Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, January 01, 1891, Image 5

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    Commissioners Proceeding.
Plattsmouth, Dec. 27, 1800.
Whereas: This is the day on which
the board of county commissioners of
Cass county have advertised to receive
plana and specifications for the build ng
of a court house in said county, and
there is now pending before said county
Commissioners a petition prayiug for a
special election to vote upon the removal
of the county seat, which is undeter
mined. Therforc be it
Resolved: TUt the board receive
all plans and specifications, with the
names of the parties submitting them,
and that the further examination be ad
journed, subject to the call of said par
ties, by the chairman of couuty commis
sioners, at which adjourned time only
such plans shall be examined as have
been submitted on this day, before 5
o'clock i. m.
The following plana were then sub
mitted and identified: Wm. Gray, James
Tyler. "W. 11. Parsens, Lincoln; Henry
Voss, Sidney Smith, F. M. Ellis, Arthur
Johnson, Omaha; T. D. Allen, Minneapo
lis. Minn.; a. E. McDonald, Geneva,
Board then adjourned to Dec. 29, 1890.
Bird Critchkield,
l County Clerk.
Broke His Leg
Saturday about four o'clock, while
unloading iron from a rubble car in the
B. & M. yards, A. D. Stephens, a section
hand, had his risht leg broken below
the knee caused Jby one of the rails fall
iag on him.
County Court.
Wm. Deering & Co. vs. William R
Murray. Suit on notes. Hearing Jan. ,
at 10 a. m. .
License to wed issued to Mr. J. W.
Davis and Miss Rebecca E. Core both ot
Weeping Water.
In the matter of the estate of wuiirin
Wehrbcin, deceased. Hearing on petition
for appointment of Fred Wehrbein, ad
xninistrator. Appointment entered.
Petition filed for appointment of
George W. Grimes administrator ith
will annexed of estate of W.B.Reynolde
Anna E. White vs. Burlington Volun
tary Relief Co. et al. Continued by
consent until Jan. 20, 1890, at 10 a. m.
Gering for plrintiff, Clark for deft.
CanrAA Ileisel.the pioneer miller has
4,000 pounds of the finest buckwheat flour
the land. It is ground out of the new
crop just harvested and from the sample
left at this omce we caayoucu ior md
in j a prime article,
Mr. Dunlap, the mail clerk on the
Schuyler run i3 back on his route again
He was detained at his home for several
days on account of sickness in his family
anf we are sorry to learn that the illness
t The Vft PlftJed bis cnvePe trick
oa'P. J. Hansen for $5.00 was caught
-nnfrdiv in South Omaha. It eeeuiB he
had worked the same racket very sue
eesfnllv in Lincoln. Mr. Ilansen, said he
mi"ht not be able- to identify the party
so that he will not be brought here for
Commissioner Todd got a letter fro
Mr.JLoder this morning saying lie would
not be down this morning, Tor uie reason
thit his wife had becu thrown from a
biiGJ"", striking: on her face, which
bruised and hurt her quite seriously. II j
ra-iy not be able to nvx'-t with V.a- V- r.wc
for t dy or two.
p. Pve?w Ye7r'.r. Dir.ncr.
:f ti;o V. M. C
m .
L. D. Shuster a B. & M. Brakesman
Instantly Killed at ureapous.
As freight train No. 78 passed Oreapo
is this morning about 4:30, pulled by
two engines, No. 3:3 irnd No. 47, the head, by the name of L. D. Shuster
was instantly killed by falling between
the car and engine, haviDg evidently
made a misstep as ho started to jump
from the car to the tender. Both lower
imbs were crushed and the head of the
untortunaic man was iuiiuc ...v
brains were plainly visible.
Mr. Shuster was from Pennsylvania
and had only been on the B. & M five or
T 1
six months; his home was in wncoin.
When No. 78 camo in this morning,
Art 1 A . t . it...
the engines were cut on ana ibkch iu
round house and some remarks were
made by the conductor, Mr. Burns, be
cause the brakeman did not show up, after
a lew minutes, further inquiry was
made, and it was learned he had not
been seen since passing Oreapohs. O.
S. Johnson and a party then got orders
to proceed with a switch engine and
lov fnr flip niissinif man. He was
A V 'X v a. a. a w - c
found at the side of the track, dead and
ahove described. Coroner
Unruh held an inquest over the remains
this morning, which were brought to
this city, resulting in the following
"That the said Lswis D. Schuster, ly-in"-
dead, came to his death on the morn
in" of December 30, 1890, at 4:30 a. m.,
bv accidentally falling off of lreight
train No. 78, on the B. & M. R. R. near
Oreopalis Junction in said county of
Cass; and said train passing over him
and causiDg his death.
Signed: P. P. Gxss, foreman.
Geo. P. Wei dm an.
L. C. Stiles,
W. D. Jones,
J. J. McVet,
J. N. Black,
Full Details of a Blopdy Battle
With the Sioux.
Threo Soldiers Killed and Twenty
five Wounded. .
Camp on Wounded Knee Creek, S.
D., Dec. 29 (via Rushvillc. Neb.) Spe
cial telegram to the Bee. The remain
ing four troops of the Seventh cavalry
arrived from Pine RidKe agency at 9
o'clock last night.
At 8 this morning General Forsythe is
At sundown fighting had commence! j ft- - .-OH'SkA'SET
Wiinin luree ihiicb ui iuv nvm j wu v
ings and a determined effort was being
made by the rebels to reach and burn
the arrencv. An Indian viMaee of
r J
fiiendlies, in plain siglit of the agency,
was seen to go up in flames just before
Special dinpatches have been sent to
warn the settlers everywhere to bo on
The captain of the Rushville home
On Limb O Years. Bedridden 3
Years. Doctors and Medicines
Useless. Feared Amputation.
Cured byCuticuraat Cost of $3. CO.
Now Does Her Own Work. A
Wonderful Cura.
I must write and tell you of tli But""" I
have had in u tnn Hie Cl'M :nt Hkmiti 'l
hki luen troubled for m.uly rar-.
-i.:.. .... i.. .-i.rli. ..., -i.l Him At
guards was given oihcial notice lromiue tora lu tins cittcutild Uvuoiiiini; ir it. I t rtt.i
.i r, tn ,,,.rD evei-vilinijs. until at liit I tli..tKt lin!d
agcDcy this afternoon to make eery lliiVeto hiVe iheiimb amputated t the kuf .
nmoililp urenariition for defending tbe It wasswellt-d to tue tne natural Me una i
pOSSlOie prepar-liou ivr ticiciiuiu0 bltl.,.iv hobble around on i ut li H. I
. . ! . 1 A- tKliiru I in ttlu t nuit nf I Iim hlilll lllll I Ul fif'll -
sued orders to have the 150 male lndi- town, anu to .u ,c - t yeV;: ;,:o could not Vrtouu i
i i i i , ,!. lirjjnnPr, railed are notihea. Already lerrtncct peopic i lK,,ni io look id t lis newspaper aim saw me
ho had been taken prisoners caneu j i j ,, ,-,. iv,Mii,t-inent. ai d as a lat r. sort
he wanted to are arnving, ami bt-forc uiidnignt liusu- niP(, ltl t ( US(.,t lw 0M1S of n,e kki.-
;llo nrill w rmnApA I VKNT aim I lire POXt OI I I K K A. l.ui
vale will le cioueci. , ul, k. botii iu house and
It is tliou"ht bv all cooler heads that out of iO'e. -nd my limb is as natural a-;ci iiui
" J . possib y be under any circiinistanecii. It Is
no danger, liowever, or t leat no inline- inMt wondeiful cure. 1 had Kiven up hopes of
,.7 4, t ,t ;i,Url ever bein H1 again. If this will benefit yon,
diate dancer, threatens the railroad r .v,.i,.OI1,K t(, ,,.P to i lie ad van-
tins w
from their tcpecp, sayin
talk to them. They obeyed slowly and
eullerdy and ranged in a semi-circle iu
front of the tent where Big Foot, their
chief, lay sick with pneumonia. By
..Tifipu tlicv were ordered to "ive up
I.-!, m,H Thr, first twentv went to A later dispatch says
bill... - . I
r i i,nr-L- wui. nnlv LJrooke reports mat two soots
llieir ieui . . .T;J.. l. I ATmnriTTii ItHrV.ITv?
hred near tuc agency, rine, " I j j .HJ U ItiV lib AL VjC3
some one later in the day, and several
. , i. . in. I were nred in return, kjhh's mmc
n run 1 1 n r-r i 1 1 1 ii i i. l mi.
n aa D''couuuiuf, " " i' - -
A later
taLjo. Anyone not credit mi; nits can uini me
uv addre snii; me at tne atiove-uaiiieu cuy.
Mils. llAltillfcl DlltHLUi, loiiuiy,ii.
Flour and M a Specially
Patronage of the Puble Solicited.
neteen Thousand Two Hundred
Dollars Worth of Goods Sstoien
at the Depot,
M. A. Daugherty, who resides at South
Bend was on hia way home from Omaha
Saturday a week ago; he came to this
city to wait for the Schujler train,
and placed his grip containing stocKS in
a ranch company, valuea at
$19,200 together . with some other
uapers in tbe depot. Hank Pearson and
Fred "Woodson he describes as beiag
present when he left his valise, and on
going back to the depot in a few
minutes the valise and boys were both
cone. Last night he came down and
recognized Pearson as one of the boys
and through the assistance of Marshal
Archer caused his arrest. Woodson is
in South Omaha. Pearson cannot give a
good account of himself and telb several
conflicting stones. Mr. Daugnerty win
be down tonight and the matter will be
sifted to the bottom.
The IS ). s' lS; ;iucii
Ol i.1.0
Eiht Mile Grove Items. Fletcher spent Christinas
with old chums at this place.
Norman E. Suiger is y-sitmg relatiyes
in ISurt county this state.
Orrin V.'ocd b.-is closed his school
Cottonwood until after the holidays.
MU ATnrv E. StoKes is very sici again
wUb her old i.uil-idy.
Mrs. Ellen Stafford, sister of D. A.
Young and Mrs. Henry Bceck, came in
this morning from her home at Clarinda,
Cures Also:
All Aches.
Chis. 1. VogelerfX,
Baltimore, fiX4
Cannot become healthy food simply by
the process of death.
owe in to themselves and society to
Ill swino raising tmt wiu pi;i'.!vi'-- ui'.
public health. Hos should befc."!,
Fold everywliere. 1'iicf Xvtu ika. Uq. Soap
2.1a. liicsoi.v K.NT,.1. tTepiiretl by the 1'ottkb
Ulilill AND ClIKHR'AI, tOHl'OKATlON, liOhtOU
( erSend r "II w to Cure Skin Olneiises"
04 i;t;es. m illustrtioi.B, iiml in ti'stintonialw.
niMPLKS. b!
S. oi'y skin cured bv Cuhccka moat
Hip. KUuey and Uterle 1'a.lnn and
fcwnWiiepne relieved in one
minute dv ino uungu r
antlpain f-iaster. XUe tnt and
only painlilling p'atter.
Take Off the Horns,.
The undersigned is prepared with a
portable dehorning chute and t Ols, to
remove the useles3 weapons of horned
cattle at ten centa a head. A card or
letter addressed to the undersigned at
Rock Bluffs, Neb., will be promptly
t answered w4t 8, L. Jcblohg.
O file 3
'a-.i ".
v. :.L,i)J-y.
bus rc-iisno
d Lis
ud will wove iu a few days to St.
twn (rims
. .1 lntnli in lirt H-iTT flnrf ourrfll I . ... . i . ; 1 . 1 .... .1 ,.,irlflrii !
Thia irntatea Major iwmesiuc wuu ; i .. I and humor remedies of Bnr..n.r.. !
( mi Kkhoi.aknt. the ntw PSS Ma sk n
1 " . . . I I t T C,;l -n'o 1 .n n .1 ran uwnvl mirllifT ililt lllnllV (to CleilSc .1.1 IVUU .''I
worK. Altera IlUSlV cuusunauvu i" I ir.iuuniien ana poitmmus Kirniriiini. miiii.'
i I rnil,.l, rnitroDiii orrlrra for I ana all
ueucim i uisjmoiic &n..uv i
the cavalrymen who were an uibuwu. I losranily rel'eve and sjeMlvtur every upec-
and formed in almost a square about more rious. ." Ur? um'.H
twenty-five paces back, to close : . in. The Elmwood Echo says Wm. Dallas of
i iiey bu uuu Luvn. i i of tuat place is going in larniciMii it"
twenty feet of the Indiana now in tneir thfl Qew county attorney, II. D. Travi
center. When this was done a Uetacu- SucCLsa to tne new f rm
ment of cavalrymen afoot was sent to
search the tepees.
About sixty guns were found, but
nrliiln thil work W&9 CTOiniT OU the
warriors held an incantation pow wow.
The tepees having been gono through,
an order waa given to search the war-
. V A. i. milklA T0OQ'
riora. All inougni 01 auj "
evidently wholly out of mind with the
About a dozen of the warriors had
been searched, when, like a flash, all th
re6t of them jerked guna from under
their blankets and began pouring bulleis
into the ranks of the soldiers, who, a few
minutes before, had moved up within
almost gun length. Those Indians who
had no guns rushed on the soldiers with
tomahawk in one band and scalping
knife in the other. It was a frightful
With General Forsythe and Major
Whiteside, I stood, when the firing start
ed, with'n touchipg distance of the
treacherous devils. The only thing tbat
saved us from death was that the Indians
had their backs turned to us when they
began firing,
Their first volley waa almost as one
man so that thev must have hred a
hundred shots before the soldiers fired
But how they were slaughtered after
their first volley 1
Some, however, succeeded in getting
through the lines and away to the hills
to the southwest. . The firing lasted half
an hour and even as I write these words
I hear that Ilotchkiss is pouring shots
iuto the gullys to the north, where a few
of the reds have taken refuge.
The li&t of killed and wounded sol
dier?, so .fur as wc cau now abCJitiiiu, is
as follows:
( ; APTAlX WALLACE, coiiiniandcr ot
II troop.
Ca.ifi's. none I HtC
Legal Notice.
1 M. Uolm'-s. deceased.
Notice i Mreby Riven that in purBuanre or
an order of Hon. Samuel M. Chapman. Jud(
t.l the District Court ol ' county. Nebraska
on the Hli day of NovembT. I8u for the !
of the real enlate hereinafter dei-cribed. ttier
willbeaoliat ihe front door of l he old court
houHclu nattcmouth, Nebraska, on the loiU
day of January. A I. 1891 . -tone o'clock p.
in of said dav ht public vendue to thehlgheit
b dder lor cash too following! describe retU.
estate to w t : The north wet vuarterdof the
northeast quarter and the the north half I the
north wect :iuarier ; ann lounr
acre-. oil the north Hide of
. . . u nff a nAn Ifb
ack-hcads. red. rough, chapped j west quarter. n-.'rr.?.11;? .'LS.'lh'SSS
1 .... nrlli-ost fill!irlT ftllll fOUr
T lIUllI LV I V ' ' " v ' u . - - . --
. t h.u..f..nrlli. tfru tiff ftl tlin HOrtlV
side of the sout.n-west quarter of the orin
wet quarter ol Section 1. town 11. ranice 1.
fan couuty. Nebraska, baid sale will remai
open one hour.
otepheu a. lavis, adtnlniHtrator of the es
tate of Charles M. Holmes, deceased.
Kkkbom A Koot. Att y.
Dated December 17. 1890 3-3t
. - CouaafUta.
Ballard Ilopeliouad Byrmpi . '
Ma ainelUeshai played sack aad ! wttk
ulraKkttH .t-althily. tu early .jmpto.i ar. u-
c"; kold that eothin, but d..U can kw
Ballard's Horehound Syrap haa raaevad She ri
tt win nac x m pTn -- -
". T. r ..f Tr. In aaathinr
Do net put it off saol we late.
ttaie It wia gi ui
i tad haaUu virta.
For Sale by F. G. Fricke & C.
Whooping cough, croup, sore throat.
sudden colds, and lung troubles peculiar
to children are easily controlled by
promptly adrairiistciing Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. This remedy is safs to taKe
certain in its action and adapted to all
, constitutions.
Legal Notice.
Charles I. West, defendant will take nottee;
that on the 15th day of oeceinur is:w.
WHcox. plaintiff herln filed his petition In tl court of Caw unty Nebranka. aitainsj
said defendant the object and prayer oj
which are to quiet tne tine me rwv '
of the southeast quarter and the northwest
quarter of the soutbeant quarter of eectloia
fourteen (14). tass county Nebraska. In plain
tin and lo exciuae saiu uiwbii
onsc'.alniDC by. tbroufh or under blm from,
aid land or any Interest therein, and for equit
able relief. . . ...,.,
You are reqiurea to answer naiu pcvimuu
Monday, the 2Cth day of January. 1891.
Clash Wiwox, rialntlff.
By his attorneys. Beeton X; Uoot. 3J-4t .
Lesral Notice.
JL Nebraska.
The abore named defendants and each ot
them will take notice that on IDec. U. 18.00, the
Kbove named plaintiff coiumenced an actnoa
in the district court of C . count y. Nebraska
the object and prayer of which was to foreves
quiet the title lu plaintiff to th northeast quar
ter of section seventeen (.17). township ten (10),
north of: range nine (9). east, iu said county
a airaiuBt lUe clouds upon plaintiff title neI4
by the several defeedants. Vou are retiuire
to answer said petit ion on or before the 2nd
day of February 1691, or judgment will be
received in favor of plaintiff as prayed for la.
aiduetilioii. OEOR-iit. ijuah i .
W. L. Brown Attorney.
ti-v iZt ib. Waw wu
ft. f
) .1
an oi-Linu:.aUu corioiJr. -
boys vt tLU city, ha'v- gone to considcra
. bio trouble and expen?? to get n; a great
cUr-n'T N?7 Yea;-- '""y, th;'y now
invite every boy in tLo city under seven
teen years of age, rich or poor, and espe
cially the poor, to tike dmiiU' with lUm
at the Y. M. C. A. liooms, over Bennett's
store, o:i Jfttiuary 1st.
Kindly disposed ladies who are not
otherwise engaged would confer a favor
by calling at the rooms and assisting at
the tables. Those who desire to assist
;any way, especially by donations of
"eftables, will be thankfully remembered.
fio:-cv..-v5 iriclivid '
fiT):i Peru, wh'.!re' a'no is attn;
;.,: : "! l:o;K'..ijS vt hoiwc.
J !?. Cati.ov rr.t:i:ncd t
'ir.? school
County Court.
License to wed issued to Mr. Elmer G.
"Wright of Yuba California and Hits
Millie D. Thompson of Plattsmouth.
O. P. Smith & Co. vs. Martin Mc
Guire. Default of defendant entered
and judgment for plaintiff for 517.40.
Byron Clark for plaintiff.
AVilliam Claua ys. C. M. Applcgarth.
Suit on account. Settled and dismissed.
License to wed issued to Ih. John Bil-
eon and Miss Mary ilutson LoLu of riutto
mouth. "
License to wed Hsi-d to Mr. Charles
0, Baldwin and Miss Dora Hridca both
of Elmwood.
Mike Cavey and C. S. Allen have op
plied for a permit to sell liquors in the
Tillage of Elmwood.
Several Odd Fellows will g toLouis
yille tomoraow night, to organize a new
lodge for the citizens of that place.
The Herald job rooms turned out
some of the handsomest programs for
the K. of P.ball today ever printed in
this city.
jjr.i t county where he has teeu visiuug l'fi
ali res and viewing tuc- couatiy.
A ciirab-jr of young folks went tu Rock
Creek Christmas eve. to take in the sights
ol tin' CLn-.-trias trco giyen at t:i'-:r
Tiilie Gspen closed our echool
Vednesday evening imtii Monday morn
ing to epend Christmas with her friends
at home.
Charles Jeff era of Nantasket Buffalo
county, but formerly of this place, is vis
iting his sisters and old friends in this
Mus Cora, daughter of S. M. Dayis,
has returned from Shenandoah Iowa,
where she is attending school, to spend
vacation at harae among her young
R. Morrow is diligently hunting a post
master: he' has a nice residence with a
good house, barn and other accessary im-
n-rtvomrr!? tn rpnt lo anv r.crsou wuu
will locate here aud keep the post ofiice.
Rev. J. A. Davis was very much eur-
r,Ti:2(l or. Christmas niorrnn r wnn go
hi" inro iiL bum to find old Santa Claus
?. , . ... f T i .' r .if1 T, -.'ri ti ;nhi
V - T . . - - ,
k-j.r, not 1 jaraed who the santa claus is.
Mr. vivl Mrs. R. Morrow give a party
.it their home on Cbii-tmas night in hon
or of their ducst daughter's birthday.
Over thirty of their young friends were
in attendance. They spent the night in
nleasant social amusement until late in
the morning when they returned home,
til happy and well satisfied it is the
pleasantcst party of the season. They
will long remember the kindness and
generosity of their host and hostess and
wish Miss Morrow's birthday would cooie
oftener than once a year. Pakst.
Pktv.vt.: FitAKK LHWir., B troo;.
tf. 1'. s. -.( ;', K trocp.
CoiU'OKAii Llstiox, K troop.
Li ztv.z;t.t G..r.i. :;c. ton.
IxTEF.rr.ETSit P. r. "Wells.
TKUMrETEit James . Caoedensox
Sergeant Camell.
Puivate Zetteh, A troop,
Sergeakt Dyer Hoduncan.
Geore Elliot, K troop.
Sergeant Ward, B troop.
Sergeant LIotchkiss, JSL trop (mor
tally). Hipp A. Cook, I troop.
Private Adams, K. troop.
Corporal Newell, B troop.
Thi3 is only a partial list. There ere
about a dozen more. One is reported t
have been seen lying as if dead, but no
mora cHIccrs are killed, while twenty-
fiyc or more tira wounded. Many of the
w'janded will die.
Captain Wallace was tomahawked
squarely in the forehead.
Lieutenant Kinzie received but a
slight wound in the cord of his ankle.
At Pine Ridge.
Pine Ridge, S. D. When the news of
the fight and its result reached the agen
cy, pandemonium broke loose amongst
the 5,000 Indians gathered there and a
large number of these broke away.
Loyal friendly Indians, including Red
Cloud, joined the army forces under
General Brooke and took their Uations
behind our ramparts.
n n vl
fii KtJ
.i A r.
The- only r-.'Iiublc meaicin.: tor swine-.
Uieu Mi'ccja.siaily lor iouciesu 5 cms
Prevents eisease,
Arrests Disease, slops Cousn,
Hastens Maturity.
Destroys Worms,
increase? trie F!?sri.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Prices; 2olb cans, $12.50. $2.5
$ 1.23 and 50c per package. The larges
are the cheapest, Write ror testimonial
'Hogolouy," a G4 -page pamphlet on
swine will be mailed for a 2-cent stamps
Orders by mail receive prompt attention.
JOS. HAAS, fndianapol's
1 . r
Ts 5 'if" ""IT
down at
and Syrup.
Liw prices quoted on large r small lots
a 1
OS :rs
Adirondack Mai)Ie SiigarCo
12U0 Monroelt., Chicago, 111.
Wsstern Agents.
TXT"ho rreii can Tauv Overcoats, 2;
Moa Sotc and Ckilrrsn. Sa.fs.ct aaytliias
v7ors "by inanliisid, yooa. wiX
reels prices at tb.o old roliablo
1 . v4 .
XTe&ls4 caasti raaok Iaaaalty.
Tha hiiaast wiedicil authoriti of Earopo and
America hr rotly docidd thai a larga Pont
an of cams of tBianitjr is causaa by tko axcrauaUas
oio ol of lU head and taoa. If aay ta-
bar of rt fami ufler this toraaoior, indaca them
to try Ballard's Snow Untaieat. waa rpucma
vtUaSootfiaaiaadlata rUf and fo witt aooa fc ,nd
mi m auami aad lonaeatiaf duaaaa. BaUafd's
Saw Uwl is Oio ataat paBr Uataaaat
koova. Ii MUiTaly nm Rhavmatiaa.Xaaa Back
CwMlMHBKh. Old Sana, Con. Baaioaa, otc.
Il iwiwiu aad ap tho poraa. drawiaf all
ailiiam amaar a aha aorfaca, raaaanna; aad pra.
& aaaU cfaUliM of U Mo4 akmfh tkm
' : ft.
The One Priee Clothier,