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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1891)
r cah Vn i . 1 1 Plattsmouth Wlde-Awako. f i From tiaturdayH Daily. ' Tlif to:ii-1 rf 4rsiil The board of trade meeting the other evening wan one of the Lent ever held in the city. Those who know whereof they npeak, asnnre tin that the outlook for I'lutt.-minuth in brighter than ever In-fore in the his tory ui the city. And while hostile railway legislation would injure ns we have irood reason to believe that even if such railway measures were to pass, they would he promptly vetoecl by the governor. The out look for the M. I. diop plant beinjf located here is flattering. The lare whops of the company at Kansas City were burned down and it is re ported in official circles that they will be rebuilt el sewhere. I'latts 'mouth is understood to be better sulied for the convenience of the company, all things considered, than any other point on the line; and HIE JlEKALI) believes we will et the plant. The matter in in food hands and will not be allowed to , lag. The advent of the M. I also means much in the way of new fac tories, such as starch mills, oat meal mills and paper factory. If every "Vian, instead of mu'iiiij? faces at his .neighbor, will help to push things thia spring, you will see property double before the year closes. Pro perty in lleatrice today, either vacant business lots or residence lots, sells for three times as much money as like property here will bring. Pro perty is too cheap here, and the man wiio purchases at present prices will live to bless the day that he invested. In a financial and busi ness sense our city is far ahead of .Beatrice, as is shown by the condi tion of their banks in contrast with our own; in fact there is a not a town in the state where money is easier or business men more prosperous than right here in Plattsmouth; let our people take ad vantage of their opportunities and make this the jear of Plattsmouth's greatest pros perity. The discharge of men at tljd'e lio)s may not occur unless bad legislation at I,incoln compels it and from what we have heard today we believe the necessity for such will not occur. House Roll No. 456 Is a bill introduced by Shryockof Cass, now in the hands of the judi ciary. It is ijuite an important measure and is warmly advocated by many attorneys. While we never had occasion to criticise the old law, yet we confess our inability to find a good reason why a change of venue in certain cases should not be 4aken from the court of the cotr.ity judge. The new bill pro vides as follows: iBl-.IT KXACTKD IIV THK Lkchsla- VKF. OK THE STATE OF NEIIKASKA: KCTION 1. That in all actions be gun in any county court of this state, either civil or criminal, over which justices of the peace have concurrent jurisdiction with county courts, a change of venue may be taken from said county court to the nearest justice of the peace to whom the objections do not apply, in the same manner and for the same causes that a change of venue is now granted by law from justices of the peace. Section 2. All acts or parts of acts in conflict with this are hereby repealed. j The Klmwood livery barn has again changed hands, Mike Cavey having rented the barn for one 3-ear md bought all the stock. The Kcho feels confident that it has fallen in to good hands, as Mike is a rustler lit anything he undertakes. The leal was made Tuesday afternoon and Mike took possession fifteen T'.nntes after the trade. Success, ou e. Klmwood Kcho. rJpdto'"l3- Jlldffe Chapman departed heir oirtulmornintr for a visit with rela tively command friends at Fairfield and started on H-ton Iowa. ported a cj driver, at th- good citizens of Louisville badly Vf,od tinning to discover that Pol , never will bq , , 1 t 1 41 again. lie Vldon and Tood want them write a jem ftie bills and carry onacoun- .Warfare so that they can vent their spite out on Plattsmouth without further costs to this hand some (?) trio. .Louisville refuses to be worked for further cash contributions to help out Messrs. Pollard, Sheldon and Todd in their endeavor to pun ish Plattsmouth by delaying the building of the court house. The boys on the Platte cannot be fooled S by the immaculate Weeping Water statesmen, as is evidenced by Mr. j Stander withdrawing his name from the injunction petition. which caused that embryo law suit to fall very early in its existence. Geo. W. Fairfield, of Mi 11a tare, Cheyenne county, Neb., made the HERALD a pleasant call today. Mr. Fairfield was one of Cass county's earliest settlers. and lived in this city for many years. He snvs the west is the place for a man to go to and from his appearance it certainly is from a hvgenic standpoint if from no other. Mv. I airfield is waiting on ,i-ci the lei,"-iiature to prevent, if possi- ;t i ble. the passage 0 a law which lie ; Vj says would .-to, irrigation in this -. r state, a thing that v.oiild be disas- j Iron- -to v.-hoie counties. A genuine Stetson -l hat at $2.75 J at IOKS. tf j - - . District Court. Maurice O.Rourke, sr., vs. Win. Wettenkamp. Suit for damages. Jury brought in a verdict of SrlaJO for plaintiff. County Attorney Travis filed two informations yesterday. One in case of State vs. Smith. Defendant charged with forgery at Nehuwka; and one against Walter A. Cole, charged with burglary and larceny. Nary C. Leach vs. Clans Speck et al, settled and costs paid. Frank Hrosius vs. Thomas I.. Campbell, tried to jury yesterday. Jury disagreed and wi rv discharged. Walter Cole and Smith were brought before the court and entered pleas of not guilty. IJeeson Ac Root were assigned at. counse and trial of prisoners 'was set for next Tuesday. M. K. Smith & Co. vs Oliver Jacobs &. Co. It is ordered by the court that S. J. Drown report to the court within twenty days, amount of ac counts and condition of same in his hands for collection. P. S. Wickani, a young lawyer late of Creston, Iowa, was admitted to practice on certificate from an Iowa court. For the present Mr. Wickman will office with Polk Bros in the Kockwood block. The Weeping Water Klectric Light Co. vs J. II. Ilaldeman and Westinghouse Klectric Co. Tried to jury; verdict for defendants giving right of possession of property in dispute to defendants. Farmer's Bank of Mercersberg, Pa vs O. II. Ballon. Set for hearing Wednesday, March 11. Mathew Gering vs Kobert Meteer Demurrer to petition sustained and plaintiff given five days to amend Court adjourned today at noon until Monday morning at 10 o'clock From Monday Daily. Weather Seport. For February, 1891: Light rai 11. 2nd, a. in. Kain and snow, 8th, a. m., 'o in Light snow in night, 9th. Light .-now in morning. Kith. Snow, rain and sleet, a. 111 s in. Snow storm, a. 111., '25tli, :s in Total for the month with melted. 1 in. Total snow fall, T'o in. Mth, mow This past winter is some than a year ag . warmer I he mean temperature a year ago was 2.).4-. For this past winter, 2U . Take the winter ending Feb.. 1885. Tin- temperature was 13.9". Some difference. The coldest day for this past winter -1st. oi February. The daily mean, 2. Clear days without clouds for February was 4. Fair days, 9. Cloudy days, 4. 1st. 7 a. in., --3p ; 2 p. m., a 5 ; 9 p. m., a - ; daily mean, 2 - . 2nd, 7 a. m., lo-;2p 111., 5 3 ; 9 p in., a daily mean, 4 . rfrd, i a. m., .1- ; V p. m. 4 3 j daily mean. 8.2 . 4th, 7 a. m.. 35 ; 2 p. m.. 40 . 7th. 2 p. m., 48 5. 8th, 7 a. in., 30- ; 9 p. m., 9 3 . 9th, 7 a. m., a ; 2 p. m., 14 3 ; 9 p. m., 1 ; daily mean, 4.2- . 10th, 7 a. in., 9 3 ; 2 p. m., 41 3 . 14th, 2 p. m.. a3 3. lath. 7 a. in., 3a - ; 2 p. m. ,41 3 . 17th, 7 a. m., 133 ; 2 p. in., 22 3; 9 p. 111.. la 3 . 18th. 7 a. m.. 13 0. 21st. 7 a. m.. 13 3 ; 9 p. 111., 11 3 ; daily mean, 14 3 . 22nd. 7 a. m., 10 3 . 23rd 2 p. 111.. 53 s . 2ath, 7 a. m.. a 3 ; 2 p. m., 12 3 ; 9 p. m., 14 3 ; daily mean. 11.1 3 . 20th. 7 a. 111., 0 3 ; 2 p. m., 21 3 ; 9 p. m.. 10 3 ; dail- mean, 10.13. 28th. a. in. 12 3 ; 2 p. m., 13 3 ; 9 p. 111., 14 3; daily mean, 7.1 3 The dash means below zero. Warned In Time. The more we live the more we fiud by dam out." And the more we think over the matter the more thoroughly we become convinced that the office of county commis sioner should be non-political. We must all unite on a man who will serve the people and not split upon thugs who care not for honor and will sell his vote for filthy lucre. Therefore be it known that now and forever more the editor of this paper will in future aid and use influence in electing a man of honor to that ffice, let his politics be independ ent democratic, or what-not. This farce must conic to an end. The time is coming when it will be a "solid west" against the now "solid east," irregardless of political relations. Klmwood Kcho. Soldiers' Reunion. If. C. McMaken returned from Lin coln yesterday, where he was at tending the executive committee meeting of the Nebraska Soldiers Association. The next reunion was fixed for Sept. Hi to 13, inclusive, at Ciisliman Park, Lincoln. The com mittee were bampieted at the Hotel I 1 m ol n an I ha I a good 1 1 me. Ihis dale talis immediate:;.- after the' state fair, ami General Beauregard will, it is said, stay over to meet the Nebraska soldiers. General Sigel has promised to come and a good time is expected. . 1 liK'oln and had a irood time. Tlii: time n expected. Commissioners' Proceedings. Plattsmouth, March 3, 1891. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present: --A. C. Loder and Jacob Trietsch, county commission ers, Bird Critchfield, county clerk. Minutes of February session read and approved, when the following business was transacted in the reg ular form: Indemnity bond of I. approved. Wm. (Jray's bill for fees and specifications . (. Freiday a rchitect's for IO.-7.75 allowed as tier contract. Official bond of Louis Foltz, over seer of district 34, approved. Official bond of Joseph Timblin, overseer of district 44, approved. Official bond of Joseph Kllington, overseer of district 37. approved. Indemnity bond of K. K. Reynolds, county physician, approved. Indemnity bond of X. R. Hobbs, county physician, approved. Official bond of J. F. Brendel, county physician, approved. Official bend of Charles Ilebner, overseer of district 42. Approved. Petition for public roail come menciiig at south-east corner of section 10-12-12, running thence north two miles and one half and terminating at north-east corner of section 5-12-12 was taken up for final action. The board being satisfied that the road was of public benefit, and there being no damages filed in time, as provided in a proper notice being given by publication as provided by law, therefore, the board ordered that the prayer of the petition be granted, and that the road was de clared open. No damages allowed. Board adjourned till tomorrow. March 4, 1891. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment, full board present when the following business was transacted: C S on office $ 21.00 Gerardt & Kmmons, mdse to poor 12.00 Lehnhot? Bros, stationery.... 8.(X) G W Noble, salary co supt.. . . 112.50 Bird Critchfield, salary and work 295.10 M B Murphy & Co, mdse to poor 73.75 Kli Sampson, keeping poor house K B Craig, care of pauper Mrs Black, rent of county -judge's office Beardsley, Clark & Co, coal for ' poor J I l.'nruh, mdse to county... Frank Stander. mdse to county Frank Boyd, work on offices. . A Clark, mdse to poor Weidinan it Brecken feld, mdse to poor W J White, moving eo safe. . . J A Hassenieire. sa! copbvs.. 172.95 5.30 30.00 7.00 7.0O 24.05 43.10 7.40 12.00 4( ). X ) 25.1 X ) 30.03 5.00 If.. 10 17.00 J R Kuthley. prt court dockets 10 K Day. mdse to poor C W Sherman, printing David Miller, moving county offices Gas ..St Klectric L't Co. gas and electric light 10.01 1 SO Salisbury, taxes refunded . 8.20 T ('lark, coal to poor 09.SO ll.lO 18.50 23.15 111.50 9.20 25.85 C D Bates, work oil co offices. A B Knotts, printing Neb Tel Co, rental Wm Tighe, sheriff's fees Beardsley, Clark & Co, coal to poor Neb Tel Co. rental COST BILLS A LLO WEI . State vs Wm Fighe, habeas corpus 70.55 7.15 12.55 47.80 74.75 117.35 State vs Robt Shubert, larceny State vs Chas Mason, stealing State vs J M Dalton. insane. . . State vs Frunkenboltz sr. in sane State vs Ilolton, insane Coroner's inquest of I N Wil cox, deceased 40.3; Coroner's inquest of Jno Fin isher, deceased 40.00 Beardsley. Clark & Co, lumber 253.35 COUNTY KOAD FUXI) A K Cutter, viewing road 3.5." John Philpott, viewing road. 3.5." L Munson, viewing road 2.80 Nels Sheffer, damages!oii road 20.00 Frank Anderson, damages on road 50.00 Bird Critchfield, damages paid on road 2.80 DISTRICT FUND. John R Baird, overseer settle district 30 30.00 Sam Cashner, work on roadf district 29 3.00 Board adjourned till tomorrow March 5, 1891. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment; full board present when the following business was transacted: The following bids were opened for building bridges in 1891: C D Dundas &. Son 4.20 W I White 5.00 J M Flagler 4.50 Thos Currant 4.30 J M Hoover 4.40 Geo C Wilson 4.80 Clinton Bridge A Iron Co 4.38 C L Rose.... 4.49 After due consideration the con tract was awarded to CD.-Dundas A- Son, of Lincoln, for $4.20 per linear foot, and contract made out and en tered into, and bond of $5,000 de manded. Petition for establishment of pub lic road south from city of Weeping Water, beginning at south-east cor ner of li-10-11, running north one mile following the line of road as now traveled, was taken up for final action, and after due consideration the prayer of the petition was grant eel, and upon report of the apprais ors no damage allowed. Petition for road through 17-12-9, wherein damages were allowed, was reconsidered; damages allowed at the rate of $40 per acre for amount of ground taken. Board adjourned till tomorrow. March 0. 1891. Board met pursuant to adjonrn- j nient; full board present when busi j ness of a general nature was resnin- cd and board adjourned till April 7. . Walter White is tearing down the oI( eourt liouse with a far-. e force c 01 of tlH'"- rk on the excavations for a new building can be begun in a few davs. Fred McDougal and Fred Griffith of South Omaha, spent Sunday with M. J. Griffith of the city, brother of the latter. Union is still ooominga canning. factory project. edon t wish them any harm but we hope they will get the factory. Senator Thomas and Representa live lute are with their constitu ents to-day as the legislature ad journed over to Tueadwy. John F. Polk of Greenwood was called east today by notice of the dangerous illness of his father, Kobt. II. Polk, of Newcastle, Intl. C. K. Wescott arrived home yester day Iroin Chieairo. He reports Mrs. urusie coHvaiescent to sucn an ex tent that they hope to bring her here by the last of the week. Kd Todd's two boys while cutting ice 011 Jtallous pond last week fell inrougn into tne water wnicli was about five feet deep, and got a bath cold enough to freeze the proverbial brass monkey. KoIhiis don t count this year. One was seen flying about The HERALD office today apparently un mindful of the two feet of snow be low him. Our robin, like our winter, appears to be somewhat mixed. Wm. Puis and family and Mrs. R. Damm and family, residing west of town, will remove to Hayes county on W ednesday of this week. 1 hey are well to do, industrious people that Hayes county is fortunate in securing. Court Bailiff, Mr. June Black, went to Nehawka this morning to subpiena twenty-fieveii witnesses in the Smith forgery case, which will be tried tomorrow. There will be over fifty witnesses to pay for in the two criminal cases that are to he tried this term. Geo. K. Hall, son of Hon. James Hall of Light Mile Grove, has pur chased a nice farm near lagle where he will hereafter reside; and like the sensible young man that he is, he ordereil The HekALD to follow him to his new home that he might keep posted on current events. The editor of the Klmwood Kcho is away behind the times when he proposes to support county com missioners in the future on section al grounds. The Kcho is old enough to know that that issue has been forced on Cass county by the count seat removalists for the past ten years, both in conventions and at the polls. All ot the B. & M. magnates at Omaha andsomeof the Lincoln offi cials have been suddenly called to Chicago. Manv rumors are afloat to the effect that Jay Gould or some- party has got a controling interest. which is making an entire change in the system. It is well settled that the Forbes family of Boston, so long holders of a dominant interest, have let go of a large part of their holdings. The board of insanity commb sioners have been notified by Dr. Knapp. of the State Hospital forthe insane, that Rasmus Mollis and Frank Wier have been discharged by the trustees as "harmless incura bles." "You are requested." say: the superintendent, "to cause tin removal of-aid patients Jit once. The county commissioners will doubtless have to arrange for them at the poor house, as no other suit able place can be had. Weeping Water will probably have to come down with some cold cash or Bro. Keithley's sacred coal sheds will be in the dark. esterday 111 the district court at Plattsmouth the Westinghouse Klectric Co., of Pitts burg through its attorneys, J. H. ilaldeman and (.. L. Graves, recov ered a judgment against the Weep ing Water Klectric Co. for $2,897.20, or in lieu thereof the electric light plant must be returned.--! 111011 Ledger. District Court Court convened to-d;i3 with Jndv tlinpiiiiin on the hencii. 1 lie cane of Con O'Connor vs the U. fc yi, its 011 trial to a jury. J. li. Strode appears lor defendant and Beeson & Koot and Mathew Gerinq- for plaintiff. When yon are in Lincoln, call on W. C. Austin &Co, in McHride block corner off twelvth and P Street for Havelock and UniverHity property. DISEASED HOGS Cannt become healthy food simply by the process of death. S"W"I3SrE RAISERS owe if. to themselves and society to ADVOCATE REFORM In swine raising that will promote the public health. Hogs should lie fed, Dr. Jos. Haas' HUG and POULTRY REMEDY The only reliable medicine for swine. Used successfully for fourteen year9 Prevents eisease, Arrests Disease, stops vougn, Hastens Maturity, Destroys Worms, Increases the Flesh. For sale hy F. C Fricke fc Co Plattsmouth, Nel. V arc:-;-": ; ; -VI - p. cm , ?1.:T :l!l I The luriX'? ire tu ; clr t, Vrite r..r testimonial 1 iJI-p-i'o pimphk-t on 1 Ioi'oloL'y," sffine wnl le inriili'i I for a '2-ccnt stanis Orders ly mail receive prompt attention. JOS. HAAS fndianapolis A Great EverioJ la one's Lie u Uie dUcorery ot a reiuedjr far 1 ome lODg-suwuing nuujMlj. Xbe polaua ot 8si-oful Is in your blood. You Inherited it from your uuc.ur. Will you traaamU It to your offspring r la Uto grout majority ot caaea, both UousumpUoo aiul Catarrh vrig lnate in Scrofula. It w supposed to If Ui primary source of many outer derang-ementa of Uie body. Itegia at ouco to clew me your blood Willi Uie suuidard alleraUve, Ayer's Sarsaparilla " For several months I was troubled with scrofuloua eruption over the whole body. My appetite was bad, and my system ao prostrated that I was unable to work. After trying severat remedies In vain, I resolved to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and did so wltlt &uch good effect Uiat less than one bottle Restored My Health and strength. The rapidity of the cure as tonished me, as I expected Uie process to txi long and tedious." Kredeiico Marti Kar oandes, Villa Nova de Gaya, Portugal. "For many year I was a sufferer from scrofula, until about three years ago, when I began the of af Ayer's Sarsaparilla, slnoa which the disease has entirely disappeared A lltUe child of mine, who waa troubled witfl the same complaint, has also been cured by this medicine." II. Brandt, Avoca, Nebr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla fRXPARID IT DR. J. C. A "TIER. A CO., Lowell, Man. Sold by Drug glaU. $l,U$a. Wort 15 bolile. THE TYPEWRITER A strictly first cIhxh machine, fullv wir..i. ed. Made irorn the very best material by skilled workmen, and with the best tools that have ever been devised for the purpose. War ranted to do all that can be reasonably ex pected of the very best typewriter extant. Capable or writinu l.Vi words ner minute 01 more according to the ability ot the operate. PRICE $100. inhere is no aire lit in your town ;tdiUes 1 lit manufactures. THE PA It 1 8 H M'F'G CO. Anents wanted Parish N. Y. F. B. SEELEMIRE, Agent. Lincoln, Neb, PURE MAPLE SUGAR and Syrup. Low prices o noted on lare or Ktnall lots Strictly Pure. Adirondack Maple Sngar Co 1236 Monroe Bt., Chicago, 111. FULLEK & DENIP0N Western Agents. K. DRESSLER, Tte 5th st Merchant Tailor Keeps a Full Line of ForiMTQ i otitic fooU. CoBfalt Year Interest by airing Him a Call SHERWOOD BLOCK Pin! a. tin ? ' iOU:A.D POnCKLAlMCnOWNS Bridge workjand fine gold work a SPK CI ALT Y7 DR. STKINAUS LOCAL ai well a other tab. estheticmtiven for the painless ztraction of teeth. C. A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald Bio-' Burs, Prompt,- ronlJJv Cur for Impottnct, Lota of Manhood, Seminal Emissions. Spermatorrhea, Nervousness. Self Distrust, toss of Manmru. Ac. Will natre lou a STRONG, Vigor ous A: an. Pric 1.00, 8 iifi Boxes, 3 vu. tt'un ea Box. AadreiS itMAii Ca- Llsisest Co-, S9a Lucs Ave ST. LOUIS. tda mm 0 Meal Market ,' 11 1 K 8 fcli Ht., Union Block, formerly 415 Min Hlrrrt. A Splendid Market, where Kvcrvthii kept is First CUms. We aim to oleane, and solicit the Putt lin age of the I'ul.lir. I'lIK CHOICEST STEAKS, EXCELLENT ROASTS, THE SWEETEST CUTS, FINEST CUKED MEATS, UaMK. FISH AND OTHKtt l)EM('4CIKat IN HKAHON. tty fair and hcttest dealing I eipeef to merit a share of the trade. 131-lm. J. It. VALLEKY. I'rop- HIKE SIINELLBACKEU. Wagon and Blacksmith ho Wagon, Buggy, Machine and plow ICeairiat( donw- HOKSESHOKINO A SPECIALTY Hit uss the NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which is th beet horsenhoe for thav farmer, r for fant drivinu, or for city purposes ever inyented. It is bo niad that anyone cun put on nharp or flat" corks, as needed for wet and . slippery days, or smooth, dry roads. Call at. his shop and examine the NiCTKKn.ii and you will use no other. J. M. SHNELLH ACKER. 112 North Fifth fit. Plattflmouthv JULIUS PEPPERRERG. MANUFACTURER OP AI WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THK Thoirest Brands of Cigars, including our e"lor d fu )r)K;i' ani '"Jul FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE i. wavH in stock. Nov. 2ft. 1885. Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. II. A. WATERMAN & SON NF LUMBER Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, Blinds Can supply everw demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand Jeverythiag you need to furnish your house. CORNER SIXTH AXD MAJX STKEKT Plattsmout - Neb P. J. HANSEN DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, GLASS AK.L QUEENSWAKE Flour rbO Fesfl a Speciallr 1 jitronacrL' . the Pubic Solicited. JOHNSON B0ILDING, NsrtH.StUL.