Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 19, 1891, Image 6

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    ' .1. V JL
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5 ?
! A.
nwna Why
nei ermine. I lt -i,. l.i, , ,
What kind of XV
Hide, lin f.,ru l VtV"V"
So, put t in: on a sol' . .X"-
j le laiKi-ii or inuri r
Aim! from the wuy hcYy .' ' Jft
She h.-emeil to l:l;e 'jC f
Th'-n, i! h n. mil -i-ila!. v-"" :
He i liiitii:'"! I i !-! .. 1 . mi I i:tti.iii:
In t-in i I ! i: :id i- :i :- 1 1 i ei
I IM.Iilc IjM j - jl ! ' III.
I ! t;! !icl of I lii ,. il . i o-:i-i d o'i I Ii.iV,
Of I ;i li s! me it ir.i I .' r:.nn,:
A nd I rii i I Ik? wii v lie jr. .i- ' -I. : l,.-y f
Sin- ? .-.'.-Ii'-d ri lil.r I j." - , j-. : i , I : T
Tli I" i ! r--'.-. ..- i ! ),.. , . 1 1 1 , i
, r -.I riir?, r:i 1 1 ! i 'it :i '. i- ;
II.- . ri i. -i i... I,..: i i . -, , i
A in I iv . . I he'd i u v c r 1 . 1 1 i !i r
Ho I . I '. i 'I of r ! : r in I en: n ;.n -, Inir,
'I I ! ' ' ' ' I" i i s of lie o. :t ; i.
A ml I ror n lli" v. :i Im- ; - it. I 'i. v t .iy.
Sin- m-omh'iI lo hi;.- t in- no! urn!
Then t'lioid, mz '.!'! in l,K mm. I,
ll. -:-i-.!.-,l lii.-, ii; -,'.ii:.-.
"'1 i nit on 1 1. . r. ; .-in-.- .-I I o lind.
-vl l:i;i'V i-iiic'i uriri-.-s."
"' 1 1 -"'."' 1 . . -1 - i d , v. j 1 1 1 ro'.ru i li mii '.
"N ii , if it I n-'-. v. Iiv m - t ii ;i'i '.'
I do not ' tcnrl. yun v i-;ir
So I -! r; it . on 'n oj'1 ?"
F'n il. i ii- i:. 'i ;t' ?i.-rl- in T i:ii!o Huf.
'fifhen, before the altar, the jiriest
af-):e.l In-r, "Are you content?" it wa-4
urith all her Foul (b iiiui.i ial rerponll,
Oh, yes; she was ronient inTevi.
Throui;li tho eloml of costh- laco whioh
enwrapjieil her in its snowy transparence
elie naw the vast church all dotted wf.h
lights, resplendent in the dark ;re;mi :f
mosaics ujion golden barkvoiinds, ani
Tiiated by the slight niovement of 1 he
very elegant crowd t.hat filled it, lighted
ly oblique rays de.-vendlirf from ttio
nave, all a e;litt'r l tCohl, silks and brill
iants, and it was her own future that
Ki Keenied to ee thus the years of
luxury and wealth which her rich mar
riage was preyarin; for her. And had
it not been the dream for which sne
inched? 8he, the ideal blonde, of 18
years, with the tall and proud figure;
the pure, disdainful profile under heavy
curls like those of an archangel, with
haughty eyes sparkling like blue gems
Tinder the golden fringes of her long eye
lashes. She had been for a long time a poor
girl, the daughter of citizens who had
seen better days, that marvelous human
lily. She had experienced all the petty
troubles, all the cruel daily sufferings of
misery that conceals itself. The poor
and inelegant gowns, painfully remod
eled ev-ry year; the insolence of credit
ors; humiliations; continual and tor
menting thoughts of money she had
experienced tliem all, and in her little
heart, eauer for pleasure and enjoy
ment, swollen with unsatisfied longings,
a dream was arisen little by little, oc
cupying all the room, rendering her in
sensible to all the rest the dream of at
last becoTiiing rich.
She wanted it, ab.-i.lutely; she was
born fur it; she v.m rich now. That
''yes," which she had just pronounced,
had, by its three in ign: letters, changed
her destiny; and she was so content, so
happy, that, it appeared to her ir was all
a dream, that h: r .Mechlin veil was a
cloud that tr.i ;i -' i' ' i- d her into the
realms of the in:pi .- -i i:.-, acro.-s a sidereal
heaven, of which the di-ininiid pins
thru: r among her laces formed the nam
ing star-: and, in order to return to
reality, she m;:-! cast her eyes toward j
be'.' liu-baiio. Lingo Marchis. kneeling ; t
be-ide her in the myotic, velvety shadi
of the altar, lit by the tremulous bright
ness of the candles.
All, the
him, poor
IK 'till!
la v:
ideal about
he straight
ened his correct person of an elegant
man. with hi- aei-ur,".t"ly shaven face,
with slender brown mustache, and a
stiil f re.-'i ci 'lo!' that gave him something
.n;l"okof an actor; tie remained none
the less old. with bis powerful shoulders
a little bent, with his eyelids grown
heavy, and crow's i'c.-t toward his tem
ples, with th" gray locks that appeared
here and th"re among hi.; brown hair,
with his f..rt-seven years, of which tho
weariness was im r" iiispicunus beside
that radiant and blonde spring.
porty-sev-n y.-ars! Mow was it possi
ble? lb- f. lt his heart so palpitating,
full of tears as in youth! And he could
ni .t ( iniprekend i: e.v so much tim had
passed; he could Tot persuade himself of
the incredible fact forty-seven years
passed without knowing Gemma.
I i r they had been acquainted with
each other only two months. Marchis,
however much he had irequented society,
drawn then- by his banking connections,
had never let himself be talked to of
marriage-. What! .V wife, children,
troubles, cares, disappointments! Not
even by idea!
And at 47 years one evening, present
from motives of curiosity at a ball to
which the employes of his bank had in
vited him. he must needs lie smitten by
the exquisite, vaporous grace of that
blonde girl, dressed simply in white, en
tering on the arm of a funny little man
.it:; a !.' y and a big. silvery
beard h- r !' i;!; r. a modest clerk in the
bank: a rather ri li-ulous little old man,
who, In-side that divine apparition, slen
der in her ro'oes of snow, made one think
of the gnomes of folk tales, always
crouching at the feet of fairies.
Ah, weakness of hearts growing old!
That apparition was enough to shake all
the ideas of Luigo Marchis concerning
matrimony, and as the old gnome, de
spite his absolute nullity, was an honest
citizen, incapable of resisting the assidu
ities of the director to Lis pretty daugh
ter, the suitor had been greatly pleased
with the consent of that little maiden of
18, that beautiful creature, that blonde
being, to become his wife. Now he
trembled with joy. Jlis eyes were misty
with vivid emotion not perceiving that
that, Uo, was a f-ign of old age and it
was a voice choked with joy that to the
question of the priest, "Are you con
tent?" n plied, "Oh, yes!"
Now it. is done. United, f' trover united.
Having arisen to th ir feet, she with an
elegant and light impulse, like a lily
wind lifted on it stem, he with a littlo
Sir Cupid uik of co"H
""iff Tuul (lifEcully. wean-J by :;no
' -aMljcv i'tt ilnv.'ii from :ilf:r arm
H-;i'rjM. N'cnv thov Tass thnnr'ii flip
..liurcli aiin.l th; mr.riur.rjt of -(:j;rili-
iiit-iits vliic:!i uris; ainiil tii hhii'low.s of
the auiou tin.' dull bcrrijiin:; of
foct ami the rustle of 7)vi!s; the:-." on (!:
: j -i i.-.t v Ii-. a:i:iiii; tl0 v. :j::o ff;!:i. is a
' living wave of run ar?l s ir v.hi. 'i i-oir. s
t meet tliem. liu-c a r :!! t ) ri?:.l hf-
oi;:..iii.. .,r t:i(. i-r- iV-. .;:.i .r the
j cliuri-'i. t!ie cn-al.iti of the liin- of car-
r.-ro-s ::: :.-Iv.-!r::-!-.l. til
. i it'- : ! ' ; . vi i'l 1 ir- i'
i" i'l" j.!-. a-;i.- ; :::rl ':m
! iv il.-.-eert!
t :.i:i of ; !i
i ; r. r .i il,
'I ;::.'. li ;.,.
M-y ;r
; ;v : : .
i !."ii ! ii" ;ii
I'"!- til" !i!-:-t
! '.. I .. i ; i-iu
! :;'( ; ilc ti : rl : ; :
I i.n i l t i: :
'li -'l 1 : i
I -
-. ! I 1 1 It .-,
oi.-.-i-." !.l
id' iel.i.ii
I '.ir.:. -.. !-
. 1 1 - ;
; . i :
I 1 .
;..:'i t':.- b ,; i ;.. ,.;
ii 1; . .i-':!'- .1 1 Hue
;: '.ly: .ni l it i ; 1'e-n
i i" eii::!-!.l of I ii ,L
1 I on 1 a: nil its
1 lie ;-;. -:i h ir
i-. 1 rly h. i leroum
! . !' ;' .p'l i :ll CIO'I '.
tin r e 1 l It-- eyes, t !l
in nds iv. r her to 1:
"I ii-: ,r in", dear in'-."
And to see the tranquility with which
those (ineiv cut, rose colored litis return
the kisses through the veil, the question
arises whet her it is the bridegroom .hat
'Me insse., :.r t lie echini lace, at live hun
dred the meter.
Ah! there were adorers around that
beautiful Signora Marchis, so lovelv and
so young, married to an oil man! It
was expected that this fortress would be
an easy one to conquer. Precisely on
her wedding day Vico Molise, the most
elegant and skeptic il of tho journalists
of Upper Italy, had propounded to his
fri.-nd.s this theorem:
(Jiven a beautiful girl, very poor;
g'v a that she marries a rich old man;
divide the number of his years by thai '
of the hundreds of thousands of lire of
which she lecoines mistress, and you
will have tho number of months neces
sary for her to take a lover."
And as soon as ho could he began.
with many others, to attempt the demon-
stration of that theorem. .
Well, this time tho impeccable pyscho
Iogieal diagnosis of "Vico Molise had been
found to fail. Not only, after some
months, the beautiful Signora Marchis
had no lover, but it appeared also that
she never was to have one.
A) ways dressed with an adorable ele
gance, with a luxury full of good taste,
the beautiful Gemma loved to amuse
herself, moving freely in that society
new for her, rinding herself in her right
place as a marvelous plant in a vase of
valuable porcelain, developing itself in
all its splendor. She went to dances, to
the theatre, enjoying the plebiscite of
admiration provided by her beauty, co
quetting a little with her adorers, flut
tering about the fire in order to make
tliem sparkle, her wings of a golden but
ter'ly, but never letting herself be
bin tied.
la the very moment of a declaration,
in the midst of one of those walr;:es
whose Doles seem III '. 1" OT1 purp is-.i to
s'i!'" exr::;'ing virtu" :! t!i"'f s ro ?:ti:i"
soi-'als. she cat. short h- r ad-ovr bv turn-
lie hea-laud :-.i -"til g Set'- in
"I 1 iii'i see my hus'iaiid. Look a i
:!e wh"re my husband is. if you will
i i: ;
! i,
.. id it was known that In r gr.-at -st
1 :,Jit was t.. r.'ia'..' precis, -Iv to h'-r i
hu band ih" d'-elarati. :..; which she had
r r ived Wih-ti she cam" ! ::! v.-; ; ' i
him from a b-t'l. all wrapped i; the
i v.'i .ti- sis; ! to, bs h"r sorri" c.u mi,
I wi h lit-r pure t ;ir. ' it. u -r-aowv s'o;t! 1
blossom- .1 still m fair from 1;. r
sw . an-.1. ,v.-u boa: when in the . veiling
t.-te m t him in the dining room, still in
vi- ling costume, with h-r slim waist
tig'tly compressed by an exquisitely el-e-;
gown, with her face amuine-d by
tli slight o?:":.r"mo-:it whi--'i elegant con-
;at! :j a ! ways pr.-np.v's m a young
nan. she amuited iierself immensely
: "e! es-i.:g tii her lir.-dian-l n of
; j-rov- 'I:ing and rogi-ii piirases:
Yo". h-no'.v. I was -u ,v
!: " w is there, you 1:
. .;!'-. I ::' 1 a.l way-; in
1 - -,ir. A"-1
mch ln-rubri-
ili. he that has
it".-. II" has v
n i
is 1 r
1:::: :! I r iav sa
wit inn a m.
v.-.' -i.ail s. e. Ah! Ah!"
A i i'l i! t ing opposi!- -1 o him. in a ru-! le
of s ttiu and j- t. making sVr-e lik f.v
stars th" brilliants large as ha-:--hiuis.
which ad .rn-'d her small ear-, s' c:i
tite'.'d to lau rh. with her el-;-tii- lau .rh-t-r,
full of mi--chief and full of tender
ness. Ah. indeed, old Marchis could call
him.s' If a fortunate man!
portimate? Y"s. he ought to have
cor. i i. : d hi-es tf s. When he s.-t
him. -elf to reason about it, to describe
mentally his conjugal situation, he had
to conclu 1" that he would have done
wr-Tig t o complain of his destiny. And
What of the terribly unexpected had
he now discovered in the depths of tho
pure sapphire of Gemma's eyes? Was
there arisen in his soul the doubt that
that faithfulness against every trial,
that coldness toward her admirers, was
nothing but the wish to preserve intact
2 position acquire' I with difficulty, and
that precisely to that position was di
rected all the tenderness shown toward
himself! 1 do not know, but the vivid
and impetuous joy of the wedding was
no longer in him, although his love re
mained the same, and a painful doubt
thrilled in his voice when he replied to
the playful confidence of Gemma, for
cing himself to laugh, too.
'Take care, now, take care the ven
geance of the tyrant hangs over you" -
Ah, the poor tyrant, how he loved her!
How she had known how to bind him
with her little hands, white and per
fumed as two lilies! For nothing in the
world would he have discovered the
truth, changed into certainty his fo
menting doubt; so she had only to ask in
order to obtain; for now for him that
love of wnich he doubted had become his
life, and he felt a painful stricture at his
heart, at the mere thought, that a day
might come when he would be obliged
to refuse her something. Yet that day
cam..-. Suddenly, by one of those ins
terious complications of business, his
bank, which until then had tone from
t j ii .o-iip i, nij.i -rv.
I Hiim -ji:-a. ''.i ; r.iim w.ii
ni(a :rear i niiire. o r-
i.'il i::i.i'.e, M-cr; l -ri -i-s : li .1 i,i
' liorno without a mv-I. a l.i i: it.
penalty of ile:;th; fi;, lecv
, Ly liy f..M-- of sin .Ii J '..t ; : ;.
hi.Men -a it: ; il i t ' .i I '. i
((1.1'iomv in l.i" f.ti:::!- o ::
Kiry. '1'lie In.xMty i f ('. : : . i
iiio:ii'-nts lit-caiae ;i 1 '. :
l .e
li.- 1
! ,
' -1 r i : I." o:; t
li. r, i.i tu (" -i '.: !
.'1 ci ii: t : mi; 1 l.i.
Mi'iM e.;;ii" lii" 1 I . u. ....
no lie .re.
It wa.-. on the ore : , i
to which ,-:;i- v.;;-, t i :
f I'l lltl 1 ' : I ' : ,'t 1 '
eaui" h -r tu j r
sat i.-li-.l. Smiie il i
CUM' l,f t he 1:1" .. t
: tli ci'y, a 'ii.i h-iii
;'! I h" f :ei:iine i , .
j", of ailti'il"- ;-l i'K'. .
i .' a .- t.M'i y iali" r, wis -.
H"-l T M - I ( I:-" 'ri " if f '.Oil -. '
! :1 :..
Ml 1 I
..-i-ii" I
al :i.ot
. more
u gel in
t i h tv"- it. and iii'i'-"- 1 ir w.iai )
u!t to liml a face a.l . l 1 t t
' religious ivthlicvi of tiial j"..
! ,'"'m n,'r h'"'wy profile of a.i
Ten thousand francs was t ' t rice of
hat jewel, and .Marchis oi l .t have
them. Mute, immovable, Ir.s i :rt op
pressed, he listened to t leinm-:"-; words
.".s sle-described it to I : i. I;.nv could
he tell her, how could he evea tell her
riiat he had not t h- It',(." . ) f' '. It was
Terrible. To another v.i;..:n . iio should
have had that caprice one r
j ropos'-d to have her own di
.' :: have
a iiids re-
,-i-t after t hat. m-
or P'-r.i.- even to
l:ave an imitation diah-m i;:.v', Xo
one wi.ul 1 have suspected i.. Cut he
f--It that the dan
r lay in conf- ssing his
j powerlessness. Yet it. mast be done.
-nu ne mane an eitort. at courage-.
Gemma bad seated herself b" ide him,
throwing back and bending a little to
line side her blonde head with that irre-
J sistible feminine movement which dis
plays the white thrnat. the pure line
descending from the slender neck to the
full bloomed bust down to the round
and flexible waist.
"I would like to have it; it eeeins to
me that I should look well. Don't you
think so? I have a great wish to be
beautiful. If you knew why?"
She laughed now deliciously, with the
air of her roguish hours. lie was silent
for a moment; then fixing a vague look
upon the delicate designs of the oriental
carpet, paling as if from an inward
wound, he murmured:
"The fact is that I do not know I do
rot really know whether whether I
bi:a!l be able to b iv it lor you'
S!i" ha 1 (.trWy her head, much
!::u priced, mic'isy. Jinking at him. Such
a thing had never k.ippetioil to her.
Marchis wiped his forehead and re-
1 I 1:1-'. i r. -eonrse.
he i'.iet is you s in a ha-.!: !:':"
t!!--te ;re moments that t'dti
.-ls !-. .'!;ie(: . e:"0!, ,- 1 :.
o1 1
1 .
; :' 1.
1 : ' i
i, 1 a
o i;
1 and lifr-l 1,
ev.-; t:
l' - - !:
Vv to
, 1 ,
in - ;
;i Ul:!. ill 1
V" ; li'-t
hui! br.
.( 'J i :
d ' :
r '
r f
tin : t 1
in he"
' is -;.
si I
- .1 '
. " ' W
t 1
d in her bhi
' ,ol to b tv me a
" ! ,1;
'U d
"... 1...
1 lii'
had s,, ; I j:. . r
he- . ia h-. 1 hi "i'l
ba. - -n--:0 '.. :t
to ' .'') 'hi :
me.-.nv hile evorv
bl .v.- to ;t-t
i' a
. ";
I "' i
i;i ..
ahvadv ui 1ho ball,
arm. with : : t-p
Ii-'. nio to t li" in-:.
Vico M. i: -e and hi
meaui ime in her h
'. i aria l -
T":- am:-' I:
!tm - :s ,,;
1 Keeping
l-aveli of
.f his re
nin, as he
befef" i'l
; : -t is c - ".
k-'u'l. ;
art th:
r.'ineor arainst him h.-eaiu
fu al: and h" saw himself
iiad sec ii himself a little wh
the mirror
so fresli.
weary, wc-rn. t"--m" j i. r
yoTing, with eyes sp.arlzling
from the cruel scorn of mn
who has
made an unequal bargain.
Suddenly he rose, like one who hast
taken i decision, passed his hand across
his brow, and without lvplyiag went
away to go out o-' the liouse. S-he 1 '--li'-ved
that she had co?:qnered. an 1 let
him go without moving hers'df, only
with a tla -h of cunning in tier eyes, but
when 1:" was on the stairs the door
opened, a bbmdo ilea l .appeared between
the folding doors:
"We are agreed, then?''
He did not reply, and she heard his
step down the stairway, slow, heavy,
The evening of the ball Marchis
knocked at the door of his wife's dress
ing room.
"Come in," and he entered.
In the little dressing room so illumined
as to seem on fire, with th air filled
with fragrance from tho li:t! i?i -top-pored
bottle of perfume, all y -aniing
white with the disorder of f miuin" ap
parel scattered about, Gemma stood
ere"t before the mirror, be w - n two
kneeling maids, ready dr.-s e 1 f -r the
bail. She was trriy r.a It-.;:'. i:i ii : eo-vn
of white satin with alm-'-ei -mis.
with fresh sprays of 1
arund th" neck of lii" " . a; to"
waist, am .t:g tho waving fo. is ,.f ih"
train, issuing from tha.r covering of deli
cate, pale, dawn tint"-1 !l ,.- h". too,
was fresh a. thej, with n .-r -'.ly ro-y
ioxnplexion, as if she were one of tho.-"
Jowera become. a person. But uuder her
r::i ij;
la.hes gleamed ancro tho flasli of coM
n;l ran.-or
Jl'-r hushiinl not in veil her tho
lint b".nri'i liita enter, 8he turrtel,
an. K' cin that h h"l 1 a ' i-lc.-t iii his
h.'iml.-i i-h" couiiirelieu everything.
W'ii h a 1 i:in 1 :-.') w-i li" i 1" hi i.-i. h-r
:i'i I :
1 .-.!
: i 1 i i i -
. 1 V.l'l
1 1 ,v
1 vi; v
1 --: t
.i, ii-
II ..V .'1
II tre:n
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:! 1 v.-i: il
I 1 i 11 I I .
; ."i". 1 1". i"
.:i j.
..f : r
...T i: 1
1 i i : : 1 1 i
: h -f t- t '
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a flam -.
Sa.- it-
w II 1 1 ! -
:d be
.11 and
I of
1 i ' I : :
i j--i ;
:n aad
: f joy. looi; I
-:, ).,- 1: I ..
: .: -d his f..P- !
I t c :-". icy , :
j ! -.::i::..t at h'n '.
: 'i.- , -.1 I,
- m! I
. i 1.
-, . . i
i i i
! -at i" !',,-, lii i a h'T
i '
l.:b S' i Weil suit
Com", sir, c
And wlrl" 1
1 tot liar mystical j"Wel.
ov:i me!'
sought to unite with
t'-emb!iag hands til
asp of t he gem
among those marvelous blonde curls,
v.'aving and bri-alrin into ripples of
;vldat ev.-ry movcni'-nt, she. still wi; h
her in iit head, lifted, her smiling eyes to
ine--t les look. And la: answered with a
resigned gen! l.-n-ss io the smile of those
perilous bl re i "; he, the poor man
who d ci-iv.- l f a'!!i" sak" of desire to
be dec.-ive.l, and who bought for himself
a little mock love with mock diamonds.
Translated for "Short Stories" from
the Italian of Havdee by E. Cavazza.
Hon;; pi rt c TtiriiH f'.-ili-.
A f'.-w nights before the isth I5rum;iire
a little scene was enacted at my house
which would be void of interest but
for the circumstances.
Gen. Bonaparte, th"it lodging at Rue
Chantereine. had come to have a talk
with vie about the preparations for the
eventful day. 1 was then living in line
Taitbout, in a house which has since be
come No. 21, 1 believe. It stood at the
back of a courtyard, and running from
the first flixir there were galleries which
led to wings looking on the street. My
drawing room was lighted with several
candles. It was 1 o'clock in the morn
ing, and we were in the middle of a very
animated conversation when we heard a
great noise ia the street. To the rum
bling of carriages was added tho gallop
ing f an escort of cavalry.
Suddenly tho carriages stopped right
before the door of my house. The general-turned
pale, and I quite believe I
did the same. The idea struck us both
at tho rami' time that they were coming
to arrest us by order of the directory. I
I-h the canui. s and crept stealthily
along the gallery to one of the outside
wings, from which I could see what was
going i'i the stre---t. Por so'".- nine 1
wai at a. loss to inai-:e anvthi.ig out of
tho tumult, but at la t I discovered the
.'. tl.'-i p.-ch. tie- Paris streets L i;;g
v-. ry n::: af'e at night, when t he gambling
hous'-s closed at tu.- Palais Royal all the
mi :. thai, had b.-en used for tie- bank
i '
-.' ,- 1 - '
d i.
i c:i I
!'l the
.. i :. :!.- 1 ,
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ii was wlti-ii we
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.'T'el'-e IO- a-U'-e:; i:
...ig. -v.-;ie-.i-,ers
1 1 i.-i cabs esc il'
:p-.-tise. To his h.
.y. or t her. !
e cabs had i .'-i
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Lo,.,. accepted
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;. r p,-"!'' -s. T
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l -'SCS. U'Is.iin iL
I'lc.-i r-r liv;o-iisv.
it atrabilarlons H.:tn'i--t.
b: his
!., v iii
. r to
clioh-ric interview with mo
the cabinet, imp-.i-lenily ad- i: ed
A'is'.iiiit- a iri::c il' j wi li.ive it not.
he ringly down a g.-r
! con-
dii'-t rule of high value to in dividuals
and the comnnmity.
Siimilf-itioii of virtue, though far in
ferior to the real article, is stil1 the next
best thing to it, just as whitewash,
though much inferior to marble, is yet
greatly superior to dirty nakedness.
John McElrov in Popular Science
!' a ide fare, which includes plenty of
carbon in th" form of white bread and
p' t :t -s. is an id'-ally W!iol"so:a.-il:-t for
summer: especially in warm weather is
carbon r. quired in food. b caue by
some chemical transformation it affords
ti. : i m:o.ri..l for water, at least
in quantity suiiieient to control feverish
c iudi;:-and exo ssive thirst.
The Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the
h.-ir to the throne of Austria, is a tall
and vi ry distinguished looking man. He
Las. la-' :i very carefully educate.":, h.ts
considerable talent for art and muiic
and is a tine fcuMier.
Are abundant; tint the ono best known for
Us extraordinary anixlyiie and rxM'ctorant
qualities lit Ayi-r's Clicrry I'ertornl. For
nearly half ii century this irrjaratlon ui
lieiMi lu greater demand llian any oUier reni
edy fur cel ls, c.hik'Iis, t'l um liitis, and I'lil
UKinary on j l.iit it h hi "i-m-ial.
"I siiir.-r.-d fur mm.- llian eij;lit moiitlis
from a severe cough uccnmjiaiiied Willi hem-irili.a-'-
of the luiii and l lie ex jieetoralion
of in.iU-T. 1 he phjsicaans giive lue up, Lilt
my druggist liievailed on me to try
Cherry Pectoral.
I did so, and soon began to improve ; my
lim-s h'-.iled, the cough censed, and I be
came st outer and healthier than I have ever
been In-fore. I would siiguesl lliat the name
of Ayr's Cherry Pectoral he elmiig.-d to
Klixir of Life, for it certainly saved my life."
I-'. .1. Oliden, S.alto, r.iienos Ayrcs.
"A few years ago I took a very had cold
which settled on my lungs. I had night
sweats. :i raekin- cough, and great soreness.
My doctor's medicine .Ud me no good. I
tried many remedies, but received no bene
fit; every! ody despaired of my recovery. I
was advised to use Ayer's Cliei ry i'ectoral,
and, as a last resort, did so. From the first
dose I obt ined relief, and, after using two
bottles of it, was completely restored to
health." V. Adams, New (Jrctna, N. J.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Dr. J. C. A'TTER & CO., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by al! Drugging. Pric $1 ; nix bottle, $5
A .strictly first da machine, fullv warraiit
ed. Made iroin the very liest material b
-killed workmen, anil with the best tools t.'iat
Hve ever tieen devised for the purpose. War
ranted to do all that can tie reasonably ex
ueeted of the very best typewriter extant.
I' lp itde of writing words ?er minute ri
more according to the ability of the operato.
5-. l7f..?S51:lt!
"WU.ll ill'11 .
IMS ICE 8100.
ii'her" is no agent in your town address the
i lMlt:i''tlir -H.
I'tIK !'K!H M'l '(. cn.
anted I'.iiish ,. V.
F. 15.
;i-;i:ij;.ii::h, a gem.
I .incol, i, Neb
r u r-
iJb i'
and .,.;.
o i di d ell I HI r'
V... -sV-.r: 0v Kwnt L. 1 s
M:illvi Snir Gb
( hi. Mgo, Hi. i
l'i M.-nr.
. -1
U'- sti rn Agent.
1 M ?
The Bi'a St. ".erchantTatlei
Keeps t Ir nil Line of
i'our l!trre! l)v .living Hid a 0;.ii
''itiV "i'l:
uos.i):ani i,okcki.ainci:ovns
Urulge wnrkjaml fine roKl work a
I)H. ST FINAL'S LOCAL as well as other ;an
esttiet iesj;iven for the paiu'.ev extraction o'.
C. A. MARSHALL, - Fit-erald
I V" T f 1 " I H l" Cur fr Inpettne: Lota
V n ilk I jiM of Manhocd, Seminal
'v,W-.';Mv' Emissions. Spermatorrhea,
C ',11 ad I N I H fli ' t'UUM.'"..' vcy .a,'H.
6 Oi X G F ' 1 LOSS Of Mimoru, &e, Wlil
-" i.-!54 Zjw5 make you a STRONG. Vigor-
'llfrg'jVil ous Kan. Prict 91.00. 0
H3-- Ar-5- "U with ear Bni. A Jar f AM
S3',0 Luc9 Ave. 1
tT. luuis. wa '
- -
H l I UM.MIi,
.iiysica isiil Mim-
-lice No. ;i'J. Main t.
1 CephoUO SU
K,.,,!-t lelephone I r. 1 ivlngi-tau. :.,
I,, -Ml, ,,c Icl -pln ne Pr.:u.iiml.r.J.V
.inki:i; .iii.i - I'ltVKVin;
i v i :.
,:UeS and pU.s of .ill W.'IK ll.r...H.l H.ld
Jt-couis kekl.
Oti'u e ia Martin IJlock.
County Surveyor
Kll orders left with County Clerk will
tjceive prompt attention. J-
Wh. L. I3KOWN.
Pernonal attention to all bui-lnesK antructed
TitJes examined, Abstractc oomplied, Innur
,nce written, reiil estiUe cold.
Hetter facilities for making harm lOans than
ittorney at-Law. Will glvi prompt attention
a all bUHinefS entruHted to liiui. Ofllce la
Onion block, Kant Side,. I'lattemoiitti. Neb.
Notary l"ublic
Notary Fubllo
Offlce over Bank of Cas County.
Plattinnouth - Nebrasha
Bankof Ca-ssCoimtr
Cor Main and Fifth street.
ra.lT up capital..
25 U00
'. II. 1'iirnele
.Tred lorder
I. M. riittersou
r. 1!. l'attcrsou.
Vice I'residant
Atst Cafhier
H. Pannele, .1. M I'litterson, Fred Oorder.
A, 1'. Siiuth, It. 15. Windhiiin, 15. S. KaniHey and
i . .V. I'a! tersoii
'Jt Lilt Lianll iJXi.Ux.i.llL. LUol
Accounts solii-ited. l.v.evesl ill lowed on
le.i.sit- and pronii.t m t. i:t ioiiki veil to a.11 ! '' '
ness enliai-ii.-il lo ii-. W
Tlio Oitizene
ayititl stock paid in S5 ' 1 C
,V-itfnorizoci Capital, SiOO.COO,
-'KANK CAtltrtJ 1 .'I. JUS. A. l'ONK(:(,
Pre .i ieiit. Vic-IT.-. 1 iei.t
w. it. (;uMti:;o. r-.-hWi
-- - III UK! .T 1'.S
'TAiilL );i.riui) ,f. A. ('( :;iior, Y. Ic. Out Si eiu
!. V. .f.ih'.Hi.n. Hei.r;. !'f cl...lal.ii O'j: -fp
W. I). .M i : i;.ril, Vi'!.-,. V. -teliCM.i.p, W.
II. t'-.ishlii".
-sues ecu ; ex ,,f d.-jio-its tii-iirin iiitereft
lius and sell- exchrtiure, county and
city sureties.
First National
ui eupitiil
S'lrp'ti" 10.W0.09
)!ers the very best facilities for the promp
transaction of liitirnate
Banking Business :
Stock, bonds, irold, Kovirnment and local '
juritiep bouj;tit iind sold. Deposits recei
4iid lnlerest. allowed on ttie certific'
Drafts drawn, available in anv part of''
United State- ana all JKe principal tGitrT'
noLLKcno.vs madk ami tkomptlv rkmit-
Btuhest marker prlc p;,H for rnunty War
rants, State hum County bonds
John Fitzgarald n. Hawkuworth
Sam Waugli. f. E. White
OeorRe E. Dovey
lohu FltzrrfJJ, s. Wauirh
Prefident CaM--
217, 219, 221 and 220 Main St.,
'lattsmouth, - Nebraska.
H. M. EONS, Proprietor,
! Ihe Perkins has been tkoroujhly
renoyated from top te 'oitcn and :a
; now one of the best hotels in th state
' Boarders will be taker by the week at
9 l.'JU dUVl uj.
Mind w&ndntnff rn-rrA TVmlr tn.
f.i 'il ' en re1'n(r. Taitimfmials from ll
f. 3 '9 P,, ' ne Kiorio. rroerctaa pmt
V ITZt T.S- "u "n rT-iloaliun to Prof.
1 ..-.
- - ' -"' ---'" f