Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 12, 1891, Image 6

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Pbysic ais aid Simeons.
imc.r No. 812. Main HU
Krsldence Telhone Ir. MvltiKfton. 49.
KtiHldPDCi- Telephone Dr. Cummiim. 36.
Sstf mates and plans of all work furnished and
Office in Martin Block.
PrreMOCTH - Nebraska
County Surveyor
Ail orders left with County Clerk will
ficeire prompt attention.
Personal attention to all business mrusted
Oo nT oars
Titles examined. Abstracts oonipiled, Iimur
MM written, real estaie sold.
tVttkarfacilltle for making r iinu Loans than
Attorney at-Law.- Will tfive prompt attention
tn i.HMinMi nntriiHted to mm. tJince m
Union block. East Side. I'latUmouth, Neb.
Notary Public
Notary Public
Office over Bank of Cass County
pi&ttamauth - Nebrasha
atxfc of Cass Couttty
Cor Main and Fifth street.
Paid ud capital W.m
Surplus 5 00C
U. U. Parnele President
Fred (iortler Vice Preiddiit
J. M. Patterson Cashen
T. U. Patterson. Aest Cashier
O. H. Parmelft. J. M. Patterson. Fred (iorder.
A, B. Pniith, K. B. Windham. B. S.Kainsey and
X. M.Patterson
Aeeouuts solicited. Interest allowed on time
(Jeposit and prompt attentiongiven to all ous
(nem entrusted to its care.
The Citizens
Oiyttal stok paid in . -y t
Authorized Capital, f 100,000.
President. Vice-Presi-ie; i
W. H. OU8HINO. Cashier.
Prank Uarruth J. A. Connor. K. K. Guthiuim.
J. W. Johnson, Henry BoRCk, John O'Keofo
W. D. Merrian, Wm. Wetencamp. W.
H. Ciisbing.
soues ceitificates of deposits bearing interest
Buys and sells exchange, county and
city sureties.
First National
Paid hp eapltat
Oilers the very best facilities for the promp'
transaction of ligitlmate
Banking Business
Stocks, bonds, gold, government and local se
curities bought and sold. Deposits received
and interest allowed on the certificates
TVafts drawn, available in any part of the
Gritted States and all the principal towns of
TKO. Highest market price paid for County War
rants. State ana County bonds.
John Fitzgerald, D. Hawkuwortb
Sam Wauh. F. E. WhiJe
Oeorge E. Dovey
Joor Fitzgerald, 8. Waugb.
President Ca?bl
217, 219, 221 and 228 Main St.,
!attsmouth, - Nebraska.
H. M, B02IS, Proprietor,
lhe Perkins ha been tkoroughlj
renovated from top tc -otf Aud :f
aow one of the best hotels in the state
Boarders will he taker by th week at
4.50 and Hp.
Mind wandnring cured. Biotce tevrnrl
in one rwlinir. Testimonials from all
part of tha iclob. Prospectus kwit
riet, writ mi application to I"of.
A. LuLsvUo. 337 Fulu At. Nw Turk.
Mow a Famous Railway Station In tho
Mouth went Ixok A Place Where a
Qneer Mixture of Humanity May He
Dally Seen A Passing Glance.
One of the famous eating houses of
the Atchison road is situated at Wallace,
where the train going south storm late in
the afternoon. As the cars draw up at j
the station the long platform ia thronged
with the people of thecountry. of diverse
races. Rough miners in flannel and
heavy hoots stand watching the train;
cowboys, set off by sombreros and spurs,
swagger about the platform, and Spanish-Americana,
with swarthy faces and
gleaming black eyes, lounge against the
railings, looking impassively on the
scene. Most picturesque of all there
gathered are the descendants of the
tribes akin to the Toltecs and Aztecs,
those migrating people, whose first home '
was in the northwest before they went
south to colonize the valleys of the Mex
ican plateau the Pueblo Indiana from
Santo Domingo and San Filipe.
They are quaintly clad in their charac
teristic garb of leggins and tunic, with
a blanket dress for the women, and some
times for the men a gaudy blanket wrap
ped about the body. Some are awaiting
the train on the station plaftorm, and
others, belated, are seen running toward
the cars, bearing on their heads and
backs the things they have to trade.
They exhibit a great variety of pottery.
in the shape of vessels of divers sizes
form and patterns of decoration, and
many earthen idols of infinite ugliness.
They offer for sale pieces of what the
New Mexican curiosity dealers call
smoky topaz, which in reality ia obsidian
or volcanic glass, the material used by
tne ancieni Aztecs tor cutting purposes,
trom swords down to razors.
About the train is a characteristic col
lection of passengers. There are tour
ists, Euroiean and American commer
ciai travelers, young men from the east
going to the southwest to try their fort
unes, and perhaps in the rear cars some
families of emigrants. Representing the
territory are merchants, miners and cat
tlemen of American and Spanish-Ameri
can descent, while opposite the blonde
eastern lady, in her daintv traveling
, .
habit, may sit a dark eyed olive tinted
beauty with the blood of Aragon or Cas
tile in her veins, and perhaps a darker
and not unbecoming tinge from Indian
.. . ..a. rr t it i
aucesiry. i raveling tneamcal com
panies, army officers and private soldiers
on leave or on duty, and Indian delega
lions going on or returning trom a visit
to the great father at Washington, are
current tj-pes in a southwest passenger
Almost without exception the passen
gers are aftable and disposed to conver
sa tion. Stiffness and reserve among f el
low passengers by stage or by rail vanish
west of the hundredth meridian
There is an excellent dinner, plentiful
and well served, at the pleasant and
roomy railroad restaurant, with so much
tune allowed for the stay that the
tr.-iveler, after his ample and leisurely
meal, is able to walk about in this bar
barously brilliant scene and make bar
gains with the brovfti and worldly wise
sons and daughters of the country for
siich of their wares as he fancies. The
Pueblo Indians hasten toward any one
whose eye they inay catch, hold up their
goods, and address him in a language
mainly aboriginal, with perhaps a few
pamsn ana American words inter
mingled, but the only part of the dis
course really understood on either side is
the extemporized sign language
1 hey ask several prices, expecting to
be beaten down to a fair rate, and they
seldom will let the possible customer get
away without consummating a trade.
Demure, swarthv Pueblo children look
on the transactions of their elders with
great interest, the larger girls helping
their mothers by carrying the very
young children in a couch made by
slinging a shawl about their necks.
1 lie Indian pottery is the ware most
purchased by the passengers. It is
quaint of pattern, and in its way much
of it is really beautiful. The material
of which it is made is a white or graj-ish
tinted clay, which the men bring to the
women, who are the pottery makers.
The Indians guard jealously the secret
of the places where are found the earth
that makes the choicest kinds. The
hunter, prospector or railroad explorer
coming suddenly ujKn these natives en
gaged in digging clay for the purpose is
likely to remember the terror and con
sternation which they exhibit.
The molded pottery is buried in dry
sheep's dung, which is fired, and thus it
is baked. The material used in making
the striped designs is a decoction from a
certain green root which the Indians
call wake. It is painted upon the ves
sel.'', and in the baking it turns black.
The best pottery is made by the Acoiiw,
Zuni and Cochiti Indians.
A gong clanks- at the
The pine that stands upon the wooded mountain
Uains not in siaiare In a aingle day:
The noble river sprimpt not from one fountain.
But gathers up Ha strength along it way.
The aloe hears for years the autumn's dirges.
He fort! it shows its blooms to the hide;
The coral reef liuX breaks tho oortWi'a surges
Through centuries of growth alone can rie.
Thus, through her works. Dame Naturo offers
For our acceptance one persistent thought.
Tin hut by jmtieut, sturdy, brave endeavor
The greatest, beet and grandest thing are
Housekeeper's Weekly.
Artite it Good !-lor.
When the health is fairly good, and
there is no spt.-cial strain to be put upon
the system, the normal appetite may be
trusted to indicate the kind and quantity
of fxxl necessary to maintain that (5on-
onion. aiuraiiy tne appetite varies
with the changing seasons, and unless it
indicates an unreasonable extreme of in
dulgence or abstinence no attention
need i.e paid to any other nio.-iii.or.
Much harm is done by injudicious or
meddlesome friends suggesting that a
person is too stout or too thin, too pal?
vr too ruddy, and serious disturbance
if the system often follow the mischiev
ous advice to take some bitters or pills,
or refrain from fattening food or drink.
Paying attention to any of these fads is
like playing with fire. If you are ill
enough to seeui to warrant any radical
change of diet or any application o!
me liciue, consult your physician at
Above all, avoid quack medicines. To
use the opinion of a successful dealer in
them, whose bank balance is more liberal
th.m his conscience, they are "made to
sell." Harper's Bazar.
"On which side of your mouth do you
'What a question!"
Well, there is much difference be
tween the masticating methods of teo
ple. It is quite an interesting study too.
To me. in the restaurant business, I have
a host of subjects before me every day.
I think that a long and close experience
with men will support the conclusion
th;:t most people in.-isticate with the teeth
on the left side of the jaw. A few peo
ple chew on the right side; most, how
i ver, on the left. How do I explain it?
Oli. it is partly habit, partly the result
of necessity, broken or defective teeth,
-te. Next time you sit down to table
vi.halarge party just notice the vari
ous and distinct ways in which the peo
ple present chew. It will surprise you.
N t only do some chew out loud, but
well, judge for yourself." Interview in
Detroit Free Press.
Btea Catok Always ea Time.
'Ono of the things to which I did not
at once become accustomed in my man
cooks," said a housekeeper who has lately
attached a chef to her establishment, "is
his forehandednesa. Soon after his ar
rival I gave a dinner, and being used to
going down stairs late in the afternoon
at such times, and also a little curious tu
se.- if there were a pronounced difference
between the methods of Bridget, the de-
lo.sel. and Pierre, the newly arrived, 1
made an errand to the kitchen. I could
see at once that my presence was deemed
an imTtinenee. but I forgot to resent
this in my horror at the condition of af
fairs. The dinner was set for 8 o'clock.
and it w:vs then Ix-tween 5 and C: as far
as 1 could see. however, it might have
been sent to the table at that moment.
A saddle of Canada mutton was the piece
de resistance, and this Pierre was draw
ing from the oven for what appeared to
tne a final basting.
'Vegetables that took twenty minutes,
.is 1 supposed, to cook were gayly bub
liiing on the range, an entree was ready
To be put together, and the cook was ap
parently about to jerforin that act:
ices were made and standing in the
L.'.in-iuarie: the fish kettle was on, and 1
".isp -rii-d it contained the fish appar
ently the dinner was ready and spoiled.
'1 ventured a remark. "You under-it-sn
1. Pierre.' I said, 'we dine at 8.'
'Oa. yes, madaine. he answered.
Then, as if he were willing to tolerate
thi-i interference: 'Madame need
have no fear. Everything will Ihj ready
at the instant.
'1 thought it might lx and withdrew,
fairly sic!; with anxiety over what
seemed to me a hoeles3 failure. That
.U:iner, hovever, was perfection, every apparently served at tho moment of
its prime. And since then I have trusted
Pierre and haven't gone downstairs to
be distressed by his promptness." ller
Point of View m New York Times.
What is
r . sw a
Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infant
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor
other Narcotic gubstancc. It is a harmless substitute
for Iargorc, Irops, Soot bins: Syrups, and Castor OH
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and alL&ya
fcrerishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting1 Sour Card
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieve
toothing troubles, cures constipation and flatulency
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cav
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend
Caetorla la an excellent medJctne for ehll
streo. Hethera hare repeatedly told me at iu
food affsst upon their children."
Da. O. C Oeoooo,
;r-:it Men As 15oy.
livery one knows how, when Sir Wal
ter Scott was :i boy, the future novelist lost during a thunderstorm, and
I'ound by the alarmed searchers lying on
back on the hillside looking at the
!::. .lining, clapping his hands at each
ii h and exclaiming, "Bonnie! bonnie!
vit a story of the same kind, with
W'Mi'er, the German poet, as the hero
i not to well known. One day, while a
very small boy. a severe thunderstoi m
c :i:iie on: the boy was missed and couid
nowhere le found. lhe whole house-
t'oj : i searched tor him. but it was not
until the storm was nast that he was
eei i descending from the top of a high
i:::ie tree near the house, io the m-
o!:ii les oi his fattier as to his motives he
"I only wished to see where all the
tire came from." New York Ledger.
Kine Sermon.
Young Master X is an observant, youth
of ". lie returned from church, and
was sent up stairs that his maid might
i .-move his lordship's top coat. The fol
lowing conversation ensued, which I
1-licate respectfully to a certain well
l.Mowii clergyman:
Maid Were you a gtxxl little boy in
church todav?
Young Master X Oh, yes. Mamma
s:vi; l wax verv still todav.
Maid Did you have a fine sermon to
Young Master X I guess we did. It
sounded like a very tine one, indeed!
'Our. of the mouth of babes and suck
lings." etc. Brooklyn Life.
Girls Who Ride and Pay.
Thompsouville girls stand a good deal
f chaffing because they go on sleighing
parties all by themselves and leave the
tiling men out. They retort that they
can go ami nave a good time, and nav
the bills, too, without asking any help
from the boys. They are not the sleigh
ing parties that go hooting and howling
through the streets, waking folks up
iffer midnight, either. Springfield
(Mass.) Homestead.
Tlie Heal Secret.
Tell me not of your doubts and dis
couragements." said Goethe; "I have
plenty of my own. But talk to me of
your hope and faith." The tone of com
plaint is one which we are all too ready
to accept, and which is not only in
jurious to ourselves but hurtful to all
who come in contact with us. In speak
in of a young woman who hail filled
several good positions, but with no de
gree of success, an elder woman said:
She could have kept either position and
earned a good income if she had not
been so dissatisfied. She was continu
ally finding fault, and never felt that
she was appreciated."
It may be safely said that this attitude
of inind is one that almost predetermines
failure in any line of work. Patience
under adverse circumstances will often
bring about favorable results, while
complaint only accentuates and fixes the
cause of complaint. Avoid mention of
the disagreeable things that may come
into your life. If you cannot be patient
you can at least be silent. The secret of
success lies not so much in knowing
what to say as in what to avoid saying
Boston Traveller.
Caetocia is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope tho day iaenot
far distant when mother wl!l consider the real
interest of their children, and uso Castoria in
stead of the various quack nostrums! which are
destroying their loreo! ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agent down their throats, thereby sending
staasn to presoature graves."
Dr. J. T. KiNCBBXoa,
Conway, Ark.
" Castoria fat ao well adapted to chfldrsA SssH
I recommend it as superior to any prrmlMcai
known to me."
H. A. ABcmrm, X.
111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. X.
Our physicians) in the children's
meat hare apokea highly of their srpsrf
noe In their outside practice with CaUooa,
and although we only aave among nr
medical supplied what is kaown as regsbar
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
faTor upon it."
TJkitkd nosntiL bd Di spsnsAaT,
A mm C. Surra, V
Thm Centsmr Company, 77 Murray Strsxst, Now York City.
v5v4 N3u V2ejMti tvA&' kaafl -cSs vj
J. 1). GRAVES & CO.
A Father's KirtK.
A father was seeing his son off on the
cars for some distant point. There was
a moment of quiet conversation between
the two. perhaps a few words of such ad
vice as a father should give a son, and
then the train came thundering into tlu
As the latter, a tail fellow, well along
in his "teens," stepped on the platform,
he extended his hand and his lips to his
father. There was a gentle kiss of fare
well, and the two separated. There was
no gush, no nonsense, no affectation; just
the expression of fatherly tenderness that
had followed that sou since he lay in the
s there any danger of that boy stray
ing from the path affectionately pointed
out by his father?
Or is there any danger of that father
ever having to excuse that son because
he is "sowing wild oats?" We think not
The gentle power of a mother's kiss has
been sung by poets, but is there not also
a wealth of tenderness and a lasting
memory for good in the kiss of a fatheri
Hartford Post.
DOORS, BLINDS,and all building material
Call and see us at the
11 th and Elm street,
north of Heisel's mill.
corner of
one hlock
Plattemoutsh, Zebras
In Inuht.
Quin was once at a small dinner party.
The master of the house, pushing a de
licious pudding toward Quia, begged
Lira to taste it. A gentleman had just
ot tore helped himself to an immense
pi-ee oi it. "t'ray. said (jum, looking
first at the gentleman's plate and then
U lhe dish, "which is the rvuddine?"
ii Francisco Argonaut.
station, and
those passengers who have not already
returned to the cars discontinue their
promenade or hastily conclude their
bargains. The conductor's cry rings out,
"All aboard!" and the laggards enter fie
cars: but even as the train moves slowly
off the passengers are still making last
bargains from the car platforms and
through the windows with the aborig
ines, who at the fast approaching dis
appearance of their possible customers
are disposed at the last moment to close
bargains at almost any price. The train
gathers headway, the last Indian vender
is passed audoon the platform with its
eemi-barbaric, party colored assemblage
is left behind, and the passengers Lave
turned from the strange and striking
scene to gaze at the panorama of the
river and the Indian villages against a
mountain background on the right, as
the. train speeds southward down tho
sandy valley of the Rio Grande toward
Albuquerque. Harper's Weekly.
An alarm for telling when a ship
reac hes a predetermined depth of water
is leitig trietl aboard her maiestv's shin
Rambler in the Red sea. It consists of
a wire sounding apparatus Itaving a
sinker, which, on coming in contact with
the bottom, relieves the drum on loard
hip and sounds a bell.
The air brake millionaire Westing-
house is a practical mechanic, being the
graduate of a machine shop, in which he
spent his youth. He is a skillful
draughtsman, and his remarkable mem
ory tor tacts and figures enables him to
carry in his head the details of his vast
business enterprises.
The form used by the king of Sweden
in nddiv.-i:ig the members of parlia
ment diiTers from that u.--d by many
other rulers. His speeches begin with,
"Good gent 1-meu and Swedi.-ii men."
They end usually alo with, "The bitt
ing of God le upon you, good gentlemen
sad Swedish nieii."
Scaring- the Conscience.
Of all her cunoua customs London
cannot boast of a mora singular ono than
that formerly so strictly adhered to at
Holland house, one of the most historic
old mansions in the British capital. The
bust of the Lords Holland shot himself
during a fit of despondency; everything
pointed to a clear case of self murder
yet tho Holland family could never be
dissuaded from the notion that the old
man had beeu murdered by some tin
known assassin. Accordingly, every
night for years it was the custom for one
of the f.imilyto go to the rear of the
house punctually at 11 o'clock and fire n
gun, for the purpose, it is said, of -scaring
the conscience" of the murderer
This curious practice is a relic of meui
ajval days in continental Europe, and
the case to point is probablv te oIv
instance wheiv it has been noticed since
the days of the Crusades. St. Lo-;is Re
public. Small 1'iiv for Many Oil-Is.
The average wages of ill fated
working girls of New York is 30 cents a
day. ami that includes the income of the
stylish cashiers who get 2 a day as
well as the unfortunate girls who receive
SO cents a day in the east side factories
and shops. The lot of the average sales
woman who has not the help ami shelter
that parents or a married brother oi
sifter could share is hard indeed. One
lias only to look into the pale, pinched
faces of these poor girls to know that
s. 1. ... v . r i.
uiousaiius oi Tiiem are actually starving
to death. And that. too. in Nev Yvrls
New York World.
HSuy your .trees of the BQoJ
Mua'sery wliere you earn sel
r ...... -d-m... Sr-B-sf WT 5 3 3 fl,J
llsWIS i B"I 1 B Maria. w VII RSI)
grenl privilege unci benelij
rLa aULSMa w SISk SL bl svjmy s iLamsBi
riet les unci know toetter
varieties will do liere 1
a ire ib is and you can foil
cheap again.
Silk from llciiip.
inc.? having all the
f silk has been n.
of Japan. The pl
an d hill-ides, a:i 1
The fiber is st
A sub-:;
qualilif.- .
wild h-n:
on mo.
gl"ssy. ;:n 1 s-'voral silk factori.
to have found it to le in no wav
to bilk. New York Journal.
in ial
I 1 be
Apple trees. 3 years old -Apple
trees, 2 years old -
Cherry, early Kichmond, late Richmond, wrag-g
IMum, Pottawattamie, AVild (jrooee
Raspberries, Gregg Tyer
Strawberries, Sharpless Cresen
Concord vines, M years old -floors
Early grapes, li years old -Currants,
Cherry Currants
Snyder blackberries - -Industry
Gooseberry - s -
Downing Gooseberries, 2 years old
Houghton Gooseberries, 2 years old -
Asparagus - - -
Kosses, red moss and white moss
Shrubs, Hydrangea -Honey
Suckle -Snow
Balls -
Lilacs - - - -
Evergreens, Norway 'spruce , Fir
(JO 2500
00 150
25 150
75 500
00 000
00 i
50 1
JSursery owc-lialf mile iaor!i o
town, end os ssPtaa street.
Address all Orders to