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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1891)
THE POEM OP" THE DAY From Friday '4 Dally. "'J'tiB fliur mt mi IiIh golden throne. Afllitor ircr.Hrully (in; Ills gold wiit. Ii il-kHI ami dlainoiH'H slior.e, Foini nliis pel fumed tin air with c lognc And yet thj tcitr wan b uu Pa I) - Oh ! why was the editors) l-Iue. "iW-iime his muIihc iiifi.H a U-w h id for.t To scLllti the b ll.i when due. I'.e soi r.nvcd tor 1 lieiii li-iw aw ul their lot Would lt; l,i eternity fc 1. 11.; nj hot. And all a sort of a, h'c.v' A stew -Like hiio ia a sort f :i stc-.r. -Nun eietu rxchan.cs. State Troo and Flower. By an tkvtiou held ly tho -clnl chil dren of thi.s stati-.iu JLiy labt, tlu- ii)ii;.1-j was chosen na thu bUto tree, ami the golden rud s tlio state flower. The "old en roil had 8I.0OS viic., nnl therotie 7! G9G out of a total of :J18:079. TIn; other VTlC'i wore dvided ainung one hundred and twenty-eiht different ; plants. C!ms. It. Skinner, of tne dcpiwtim nt of uublic instruction, informs us tliat "tin; Btlee tiou of the oldenrod was due pi incipnll v to the fact that the country district did not promptly s nil in the result of the Votes taken in the country district schools. This r. suit whs mxle public on th .first of July. Additional repot ts wlili citna in from tli; c-nintry district reduced the plurality f the golden rod to about 600. and it is very pmlmlilv that if all the school com.nis-ioncrs of thu state had reported t us the rust; would have been cnoosui instead ef the oldf-nnid. The cities voted largely for :l: J v ' n rod." The city children evidently hid u bet ter idea of what they wnnt;-d than the country children, and this is not sti tinge. To them the goldenrod, which they see mostly duriDg the summer vacation, is the flower associated with the pleasant days of recreation, days of sunshine, of freedom and enjoyment. This flower will not grown, h ss in tin ir esteem, and the better they know it the more will they admire it. Vick'sMagazine for De cember. Be Fair. The Weeping Water Republican has but recently discovered that the com missoncr business was a fraud. It was not a fraud two years ago win nan election was called on a petition without investigation and which contained scores of names written by one man, merely to fill up and be counted. Of course that was fair from the Republican standpoint because it was in ths interests of Weep ing Water. But now that the board proposes to look into the petition and count only those entitled to it under the law there is a great howl. The commis sioners have stated positively that the elaclion shall be called promptly after thfy have investigated the petition, if . . . i -. - . - . . .-wl in pnntnln 1 1 m rr- trr-i pcuuuu - qmred number of names of legal voters. What more could an honest man ask for? What more could a community in fair ness ask for? The petition is presented at a time when the board by law is com ,.n.i in ml,-" settlement with the ICllu w county treasurer; that duty can not be neglected to please the fancies of any petitioners; ytt the board has and is spending much of it3 time on this peti tion; but they dare not do so to the exclusion of other business simply that tho election may be called a day or a week sooner. This spirit of spite and hatred towards Plattsmouth is the only reason wby certain men have made them selves prominent in signing and circula ting this petition. We have not a word of criticism against any. person whose interests would be subserved by a c tange to Louisville, in his advocating that theory. But to see Todd, Pollard and others whose only desire is to injure some one, working to have the co it house moved farther away from tbem, would be ridiculous wtre it not born of such malice and hatred. They arc will ing to lose one dollar if they can make a Plattsmouth man lose ten, a line basis indeed for a county seat fight. Take the business men of Weeping Water, is it to thir interest to build up a competitor ne?iAby? Would they do it on business principles? Or is it solely spite worn? To an outsider it seems the latter, and to our personal knowleJge there are scores of men in Weeping Water who are not built that way and who will vote square ly for self interest, which is to have the county seat remain where it is, or else have it mved to Weeping Water. The Hekald wishes to be fair in this matter throughout and we like to see the same spirit manifested by our adversaries. Judge Ramsey has issued 188 marriage licenses eo far this year. The query is. will he reach the number of 200 by Jan uary 13th, as that is the number issued by Judge Russoll for the same period last yar. Mrs. Demaris Kay, wife of Dr. Kay of Nebraska City, a resident of that titin ir.w died Tuesday ineht at the Dllivu - - . home of her daughter, Mrs. J. K. Keith- ley, in Weeping Water, where she h been visiting. The remains were take to Nebraska City, where a large con course of people attended the last sad rite over the body of the departed. 1 AttoChurchws. I The entertainment nt tin? Methodist church Chroma eve drew forth a, goodly crowd width was morn than 1 -paid fur their attendant'!- by the i xcell rncu of the program and the plensant manner in which vi rytling whs per formed. Sinl.i Clans mine down an impt'ovisid Hint very nulurat looking chimney and the children nil hap py w ith candi. s, nuts mid wrung . Tl : Mip 1 iiit tub tit of the Sr.mbi y H In !, Mr. C. S. I lk was the iicipi'tit of a line ten dollar bible, thu ;,ilt of tin Suuibiy School. The Cliiistiuus nU rtaiiinii nt at the Cltii.-ti'an ihureh on Widnes.b.y evening was a dc ided siicet st in every re.-pet. The hnus w;is crowded to its utmost capacity and the Mr which contained the presents was well decorated. Among t Iilt many valuable prrsi-n" .vm a beauti fid book iit'ii k make of libbon and w ith in i's folds was Q')0 in gold, which was prtsented 'o the pastor of the cliux h and his istimable wife. Thu following P minks were mad a ly the ltudtr in be half of the doiints IiiiOTUKU Riiiiv In behalf of the brethren and your many fieud sit this place, I present to you this bookmaik, which like the book in which you imiv place it, contains a treasure. This present not only beipeaks of itself the esteitn with which we hold you and your labors with us duiinjj; the pas: years, but we that you accept iti.san additional txpression of our willingness to compensate you for the woik you have accomplished, and the ennu-rt effort you have made to build up the cause of Christ in our tniiUt. We wish you a M.-r-y Christmas and a Hippy .New Year. The Pnsbyteriitns had n delightful time in their new church. Th - y had plenty of room Rnd large crowd and very interesting exercises. The children were all handsomely remem bered and went home after the exercises happy as larks. A FulllStockinsr. Here is what some of our people fourd in their stockings yes-ttrday morcing: Oscar Brown. A moustache-cup, and moustache curling iron. Guy Livingston, A small cannon and life of Tascott beautfully illustrated with pictures of his exploits in the west. Judge Sullivan, A five story court house with a mansard roof. Henry Ilerold, . .The necessary ''gear ing" for a new ''watch." Colonel Peterson, Some "bogus but ter." George Vass, A tin trotting horse which he already values at $300. Judge Dwyer, A copy of the penta teuch which he was reading thi3 morning tith great satisfaction with the mistaken idea that it was a copy of Cleveland's list speech. Fred Kroehler, A commstsion to cap ture Sitting Bull's braves without shed ding blood. Fred dislikes blood-shed, and on the above conditions will accept providing it wont freeze his feet. Sam Patterson A base ball bat. Bert McElwain A handsome chain of Wienerwursts. David McEntce A commission as lotel clerk. W. J. Pinkerton A corkscrew. John JIurara-An extra dry. Frank Morgan A connnision as pri vate secretary to Uis Excellency, W. J. Bryan. Alt" White A case ef B.iss' pale ab white label. W. L. Browne A real town lot. Walt Holmes A four in-hand. Mathew Gering A deed for a biick block in Chattanooga. District Court. Judc Chapman, is holding Court to day hearing the case of the Western Engenetring Company vs The Platt3- moutxi Street Railway Company. Court will adjorun when the case is closed to morrow until the next regular session. Tho Herald calls the petitioners for the county seat removal "cranks" Never mind Polk there are just about enough of these cranks to relocate.they are smart enough too, to make it very disagreeable for the Plattsmouth ring. Weeping Water ReDublican. Wc don t care whnt you do to the "Plattsmouth ring" the rinor has no love for tae Herald. We haven't any fears in regard to the county seat, it will remain right where it is, but you can afford to be fair and correct a false impression as the Herald has never called anyone a crank in reference to county seat matters. We printed a clipping from the Sarpy County Republi can which said something of that kind but the Eagle of Weeping Water printed the same thing; why don't you go for Harry Race. Some of the residents of school dis trict No.72, are determined to have a school there as well a big lawsnits. They have established a subcription school, with Miss Laverta Morse as teacher. About 20 scholars are enrolled. W. W. Eagle. County Cou t. Frank Carruth v. l'atrick IJuikc. Suit on Recount. Iletritig January C:!, l.S'JJ, 10 a. m. A.1...1 K. White vs. I?. & Jr. II. R. Co. eta'. Co itinue 1 ly coiseut until Dec. 29. 10 it. m. Liei-nse to w-d i--siied to 'Mr. Joseph IOveliiid nii'l Mis-t Aim D.mniitt, br. !i of K!in wood. Ei i'i K'hiii-.i'!: vs. I r.ry I'raud. .Suit for breai-h of pron.i-" I'eil dnint:'c el.iimeii in tin? sum of .!l,'ii):. Answer Jin. ."), ly'Jl. Maliiew (ielillg fer p'uil'- tilf. lb: oisi on petition fr aj;iointm"!it of Divi l Miller, tuirdiin of lio'iert Miieiit II, ins'tiie. I'rayer ;;rantid mid en e ecoiiiiii.!y. Li ei s : issued to Mr. Ivl is Kiidow and Mi-sldaM-iy U'al ick, both of Pla'ts- IllOlitll. Licence issued to Mr. Uobert II. Viall utiil Miss Mary E. CVe, b th ol 'Eight .M i it; Crnve prccii-ct. M-KI1'-I Phillips Ilan.ilton At tile of T.Irs. E. J. Lock wood, near Cull. mi:, Dee. ir.b:-r 2;), lS'JO, i.t.?::j0 p. in , Mr. John J. Philli. s and Miss L-u-y K. Hamilton wire united in the holy bonds of wedlock, Ju ige Ii itnsey .-!lida-ting. Kildow Wnllick. . At the rfsMmc-e of Mr. T!:om :s K ldow. Dec. 1M, lt;SK at 7:"0 o'clock p. m. Mr. Sib'.s Kildow Mini Mi:s Tit Miy Wi.lliek wc-re united in wedlock. Judg Ii-ii:Fcy faci itin;. Vial! Ca-e. At th- resilience of Jud-" Ramsey by that oliichd, on Dec. lSUO :it 1 1::J0 o'clock a. tn. M.r. Rob ert II. Vi ill und Mi;ii .Mary E. Cape wcio united in tin: ltnlv b thIs of tnitrimony. Theelcetio:i con e. 1 wdl on y but a few days more. It Boyd is ineligible, Thayer will be governcr, so that Mr Powers isn't in it. Several of the Pl.-.ttf mouth, boys claim to have Lad a royal time tit Cedar Creek, last night at the society ball given in that village. Little Sail v Agnew, held number 70 ' the lucky ticket, which drew tho hand some pitcher at the Fair. 202 is the num ber which drew thu doll. Engine 84, that was biowed up in the Oreapoiis wreck, has been rebuilt and came out this morning frooi the back f-hops looking as good as new. En-dnc no lyO ran iuto some box cars at Hbza.rd ntar, Ravenna a few days ago, aod was brought in last night, for repairs badly battered up piece of machinery. The snow is ten inches deep at Louis ville, Kentucky, and still falling. Snow fell all day yesterday at Washing ton, D. C, and thrcuqhout Virginia. A fire near Connor's elevator attracted some attention this morning, but was put out by the railroad men before any dam age had been done, though much valua ble property was thrcatendd. Henry Heseman, J. C. Liudermin. John Nutzman, B. C. Marquardt, F. W. Rughe, J. F. Kaufman, P. P. Feckham and J. F. Bieudel have organized the Avoca Town Hall Association and will proceed to supply that busy village with a much needed town hall. V hy can t Plattsmouth do likewise? The telegraph operators have turned thiir south window atths depot into a conservatory. Yesterday morning they took colored tissue paper and hxed things up in the window so that from the platform it looked like a fine ilcral exhibition and attracted much favorable comment from the crowd, which did not know anything about the tissue paper. Messis. Jrrhn 2. Marshall and Geo. B. Mann, left this afternoon for their homes at Plattsmouth. Both these gentlemen have been in the employ nf The Tribune, the latter for a year and a half. Mr. Mann expects to establish a Saturday weekly at Plattsmouth. It is ln.rdly an attempt to fill a "long felt want," but the young newspaper man goes into the venture feeling confident he will make it win. The Tribune wishes him success. Fremont Tribune Mrs. J. N. Drake and Miss Tillie Bauer of Louisville are in the city today. H. C. Allen of Rising City spent Christmas with his Cotner University room-mate, Mr. Frank Wiles. v tt iVemlev and J R. Webster are prominent Lincoln attorneys in atten dance at district court today. Mr. Pinkerton, of Marquette, Neb., father of W. J. Pinkerton, the operator, was the guest of his son over Christmas. A. B. Knotts and family took Christ mas dinner with Judge Russell at Weep ing Water yesterday where Mrs. Knotts will visit for a few days. Charley Morrison and wife departed this morning for their future home in Sioux City. Mr. Dnbb accompanied them to assist in petting comfortably fixed up for the winter. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Eaby was gict, we gave her Castoria. When she iru a, Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became 3Iiss, she clunj to Castoria, When she had Childrrn, aba gxrcthtn Caatoria. Murray. Maryville Short Hand Ioftituto i.-i rep resented by Ji-y Oldham. Dr. Tabor Mr. Bixter nrd R. S. Yost are keeping bachelut'd hall on W. Main street. Misses Alice Brown and Pauline Old ham arc home on a vacutijit front T.wkio Missouri. .Mr. -I is. Root h is b." a cnna.ii'd to the hoie for a few ibiys bat ij con v;.l; f eiiig at present. The R"v. Graham of Omaha prenr.iK-d ut the (J. P. church last, Sabbath morn ing and evening. The new hardware store is completed and Mr. Burton will be ready to move here about Jan. 1st. I). K Smith ii studying medicine tin der Dr. Brendel this w inter; his prospects for tho future are brilliant. E buun Is & Root ;:re daily receiving new goods nnd kerp const;. titly in hand any thi'ig wanted in their line. Mr. Joseph Morrow it turned Friday from Linro'a where be has been taking a course in medicine, and will soon be come a full fl.-.lgc-d physician. The people of Rock Creek h ive decid ed to met anew church in Murray; it will be somewhere on the south si:le 011 la;.d donated by Mr. J. A. Walker. Messrs. Howard and Alba Young have spent a profitr.ble term in Cotner Univer sity, thi! former having been special cor respondent of th-.' IIku-ai.d at that institution. Eallcru'n IIor'aTiOTincI Syrup fsr WLoopinr; Congli. There is no remedy in the worrd which will jjiva prompt relief in Whonpinj; Cough as Bal ard's Horehound Syrup. It v'Jl positively cure it. If you will try it, your children will not keep you awake all night coughing. Ballard's Horehound Syrup is tha mcst cooling and soothing remedy for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and Asthma, in the world. It is free from opium. It builds up new tissue, strengthens the Lungs, and is an incomparable rem 1 Jy, made of the best and purest materials. If yur Lungs are weak and you have a tickling in your Threat, vsu need it. For Sil by F. G. Fricke & Co. OFhUHDS & ROOT Tue pioneer meichants of ! WJ P, tr ?-?. A-St w lOt'Oi met. v rarfri tmam Carry a full stock of generai merchonrltso which theysell very clcs2. nigliest price paid for nil kinds of farm produce. Gen erous treatmentand fair dealing is the Bc-crct of our success. CHAS L KOOT, Notary Public Murray Neb. New Drugstore at Murray -DR. BRENDEL Is finishins "P hi3 ncw t-ilin- which ' will bo occupied with a first class stock of 33 i F"Your Tatronage is cordially Solicited IKE FIGURE O." J!he figrn e 9 in our dates Wll make a . ccg sta. ;o man or woman now living will ever date . Jocurnent without using th fliro 9. It stands ia the third place in 1390, where it will remain ten years and then movo up to hoooud plaoo in 1000, chcre it will rest lor one hundred years. Thare is another ''9" which has also come to e toy. It is unlike tho figure 9 in our dates in the respect that it is already moved up to Crst place, where tt will permanently remin. It is called tho "K ?" High Arm Vf heeler A. Wilson Sewisg Machine. TheMKo. 0" wts endorsed for nrst place by thi expert of Europa at the Paris Es position of 15S3, here, after a severe ccntett with the leading rna ihines of the wotid, it was awarded the ocl? Grand Prize given to family sewing machines, fc.ll others on exhibit haviat; received lower awards cf gold medals, etc The French Government llso recogniaed its superiority by the decoration of Hr. Is athaniel Wheeler, TreFidentof the oompany, with the Cross of the Legion of Honor. The "No. 9" is not an old ruaohine Improved . o an nrw m a f.U i no. and Chff Grand Prize at Paris was awarded it as the grand . . , . . : V est advance in sewmc macmne ilibcuuuw ui 1 ge. Those who b-y it can ret assured, thro. lire, ol having the very latest aud best. VHEELEtt & WILSON MTHJ CO., 185 and 1S7 Wobuh i-vo., CUoaga Dealers Wanted. mi 0 SMM mm) D 1 1 a m Casioria is Dr. fianmel Pitcher's prescription far Infants and Children. It contains neither Ot)itx::i, r.:orjhlnc nor other Narcotic i,::bstancc. Ii is n h:irr.:lcs ntbstituto for Parc-or'c, Drops, Soothhi- Syn:xs C.wt-r Oil. Is Pleasant. Its Ctiarar;too i tliiriy y. uao by Iilillions of Mothers. C.istorla destroys XVgvv&u al allays fevcrishucss. Castorla prevents yomlli.iz fonr Card. ct:rcs Diarriicsa and Vi:il Colic. Cacte:-i rril:c.i f.cethins troubles, euros constipation a:ul Z i Incy. Castoria nssiiuilatcj tlio food, rejulatei 1 -iaeU and bowel;, giviiss healthy and natural w. Cas toria ii the Children's Panacea tho BlotfiWa VT?tid. Castori?.. "Car.toria is an csceKont moilic-ino for el:!l drcn. Jlotlic hivo reportedly to'.d mo of iU good effect upon tlieir ch;iUren.'" Da. O. C. Ofoor.n, Lowel!, Mais. Oa-storla is tho licvt remedy for children cf which I am acquainted. I bops t!.o day ij-i ot far distant when mothers will consider tho rcr.l interest of tlieir children, nn I nsj Custoria Gtead of the various. -juaek nostrums which destroying their loved ones, by forcinjopium. morphiuo, soothius syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby EeaUia theia to i.Tciaaturo graves." Da. J. F. KtNCKrxon, Conway, Ar. Tho CcataTzr Company, Tl J. D. GRAVES & CO. DEALERS IN PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES, -BUnd M buSL4 matcrial Call and sec us at the corner of 11th and Elm street, one block north of HeiscFs mill. lattsmoutli, ITebraska 1 LI TTSMOUTH P3W irawii t,BiRes Ftlse .ffi52MO Msnrev wlaese Yo owes great privlleg tom, E Essive sill i9a:etle ssici mesw jw&iw wa vfiltes will al Ineie ilasasi agesats smA you cma Uzzy sis cheap agalsi. Annie trees. 3 years old Apple trees, 2 years old - Cherry; early luenmonu, iaiu I'lum, j. ottawanaime, n. Raspberries, Gregg Syler Strawberries, Sharpless Ci esen Concord vines; 2 years old Moors Early grapes, 2 years old -Currants, Cherry Currants Snyder blackberries lliuuou; Downing Gooseberries, 2 years old iioughtonixooseDerries, yt Asparagus - " Rosses, red moss and white Shrubs, Hydrangias Honey Suckle Snow Balls - Lilacs - " " Evergreens, Norway spruce Misi'sery Bse-Iaalt mile 12 or tin ot town, eii$9 ofl tla Street. Address all Orders zo 3. IB. ILlEISSEiJB PLATTSMOUTH, - - XBB. " Catorta la sovfi'.l ;uU7mI t ;!'! ren that I -( o:n::iei!d it. xisat.V'"' l ccrii'Uo kuowntowa." .... ,r n Ill Po. O.t r J , .'-lyn, N. Y. " Cur phyrie!-vj in th riullr:"s depart mrnt hr.vo spo.rn hi;;1.5 of - -r c::ic c:ioo in their outside ,.-- vil!i CV.-. toria, aad altho::! wo oaly a:::o:i;T our medical suppiic-l what : as re;;uiir products, yet wo aro f ro V t'.t-ji tba merits of Cantor: h-.a v.a to look wltU favor upon it." United Hospital. ao Ttrr.S5Anr, i:bton, JLasS. ixnu C. nurrii, JYr., Murray Street, I7cw York City. ma yw aa select wsii smA feceBEefit to tlie ledSss vs- 3 -i i o o o n: o a 25 2 001800 - - 201 75 1500 xviumiunu, wragg -10 3 GO 2500 -1 00 25 150 150 500 10 60 00 30 10 1 00 250 25 3 W Ll 50 ichi oo - ait uiu - moss . 5, i?ir 125 3d 25 M nV