Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, February 19, 1891, Image 3
VEilKIjYHEKLU: if JJiTa u irinri, Luit0i,-i-u- If u A. GIBSON'S PRIM Analysis of the Stuff Prepared for Shufeldt's Distillery. MORE POTENT THAN DYNAMITE. Experiments with the Liquid and u Tlew of the l'lait of Ictriii:t;tu The Mont Complete Kviilence of IMahoIivul Work I-Iileraii-ly Srlieme.l. CrucAfio, Feb. 14. The fact tlni Ih ooitl-j it, mm in the Kiitenel tuKeu from Secretary Gilon, of the v.hihky trust at the time of his arret contained a S"1.'. .' .auto which would have brought Jiout the tit oivuotiou of Schnfeliifs tii.s tillery in very short order, v;is definite ly -tstil)i'-'i;. -(l by experiment made in room?: of the federal building by the officers who yoi .1 up the ease against the whisky trust men and in the pres ince of Lawyer Burry, who, with his partner, J. S. Runnels, ha charge oil Gibson's defence. Inspector Stuart withdrew tlio covered cork from the pottle and nllowe 1 one drop of the stulT tc- fall upon a small piece of paper. Al most instantly the paper llurht Into a Flame. The experiment wiw repeated several iimes, and it wiu round tiiat whenever the smallest tiuantitv .was placed on anv eubstance tliat would burn a flame shot up instantly. If placed upon a snl- stanee not liiEamniablo the stutx its I took lire after a brief exposure to tin atmosphere. When the cork was re placed in the lottle Capt. Stuart wiped the neck with a towel and then threw the towel to one side. In a moment the towel was in flames and there was a scurryiu;; for water to put out the fire The big room wjis filled with blue smoke and with a sickening odor of phosphorus, of which the inflammable stulr appeared to be mainly composed. The e2qie ri ments were conducted with great secre cy, but after the true nature of the sub stance, which Gibson's friends have 'alleged to be gin, was discovered, Capt. Stuart and United States Attorne3' Mil christ came out in the corridor to get a breath of fresh air. They had just washed their h.-tuds after handling the bottle, but nevertheless bine smoke curled up from their fingers, showing what A Stronjf Solution of Phosphorus the bottle must have contained. ( Jib son's attorney, William Burry, was dumbfounded a:; the result of the experi ment, and relu.sed to say anything. Marshal Hitchcck, who is a friend of Gibson, watched the experiment with great interest. "1 a:n couipletelv stunned." said lie: "in view of the facts shown Ijefore 1 was compelled to be lieve my old friend guilty against my wish. Now I know it. IIow can I help believing it when the evidence is so damaging. But I never thought for a f'onient that any lives would bp lost, and he only intended to destroy the dis tillery." . (Jilison's Plan. M complete description of Gibson's plan for destroying the distillery was Fven by one of the officers in the ciu-e. the distillery there are eleven huge vats, in a big room, containing highly inflammable spirits. The vats are ele vated about two feet from the floor, so that the revenue olricers can look under them. The infernal machine was r have been placed under vat No. o, al most in the center of the room, and on its explosion a steel ball would have pen etrated the lot torn of the vat, making a hole from which the spirits would hare flowed like water from a hydrant under high pressure. The fluid was to be found on the fuse and the spirits would have been ignited, thus pouring out a steady stream of tire. Dewar would have been enveloped in the thanes,'' said the officers, "and could not have es caped. There would have been no use trying to light the tire, because it would have been impossible to get at iti source. There would have, been a stead" stream of burning liquid pouring from t lie vat iind spreading destruction all iuvnmd." The Mail Was Itobht tl. Fostokia, O., Feb. 14. A Lu-ge num ber of rifled letters were discovered along the Baltimore and Ohio ro 1 1 aloiit a mite out or town. ine K-trer. ".vera postmarked Delaware, and were for Chicago and points west. The pouch is supposed to have been stolon at Chicago Junction. A lot of letters were also found m an empty box car, where they had evidently been examine d by the thieves. The government j:uthorities are investigating the matter. A Contractor's I'ate. Cantox, O., Feb. 14. George Lerch, a well-known contractor, went to Na jirre Saturday to transact business, pissing the train for Canton he started lowalk to Massillon to catch a train for this city. His walk led through a lonely wood, and nothing has been seen or beard of him since. As he had a large sum cf money foul play is feared. ConfesstI the Crime. St. Lot is, Mo., Feb. 14. Mrs. Van derver, who was arrested some days ago at Poplar Bluff, Mo., charged with --nrAixri-nrr her husband, hs made a con fession that one Marion Long shot her husband, and that it was a piot between them. After Long killed ainlerver lie ' left for Bloomfield, Mo., Officers will go after Long. Responsibility for Lym-'i.'-i" Work. jAi.:..v, Tex., Feb. 11. ..:: ior jV 000 damages was brought against Mar shal Cabot by the mother of the Morales boys of Graham, TVx., two of whom were killed by a mob while in The cus tody of a deputy United Stales marshal en route to Fort Worth jail. 3iarderel utl Itohhed. Cassletox, N. D., Feb. 11. J. B. Flett, agent of the Norlhv.v.dern ele vator at Arthur, near hr.-. was found murdered and robbed. Trie murderer secured $1,000 in money ::r. Fleli's gold watch arid chain. A VcTilant Youiiff Man t -e, Iis Itoli. OMAUA, Feb. 11. C. U'oL'o. for- merly of Croston, Ijt.,,a-.ked Pat lveyes, an acunaiulanos, to' dri. hi.; money from the Kavin bank, giviu. him a check for $ lot). Keyes drew tho money una ttir -- i '' THE ANTI-LOTTKKY LAW. It Has Cut the Compuj'a Receipts and . Also Postal Keveimen. Washington', Feb. 14. The effect of the anti-lottery act, passed at the re quest of Postmaster General Wan.v maker at the last session of congress, is ! shown by the falling off in the volume of money order, jostal note and regis tered letter business at the New Or leans postoffice. A statement of money orders paid during twelve weeks of last year, as compared with the same period this year, shows a decrease in number of 1('),G1:5, and in amount of N,"o0. During the saints period the number of postal notes paid fell from S.-li):; to V.XiiV, and the amount paid dcrra.sed $110,000. It will 1m' wen that Ihe Louisiana Lottery company received during tlv twelve weeks between, which cu; ;. -von is made ''!'(').(;( () It ss than y;-:.r. There a, however, a large !.'. n of money -eni by ie..,isicred I, ;-.?.! also in ordinal let---it. is impossib! To s;:y 7::i:ch, but it is n.fv to a -r-. .: :-:;-si.erod !'. 1 vr e;-i::. -d at. : : ;;iiu as the iiuiu! r of iv,;-:s.vrtM ; i'..wa decrease of f vr - ai..: imri t. ;:. b.,v. ft i j. . tb:;n : i i i t the same pii?1. it is..:-- to Li ' hr.t'J the total decreas- in rt -' i;;. s by ilte lottery couipjiny from thvr.e s;.:iic.;-f. at ."iiO.'doO. It js. however, well k. ..n to postal officials tbat nearly as n.erh iiioce was sent in ordinary letters, which would indicate that more than !.0 K',C(0 per j'ear was sent through the -N'-v; Orleans postoffice for the purchase ol lottery tickets. When it is consid c'vii iliat the company luid agencies in al. the principal cities where a large mnnber of tickets were disposed of, the e:.tent of the business can be imagined. CONORKSSKINAL PKOCKiini VfiS. file I.f"i.-.l:itive 15111 Pusses the House Copyright Discussed in the Senate. Washington, Feb. 14. The lions; after routine business went into commit tt e of the whole on the legislative appro priation bill. The clause in the bill in rt lation to the civil service commission occupied the attention of the house n any all uay. An amendment appro priating &3(,400 to enable the civil serv k e co:. uission to execute the provisions or the enul rervice act, was agreed to. ihe bill w;it! then reported to the house, and the amendment providing for clerks to memlier:; not chairmen of coiiiiuiL i: s, was defeated. The bill was then 1 '.-.'lie president's message, an 1: oi.T-ci-.)'; the death of Admiral Porter, v ,:s vea , and refeiTed, and t he house a ;iei:;i: ii. u-mtte tne dijuomatic anu con iropriarion bill was. reiX)rtfl d on the calendar. A reolu ;s. ':ved to permitting the- sen e ou naval aii'airs to iuvts ring the coming recess matter;' .-r'.i;!-.- ; i'.-id oJ:; iio'.i :i f. e t o;: legate ( iviatmg to the per.sttmel of tl e i:avy. 1h. ic-ojdiioii authorizing The select coiiiraitTtc- on relations with Canada to continue it;- investig:-:tioi;s during the ieccss was objected to and was placed ea the calendar. The copyright bill was 1 ;v.';i considered, and after four hours . : c ion Senator Shvnor.n's am -;-.'1.-j-. -m': jovi-'.ing thai foreign ed-cions of -.i..-, etc., which are copjTighted in i '..: United SiaTes may be admitted to t country on payment of the regular ;.::j.i uuaus, vUo iigietti to o u vote or to il. The bill was then laid ;side. ; he president's message announcing the :cefh of Admiral Porter was received, .i.. the senate soon afterwards ad- :uru t. . Development C'oisipiiuy. WASi-iiNfiTOx, Feb. 14. In the senate Senator Stockbridge introduced a bill to incorporate the National Guarantee Loan and Development Company of the United stales, x'lu- coi.:pauy has for its ooj'.c:.; tiie anieiiO-.nion v- i he-condition of the poor; the development oi unticcupied farming and mineral lands by fur reeking the necessary means to cuUivt;:-.- ::ii.i operate them: the develop ment of natural resources that may con duce to n.-.tional wealth: the esiabli.- h ,.iont ui' i-e.-iusvrie.-i on i ? co-'.'-Tiitive plan; the construction v.iid maiiilenauce ; f i:on-sfciaria':i schools, coil. ges, hos pitals a.-yiums, t-tc. (L..i;.u:t lor Stores L's-.-d by the Army. Wa. .h;n:v"on, Feb. 14. r.t uator - rr.icr reported favorably t: o.a the c -ommiLtee on claims rue nonse oui ior l:- ; lle'.'. r.nce of claims for stores and tpplies taken raid used by the l-jiiitct ;.Le.s iLimy, as reported by the court of churns rmtir tae provisions or i::e iiow- ;v. iii-i. L'-.-vtVi'i ;.iJieritlmei:is iitiende't .;a..v provisions of tiie biii uor iioh:-. ..e.e i'.i.ile hy the committee. Treasury "eiart iiiveit. Mil ox, Feb. 1 1. Tlie treasury !t redeemed !. '25.200 41 per depart ;ri cent. I'.oikLs. Ihe Dufage .National Dank of Naperville, Ills., and the Citi zens' IVational Bank of Wahpeton, IS'. D., have applied for permission to or ganise national banks. The treasury department purchased 070,000 ounces of silver at .-jd.u;! to $1.01). There were UG3, roo oimces oU'ered to the department. ICai'.oi to Penson Attorneys. Wa-hiX'.u'on, Feb. 14. Commis sioner Pau.ei i.ssued a circular to atl pi nsio.i a: toiiieys directing that all clrcaiars proposal to be issued by Ihem to solicit iension business, must be ap rfov&l by tea pension oSica before dis tribution. A Military Storehouse at Oiualia. Washington, Feb. 14. In the senate an amendment to the sundry civil bill, appropriating .$50, 000 for a military storehouse uz Om-iha. Xeb.. was re ported favorably from the committee on appropriations. Killii Signed. Washington, Feb. 14. The president has signed the act for the construction of a tunnel under the waters of the Bav , of New York between Staten Island and ! Long Island, and the act for a bridge over the Duck river in Tennesseee. ! i Arkansas' Population. Washington, Feb. 14. Tiie census office announced the population of Arkansas by races as follows: White, 810,527: colored, 011.227; Indians. :J4. and ChineM- 1'31. Total population of the state, 1,128, 1 1'J. The Republican Cuueus. Washington, Feb. 14. The Repub lican caucus of members of the house has been postponed "unTtiP'Sltinda v. DAVID D. PORTER. Again the Story of Death and a Shining Mark. ADMIRAL POUTER IS NO MORE. He ies Suddenly ut His I:'kI1 eiu-e In Washington ien. Miermaii Mill Lives, witki Nlilit H of ICef-overy I-x-tr ii:e I !:-ti:n A l mil) isteretl. WASiiiNtiTON, Feb. 14. Admiral David Porter, who h;is leen in failing health for some years, died suddenly at his Lome in this city,' at 8:15 a. m., of fat degeneration of the heart. The a lu'iral awoke at C:4o a.m. ok )'-: nourishment as UKue.l. and lid ;-.; fell S.l'f p i; in-..h.ii- a7;d die;! i.'a s". .".'!:; c:r- ea 1 wa-; near at hand. mm At H o clock ti cj:idition. He was breathing DAVID I). 1 'OUTER. with difficulty and seemed to le choking. The household was at once aroused and Dr. Wales was sent fur. The patient's pulse grew fainter s'.nd fainter, and at H:b5 o'clock it ceased to beat. At that boar he gasped convulsively and ex pired without a word. David Di.o"t Porter wa born June 8, bSi:. in Pet m ania. lie served :w a midshiinuan in tiie Mexican navy dur ing the war between Mexico and Spain in 1827. Two years later he entered the United States navy, taking the same rank, and eighteen years later he was actively engaged in all the operations of the navy against Mexico. When the civil war broke out. Porter, then a com mander, was sent to the relief of Fort Pickens, Fla. lie also fitted out a flo tilla for the reduction of the forts guard ing New Orleans. After the fall of Xew Orleans the flotilla did excellent work at Vicksburg, and in 1802 Porter was placed in command of all the naval forces on the western rivers above New Orleans. In 1801 he was transferred to the Atlantic coast to destroy the de fenses of Wilmington. IT. (J., and on Jan. 15,1805, the fall of Fort Fisher was consummated. In bsiW he was made vice admiral and superintendent of the navi 1 academy. On the death of Farragut Porter liecame admiral of the navy. Secretary Traey's Order. Washington, Feb. 14. The following order was issued by Secretary Tracy: Navy I)i:i'AUT.m::t, Feb. V The secretary of the navy h is the pain ful duty of announcing to the navy and country the death of tin; highest oincer of the service. David i)ie.n I'oi Ut. admiral of the navy, died at Washington, I). C, at 8:15 o'clock this morning in the TSth year of his age. Sixty years of Admiral Por ter's life was active!- devoted to the serv ice of his country. The record of his deeds forms one of the bight est pages of its his tory. His achievments while in command of the flotilla at the attack of the Now Or leans forts, on the Mississippi squadron at the fall of Vicksburg. and of the North At lantic squadron at the capture of Fort Fisher, have given him a placj among the foremost of the world's naval commanders. He dies lamented by the whole country and Ids memory will forever be cherished and held in honor by t he servie. On the dav of the funeral tlis navy department will be closed, the flag will be displayed nt half mast sit all navy yards and all stations and on hoard all ships, and sev enteen minute guns will be lired at noon from each navy yard. The navy depart ment will tx? draped, and all oflieei-s of the n ivy and 'marine corps will bear the badge of mourning for thirty days. fiEN. SIIHKJIAX'S COMHTIOX. Resting; Oiiictly with .onie '!i;mees of Re covery Kxtri'Mie l'netio:i. New York, Feb. 14. A report pub lished in The New York Times reflect ivig on the conduct of the members of C-!eu. Sherman's familj in calling in a prieit to administer the extreme unc tion, has called for a great many com ments in connection with the religions belief entertained by the Gener al and hi.i family, 'i here is no doubt that the ceremony was performed on Thursday, about 11 o'clock in the forenoon. It was so stated by a priest, admitted by the son, P. T. Sherman, and the Gen eral's son-in-law, Mr. Fitch auirmed the report. A confirmation is also found in a letter to The New York Times, writ ten by Senator Sherman. The members of the family have resented the report published in this journal as an tittack upon them and their aged father, now so low. Young Mr. Sherman openly denounced the article as a slander. The article in question was to the effect that the sacraiiient of the extreme unction had been administered to the General while in an unconscious stole, inferring, therefore, that it was without his per taission, Many other inferences might have been drawn from the article disa greeable to the family. The members of the family did not care to enter into the particulars of the services performed at the bedside of the Genera, or state what priest officiated. It was a family alfair, and they wished it to remain as such. 11:45 p. m. Lieuts. Thackaray and Fitch have just left Gen. Sherman's house. Lieut. Thackaray said that at this hour Gen. Sherman was not sleep- ing. He was using all his strength to w'- w gianus were mucti swollen ""d his tlu-osit was idling wnh mucous. s Rowing perceptibly weaker., iivn A'?a?fJ are Wlth him' 1 The erysipelas had left him. Midnight Gen. Snerinan s condition remains unchanged since the last bul letin. He is still resting easy. 1:15 a. in. Private Secretary Barrett has issued a bulletin stating that Gen. Sherman was apparently sleeping, and the doctors looked for an easier night than the' at first expwled. The geueral had token a little nourishment during ttie evening. 2a.,rn. Gen. Sherman's condition is nnciianged : resting, and the house has bean closed for the night. admiral's son, R i ' a a r d, who''S$V '-Syg!? sleoc by lii. side, ffft fe.v:-:?' ''.vir-iiiiLi i noti.:--d a change in his father's -ryM-iZ?- ' (J Common Sooe About the Cigarette. A tobacco denJ-r says: Thefe'has boen a great deal said ibout the harmfulnesa of cigarettes, and certainly they are in jurious to young boys or to men if smoked in excess; but most of those who attack the cigarette habit have very lit Mo idea of what they are talking about. It should bo remembered that the great est smokers in the world the Spaniards, ! the Cubans. Spanish-Americans and the Russians use cigarettes far more freely than cigars, and " none of these nations l can be. called unhealthy. People talk about the injurionsness of the pajer, but any phy.-ician will tell you that it has no effect worth mentioning. If you take a piece of rice paper and light it scarcely any residuum will re main, and n man night smoke that pa 1 ize e.ii ' : i . ..l y without experiencing the smaile.-.t bad result. What makes cigar ette smoking injurious is the fact that the smoke is not retained in the mouth and throat, but is taken into the lungs. It is because the cigar smoker does not understand this that he denounces cig iretle !-'rvking ;s insipid. So it is if the :;:..;.'. reV.c- is smokes! like a cigar, but u'he:i ''.: smoke is swallowed the effect is i .r more delicat e than cm be obtained !'rom any cig:ir, and you will find that a onlir.'ie'd cigarette smoker seldom en joys either a cigar or a pipe. St. Louis orlobe-Democrat. Why People llite Their Lip. If you surpri se the father of a family ?t retched out at full length and trying till he is red in the face to raise his legs without lifting his body, you may know 'in is endeavoring to work off his super ibundance of avoirdupois, which inter "eres seriously with his cutting a grace ful figure in the waltz, which his better half insists on dancing every chance she j;ets. If you consult Mr. Russell on what changes will make you better look ing, j'ou will find him very blunt. He may tell you you do not wash 3rour face elean, and when you ask how he knows he will tell you if you did your skin would not be disfigured with those black pimples, or he may tell you, as he told a woman who recently appealed to him for advice, that she did not eat enough, which fact he had reached because he iiad observed how much she chewed her lips. So you see you need not be on your good behavior when yon pass under his eagle eye. But did you ever sit in the ferry boat or car and watch the women, who make the most hideous, wry faces in their attempts to get some nourish ment or crumb of comforc from their lips? Not only the women but the men also have this fiendish habit. Brooklyn iiagle. A Rare Xew Zcaland Iiirrt. Dr. Fristedt has brought a most inter ring and valuable collection of birds, tc., from Australia, where he had many in adventurous outing, and from where !ie proceeded to New Zealand. There he ucceede 1 in obtaining a specimen of the uuaint and almost extinct kibi bird, i'his bird is somewhat like an ostrich, out oul;' the size of a crow. It has no wings at all, and is covered with fur like short striped feathers. Another pe ;;uiiarity about tha kibi is the fact that its egg is larger than one-third of its oody. He also succeeded in bringing home some Maori skulls, which are difficult to obtain on account of the manner in which- the natives bury their dead. When the bodies have been so long in the ground that all the flesh has fallen from the skeleton they unearth them and carry them into the interior of the forest3, where they are deposited in nat ural caves, which are very difficult to rind. The attempt to obtain these skulls is attended with the greatest danger, as nn3 one discovered with one is certain of being instantly killed. Galignani's Mes senger. Ailments of Horses. Almost any liveryman is, in his way, a horse doctor. He practices on his own stock, and will prescribe simple remedies lor a sick horse that is brought to him, but in any case he deems serious will al ways advise calling in a regular veteri nary surgeon rather thaa to undertake the treatment himself. All sorts of sur gical operations are undertaken for the relief of horses, and there are one or two men in the city who are specially skilled in the treatment of diseased -teth. Horses have the toothache just like men do and from the same causes, and pull ing a tooth is now a common thing in veterinary surgery. Of course the horse kicks, for his teeth have long and strong roots, but the operation frequently saves the life of a valuable animal. Interview in St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Cheap Fuel. Among the latest attempted solutions of the cheap fuel problem is the method of a German inventor, who' proposes to manufacture gas by dropping a stream of crude petroleum through a blast of cold air fiom a force pump. The gas thus obtained will be confined in a regu lar cylintltr pen at one end, where it will be lighted. This produces an in tensely hot flame of several feet in length. By mear.3 of this flame the in ventor proposes to heat boilers, and he maintains that the heating of large blocks can thus be reduced very consid erably. New York Telegram. Revolvers In Siht. The policemen of Savannah carry re volvers strapped to their belts in plain sight. They are armed with short clubs is well. They cannot unlimber their shooting irons any quicker than a New York policeman, who usually carries his in his hippocket, can do it: but with most of the offenders the sight of a weapon in itself has a salutary effect on many of them. New York Sun. There is no department of British mer ?antile industry which has developed with such marvelous rapidity as the pe- ! troleum trade. Since its beginning in 1S59, when the total importations were about 2.C;;0,000 gall jus, it has increased by leaps and bounds until, in 1889, the amount brought into the United King dom reached the total of 102,047,473 alious. The Use Of Flarsli, drastio purgative to relieve costlve liesa is a dangerous practice, and more llablo to fasten the disease on the patient than to cure It. What Is needed Is a medicine tliat. In effectually ojenlris the bowels, correct the costive habit and estallllies a natural dally action. Bucli an aperient Is found iu Ayer's Pills, which, while thorounh in action, strengthen j as well as stimulate Uie bowels and excretory organs. "For eight years I was afflicted with con stipation, which at last became so bad that thedoeUT3 could do no more for me. Then 1 began to take Ayer's Tills, and soon tho bowels became regular and natural In their movements. I am now In excellent health." Wn. II. DeLaucett, Dorset, Out " When 1 feel the need of a cathartic, I take Ayer's Tills, and find them to be uioro Effective ihan any other pill I ever took." Mrs. H. C. Grubb, Kurwellvillt', Va. " For years I lutve bewi subject to consti pation and nervous headaches, caused by de rangement of the liver. After taking various remedies, I have become convinced that Ayer's Tills are tiie best. They have never failed to relieve my bilious attacks In a short time; and I am sure my system retains Its tone longer after the use of these Tills, than has been the case with any other medicine I have tried." II. S. Sledge, Weimar, Texas. Ayer's Pills, PBEPABD BT Dr. J. O. AYEH & CO., Lowell, Stui. Sold by H Dealers in Medicine. THE TYPEWRITER A strictly first cla machine, fully warrant ed. Made trom tJie very best material b (killed workmen, and with the best tools tbat have ever been devised for the purpose. War ranted to do all that can be reasonably ex pected of the very best typewriter extant. Cap'ibleof writing 150 words ner minute or more according to the ability ol the operator. PKICE $100. inhere is co agent in your town address Hie ii .uuiacturt p. tiik TAi:mn m'F'g c. '(.'enls wanted Taiish A, V F. B. SEELEMIHE, Agent. Liucolu, Neb, PURE rilAPLE SUGA3 and Syrup. Low prices quoted on large or small lots " Strictly Pure. Adirondack Maple Sngar 123(5 Monroe st., Chicago. 111. Co Western Agents. Lin, The 5th St. Merchant Taii.01 Keeps a Full I.lne of 'Jon suit Your Interest by Giving Him a ;l) SHERWOOD BLOCK GOLDJAKD TORCELAINTCKO Wls'S Bridge work?antl fine gold work a SPECIALTY. I)K. STEINAITS LOCAL, as well as other 'an estheticsgivvn for the painless extraction of teeth. C. A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald BV Otrrs, Prompt; Foir Cure for Impotence, Lota of Manhood, Seminal mA 1 u a Nerucvsnesi. beif uistrutt, w2 i 11 i 1 1 A Lose of Memory, Ac. Will Price SI. 00. a $b 00. Dirertrnni Malfift with eacn Box. Address iJ.Uiird L'&sw Llalmeat Co., 2 91 9 Luca Ave. 8T. LOUIS. MOr P.t'i1-s-Ji.'r?i oils Man. ii fc.-i.xrt) -tlx; S fith st.. Union Work, frterly 413 Maui ntie t. A. Splendid Murkct, wlicm Everything kept is First Clans. We aim to uleaHC, and solicit the l'itron ago of the l'uldic TIIE CHOICEST STEAKS, EXCELLENT HOAKTS. TIIE SWEETEST CUTS, FINEST CUKKD MEATS. tiAMK. KISO AND OTIIKK DKl.IC A.t;iKS IN SEASON. B fair and honest dealing I exiect to merit a share of the trade. 131-lm. J. It. VALLEKY, Prop MIKE siinellhacki:k Wagon and HlacksniUli shop Wagon, Buggy, Machine and plow Repairing done illOUSESIIOEINO A SPECIALTY" He uses the QNEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which s the beat horaeshoe for Uie farmer, or for fast driving, or for city purposes ever invented . It is bo marie that anyone cr.n put or sharp or fiat corks, as needed for wet and slippery days, or smooth, dry roads. Call fct hia shop and examine the NKVKMUr nd you will use no other. J. M. SIINEI.LBACKEK. 112 North Fifth St. Plattsrnouth JULIUS PEPPER3ERG. MANUFACTURE K OK AND WHOLESALE c?l RETAIL DEALER IN TTIE Thoicest Brands of Cigars, including our FlsrdJ Pim'irji' and 'Bui FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE always in stock. Nov. 2r. 1885. THE OLD RELIABLE. Shingles, Lath, Sash, B inds oors Can supply everw demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND ' 9 ' UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand Jeverything you need to furnish your house. CORNER SIXTH ANIi MAIN STREET n it Neb J. HANSEN DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, GLASS AJS L QUEENSWARE Flour and M a Specially Patronage of the I'ubie Solicited. JOHNSON BUILDING, NartiiiM St 10." IL A. WATERMAN k 80R PINF LUMBER ! V, 'S " c