Juirii iU N tm y VOL. XXVI. NO. SO. PL ATTSMuUTH. CASS COUNTY, NKMJASKA. TIIUKSnAY. MA' Oil ; 1M) $l.r() A V K A WE CANT PLEASE THEM -i rttt of all in Leaven :ug Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, n o THEY LOVETHE OLD HELtC d oa m tin A Louisville Citizen Brintrs Injunc tlon Proceedings Against the County Commissioners toStop MovinfrOld Court House 0 QUI'1, ftNNT3It R h .n fl ? H I A n ! II n u n m r m 11 H 08 E3 BU E3 4. xk- " 1 . r in . ( I Y tf V ABSOLUTELY PURE L uice Child's 8uitftt$l OOatJOE'&tf Go to JOE nuil lay in jour supply for "wjxt year. It "will pay you frood inter est ht the prices he is clotting t ut his stock. tf Come and see the difference) between cash and credit prices. Elson, the cash clothier. tf No old chestnuts or rubbish at JOE'S. Everything of the Utest style and at be . low cost. tf Miss llollie Tucker. Dressmaking and millinery a specialty. Rooms over ilcr old's store. . 1f Now is your chance, and s-ich n cbjce yon will lave but once in a life iim?v to buy Clothing, Furnishing Goods, lints, etc., at slauhitiinjr pricts at .JOE'S. Tho entire stock must be sold, out as quipas possible. tf A genuine St jon $4.00 Hat at $2 73 at JOE'S. tf When you are in Lincoln, call on W, C. Austin & C ., in McKri-de block, cor ner of Twelvth and P strict?, for Have lock and University property. if The proprietors of Ely's Cream Bilm do.not claim it to be a cure-all, but a sure remedy for cutarrh, colds in houi and buy fever. It is not a liquid or a st uff, but i- cisily applied into the nos trils. It gives relief at once. For glassware, queinswr.rc and t he best and freshest gioceries go to Phillip Kraus, where you will find everything you want for your table. tf. A $,ood pair of bhocs at l.OQat JOE'S. ' f " - -- 'if n, v -to Nervous Debilitated Men. ' lf jou will stud us your address, we will mail you our illustrated pamphlet enplaininfi all about Dr. Dye's celebrated Electro-Voltiac Belt and appliances, and their charming effects upon the nervious ' debilitated system, and how they will quickly ref'ore you to viixor and man Lood. Pamphlet free. If you ure thus afHicted wr; will send you a belt and ap pliances on a trial. ' , Voitiac Bki.t Co. Marsb-li, Kicb. - - For Sal. A good farm one-fourth mile fiomthc town of Murray, an tho 31. P. K. R. Plenty of timber and water. Good orchard. 330 bearing trees. Plattsmouth, Neb, Feb., 9th, 1891. "tf R. W. II VERS. You can not form an idea what it is to sell Clothing, etc., at and below cost un til you look through JOE'S stock, tf It is only with regret JOE has to sell out his entire stock, for he lms done a very satisfactory and successful business, but dissolution between JOE and his partner, Mr William Fisher compels him to close out. tf Fred Gorder. The kin-; of the implement trade in Cas5 county, is getting in bis spring stock which comprises everything in the line of frni impl'-mr-nt to be found. Mr. border also makes a specialty of fine Craggies, carriages, and single and 'double harness. Gorder carries the largest stock of harness to be found in the county; call and see him on lower Main street. Plattsmouth, Neb. d&w-tf A fine worsled men's suit, former price $1S, now at $12.50 at JOE'S, tf Night School! At South Park school house, bcrinning next Thursday, the 5th inst,, at 7 p. m. The common branches taught. Apply for terms and full particulars of d3t O. T. Wood. Milss' Norveand Liver Pllio- Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowel.-" through tho nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad tiste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Uuc qualed for men, women. children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 25a Sampla free at F. G. Fricke & Co's. Dr. Marshall. DEMTfST, Will be in his office or and after March 14 h. J M. Muir, sewing machine and mus ical instrument repairer, 114 .North Sixth Btreet, Neville block. d;t If you want good goods cheap, go to Elson, the cash one price clothier. tf Miss May Beveiaye and Mrs. Kellogg are in Omaha todav. You will besurprisec. how cheap you can buy boys' and men s eJmliuig at Elson, the cis!i one puce clotlm r. tt. Miaa May Skil- 8 h s ace p'ed a position in Mie wltob.'s de millinery linn of Obcr felter & Co., of Omaha, and left th morning to begin her work, V. II. Bridge, a victim of the disas trous Deadwood wreck, is in the city re covering from his bruises. He is visit ing with h'n brother, J. W. Bridge. Pianos at a bargain; evil at J. M Muir'a and iniesf. E -sy terms, a rare chance. 1 11 Noi th Sixth frlreet. u3c Fret not your life away because yoqr hair is gray while young, as you can st-p all grayness and can beautify the h.ur with Hall's Il.iir Kenewcr and bi happy. Otis Doycy esq , the ladies' man of the depot force, accompanied Miss Ida Dovcy and Mrs. Hickman to Omaha this morning t see the 1 tdies safely on tin train for Cincago. The National Swedi-h Ladies' Octette Concert .Company has been secured by the opera ioue ni nagement for one r-f. the concerts sometime dining the latter put of March. This is a rare musical treat. The jury in the T)?an case on tihd yesterday brought in a vtrdht for plaintiff for $C'J0. In the . case of Johnson vs. Ob rn.-iltc the jury gave Mr. J. a vertlict for 1Q0 and ccsts. AVaxtkd A girl for sic-Vn l work, at Mrs. II. 1i. Windham's, 717 Walnut street. . 43-u0vl Architect Gray, of Lincoln v,;is in the city yesterday, looking nftur couit hu-ii-mutters. Ii is givn out that Cvn:ractw King wil! patroti'zj lo.l carpenters and supply houses to t.s great an extent as 'a resident contractor would have done. We h'.-pe he wilk Elson, the cssh one prica clothier, is sellirg goods, cheaper than any other house in town. tf The regular meeting of tho Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. church, will be held tomorrow afternoon at '2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs.. Drew, on Vine street, between Fourth end Fifth. As tin y have very important business, they de sire at least twenty members to bo pres ent if possible. If anything more be needed to disgust the people, with the Louisville-Xehawka townsite boomers, the Rt. Rev. Swash buckler, of the Louisville Courier-Journal, last week emptied a sample of elead English anel putrifled Hindoo over the boom which certainly our'it to satisfy cleanly people that close proximity to the seat of war is to be ayoided. Poor old emaciated relic of the days of b.ick s.leesh." A. B. Todd of Plattsmouth called at the relief board's headquarters yesterday to furnLh some rjciptr for 13,00 pounds of contributions sent from that place to frontier county, where a number of Cas3 county people reside. Seme complaints bad been made to the board ubout the distribution of the goods anil Mr. Todd's mission was to show the board that it was all right. One of the complainants was a minister at Maywood, who, Mr. Todd says, was one of the first to get a suit of clothing out of the lot.- State Joumd. A New Firm Toasted. An elegant supper was given last even ing at Mrs. It R. Livingston in honor of the new law linn composed of Messrs Dwyrr, Walling & Livingston. After feasting for an hour or more, appro priate toasts were responded to in a hap py vein, and a delightful evening passed away. The souvenirs were unique and consisted of three minature china (bills, deftlv fastened to the bl tie of the law card of the new firm to represent the young men as fresh from clerks' nursery. The invited guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Burgess. Mrs and Mrs. F. E. White, Mr, and Mrs. Byron Clark, Mr. Geo. Palmer and Miss Belle Kim ball of Cmaha, Mr. Dwyer and Miss Donovan, Mr. Lindon and Miss Leonard and Mr. Walling. Lntiik Di tkict Count ok Cass County, Nebraska- JAMES ST.ANDKIJ, Plaintiff vs. AMI B. TODD, AAKO.V C. i.oDER Petition. .kCOK 'IHlhT.x H, and WALTER J WHITE , Defendants J Cames now the above named plaintiff and for cau-e of aetiuu Hgaintit the de fendants alleges that plaintiff is a resi tlent elector and tax payer of Cass coun ty, Nebrat-ka, and biings thi HC-tion on behalf of himsell and all others in like situation-' 2. That the defendants, Ami B. Todd, Aaron Loder, Jacob Trietsch, constitute the board of commis.sioueis of said county. 3 TJiat said Cass county is a county of said state of Nebraska, duly organized under the laws i hereof and entitled to all the rights, end sul j -et to all the resttic tions (stablished by the statutes of Ne btaski iclative to (Ountrcs in said state. 4. That the defendants, Todd, Loder,' h: (I Tihtseh. aru Ihe board of commis sioners of said Cas-s Cuunty, t.i;d acting .-a such, h ive general supervision of the public busimss of said county sulj ctto the restrictions placed upon them by law. 5. That s.-iid county of C iss is owm-r of a ('act or paieel of bind, towit: lot 8, und. west, half of lot 9, Mock 30, in I'Jattsmouth, upon which thre is situa ted thne t-ul.-stiintial lukk birtldiiigs. of a permanent character, whbh are the pronerty of said ce u.iity, fnd two of which are the court house buiMincs of sa;d county, : i;d arc :i part" and 1 arctlof said real estate und public ground-". (5. That on or about the Blth day of February, ldOl, said IVd.l, Loder, and Trietsch, acting as the ln-ard of countv roimi-.'s-ioneis of s-sid c;.u:.ty. pr.-lf lultd to-advertise said buildintis fcir s:ilc, ar.d on or about the 21th diy .of Febnnrv, lbJl, they pretembd to sell sfihl build ings to Walter .7. White for jo.5:, and said defendant 'A kite now claims to be owner of said building", :uid is proceed ing to tear down, ronrve and destrcy aid I'uildings. and v.iil do so unit ss rc trail. ed by order of this curt, thus ner mittiug the same to be wholly lest to this county. 7. Plaintiff further alleges that no proposition has ever been submitted to the electors of said county proTidi'ivj for the sale of said property in any manner whatsoever; tnd plaintiff alb-e ns ad vised by-cuinsel that the .nc's of said de fendants, Todd, Loder curl Tricts.ch, in pretend leg to s-Al said prcperty are with out authority of law and are void; and that Slid pretended side conveyed, no title whatever of said j-,r v : v to s;.id U hite wlio has no authoiitv in law to re move or destroy said property. That said property is of cons:d( rablo v ;lu", at least the sum of !;-l,0'J0, uuc1 the same will be wholly lost to said county unless sa-d ih'fendants ar-e rest rain eel I;y order of this court. Wherefore; Fldnt iff prays, that said defendants, Todd, Loder and Trietsch, be enjoined trom permitting said White or any other person to remove or destroy said property and enjoining them from in any other manner disposing of or re moving said property until duly author ized thereunto as provided by law; and that said White be enjoined from assert ing any ownership or control over said property by virtue of said pretended sale or by viitue of any otiier claim, and for such other relief as may be equitable bigned and sworn to by James Stander. also signed by Wooley & Gibson, attor neys for plaintiff. The sheriff has served the papers an nouncing Friday of this week, at 9 a. ro. as the time when application for injunc tion will be made before the district court. Fine is money then go to Gering & Co s to buy wall paper. ' eod wtf On account of printing the petition for an injnucticn filed today our local page is cut short. We thought court house news of more importance than any other. Save money and get the best selection and cheapest wall paper at Gering & Co. 1 gki i r -i miii.mii 1 ifj ;; S X, x V no Ct3 n - CO CJ3 C3 000 o t; o o o o i v 1 ". V.- Z 1 2 a e -. - c: s: s- - 4-? c; 1: 1 o T. H 3 i-5 " O u. ;e - t i J- cj s t- - c c a ct i r i - i - C2 O 2 1-3 t I tJ U'"'-"M "'J J L CLEARANCE SALE LADIES AND CHJLDRENS CLOAKS, UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY BLA 17KET3 COMFORTABLES WHICH BEGINS TODAY SSf HAVE cut the prices deep, and par ties in need of anything in the above lines will save money by calling. vJXJST ODPZEHSTEiZD Our new line of embroideries, the handsom est and largest line ever shown by us. F. HERRMANN Fir.sT noou i:sr nusr NA'l iONAI. I A N K jAWSON & PEA R CE Carry a Full Line or FIXE MILLEXZRY AND CHIL DRESS CLOTHING. ALSO ritESH CX'T FLOWKKS 1IOO.M 2. It. LKY BLOCK. i'LATTMO CTIl Look Here! Livery one indebted to JOli.', The One Trice Clothier, must set tle within thirty days or the ac counts will be placed in the hands of a Justice tor collection. tf Joe Klein. Wm. Fisiiek. The liucst of Fulliillin Goods at tlaughttrirjrr prices at JOE'S. tf A Husband's Mistake. Husbands too often peimit wives, and punnt.s tb- ir childrtu, to suffer from headache, diz.ii-.ess, ueurulia, tk-C.Ie.-s-ncss, tits, nervousness, when by the use of Dr. MiW Restorative Xeivine such serioU3 results could easily be prevented. Dm 'f.i's t-vervwhere sav it Lives uni versal satisfaction, and has an immense sale. Woodworth & Co , of Fort Wavne, lnd.;Snov & Co, cf Syracuse, X. Y.; J, C. Wolf, Hillsdale, Mich.; and hun lirfdn f others sny "it is the preatc-s' seller they ever knew. It contains no opiates. Trial bottle and fine book on neryous diseases, free at F. G. Fricko & Co. 5 All the latest styles of wall paper fouDd (Vilrlmon Sr. VnllrrV tf Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby tjiven that the part nership heretofore existing between the undersigned under the firm name of Bceck & Walker is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due said firm must be paid to Henry Bu:-k, who assumes all the indebtedness of said firm. Feb. 26,191 HESiiV Bceck. eo- w- Walker. d&w-lm Why continue the use of irritation powders, snuffs or liquids. Eiy's Cream Balm, plcasint of application and a sure cure for catarrh usd cold in head, cm be had for 50c. It is easily applied into the nostrils, is safe and pleasant, and is curing the most obstinate casrs. It ives relief at once. Taken Up The undesigned has taken up a etray pig which can be obtained by the owner by proving property and paying for this notice. S. F. Osborn, Cor. Et "tith and Locut street. OF: PLATTSMOUTH. KEll. Sciiiielissii fir,'.-',,!, Tin- V;;! i:''!iii AvciiiK: GROCERS Provision Merchants. !lr:tdiLi:i! f rs for FLOUI'. AN!) FEED, We pay no rent and sell fur CA-H. You don't pay any bills for d a l beats when you buy of this tirm. TJie btst SOFT CO-Wj always oa Hind. DOISTT IP A " '1 II K 5 COElsrERS 5 ()'poMte Kichey Bros Lun.i'i r office SPECIAL - EKGAGEIENT or the roPCLAn T.-K.-' QUARTETTE OP OMAHA. DUNCAN, KIIATZ. CONIiAD, BOLLMAN. Assisted by Mr. W. S.Marshall, Or'anit nf AH Faints Church. O -aaha. PresTDyterian J Church. Benlfit (hiias HUIISI)AY3 March Admission 35C Seats may be reserved at J. P. Young' .