Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, February 05, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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    . --
,1 -.rf-f'w
It. B Wilduian, tbo druiat,
Q datj after brief i iness.
County Attorney Travis came in fn
Tfeepirijf Wstcr this moruing on tlie
Bcholer. -
J. X. Hennhaw, is rrjVicini? st the r-
rival of six pond daughter at Lis
Lsute yesterday.
Senator Thomas retoroed to Lincoln
this morning, laving 8ent the Slbtlh
at home with hit family.
The Schuyler showed eyidencm of
fearing poshed through some pretty
heary .now drifts when she arrived this
Miss Mice Murray, daughter of Wm
Murray, who Iihs keen quite sick wih
sliphtherik for a few dys in reported by
t her physician to be improved todav.
The post office wax closed from 11 t
2 t&lay oat of respect to the memory of
the late William Windom, Scn-tnry of
the Treasury, whose funeral occu d to
day. Hon. R, B, Windham was called to
Glen wood again this morning to attend
the bedside of his mother, who ac
reported to be growing worse, and her
recovery doubtful.
Messrs. John Lambert, W. B. Allen and
W.'B. Bhera of Rock Bluffs left this
morning for Stansberry, Mo., where they
will take the business course of the
csllege at that place.
After the 10th of this month the
Y 1 . - T I T . . ? nAn..tmarit
... . ... , , . .
will bave a memcai sxamincr locateu
a -c .tt.:n., K-.r.
uc.o, ut. o. "-'"d. "
pointed to that position.
O. M. Weed who has been la charge of
the B. A M. store department here for
several years will be relieved on the ItHh
sfthUmonthbyaMrGnild, of the audd
ingdepartmentof Omaha taking hlsplace.
A saddle was stolen from tbo barn of
Henry Spangler, on the Maxwell farm,
was doubtless taken by the thieves who
rode off Wm, Neville's mules from this
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Yonn who were
oall. ir. n.r Bvrol r.V ,m r
attend the obsequies of Mrs. ToungV
brother, returned home last evening.
They report eight inches of snow at
A number of Lincoln architects have
submitted nlans for the new Cass coun- I
,. .,,
ty court nouse at .riaitsmoutn. it win
be a fine building and a credit to one of
the oldest and best counties iu the fatate.
Lincoln Call.
C. II. Williams,
u rx
M. D., asaistant
.minD, nf
edical examiner of
superintendent and rued
S the Burlington Voluntary Kelief Depart-
ment, wTth t.e new examiner, x eaer, af tcr the evening train had departed f or pears at the opera house next Saturday Veost,' the plaint m y TVe a'pTrSnal
f who will soon locate in this city, Omaha leaves eeod erounda for susDic ni8bt. be Put 01 ale tomorrow judgment against said defendants to pay said
t-4Vthe city Saturday. I ion that thev are the thieves. I morning at J. P. Young's store. I iih j'of yon are requested to answer said
Tbe authorities at Washington have
taken precautionary steps to prevent the
i i. i I sirip irvui VyCi.uu j
boomers. All persons engaged in quar- I
rvinp- stone on the strip are to be removed I
' .. ' a ,
Bt Once as lntruucrs, BUU uuiy luusu uay- I
7 , ii j ;
ing proper authonty are to be allowed to
7 ' 0fw
tu"' -"'f """" ""J
S L. E. Karnes is something of an artist,
as is shown in his book of diagrams of
f beautified work for the Rebeccas I. O. O.
F. Mr. Karnes has been inyitod by the
, Kebeccas of Hastings to visit that city
and. give them the benefit of the work,
and he will leaye for that place this even-
ing-and will return Wednesday evening.
? The strong arm ef the law has been
; brought to bear upon a fraudulent for-
tune teller at Lincoln. The only cause
for complaint in the matter is, that the
officers were only a little loo tardy in
"meting out justice to one of thia disrepu
table class of beingB, who as a rule seek
the unenlightened for their victims.
. Elmer Cole will go to Ercmont to
morrow morning, where he will enter tlir
business college of that city. Tbe
IlKRALD'will visit him daily, and joins
bis many friend3 of tliia city in wishing
him a pleasant end profitable tiinj ia
that in--itutiou. What's the n.a:o!,
PlattsmoOth doesn't move for n buino ;
"college? It is demanded ia the cor.i.ty,
as isevideaced by the nuiii'oo'i -t yon:
people going away to ta'.:c a bi: .; '.-.v.
TliQ people of Glcnwtuul Lb.!;'.,
elated over the success of their urti .:i
well. It is said u st.:ai:i pin.r.i v...;
in operation and kept iu i:k i n l . r i. :i
hours rithout cessation, t':"nv. h: ;
colons per minute, ui2dt!:e ve!l v.-,:s
net lowered r.n inch. It is ui exec
nudity, soft as rai:i an;l cT 1 i: .
Glenwo.-d 1ms bi i;.
strides forward the p-.i.-tyca
:d n.
ru vi
she may ha even more i;
He Saw His Eliadow.
It is a common saying th tt on the 2nd
f day of February the grounrl heg ciu:cs
forth from his winter quartet?, and if
i bis bogship spies his shadow on that day
he immediately retires to his wonted
-cclusion for the tpace of six long weeks,
ybat is to 6ay that eix weeks of winter
Veather will follow if he sees his shadow.
There is about as much in that nonesense
there was in the prophesies of the
rnoaticator Wiggins a few years since
a terrible storm was to sweep thiB
v. laying waste everything alnwet.
Uncalled for Witness F.
Witiita fees uncalled for in district
m I court for the period eudii.g Dec. Slit,
I I9u
39 WmCole
2 S
. S S3
, 2
. 2 00
, t IK)
3 00
. 2 OS
a oo
. a to
3 Ui
3 l
3 00
2 U
3 00
W w lu Mndey
71 II oH nmltu
71 VOKuflUh.
71 Mr Vauiyln
7J " Hro H Cuwhlng....
73 Mr Va .. y n.. ....
73 VVbi H ewdl
71 J 11 wa erinno ...
74 J M ICoblii-w.n
74 John Uawiul
1M J M in biimoii
1& it w Ktirflel4 ...
ltil .1 W Juhuaon
i4 O o -ii J,h
774 CulTauKu-arll
4 00
3 Oil
3 00
3 VO
274 M A i'lttKH.
j j "ftVX!'.!''.:
3 20
K 19 .11 U Muruuv.
2 os
K is i-1 ;b
K. ! O II Parmele..
ii 31 A K KUoileu...
- 31 WAI.ewi.....
K 31 If A Bur ... .
K 71 rdwm .
. S3 M I, eaer ..
K. Si A .X Hullims..
K S3 'eo K luv y..
v 8 Henry K bnuie
-Hi A II I aylor. . ..
Kfl Sf K K iodd ..
3 no
3 ou
3 ou
i oo
1 os
i so
.1 P KH.ter 1 60
K 9d Win II fool 2 00
K W lieu Bt-eson 2 Ou
K 9h Kll W...l-y -l 00
K Ijs 1. ulw -olu 4 00
K lw Join Kenn dy.
IOii W N John
K l w I) II Wheeler...
K I'M .1 B Struda
2 00
3 0"
4 no
K 2i4 J Chase
K 2 KL K-ed
4 so
2 oo
K 204 II w Kerns.
k 244 h o sinidth1::::::::::::::::::::::. fS
L- f Ii i tr,'!Ki L
K. 1 OH Straight 1 Co
K i Jamea Grace ... i ie
c B2 Kubert I'ropst 4 3o
K. hi Mr wickerabam
K 103 .1 II IIll
m A1 rn 'TsV,n ? ??
'a. m j M. w iruin .. a iu
K John MHrtin I lo
4 II I' Tliilas 1 t
ic l Win a i.i..Ph"!l'"" "ftnl
I IT i i t ' 1 1 . , I
K 126 KB8ims.u 2ol
k m JIik-od
I V K K Baker 6 0
I K 125 CA Mauker 6duced a bill providing for the submis
I K 14, xheodoreHeiin''.'."''""'.".".!!!.'" s 20
150 JC 1'eierson . 2 00
K 15s KrkL'an 2 oo
I OMJouea...
1 K i& eorKe uopeland 2 00
I t AsouKTv 1
I, V. C. Showaltcr.cierk of the district court.
I within ami for said county do hereby certify
I that the above and foregoing Is a full, true and
December, A. !., 1890
I In witness whereof I, hereunto set my hand
t and omcial seal, this Oth day of January. 1891
I , W. C. 8nOWALTKB.
f , . Clerk of District Curt,
I 1 BM UOUniJ.
Mules Stolen.
Saturday night a pair of mules were
stolen from Wm. Neville's barn. They
. . . . "
must have been ridden off as no part of
t. . . ... .1
uaiuoa nos wkcu ciucpfc iu t wo
I woric uriaies wmcn were
a r
barn with the rest of the harness. There
wes two suspicious looking fellows at the
. ,nn on,l tl, ,v i ,
a tall man and the other a short fellow,
both dftrlc compiecte(3 stated that
u-m u.ii tuiupwcieu. ineysiateatnat
they would take the train for Omaha in
OF "
tbo eveniug but afl th were 8een Jn town
Court House Notes. I
Thft countv eommisoinnra or a cnrrarrnrl I
' fa-fa I
todav in looking over nl ex.;; I
var5nna nUntl mhmittmA hxr nr;f.f.
t . I
lur luo tou" nouB0-
rry, M . . . I
The nptown people which means those
f fT?;f h . ., I
WCSt f 1 lUh etreet' thcy &r8 not wlU
ncr to be surnr sad in the manner in
which they were by the locators and
they may yet get a change. There is
nothing to prevent them from makiDg
a pr0p08itiou and that would show
whether or not they mean business.
If the commissioners entertain any
idea of reopeping the location of the
court hoUae, why not let the competing
factions file their propositions and 6ee
who are the highest and best bidders,
The uptown people seem to be 'out of
court" in the. location ot the court house:
that is thcy aid not make their filings
in time.
The contest over the location of I
tlio court house seems to be of that good
n-itrrcd port of a. difference which wjll
ho jo no way p.ti o!st!ic'e to the progress
of I.uiiJinL'.
Wonther Report.
Follovinsr is tbo weather report for
' nr an tern pel ature, 27.9.
i:::-:i;i tonperaturo, 54, i.0th.
x:h-.sti temperature. 5. 12th.
: r t ;'i.turts, G 10th, 12 1st.
; . ;.!).
lb -,.r,X
vy . nr.i nf ruin and some snow,
:'!:! l.'ij.
:T b:r:-, T.-it'aout clouds, 5.
: r i ( :
-lmiely, S.
'ind snowy da ?, 1P.
m'jr.n teiuiiora-
'!:!: i .Tatsiiarys: 27.7. 1G7S;
Lo'i niontlilj' mean .tenipera,
b;i; .IruuiurjT.: j.l, IbSu; 7.G,
;lu;t other Janu
o!, 187S; Cl,:lSi;0. Lowest tem
:res of utlier Januarys: 3 below,
:",C lielow. 1SS8: :0 below. 1885.
anil :8 below, 1SS1. ' .
Jam-aky, 19'JQ.
Monthly mean temperature, 1S.5.
Lowest mean temperature, 2S lelow,
Rasnfall, 1.37.
Wm. Ilerold & 6on aided in filling the
box for the sufferers by contributing
several hoeds.
. Th Mirror.
from Tuesdays lily.
A neat card announcing th appear
nee in this city sf the init'al number
of the Saturday Mirror oa February 14,
by George B. Mann with a reelect t
exchange, is on our desk. The paper
will ti independent ia polities aud of
ths society pattern. Ws chesrfally
place the Mirror on oar exchange list
and txtend a cordial welcome, to its
editor to become ono of the fraternity
of mind moulders.
The meetings at the M. E. church are
I still increasing in interest. A larire au
I d ence greeted Key. lToyl last evening
I flP'te the intense cold. After services
I eloped at the chnrch maav ronnv ronlt-
j j o --
I adjourned to tlie T. Al. (j. A. Kosmsand
I continued prayer and testimonial meet
Svre Storm in Kansas.
Despatches from the western part of
Kansas announce that a severe snow
I Btorm had been raging in that part of
I the state yesterday for forty eiifhr hours
I and had rot yt abated. Poor pnople
rB eaid tM he in P'eng needs of as-
'3tance. The weather up to within a
I r
fow days has been mild for winter, the
I same as we nave been favored with here.
01 which only makes the severity of the
weather felt the more.
A Constitutional Amendment.
iiNCOLK, Net)., JVh. i. 3pecialJ
Mr. Storms (ind) of Nemaha has intro-
I . v '
I sion of a constitutional amendment ro-
1 . ., . , ... ...
I quiring all voters to be citiaens of the
United States. Under the present law
I foreigner can take eut his first papers
nd after six months residence in thi
I state he becomes a voter. Should the
I mendment be adopted all voters must
I have their final papers before they can
vote. This bill will receive strong sup-
port from the independants.
O. P. Lan, a prosperous farmer ol Cen
ter precinct was doing business in the
city tcida,
L. G. Larsou w -t Louisville last
mgnt. e aid not say whether he
bought a corner lot in this YUlag. tbi.
I trip or not.
I r
I TIenrv Vallerv retnmprt n hi bnm
tfcid mnrmn tr a I Vl n n oft., uvwil
l ncn o v iouiuu w till A f iCUUI anu I CI dlr 1 V CO
of this city and vicinity.
I mu tt
rrtftr I IS -t irA M 'taanmaa- 4a 1 -va n w
" c imufiuR,
d h . entertained that a few days
ucl noPe 19 ntertamea that a lew days
nj fa. fc ae8;
Tickets for "A Cold Day," which aF
nT- nenrJ msiow ana wue oi ii.en-
1 r TT 1I 1 . m
esaw. came in last evening to visit the
' "
family of S. A. Davis, of this citv. Mr.
Winslow is a brother of Mrs. Davia
Miss Minnie Cumminea went to Omaha
today to consult an occulist as she has
UUB " B8Ul n occunst, as sue nas i
been troubled with bad siirht for some
time aad school' work seemgly aggravates I
t ,i;-nm a. i
too UlBeBve- I
w , . I
ine case Ot Wm. Crawford vs Marion I
Wilev a suit in renlevin in nn trial fcn a 1
wuey, a suit in replevin, is on trial o a I
jury in conntv court as we eo to Dress. I
J , e r i
D. O. Dwyer for plaintiff, Vanatta & Sen I
j j I
I0r aetenaant. I
, , , . , I
Word was received from Hon. J. M. I
Patterson from San Francisco Saturday,
KtatintT thnt thev nrriirfl i,ai. ;f I bolt, the unknown heirsof Abijah barris. de
staung mat wey arrived at that city I cease(j - Thomas B. Gordon. H. B. Townssud.
without accident or anything to mar the 1
The ice dealers rejoiced to see the mer
cury run down to 6 degrees below zero
last evening at 8 o'clock, and 1 degree
bolow at 7 this morning. They are now
cutting a good quality ol ten inch ice.
Elmer Cole left this morning for Fre
mont Business College. Elmer is a
bright, worthy young man, and he has
the best wishes of many friends in this
city, for a successful career in his chosen
Held of study.
The coal dealers grin almost "out
!OUa ' tt the arrival Ot the COld wave i
which reached us Saturday evening.
The coal puason is sure to bo short now
at most, but some remark that the price-3
lire ker than last winter.
Wm. Xcville rsceived a message from
Paul, a sU!irn on the Missouri Pacific
six mile north of Nebraska City stating
that : pair of mules answering the le-
.nrlflr -'.f I . ........ f T .1 1 .1 i
inv v4 ui.iji3i;u inroagu mac pi act'
Sunday. Mr. Neville Lft for X.-irs:skit
City this morning end will be joined
there by W. D. Jones and th. y v.;ll
probably go from there to .St. .Joe, as
is thought the mules were taken to ti e
St. Joj market
The Lincoln Call evidences its thrift
and eutcrprine by presenting its readers
with an annual review for the year 1800.
It makes a splendid fchowing for the
capital city. There was over $'3,000,000
iuyested in buildings during the year.
It is also peen that Lincoln ia fast forg
ing to the front as a jobbing center.
The Call is justly proud of the forward
march of the city, and the city is doubt
less appreciative of the Call's efforts in
getting eut this splendid review.
A rasMsage frosa Wm. Neville true
morning at 8t. Joe announces that be has
no trace yet of his stolen mule, but h'r
Jones went to Atchison, hspiag ts get
s me trace of thetu tber. It is thoBKLt
the thieves may have failed in getting
across the river at 8t. Joe and continued
a for Atchison to find a market for
the stock. '
It is said i hat Max Is-mm and Hans
Goose contemplate opening a saloon the
first of May in the east roo u of ibe An
heuscr Bosch building.
" ' -
Stockholders Meeting.
Notice is hereby irlren that th annual meet
li'KOf the stockholders of the Bnrllncton &
Missouri Klver Kailroad la Mebr aka. will be
held t 4 o'clock p. in. to Thursday the 2Sth day
i rcunwiT i. j. ioi m meomoe oitrte i oni-
iillV in In fitVilf I'lutlniiimth
The meetliiK will be held f..r
electinK nine directors to serve d urine tbe
HniiriKjear, ani ror transaction of such oth '
Du Iness i. may 1 itally come beft re the
ineeiinjc, i
A. G. Htan wood, Secretary
Jamary 21. 1891.
vtlce is hereby given tM nersone Interest
Ad la the estate of Joseph V. WeeKbach deee.
ea nai tlie H(lniinistrttt r i eld et te t)v
niadeuitplicati n 1 due form of law for n II.
'?eiie o rell mm convey real e-tate for the pur
P''i ' aying tne outstanding IndedteduesK
t-i oaiu eniHie. aiki mat Hearing ol iald np
pt'o tion is s t for IOo'cIock a. m on the 271 h
ilny of February 18)l at the nfllr nf th finL-
of the district court in the city of Plattsmunth
county. eunsnH, at wliicn time and
pUce a i pe s"ns 1 tere t-d mav Dne:ii nd
s ow cans Ira vthev have whv a. iicr-ns tn
Hen auu i ouvey tne real estate ni aald dece ed the purpose afor oaid ti the prayer of the
pctlWUU. r. It. UU'I'HHAN.
Adtur, with Will Annex.
A. . SULLIVAN, Atty. 45-4t
NOTICE Probate of Will,
X. and teatluient of Levi Walker deceased
In County ourt. Cass County, Nebraska.
Notice is hereby eiren that on the?3rd dav
f February A U 1891. at the countv ludirt-'s of
fice In Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, at
10 o'clock in the forenoon, th- followius tuatter
win u arsra ana connarrea ;
I he application of John F. Beaumeister tn
admit t probate the I at will and testan ent
ol Levi vvaiaer late ol flat's mouth in sad
county, deceased, and for leners tesiimentary
to irsue i r.nzaueiu ii rraiKer.
Dated February 2. 191.
By order of the court, B, H. Rmskv,
4s-tr couDty Judge.
Legal Notice.
James Crahtree. 8. Calk in cr whnuM flrit nrnf
i unknown, H. j. Mlnfonl, whost first name is
unknown, defendants will take notice that on
the 24th day of January ism. Air kii4 aIpt.
anui r, piaintin, nied her petition in the dis-
tl iCt COUrt Of (! Inimtv. Kfsf . f Vehi-oa
I against said defendants the object and prayer
oi uiai arc lor a juugmeni ana decree ol said
I court vesting and erantine m him title to the
I jfr)in,u.,Pa' manuiau ,y,s and being m Cass
I C'-uuty.etate of Nebraska, and settiDg aside
I the title claimed by the defendants and for
nrnvwiu auu juici Jfuanfppiuii ill ;IU real eH-
I late, ana in case tne court sluuld find the
I roj"ii ns- . oi ii'i tM ucurrj ii nam rum b UrJCIdl .
SlZ WrRetttWt o"VS?
I c -nt per annum for two years from the several
iur laics auu it "r cent inereaiter, ana I r
Hn allowance oi au attorneys lee of 10 per cent
of the amount found due. and a decree of fore -
clcgure ol bmid Ufn in tbe mancer or forcioin?
mortgages and for an order of sale of said
property to pay said lien, attorneys fees, inter-
aiiae 'racient sum
C W. Seymouk. Atty for flt'ff
Dated : Nebraska City. Neb.. 24th day of Jan
uary. 1891. 45-4 1
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an erder of saie issued by W. C
nuuwonci. rv . "d uiii tuui l, nimn
and ior Csss county. Nebraska, ana to me di
reC(e(j j wtiion the 9th day of March, a. u
W9i. t a o'clock p. m. of said day at the soutl
showalter. clerk of the district court, withiu
rt Ih. tftwt Hnnaj. in cjijl Anttv .all ...
pnbllc auction to the highest bidder for cash,
uie iui uwiui;rei esisir, lo-wit :
njnfl q in hlnok turn hll idrArl ant lnont.
I . - ' " " w .....
two (222) in tne city or flattsmouth. Cass
county. Nebrapka. together with the priyilece
ana appurtenances tnereunto DeiongmK or in
anyWge appertaining : the spme beinu levied
npon ana taitenag tne prope.ty or tne unknown
heirs of Joseph Throckmorton, deceased, Mrs.
K. Head, Mrs. Sarah M. WeClarey. Mrs.
mary tiawea, i. viosswan, tursi name un-
kcown&a tlie heirs at law of Josenh P. Cross-
wait, deseased ; David Samson, Theodore
Katon. Frederick Eaton, Alice M. Eaton, aud
Sou U. aton. deceased : V, W Sevi
S01? ousmess as "raon & jowneeno, i rjau
Smith, .lospnh Smith, the unknown hpm nf I
I i ii t i . .. . i . . . i '
v . u. iiiriiiaiii, viisi' iiaiuu uiitiiiuvtii; All
Alemnder. and the unknown heirs of Alfred
H. Townsend, deceased, defendants ; to satisfy
a judgment of said court recovered by William
u. uaIer, piaintin, agramsi said ueiendants.
nattsmoutn, so.. l-eornary 4tn. A. u. isai. Tig he.
Sheriff Cass County, Neb.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of pa"e Issued r v W . f
Showalter, Clerk of the District Court within
and for Cas countv. Nebraska, and r ma di-
rpcted. f wi'l on the Oth day of March, A. IX,
1891. at 1 o'clock n. rn .. of sail dav at the sout
doer of the court house in aid county, sell :tt.
puutic auction, to tne ninest casn Didder, the
lonowiug real estate to-wu :
The; east tinuc-fourtlis of the sonthesi't
quarrer of tin; northwest quarter (5. E, of .
?i) of Fcction twelve- n2. in township
iv.'iv-. (12), ;vane tliiittrn (13) enl
e. nnrv. Nehrasksv. toyetlier wl?h Hia t.rivi!.'..-
:iUCJ anpTiiTonanci'S iin'ivuuto Ot ion'-ni'' or in
v. a)ii'rla:uii:;i.
I;.- .--a-ii'.' teir x levied up )a ati-.i taken an th -i
c-rty of l.objrt '. Citrtva-iiiht. Alnx'
r, . manda M. Cartwrijht, iliiani L-.-ei:n.i
li s i:::!aio .'. u lieirs, defendarrs ; to pa'i-fy
;m;t.i. i'i svirl ;on n. rcci-'V-' ve'l I y "". i ';!;'.::'.
. ;o, .:': :i:ti'i ; aaiast :::c. dfl.T.d. a:s.
I'l.-i'tsaiuu" h. Nil)., --etiinry l.-'i. a. I) iK-l
William Vk;;i;:,
bhi-r,;1 c.f ::i- Co.. ; eii.
Sheriff's S:.l3.
I".y vlrlu rf unlpr of v;!1;-i s -ii '-i i y U ". .
f'T - i'i i'.iiit y. ra-a I.1 n i - !-
ii""- l. 1 wi-l on ti;i- 9: a !::v . :r. ii. A !.
. : ....:-, ?-. i i. ii .i .1 i. a.' :! t:i- i.-t:li
;,;,!-, r...irI i ,.,;s. ,., s-:U! i . '.!.;y. l! t
!;.:.! :i-:'i.:-; . ri t tn" :...? (, I'.-'M.-r iur ail:,
1 ; l-;. iv. i '. r : esi a! e, i. wii :
L-- : in l-Iook f v. !".t"-':-d arv! t;v. rtv
. ('ll::' in !:. fit y t 1 !-:t -t-.u-.t h. '::-s
eoa::y, SetTust t'-c tl.r w;t ') the iinviN'.e
iiuivj.niiiiil.ti'it tin r- uuto I'f-i ni.'iiin r m
:.r.yv. isa a;m- rta:::ln ; t he fa;;ie hcmir Ii-vieii
ir.oii riiiI I:. Ken a In" t'l'T'crty of lire un
known J'.i'.s of Ji s.'(!i iiirtjtkaioitcii, (if-:-.'.,
Mr-s. tf. K. lir;i,!, Mr., !i JI . ;.!.
Clarry, Vr.: Mary JUwe. T. N. Cvosswait,
(tiist Iiar.:' ui.!;ri'vvn i ;n ti lieirs at law (
.In Ci'li 1". roshw:iii, (lt'eai-ed. Pavid
SaiiifOTt, Thrtdoru Katon, Frederick
Iv-1 in, Alice M. Eaton, ard llrs.
S. l.'a'o i o!e hiri of and at law of li'neron
H. i.atiai. tl''c:iHd. (leorue S, Seybolt, the nn
known he'r ol Al'ijah Harris, deceased. Thos.
Ii. Cordon, II. H. Townsend, d'nP husine-s as
Gordon Se 'I'ownpend. Klij ih Smith, Joseph
Smith. 1 lie unknown heirs of Innam. Beaslev.
de.r-sed. William J. Hyatt, W. L. Merriam
(Orst name unknown). Art E. Alexander, aud
tlie unknown heirs of Alfred Ii, Townsend.
decerned, defendants ; to satisfy a Judgment
of said r;ourt recovered by William II. Shafar,
plaintiff : apalnt paid defendaots.
tlattsmouth, Keb..Februtry 4th. A, D. 1891.
William Tiohb.
hri cf Cm Co.. Neb.
A strtetly Brut claa maeblD. fully warrm.n
ed. Made irom th vrrv hint nirii.i k.
killed workmen, and with the best toola t'ai
'.to TTtr oeeii oeneu ror tn purpose. War
ranted to do all that ean be reasonably ea
recfd of the very bet trpewrlter eitant
itbleof wrltlni? ISO words cer minute 01
more according to ths ability of the opera
FHiCJK $100.
If there la no aifent in vour town addreM thr
MenU wanted I'artah t4, V.
Lincolu, Neb,
and 8yrup.
Low prices quoted on large or small lots
Strictly Pure,
Adirondack Maple Sngar Co
1236 Monroe st., Chicago, I1L
Western Ageota.
I mm mtm mi mm m .
Keesa a Full Line ot
ForafeQ i oajastic GddIj.
Consult Tear Interest ty Olvtnic Htm a Call
E'jLtA.ttexaaxo-i xtla 3V -
Bridge workjand fine gold work a
OR. 8TEINAU8 LOCAL as well as other !aa-
estneticsgivsa ior tne painless extraction o4
C. A. MARSHALL, Fitzgerald Blcc
IC3 u 111 V. Ninth St., KANSAS QTY, MO.
Tho Epec5s!iat in tha City who in a Begnl&r
Crradoate in ffleoicine. over Z3 yearr racuce, '
13 years in CSuccro.
Sp. Anthoriifd by tho 8t".te to
fA. Chroaic, Nervous nid 'bpoeinl Di
J;- r,osBB). 8xual liability dross oi
A- --."f ! j;-y hXvai. ikilr). Kerou lx-Ml.ay,
r'7i'W'J'l"ft!,le!' Hlood.nJcnMcn'iSwBllliKfs
j. ''-i;) of every kind, aad Urinary Ui--ea:i.
hi C-''&f Cares Bttaraateel or money roCumJed
cured. Jlspcrience is important. AU medicinesare
ruarnnted to bo pnro and elTiicaciouff, beinc0n5-l-iound
'd in ray i-erfertly njpoi'ited luboratory, ar.d
iro lurnifihett xeatly for Uao. l.o runninr; to drnij
ttaroii tn havo uncertni n precriptio:itI.I."l. Iio
nori'ury or injurious chemicals ut-d. xTo d'jvenl loa
'rom bas:noss. lJatiints at a dirt;inc tr-atei t-y
;.-nor and cjjprFs, ia-dicin.f seut cvery.rb-.-ro frr
fr' Ti r-O or'ikap?. S'ato ot:t r:i a.vl snd
iVr'.rT.u-i. Cr.nuitaiioii frets aiid coniidulial, ir
f cnaily or by ltt:r.
A C4 Tnzi (T5 fST. 1? For Hcth Scxss.rt
i::'i.-:r.:!'!.l CrJ!. stair d in i !.-.-m tav, l.-jro
f- r Ho. n i-'p.inr". i'-v-Ty mala ir.ii tia cja of
1 1 to '15 sho'iid r.'ct1. thi 'jooii.
5 R 3 ,ri Ti f?q
f:.L'j:-.i.''d;-i t liliC.
" 3 0 i
-.: V.
-..kj:t, I S.
J Trttr.tlv rt;i. th i.-t 'A.v.-t rr.i -md ini-jrs -tt.-f-..r-'-V-p.
5:j iY!nr; f.r !: ' ITS. p;--!- ti by
ihis.tlon, it K-j'.c i tir--i;rii-, i rr ird C T H ,
j :tnt (1: f::i.-i. TV'.-., .' c a::l ,( uy
Ui drtjit, or r..-!. n-... C-r' v-nn.
DR. R. SCHIpKMAVM, ra-. Minn.
of Manhood, Seminal
Cmltsiont. Spermatorrhea,
JtVNumii. 3if Dittrutt,
k n f ' 1 U u or mtmorj, a, will
L VrJU4-3 Mir uommBTftQHQ. Vloor-
irt su. 4 1
tth st, Union Blok. fs
410 Main street.
Aftpleadid Market, where Ivarytkiaei
kept is First Claae. We aiaa- let
Jaaee, aad solicit the Fatrea
age of the Publio.
rni choicest steaks,
By fair and hcaest dealing I ezpeeC
nrit a share of the trade.
181-ltn. J. IL VALLKItY, Prep
Wagon and Illacksmlth shop '
Wagon, Ouggy, Machine and
plow Repairing doata
He UBea the i
Which is the best .horseshoe for the
farmer, or for fast driving, or for city
purposes ever invented. It ia so made
that anyone cr.n put on sharp or fiat
corks, as needed for wet and slippery
days, or smooth, dry roads. Call at
bis shop and examine the nevkkhlit
tnd you will use no other.
112 North Fifth 8L Plattflmouth
Thoiccst Brands of Cigars,
Including our
.lr d P?orb rg and
ruLX, txNK or
always in stock. Nov. 26, 1885.
Shingles, Lath, Basil,
Doors, BSinds
Can supply evcrw demand of the city.
Call and get terms. Fourth street
in rear of opera bouse.
The Leading
Constantly Ireojjs on tinnd Jcvf.Tything
you need to furr.i-'i your ltouso.
:tu a:
1 0
l a k. v.
Flour and M a Bpscmlly,
Patronage of the Pible Solicited-..