified by the following article
from tlu Weeping Water Repub
lican, winch slurs the town they
pretended to support only a few
days ago. The Republican says:
"I'lattsmoudi and Louisville have
effected a compromise; we under
stand Stander withdrew his injunc
tion proceedings, to prevent the
tearing down of the old court house
building, and the Plattsmouth pa
pers say an underslandinghas been
reached whereby Louisville and
Plattsmouth will in the future work
in harmony. It looks very much
like a case of sell out on the part of
Louisville. I'ladsmovth could well
afford to i.nd easily purchase a
hal' dozen of the leading (r) citizens
of that old mossback burgh, aad we
believe she has it."
A pa rty of young people will go
out to Light Mile Grove tonight to
attend the exhibition at the close of
the Light Mile Grove school.
The Western Union has taken a
fit of economy and laid olf a few of
its Omaha operators, Dal Jones be
ing one of the unlucky ones.
Omaha has organized a tin
mining companv with a capita!
3 ock of .r'5 ),()! X. Custer, Dakota, is
10 oe ine scene ot tile company s
The young folks' society at the
Christian church elected Miss
Libbie Sturtevant president. Virgie
Tuit vice president, Nellie Morrison
secretary anil A una Crichtield treas
urer. Frank Dickson is pelting up ten
cent cigars and otherwise comport
ing himself in a hilarious manner
over the advent of a ten pound boy.
Grandpa Kichey also receiving con
gratulations. From Saturdays Dai In.
i Mrs. Geo. J Joiiseworth was ca'lcd
J to IiuMington a few days ago on ac
1 count of tin; dangerous illness of
her father Mr. Mason. Mr. House
worth received a letter today saying
he was no better.
Wilforu Crowther aad family will
leave in a day or two for St. Paul,
Minnesota, where he has obtained a
position in a railway office. The
best wishes of the IlKKALD go with
Mr. and Mrs. Brusie departed this
mor ling for thei" home 011 the Pa
cific coast, Mr. Ilrusie being very
anxious to get back to his senatori
al duties at Sacramento. Mrs. Wes
cott and sou Ililtaccompauied thum
as far as Omaha.
Those who appreciate the efforts
of the last legislature in getting" a
million dollar sugar plant located
in .NcorasKa can uo tuemselves a
service bv siirnimr a netition re-
piestiug the legislature to retain
An ' acirt
;inxins looking
uru.T ct Easier.
ea' li"s1 and 1; '.est i
wll e,i
and -
on i 1
CU' re.
til , .
res upon
II," ii'i' can fall
c March 11
a-ie. lei! cp
1 had no! or
; e . ( e 1 1 ! i 1 Ceil -
in .
iie-t da
) . ' 1 1 i'e 1
o ..Hi :
n Iv
. . 1
1 e, v. 1
1 the ,
' : o. 1
a :
: 1
I i
: 1 .
: 1 1
IJ! !. i'h
its en rl ie-,1 d
was i.i 1 si s, ;
a ,a i ; in 1 '. 1 :
( s 1 1 1 ii 1 : 1
til'-ies. We :i
. 1 :
11 01
: : o r
. i o ;
I hi
to p
II'' 1
a I.i
as .11., ,1
1;, ;.
. I
I red
o ; 1 o 1 ;
.' l-'-d,
lav for
. la'.)., I
u r- i s i
1 ; 1 a ! i -II.
-a. In
1 1
The earlie-t 1
re I iii 17. Ii . Ill') I
l!::r.. I 1! I and
t ll i rtee: 1 : h eei 1 1
Mel" oe
1 17-;.
s t i 1 1 1 1 '
;cd nve
1 1 r-
!'ts :.
r i ; 1 -
Stear I of 111 - foil ee. 1 ! 11.
For die benefit of t hose w 1 10 v. otl id
like to know upon what elate Faster
falls for the remaining years oi this
century, we "ive the following:
Ma-eli :!.)
April 17.
IS; I,), April a.
IS',17, April IS.
J v.r. April Id.
is;, a. April 1.
l'.KlU, April la.
h:(!, April ''.
IH, March ''.".
1SJ.), A pi il la.
A T rue H : p 1
The following lei 1
rial 1 on
r we clip
1 nun
the U aha h News. 1 ,
not written for pill
was rv 11 'en 1 ly
licalion. but
sinei' tne Weeping- Water hepi'blic
a 11 1 1.1s said thai 1 i 1 e y h a '. v e 7a I 1 1 a 1 1 1 es
0.1 1 1 : e j e. i i i' ill llio. i' . ! 1.1 n is needed,
ill is lei ler f 1 o'li one of 1 he 11 la 11a gers
oft he whole ai !fa il" ought Io pretty
thoroughly s ipielch "i he freii edi
tor of thai too previous chy. Here
is ;i copy of the let ter:
1 i' ts 1 i.i.i-:, .Ni:i:., Mar.'.). 1 ".)!.
M I,-. W M. Fool.:
Deal:" Sir You cam abandon the
canvas ol your precinct, i'or it is
useless to iry to get enough S igaci s.
Since the couiiaici is let and bo ids
givea to insure die completion of ;i
e mnly court house in I 'a 1 1 s inou !i.
V'e were instructed by ou r ai i ion icy
!i!.li 1 1 1- com III !SS ;oi lers wi mi a I nave
.0 aid'iiie tliirty day.-; before re
ceiving ai ny hi. Is. but we lind when
i '. is too late thait there is no law to
compel them io advertise, (, we aire
heal aiad can't help ourselves jus I
now. am I have to give il up. Yours
It", pectfully,
Sec'v. F:ecu1ive Com.
y, auler
being out one
11 1
it arid iv.
1 ve die 1.
iV of f o
odaiys. iiuadly brought
liiiding- (i. I. Sniiiii
'gerv al Neliawl. i as
chairged in the information. The
case was foughi s ubbornly by
Me.-srs. Ileeson .V Kooi aind Matihew
(iering-. v.iide the e'H'iily aiitoriiey
aind IC. Ii. ooley )ro-eeilled,
maikiiigais good a case ais it were
possible to maike out of the testimo
ny to be haid.
In the case of the Staite agaiinst
Colt", . nich we.u to the jury yesier
daiy noon, the jury wais out ai lidle
nver : wo hours and brought in ai
verdict of not guilty, thus making
Mr. Walier Cole ai free main. This
closed the criminal wo'k for the
erm a. id J udge Ciiai pmam laist eve
ning discharged the jury. The bal
ance of .he term will be taken in the
trial of equity cases or law cases
where a jury is waived.
In the case of Mairien vs. Gilniore.
tried to ai jury yesterday, the court
orde-ed the jury to bring in ai ver
dict for the defendant, which they
did without leaiving their seats.
Mark our prediction, Plattsmouth
will go to the front this year as
never before in the history of the
Robert Iiallou has been elected
claiss tvaitor in the grammar grade,
certainly a good send off lor a boy
of his age.
The jury in the triad of the Smith
forgery case cost the county $$7, not
counting the extra expense made
necessary by the impauineling of
another jury to try the Cole caise.
The fact that one or two men should
hang a jury and thus put the county
to so much expense leads one to
wish for an amendment to the jury
We understand the board of com
missioners tadk of placing a nice
clock in the tower of the new court
house thait will give the time of day
where it cam be seen for two or
three miles and when the clock
strikes it could be heard all over the
city. We hope they will do so, oth
er new court houses in the state
have been supplied with steeple
clocks and why should not ours be
up with the times.
A novel and exciting race occur
red the other day on taie cemetery
road. near Portsmouth. Officer
f I ai : ! d gai :. 1 v. as in purs'iit ' aui es
caiping prisoner who wais ai liitletoo
licet for the blue coat. Pistol shots
only seemed to accelerate his speed.
At the "cut" in the roaid l'lamnigain
overtook ai hearse and mounting it
made the driveai put his horses to
their utmost speed in pursuit of the
runaway. The fugitive could not
leaive the roaid 011 account of the
high bamk on either side, and whi'ii
he saiw the officer thundering down
on him with a hearse, he concluded
it must be ai case of "dead or alive"
aind threw up his hands. Officers,
ais a generail thing, don't go it fter
their mam with ai hearse, but when
they do, it seems the moral effect is
t'emendous. Kx,
Hair Work.
Of all kinds to order. Hair chains,
pins, rings, crapes, etc., a Fpocialty
Orders left at Dovey's store or Mesdume
Wise & Hoot, will be promptly attended
to, or postal card to
Mns. A. Knek,
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria
Whfn Baby was sie'e, we pave hrr Castoria.
When she was A ChlM, she cried for Castoria
When she became Miss, slio c'.uiif; to Castoria,
When th hx.d Childrm. sht (,-avo thcrn Castoria
oil is char- ed with st
! ...... - t
iai; a ol.i
t a k us;.; place
appe;r. s for
1. I'r.iv;- 'or
1 v. a 1 1 1 i 01 win. I ,. 1111
a--y examination i
i',. I in'-e Sullivan
the 1 le eadant, and 1 1.
v 1
I I :. ( r
w as
( )
Si 1 t
ac ; : 1 1 . 1 ici
1 to pr
. aid n 1 ! h ma a . s ( ,
on a .-oi 11 , . 1 !ea 11 n
ae - 1 r i n v.-. i !!.' 1 ie!
-: 1 ; t lor d. 1 . 1 1. 1 .e-. lui'
.'. V i. j 1 1 1 1: ien t lot
e Lilt..
; March ''!.
1 Miile." . t
breach of
p I a i .1 1 1 i f
. 1 1
a I.
lor ." ' '' i.'l.'i.
I'rank ih
meree e,
Cot! rl Ii a Is
pr periy a
to lie i.i de,
J ! 'gnii nt i
c; 1 .- e re 1 1 i i n
.--. Uauk of (
nit in rep!,
".ill. r 1 gi :
C 1 ; : 1 ;
o! po-: i'in:i of
.ileal o ! .'-lilt
11. McClaivn.
or 1 e, ,1: 11 hereof and in
cannot be had. Value
I'i to he sg's; '. :i ;.
of .Nebraska vs. Daniel
tlieleo! f
The Slate
. )!' I'g'i oil.
by b.d lee.
Complaint for larceny
Judge l'amsc
Say der has been
he ea ti give a few
der's appearanei
says, since
alking about
pninlers 011
Some time
M r.
iiu" judge wais ait tne depot win n a
geiillemaiii from Mai vera , ;i 1 a 1 am old
friend of Snyder's, got oil the t.aiin,
and coining up to the judge he
greeted him very cordially anul
asked him about his fauuily. Th '
judge told the stramger lie guessed
he wais misiaikeii. but the str.uiM'
saiid he gue-ed noi. "Is;; t vmir
mime SnyderV' Judge Iv'anisev
showed him Snyder's store and lie
soon iliM'overed t!
Suvder. At aia.othei
! origimu
r X a : 11 e .1 1 1 ei '.
I ai ma'"ri.ig
: 1 s
young main want
i'":is" ;md liie jiul-e said ! won!
wait on him alter supper. a;s il .va
then supper lime. On comb,
down town he met Snder u h
waiy home :: : id tin
with him. set ! i ng
maikiiig himself
possible. t ;i
.-aw tlie mistaike
young man to :'.
y o:
ti p i
w I : !
' g 1 a a 1 1
e c i ga i
e recall d
ai :
; e a 1 s
j udge
i the
, hieh
a -lees
i 1 1 v i
hi :
del. am
M r. Save
listing iiinr
A PI :ar.;.nt Party
The "guess where, go diere'
cauueoll Thursdaiv night ait tin
of !.. Stile--, o-; "!:d:i .-'reet.
siie the po.-,iol'lice. The boys
some iiids to keep cases on (
and liuaSlv located ih.e i)a:l :
l )! ) ' IO -
gi 1" I s
' '! r
Dodge's, but discovered
hike before they went in.
th -ir mi
r-ome one
got a pointer by seeing two ol tne
young laidies go south 0:1 Sixth
st reel, ai ; al Mr. Miller's wais figured
out as the 1 oca it ion, only to li nd t ha I
tiiev were mistaken. A "close waitch.
ii!(!r" consultations witn
iuveiiile- tleteetivi's in ciiairge, iii
! 1 1
correctly located the pnriy. and
about h o'clock the boys put in am
appearance and were laughed ait by
the young laidies for allowiug'them
selves to be so easily duped. ICe
ireshnieiits were scred, aind tlaey
say the boys aiti' like hairvest hauids.
their long wsilks halving wlu-tted
their apj)petites. After ai full dis
cussion of the many good things to
eait, the usual gaimes and pastimes
were engaged in until a laile hour,
when aill repaired to their homes,
realizing a pleasant evening haid
been spent.
Those in attendance were Messrs.
Vain Bnrk, Henry Tairtsch, Sam Pat
terson. Kol) Miller, Will Keiiihackle,
Walter and Frank Koon, Kd Stiles,
John Lang-ston, Will Staiddleinain,
Logan IL"own, Will Clement, Hairry
(ireen and Misses Nettie Haillance,
(Jeorgiai Oliver, Rose McCauley,
Maggie Oliver, Nellie Laurie, Anna
Dodge, Maiy Button, Idai Iki ck, Her
tha Wise, Maud Vivian, Lizzie M il Ier,
Kmmai Streeper, May Paitterson,
May Stiles, Frances Stiles and Maiy
Mlhard Balrd
Time keeper for Newell it Parmele
met with an accident which caused
a rupture ai few days ago and owing
to iiiflamiaition which set in soon aif
ter he died yesterday from the effect
of the injury.
The Election
Will be held the 7th day of April
this ycair so thait the city conven
tion need not be held until sixteen
days before thait daite, to comply
with the laiw, though of course it
may be held sooner if ai majority so
'he figmeD la our dates wll make a .Dng stn.
Jo man or woman now living will ov?r date
locument without ufiior: the figura 9. It stands
'a tho third place In 1S0O, where it will remain ten
vc.irs and then raove up to becoud place in 1Q0Q
where it wilt rest for one Uundrvd years.
There is another "9" which has a lso coice to stay.
U i- un!i:; tbo fi.f.-r? 0 ic our !t03 iu th-! r"-p-'
fiat it as alreaay luovca up to uri place, where
.t will permanently remain. It is called the "X
J" High Arm 1Vh.:elr A Wilson Sowis Machine.
The "No. 0"' was endorsed for r5rC l:t?e I y ih-
xporU of Europo at the Paris Es position of
.here, after a severe contest with the loading ma
.ihines of the world, it was awarded the Oi:'
jraud frizu given ij family sewing machines, a ll
L'.h-r?cu having rrccived lower awards
c' frold medii., etc Tlie French Goverrmon'
li.o recognised its Mipenorit y by tlidocr ration of
Mr. Nathaniel V.'neelev, Vr- id.-utof the company,
vrith tUj Cro.s of ibe Lcicr of Uoaor.
Tho "No. S" i tv t. -n pi.T machine imTrove'i
upon, but 19 an cCiir' ly nrv; machine, and the
Grand Prize nt I'-is w:-.s awarded it as the grand
c.t advance in sew ins; machine mechanism of tho
Those who ' : St e'..-.n ret assured, there
t rc, of baving the very latest oud best.
W'm. Cat
W H 1
(Shi Cl oser
I Itivilii; l'()))!i'li
y ife 1
'btve as neat ;i lianiw.n
v.oimiy. v e
. 1
re peel Hilly
I'tirn our niei not
ll ol' (I
Hardware n
be so
n lime and
o do it
we tire
to f urnish
' AT
ll li.'.T
Uisdrr V;i(!'ni!:nfs Opera ilouso
0:1 ';! of Ii : 111 c.he.iii f r -11
it iM .h
ou I il
Aga-iit tor t her Celolirated White dewing .Machine.
1 lio l;ir;;cs'. aunt most c iniua-te S'uci; to icl.-ct from in Ciss CouMy. C;il and see me
Opera House IJIock I. PEARLMAN.
TheBestis the Cheapest
Thnt is V"liy Fred (inrih-r sifter 1.1 yurs ( f-xpci inir as tip most f-urrpsfu
Agric ultural iriijdi-m'-nt ib-nl.-r in tin; county Iihs m leered die fnilnwing inii.:
mciits winch hu 'rurrii-H and heartily n ciniiuioiids to his friends and natrons. Molino end
Bradley, Poru, and Docro
tor?-which is Absolutely the bestriding
Cultivator manufactured.
worth Checkrowers and Planters
Handles the finestof Duties, Pinvton-;, Cart.-, Spring W.-ionp, jind
tnd other vehicles that :ire manulactiini(l.
Did Yoti Sqv l-lcimiess?
Tlie largest line in Cass County, ot double and inlej huniefs at
prices so low that it will pay you to come :J0 mile- and inspect stock
before purchasing elsewhere. DAVID AIILLEli an experienced
workman Las charge ot our harness shop.
By the One Hundred pounds, load
X ,0.
i mwaro
et n
reiiov.'il ed ,
r1 IO.
e now
ran lie 1'oiunl
incite tlie pdhlie to call and
I 1 1 1 lit'
cheaper i'or cash than
people that propose
Mum i;.n
.it V"'l I
I I.A.N.
d to fuinUli a e.;tt
:ii; o::
AI....M1..N 1
lie bounty ou sugar.
1 :