Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, January 01, 1891, Image 6
"tiuia" 2ifuTt.'tt1ir Laiiy. 'flu. Oltl '.t)i.,; 't.rectjcJ. 1'y lhe Au nor . CH ;)". tin. k. ldlanoU. (;.) v'rt. Mn. Etniou: Lt n rid. to tho res cue; I mi"; to t'if? recM of tlx oliticil campaign sii, Thc Old Ivmtudy Babe." 1 conic to th Teni': to frcJ it from tint corrupiiens th..t twin ti bo gatuei ir.g mi.und ii, ri woul 1 in lime become a tinitof it s rfniTi".l of in the minds of ray, uul.m th-ai advn titiom Kfi r.Moi: . t -;J b- trn nway liy the b-oid n ;ic who kaows with w!it panoply t'.i Mion v c hi brain bprang forth. It. in written in tUe same measure f NHlic ii;y, tut irt to a not con finite it a 0:1 Nllie Gray. It refers to tb re '.'tro found at that tinv; in the politic.! f.-!d, and ventun some prcdictioii n te the future, which predictions were all T-'riiiul. Below is the t-eog in ivs correct appa rel, form and frtrocture; and na sung by the Indunola Giro Club, l. Chapman, T. L. Dilley, John D. In Merrill Iti- fjallH. Thi)rnH !!, Ilnry S. Graham ad J. CiiMju Jle Clarice. THE OLD KENTUCKY BABE, la a green and feitlle vailey On the ol'l Kriiiecty ute. Tears ago there it bom a i.rerious babe ; flow lie's grown te '..tuie. And lid's nix feet t.:'t or -nor ; And he's '-ailed by the rwoib' "iloaost Abo." cuuiv.v. Then Hurrah for r.,mr 1 be ! for the Old KfLtuy Saho ! For we're .-obitf to iv.u'r.r b-m ire-idu'. this fi'.I. Ie will mvIpk our uj'ry ba:i:. On Hs old accustomed '.r ick. Just imtiisv: 1j Uk'-I tos-whii: 1 l mju!. j Oncln-i c;ti;v;.s iO-J i; Sii'n n In the Siuit: illlm.-!. And he made lhe l.iiilr HUiit very torn ; Tor his sham sqiattfr ttoctiine 'd decided by the b. is. To bo but a twad-J a borj. f CHOKocs, thn, etc. Of unfriendly lobulation. Dug. declaim at r'retpett. Thfii at Orleans lie ;t for i-lanters lighlt'. Behind the Drcd mj.i duciidou. And thegeit KruU-ial Cumt. Ou his belly like a coward next he fights. cnououi (lur Hits versa.) Then a jrroan for little Steve ! ,Mon bis doctrine can blieve ; To the South for aid nil vainly he will call ; Ah ! little he'll n-joictf . When he hems th tcaplia voice, Making Abe to be our president tiis fall . ctiououa, then hunah. etc. The Mass MJAitlnirtU v .. . Urvtfaer J. Q. Adams, president of the Uiud of Yi btcrilay wj hi id the inucri adver- Ejyle, is in tho city today tisi'd u-uB4 meeting ut Weeping Water, A decree ws rendered in dutrict couit and hut n fmall crowd comparatively yerterday quieting title to u piece cf fncukini; were present. Tiie attitude of the coruiniirHion'.Ta w cussed and di cuHHcd hy sonic of the speaker. The followhiu resolutions were adopted nnd Hunt to the cointnicHionerit which explains t!i o)j ct anl doings of I lie meeting. To th-5 : Honorable Hoard of County Commissioner?, UE.NTi.EMhN: At your session of Dec. 10tb, you orllcially deriiled to pj.'t pone the calling of a npecinl election for a pcriol of forty days, helieving tins to be 1:11 unreasonable length of time to dtluy and defeat the will of three-fifths of the votca of Cass county; tlwcforo, lie it rt-soloed: That it is tin; sense of the majority of the people .vs.mlled at a public meeting held at Weepiut; Water Iec. UGth, called lor the purpose of taking into coiiVi.leridion the wets of the cotnuiia.Moueri at their meeting of Dec. 19th, 1. That.ttic time taken ii altogether too long to suit th wiahm of the peop'e. 2. That iht necessities of the case demand mere prompt nnd rupid woik on your part. 3. That less than onc-haif the time taken by you would be aufiieieut to con vince yo .i as to the legality of the peti tion. 4. We nsk and cl iin tin right to add names to the petition as fa&t a secured. 5. We condemn the action of the lind a against onu Throckmorton. Miss EtTio an 1 Edward Rmdall and Miss Belle I'oland are spending the holi days with Mr. Joseph M.ipes and family. J, W. Paddock a cousin of senator Puddock residing in Omah hes just been appointed a government director of the Union Pacific Railway by pr tident Ilar li&on. A. P. Lewi?, editor and proprietor of the Louisville Advertiser, spent X;nas with his parents in Ashland. Arthur is making the Advertiser a success. Ash land Grtzelte. A lamp was thrown over in Sherwood' store last night which came near causing a cor.flugtatior. But prompt action stopped tho tbiinea before any serious h in had been done. Miss Leola C. Carter, eldest daughter of V). M. Carter, and niece of the Thomas boys in this county, is to be married soon to Me. Jfevtcn E. Barkalow, one of Omaha's wealthiest und most popular young men. The Masonic Bll last evening, owii to the dust and hijrh wind was slimlv attended, though an unusually good lime wm had by thoe present. The supper at the Kiicy was an elegant affair which went far toward making the even ing's enjoyment a success. rIhe telesraph today save, a farmer Plattsmouth boomers in trying to defeat I earned Ilollowman, living in Mahaska the will of a large m.ijonty of the eiti- I county, Iowa, today found a solid gold zens of this county. I ou'nt weighing seventy ounces, on the 6. We believe the petitioners of Cas edge of a small creslc on his farm, and county uro in cat-neat in this matter, they it is believed a he ivy deposit of thu p re are not satisfied with the present lcca'ion cious metal will bo found on iuvoatiga of the county seat, and oever will be tion. under existing circumstance. Th.- Jeff. L. Stone, the editor and proprie- matttr will have to be settled right o- or ot Kcarnev county's best paper, the endless trouble and litigation will bt f;,i,.. T?.oivirpr i Kil.-iriiii m m.p the rcSU'.t. I ,.r:.,l r.f i;.t tioir n. lin'Thf. fair 7. As a matter of economy to the tax haired bov that looks like his dad. The payers and thn county at lare, w, as Ukkalu ext-nds conoratulatlons. Mr. citizens ;f Cass county most emphati- sloe, it will be remembered, was at ore cully demand that the prayer of these Lime citv editor of the PLATrsMOirr-a petitioners mnst bo heard without 1111- n.Mv tTui.nt, BATTLING WITH AN OCTOPUa A Reunion of Prominent Old Settlers Christmas d:iy witnrsscd tie happy re union of the eight cnildrcn of Charles and Margaret Young at the comfortable home of Frank Yovng sr., south of this city. The Youcgs liave been a sturdy et of pioneers nd rijht well Lave they done their part toward settling and im proving our fair state. They came to Nebraska Territory in 1S3j, having been lorn in Kentucky and siuce that date the mot of the family have been resi dents of Cass county. Tho ci"hfc sons and daughters of the above nirued coup le all of whom were present arc na fol lows: Wm. Younr, aged pevnty-eiht of Union, Joseph Youug, eged sixty eight Omaha, L. II. Young, aged sixty-six Norden Keyapalia county, Frank Younii r., Murray, aged fifty three, llw, X"nt-.y Murray aged sevcaty-two, Oma!:a, Mrs. W. R. Ellington aged f-ixty four, Hock Bluff?, Mrs. Clcir.a Campbell fifty-eight. Blair Nebraska, tuil Mrs. Miry Buster, fifty six, Sherwrcrt Nebraska. The hus bands of ths "Yeans" iriris with tl:e grand clnldreu were as follcvs: S. H. Buster aud son Willia of Shcrwcod, Al- fredMurray of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Youn jr. and duuLtcr find son Ma- William Young daughter Jennie, Mr. B. W. and E. Vf. Leavitt, aad Miss ua'.-estary lelay. Signed: Wai.tkh Cutfoutu, II. HoI.ENCKCIf, W. OSP.KNKOI', I. N WooDFoni, II. O. Rack, Committee. Court Terms For 1C9I. The order fixing the team of court for tli-3 year 1801 in the various cotmtiis in the stccnd judicial district was file;: with Clerk Showalter yesterlay, and is as follows. CAS3 count v. March 2nd; May 24th; and October 12th, LANCASTER COUKTV. February 9cb; September, 21st. OTOK COUNTY. March, 23th; June loth; December 7th SAM-LM.CHAr.MAX, Allen W. I' ield, S Ciant Trees. Andrew Caldwell, special acnt of tin general Land oliice, appointed to tmke an investigation sis to giar.t trees (suiuoia gigantca) in the Stockton and Vusnlh land districts in California, reparts that in the Vusalia district thsre is one small and one large strove of giant tr. ts. The letter is the Virgin foresv. and contains over 1.200 "iant scouoias and manv more small trees. Some live years ago a co-operative colony located about forty : il. ivi 1 .1 ,i t .... i r t tt: 1 cu tries iu mo uciguuoruuuu auu te J I ...: 1 i .t .- : 1 Sirs. I j. II. and B. E. Ycun- of Norden w Nebraska. Twcnty-Cvo people ia all. The county commissioners today are busy looking over plans for the new cjurt house. No actiou was taken in the matter though some very handsome pi ns were fchowr, all of which were in side the appropriation. Those present frcni abroad were architfet?, Ellis, Voss and Sidney Smith from Omaha; James Tyler, Win. Gray and O. II. Tlacey, of L'ncoln and G. E. McDonald, of Geneva, together with eig;ht or ten contractors from Omaha a?.td Lincoln. Safe burglars are evidently al.roa 1 in Cass county according to tbc following item in the Wabash News; Last Saturday night some party or parties cntend the lumber ofnee of John Murty at Kenwood, arid bored three holts iu the safe and knocked the knob oif the combination l .ck, ths safe was still locked when dis coyi red, and the indications nre thvy tailed to make tatrancv, bat the e.-ife is ruined. A is giag t!';e rouuas abi-.ut f. girl djirg from tiglit lacing. An editor commenting on the fact says: "These corsets should be done away with, and if the girls can't live without being squeezed ve suppose men could h found who would sacrifice tlici:: selvcs. As old as we arc, v.'eM rather devote three hours a day without a farthing of pay, as a brevet corstt, than see these yirls dying in that manner. hours almost any time." Difficult Fljbt with n SXontttcr Ilarlnc Kevin Foot Tentaelea. Tlireo younjr men ned aVut 13 yeara bad an exciting encounter with an octo pus, or devil fish, under tho old wharf belong ntr to thu Myers Canning com pany, rt West Seattle. It rcnilttMl in the frightful creature- bein;j killed after a fearful stru.le. It wa necessary to sever completely every o?io of. tho hor rible creatine's tentai.les from its body before it pavo up tho Ftrucrjvh'. Tho Cpdit was witnessed by quite a number of Ficetators. The boys were fishing for tomcod from j the front of the wharf when they no ticed a considerable commotion in the water under tho wharf. One of them, Dick Smith, took a long pole and climbed under tho wharf, to find out, if possible, the cause of tho disturbance. He had cot gone far when in the serai-gloom he discovered a strange shapo and saw a pair of small eyes glaring at him. In his flight lio poked at tho animal with his pole, but to his horror and amaze ment it was wrenched from his hand as easily as though it had been a straw. Young Smith gavo a frightened yell and climbed to tho top of tho wharf to give tho alarm. Several boys, arming themselves with poles and spades, climbed down under tho wharf to inves tigate this tnarino monster and if pos sible capture it. After the eyes of tha beys had become accustomed to tin- cV.;-m they beheld to their wonder and m:-, that the creat ure with which th; i . 1 to deal was a huge devil L'sh, i:;.-:.iu the water into foam with its merciless arms, which were spread out for a distance of about seven fret in every direction. The boys attacked the creature with poles and spades. One boy made a strike at the animal, cutting it slightly with a spade. Tho infuriated creature seized the spado in its grasp and threw it far out among tho piles. Tlie Cght continued for some time, the ar.imul seizing everything that was thrnst at him. Several times one of the boys narrowly missed being caught and drawn beneath tho surface by the mon ster of the deep. At length, by a nnited pull at several poles which tho octopus lias seized in his blind rage, he was drawn from the water, bnt even then ho kept Tin the fight with unabated fury, striking viciously t everything withm reach. One after another tho tentacles were spvered from tho frightfully misshapen body. Even after the last arm had been fevered tho animal' did not give up the tight, and when any one approached it. glared at tbtiii and caused ics body to quiver in a manner that induced a thrfll of fear to run over the beholder, even with a knowledgo that it was harmless Tho devil fish was final! v dispatched with a spade. The arms were carried away by tho several bovs who had sever ed them as trophies of thii fight, but the body rc-mained 011 tho ground and was viewed hy many people daring the re mainder of the afternoon. Sc-atiio Press. Klle-n Terry'a ChlUMaoo'j. When Ellen Terry wai a littla girl about 11 v.;ara of a?e liho belonged to I Mrs. Charles Kcarr.i company at tiio PriGcers SJ10 was one evening acting ?uck in the "Midsummer Niglit'a Dream,' nnd had to come up tliroii 'i the olago lioor 0:1 a tr;:p dcor. s-. .nding on a mushroom. The tra; d.o:- v.vis shut too soon, .?nd one of h'T f t v :i can it. She t creamed with p..ii, an.1 hi r sister Mate, then acting TiLmia, r:;n to her ati.l threw lier her. Still the i-hPi continued to f:rf i':i aud Mrs. Charles Hc-n seeing was wrong, i-ai'i'i on i..i stage an slruei: with her h.:tl for the t::i: tiuor to be- opined. Tho man naturally dusUhk: the tigi:al. i.nd yhut it tighter, and the child's jjcrea::::; redoubled. Mrs. Kean whispered to kcr: "Be a bravo f,irl, Nellie, und finish vonr part, and 3 011 shall play in 'King John." The trap door was by this time opened, but th'.: littlo girl's too was broken. She finished her sp.'eu'n, however, tiiotighshe fainted when fjiegotoff tho stage. Later jn she played the part of Prince Arthur. Another time, in the same company, she had to play one of the angels in "C.itlierino of Arragon'a Vi:ioii." To cive the appe:;ranc3 of distance the larg angel camo first, and they graduated in size until tho end, and Ellen Teny, being thu smallest actress, was placed at th top of tho row. Whether tho height she was from the ground made her sick is not known, but she evinced her feel ings in tho moot tangible manner, prov ing most unpleasantly to the othot '.ingcls" ljeneath her (who remonstrated wW.) her afterward) that, however spirit a ! Ler appearance might be, she was suo-.j'-et as any mortal to tho ills that fi-sh is heir to. London Tit-Bits. PwOfcSSIO 4 AL C All 08. r. l LIVINOHImN K. I'. DIta. LIVINGSTON & CUMMINS P&jsic ans and Mmm nice No. i- if 1 K-".tlr Cli. M .10 Telrpbone M el. ;e-'i-e t T. I ivirie t-'n 4'J. 1 1 .-.i.,.m: It. (.'miliums, CSu. Suryeyorh ( IVJL iC'."'.INK.E:iaiii st'KVtYoi: E. E. HILTON. t!mte aud v'"' of "Itw-ik fin ul.ed and Ollicj in Martin Block. PLATTItUOUTM " ' JLBBABatA County Surveyor -AMD-CIVIL EKCIK&ZER. Ul orders left with County Clerk, will receive prompt attention. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE Tho Ciinofie to Rule. Lord Wolseley bclievoc; that the Clii- ne:( are the coming race, and that they v.-i 1 1 overrun the world tho moment eral or lawgiver anions For ."00 v-ears tho Chinese have some of whom Lad not aeen each other for over twenty years were gathered round the festal board and partook of a splendid dinner. The nioeting was an ixceodhi .7 i.L&&nt "a:?, thu host i-nd hostess taking great cara to look after the wants and comfotU of their guests. The entire family of eight, wtvo ia the city yesterday getting a picture of the group, and we believe the state could not produce eight brothers and sisters whose combined ages would equal that f this family w hich is 515 years. The Herald hopes they may all live to have many more happy rc-nnioaa. A Break at the Power House. Last night about G:30 the stores using electricity for lighting purposes were uddenly enveloped in darkness and the neverfailing gas had to supply the demand for ligbt. The trouble was caused by the breaking of the engine crank on the tuaiu shaft which runs the governor. Four men went immediately ta work and tore the other engine up, ecured the crank and by the industrious use of a file hart everything in running rder again, and the lights all going be fore cine o'clock. It was a bad break and seems surp iaing that it could be fixed so soon. Wayne Stennett, a prominent citizen of Stennett, Iowa, was ia the city last ight, the guest of J. M. Johns and f imily. L. C. Erven, an old time Plattsmouth- ian, visited his father-in-lw, Mr. Nelson Jean yesterday. lie returned to Omaha this morning. The colony-it is asserted, cumbers about six hundred members aad has recently engrafted the Bellamy idea as its leading County Court. Letters of administration granted to Theodore Stirkjohana administrator estate- of Theis Stirkjcdiann, decased. James S. Mathews vs estate Maria E. r.ttrac'iou. There is danger, the agent Jonf.? deceased. Continued by consent beiieyer;, that these people 5f unmok:tec; -j uv.til Jan. S, Ifc'Ol, 10 u. m. will soon destroy thij ir.ot woi.dcrful and " perfect body of gignntea in th world. In a table giving the number and size of the frees in the groves yi?itcu only thooe of 45 feot in circumference and more, measured 3 feet from th ground, are classed as giants. Of these 2,075 were found. Forty-four are over 80 feet in circumference and several are more than 100 feet. One is 103 feet in circumference or mote than thirty-five in diameter. Secretary Noblo has request ed the secretary of war to station a com pany of cavalry in the Tequsia national park and another in Yosemite park to prevent depredations on the mammoth tree groves. It 13 stated that the so called Bellamy colonists, who have in part perfected title to the lands on which these trees stand, have expressed a purpose to hold their claims in spite of all opposition. The snow storm yesterday was one of the most general ever known and extend ed fiom Maine on the Atlantic coast to the most southern points of Virginia. The thermometer at Bangor Maine regis tered twenty-five degrees below zero. The snow storm seemed to extend as far west as Iowa, Missouri and Kansas. The Paciffic coast was also lashed with a fu rious storm. Nebraska still continues the leading competitor with Florida as a sunmer reaort. In the t.vit'.tr of I!-; l.'.st wid aud tes taraent of W. B. R.-ynoldi, deceased. Hearing on probate of same, &n:l will admitted. Lawrence Scull vs Frank O'Nei' Continued by consent until Juu. 7, lo'Jl, at 10 a. ru. License to wed issund to Mr. Christen Rasmussen and MioS Meress Mik kelson. both of Weeping Water. Letters as 3IetapIior9. Soma curious examples of tho uco of letters as metaphors may be found ia the works of Lightfoot and Wntsteia. We often hear of a person haviug a "stigma upon him." A stigma was formerly the j branding iron used by tho Greeks for marking their criniinalci. Ii was in shapo not nnliko a small figure five and was usually applied upon tho fore head, check or back of ILo hand, whore it would not fail to bo noticed. The Hebrews are said to havo used t heir final letter, tan, for a similar purpose (see Er.ek. i:r, J). In the Talmud it is fa bled that the Book of Deuteronomy came and prostrated itself before God and s:.:id: "O Lord of tho universe, thou hast written ia mo iay law, but if a testa ment is defective in r--:no parts it is de fective in all. Behold, Solomon endeav ors to root tho letter job out of me. Neither shall h-j multiply wives" (see Talmud, Sanhed., x.v, 2. -Bihlo Deut. rvii, 17). "Then," says the Tal mud, "the holy blessed God answer?;!. 'Solomon and a thousand such as he i shall perish, but the least letter shall not perish out of thea." St. Louis Republic. great gr them. been ruled, by "the simple method of having all tho more active, capable and progressive heads shorn off by the Tar tar?:." No one of worj than average in trllige?ice i: permitted to exist, and th' government is on one sido an organized system of rar.sriacre. When Commission er Leh wa3 asked whether it was true that ho had beheaded (50,000 men in three V'-nrs, iiis answer was, "Oh, surely more t tiaii that. ' Somo day, however, a new Chinese Moses will arise and resist. The people, who ars quite fearless, will then, Lord Wolseley thinks, adont the profession of arms, hurl themselves on Russia and sweep over her, India and the continent of Europe. The English, the Americans and ths Australians will havo to rally for a desperate conflict. probably in western Asia, which will be a veritable battle of Armageddon. Such prophecies are, of course, of small prac tical use, bnt we agree that a very little might "t the Chinese moving, and that her millions, once let lrxs, cor.U no ore be stopped thau a stream of Iiva. Led Wolseley is all for keeping on good ter-ns with the Chinese and so are we. but at the same tims wo do not forget that tlr? Iloiriati cmpTovs who tried to conciliate the G-oths fared no better than thos3 who deued them. Omatu Worid Ilerald. Nfw IecoratIvo Prorrtn. A new process by which artistic design-, cr.n be photographed on papr, cot ton cloth, velvet and other fabrics is be coming mo -craze 1:1 I'-O'gi.i.ou, as an iaay c:i;i ny lis i::c:m: :: fabric and print upon it v. her own tast' and i.i w:t leaves will serve i:::-ter.d f ency for tho in-:Kia'jt'"c,n of n At a recent ineetirgof the 1 society (England) a wc-1! Lno rarhor printc-:.! diu.jivnt leaf jiatterri! rr-:i c::; -'i',::it parts of a i.ivc? of win c-ottori clot;-!. J Wm. L. BROWN. Personal atteiitluu to all btntne eutruite ""'"Sohhyi. op irf Tillfts examined. A bstraeti eonii'ited, lnur wnt writ ten. real e sold, hettertarilltie-i lor nutkiu Farm Lnau tbaa ANY OTHER AGENCY PLATTSMOUrii KBUiSKA TTORNKY A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-Law. will rIyu prompt attention to all ulfir m nt.ruit'( V htm. Olnco in Oalon btocic, Kant Side. Hattiimouth, Neh. TTOUNEY A J.AW. WINDHAM & DAVIES. &. E. WI N nil AM. JOHN A. DAV1R3. Notary I'ublic otiiry t'ublle Cffif ver Lank of Cas County. Klattamonth - Nebraeha Bsnka. Cor Maiu and Fifth street. Paid up capital Surplus OFFICERS $51004 lb OO0 C. 11. Frne:e Kred (im-'ier J. 41. PHttersuD itJt rViAersou, Jr. Tie-iidenl Vlco l'reiitilant Cajsheir Atit Cail;ltr DIRECTORS 0. H. Prmelft. J. M. I'Mterson. Kieil (Jorder. h. 11. Smlili. It. It. Windham, li. . uanisey auu Jas I'jittcrsou Jr. . GENES AL jJAKSlKC BUSIDES3 T a ANSA TED AflRoants Holietted. Interest allowed on time deposit tuifl iirnmpt att' ntioncivn to all bu- kueas emruueu 10 us caie. r.-iy ,v: '''Vi to SU: h pr, tr.-inrp.'ir- ny euec;t 't:gr.iph II:: then developed term ing eaen brush, j :o '-rent pat with various develo&.-rs bv arniv- tho Ie.ttfr lc h-ixv-ult was a rrt Want Another Judge. State Jc.r; At the last meeting of the Lancaster county bar association a committee com prising Messrs. II. II. Willson, M. B. Reese, A. S. Tibbctts, C. L. Hall, C. M. Parker, W. J. Bryan and A. W. Scott was appointed to bring before the legis lature the neceEsity of an increase of the number of judges in the Second judicial district from two to three. The com mittee has authorized Judge Reese to draft a bill which shall provide for the same number of judges as at present in ether districts, leaving it open for amend ment in relation to such districts as may favor an increase. It is deemed certain that Omaha will move for an increase, and will move that the number of judg es in that district shall be increased from four to eight. The coming session ia not deemed likely to be a very favorable one for such a measure, but every tffort will be made to sec nre an increase f the number of judges in this district, is the bar association contends that theie is aa imperative demand for it. now Animals Die. That beasts and birds go aside fror their comrades to suiter tno extreme- trials of death i3 a pithetic fact not gen erally known. "Whales como ashore when they fed ill, go that tka wares may j dash out the liTo U fnc.t ehbina awcy eases oZ suicide, you will say. boi::ctir;c:;, r.o doubt, their friends desert them. The healthy ones feci that the comr.sionshin of an enfeebled individual is a porciblc source of danger. Or it may bo that me- s:g:.Tj 01 ceat.-i is mioieraoi? to mem, just as it has been to many human races. Whatever tho explanation, the I fact remains tnat m tne animal world, as a rule, creatures go away and die by themselves; the denkre-ns of the water commit what might be called suicide by leaving tneir owa elements tor one m which they cannot exist. St. Louis Re public ly with ecries of uei-ig-.i-s m v-:r;er-:'.: yd c-ok i'3 upon one pk'Vi of doth. The colors at pr:;ent ob- tain.ioio by U:o uso of devel process a-e rel, orange, purple and raa- ro' .i. f'.- mixing the rurcle and orange :a uasali Taciorv kind of au Ju'et-n is H.aid to h ive bf-en D : vd.-.p'.'ra to yi-.d-l bkics and 1 this process havo vet to be di-v;'!eper is o. 1 v.-.-rli-irr. -New Y;;rk Commercial Ad- VI:y CtMti. r"a.'.es IXavo I'otir I'. Do j-c:i know why four "IV are use to mark the hoar of four on clocks and v.-atekeo instead r.f the us iioiUi.ii ni:?:icrai "i .- jiiie irauit'on among deck au 1 watchmakers is that iu the roar 1370 the first clock similar to those now in .use was mado in France for Charles V, surnamed the Wise. The king could not deny that the clock was an excdlent timekeeper; but as he wishei to find fault with something, and so ;iro up to hi ; na-re, ha- icsiUnl that four was irxr.rreetly marked, and that four "IV should be substituted for "IV." The makers could not convince him of his error, which hag New Use for Ola Hose. I been perpetuated aa the king 3 mistake While dredging on the oyster beds through all tho succeeding years. New near iNew London. Conn., an ovstemian iorE Ledger. brought up something which at first siarht looked liko a lifeVss spa s-rr.Pnt nn9l Twelve Uaya Bbld. coveted with immense scales, but on ex- England made the change from the animation it turned out to be a strip of m cr "ulian calendar to the Gregorian hose seven feet long and throe inches in iu 17'!32- At tbat iod the original thir- diameter. comnletelv hidden bv tho bi- teca states were British colonies, and as valves, which had become fastened to it. By actual count there wero over 1,000 oysters on that piece of hose. Philadel phia Ledger. Slrlos. Siriu.3 shining with far greater luster than any other star, it was natural tbat astronomers should havo regarded thin as being the nearest ef all the "fixed'' Etars, but recent investigation on the dis- I tancea of the 6tars has shown that the mearest to us is Alpha Centauri, a star be- ! longing to the southern LatituJ. though it is probable that Siriu ia about fourth oa tfc tie iu the rder cf ehjaUnce. Hx-rar4f. the new system went into operation at that time throughout England's Ameri can dependencies it haa been iu effect from the beginning of the United States government. Russia still clings to the Julian calendar. That is to say, Dec. 7 in this country ia Nov. 2o in Russia. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. A Terrible Fomibility. Aunt Julia Well, Flossie, what do you think of your little brother? Flossie (who is the happy possessor of a phonographic doll) I haven't heard heard him say a word yet, and I bhouldn't be surprised if he'd lost his cv under out. Xfera. The Citizens BANK rkATTSMui'TR - rTJiiJiAHKA Cayltal stock pnirt ia ?5' 0 0 Authorized Cntiifa', S!CO,000. omafJiB fF.iKK CAi'lt!;!?-. .M'S. a. Pr-sv'at. VltM-I'ifsl-i vt w. u. ct;:;:no. C:i'.tiiftr. or.'itoror.'-i Fr.u!r ;&"-v,b T. A. Cortcr, Y. J'".. Cntlj.Tn? j. V. in:v,wa. Uf.'.tZj' H'J ck, John C'iCeote W. J. M-rrism, Vtr.i. VVi'teccainp, W. II. OiiSiic. r.'aTsa::ts a penr-r-il bruiktr.ft bt:Klr:esJ. All who have anv bsekln bnsmfs i tiachatt ar' irvited tt call. No matter iiow larcf or Frriall Uic tra'action. It Kill receive o'if.:arcf ul :ilt-i:tion i.ud we prf'tnisc always cour teous tr-atuieiit. Lsues ce.itilieates of e'eposits bearing Internet Buii fcud aella ezcbjir. eonaty and city sureties. First ITatiora;! BANK rLATTSMOUTU. KEUnASXA OtTcrs the very bel fae'-'ities for tho ptomp' ?rune::ti'j!i i li'Mtiraato Fte!, pold. fruvi rnn;f-nt and local e- ?uriti;. bo::.:t.t so!.J. lJepo-'slu rwiv-d fend ineret a;hiw-l ni tins cemncarea IDrnft" draw.i. .ivaililite in n.nv part 01 tl;a IT'iiU'd Slates and 1.11 t!i-j principal towns of Kurope. COI.LKCTIONS -y.XCK AW rilOMrTtV RKMIT- Tl'D. ftiliebt ma-ke 1 v '." pild f ir Cotiiity War- ranis, Ciat USUI tUfAIlL UUIiUC.J di::ectoks .fa'iT Fif. 'friid r. IIvrhFwort.h Ji-'j 11. C'.lik F. E. While deortre K. Dovey John Firrj.'.rl. . Wangh. PERKINS - HOUSE, 217, 219, 221 and 223 Main St, lattsmouth, - Nebraska. E. H. E023, Proprietor, lh Perkina kaa beea thoronRkly nenoyated from top to bottom and U now one of the beet hotels in the state. Boarders will W taken by the week at f,A,t aad p. GOOD BAR COUHECTED wsmm Dfl im ma nMmc. mi th lok Pii'iV". '4 y i