Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, February 19, 1891, Image 4

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" This is the blanket the dealer
told me was as good as a
FREE Get from your dealer free, the
Book. It has handsome pictures and
valuable information about horses.
Two or three dollars for a sa llorea
Blanket will make your horse worth more
and eat leas to keep warm.
5'A Five Mile
5A Boss Stable
5A Electric
5A Extra Test
30 oth"i s!v?"9 at prices to euit every
body. If you can't get them from youi
sealer, write ca.
Ask for
General Sherman in dead, and all the
prayers of the country for his recovery he greatest sea-fighters in history. He
and restoration to heallh have proved ranks among the noble and' terrible
unavailing. It is need leas to write how hgures that have domitiated the ocean.
New York World: Porter was one of ! T,,e qrterlj "Port of lhe Nebraska
Young Men s Christian Association for
the quarter ending Dec. 31st, 1890, is be
fore us. From its contents we tind the
the loyal people of this country loved him.
It is a work of superrogutiou to recount
his splendid achievements s a s ddier
or his worth as a man and a citizen, huw
alter nchieving military honors, he re-
and have conquered it- bordering land,
since the days when II irold and Svend
led their Scandinavian .hordes into
Boston Globe: Late in life he became
turned to the walks m private niewiwi prominent in literature, f ew men in
thu same modesty and cheerfulness that Admiral Porter's situa'ion would have
charade: iz-d him whether leading a had the htrdiliood to publish, at 71 years
division at Shiloh ortho Grand Aru.y of age. a first romance; but he did it,
through Georgia. and with a high degree of literary sue-
General Sherman was the picturesque cess
figure of the wa. for the Union, proclaim- New york Continent: It is Bad and
ing to Mr. Lincoln and his cabinet in his Grange that, while the country was ex
Drusque manner, at the very comment pecting to hear at any moment of the
inent of the war, that it would take death f jt8 greatest soldier, its most
300,000 r more volunteers to put down fttmoU8 sailor should have been so sud
secession, lie wad dubbed by ttie poll denly stricken down. In David Dixan
ticiana of the c-untry "Crazy Sherman," portt.r there passes away another of the
Leading and forming and reforming the furemost commanders of the war between
broken lines of raw troops through all North and South, in which he won a
that fateful Sunday at Sbiloh and in- navai rtiiown second only to that of
sisting on a renewal of the battle at day- Farragut.
o.eaa. uie "-p, New York Press; David Dixon Por
Grant, he showed to the country that ne
receipts for the the quarter amounted to
$1,45"). 01, which wus all expended ex
cept $00.61. The total membership is
2,001. Lincoln as the largest associa
tion, with a membership of 450; Omaha
comes next with 445 members. Grand
Islant next with 159. Fremont 1:8,
Hastings 100 and York 02 Plattsmouth
only has about CO members, many smaller
towns showing a larger membership.
The Plattsmouth association is in excel
lent hands, Mr. Sheafor being well adap
ted for the work, and what they seem to
lack in numbers they make up. in zeal
arid work for the right.
Votlce Is hereby riven t'all perswn Interest
d In thecstHle of Joseph V. WnoKbach !
ed 'hat tlm administrator of raid ft la lum
made application I due form of law for li
cense to fed Mini convey real etate for the pur
poe of laying the out-danding lndedtednrss
ef said estate. And Hint hemiiiK of raid Mp
ptlo t is s t tor 10 o'clock r in on the 271 li
day of February leyi at the oflice of the clock
of the district com t in the city of riatinniontli
''.Mi counM. vetnskrt, Ht which time and
pliice a t e sons I tere t-1 may ppeai mid
'' ciiui- If a y they have why a license to
sell and convey the real estate of said dcee -ed
for tlie pui poke ator raid to the prayer of the
petition. t'. a. ( u'iiiman ,
Admr. with Will Annex.
A. N. 8ULLlVAr, Atty, 43-4t
NOTICE Probate of Will.
JL and ttttiment of Levi Walker deceased
In County t ourt. Cass County. Nebraska,
Notice in hereby Kieu that on the:'rd dav
of February A l lt, at lhe emiuly judK-' of
fice In I'l utsinoiuh, Cass enmity, -elo-ask. at
10 o'clock in the forenoon, tti- following mutter
will be beard and considered ;
1 lie application .f John K. Hcaunit-lster to
.li,it . ...... I. ..... I. .. I ... : 1 1 i ......
a j ., ,j.t i it i """" I'nium-iiici i win anil lesta i cut
vu uamiunji, uio itu oi r euruary, oi l.evi vaiker late of ''lati-inoulti in sad
coiiiiiy, neceasea. ami lor lewers tes' luientary
iu ihuc io r.i:zaoein ai walKer.
Dated Kehiuarv 2. 191.
By order oi the court, li, . K Amhkv.
County Judgn.
Wedding Anniversary.
was made of stuff born to lead our
armies to victory. Reaching Grant at
Chattanooga by forced marches, he ex
hibited that enthusiasm and energy
which belongs only to the true soldier.
Eagerly pushing across the river with
his veterans, he led them up the face of
Missionary Ridge with the brilliant dash
of a Murat with the fleeing rebels yet
in sight, with his tired and worn yete-
rans he was depatched without a murmur
on a forced march for the relief of Burn-
hon( genuine witnoutthc ea label I side at Knoxville. Grant knew he would
Kanarrl by Wi. Atrvs a Sows. Phllada.. who I , , , . .
the famous Homo Brand Balrer Blankets. ey orders, though the very heavens
would fall. Organizing his Grand Army
at Daltoti, he led that splendid cam-
ter was the Sheridan of the navy. In
deed, he combined some of the strongest
traits of both Sherman and Sheridan, for
to the former's quick perception of pro
babilities, intelligent grasp and general
energy, he added the latter's supreme
dash and the special audacity that dic
tates daring surprises in pursuit of what
is known as the "righting chance." The
aggressive and the active, rather than
the deliberate and logical temperament,
does not always achieve the success t
which it aims, because human foresight
is imperfect; bat its very audacity is not
infrequently an element that turns the
scale from failure totuccess. And all the
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Young jr. celebrated
the twentieth anniversary of their wed
ding day, at their home six miles south
wst of Plattsmouth. It was also the
fiftieth birthday of Mr. Young, he having
been married the day he was thirty years
of age to Miss Eliza Law.
Stockholders Meotinjr.
Notice m hereby riven f hut t!i annual met
Intfof tlit stockholders f the iturliiiKtoii ft
Missouri Kiver lU'liod In Nebr 'h. will be
held at 4 o'clock p. m 'u Tlni'SUny the 'etli day
of February A. 1. at the oKlce .f the Com
pany In the citvot I ImisiiiouMi, iM-braska.
The meellnif will bo held for the pip pose of
electing nine dlrectms t' I'ti- tiurltiK the
ennui linear, and for transaction of such othr
bu loess us may I intlly tome beloro ths
A. II. Hta wood, f eoretary.
Jau'isry 21. 1S9I.
Chnrles M Holmes, neceaxe.l
Notice Is herebyuiven that ii pur-uanee of
an or -r of Hoir inuei M. ( h;in i nn, judi;
rf the dlstrictO'iiiri f Cuts county. Nclnaxka,
made on the 8lh day of fro ember Ih'jo, foriha
sale of the real es a'o herein if r l -si rihed.
there will be told at the front d -or of Die old
court house iu i'lattunuuth, Cai-s countv, Neb
raska on the 16th d.t ol M;i'li. in9l at 10
o'clock a. tn. of raid day at put) ic vendue to
the l.lKherl bidder for cash, the foilnwlbjr de
scribed premises, to-w t : I hat I oil ion of the
north half f lot twenty. one i2l . in section
nineteen (19) township twelve i:). north of
rank'c foui teen (14, east of tin Olli I'. 51, In
Casa county, Nebraska, situated a tho west
ride of the riattsiuoiilii an K ick liluilt waou
road as patted and recorded on the flinty
records of said county, being thiee acre i more
or less. Said sale will remain open one hour
Dated February luth. li
Aduiinistrator of tho e tato of Charles M.
Holmes, deceased,
liy bis AttJ 's liuesou & Hoot. 48-3t,
Legal Notice.
James CraMree, L. Calkins whose first name
Is unknown, K, .1. Minloni, wlios first name is
unkuowu, defendants will take notice that on
the iMth day of January 1D1. Ait. Kliza Alex
ander, plalntiir, filed her (letitiou in the dis-
About seventy nersona old and voiincr trict court of Cass county, stat- of Nebrasna.
I aKalnst said defendants th
he object and prayer
Frederick w. Bauineister, deceased.
Notice is hereby Kiv-n that in pursuance, of
an order of Hon Allen W. Field, judge of the
district court of Cars county, Nebraska, made
Dated February 19. 1894.
Administratrix of the esta'e of Kred
erik W. aumeister. deceased.
By her Atty's Beeton & Koot. 4H-3t.
Since Bryan overwhelmed McKiuley I paigu upon Atlanta . ith the skill and
with his month, (ia the World-Herald) energy of the First Consul himself.
we expect Tom Reed will droudead Restine at Atlanta, he astonished the
when he catches a glimpse of our Bill J Southern Confederacy by his shrewd and
The Journal publishes a cheeky inter
view with Statesman Bryan, copied from
the World-IIerald and probably written
by Bryan himself, in which Mvjor Mc
Kinley is reported to have exhibited con
siderable difiidence in tie presence of
she democratic prodigy from Nebraska.
For gall, cheek and impudence, this in
terview taki s the cake. We will waiter
a gill of buttermilk that Major McKinley
diplomatic corret pondence with Hood,
which cut deeper than the sword with
wiiich he had vanquished the Confede
rate hosts of Johnson and Flood Reor
ganizing his army at Atlanta and dis
posing his lines of communication to the
rear, which he proposed to abandon, he
swept through the Confederacy to Sa
vannah like a meteor and electrified ths
country by his memorable despatch to
Mr. Lincoln, announcing the fall of Sa
vnniiah "I beg to present you as a
gathered at their home to celebrate the f which are for a judgment and decree of raid I the real estate hereinafter' d scribed 7ers
event, to renew old friend,.!,;,,. n,i SK 'I'illli'!: w.U be sold at the front door of the oil fmrt
r- .v r ruumnrn iiiiaiicroi i nouse in riattttiioiith. Nebraska, on t l ;th
make. jrUrl the lienrta nf thn. section 12. township 12, range II. east of the 6th day of March' 1891 at ten o'clock a. in. at oub-
a principal inarnuan lying and being tu (;ass I HcvaihIuh loiii hivlieHt- hiller for pumU ih.
nivxraars luv ni pclr.lipnfinn I COuntv.rtate of Nebrarka. and selllnif aride I i. ,n. ......... jnun.iK.,i ....i i. . r
n rne title cpjirriMil lv tho Hofoit.jntu I .l . . .
rri .. .i i . . , , i i uve, (a), six (ii , ann tne norm nan oi reveo (7)
lhe day was spent in social visits of peaceable and quiet possesion of saidreal es- an i the we.t half of the rout heast ouart.rnf
IturoulKlin oouu hu nourt .li..i .1 44 .. 1 . . . " . . . . "
old acquaintances, and in musical enter- tithTmva id and';ud ' ail aVTOiS' r Ne'briSi,,BlK
tainments. by Mrs. Frank Root and Miss i.TTi:.. V.. i.r V. r!...?.'.. l ... raie win remain open one nour.
- - i a'i.i" fcw fifvo a jjcti if-iuii lira iiii ctiu
Luella Young, as organist?, and Miss 'eal eBtate forth,e taxps w Int-rest of 40 per
6 r ' "uu I cent tier annum for two vea. frmniha u-v.r.i
Lillie Kauble assisting with her vislin. dates the same were paid on each amount paid
n I Iap t'jvua ii ii il 1() .. r ...... 1. r. i . ..
lyunug iue aibcrnooa Beventy-two per- I an allowance of an attorneys fee of 10 per cent
. .. . - I Ol L11K 31II1UI1UL I O M II fl II 1 1 H J, f 1 1 u noifAA fir TnrA.
sons partooic ot a bountitul dinner pre- closure of said lien in the maniier of forclouinK The best and surest dye to rolor the
pared by the hostess and her lady friends prrty to pay said lienrattoney:Tees inter- .beard bfown or blHck. 88 ma be d.e6"ed
Air. and Mrs. Young received as a pres- I est and costs oi tne action : and in are raid uacKingnara s vje lot tne WniSiceri.
ent a full set of stone china dishes, of to pay sud lien, for taxes, interest attorneys I '
world Wes a fighter who takes risks """ r f t t J .Z . .V , iaiance e ue,BUUlul" 10 pay8a,a
n 11 v j c x ruucntcu to aiis v c oalU
A wine set, a cake stand and a box of petition on or before March . l$9t.
art Eliza Ai.kxaj.orh, Plaintiff,
cigars from Miss Tillie Bauer, of Louis- C W. Seymour. Atty for Pit'ff
-,, , , , , , , Dated : Nebraska City, Neb.. 24th day of Jan
VUle; a lady's and gentleman's china uary. 1891- 45-4t
cup and sauer from Mr. and Mrs. Lea-
when good results are possible, while it
wearies of him who waits for a sure
thing before he moves and acts. It is
said that Admiral Porter never punished
a man for excess of ardor or zeal, eyen
when it resulted in disaster, but vhe had
no mercy for slackness, negligence or
New York Tribune: Farragut will
stand for all time as the great American
Sheriff's Sale,
For Sale.
A good farm one-fourth mile ftom the
town of Murray, on the M. P. R. R.
Plenty of timber and water. Good
orchard,.350 bearing trees. Plattsmouth,
Neb, Feb., 9th, 1881. wtf
R. W. Hykrs.
vitt. of Lincoln: a china mucr and threa
. - ... I By virtue of an order of saie issud bv W. C
cninanower vases irom Mr. and Mrs. I showaiter. clerk of the district court: within
Kirkpatrick, of Nehawka; and a china rV" PALACE HOTEL,
I 1 ..A? 1. T . I
" incasiercoumy ChrUtlua9 gifc the city of Savannah, with
"O- I i j j l art. l 1
one uuuureu aim uiiy ueavjr guun auu
- I.. M 11.
The New York Suu very properly PS ot ammua ion; aiso aooui twenty
sneaks of Mr. Blaine's reciprocity nolicv nve thousand bales or cotton.
us "one of the boldest, most indepen- His march north through the Carolinas,
dent and individual moves in tho Msrn- w relentless as late, and tne surrenderor
ry of American statesmanship." The Johnson's armies, established his claim
democrats of Nebraska at me timo verv to a nrst Place among me military men
zealously comm nded Mr. Blaine's Doli- "f the ae-
i 1 1
cv. but thev soon went back on it anrl general nerman was inietseiy loyai,
wished they had never said it, as i
turned out to be a protective tariff mea
sure, while democracy iu the west is for
free trade.
The Supreme Court will soon invtsti
gate the question of Governor Boyd's
citizenship, and if it should turn out
that the loyal people of Nebraska have
been trifled with, and that alien hands
have usurped the sacred scepter of state,
-.Ir. Boyd, and those who speak for him,
will stir up such protests of bitter indig
nation and rcbuk.1, that party ties will
not shield the present governor from the
disgrace which would be heaped upon
him. An insolent uutmge is a mild
term to use in cotinc cti n with Boyd's
taking the gubernatorial cLair if it
should turn out that tie is not a citizen.
Aud while there is no law upon the
statute books authorizing a suitable pun
ishment for such b-i-e hypocrisy, we ven
ture the assertion i h m t outraged pub
lic opinion would tn-ike it decidedly un
pleasant for the alien who trifles with
o r institutions. Mr. Uoyd has already
insuJted the public by ignoring these
charges of non-ciiizenship as though
they were of no moment; a few days
more and the courts will compel the gen
tleman to show his papers.
Th a death of General Sherman removes
the last of the heroes of the war whose
history is interwoyen and becomes a
prominent part of the history of the
great republic. His patriotic life, replete
with heroic deeds, will be treasured in
memory, in sonsr. and in prose, so long
as the nation wuich he loved so well shall
A graduate at West Point, he was a
s lidier by education 83 well as by in
stinct; as a tactician he had no equal in
all of Europe. While the lamented dead
wus an ideal soldier, as a private c itizen
he was equally beloved and ad mired. The
heait of very Union soldier throughout
tJiisbrond lmd will throb with pain at
the learning f the demise of this idolized
commander. The highest impulse of a
citizen, loyalty to his country's flag,
was so thoroughly a part of General
Sherman, that it is said he always
bowed his head in veneration for the flag
whenever he met it as the insignia of our
government. The remains ot the gen
eral for whom a nation mourns today,
wiil be interred w th appropriate cere
mouies beside his wife in bt. Louis by
the Grand Army of the Republic.
and his honest, hearty denunciation of
treason was just as outspoken after the
w ar as during its f rishtf ul progress. He
loved his friends and treated his enemies
with becoming courtesy so long as they
behaved themselves. He, unlike Grant
or Sheridan, was fond of society, and at
the age of seventy was as gallant as in
his youth. His retirement from com
mand of the armies of the country to the
walks of private life, and his stern re
fusil to sully his fair fame by mixing in
the political strifes of the country, but
emphasized his true greatness. His re
fusal tt lend his name to the Chicago'
Convention, which would have tendered
him the nomination for president of the
United States, proved the firmness and
high character of the old soldier, for the
temptation was so great but few men
could have withstood it. The enthusi
a-tic loye of his old followers, exhibited
time and again at every solaiers re
union, eloqnently testified to his power
over the armies he led, from t he outbreak
of the rebellion to its final close, lie
was known, loved and worshiped as
Uncle Bi:iy, the idol of the volunteer
soldier. He is the last of the great
leaders of our Union Army, "and the
grief of the countty is as though its dead
ay in every loyal household of the land."
fruit dish from Mr. and Mrs. J. W V8-'1, it 3 o'clock p. ni. of raid day nt the south
I ooor ox tne court nnuse in said county, sell at
Conn, of Nehawka. . I pnbllc auction to the highest bidder for cah,
. A, . I ti e lol owing real estate, to-wir, :
inere were present at the anniversarv I ixit. nine ai in hiock two tin j.ired nt tmv
xt . i. i ; t -i . . . I - J I. , , ? . i . . - ... . . 3
MMl lo nim cou"-s rorivr, yet at JJr and Mrs. L & Whit w. and M "L L i'i1?0"!,";..!
.. . i . . ' - I ""uil J , i- l-H(, tUHV 11IM nihil Hin JH IV litrTJiCO
an interval greater in every dimension J j -y Coun M . d M jOSeuh Sans and appurtenances the eunto belonging or n
tlinn tlmf wlnh ennurofpa hnnon frnm I . . ' 1 ' a"J wl"e appertain nB ; tne ssme peniK levied
.... vU ... , .....x jir aucl jirs. h. u. i,atta. Mr. and Mra I upon and takena rne propeity or the unknown
Grant. Farraut was made of sterner i r , ,r . "eir or josepn inrocknioiton deceased, Mrs.
' xarragut was maue oi sterner Anderson Root. Mr. and Mis. A. M. I K. Head. Mm. iSarah M. AlcCi.oev. Mm.
stuff than his associate, and was cast in a iT,,ima Tr on,i rra j Tr v ?lary Haw(,' l; s.-u-osswait, (first name un-
' I iioime?, iir. and Mrs. Li. 11. loung and ki own) as the heirs at law of Joseph i'. cross-
stronger mo ild, yet none, not even he, dau ht r M d M . R wait, deceased : Havid Samson, Tlieodor.;
surpassed Porter in courage, in energy, T f Mf an1 Mrs. Hiram McDonald M. fe t
ifi resolution in resource or in a oprtain I - r , , I K erson H. taton. deceased : Ceorne S. Sey-
n 1 1 1 1 JL' ti h(irlif lliiirili il .irriit .1..
. .. w. ... ii , . uuquv .mi mill i . I ' ' ' - i.vijitu
i r, . - . I ceased : Thomas B. Gordon. K. B. Townsend.
riant, itoor, Jir. and 3lrs. Wm. Iorrow, diins bufinees as Gordon A Towiirend, Klijah
8t to 103 Nortri Clark Street.
Weekly $3.00 Tranaienta 60 Cents vp
Restaurant by Cumpaonon. late Chtcayo Cluti
breezy alertness that seoms to belong to
the true sailor as the deep blue belongs
to the sea.
Col. Foksytiie has been vindicated
by the president for the blunder at
ounded Knee, notwithstanding Gen
Mr our! Tra t? Tr" r i , ., . I siitiith, Joseph Snitli, tlie unknown heirs of
Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Dean and daughter isham Beasley. d "ceased, Wilii.-.m J. Hyatt,
tirace, Mr. and .Mrs. F. M. Young sr. t.nd !Ti ' fmi" ;"r" V:"lie u KI?own
j Alexander, and the unknown heirs of Allred
daughters Anna and Kate, Mr. and Mrs
Joshua Gapin and daughter Anna, Mr.
aud Mrs. S. L. Furlong, Mr. and Mrs. D.
A. Young, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Royal,
11. Towuseiid. deceased, defendants : toratisfv
a junmnent oi sain court recovered ry William
U. Shafer, plaintiff, auainsi, said defendants.
Plattsmouth, .Neb., February 4th, A. I). 1B81.
Sheriff Cass County. Neb.
Miles' charges of incompetence, overcon- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bceck, Mr. and Mrs.
fi.lence a;d blundering responsibility for Frank Moors. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kirk-
the death of many aoMierP and killing patrick, Lee Kirkpatrick and sister Kate.
or datenrelijsa snnnwn Thpr A mow ho
politics in that decision, but it could P1 Wm' Holmes, Mrs, Wm.
hardlv be called crood sense. .Tmir- 1 aylor, Mrs. Austin
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an ort'er of - a ismd '.t "'. C
Sho-.valter. I ;erk of the Histiici. Cou.t within
and forCas :oun y, Nebraska, and ' me di
reeled, I wi 1 in i be !M h lay March, .v. !.,
11. at 1 o'clock p . in., ol sael !av at the south
Johnson I door of the c ixivt house in said county, sell at
I . ill., l.iJ J..
- t t . - . . . I I'uuiii. auvinrif, lu iue iiiiiitzi, i,iiru UIUUC1, II1C
iurs, ijizzievjocnran. xtirs. vvm. illinrton. I loilowmc rei estate to-wit :
Th fn : t i e At;.c t;m: Tr.,.,Ki nt:- r-.: v iue. east tiiree-wunus iHHiie soiunwt
uk .uicuiun iiuui uw )cu ui uui nunc uuuuio, .uiaa icuuic iuulj, i quurver Ot tPe noriliwest quarter (S. E, Ji of N.
bombastic neighbor furnishes a pretty Miss Tillie Bauer, Miss Satchell, rm. Lj..? i '''ranLe6 thirt.en "l" e'sr
fair estimate of the democratic editors' Young, Wm. Gilmore, Byron Young, I ot the 6tu principle meridian, in Cass
I J ' i imtv. ehrj,nkii toie her wit h rhu Drivilpim
ignorance and dishonesty. Col.Forsythe I Sam Gapen, Lloyd Gapen. George Ray, I and appiirteiimicei thereunto belonging or in
i i j i , n I T rr tt i I anywise appertaining,
was vindicated by the court of inquiry j J. II. Holmes. I t,(n levied upon and taken a- the
proi-ertytt roherr. . tJaitwritht. Alonzo it
Han, iiianoa M. Cartwruht. illiaui l,"e and
his uuIoiohii heirs, defendants ; to ratisfy a
jud.:!iieiit of ,s:iid 'our-recovered by illiatn
S. U ise, plaintiff ; aiiist sa d defeudsnrs.
riattsinou: li, Neb.. February 4th. A. 1 18Jl
islierilt of Cass Co.. Neb.
The independents have captured the
South Dakota senatorship and in com
pany with the democrats have elected a
Congregational clergyman in the person
of J. n. Kyle, of Aberdeen. From ap
pesrances, Nebraska republican legisla
tors "re not the only fools left The
dea that Mr. Kyle, a life-long republican
6hould be elected by democrats when it
was seen long ago that republicans could
not possibly elect, is so stupid that needs
but be mentioned to be condemned by
every republican in the land. Our own
dearly beloved contingent, however,
udging from their acts so far, would
have done no better; indeed, from ap
pearances, they, if the opportunity were
offered would eect an unreconstructed
Bourbon. If the republicau members of
the Illinois legislature will now take a
esson from the past and will elect
Streeter today it will be the hrst spasm
of sense we have noted in party manage
ment for some time.
Sheriff's Sale.
By Tlrtu of au order of sale issued by V. C
General Miles named to humiliate him. I The following persons attended the
That report was in due course of time, anrdversary who were at the wedding
forwarded to the major general in com- twenty years ago: E. A; Kirkpatiick,
mand of all the armies of the United who acted as groomsman, D. A. Young,
States, General Schofield, a strong demo H'm, Young, Miss Jennie Young, Mif.
crat, whose opinion wns published in full I Lizzie Cochran, Mr. and Mrs. llenrv
in frlio Accniiutm Pi-hod i-lijiintnlina I lmfil?- T r rwl T-j f. IT "V mmn HT-
- - ...-.... ... i jtfi.owalter. .:lerk of lhe district court w tl
tlie Journal man reads and from which and Mrs. A. M. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. S. ana for t n-; county. Nebraska and to me di-
he learned that Geueral Schotield had G. Latta, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Furlong. at 2 o '-Uic' p. of said day at the routh
, . j . T ,, . Uo'.rof tli' cfiirt house in said countv. s-11 .t
vigorously commented on the evidence In the evening over seventy young puhiic ain-rion to the highest bidd.-r "for cash.
of the Wounded Knee fight and had com- people gathered at the home of Mr, and fr'.V'u" hiwlckS'wo' hmHn-d and twenty
pletely vindicated Colonel Forsythe. Mrs. Young and en jo ved themselves at tw '-'-'- " flu' ''itv ,ot I'la'tsmouth Cie.s
' . J j county, .ebrasc a. tf'-iether with the privilege
Til. se findings of the commanding gen- yarious amusements until twelve o'clock, and af; urtenanc-s thert-unto bel miring or in
. , - , , ' , . . ,. , . , aDV"wi' apix rtainiii'r ; tlie fame be;i:; levied
era! of our armies was approved by Mr. aud then dispersed for thier several u-"on and taken a- he pnpe tyof i: e un-
Proctor, secretary of war, and that is all homes. f TJad, MslTrall m! Mol
the politics there was in it. It only re- riarey. Mrs. Mary Hawe. I. . N Crosswai't.
"T h ir i 4 ..or',, p;;i. f. i ..,.f (hrst name ucknnwu ins the hews a, law of
mained for a reckless, brass mounted 1 have used Ajer s I ills for the past .uvpu P. Crosswait. deceased. David
.... , , . 30 years, and am satisfied I should not be Sam-ou, Theodore Katon, Frederick
peny-a-hner m charge of a democratic aiv, trtli,v if it . - nnr .n . t. K:itoi Alice m. Karon, a-d Mrs.
S. ivl. I.atou sole neirs oianu at lawot birerou
sheet to inject politics and President
Harrison into the affair.
other remedits failed." T. P. Bonner,
Chester, Pa. Ayer's Pills are sold by all
The Cleyeland democrats who have
, i . ; . i . -. l . i : .
ou,tl The breath of a chronic catarrh patient
eacu oiuer iv get into tue suver coinage s often so olfeusive that he becomes an
sweat box, since Vest of Missouri in- object of disgust. After a time ulcera-
furuied an anxious public that Grover tion sets in, the spongy bones are attacked
was for free coinage, are now perusing and quently entirely destroyed. A
, .. constant source of discomfort ia the
the -stuffed prophets anti free coinage dripping of the purulent secretions into
letter with mental anguish, poor old left the throat, sometimes producing invete-
handed in the rear of the procession rate bronchitis, which in its turn has
alive today if it had not been for them.
Tlte.v cured me of dvsoeosia when all I tl. Katon deceased. Oenr.-e s. sybolt. the un
. . ... I i. i. i. i ;.. i. it i i -i i
Kiiottii iiru.-in voijiiii ..iiiin, ueeieii , i jios.
B. Gordon. It. B. Townrend, .joinjr business as
Genlou & Townaend. Klij ih Sii!ith, Joseph
Smith. he unknown heirs of Tehain Beasley.
deceisec, William J. Jlyntt, W. I), Meniahi
(first name unknown). Art E. Alexander, and
the unknown lieirs of Alfred II, Townsend,
d-ceased, delendanti ; to satisfy iudsment
t:t said Court recovered by William II. Shafer,
P'aintiff ; auainst said defendants.
I!at:smoutb. Neb..Kebru ry 4th. A, D. 1891.
William Tighk
Sheriff of Cass Co . Neb.
You have heard your friends and
neighbors talkiug about itr You may
yourself be one of the many who know
from personal experience just how good
a thing it is. If you have ever tried it, J
you are one of its staunch friends, be
cause the wonderful thing about it is,
that when once given a trial, Dr. King's
New Discovery ever after holds a place
in the house. If you have never used it
and should be afflicted with a cough, j
cold or any throat, lung or chest trouble, i
secure a bottle at once and give it a fair
trial. It is guaranteed every time, or '
money refunded. Trial bottle free at I
F. G. Fricke tt Co's drug store. t i
been the exciting cause of pulmonary
diseasi . The brilliant results which
have attended its use for years past pro
perly designate Ely's Cream Balm as by
far the best and only cure
One of tne handsomest decorations we
siw in this city la;-t evening was a re
markable fine picture of the late General
Sherman framed in a star. No veteran
ever passed tlie likeness without stopping
tu admire it. The picture is the proper
ty of Geo. Poisill and was kindly loaned
to Wm. Weber where it grafts his room.
Nell I.eyton, ')'. otle and Fareigh, lfaac A
All. n. Charles Fowler and Ellen Fowler his
wif-. defendants will take notice that on the
5th day of February 1831, A rt Eliza Alexander
plaintill, filed her amended petition m the
district court of Cass c.ou.-y. state of Nt-bra-k-i.
against said defendants, the object
and prayer of which areior a judgiuent
nd decree of said court vetinK and grant
ing in her title to tlie northeast quarter of the
southeast quarter of section five, in
township ten. rane fourteen, east of the sixtk
principal merridian, lying and bins m Cass
county, state i I .Xebrarkaaud setting aside tho
title claimed by the defendants and for peace
able and quiet possession of said real estate,
and iu care tlie court should find the plaintiffs
title invalid and it should fail by reason thereof
for a decree of said court deflating plaintiff to
have a perpetual lien on said real estate for the
taxes with interest at the rata of 40 per cent ,er
annum for two years from the st-veral date
tne rame were paid on each amoutit paid for
taxes and 12 per cent therealtrr. and for an al
lowance of au attorneys fee of 10 per cent of I
Tt " ; mount found due. d a de -iee of
: closure of said lien in t l'.rf manner of f'!e-
NeMlles. nils and nartu for nil kinds of ' V1 '? nioitnaKe. and for an order ... sale of I
. , . t . . .
Popular Prices. New House.
Cut this out for future reference.
New Drugstore at Murray
Is finishing up his new building which
will be occupied with a first
clasp stock of
- V"
C-Yoor Patronage is cordially S ilitit.
Tne pioneer meichants of
Carry a fnll stock of general
nierchondtse which theysell very
close. Highest price paid for
all kinds of farm produce. Gen
erous treatmentand fair dealing
is the 6tcret of our success.
Notary Public
Murray Neb.
Cannot become healthy food simpjl by
the process of death.
owe i to themselves and society to
n swine raising that will promote the
public health, nogs should be fed,
Dr. Jos. Haas'
... "Vjf
When you are in Lincoln, call on V,
Ci.kvelnu8 letter against the free ; C. Austin ct C ., in Mc Bride block, cor-
coinage of silver has very effectually ; n-. r of Twc Ivth and P strict, for Have
pulled down Missouri's Vest. j lock and Univeisity property.
uiachincs can be found at the Singer of
fice, corner of Main and Sixth streets,
with Henry Boerk. tf
The only reliable medicine for swine.
Used successfully for fourteen years
Prevents eisease,
Arrests Disease, slops Couch.
Hastens Maturity.
Destroys Worms,
Increases the Flesh.
For sale bv P. G. Fricke & Co
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Pities; Ilia cvi-5, Si.!..!). ii.ry
17 litod An active, it lioble in n- salarv ?-7i
it h increase, to reinereni ,
i un el-lloit ih . rjioii.-niic i oi i.
TI7 litod Mi active.
to fd) nn ntlily. wi
i h own reel ion i
i House. Inferences, mamtactikkh, Lock ii'uaiy.lsftl,
tf ! Uox loso, ew York. Akt Ei.iza. Alf.xa
I C, V. Seymour. Atty for I'l tf,
Hi j i roperty io pav aid lien, attorneys fee" 1
linen st Mid costs of the action in case I
: it. i r-.-ai estate slrali not -II for a sullifiei.t '
"iu to nav said lien for . taxes. ntiet attoi- I
n' js Ice and costr, the p!a'i:tff mav I T l.-.i an I ') ; per p tck l ' i. T.ld lar ' -s
.la.o a personal judgment aahift said def en- ..r., r , t, , , .. . ti',:,,,"'.,. , ..:
: ts j .ire t'l ; '-'I -t, v me rcr t.jstlin mill
e.:;eii ot von are eqii i i"-n fn ansvtr84!d netl- ' il g()li;v, a l)l-)i '.; lim:hl"t on
t i ... ti ...ti......,ni. .i. . r vi - ..i. i . . . . ; . . . . 1 1
li . uui in iir tin ,vi ii ii j i -.1.1' vii 1 .
IHl-d iNebiavlia v. .rii . day i f t
noi:k, Ii t X.
i - -i - - 1'--- j..iiii.u vii
4'ii- sw'ne W'U ,,e niailed for a 2-cent stamps
j Orders by mail receive prompt attention.
i JOS. HAAS, fndianapolia