'Wi 26T 1891 WHiMaNHnV IM SI V (TUT JjSe VT'il oi the silk, and It has In -Tose ! om trade , th-if we now h ve tlilrty ii on muk nr It." Mow much was the tarlit udvaaced?" "Twt-my or thirty per cent." "How much did you advance your prices?" ; Wdl one cent. My pr.'oa" are the same as a yoarair.i . " This is the story I have coiu-t.ut'y been liearhiK. except wheie ti lists are robbing the people. And trusts e ime from Kugland duly ' free. I mi The boy may live to be 80, but the poor horse for want of a blan ket in the stable has to die. at 2C. FREE Get from your dealer free, the fK Book. It has handsome pictures and Two or three dollars for a 5,4 IIor ' "M" ,,kc thls f"Uwin fire Blanket will make your horse worth more to gladden the workingmau's heart: and eat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test K) other styles at prices to suit every body. If you can't get them from your 1 teaJer, write us. Ask for a Mckinley plate glass in dustry. American Econ- mis : The reaction Irom the "Triumph of Lying" seems t he at hund. We hear no more from the "reformer" the cry about McKinlev pries, but instead news beginning heart: The plate kIsh fac; ory now being constructed at Irwin, l'a.. 's t" be one of the largest plants of the kind In Amerl a. Over 600 men wi;i be em loyed, and while the capitalists wl I Rive I no figures regarding cost, tne outlay win amount t over $1000 000. A leading N- w York banker Is behind the enterprise, which Is to be known as the Pennsylvania Plate Gias Company. 1 . Mr. Tlkvelanis position in favor of cheap labor and dear money sr cms to suit our English emissary and free trade neighbor, the Journal. Tub plea-ant nlatii na heretofore ex isting hetween Col. Bushnell, of Iho Lincoln Call, and Col. Iloxewnter, of the Omaha Bee, are. bciny somewhat strained, we should judge, from a perusal of the columns of ihi two papers. The bar docket for the March term of. the district court came out yesterday and was distributed among the attorneys. It is in good form, netly gotten up, and does credit to th- liepuhlicnn force who did the work. It rhows 61 jurv cases, 85 eqity cases ai d 7 criminal cases, a total of 153 cases, which, if all are disposed of will mean a onu term. ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT TH E SA LABEL JJanufM by Wk. Aykks Sows. Phllada., who feafco tbe famous Horae Brand Baker Blankets. The Omaha World-Herald is in high glee over the failure ol Brazil to accept Mr. Blaine's reciprocity terms. In other 'w ords, the anall bored ditor of that paper would be a traitor to the national il ig; would opuose what he know is for the best interests of the government un der whose standard he lives, all on ac count of Ihe fact that if reciprocity is carried out the democratic party will again find itself ten years behind the procession. A man must, be a brass mounted knave that w ould place party before all else, yet we have the eyi -ence b fore us in the W-IL eviry day that Mr. Hitchcock is exactly that sort of a man. Thk rnlik of admiral in Ihe United Stat navy has ces-d to exist with the death of Admir. 1 Porter, and will prob ably not be revived again inless the na tion should be called upon to measdre t . BRITISH COLD. scorns once more upon the field of bat- Our free trade fru-nds grew very i' - tie. The lion hearted, fearless Farragut, diguant last fall when we claimed th ir was the first admiral, and David Dixon unuatriotic. un-American zeal for free I Porter was the last a trade whs awakened and kept warm by British gold. We bad ample reasons at the time to believe the truth of the as sertion, but for the benefit of those who thought they were not allying them selves with a commercial enemy of this country we append the following special Whilk Grover C. is responding to dinner invitatious and advocating cheap la bo- and dear money, Mr. Blaine is steadily obtaining reciprocal arrange- Silver Wedding- Anniversary, On Saturday, the 21st day i f February Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Holmes celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding at their pleasant home in Kock Creek Valley, one mile west of llock Bluffs. About tilty of their old time i ietids, and a few of their joung friends met at their house to preserve the mem ory of the event, to have a good time, and talk about incidents that happened long, long ago, and to remind them that they were nut forgotten by their old friends and u- ighbors. It is seldom that one has the pleasure of meeting so many old time ebraskaus, many that were j present on this occasion, having come here in the "fifties" when the Indians and their cattle (the buffaloes) had pos session of nearly all of Nebraska Ter ritory. Tiiese old timers can tell of many pleasant incidents and alsj of many hardships they had to endure iu the olden time. One thing worthy of spe cial mention is the fact that money was so scarce in the years of '58 and '59 that Cottonwood lumber was considered legal tender for debt, on the basis that 100 feet of lumber was worth one dollar in gold. It was about this time in the history of Nebraska that gold dust was discovered iu paying quantities at Pike 8 Peak, Oh! what a rush there was then to get wealth. Everyone was more or less excited, and horses, mules, oxen and cows were used Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of iiti r rder of sale, issued by W ( . h -waiter. .! ,-rk of III.- di-trlei court, with u and for C mcih nty, N- braska. hi d to inr di rected I wtllo i the !iili day r Mate . . II. ls:d, it a o'clock . in. ot said day t i lie soulh Ur of lh-c..iirt h uvc In it id county sell at public unci in to the holiest bidder Lire s I. , tne tol w Hi; real est .1 , to-wl : Lot ii'iie !u In lib ek l wo hu. lilted ami twe;itv two ZZ'il Hi i!n eiiy of lat tsiuom Ii I ;i h county. brai-ici f.vjet hT wit Ii Hi pmi't-.-. and HppiircMiatic-M the cunt.o Pclm jnm.' i u ai.y wii-c a ppei tain im ; t In- s nu' Ih-m ! Ii-i upon ami i aktn an lie pro pet t v ol I he enklni u heirs o .f.iM-pli'l ii oekmoitoii' lt e ,i-el. Mr. s K lli'ii, M.s. Sarah M Met'laitM. .Mrs. Marv Hawis, 1. . i; i-iswail. lliisf name un- . krowina t II In ill al law . f Joseph I'. Ki-s- ! wail, (!:(. t. -il ; l avi.l Samson, I lciiil.il t- ' Katoii. Kreu lick atun, Aliee M. I'aioii. himI ! Mrs. S. M. Ca on. h. lc heir of an t al la . f ! K ersori II. K i n. oiceeaseil ; tie r.'.e Si y- I bo . tlie mi . i:mvn licirs.it Ab'jali liarns. ic- ; ceased ; Tlioiiias iorlon, K. Ii UnviiS.-nl I doim; hulni's ;us (ionloii .v Ttiwnseno, ' lijah ' -initli. Joseph S'uith, the unkii n licii if ' I -ham Ke.'slcy. il erased, William J. M.att, ' W I .M"iTi:im idrst ii:iiii oi.k nou n ; ai i !: Alexamlcr. and the unk"own heirs of AMrcil I ll.'I'owiis nd, deceased, detvii'lantH ; tsati-fy I a Judmucnt of sahl court recovered by 'Ailliau'i 11. Sliater. plamlllf. a L'a nsi. .said ili-lendanls. riattjtaoi.th, N-h., February 4tli. A. 1). lsyl. VV 11.1.1 M 1'Ki.i F, SherilT Cass County, Neb. Morlt W Ins. itc i!to say t' o K ciMi'us, th.it fo years ie hae liecli sell' l i T. J h ill 's , Jv I Mscove-y for C'Hisiiiii ton, Jr. Kiou's New Life I'i'H. liii' klcn'ii AMi'ca i.lvt- it i d Klerlrle IWCcis. niul have e -vi r haie'l.-d if : i.-il Ich thai sell :..s wfll, nr.tl:ai Jl.ave vlen mk Ii ir.lveisal na! Islaitloti. velieo: lie-lialeto KHaran fo t hem evi-i v tin e, mei'we slat 1 t i'a y 'o refund the pur.-K-;-o pi I c. if sli-f:ely ir'iltH do imt f l'o'.v ths v use. 'Ihe 1 1 iik u tes I n e won their i ic.l i im III. ii it v lirely on their ineiit.s, F. I.'. I'lieKe & Co., I:i'j:!stx merits with our South American neigh linra f.i- ft, a .... ' a ; I i-Aviuui-c u- vnierican nro- I f i,i v,,. ,.ii;i. ... M.ill.n.isl. wl.if.il isRelfexu'anatorv; . : .u : . , ' --u"-u, lauiugs were -.-.-.v. u.nr. - -i "c inmiesi or our proaucers ,ii .i i.:.. a . , " I Lancu, uoa LUU-uiaiilH. OOOU , . , I I I. . T" L. : - . I a I 4 icir.- luis is rne onrerence De- I ...ia a.. . Sheriffs Sale. By virtu-' of an order of sa e Issued by v . C Showalter. 1 lerk of the Lisuict Court within anu iornass coun y, Nebraska, and i. me di rected. 1 wi 1 on -he Utii dav oi March. A. 1)., 18'Jl. at 1 o'clocli p. in., of said day at the soutu dour of the court liou.se In --aid county, sell at public auction, to the highest caiih bidder, the followinir real estate to-wit ; The east three-fourths iU) of the southeast quarter oi tne norl n west quarter (s. K. of N !) of section twelve (12) lu ownship iweivi-, t vi), :rani;e tlilrt. en (131 est oi tne etu nrmciple meridian, in Cass c unty, Nebraska, toucher with Uie priviletjea auu appui ieiiiiiees iiiereuuio oelODglU; ir 111 anywise appertaining. The same hei- ti levied upon and taken a the property oi Kohert . Cai -twriuht. Alonzo H Lart, Amanda M. Cartwrl. ht, vviiiuui Ieeand ins unknown heirs, defendants ; to satisfy a juuKiiieni oi saiu Jourr. recovered ny William o. vvise, pialntitl ; against said defendsnts. l'laitsmoutti, eb.. February 4th, A. l 1891 ILLIAM I Kill K. Sheritt of Cass Co., Neb. A Safe Investmeni Is o-e u li ( !i is gu iienleed ! brinj; J on sat la laetci y icmi'Is, r in ease of f -Utile e j el urn of purchase pi 'ce. On this snfe pi n y u can buy from enr aeteitiM'd I refrt-'lst a bo'tle nf Dr. Kinu's .New licovery foi ' ii-iiiiipliiin. Itls Kiiaraiitecd t briiif relief In every c.i.se, when u-ed for ;.ny iiffi cti' n oflhinat, I. lines or Chest, such n Con-unipl Ion, lif!auniifition of Lungs, Bronchitis. Asthma, W lionpli a Cough, Croup, etc. It is plea-antt.and tifreeahle to aste, ifeelly s;ile, al d fan always de pended iifion. Trial bottles fire hi p. O Frlcke &Co's Drug Store. O RAND PALACE HOTEL, T 81 to 103 North Clark Street. CIIICA GO. 4 MINUTES FROM COURT HOUSE BOTH PT.ANFt Weekly $3.00 Tranticnts W) Cenf tii fcsffiuranf bv Compaunon. late Chicago CI Chef. L' in don, February 9 A curious libel case ha- just been berore the law courts n Swe le It appeals that a Swedish newspaper, Moiala Posten, accused certain persons of high social position, one being the late General Director of Customs and another the i recent I old Lieutenaut ofthe County of Stockholm, wi'h having received eubsidies fr.-m the Cobden Co b amounting to 12,000 for carrying on a free trade agitation In their country. The court dismissed the libel, the writer pleadliiK that all ihe statements were true, and claiming that Prince Bismarck had been able. through the German Embassy in London, to obtain a copy of the cluVu secret accounts, and these accounts fully bore out the state-" ments that had been made. The writer of the article received his Infor mation in such a way that there could be no question bout its authenticity, and he further alleged that these secret accounts would very soon be published in Berlin. If 150,000 has been sent to "educate" Sweden, what amount has been sent to "educate" the United States? twecn a republican statesman and a dem ocratic humbug. so The public life of ex-Governor Foster has been spotless, in private he has been h thoroughly successful business man, he is bett.- r known than was Wiudom when Garfield appointed him, much more of a statesman than Maning, the Albany pol itician, ever aspired to be; and theotber secretary under Cleveland. Fairchilc!, falls into insignificance beside the Ohio man. Foster stands higher today than did Folger, or any other secretary of the treasury in the last twenty years, with the single exception of Honorable John Sherman. Toleio Blade. Sarpt county is in mourning and Col. Huebntr of the Nebraska City News is wearing crepe on his coat. All on ac- count of the impressive announcement (by that great democratic moulder of opinion, .Mr. Calhou i) that Andrew Jackson is dead. The editor t f the Lin coln Herald is impolitic, to say the least; the uncalled tor destruction of this popular democratic hero, w- o is voted for iu Sarpy county, in Nebraska City and other isolated places every four years for president, is a cold blooded thrut that will be cherished against the versatile Calhoun by the old time demo crats all over th state. Had he merely suggt.su d ill health, or the possible de mise of the venerated statesman at an early day, his readeis would have been prepared for the shock and it would not have been so sorelv felt. Of all. the figures that we will have pluced before us as i te.-ull of the last census-, we consider t l e debt statistics the most flattering to the integrity and ability of the government, nnd to the wonderful resources of the country. We find from the latest census returns that the national debt has decreased from $t.;l.8S in tSC-j, to $15.81, per capita in 1S90. The state debts have decreased from $9.15 to $2.4: per capita, county in debtedness from $4.73 to $1.84, and municipal indebtedness from $10.52 to $7 92 per capita. The to al per capita indebtedness, according to the census bu letins, has decreased fr" m 75.90 in 1870 to $50.25 in 1880, and $28 in l'j'J. .No nation on earth can show such a rapid recovery from a deluge of t;ebt And we believe the logic of events will bear us out with the assertion that with twenty years more cf republican ru e and management, this nation will be the richest on the globe, and will be tin financial center of the commercial world. The democratic press duriog the lnat campaign particularly dwelt on the sub ject of silk plushes (on which the tariff was increased by the McKinley bill) as serting that the price had been almost doubled and that it would continue that way, for the reason that more than 75 per cent, of the' silk plush used in this country was imported. What has been the result? Simply that democratic lie No. 784 has been exposed by the fact that silk plush is as cheap as it was be fote the McKinley act was passed, and by the further fact that vast firms a e crossing the ocean to manufacture the article here so that in a few months competition will make silk plushes cheaper in the United States than they have ever been before or could have been when we were almost wholly sub ject to the whims and caprices of a foreign manufacturer. The following, which we clip from the American Econ omist, may prove very interesting read- ing to tree traders as weu as true Ani'-ricans: "On account of the excessive ta iiTQn plushre enforced by the recent McKinley bill. SirTitus Sa t. Hart., Sons & Co., Limited, of Saltaire. h-iveeecided to erect a manufactory for Ihe purpose, in America. Mr. Chas. Stead, the chairman, sails immediately to surenntend the establishment of the new undertaking. A larse parr ofthe plushes of the company ve-e exported to the United States under the for me rates of duty. But as the new duties u: -der the McKinley law are practically prohibi tory ihe Brituh concern has determined to renuve its manufacturing plant to the United States. The lying campaign which was con ducted by the democracy last fall, es pecially as it referred to the McKinley bill i3 already beginning to react on that party. This is as it should be, and if repub icans will teach thoroughly the true American policy of protection, from now until the ides of November, 1802, there can be no question about the suc cess of the party which has almost unin teruptedly guided the ship of state for the past thirty years with such marked success. The Washington dispatches say that Senators Quay and Cameron and General Dudley are booming Alger, the lumber king, for Presidrnt in 1802. This may all be very well, but the actions of G lir-ral Alger in his efforts to obtain the nomination before do not rebound to his credit. The republican party Ins too rr i-ny gooct ana utile men within its ranks to afford to take tip this piece of cheap Michigan pine timber at the behest of ;he Quays and Dudleys. after plenteous that it supplanted Cottonwood lumbtr as cur rency. It was the custom to carry gold dust in buckskin pouches, and a small pair of scales to weigh the precious metal with. We can imagine that the ox whacker got the business down very tine when he could weigh out ten cents in dust to ex chauge with the merchant for ten cents worth of "Jeems River Honey Dew Ter bacher." This once famous tobacco is said to have had one peculiar quality, when taken into the mouth it would swell and spread over the chin. There were present most of the old settlers and neighbors who saw them em baik on their voyage twenty five years ao. The day was spent in social visit ing and reviewing day that are now of the past. Too much praise can not be given the ladies for their skill in serving a sump tous dinner, which was indeed a feast for the inner man and well fitted for a king. When the guests departed intheeven- ing they left as tokens of their love and esteem to Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, a water set, several pieces of beautiful Bilverware and a box of cigars, and all joining in wishing thtni many happy returns ofthe anniversary, departed for their respective homes. Those present were W. A. Brown and wife, Anderson Root and wife, J. W. Edmunds and wife, S. G. Latta and wife, Wai. Holmes and wih, Mrs. E. A. Brooks, John Holmes jr., Mrs. Thomas Hankin, 11 F. Dean and wife, F. M. Young jr and wife, D A. Young and wife, Wvr. Young and daughter Jennie, Lewis II. Yoaug, wife and daughter Luella, F. M. Sheriffs Sale. By virtu of an order of sale issued by W. C. mjwiiun, cicik ui ine district court witniu ano lor ( ass county. Nebraska, and to me di rect d.i win on the 9th day of March, A. 1. mm, at a o'ciock p. m. of said day at the south door oft lie curt house iu said county, sell t puonc auction t the highest bidd'r for cash. me lunuwiuj! lea; estate, in wit : Lot six (til In block two hundred and twenty two (222 iu the city ot I'lattsmouth. Cass county, iseorasNa. toother with the privilege and appurtenances thereuuto belonging or in anywise appertaining ; the same being levied upon and taken as he property of i!:e un- kiiowii neirs oi josepn Tnrockinoiton, d--ceasttd, Mrs S. K. Head, Mrs. Sarah M. Mc- i larey, .virs. Mary Hawes. I, N Crosswait. (first name unknown; as the heirs at law of .lo-epn r. Crosswait, deceased. David Samson, Theodore Eaton, Frederick Eaton. Alice Al . Eaton, ad Mrs. '".f.atou sole heirs of and at law of E ner-jon n. i.atou. deceased. Ueor,:e S, Seybolt, the un known heirs of Abiiah Harris, deceased. Thus. B. Gordon, K. B. Townseud, doing busine-s as t ' r ... I .. 'r . ... ..... .1:1 1. . . t. , "i"" ' usruu, 1-.11j.u1 niiiiui, dosepn .-sieiin. ne uiikiiowu neirs ot isnani ueasley, dece-.sed, William J. Hyatt, W. D. Merriani (first name unknown). Art E. Alexander, and the unknown heirs of Alfred II. Townseud dfceased, defendants ; to satisfy a judgment i saia oouri icovera oy William 11. Sliater. n'nir.tiff . ...... i..... . . I A . IJiStillbllL ilKl!ll3 SrllU - f 1C II U ail IS. I'lattsmouth, Xeh..Pebru try 4th. A, D. 1891. William Tighk. Shunt! of Cass Co.. Neb. Popular Prices. New Hous. Cut thin out for future reference. IHE FIGURE O." 'fhm figm 0 In our dates w'll make a on? tajt o man or woman now living will ever data -. iooument without using the figure 0. It stands in the third placo In 1800, where it will remain ten yuars and then movo up to second pl.aco in 1900, here it will rest fur on; hundred yer.rs. rhere is another "9" which has also come to stay. It is unlike tbo figijrc 0 in our dif.t-s in the respect that it Was already run vail up to firt place, vheru tt will permanently rtmtiin. It U called the "No 0" High Arm Wn;eler & Wib.on ScwiRg Machine. The "No. V was endarsed for ilr.--t place by thi rxp-TU of Europe at the Pii-ia Exposition of lf5.il. .In re. nf ter a scveraconletvt with the leading nuv iliinei of tho world, U awarded the o . Iv Grand Prize given Vj family sswiug machines, e.ll oi.hi rs on exhibit hai'i.ig ro -ived lower award of r:old medals, cc. The X''re.ich Government use recogniaed its superiority by tho decoration of Mr. Nathaniel V'iicciT, Pre.-.ident.of the company. with the Crots of the Legion of Honor. Tho "No. 9" is not en old machine Improved tpon. but is sn entirely new machine, and the Grand Prize at T'Jns wus awarded it us the grand est advance in sewinc machine mechanism of thn le. Those w!m b iv it cr.n rest assured, there. I re, of kiiving the vi-ry lau-. t uud best. Notice Noll Leyton. T otle and FaileiL-h AH n. Charted Fowler and Klten Kriwlcr h i& Needles, oiis and parts for all kms of machines can by found at the Sing( r of 11c, corner of of Muin and Six'h -treets with Henry Boeck. wtf The Nicaragua Canal is second in im portance, of course, only to the Suez Canal among the great works of modern times. The refusal of the United St-ites government to take charge of this work tinder thft nil mir?.f rnti-.r .f T,-c;.-l.n- ri 1 1 1 tr.,- c,. I ui i n niuLut Machine Works in Bridgeport, which have been Cleveland caused a temporary suspension idl.' for several years, and as soon as they get I of the enterprise. Thereupon however Young sr. and daughter Kate, Joseph ti.mds. wife and aughter, Levi Church il', Mis. John Holmes, 8. L. Fu:'ojigand wife, W. A. Royal and wife, Thomas Sullivan, wifo ami daughter, Byron Young, of Key a I 'aha county, Wm, Gil- more. Mrs. Lizzie Cochran, M;s3 Hittie Holmes, Mrs. Colmore Frans, of Union, Thomas Holmes, I. S White and wife, J ishua Gaptn and wife, J. W. Conn and wife, cf Inavuli Stock Farm. wife, defendants will take notice that on the 5th day of February lsai.Art Eliza Alexander phiintnf. filed lier amended peiition it: the district court of Cass county, state of Nt -brask-t, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which arefor a judgn eut -ud decree cf said court vesting and grant ing in her title to the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section five, in towuship ten. raiifce fourteen, east of the sixth principal merridiaii, lying and bring u ?;iss county, slatiw f Xebr4sk.and ser?inr aside :he title c.a men by ths deleudauts and lor peace able and quiet possession of said real estate, and in ca-se the court should ii d The plain ill's title invalid and it should i;u! by ivasen thereof lor a decree of said conn de- la-ing plainiill to have a rerpeiu ! lie 1 on sad real elate for ill faxes with interest at the rate of 40 pe;- cent ri r annum for two years from the several dates ihe same were paid on each amout-t paid for taxes and 12 per cent ihere.ifier. and for an a I lowanee of a:i ar.01 ney- lee of lo per cent of the amount found "due. a d a de-ret; o' foreclosure of said lien iu th; manner of f ee closing mortgages, and for aii order of sale of s iid property 10 pa v -aid lien, attorneys f.es interest and costs of the action and in case said real estare shall nut sell for a .su:iieh!it sum to pay saiil lien fur . taxes, inteie-t attor neys fee and costs, the pi a .ntdf liiav have a personal judgment against said dcieii anis tu pay said balance. Each of you are cipiireil to answors-iid reti tion oil or be oiv tile )'.li day of March Isyl D.il d .Vfjiu ka Cii v, eb", ite day f rdi ruary, lsai, Aht Eliza. A i.h xamm:;;, V.V-. W. Seymour. Atty for l'l'i'i'. : U Hi if' ,! i I.N" -'HE A Cli.-.rlf Dr. Marshall, DENTIST, Will be in his office on and after March 14 h. thrir machinery shipped from England and set up iu the new quarters, will take on about four hundred workmen and resume Ihe making of plushes. They expect to open in Bridgeport in a few wicks.andwi hin a short time will give em ployment to over six hundred hands. Collector Edmurds' business in New York was to ask Collector Erhardt to assign some expert examiner from the appraiser's office here to go to Bridgeport and appraise the du ties on the plush-making machinery which the ir Titus Salt Company are about to import." A TitwELiNG man of more than oni narv bcuoieii !! iility him Leen writ ing some practical ob-ervations on the i.-Ki:iley bill during his commercial tour through the west. He returned home 1-ist week and winds up his series of articl s ns fullo-T; quarters are of a 1 The appointment by the president of ex-Governor Charles Foster, of Ohio, to be secretary of the treasury, is one of those wise selections for tMiich President Harrison has made himself famous. The comments on the appointment from all very commendatory I am home from my long trip. There is not 1 nature. The pre-eminent Qualifications as much sahl about i:m .MeKiuiey lull as there was when I started out hist November. The lying assertions a? to its advancing pric-s have long since been proven P.. be lies. The fac'ories of tli country have felt its impulse, n"t by lucre ed pvfees. but by having the home .markets. Let me give one incident that . caine to my n -tice. a-id I wi'I drop my note ho k into the drawer where my rder book rests, and leave them together until I .'tart on another trip. I took a section in Ihe sieepin c car With Mr, Hanison. who represimt- the largo manufac- j turing house of Howard Eros. t Co., New York City, with factories hi veral localities. Said he. "I have had in mense trade in garter webbing. We used to run thirty looms on cotton and two looms on silk webbing, but nerlv all the silk webbing sold cam from France, The McKin'ey bill advanced the duty i On it. of Mr. Foster for the responsible posi tion are everywhere admitted. Even the democratic press are unable to point out a flaw in the ex-goyeinor's record, and are thus compelled to admit the wisdom of the president's choice. a pnyate company was organized, and in not her shape the United States govern ment has again taken it up a shape in which it is said that the constitutional difficulties in the way of the original plan have been avoided. This matter has been in the hands of ihe Finance Committee of the senate during this session of congress, of which Senator Sherman is chairman, and this committee has prepared a favorable report for an appropriation to push the work to com pletion. An explanation of this report and of the committee's reason therefor, as well as of Iho commeicial importance of the canal itself, will b made in The Forum for March, by .Senator Sherman himself. He goes into detail 111 explain ing the financial aspects of the plan, hs well, of course, as its political bearings, and thus at once thrusts the subject for ward as a matter of public concern. Died. Mary Ann Murphy, at the age ot oO years, at the Sister's Hospital in K nsas Cily. The deceased was the wife o! James Murptiy, and was the daughter of" Mr. and Mrs. Pntrick Hayes-, resid;tig near Weeping Water. Mr. Murphy was attending his wife at the Sister's Hos pital in Kansas City, she having been a sufferer from heart trouble for some time. The father and motuer were apprised of her dangerous condition and weut to the depot at Weeping Water to take the train to tier uea&uie, when tlu-y were shocked by a message announcing her death. Mrs. Mu'phy was a devoted wife and mother, and leayes five child ren to mourn an irreparable loss. The decens-.-id was a siitcr-in-law of Dtpu'y Sheriff Tighe. The funeral will pro'iably take place tomorrow at the CathoHe cemetery near Li.uisvi le. Noli ee MATTE 11 OF THE ESTATE M. Holmes, deceased Notice is hereby given that iu pur-uance of an oi t-t-r l " Hon" hanuiel A! . t nao an. ju. -ir of t he district court ol Cass eon 11 1 y. ncim a-k i. made on thy 8th day ol No. ember lsy, t,,r th sale ofthe real es'.a'e Hereinafter described, there wil. be .Id at the front door of tt,e old conn hoi; -e in .'iailsiuouth, Cass county, Ncb iaska.o; the huh day 01 March. 1S91 at 10 o'i l,.ck a. 111. ot i-aid day at public vem'tie to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed premises, to-W't : That poll ion 01 the lic-rih lia.f of lot tvienty.one (21). iu section nineteen (19) township twelve (12). north of range fourteen (14, east of the fith V. ,M. iu Cass county, Nebraska, situated on the west sii'.eof the i'lattsmouth an t ltock BlulTs wagon road as platted and recorded on the county records of said county, beii.g three acres moie or less. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated February H'ih. 101. Stki-akn a. Davis, Administrator of the e t ite of Charles M. Holmes, deceased. By his Atty's Beeson & noot. 4S-3t, x5 V HEELER & WILSON M'F'G CO., tv iual Jv. . V L.v-h I vc. CiicagO. Dealers Wu n toil CLARK'S K0G REMEDY IN THE -- Erederick v. Since Grover Cleveland bus written his free coinage letter, it is pretty well settled that the next national platform will fayor the gold standard and free coinage too. While this kind of a straddle would be ruinous to any other party democracy would thrive and fatten A LUCKY NEBRASKA C'RL, Thj competition far the free coIIpoa education prizes, offered a year ago to the girls seeming the most subscriptrons to the Ladies' Home Journal, has just closed, and Miss Elizabeth C, Morrell, of "Omaha, Nebraska, is announced as winner of the second prize. Miss Mor rell will have all her expenses paid for a year at any American college she chooses. To Farmers and Those Attending Court. The Perkins House has changed hands and is now kept in good style by Henry Bons. The rates are St 00 pku dav, sin gle metis, TWENTY-K1VK CENTS. Kt S by the week, $4.50. This is without doubt the cheapest first class hotel in the state. Call and be convinced. wlm Notice. MATTEK OF THE ESTATE OF Batimeister, deceased. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a'.i ordei of Hon Allen W. field, judtre of Ihe district court of Cass county. Nebraska, made on the Tlh day of November, 18!o for sa)- f the real estate hereinatter d scribed, there will h sold at the front door of the old court house in 1'lattsmo th. Nebraska, on 17th day of .March' lsri at teu o'clock a. in. at pub li. -"vendue to the highest bidder lor cash Hie f flowing described re.l estate ft wit : Lots five. (5. six tu, and the north half or seven 7 all in theest had of t he southwest iiuui tcr ot seclioii twelve (12). t -wn twelve (!" ia j;e thirteen (l-!. (ass county. .lir:tikj. a-iti sale will 'em -In open one hour Dated February lu. ls:J. M AltTit a Baumkis : i s:. Administratrix of the sta e of E ed eri k W. aumeister, deceased Bv her Atty'u Beeon & Boot. Clurii's Poultry itemed y. BEST IN THE WOBKU. For sale by O, II. SM'DKK, !),n-.i.i l'i..,i.-,i,.,uli,. ."Itdi. Dont Be Duped There have lately been placed upon the market several cheap reprints of an obsolela Vldbr w ebster s Dictionarv." Thew or. ii By at a low price dry goods dealers. a few instances as a nreminm r- .'..v'-ii-1 to papers Al The best and surest dye to color the beard brown or black, as may be desired I Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers, t neyer fails. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution issued by W. (' Show.-.lter. clerk of the disn ict court i i hii an l for Cass county. Nebraska, ano to iiih directed, f will on the 30th day of .March, A. -. 1M. at 1 o'clock i. in., of saiodxy at the sourii door of ihe court house iu the city of flat;--mouth, in said county, sell at public auction. ine Wallowing real . state to-wit : I i to hundred aad seventy-two (l'Tj) in the I vi.I.i ,e ' f Gl-enwood ; lot tlu'ty-lwo S2) j 1 h-iij - three (X; JonCt' Second A dd it ion to t lie ' i.i:i-rr of tJreeu wood, Ca-s coii'ity. Nebraska, 1 ii g"l ier with the privileges and'aoiiurteuni- j c s 1: jicunto belonging or in i.nywise apjier- i 'iriiii:.?. Ths same bein levied upon nd ta'iei, as the property of .losiah i.'line. defend ant : to satisfy a judiiment of s-id court rccov i eii o' Pv .Ifpb T. Lloyd, plaintiff against ".aid O'end Ill's. I'Ults.T.outh.Neb.. Feb. 2."dh. A. D., ls:i;. 1 U'H.I.IA.M TtllllK. 4;'-3t Sheriff Cass County, Neb. nnouncements of these comparatively wortniess reprints are very misleading; for instance thev are advertised to be the substantial I ijaniitS of ' an eight to twelve dollar book Xn " reality from A to Z they are all ' ,a Reprint Dictionaries, phototype copies of a book of over forty years aRo, wfnch in its day was sold for about an,l which was much superior in paper, pr nt IZt binding to these imitations, being thenihe best Dictionary of the time instead of one Long Since Obsolete. The supplementof lo.oon so-called "new words " which some of these books are advertised cok tain was compiled by a gentleman wl o has bTen dead over thirty years, and was published I be fore his death. Other additions are rpfl aii reprints of a like character probably The Genuine Kdition of Webster' T-r, ridCed dictionary, wnich is the onlonl familiar to this Renlration, conta ii' ? ove? SSZ poes with illustrations on nearly eyery naW and bears our imprint on the title paeV Pft protected by copyright from cheap imultion Valuable as this work is, we have i pense published a thoro.iBmr ra"r" ( Sold by all Booksellers. Illustrated pamphlet fr.e. b. U U. MERRIAM & CO. Springfield, Mass., U.8. A.