Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, January 15, 1891, Image 8

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iligW of a la LerauB rower. U. S. GcVt Report, Li7ir,it$h
II X -w
Kvcrytiocly Reads the Daily Herald.
Tbe Plattsmouth Herald.
Or. A. Nallnburj haH the eirlaalra right to ase
mr. Mtlaaa'a Local Anata-tie for tke PafaloM
xtrMtioa of Teeth la this city.- Otflr BocwoaS
TrNKillTS OK PY1HIA8. Gauntlet l.odg
JlL no. 47 Meet every Wednesday evening
v their lull In Yerk'arh block. All rlnllitx
keight flare cordially inv teri to Attend, T. P.
UTliiRston, C. ;. W.J. Straight. K. It. 8.
CAMS LODGE. No. MU.I.O. O. K. meets -r-
rjr Tuesday night at their hall In Fitzgerald
Mock. All Odd KellovtM are cordially invited
(0 attend when visiting in the city.
T- K. Wll l IAKM. N. O.
J. W, KmiioK. 8ec.
Wttrrman blotk. Main Street. itooms
t m fr m S :30 a m tft t :S0 p roj For men only
liospel meeting every Sunday atteruoon at 4
better and aspect to l able to con
out tonight. The company of wl 1 h bo
Jsjtbe manager and which will appear
every night this week is one of the best
on the road and is far superior to any
troup that ever played here before at
a a
aucn tow prices. Uur theatre goers
should attend iu a body and encourage
the opera housa manager in bis efforts
to please the people at prices which
should keep no one at home.
Tub supreme court, by denying a re- I
kjlirillfff l ttt, folium ....... I ,1 . I 1
factually settle further litigation on that
ubj ct The county commissioners can
now dispose of the bonds end let the
contract for building the new court
houtte at any time.
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtiln. Plainflelil. in . makes
me statement that Hhe caught -old. which act
tied on her l--ng ; she wan treated fur a month
ly her family phs!cian. but grew worse. He
iu iir sue was a liopelemt Victim l con.sump-
au uai do meaicine . could cur
explain to scholars that which they did
not know. In sho-t, that was what they
were hired for, and they generally did it
without thinking it too much work.
Hut this modern normal school notion,
tliAt R leurhpr milflt. tint 1 1 noVii.laru mnv-
M. mcuiuuc cuuiu euro iie r
thing, but let them study it all out for Druggist suggested Dr. Kliie's new dUrn.
1 . . m . . I A rW fn. M..n...n nll.. - 1 . .....
' vuauuiiiiii , nu uvufui a ooiue aad
to her delight found herself benefited from tk
rat dose. She continued ita ue and after tak
ing tea bottle, found herself sound and well
now does her own housework and Is as well
she ever wa-. Free trial bottle of thls (treat
discorery at F. O. Fricke & Co's Drug Store
rgeaoiuet ooc. aad il
w a r ww an 1 aa
jefaii) brjy mid w fJia ccwt?
Is my recollection recaJJiftemiovev
i scwfuenie nwj g oa w poles of
I l?ef5moke and ftcSmell ifjai my
Bur fcose ti oFooap And
nw fo7g' since deparfed. we
pray ana we rjope;
I Ije use of flje sfuff to
wane qijci to LAng-uisn
As soon as y offered
r. P. LI VINOrtTOW X. P. rVMkflKt
J l j s j f in iti lumn
Mnoe No. 612. Main (St.
Telephone M
Kyildenci Telephone Dr. MvlnKrtoa. 40,
Kealdetice Ttlt-phone Dr. Cummins, 3ft.
themselves, is one of the greatest fall
cies of the age. Tim Shatkr
Old rags wantad at thin oflice.
N.K.airbank&Co., Chicago.
itatlraate and plans of all work furnished and
Kecorda kekt.
! Office in Martin Block.
Plattbmouth - Nkbkaaxa
County Surveyor
TITAated Au aetlve, relloble mi-salary 1
to s uioniniT. w
aa kia own aectfon
. with increase. 10 reurenent
ill a renoonalhlA Nw Vnrk
oaiMf. nerereacea. siauFiOTUMU, Lca
Km 1M. New York.
G. A R.
MoConnlhls Peat. No. 4A, meets every Satur
ay even 1 uk at 7 :30. in tbetr hall, Kockwood
Biaca. ah visiting cosarades are invited t
eee vntk at.
6. F. Nllea, Post Adj.
F. A. Bates, Pot Caai.
From the Red Bands-Bltr
Foot's Wife Dead..
PinkRidob Aoknct.8. D.. Jan 1 3. Con
trary to the expectations there wbp no con
ference between the chiefs of the hostile a
and General Miles. The latUr said the
Indians were Btill timid and apprehen-
Will you suffer with dyspepsia and
...... ivuiiaiun ouwun vuaiirer is
guaranteed to cure you. For aale by F
G Fricke and O. II. Snyder. 1
"Is this the beat!" Is a questien efts
asked, when medicine is wanted. Tks
Id ftWlriff A f A u ( ,wr s. t . U .. 1. ! .
- - i " 'p i m cw ui iiiec 1 lf'l nf'H
sire of uunishtueiat and he Druuonei to I known reliability .,.ir k. tf-;i a.
i c I j , wf.v. uj flltM Hi lW.,
..11.. - 1 n 1 . i - 1.1 ... . I " . mi .
aiiuw a tnune 01 aays im eiapse oeiore ,1sh",, " piace. x ney oare saaay
attempting to bring negotiations to a other excellent medicine, but these art
ol.... TU. ,,b.Ji.)u.Uioh0b.. "lK'cd,.,.-..
Shown te treat the Indianx kirwll liaa fn. it. ...... .
j i luicn in severe coias, ana aa
made far him many warm friends among I preventative for croup. Price SOe e
. i ... .1 r
iaem. inis ract. coupled with the Dains
' 1 rt,.n,), T..! T
vu CM. i miu x aiu aiiu,
Tims Table
oimo wbst ooih r bait
ICa 1 a. m So 2 9:05 p. an
X. : ta - 4 ft. ra
" 5. t:2Sa. m "8 T;44p. m.
T, -15 a. m. " 10........ :6S a. a.
S 6:15 p.m. 12 IS :14 a. Ha
U... 9:25 p.m. i
which Captain Pierce, the new agent, is
taking to shew the Indians that every
thing they are entitled to under the
treaty will be issued to them, will uu
douotedlv have a beneficial effect, al
though uutil the trouble is really over,
xamiiy liniment and especially valeaaia
for rheumatism. Price 50c per bottle.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and i-
Tl 1 . . ......
iwrai uj, me most reliable kaoi
uieuiciue i or oowei complamta. It u
especially prised by persons snbject ie
cone. ii nas enred manv mim mi
In order to Reduce Our
Stock for Spring Goods we
will Sell our $3.50 shoe for
3 00, and our $3 00 for 2-50
Do not miss this Opportunity
W- A- B0E0K & CO-
Our Clubbing List.
4$toe-Democrat and IIbbals.
Carper's If agaziae M "
Harper's Bazar ' "
Demerest's Msgaaiae "
eaaha Bee
1 eledo Blade
Lincoln Call .. ..
national Tribune " "
Tke Forum "
Later Ocean " "
JUmcoln Journal " "
. 4.60
. 4.80
. t.10
. 2 40
. 2.45
. 2.15
, .5.55
"2 30
'I veawa A UW1
mere is ever pnsent a fear that an inju- I chronic diarrhoea. Price 5 ond Ua mm
aicious aciiuu on the part of someone ooie.
may precipitate' bloodshed. .. 8t' Prttck'a Pills, for disorders of ta
A member of G company. Sec.nd in- ! 'rh'"fe A at ge.
J tie pbysic that cleanes and renovates ta
tantry, who came in today with a detach- wbele system. Price 25c per box.
ment of the Seventh infantry under Chamberlain's Eye and 8kin Oiatmeal
Majer Egbert, reports that 600 bucks fo1 ette"' "It rheum, scald-head, eczema
broke awav from tbe hostile cimn last
night and have beea followed by Col.
Stanfersl and Col. Henry. At the head
quarters no such report has been received
and Assistant Adjutant General Corbin
says the rumor was occasioned by the
fact that the commands mentioned had
left in the direction of Wounded Knee
on a scout
and chronic sore eyes.
Price 25o
Rock Bluffs
Last Thursday niht we had an old
-fswhioned spelling school at tbe school
Our literary society that meets on
Friday nights at the school house is
getting to be quite an interesting affair.
lo our last .otter to the Hebalo you
amade us say bushels when we said
pnd9, in regard to the Bmount of oil
meal that J . B. Holmes was feeding.
John Chmrchill hss opened op Billy
Allen's old blacksmith shop, and is
shoeing horses, and doing what other
work comes in his way in that line.
3Tred Patterson says that we afflicted him
ae too many in the number of offices he
ia holding. He says that T. W. Graves
wsui elected road overseer, instead, of
Joseph Sanz has lest about eighty
head or hogs with the cholera; and J. B.
Holmes' hogs, that he shipped in from
tho west, are dying; also Vfm. Holmes'
ad Rebert Fitch's.
O ur record shows that the precipita--tion
for 180 at this place was twenty,
no inches of snow, and twenty-five and
three fourths iocbes of rain. Thia ia a
great deficiency, for in average growing
seasons we have from thirty-five to
thirty-eight inches of rain fall.
Keck Creek school district ia having
Its turn at a hitch in the progress of
tbur school. Last Thursday morning
the school board dismissed their teacher.
The principal ground of complaint was
failure to keep order, and inability or
failure to instruct and explain to the
awholars that which they ought to know.
Right here we wish to say a word about
modern school teaching. Of late years
there has been at least five times as much
dissatisfaction with school teachers as
there nas thirty years ago. Then, the
poor teachtrs wctj the exception; now it
i-t alniest the rule, so fur as giviqjr
Bw Nuemuiuu. j nen, teachers wero
expected to use the n c sa ,ry n.e ir.8 to
maintain good order. And they did it
withf.ut fear of prrs-cutiun from ti e
parents. T5ut the modern idea that a
teacher has no authority to 1
b3dience to rules for good order, is
just exactly what ails our schools in thtt
respect. "Sj.are the rod and spoil the
child" can be seen ex mpliried upon
evi-ry hand, and f specially in our schools.
Tlius far the parents of children are
too much at fault. Uut on the other
hand, the modern school teacher is fully
as rauch or more ut fault. Years ago
teachere were expect, d to instruct aud
A Dog's Ednea4!oa.
Given an equal amount of intelligence
at the start, a dog which has been well
trained ia worth twice aa much as ona
untaught. It ia aa true of dogs aa of
men. Education counts. I
Do not undertake to teach a puppy
unless you have a large stock of patience.
This evening there is no change in the iinle88 y? can control your temper and
rru i. . I "loieui 111 isomiiLr your ue&t
Situation Th hnatlloa cr ofill ;n ..... I - .
- .w o .iti u vaujp
and the chiefs may come
W. D. JONES, Proprietor.
A.11 orders left with County Clerk will
receive prompt attention.
Wm. l. brown.
Personal attention to all business entrusted
Co my eare
.wKmnm mem wvn
Titles examined, Abntractseomplled, Inacr-
mVrimm Aa-i w-k aA..l .
Better lacllii'let lor making' Farm Loans than
Attorney at-Law. Will (rive prompt attention
to all baftiueas entrusted to htm. Office La
Union block, Kat Hide, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Notary Public Notary Publle
Office over Bank of Cans County.
Plattamouth .... Nebrasha
Batafc of Cass Qotrnty
Cor Main and FUth street.
Paid up capital '. inatxm
surplus mom
C. II. Parnele
Fred Gorder
J. M. Patterson
Jas Patterson, Jr.
Vice Prnsid9nt
Asst Caabler
in tomorrow.
There is now under discussion the advisa
bility of enlisting scouts for service on
the reservation. The agency is now
guarded by a force of ninety-one Indiau
policemea, sixty of whom were enlisted
for two months at the time the trouble
broke out, iu addition te thirty sine
men. An offer was made giving them
an opportunity of entering with the
scouts or entering the police service. In
the former their pay is $13 per month
with an allowance for horses, bringing
the total to $25 per month. This parti
of scoots will be distinct from the scouts
now under the command of Lieutenant
Taylor of the Ninth cavalry and who
have enlisted since the opening of the
campaign. Taylor will endeavor te tak e
his command with him to Fort Robinson
at the close of the difficulty and render
them a beau ideal troop of irregular cav
alry. The Indian police, being assured
that thej would be giyen permanent em
ployment, they have to a man decided
to become scouts. Big Foot's wife whe
was injured oa Wounded Knee, died
last night.
For lame back, side or chest, use Shi-
loh'a Porous Piaster. Price 25 cent.
For sale by F. G. Fricke aad O. H, 8ny -sler.
Carriages for Pleasure and Short Driyc Alwnj
Kept lieady.
riattamonth, Nebraska
- mJ
course in to buy a doe already trained
But if you want real dog love and con
fidence take the animal in hia puppy
hood, as soon as he is able to feed him
self, and your efforts will be crowned
with a greater succesa than ever comes
otherwise. No doe ever loves anv one I
, , . -' i w . m. vii auu f iud
so wen as ma teacner, wno represents to
him the wisdom and power of the world.
A dog's world, you know, is a very nar
row one.
Suprwise yourself the owner of a pup
py. He is entirely ignorant. "Come
here!" "Go there!" mean the same to
him, since they mean nothing at all. Ho
must first learn what you want, and
there j-ou must give yourself the first
lesson in patience.
Be-- in with, "Come here!" You can
make him understand what thia means
by allowing him to see hia food in your
hand. Teach him nothing else until he
knows perfectly what that means and
obys it.
When he comes to you pat him and
pei mm. ios aTO mucn liKe cnuaren, I '
fond of praiw and equally fond of their Prescriptions Carefully COIlinOllTldorl lit nil IT,vo
own ways. If you tell your doa: to come I uuip
O. H. Parmele, J. M. Patterson, Fred Oorder,
A, U. hmith. K. H. Windham, U. B.Kanisey had
Jas Patterson Jr.
Accounts solicited. Interest allowed on time
ileDoaits and nromnt artcriMnn.iv.n . .11 k..-
Ineas entrusted to lta care.
Will keep constantly on bands a full and complete line ot pure
The Citizens
Oayltal steck paid in 451 0
Authorlxed Capital, IOOtQOO.
orrioiiu 1
President. VIce-PrMMn
W. H. OUrtHINU. Cacbler.
Krank CarroIi J. A. Connor. F. it. (
I. Vf. Johnson. Henry Boeck. John O'Keefa
W. D. Mrrriani. Wr. Wetaocamp, W.
II. Cushtsg.
Edwin Stuart.
Edwin Stuart, manager of Stuart's
Theatre Co. returned last night from
Chicago where he was made a Knigat
of Pythias by lsdge No. 166 of that city.
Mr. Stuart's application was presented
by Past Chancellor Coaimander John W.
W hite of Chicagojlodge No. 163 aud in
dorsed by the Grand Chaneellor of the
state of Illinois, Chaa. Schetrer. These,
are high testimonials but evidently are
deserved. Everywhere that h ia Known
comes the highest praise of Mr. Stuart as
a man and nvinager, possessed of good
principles, his name is a bvword for
TUtl and hnnralc in ..ll k;. .j i
j . lJln ut'Biiai's. 1
Members of bi- Theatrical company sp.;,k
in tne m.t at,-ctiont- ttruis wf him
that he will t e an honor to ih,; Knih.'s
of Pythi.s lod-e t.- whi.-li he belongs U
an H3-ure,l fact. Monmouth ( 111. 1 Dily
It-view, Nov. 21, 1S:0.
Mr. Stuart was taken quite hick tome
six weeks ago, during which time he
h is been absent from the compauy. lie
joined them here last Monday evening
t nd now confined to his room at the
Hotel Riley where be will be pleased to
meet his K. of P. brethren. The city
editor of the Herald called upon
the genial manager and his eharming
to you make him do it. If he never dis
obeys ho will never know he can dimbey.
Yon tli's Comjinion.
KUVct of Copper Salt on India ICabber.
In a recent paper Mr. W. Thomson, of
Manchorer. England, said that it is
known tli:it copper salts have a most in
jurious cUeyt on india rubber, and as
copper is sometime ued in dyeing
blacks and othwr colors cloth eo dyed is
liablf to dcompoMe ai:d harden th? rub
ber pa', into it. A peculiarity investi
gated by too author is that laetallic cop
per placed in contact with thin sheets of
India rubber bringB oxidation and hard
ening of ita substance, althongh no ap
preciable quantity of copper enters the
india rubber, while metallic zinc and
silver have no injurious effect.
All oils, except castor oil, have a most
detrimental effect on india rubber,
which can best be kept under water, un
der glycerine, in coal gaa or in a vacuum.
The smell of india rubber is one of the
charhcteri sties of its decomposition, and
it Isis been noticed that a picco of blot
ting pnper placed over the decaying rub
ber in colored by certain volatile sub
stanees refilling from tho oxidntion
that produc-s tlie hardening. Boston
Indian Dcrorativi' Art.
When th" Siou.-c tro o r,u warpath
in n.ny toiii,' like revso:i:ti.t? weather
thr-y ':.i'rcise great econwiiiv in drees.
They j.aint their ponir-s v. ith red and
black p-tTit in crti?es. Tb -y aI.-o wear
their hair looo ar.d flowin;;. and put a
libt r;d allov;;r.eo of red and l.luclc pait
on their faces. Decorativo art prevails
largely in thr-ir mako up. Bugs, rep
tiles and juiimals, as nearly as tho rude
ly artistic mind of tlio Siouzt c;m con
trive, are painted cn their foreheads
and chins, while a cross cf red and
black paiut adorns each cheek. Denver
Transacts a general banking business. An
who have any banking bmineas to trnaiut
are Invited to call. Ho matter how
larxe or email the transaction. It
will receive ourctreful attention
aad we promle always cour
teous treatment,
(saues ceitincates of depowits boaring interest
Buys and sell exchange, county and
eity suretfpA.
Messrs F. G- Fricke & Co.,
are the Only Parties Selling
our Alaska Crystal Brilliant
First National
Offers the very bet facilities for the Drouth
transaction of ligltlmate
Kanking BusinesN
Stocks, bonds, gold, government aDd local te
suntlea bought and sold. Deposits raceired
and interest allowed on the certificate
t)rafts drawn, available In any oart of th
UnitPd States and all the principal towns of
TKO. Highest market price paid for County War
rants, State ana County bonds. J
John Fitzgerald n. Hawkuworth
John R. Clark F. K. White
Oeorge E. Iovy
hn Fitzgpr&ld. k Waugh.
Prefidpnt rl
piATTSivroum n&
Thepe.LehPcs are for .superior to anv
the city, Possessing- a natural transparency
oning- qualities which will preserve the faifini
st re 112"
217, 210, 221 and 221 Main St.,
"lattsmcuth, - Fiebraska.
E. II, EONS. Proprietor,
m SLY BiiOTK2K3. 6 Warren SC, New Tori. Price CO ets.1
Hie Perkins has heen thoronubly
-enovated frr)!:! top to bottom and ia
TOW (?.". Of the befit hotela in tin, ctafo
Hoarders will be taken l.v tic r.-eelr ct
f 4. of) and up.
r n
. KUsttl mm W mm
3 mini wuue;riu vutajl. 'as inaiUPii
ia one retniug,
VI PWTJI UI UlVIASJi "-tfm,s.KAm rxjn K
-3 YUXmt, stent on ajtnucatioa to ro4V
J Am LoiaotUm 37 Fifth Sw to .