Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, February 19, 1891, Image 1

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    1 ft HI II!
t "tidiest of all io Learning Tower. U.
Sons of Veteran News
At the regular meeting of H. E. Pal
mer Camp No. 50, 8 of V lt night,
John D. Robbins waa cbrs-n as delegate
tovtbe encampment to be held at Geneva,
in June nxt. Frank Johnson was
chosen as alternate. It is expected that
a number of the boys from here will go
aa it will be a fild encampment and
there is $300 in ' prizes for competitive
drills. .
The Division Colonel Frank J Coates.
f Omaha, will be m the city next Thurs
day evening and all Smis of Veterans are
requested to meet him at the tram at
7:45 and escort him to tluir hall.
Now is your chau7e7dc" a chance
you will have but once in a h e
buy Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hat a,
tc at slfuahtering prices at JOLS.
The' enUre stock must be sold out as
quick as possible.
... Droshvterian Church,
Miss Day is a graceful and leaned fig :-
!., .t.wr.- has a face of unat-
ur v"::r.?, i;,;tv of txnressi n.
1 acted puruy " , fl :
and a voice of great compass and flew
bility, capable of expressing in its won-
derfJl modulations the path. of a child
the trembling accentf of old age or t he
,,rnn(T notcs of a passionate entreaty or
) SJrTi.e Vv"r;r "br?e?lr.
which she has gained in her b l it ap
pearanee before the public. ?
sustained in this city.-Blmr R-.publi-
can. , ,
a t .h iwbvtsrian ch arrh Tnursday
Vol, 10 Don-'t fail to hear
evening, i eu.
her. Admi'ion 23 cents.
TOE his not "bursted." Joe "Pr
h iSled! for ho b lj,vc, ...erc ; ;n
honest living for everybody, but oi. g
Pel'd tn rlorf .it !i aiiu
stoA, regarrtle?8 of cost.
Louisville After It,
,'"vA4,te 'Journal- , . .,
" So encourasing are the prospects 1.1 the
direction of establishing are form .choc,
for -iris, that five towns have mtered
list to compete tor mo 1 West Point
snevfi, Liouisviu'., ' . -,,
Jlilford. Geneva -ami wtuunt-
have made the be t nu.-rs ii v.....
pnse, as yet. The fornu-r -effort forty
acres of land suitable for a location rnd
to put in wa'.er pip" to connect with
city mains free. The flourishing town
of Louisville, Cass county, puts in an
offer of 200 acres of valuable land, a
lar-c stone building 80x80 feet in dimen
sions and four stories high, with an ad
dition 30x50 and a stone ice house 30xo0,
with three cooling rooms for meats and
vegetables beneath it. It throws in a
' baker's oven complete and capable of
supplving the eeds of such an institu
tion, and a soft water spring with a ca
pacity of 300,000 gallons per day. For
all ot this, said to be worth at least
$50,000, it asks $10,000 from the state,
the people of Louisville paying the re
waiuder. This appears to be by far th
best offer up to date but it remains to
be sten what other towns may do.
It is only with regret JOE has to sell
out his entire stock, for he has done a
Very satisfactory and successful business,
lat dissolution between JOE and his
partner, Mr William Fisher compels him
to close out.
There arc a great mauy garments, in
cluding a pair of trousers of extraordi
nary length and a number of very pretty
feminine" confections in "Pat's New
Wardrobe," which was produced last
evening at Niblo's by Mr. Pat Ilooney
and his company. Pat's brogue is as
broad and as rich as ever, and the play
in many ways an amusing one, and the
rnmnm that supports Mr. Rooney 1 a
capable one. There are funny situations,
onmfl r.lcver dialogue, and tf number of
catchy and tunerul airs in "Pat's New
WnrHml.,." It was witnessed by a good
.sized audience, and everybody had a
BWe of applause I cw lorK
Press. This unexcelled comedian will
appear with his company at Waterman s
opera house Monday evening,
rubbish at JOE'S
Everything of the latest style and at be
low cost.
Go to JOE and lay in your supply for
next year. It will pay you gouu
est at the prices he is ciown uuv
S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17.
a r,wl' Suit at $1.75 for boji
from 9 to 18 years old at JOE'8. tf
Don't forget the entertainment at the
Presbyterian church tomorrow evening
Bee the programme.
The funeral of Mrs. Urwin took place
this morning, the remains having been
brought in on tho Schuyler tram.
For glassware, queensware and the
bst and freshest g.ocenes go to 1 nuup
Kraus, where you will find everything
you want for your table.
John Mumm has added a lunch coun
ter to his saloon, and the way Ed Threl
keld's soup vanishes for nn hour in the
forenoon when it is served as a free xuncu
is a caution
We are clad to note the fact'that Mrs
Oio." Dovev is better today; that Dr,
Schildknecht is able to be up fbout the
house and that L. G. Larson will be out
from his siege of sickness in a few days.
Ai 1 o'clock, on the 26th ot February,
three miles south of Plattsmouth. Mr.
Vred Wthibein. administrator of the es
tate of Wm. Wehxbein. deceased, will
offer for sale a large lot of stock, farming
implements and other personal property.
W. D. Jone3 is the auctioneer.
Charley Campbell, the former B. & M.
engineer, is living with his wife in Og
den, Utah. He is occupying his time as
conductor on a street car. Mr. Camp
bell's friends in this city will be sorry to
learn that they lost both of their beauti
ful children last week with scarlet lever
A rate of one fare for the round trip
from all points within 00O miles luis
been made by the railroad managers, for
tlmro who wish to attend the funeral
Plattsmouth people would have to pay
full fare to St. Joe and buy a ticket from
that point in order to take advantage of
the low ratts.
Several of our bu?5ne?s houses are
beautifully decorated in lienor ot cur
":'Ls'i while nvmy onlv showed a few
il i-s. Amorg the best cleccratca csrao-
lu-hmer.ts V c n ticed the Hotel Rilev,
Wm. Webber's, S. &, C. Mayer's. C. L.
Werrott's, Phil Young's, Wu:. Ikrold's,
G.iing & Co.'s and :he Perkins House.
The crowd being so much larger than
was expected, rnar.y more will doubtless
put up suitable decorations today.
Col. Thresher, the globe trotter, arrived
heme from Ogden a few days ago and
renorts the wild and wooley west as very
tame compared with the activity which
he sees on every band in this city. Ihe
colonel says he met our sewer contractor.
Mr. Sbelton, in his real estate omce in
Ogden. The colonel also remarked that
to his reat delight he met with a copy
tf the Plattsmouth Herald at Pocatelo
Idaho, which he read with evident
relish, realizing more than ever that the
Heuald was a great newspaper.
F. S. White and wife are in Omaha to
Mrs. F. II. Steimker, and daughter are
visiting in Omaha.
Hub Alden of Greenwood is in the city
on business today.
iTra Alta Bawen came in to visit
friends last evening from iVlliance
Mrs. Thresher and children spent Sun
day with her brother -t Hillsdale, Iowa.
Thomas Wiles.has gone toCotner
University to viit the young folks a few
Col. D. S. Draper, and Col. P. E.
Ruffner, were passengers for Lincoln,
this morning.
A D. D. spain, started this morning
for North Platte to visit his sister, and
family for a few days. The report that
he is to be married soon is not verified.
C. L. Graves, the advance agent for
Pat Rooney, was in the city last night
arranging for the appearance of tho great
comedian Monday evening.
Messrs Will and John Moore, quite
well known in musical circles, left last
evening for Pullman 111, where they ex
pect to get employment and permanently
A genuine Stetaon $4.00 nat at $2.73
at JOE'S. tf
Tha Encamoment.
Over three hbndred Grand Army posts
are represented here today. Large dele
gations from all over the state arrived
last night follower by additional forces
this morninc This is the annual busi
ness meeting of that grand lodge of pat
riot whose members must have been
Union soldiers during the rebellion be
fore they can become members ot the
...A,.r W iin alt meeting most of
Vl,v. " 1 - - rt
the gentlemen present, truthfully remark
that a better looking and abler repre
sentative body of men weuld be difficult
to find in one organization anywhere
than we have with us today.
Besides the G. A. R. encampment w
have with ns the annual convention ot
that excellent order, the Women's Relief
Corps, composed of delegates from all
their posts in the state, together with
manv dienitaries from abroad.
The business meetings of the G. A. R.
are beine held in the opera house, while
the one hundred lady delegates of the
W. R. C. hold forth at Rock wood uau
The different committee meetings are
held at the Hotel Riley. The election of
officers will probably not occur until to
morrow evening. The chief interest is
centered in the election of department
commander, though from appearances
Captain Teeter, of Lincoln, will be unan
imously chosen.
Seth P. Mobley, of the Grand Island
Independent, Mr. Whitcomb, of the
Friend Telegraph, Major Kleutsch, of the
Fri Presse, Captain Murdock, of the
Wymorc Reporter and a host of other
first class newspaper men are in atten
dance today.
The genial presence of ex-Governor
Thayer was noted in the midst of the
crowd at the Riley this morning.
Captain Phelps Paine is tho same rest
less rustler that he used to be when he
held down the job of city clerk in this
municipality several years ago.
Governor Pearnian accompanied by
his wife, came up ilT-h Nebraska Cicv
this morning. Pearnian is now the only
re publican governor we have got and
should be well treated.
The Bohemian baud, in charge of com-
mittcem-.n Wtidnian, discourses music
for the old veterans in proper form.
Our Henry Mc and Mrs. McIIeury are
both thoroughly interested in the woik
of the G. A. R. and W. R. C.
The Plattsmouth lailies of the Relief
Corps furnished a royal dinner for the
l.irlv delegates in attendance at the cm-
veil, ion today.
J n
Chaplain Diffenbacherand wife are in
attendance at the encampment and are
the cuests ot their old friend Jud -e
.Tn.lcro Ainl(frnte. of Tecumseh. is
among the old veterans today.
Dr. J. M. Waterman of Hay Springs,
coroner of Sheridan county, is attending
the grand encampment and is the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Ramsey.
A good pair of 6hoes at $1.00 at
JOE'S. lf
A Hearty Welcome.
Plattsmouth heartily welcomes the old
soldiers within her borders today. Our
fair city by the Platto is proud of her
guests and we hope nothiug will be left
undone by our people to make the heroes
of 'G1-'G4 remember their stay among us
as a visit of unalloyed pleasure.
Miss Mollie Tucker. Dressmaking and
millinery a specialty. Rooms over Her
old's store. f
Osborn-Gattons, at the residence of
Judge Ramsey, by that official on Feb
urary 18 1S91, at 2 p. m. Mr. George
Osborn. and Miss Charlotte Gatton were
united in the holy bonds of wedlock.
The regular meeting of tha Ladies' Aid
Society of the M. E. church will be held
tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon, at 2
o'clock at the home of Mrs. S. A. Davis
on Pearl street.
K.of P.
Regular meeting of Gauntlet Lodge
tonight. Visitors are gladly welcomed.
Mrs. Phil Young lost her pocketbook
and we had hardly got the advertisement
"set up" in the paper when she found it.
Who says it den't pay t advertise?
Will you suffer with dyspepsia and
liver complaint? Shiloh's vitalizer is
guaranteed to cure you. For Bale by F
G Fricke and O. H. Snyder.
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HAVE cut the prices deep, and par
ties in need of anything in the above lines will
save money by calling.
Our new'line of embroideries, the handsom
est and largest line ever shown by us.
FOURTH SEHI-AHKUAL mttmi OF fII3 L. L. 5 D. km,
At the close of luxinc-H Jemiary 10, lG'jl.
71 oi'?:f.r-- -"!
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24 moo. S2S.18
IS mos. 20 ;15
12 mos. 13.01
6 mos. b'M
We the undersigned members of the and iting committee appointed at the
adjourned annualmeeting FebAth 1801, do hereby certify that tre hare examined
the books of the Livingston Loan & Building Association and do find the above
report correct.
UBSCRIBED and szcorn to before me and in my pres-.c
this 11th day of February 1S01
W. W. DRU2IMOND, Notary Public.
Taken Up
The undesigned has taken up a stray
pig which can bo obtained by the owner
bv proving property and P'lyiig th:s
E. r . OSi.ui.-i,
Cor. Eighth and Locust streets.
. Look Herel
Every one indebted to JOK,
The One Price Clothier, must set
tle within thirty days or the re
counts will be placed in the hands
of a Justice tor collection. tf
Job Klein. " m. isiiek'
The fineTTiws Goods at
slaughtering prices at JOb a.
Dr. Marshall, DENTIST,
Will be in hia office on and after
March 14 h.
Yon can not form an idea hat it is to
sell Clothing, etc. IZk
tU you look through JOE 8 stocK. w
$1.50 A YEA U
.1 t.Vi'm:-' Gil
4 .--1 i
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:-7 W
J 75
1.40 14
1 '.
; ! . 1.-, .1 I 1 Mr. 71
:i I 11 41:1 471 7T
17 per cnt '.nt on ttm, i -r.tri
17 per rent int. t tua't irr-., i
17 per cent iitt on r.m't im-ryUd
17 jjerventinloiian'iintii.ic'l
IIFXRY R. BERING, A udtting Corn,
i r ry it Fu! 1 L: no of
DJl ENS CL nrillNU.
also Fir'sri cct mwi-:i:s r-
no :u 2, k.i-j:v :-u:c;. Plattmoitth
'' .. i i ill v-ir.i
'Ml i !i Ul fin ,'
A pampblet of Inforaatloil and b Jl i
Obtain l"jfentg. Caveats, Trade."
- n . . n S .