Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 19, 1891, Image 5

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j -f
St Pntflok's Dny
' 3 fond ii Daily.
To-morrow is St. Patricks Day.
A day that in alway.H celebrated by
the Bonn of the reeii isle. Tin An
cient Order of 1 liberniaiiH of thin
city will join the delegations from
ill over the Htate at Lincoln to-mor-
row, and celebrate St. Patrick'H na-
' sl Iii ti itiiwr 1 id i H i 1 1 f its
- u . . y , .......... - ri - - ,
imtuirt:i!ii'i Tin- H. & M. hand will
1 ...
g-o up with the boy and discourse
their best music. Arrangement ;
have been made with the 11. A M. to '
bringf the PlattHinouth people home j
ifrnm f.,,?i1i:i wlliTl' tlll-V Will lC I
. m v. . . ........ ....... ..... ...
i. w . -14- i i
brought by a Hpecial tram which
will not leave Lincoln until after 10
o'clock to-morrow evening. Thin
arrangement of trains will permit
Plattsmouth people to put in a full
dayit Lincoln and return the satin-
daywifter the clone of all the exer
ciser. Mike Whelan will be in
cliar- ,f tin- ( ';ikh i-oiint v deleira-
-.- i
tions in the parale. Hesiiles tin- A.
O. II. many citi.ens will go up and
take part in the festivities.
The following .stations will be
.closed on the datcH given:
V!tamford on Western Division,
D-atch 11, ISM.
Tru-r on Western Division, March
11, 1HM.
Funk on Western Division. March
12. ISM.
Kanona on Western Division,
March Li, ISM.
Derby on Western Division, March
13. ISM.
Denver Union Stock Yards on
Western Divison, March 13, ISM.
Keno on Northern Division, March
13, 1801.
Siding No. linn Northern Division.
March 13, ISM.
G. V. IIolinei;e,
General Manager.
We Musi Submit!
"It in useless to strive against fate
" any longer. We have faced the ene
my and have been vanquished.
Our doom is sealed and we might
as well succumb to the inevitable
as to further hope for justice at the
hands of men who care not for hon
or nor integrity. From all indica
tions the county seat of Cass count
will remain in Plattsmouth for all
time to cotne. No power emanating
from the throne of justice will ever
give the people of Cass county their
just reward so long as that class
manipulate the wires behind the
throne. We might as well attempt
( ; to dam up the rushing waters of the
Missouri river as to hope for jus-
tice from such a source.
An injunction was served on the
commissioners to prevent them
' h'strovm g- the M cuiin h:i-
j fhn,. court ;,s!ird Unit 1H).(M be
'H S?'s :l ',onl' guarantee cosls
T.M'.P1Se the plaintilf lost the case.
A. G'the courts are submissive to
-allsmouth's wiil it was useless to
.,' 'roceed farther, so the injunction
as withdrawn by order of the court.
1 j
is ends it. We can hope for jus
tice no more in this matter. The
new court house will be built in
Plattsmouth and there is no pre
ventative. There is one consolation,
however, in the fact that the coun
ty's books and private papers will
be safely kept from the appending
danger that they are subjected to in
the old rookery that has served for
a court house so long. Yes, there
is another bit of consolation, too,
and that is the hopes of getting a
whack at the present county com
missioners in another political as
piration for office. Remember them
voters." Kim wood Kcho.
The $100,000 bond that was de
manded, is only in the imagination
of Brother Mayfield, as the case had
not got to a point where a bond for
anything was required by tin
court. Howard Zink.
Howard Zink resided and taught
1 I f.. ......... ,-..-; in illi I'l illll.
.iscnooi joi iikiiij ..n.T . ...... ........ ,
' Vv he studied law atul was admitted
the bar in this city. He removed
A'eligh and did well until he be-
to drink to excess, and since
time onlv misfortune has at-
ieil.h-m. He moved to Lincoln
about a year ago. ami 1 he fol low i Mg
from the Lincoln Call, gives an ac
count of hi hit. -t di!'!ici:Ity:
-If U .. :. ll ! 1 1 reee:i 1 I
torney having an oiVice in the j;,.,-,-n-.-i-
a ri-es ci 1 'his in. ,rn it:g bv
dt "ill v -h.-riil at the it--. a n c t
to drink to excess. anl since Tbe was bere last nigfbt
t TJ ' I. ... -. , ;iumoih v.n- loimeux '1J wearing the customarv regalia. o,I .... - t ....... . , .
1 1 in i hi - in t s ioi i li i e nas iii- , . , . r i .. .. . . : ' i I " ' ' . ;n:- l l
t if : -.ii-iL i::n. i ic moved io i.uii m ii r . . i o: ........... i ,. . . . .... I ' 1 ' ' .
1 " II '' M Ml.-' -llllll l llliwiti ii, , ....,.,..-.l,.,.-..,,.,T!..... .1, I ... . . . ., I. , .... 1 '
I fro.,, tbe I... icolt: ( all. g.vcs nil ac- t.un.( 1() ru( ;in ircll lnlWi.v!) th,. . ' , i , v , 1 : ! o. ,. I ' ' N ' '
rnttni of bis hitct difiicf.lty: o-,-,l-. " ;"! :! ;!! h" ,r: ,a ' 1 vr '" ',l:" - ! v i .-; ...... i Dl!.
I-' --- . - 1 1 1 I I l V ' I l I t t ( - li lt-i('l Ik. iit- V.i- -. - . . I I T . " I I 1
.. . 1 . . -.. . - i .... i i. . - ' i . ........... nun j 1,1.
v - . I'loi i r- ci ;i 1 1 1 i u. e It i' . o ; . : 1 ie o, I ic -. I . . . . . ., , . !...!! ...i .. . i 1 r..- I
(1 or i icy bavi p. a n of"; ice in 1 1 1 birr ( u 1 1 It r.-ta nd, will be ni.aetl, ;m 1 '' !" ;: ' " "V ' ' ' : ' '. I' .' : " 'r 'j - '. :.,:V:l a a;-
block, was arresie.l Miis Mmrn , n-by ! ; S((iM ..... lhl. ,.,..;- can j '-' vv 1 " "I"- '' t''-' .V " " ' J ' 'J" j " ' ' .- :.: :: : EOiLiNC WATER CR MILK
a dt puly sb.-riil at tbe i e -1 ;i t; c of j ( ciivcix will . !'.. mi t . b.- v;-c.i ted b:. Ibe j..ot ..1. v. ! , . ; ' o l,r v- y ' t . v; , : ! - , p, f
111 wbo arrived in the citv l.-t ing". .U'r n. No o:- -Wic-o-.-l e -or.-, e,n. ; . :,s, a- My gave !i:i l U-ratn-tv., H tQ
. . , I, , i ii-,, iMl--r,-: Dr. Kirk, ot South ! h-:id. came in v. - c ; "' V i ; ..':! a l.-i r: : r-"' ; '-" i
evening to loo., '" " 1 . , , . , Tv.-.-i:t !m- m. n wer.. added to , ", , v.i:'.; - ra.,: raiai.n .u-!v woru.-l in- GTcATE U CO ': ' G -IT I V G
'"'J of a client, a wi, low living at .Nau- j Hns t...,n.M,g ;ml broi . g 1 . t 1 ! ; . ee - ''''' 11 s. -ems be va .. r. ( o, eia nd j . . - . ,V -1.
. , , . .. ; , i , i , . , . i , ,. : i, . v- ! liitie ciiil!r-u wi lb him. . nicii be I " ' 1 ' " -' I i - a ; i i ; i : o: i -. 1. : ..' : i . ' : , . , , - .- a , . -, "' "''-?.- .;'" . ""-""i
voo. It i- Hi.. t 111. ' " i . ' . . and it is curr. ntiv repor;,-d tod.iv , ... . "!...;:. ! v- n n,;!:ii : a. .A-.i-i.-.l f;- ; ... : v :. .s V
to Zink n mortg-.-.g-e for -et t b-m-t. t. turned over to j -',,'-,,;!, ..... . ; .'.- man.-.-l vail mak- a .-tcc.-s ' ;.y ;. ;. .: ... . . ,; r I v ' s -;A
, . , ., c--., ':., w i-,-.' tli.- Their father. o!m M''.irt;iv. n-lin- ' ' ' " ' 1 . ,;" .- . -j-h. t : n-ia ? do. 1 re p '--' - -". - ' ' "
winch netteo - ..Ml- - ' a. Hi j will la- run to their luile-t .-ana- ' , . , . ' 1" ' . . . , , -.r, ....... r.
(,flVseitlcmeut an-1 placed th- money 'i"-ae all claim, or to uv- m ,.: !, !, I ,r ,de , - a h i Ion g r--. wn , j . rc . . . -,.,.Y.
J' to his credit in the (h-rm. :u Nation en. them in any way. and -igned a - " t . , of tlds city :md is kf.owt. and ad- i ( . .. . . , , , '7,. .' ....... "
i ......i, n(. the wrot-- I'm- widow- 1 paper making Cass county ?!;.. guar- be I ; t ; i ra r : - o 1 . I.i-. s. i .. .,, , ,.f ir;--:-d-. V!:e , ... ; , ,"j ;" - : ;
for tbe mor.ev. bu, .., ba-I u.av,.. , , ,; . ; . :., P . .. .v, . . . , N i.-- ' f " " ::' '. . I i - 1 : ' i " f ia n : ! . !: a n . ' "" TT ' ..TT".y V7'!
N, it oui. together uith , pre..,.- e . ., ... , . ' " I T; . . ,. , . . ; . , ; , . .,, , ,-, ,.yi,. i,b aai a bail thick. it via cost ! fT. f"'- ;-"-r
fl11,., bd-lren and too., right 1 1 1 . '.. , t h , 1 ' ' - 1 " -. . , ' , ,. ... . , , e. i i- ,k ;.-..,,. -..--..-.J
V UZ;V li con-ub. ! Mr. r I- .".end any- --V ' ' --ee,, ,,, - nd; , , ,.-! t- jyr CCH. T y y
li n , , ; . -.h. ....:- t ; '" '-nn- !ben bre,:!, ib U" i i i .'..:- a' ! : ' " - ' 7 . V ' ' ".' . , -
J A .-,, , . ,. ,. . i w- a; ". . .."!.:-."." --:-! - "' ' "' ' : "'; --'X " I. . ,. b" " ." . " - -. "" ' b'"."b 'i ' iZ. . 0 A
) Zi--i - ' "-!:' ' ' "... I:.,:.'. "' , ,' ' ' : : ae-- : -T V " ' ? . - , " f". ' - !'
y .-mdnc- cob ,b ,-.;i. . , m, ,- Tb.- ia -.... . i ; ,o--, i om j .b te 1 1 . . ' . ". . . , - ; -: :'j b. j';'1"" ,v: V.-:T . ''
J tow in ,t-io,iy a beneuPg 1,, ..p.,,...... ,,. ,..,......1 - " : - i)IC K I . K ! X . i L 2' ' :. .'' A ,! .'A '7 o ' V"'!X ';r.'"..,uV'enu.,erf'..ii! '.o.'.,'AA.. 'rXln.
r a,1 51,1 viU'Vi X, "U;' lt andoil - '-Jl v.n'it t,. 1 ti.,:-. n.e W.M. l-ISHLK. V; ? .u.-obJAV ,,";' cLtMw'cScu CoViiLtU
Ctlty." liU'l) .-. bouse. j J "V.. g fcia by iOI LotiJ Urufilai. l llUAlLlA-ULS.. I'A.
. ( . , i (
1 A ' . t X . . . I
: ';;.h::,,:::,::m.-H'::ero?
11 lilt VI .J nivi'in;) f- ' - " "
his hrotlu-r, A. H. t
i . i i h.'.e.iu touirlit fnr
.us. joe iioiK.i .
a six months visit with relatives ami
friends i n ( iermaiiy.
Hon. W. li. Shryoek is Hceiiig" his
friends here today, an the legislature
docH not convene until tomorrow.
John Leech and family are no
longer residents of Plattsmouth
having moved westward Saturday
Miss C'urrior of Chicago has been
the guest of Miss Herta Hyers, for
past few day departed this inoru-
. r . , . . j
1 mir for KaiiHas ( ity.
M i h. S. I.. Wood, wife of Klder
, Wood, lied at their home yesterday
'. at VI o'cloc k. A n xtendeil obituary
notice will appear later.
Mrs. Davis, mother of S. A. Davis,
while visiting at Weeping Water
ft-1 1 and broke a wrist bone. Mr.
Davis went over to Weeping
Water Saturday evening and found
his mother resting as comfortably
as could be expected.
S. K. Dutton started this morning
for Colorado Springs where la
hopes to rest ii andgrowfat. Close
attention to business here has al
most destroyed his health and the
ilHKAI.l is glad to know that he
takes a rest before it is too late.
Dr. C. A. Marshall came home
Saturda', having completed his
course and graduated with honors
at the Iowa State Dental College,
one of the most thorough institu
tions in the country. Dr. Marshall
will now resume the practice of his
profession, and may hereafter be
found at his old office in the Fitz
gerald lllock.
K'oadmaster Clark of the Missouri
Pacific was at the Dellone last night.
He says work on the Omaha-Union
cut-off will begin as soon as the
frost is out of the ground. The
bridges and grading are finished
and all that is necessary is to la
the ties and rails. A large portion
of the track is already in placa, and
it will only take about thirty days to
complete the work. When the cut
off is finished the time between
Omaha, Kansas Gity and St. Louis
will be reduced about two hours:
Trains will probably he ruiming
by June 1. ----Omaha lice.
Dr. Salsbury presided at the
Fii M ward republican caucus Satur
day evening. C. S. Polk was secre-
tarv. tieorge llousewortn was
chosen by acclamation unanimous
ly for councilman. The delegates
to ihe chv co'vi iitloii were . I. I u-
i .ih. ."-i. 1 . Polk, t iiei Smith. I n.ti!, Henry .Maii.y, j. A. Davie:-.
a lit 1 . J. I. I'nnili was
recommended for central commit-
In the Second ward D. K. Parr
presided and M. X. Griffith, was
Seeretarv. D. K. Harr was unani-
mouslv selected as nominee tor me
city council. L. D. Hennett was re
commended for the school Board
and I'. D. Hates was recommended
for central committee. Delegates
to city convention are M. N. Grif
fith. J. F. Hinshaw, Fred I lowland
R. li. Windham I). K. Barr.and P. D.
Bates J. W. Johnson, Kobt. Ponnelj',
Frank Johnson.
In the Third ward M. li. Murphy
was nominated for councilman and
thirteen delegates were selected for
the city convention. Wm. Hayes
was recommended for member of
the school board.
The Fourth ward held no caucus.
At the Fifth ward Harry Coolidge
presided and A. J. Graves was sec
retary. Mr. K. K. Hilton and M. M.
Beals were nominated for the city
council, and A. J. Graves was recom
mended for school board. Fivedel
egates were selected to the city con
vents n.
The Post Office
i'litin Si I u m'.i' 7"lo''. I
I , i in.- lung. i "in... I ii i j'',;,f!i r, fifn'stli'H .v Jtii!;i. ;u I.):!;-: M ni. :,.:'.'-.:. - :-n.
st. patr kjk's day-
: . . . - . . n
i Nebraska irishmen uattier in
Lincoln and Honor Their
Patron Saint.
Plattsmoutn Sends a Large Delega
tion, Besides the Society of
the Ancient Order of
To-day is St. Patrick's day and
every true-hearted son of Krin will
celebrate the greatest of Irish fes
tive days. The various Hibernian
societies of Nebraska have made ar
rangements to assemble in Lincoln
and make the event the grandest
ever known in the history of the
The Hibernians, under the com
mand of Michael Whelan, headed
by the B. A M. band of thirteen
pieces, marched to the depot and
took the 7.1f train for Lincoln, where
they will participate in the festivi
ties of the da-, returning home this
The procession formed immedi
ately after solemn high' mass at the
pro-cathedral, which began at 11 a.
m. Immediately after the service
the presidents of the several divi
sions reported to the marshal and
proceeded to the parade ground,
which was at J and Thirteenth
streets, and formed in the follow
ing order:
Divisions Nos. 1, 'J, 4, a and 0 of
Omaha, Douglas county, on the
right in the order named; No. 3, of
South Omaha, on the left with right
resting on Thirteenth street and
facing north, left extending west on
J and south on Kleventh.
Johnson, Cass, Red Willow, Chej -eime,
Adams, Greele ,0'Conor,Couii
c l Bluffs and Lancaster formed in
succession as named on the left of
Douglas county.
The divisions were commanded by
their respective county delegates as
follows: Douglas county, Martin
McKenna; Johnson county. Dr. W.
J. MeCratm; Cass county, Michael
Whelan; Red Willow county, I). J.
Lawler; Cheyenne count'. Pierce
Sanders; Adams coitniv, C. J.
Stevens; Greeley county. M. F. Lan
iiigan. The stale and ex-state officers who
led the parade were as follow
State delegate. Thomas McShane
Lincoln; st !te secretary. Mieaael
K'.lgaiion. Omaha; state treasurer.
;!i!'ia- 1 loci -r, Omaha; ex-st
ill-legate, k'icham O Kietle, Omaha;
ex-state secretary. Charles !Iagert
i a ucol 1 1.
The clergy in carriages ami
ing friends formed the left.
The line of march was as follows:
From and Thirteenth east t
Fourteenth, south to H, east to Six
teenth, north to K, west to Thir
teenth, north to M, east to Fifteenth
north to. west to Lleventh, north to
Q. west to Nith, south to O, east to
Lleventh, south to M, west to Tenth,
north to N, where the parade was
It was a foot parade and no
mounted men were permitted in the
parade proper.
In connection with the celebration
there was celebrated at St. Theresa's
pro-cathedral a solemn high mass
at 11 o'clock this morning. Rev.
Father Bruen of Omaha officiated
as high priest, assisted by Rev.
Father Mackay as deacon and Rev.
Father Loughran as sub-deacon.
Rev. Father Fitzgerald acted as
master of ceremonies and delivered
the panegyric on the lifeof Ireland's
patron saint. Lombilottc's mass
was rendered b- a choir special Iy
selected far the occasion, Madame
Wurzburg presiding at the organ.
The Ancient Order of 1 I i 1 ern i a n .-
assisted at the services in a lodv.
wearing the customarv regalia
This evening there will besp
The assessors of Cass county are
holding a meeting this afternoon
in the county clerk's rooms for the
purpose of fixing the basis of .as
sessment for this year so that every
one in the county will be assessed
alike anil upon the same ratio.
Keverand Buckner is holding a
series of meetings at Mercerville in
the residence of a Mr. Taylor north
of the power house. Meetings will
continue all week to which the pub-
lie is cordially invited.
Our worthy citi.en, John Younker,
received good news from Washing
ton a few days ago, informing him
that his pension claim had been al
lowed, and rated at $12 per month
from Jul-, Mr. Younker is
deserving th is good fortune, and it
will be a great help to him, as he
has been unable to do any work
since he was disabled by falling
from a scatfold last June. Piiion
.Mr. A. (J. Kikenbary, nephew of
Henry and Crof Kikenbary, has ac
cepted a position as cashier of the
Union bank and has been getting
the "rue of things" the past week.
"Jake" understands the business
and will be a valuable official for
the bank. Mr. Kwing Miitin, who
has filled the position acceptably
the past six months, will go to
man, Hick Neb., where he accept a
position as cashier.- Union Ledger.
District Court.
Court adjourned last night until
Saturday morning.
Arguments on motions for new
trials in the criminal cases and in
the case of Con O'Connor vs the B.
& M. were heard by Judge Chap
man and taken under advisement.
Benjamin Albin, administrator of
the estate of J. C. Rakes, deceased vs
Martha Jane Rakes. Continued.
H. A. Waterman A Son vs Henry
B. Stout, W. II. B. Stout and Sam B.
McLeran et al. Set for trial.
Jacob Phillips et al vs Martin
Kirker et al. Dismissed ami costs
John K. Leesley vs James W. Mc
Croskey. Referred to Jesse Root to
take testimon- and report before
April 13.
Barbara Meyers, Allen Beeson and
Jesse L. Root partners under the firm
name of Beeson A: Root vs Andrew
Raab and Simon Simit. Hearing.
Van Reavis, by his next friend
and guardian, W. R. Beck, vs James
Riley. Settled and dismissed at
plaint itf's cost.
Sarah I. Fairfield vs Andrew
mil Ma;
ems. Motion for
i ver "-; 1 1 ed..
( f V,
t al vs the ( . lo.
o. K'. R. Co. g
the !!. iV ?-! . k.
and as-ie
ieb. a.-!;a.
Kee o
v on-
A. K. Alexander vs Maria C. Dor
ringtoii. Hearing April 13.
A. K. Alexander vs Hons Stoll et al.
Hearing April 13.
Wm. A. O'Neill vs Lafayette
O'Neill. Continued.
. J. C. Rakes, revived in theuameof
Benjamin Albin, vs Chas. L. Blazer.
Louis Degendorfer vs Fred Stull.
Wm. S. Wise vs Spencer S. Bill
ings. Decree entered quieting title
to lot 1, block m.
The Omaha Southern Railway Co.
vs Levi G.Todd. Continued to April
Wm. M. Litchfield vs Jas. K. Riley,
Katherine M. Riley, impleaded with
Geo. K. Sherman. Continued April
Jas. Ferguson vs S. S. Brown (first
name unknown) et al. Continued to
April 13.
Wm. Kniss vs Jas. M. Cole. Con
tinued. Benj. A. Gibson vs Jno. M. Carter.
Jas. Johnson vs Simon Obemalte.
Motion for new trial submitted.
K. St. John vs G. F. Swanback.
Judgment for plaintiff. Property to
lie returned and.
sum of .
I n Plattsmouth when the .
girls give a party they send ot.
vitations that read "Guess where
there.'' In Nebraska Citv th
"Owls" bulletin their notices to
members, "Get there, you know
where." Nebraska City Press.
The IIlCK'AI.D office has just turn
ed out 2,X) forty page catalogues
from itsjob department for W. J.
1 lesser, that cou Id not be excel led
i VNV),,.r,
in the state.
beauties and no mistake; and were
made fora live progressive man that
easily keeps front place in the ranks
of Nebraska llorists. Get one of tne
new catalogues and buy plants at
Wemarkablo F.-cts.
Heart disease is usua 1 ly supposed
to be incurable, but when properly
treated a large portion of cases can
be cured. Thus Mrs. Klmira Hatch,
of Klkhart, Intl.. and Mrs. Mary L.
Baker, of Ovid, Mich., were cured
after suffering 'JO years. S. C. Lin
burger, drug-gist at San Jose, 111.,
says that Dr. .Miles' New Heart Cure
which cured the former, "worked
wonders tor Ins wite. Levi Logan,
of Buchanan, Mich., who had heart
disease for 30 years, says two bottles
made him "feel like a new man."
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is sold
and guaranteed by I-'. G. Fricke .V
Co. Book of wonderful testimonials
free. 1
v itas' Nerveand Liver Pllle
Art on a n-w principle- rrmilitirij;
the liver, atomnch mill bowel through
t he nerves. A new ihnroyry. Dr. Miles'
1'illK Hpcedily cure hiheusmwi, hail taste,
torpid liver, pih-H, cont-t' potion. Une
((U.iled for men, women. children.
Smallest, mildest, ure!t! it) riost-H, 25c.
Sainpla free at F. G. Frieke & Co'h.
Perhaps no local disease has puz
zled and ha filed the medical profes
sion more than catarrh. While not
immediately fatal it is among the
most distressing and disgusting
ills the flesh is heir to, and the rec
ords show very few or no cases of
radical cure of chronic catarrh by
any of the multitude of modes of
treatment until the introduction of
Kly's Cream Balm a few years ago.
The success of this preparation has
been most gratifying and sur
prising. Sir. Iteilath'8 Sympathle.
The truth is James Itedpaih waa a
man fif intetjpe feelings anl strong
sympathies, which wore always ready
to yo out to all whom he believed to be
wronged and oppressed. He was an
.r.deiit abolitionist. Few men ever
labored more for the cause of tie: Irish
; i ople. His regard for President Davia
was of the same sort. It was sympathy
f.r the one southern man who was dis
."ranehised and iiroscrihed for a political
t in which lie had been cjii'il in
oaiT!!on with many tliou-auds of Ids
ormirysnen. Mr. Kedjiath in ail li'-did
ci ni-":T
; !
. e.lii
. .,i ; , .
-lit with his own
v !;.' . .v. ring !--(;-I
li:-- . .-4. i i.
e-s i'.,r
i.i Iii. i ; 1 1 l lr-
W.-l.-. ! rile to i
t in i iiiltIi. X'
I in
.1. 11
.'.vii heart the
).-!c,!;is l'i.--imie.
Hunts Foxes Though an OI.I .Man.
I'ri-liin Slciles live s at f lie Cap. Lan-;-t
-r c -.ii.ty. He is at 1 a.-t .--evejity-ve.-irs
of age. and is vet al ie
v-:i m , ii- .i-iiii-, a-t'l wji -n i.i-goesiox
i nn ting, which is uiiMdst dail at this
-ea.on of the year, lie eats but one meal
and then dashes off with as light a heart
as ihe next one and only eats again
when he returns late in the evening. He
always makes it a rule to never eat be
tween meals. lie has now twenty-seven
foxes penned up. He usually catches
from thirty to forty in a. season and then
h-ts them out in the spring. He has been
as successful this winter as in any winter
past. There are few who can ride bet
ter or have a keener sense of the fun
which fox hunters experience in a hunt
or chase. West Chester (Pa.) News.
31 a nil ge nf Two Itllnd Penoni. ,
The Rev. William G. Herbert, pastor
of the High Street Methodist Episcopal
church, was called upon Thursday night
to unite a blind couple in wedlock. They
were Mr. W. Tuck Lively, of Annapolis,
and Miss Mary Lee, of Baltimore county.
The marriage was performed at the
bride's home, and was witnessed by sev
eral relatives. Mr. Levely, the groom,
is young and has a beardless face. He is
a piano tuner. The bride is young and
hand.-oine. .she is an aecompii-hed per-
fov?::--:- on J !a::o a:: 1 i - w. l!
ucated at th-- M
efii&t Yoctim, I). D..
ll .t.-th.xliMt Klli.KC-f.JM4l
, ll Mrn. injure.1 himwlf
AVder Tiii-wbv tiioriiinif.
Upo7 hia niht'M rent lli
revereii 'Uiuii threw hia ai nia lnu k
over his n d ami utretcheil hunaelf.
HiiiMenly there vh a r:ither 1 ti 1 report,
as of Koinethin hn.ipjiin, unl Mr.
Yocum fell to the floor. H manured to
reach the ln-d iiml lay on it tiiK-oiim'ioiin
fur a time. Mi-miUth of tin- f.uiuly cha-covtTi-il
him there uinl Heat i'nr a hcUir.
After making an examination the hy
bieian htated that, in the act of t rctehinjr.
Mr. Yocuin had snapta-d a inusdn back
of hia -Jir which hud connection with th
hhouldcr, and this caii.sel the loud re
jKtrt. It i a painful injury, and will
require an absolute rot of hoium daya
before Mr. Yocuin can n-Huino hia pulpit
duties. Philadelphia Preaa.
1 lie I'allirr of Knl" Iilvra.
Adrien Poncet, the father of enfrin
drivera in France, h;tn had tlie Crom of
the Legion of Honor awarded him hy
M. Carnot for lone; ;md meritorioua ner
vice. In is;52 this veteran drovo the
first locomotivo made in France, over
the line from Saint Ktienne, to Honeo,
and also conducted the first engine on
the railroad from Paris to Saint b rinain.
Poncet, who ia 75 years of ae, haa hal
forty-eight yeara of engine driving.
London Tit-I5it.
Itolx-rt (.'oleinan, a farmer's loy, of
Little Lritiiin, Lancashire county, Pa.,
caught in a steel muskrat trap rcently,
it ia rej)rtil, a line fish of the lotHa p;
cie.s, which on measurement waa found
to be b5J inches long and one pound six
ounces in weight. The creek had risen
during the night and tho water llowed
over the trap.
I UK FIGl'RK 0."
'ttk ftfot 0 in our tlrvO-s iv; iniik a mi; staji
io man or woman now living will over dati? u
looument without usiiij; the ll t,-ur; 9. it si.ancli
ka tbn third place in 1800, whitn: it will remain ten
years and then move up to toi-onil pl.uvi in 1UUU,
ivhcre it will rest for on liuidrvJ
There ib anothor "U" which ha alKovjiiit to nlny .
ft i& unlike the fiqisrn '.) in our dates in th" res)x?ct
'hat it lias already moveU up Uj firtt placu, where
It will permanently rcnMtin. It i r.allej the "N
.1" High Arm Wheeler .V Wilson Sewing Mar.tiinr.
The "No. 9" was i ndor -el for rtr.t ihe;- by Hi"
iprU of Eurojxi at tins PurU Ii.x position of IWJ,
.-lien-, after a sevpreconiet with tin: lelinf; nm
chines of the world, it ws awnrM the ti:y
(irand Prize given to family sewing machine, nil
,'thcn on exhibit, hiivinc re- iwd lower awardi
r-f if'tUl ined.iN, etc. Th: Kronch Oovernmenl
ilso recocni-'l i's sup-riority hy tlieilerorrition of
Mr. N.-tthariiel Vnei-ler, I'rrident.of Hie rotnpany,
ivitti the (. rus of t he Legion (jf Honor.
The "No. 9" is not an old ln.-ichirei Improved
upon, but is an entirely new iiuehiiie, aud Hih
Grand Prize at Pa'is wns aw:irdel it. a the r.ind
'stadvnee in .sew-mir rn.-iehine merririiiisin iif thn
;e. Those who h "y it. c::n rest asMjri-d, there.
I to, of huviug tie - v! r l:a t .ind Ix-sU
f ,v
--V-I.V- X
I V t
185 and 187 Wabash J ve., Chicg-
TiTc T"T V I'lANoB fnew)
nri 111 tiAX 5-'S.
BEATTY. Washington, N. .1.
Ml 45 OK.
AHKTN make I OO Her cent not on my
Corsets. Kelts, Hriishen, CurleiH. and im-d-Iclnes.
Saintlp free. Write now. Dr. Itridg
man, 4'1 Kroadwuy N. Y.
ei'KS i.wisim.h 'I'uiiulHr ear-
QMliioiiM. Whinoer" r eard.eoiu
fortitble. snce-'H sful where all remnrties tail.
Sold by V. HISCOX. onlv. Broadway
York. Write for hook of . roofs KItKK.
Tbat generally means pain
and sulferiiiy. Hut why suffer:
Dr. (irosvenor's Ji Il-cap -sic
porous Plaster will relieve
you in one n i g 1 i 1 , su re. Send
a penny stamp to (irovenor
t Kicbards. Hoston. Ma.-s.,
and learn bow to remove a
Jiorous j)l,-ter -cien 1 i 1 1 y
it will la- you ;ml don't
forget that tbe 1m--1 ioroiis
I ! .! -1 or in ih- world 1 in - t be
Hi i ! I re ( w ;i to ; i t i , i.m K .
i . t ; i . .Mi
VIX-U :i