Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 05, 1891, Image 5

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1 1
5 it
From Mond.ij's Dally.
C. L. OrnvcH 1 8Q., the editor, poet arm
lawyer of Union U nttcndintf district
coiut today.
Col.T. K. Williiiina is in thecity toduy
having spent Sunday evening with
fritnds west ol town.
llr., thu United Hrcthnn
Jnini-ter at LiUity hnp.l, r.-tumeil to
liia homo ut f'.dmyni thin luoriiintr.
Walter Whit" i- husy today with u
force of men tcaiing down tin: ld court
Louse to n.uke lvtuly fi r the new one.
The village of Union has a tfoort Imnk
. . ... :...! tiiinmi Tliis
leaves Nehawka und LouiviUc iar in
the rear.
"W. J. Urowucll, Rii Ashland druggist,
Wns in the city looking up a location
He conclud.d I'Uttsinouth was well bup
plied with drug stores und returned
honutihis morning.
S. V. lliplt-y, residing near Gerinr,
Scotta Bluff county, is in the city toUy.
He ehowed us ioine sinpl-a of wheiit
that tn ide :3 bushels to the acr in that
county. It was irrigated !nd is very
lrtty, we have some of it at thdlKRAi.u
' ' -Senator Thomas returned to his legU
latiV duties this morning. And right
Lere it may not he out of place to say
that Mr. Thomas rauka high as an active, Ytr.irW'm.r member. He devotes h:s
time exclusively to t-tate affairs and it
better posted on the condition of legis
lation than any of the sleek tongued
members who pose as a statesman.
Several have enquired who the man
Tatam, of Yokohoma, Japan, was that
owned property in Plattsmouth. Judge
O'Donohoe says that he knew Tatam
quite well and sold him the property
which he now owns over in the Fourth
ward. He eays that Tatam was a resi
dent of this city several years ago and
that he is related to John Leesley and to
Mr. Alli, of this city.
Frank Young sr. lost his pocketbook
today on the street containing f 12 in
cash and some valnable papers. This
keing the first of the month, the chances
are that the fellow who found it has
been so importuned by the bill collectors
that he will borrow it to pay his ac
counts. Later Since writing the above Mr.
Young 1ms recovered his book and
money. It was found by a Plattsmouth
gentleman and returned to him.
County Court.
ITearin" on tiuil settlement acooant.-
of J. 1'- Hurdiek, guardian of V. C.
Duetler, formerly insane. Accounts
V nll.iue 1 and decree of discharge.
to Hearing final settlement accounts of
fit fiJVV. Ripley, administrator estate Sim-
VC. M. A Ripley, deceased. Accounts al-
V . , , r
Mnwpd ana aecree ui ttSMf;uuir1.v.
Last will and testament of George
TTT.,i,ot filod for nrobate. Hearing
?f 01ivW ....... L
March 23, at 10 a. m.
President Manderson.
The telegraph of today gives us good
news of Nebraska being honored by
honoring her representative at Washing
ton. The telegram is dated Washing
ton, D. C, and reads as follows:
A conference of the republican sena
tors was held tonight for the purpose of
selecting a president pro tempore in the
senate in the place of Mr. Ingalls. Sen
ator Sherman presided. Three senators
were nominated lor the position, Messrs.
Frye, of Iaine. Hoar, of Massachusetts
and Manderson, of Nebraska. Six or
seren ballots were taken, and on the
l&st Senator Manderson received the
nomination. On motion of Mr. Frye the
nomination was made unanimous.
Railway Notes.
Lchs new work tlmn usual i being or
dered in the roach hit "p.
The ma-'er nnrhanic'H department,
will have full charge of the time
CM Morgan, telegraph operator for
Mr. Hawkswotth. h .s alo had other du
tie added to his line of wrk.
Down ar the Mote h.ii-e Charley Ed
and O. C. Smith Lay ' aligned to
Master Mechanic (ireusel's ile, artnient.
Mr. Pinkertoii, night telegraph opera
tor, will take charge of the f'night re
ceived record and the abstrac t record in
addition to his duties as operator.
It is rumored th it Mr. Uuitun w ho
has luuu eont. mplated a lay off will re
bign his position and rest up, after which
lie m-y take a position in Denver.
John Kinnamon, a freight rustler :t
the freight depot, h:.s been let out and
Charley Kimiumoii, lute ussi,t;iiit to Mr.
Latham, has been assigned his place.
John T. l'ugh, the well known agent
of the 15. & M , K- l 111 ,,,UM,iC
Junction, has resigned, ami the agent at
Hamburgh has been promoted to till ins
M. M. Marshall, general ajjent of the
C. H. & Q- at Council liluffs, whom our
people will remember as the old agent at
the Junction, has been succeed d by the
agent at Villisca.
..i. .,i-pr'9 dftnartment is the only one
in the shops that is still crowded. Slack
business on the track seems to never get
slow enough for the freight car depart
ment to catch up.
r, U Smith, o e of the car checkers,
has been discharged in the interest of
economy, and the two remaining check
ers, Ed Parrott and Ote Dovey, are ex
pected to do the work with the assistance
of the telegraph force.
The legislature is having an effect on
the shops here. The company is reefing
its sails to be ready for the storm. The
" cent fare and maximum first rate is
causing the managers of Nebraska roads
to cut off every possible expense and
stop every improvement. This time
ti.,. ulions were crowded with
uew'work; now it is nothing but neces
sary repairs
Ji,a Johnst.i., one of Cass county's
best farmers, is in the city today.
Mrs. Senator Thomas was a Line In
visitor this morning, having recently re
turned from a visit in Illinois
Mrs. Mairgm Jackson returned to her
h .mu at M. Cook la-t night alter :i two
week-.' vir-it wiili her p irents. Mr. and
Mrs. II. J. Str. ight.
Fred Gonlcr sold J. C. Petersen lh
.t . t f harness we have Men for
I many a day. Fr d is carrying a large
1 i r i: I..
: 1
a Close Call.
Saturday last a well known gentleman.
in this city stepped into a store, when a
young man who was in there looking at
a revolver picked up the weapon and
started to pull it in a playful manner,
aiming it at the gentleman who had just
come in. For some reason he turned the
W,oon around and did not turn the
U&id towards his friend, though he
. ..e
xlt" started to do so. i lie queer pai l o ....
'-V story, however, rots in the fact th:;t the
young man did n t know it was loaded,
and had olten snapped it (it being a
Wit-acting revolver of large size) at fel-lo-v
wh'Vl' to tai.ii:i- rt-ar;
this was what he started to do this time
and lie don't know why he didit do it.
If he had, a fatal acuden-; would dotibr
i,... i.'d. as this time it whs
) ICS '
The ynusjg m ' r.e-.r.y t-onreri
I 1 . ' i , T '.."I'll il
V. l.eli ne vl'.v no ne.. ..
human life. He snys he has learned a
lesson that will la.-t hint a rctury if he
should live that long. H-: wont
any more the arms. The irentleman who
came so near being the yictim lid not
feel very funny when he learned how
close h'' ftme to receiving a summons to
cross the Uik river." .
Dwver, Walling & Livingston is the
n.pnf a new democratic law nrm
...i.;..i. Iw.omis bu today. The firm
5j .m.,ned of vount: men with lots of
push, energy and plenty of brains. And
tivt.d wants to go on record as
sayin- they will make a success of it
from the start. Dwyer is an active
i ..c .t... I..,.- l'!liii!' is a
ymii limn oi iK "
!.1.f..r,,lr!ider than many old attorneys;
he is a line abstracter, while Guy Liv
:,.in. the iuuior nieuiber of the firm
is a bright young man that will give a
... ..1 recount of himself. The IIehai.d
wishes the boys may realize all that their
proudest hopes have pictured.
Judicial Apportionment.
From Taesday's Dally.
The renort of the apportionment com
made vssterday on dividing the
state into judicial district provides for
rlirirts and iudses ao follows:
First District Richardson, Xemaha,
Johnson, Pawnee. Gage. Jefferson; two
o i i;r?f ntnc Cass: one
DClUUU il -...v -' 1
ind erf
Ti,...;f Lancaster: tnree
JLU1IU 1 lt,LI '
Fourth District Douglas, Sarpy,
WhincTton. Burt: seven judges
Fifth District-Saunders, Butler, Sew
tii.- Vnrk. two iudges.
Sixth District Dodge, Colfax, Platte,
Merrick, Nance; two judges.
s,..pntl, District Saline, Thayer,
Nuckolls, Fillmore, Clay, Hamilton; one
judge. District Cuming, Stanton,
Dixon. Dakota, Cedar, Thurs'ou; one
Ninth District--Wayne, Madison, An
telope, Pierce, Knox; one judge.
Tenth District Adams, Webster,
Franklin, Kearney, Harlan, Phelps; one
jud ge.
Eeventh District Buffalo, Dawson,
f'iKtrr- one i udcre.
Twelfth District Lincoln, Logan,
She. man. K.ith. Cheyenne, I)eu -1, Seo:tS
liluir, Kimb.dl, Baneer, McPhersoii,
Artl.ur, Perkily; one judge.
Thirtouith l):strici --Fumas, Frontcir,
lied 'willow, Hitchcock, Hayes, Chase,
I )snnly ; one judge.
Fourteenth District Buck,
K vi Paha, Cherry. Sheii-hiu.
Sioux. Box Butte 1 uiioruanii
line of fine goods
Col. Thomas B. Stephenson, the Ne
braska City lawyer, was in town over
night looKing alter some law bu.-incss
before Judge Chapman.
Mrs. Frank Palmer has been enjoying
a visit from her sister, Miss Dovey, of
Knights-town, Indiana, and Mrs. Hick
man of Chicago. Her guests will leave
tomorrow for Chicago.
The little babe of Mr. and Mrs. Ji rry
Farthing died last night. Aged 8
months. The funeral will take place to
morrow at 2 o'clock Irom the M. E.
church. Rev Buckner will have charge
f the services. Friends of the family
II. P. Sundell. one of our best citizens
started this morning with his family for
Burt county. Mr. Sundell owns a farm
there which they expect to improve and
in doinir so will enjoy the pleasures and
profits of farm life. The IIuuald goes
with Mr. Sundell to keep him posted on
matters of interest in old Casf.
A telegram from Aurora, 111., says:
"Over 400 men haye been discharged
by the C. B. & Q,. car and locomotive
shops here. The laboratory has been
practically abandoned and the working
force at the shops reduced fully 00 per
cent. This is the biggest cut made by
the company since 1876.
Uncle Robert lletteer reside with his
son-in-law. Peter Eveland, out in the
western part of the county. He said he
drove two miles to their station on the
Rock Island this morning, boarded the
train. for South Bend, arriving there in
time to catch the Schuyler which put
him in Plattsmouth in time for a late
breakfast. He can't see why people want
to change the county seat for any out of
the way village, and he ret used to sign
the petition much to the disgust of some
of his neighbors.
Wm. A. Linch of Greenwood, one of
Cass county's early settlers, has just re
turned from the sunny south. He pur
chased 1.S00 acres of land in Alabama
und is arranging to move his f.'.nnly
lown there- as soon as possible. The
success which P. P. Johnson of Red Oak
has been making down there bids fair to
take all his acquaintances to that coun
try. Mr. Linch thinks he has a tortune
within his grasp and wc trust that lie
W a CFtJ e u t ATO i'i ti. ' ' i
An Oiiiiihi paper says: 'The Bur
lington h is b n i i. tly tuttin j: down
its loice of rl'-ik- at the h ad.pi irt rs
in this city and l-i-t niu: timsli-d, ojv ng
out unties di clone; rn: h ty men. The
diseln. r-e- ren.i tle.t "in coii-t. .pieiiee of
the present poo,- t.:t.- ! tui-ue ss nntl
the poor initio, k I.. I the future," the
company i 1 ! i 1 to li-" u-e with ti e
services ol tie mm a. Mr. i-m d.
As a nil.- t'-e noli'- s .r.- to take eflect
Mrch 1.1.
"I know," S lid on- . the Clerks, "ihat
bu-iin: s is lui. r. I-tl. noepnoy doing
this tor ctt. c! .n the legislatui" ? Hanl
lv. Wear lol lth-. the lo'.d bd li t
pa expeiisth last iiioii II, and from t e
irpoits thht p. .-s ihroiih our hn.l I
believe it."
The undcrti!idiug is fiat one .fourth
oi the loice is to be i educed. S mem n
who e;ot no'ice of disehur-e have hen.
working for the coiupn y six or sever
District Court
Court convened tl.i- uiorning. Ju'?i:c
Chapman pr.hi'lioir. Af-r the call ot
the docket, w hich occupied most o' th
forenoon, the case- ot Deani vs. Deam
W is begun before h jury. The c se is
suit for services, amount involved $3,000
Fred A Ba-gs of Chicago and B.eson A
Root are attorneys for plaietiff T"1
bailiff appointed are John Tighe, Ed
HIhcIc. F. J. Milken
and Ira Searle.
d terri
!oi v north ol :h i ; one judP
INmemle r tht Ayer's Chetry Pectoral
, - ; -pecilic for Colds,
i.s, uui all afiections of the throat
lungs For nearly half a century it
b 'en in g'-eater demand than any
other r in.-.iy lur puimurarj e mr. .oo
AU druggists have it for sale.
The Canning Company.
The Canning Company real i state w:.s
. , . . TL. , 1. ...! I..-
sold yisteruay 10 rraniv v.uimieu -
'tier;il for t,::00. It wa- foreclosed on
an $11,000 mortgage. The prospects
now are very t'tvor.tUl- for the operation
of the plant summer. We trust that
the arrangements being made will be
fully carried out, as the canning factory
employe.0 were poor people, and is of
more real advantage to the city than any
institution we ever had outsi le ol the
B. Jt M. shops.
The only s de cn I reliable substitute
i fur castor oil. Sold by Gering & Co.
Horatio Didn't Squeal.
Lat nisht II. N. Dovey went outback
of the store and was greatly surprised to
run onto a wagon and team in the alley.
He stopped, and noticed two tellows
piling wood into the wagon from Mur
phy's wood pile on bne side and Doyey's
on the other. H. N , in a commanding
tone of voice calculated to strike terror
to the hearts of evildoers, demanded
what thev were doing! They jumped
onto the wagon; ome of them picked up
a stick of stoye wood and raised it, as
he said, "don't you squeal." In the
meantime the other fellow got hold ot
the lines, and the way that team flew
through the alley and south on ilurd
street was a caution. Horatio did not
oueal until they were safely out of
sight; then he got hot and thirsted for
gore, but it was too late. At l ist ac
counts the thieveshad not been captured.
A Lizard in His Stomach,
The following special telegram to the
Bee was sent from Chicago yesterday
and is evidently not intended as a fake
but as a fact. Water drinkers need not
be alarmed, if they will drink from a
glass or a cup, it is not intended as a
fright for prohibitionists. The telegram
is :.s follows:
...r.,r Mrrli A dark crecn
; ..1 three and one-half inches long.
wled out of Michael Daly's stomach
today. Frist September while in a li'tle
town about eight miles from Erie, Pa.,
j Mr. D ly drank from 'a spring near the
' . i . : .1..,- ...If r.Mi't.r le..
(U pui iili el Hie ill ai na iuv.j.i.1. ...
side. About a month ago the lizard
I c-an causing him seri. us trouble lor
the f:it time, and he hud s-.iioiis lit- ot
voiiHtint:. He was told that whiskey
would kill the animal, and he d-ank
until he had tremens, but the lizard
he'.il the tort. Then he consulted a
doctor and vas told to drink nothing
but suit water for twenty-four hours.
He also ate two or three pounds of salt
pork. About lo o'clock this morning a
linn of hot milk was placed by his bed
side. When Daly leaned over h felt
something crawling up the side of his
stomach aed in another moment the rep
tile whs in his throat and 1 ell with a
.-plash into the water.
Xeidles, oils and p,nl-:'i
machines cm be'ouu.t . I.
' rice, coruei ol ot .Maui au l
with Ilcury Iioeck.
District Court.
State vb John Fowler. Plea of guilty
of assault entered, and court fined the
defendant $15.
First National Bank of Weeping
Water vs F. M. Striplin and W. M. Bu
ter. Judgment for plaintiff in the sum
of S2.250. .
Nelson A. Smith vs Helen M. Smith
Dismissed without predjudice to another
W. S. Wise vs Fred Dorrington, De-
fendjo ordered to show cause by Fri
day uiorning next, why sale should
not be confirmed.
M. B. Murphy & Co. vs Patrick Dugan
et al Continued.
it n Tmvis vs B. F. Lans. Contin
lex Schlegal vs Free port Insurance
Co. Plaintiff given twenty days to lib-
amended petition.
Alexander vs Hunter. Decree as per
mandate of supreme court.
Francis N. Gibson vs S. M. Halyer
stadt et al. Judgmtn: lor plaintiff for
$401. .10 and decree of foreclosure en-
Tel ed.
Jordan Stevens vs i.ank ol Commerce.
James Johnson vs Simon Ob rnalte
c;t f.jr damves for malicious prosecu
turn. On trial to j'iry. E. II. Wooley
for plaintiff, J. H. Haldeiuau for defen
Louisa Brakhege as next friend vs
fj,.,, Metz et al. Continued.
Albert C. Russell vs Smith, Gillette
X- C. Settled and dismissed.
The new law docket and new equity
docket, nicely ruled, with the names of
the court officers, are a big improvement
over the old records.
To Farmers and Those Attending
The Perkins House has changed hands
and is now kept in good style by Henry
Bone. The rates are $1.00 i-ek day, sin-
r e meals, twenty-kive cents. Kates
by the week, $4.50. This is without
doubt the cheapest first class hotel in the
.i fall nd he convinced. wlm
Tr. is ouite probable that you may need
the services of a physician same day;
hut vou can postpone tlin time indefi
nitely by keeping your blood pure and
ri,r Evatpin mvirforated through the us
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Prevention i
better than cure.
Remarkable ReSCUe.
Mr. Michael Curtain, riaintield . Ill makes
. . r " ilirnf. I'lllll Willed SPl
tle.l on her l-nms ; she wan u wated for a nioiitli
hy her family plijsieian. l"t ';
II I HIT FIIB WS'Oii.l'i'..' ...... -; - ,
tion and that no luediein could cine In r
o,,.- n.MKfrist sucsef-ted Dr. lnin i.ew niseov-
r,, ..nim.iit ion : she bouulit i bottle and
to her del!tfht found lierselfltenetited from the
fust dose. She eor.tinupd it; u ;c aau auei uik-i,,-
l. -n l.aitlp-. found l.errlf younJ and well
. ...- '-iti'iMi h"iiwei!.:!:.d I-as well a
i v. -i ..- I 'i im t ; i,' . '. ... ! ' ' ! Ii til-i i-'I'eat
i. :. ' ri.-.v .m ' linii Store
l-i-!.. lt ."(10. U: .1 .-I-
- ... . ...r. ( 'i ; -i -nl h"! i : ill Co.. 1
roiiie ." v., l..wa. mi"- :a-d the in.-.r,
,,f a eoifh svi t:t). b.-li -vmg ltti
i . . . .. . . . .r, .I., , ,t d !! ! ::i ' i. c i ; ti;:l":i
lie i in. iii. .-I- i-1 r
.. .. . ,1. ,...,! t'.ir emii 'lis. ce . s :HHl
iiim Hi p. "- - - 7
... ..... ti. t.ti'.'.u- :.!-: ; e; .If irn
e ; e 1 1 . i n . i , i i
m, lit and ill time it was eeitiin to
r.-:e.e pop'iWr. Their un.-st si!iT,n:e
hc's base 1h.ii more than reali.-d.
Over thrte hundred thousand bottles of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy are now
sold each year, and it is reeogni.ed as
'the hrst made," wherever known. It
will cure a severe cold in less time than
any other treatment. For sale by V. G.
Pricke & Co.
Have open for the in-;
spection of the public
the newest patterns in
Body Brussels, Velvets
Tapistries, all wool an j
Union three-plys, Two
ply all wool and a good
line of the cheaper
flilll lTtJHff T
Til V. Ih-A. l
Also a nice selection of the lat
est things in Lace Curtains, China
Matting, Stair Carpetings. curtain
poles, stair buttons, oil-c!oths, Lin
olemns, etc
. tc 3crxa
The Storm of Reduction
Tlic Storm of Patronage,
S. & C. Mayer Continue to Wear the
iOARGAINS in Mens, Boys and Childrens'
clothing, are melting away like ice Before
the Summers sun. Our great Reduction pric
es are catching the eye of the careful buyer.
G Jx 0 T H I N (
At such prices as have never been offered be
fore in the history of Plattsmouth,
i . 1 kings of
. !
t. h -treets
St to 109 North Clark Street.
zzcrf -A go.
II-., Ui s:;.n Tron!' r.tsW nt'
Popular Prices. " New House.
Cut tlii out tr future rrfrrenrr.
Before looking us over, It means money in
your pocket.
im ill .hth