1 "If pop had blanketed you in the stable you would be fat, too." FREE Oct from your dealer free, the fa Book. It has handsome pictures and Taluahlo information about horses. Two or tliree dollars for a 5a llorsa Blanket will make your horse worth mora and eat less to keep warm. JUk for 5A Five Mile 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 80 other styles at prices to suit erery lody. If you can't get them from your tfialex write us. 0 R LAHKETi AHE THE STRONGEST. IC GENUINE WITHOUTTHE BA LABEL KuT1 by Wk. Atkcb & Sos. Phllada., who i loo famous uorse Uraad Baker Blanket Grace Cnuiicn in New York City is laying ft door put into the edifice which costs $4,000, a sum of money large enough to build a tine church in this country. James R. Garfield, son of the late President Garfield, was married today to Kiss Relen Newell, daughter of John Jfewell, president of the Lake Shore A Michigan Southern Railroad. Acconmjio to me world Herald spe cies of logic, since its editor has shown limself such a warm friend and admirer cf Sitting Bull, he must at the same time lave exulted in the massacre of Custer and be a friend of villains generally. Thk Herald, this morning recieved a three column letter for publication, written by L. D. Richards, in which he cores Edward Rosewater in a way that will be felt by that galvanized American. The letter will be published simultan eously throughout the state. As it is loo long for publication in full, we will lake copious extracts from it tomorrow. Tins World-Herald is opposed to postal savings banks, because Post Master General Wanamaker is the friend of Mather Quay, and Me thew Quay is the friend of a Pennsylvania banker, wlic recently failed under circumstances which n. fleet on the ranker's integrity. Peculiar loic, yet a fair sample of what the donl)le-fiiC"cl Omaha origin exhibits n its editorial pacrc every day. Tim inmiiicu" bad muci to suy lifter G:-K-i:d Ilanisuii; c:l the nri'i rc::ijv.:0 oi the avtior.-. ol always loudly cxulu: for thy Us,-: i Vci. tratious ali.iv.-s is. at 1 Bioio imu", ..is r..u.Lr under J.I u-. Ito:;. To j ean't bu La,'L j.st, Lhi.y way. aemocr.uv: pre is hr out Assistant Pet A RARE NEW YEAf-v,' - Wre-fiNC. Among greetings fur the new year the heartiest and happiest come from the January number of tho Ladies Home Journal, Oliver Wendell IIolmc, Geo. William Curtis, James Whitcomb Riley, George W. Childs, and Will Carleton join with Henry M. Stanley, John Wan amaker, Ruthford li. llnyen, Joseph Jefferson, Ltwreiue Barrett, Dr. Tal inage, Bishop Newman and many otlr well known, men, to weave for the women of America a garland of good wishes of 1891. It is a perfect treasury of kindly worda and bright thoughts, and every woman should read what theso great men wish for her. If this number is a fair index the present volume of the Journal will be an espc eitlly rich one. Besides the opening chapter of Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney's new serial, "A Gulden Gossip," there is the second part of Sarah Orne Jewett's Christmas story, and the conclusion ef Anne Sheldon Combs' "Pasquale." Mtne. Albani-Gye affords us a charming glimpse of Queen Victoria as a guest and friend in her article "Queen Victo ria at My Tea Table"; Julian Hawthorne contributes a clever description of our sea-cot in winter. "Pretty Things for the Table," beautifully illustrated, tells and shows how to drebs a table prettily, and the novelties which arc used; while Charles U. Stein way tells ho v to care for a piano. A clover series of portraits and articles "Unknown Wives of Well known Men" is begun with Mrs. Thos. A. Edison, who is certainly a remarkably pretty woman Gen. Lew Wallace, llez ekiah Buttcrworth and Robert J. Bur- Rosewater bus probably suffered enough for his treachery to Richards and the republican ticket, as it i. very clear that ho will never again be allowed to take an active part in republican poli tics. You will not see him on the com mittee on resolutions in the next state convention, while his paper is nowhere respected as a republicm sheet. The opportunity for printing the leading re publican daily west of Chicago has been spurned and Nobraskans must look to the State Journul us thu leading repub lican paper of the stnte, and give it the hearty support, which its course as au ably edited republican journal so well deseryes. From Mondays Daily It Has Caught On. The officer had interfered and broken jp a row among a lot of boys in Essex-st, and he then call ed to one hikI Shid: "Now, then, tell me whit this ruction was about." "YV.ll, replied the boy, "me and Wounded Kuee were coming along here. and wo met Msn Afraid of His Horse lie struck us for ten cents. Just tntn Msn on a Buffalo came up and give us - ,'What on earth do you mean?" inter rupted the officer. "And thtu Mud on Hi3 Back, Man Who Talks, and Fire on a Hill cum along and put in their gab, and " 'Who arc all these boys?" demanded the officer in great astonishment, "And the first thing I knew, Walk Down a Hill he bawled off and hit White Crow on de Chiu, and den Little Ante lope he guy it to Bear in the Night on the religion was indeed wonderful. ner lifo grew stronger as the outer eve. and we was retreating to the Rose- dette make the boys' page very attrac- bud h J0U cum up and 8kcert the life out of every Sioux and Cheyenne in the tive. Kate Tannatt Woods, Junius Henri Browne, Elizabeth R. Scovil and Lucy C. Lillie are among others whose good things appear on a particularly tempting bill of fare. Issued at one dollar a year by the Curtis Publishing Company, 435 Arch street, Philadelphia. pack. It's all over now, and me n LLorse Who Limps and Sore on His Nose is go ing np to Pine Ridge Agency to train for a wrestling match." (Detroit Free Press. This most beautiful frontispiece ever produced in an American magazine. A Pleasant Party, Last Saturday evening Miss Mollie Ballance entertained a large number of appears in the January number of the I uer friends at her home on the corner of Cosmopolitan. It is a reproduction in j Rock ana sixth streets. After many colors of Francois Flamcng's famous j pieasant games were enjoyed by all. a picture, "The Cake Seller," and can I delicious repast was served by the scarcely be distinguised from the im- j hostess. Those present were Mollie Bal- ported photogravure which is exhibited i4nce u08e HTers Jennie and Lottie in the dealers windows, at the price of J Cooper, Edith and Edna Shipman, Sue a copy. It is one of the most charm I Mathews, Anna Sullivan, Minnie White, ing of subjects, and is well worth J Aiice Peterson, Nettie Waybright, Mar framing and preservation. The Coeino j ret Davis. Bessie Geiger, Clara Green, politan has become noted of late for its Reu Elson. Susie Hutchison, Lulu frontispieces and this very much excels J Smith, France Ballance, Joseph Knotts. its previous efforts. I ej Ballance. Frank White, Henry Snyder, The Cosmopolitan ran up from a venjell Foster, Luke Wiles, Harry 16,000 edition at the close of 18S8, to J Miller, Oliver Young, Ralph White, Tom 100,000 copies December, 1890. This re-j chapman, Claude Butler and Bjron niarkable increase has kept pace with the I Elson. The company broke up about change in the character of the names I eleven o'clock and all went home with which appeared upon its table of con f nleasant remembrances of a delightful tents. Among those for January are Mrs. Van Rensselaer Cruger, Frank Dempster Sherman, Henry George, Wm. U. Rideing, Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen. Edward Everett ILde, Gertrude Franklin Atherton, Murat llalstead, John J. a'Becket, Col. Charles W. Lnrned, F. O. C. park-y (-Kthiuriu-.:?), Eliz-Jxch Bh- land, probably as strong a collection f names us ever appeared iu rajTiiUiubcr of an u:irrrr,.TM niw.z'na in vn;. c:i:r.lr The rrnibcv contains tho f?rrt tw &rt3 cf 3us. Vaa lliiasulau' Cruder now neve!, .VMomo'.SJll lic??un. pro evening. Contesting Boyd's Citizenship. The Omaha papers of yesterday say that a supplementary notice of contrst has. been served on Governor elect Bivd. It i? signed by John II. Powers, the in- i. v.. ...v.i,;- .- -.-- f.p.l rr -"ire-: That under the cotstiruiioc ami iaws oi' tin? Stale of Nebraska, you were nor eiiuie u wie o!l!CJ of ?vei ruv oi tiie s-tale ol -e!-ra':Ai a. ti.e litae ... ;!!.! : !:!.'. 'T rrr von now elisIMe ; t?n? on t he contrary, yuu are ?:;;-ii-'y ;vv:'ea i-'.a i.wa in lice liurlea ol tUa: o.iice, -(.ii.i!-- auio you : '.l CJiMVr, , Y-. i iio i. of Vi: t'i -i jvclatia iiocralic uofc bail t;... . a ..: v v. v. li j i! !cd i.r.ad. fn'innf?i', v, j;!i of the r.vcr.-:--ii: ioi'XMtinc ;r.c!. The Fairbury Democrat changes its ttnia to the Libcrr.tcr at the opfning of the new year. It docs this because the Id name indicates adho.ion to the dem cratic party, which the the publishers mphatically disclaim. The editor says: "As the democratic party of the nation Is in the clutches of Wall street money kings and powerful monopolists; aj the same party in thi3 state is throttled by a combination of whiskey dealers and railroad cappers, this edi tor has determined to withdraw from all semblance of connection with them and change tho uaoie of his paper. State Journal. .w.ni.iO'!;.' U'.'l'-lt-lj.'Jvl Will "jt mv of tbs olfensivoiiess ruilk-.: The i; ::;: rri;.- 'ill-- a vi;;t U thP'.: ?:' PaUcc in London. A most interciting pipor by F. O. C. Durlejr, with his own illustration?, is also given. a'Bcckct's clcyer story, Don Grncias, is illustrated in a novel manner, the well-known actor?, Sothcrn and Miss Hnrncd, having con sented to pose for the situations of the novel, the results being reproduced in photogravure. :i.i),-r, U jX fno nr.ti.-e r?-?its; 'A lie: is Tl -.'.ill Lj t.'.,t tho tnnify'cr a! t and before E. E. state exchange, li. j. . Jo::;-'-'". ;:t;, L'r.ctjln, begiu- ), .t y o c.oc:: :,. i:.i. huuias at the roal cw York Life buiM A Review. Rev. Reid, at tho Christian church yesterday, presented a "Review of the Year." By request we give tho extract concerning the deal lis in that church OL'K DKAD. Hero we tread on holy ground, but we would not disturb their rest would only note here and there a patre of mourning in tho book of the year only a vacancy in our numbers and in our family circle write au "Epitaph, Fullm on Zion'a B.ittle Field" and fill ui the roads fur other conflicts. Though ueaa, tuey each speuU to us living lessons. The first to the summons was Grandma Todd full of years and good works. Early m the year she went to rest. rne was tne oldest ot our numbers, a charter member, and a servant of God Long before this city was born Grandma Todd knew why she believed. Her knowledge of God's word and of Christ's Her in- grfw weaker, tiut our mother in Israel re ceived ner discharge 18!)0. Her pew in this church she left for some one else. Her sun sank behind the bills after a long, useful day she sleeps iu Jesus Messed sleep irom which none ever wakes to weep, From age to youth. Death next did leap, Frank Bates was one of our boys his name was on our Sunday School ng ister he -whs just reaching a period of usefulness had reached tho age where he was not so much a care to his parents, but rather ready to care for them. No thunder crash from the clear sky could equal the shock that struck the father and mother, and -indeed the whole com munity, when it was announced Frank Bates had dropped dead. But 1890 claimed him and his sun went down in the morning. Frank was a good boy, well raised. His asociates say his habits were good and he was loved by all. I was called to preach tho funeral of Mr. Perry. He was not well known to many in this church, but was loved and respected by those who knew him. ne was a man in his prime and strength, but in the conflict with the grim monster he had to surrender bis plans and pur poses were cut short iu the noon of life a warning to all that death may come when we little expect it. The next to be called was the mother from her home and her children. It seems hard to find any place in life where we can spare our lved ones, but hardest to tear the mother from the arms of helpless children. Sister Orin C. Smith was well known to all the older members of this church, and being the I CUTlilCS it r .i -u i 1 1 i . I 1 moiner ui our cuuuren uere, we ail ieii we loved her. She had her familv cares ind frail health, which preyeuted her in later years from often attending church T A. 1 . - . kui ner neart was uere ner laitn was Jinn and precious. Shu rests from her labors, and her works follow her. We me glaa r.cr t.nruly are loilowmg her exatiipl and are preparing to meet her. The last of our im;ibers was Sister .w..i: .as iia-r novers cf spring begun to wither. Sister Matie irun ro trow pi.j.?, aiiii. v.:. en ;ne leave? ye re i.u'iur. stie nil too (IF YOU SHOULD TfiWEL OER THE WORLD A5 FAR AS YOU COULD CO, A BETTER 50AP TfjAINl SANTA CLAUS YOUD NEVER CJEX TO KNOW &Co. ILL W. iL. 130KC1 GO. II o O o w o ffl ICJID you say that you did not know what to get your sweet heart, Father, mother, wife,husband sister, brother, aunt, uncle or friend for a Christmas or New Years Pres ent. Well I can tell you, nothing wtll please them more than a nice pair of shoes or slippers. It will make their heart delight; and we have just received a large invoice "SPECIAL," for the holiday trade and shall sell them at unusual LOW PRICES. o M O & O o W. IL. BOEClx CO. THE HAS BONNEB STABLES. W. D. JONES, Proprietor. THK FINEST RIGS IN THE CITY for Pleasure and Short Drives Always Kept Keady. ' Cor. 4th and Vine riattemouth, Nebraska vv li! i 1 T 1 . .. i' - Tl . . 1 . , I' -"'-'j o.i ii.a.uo urn tutu corr:jneic line oi pure DRUGS, M.EDSCIFJES. PAINTS. & OILS. A) a 1 V IK b IS Jl h b Dill LS. T was rig Dc umon :? irl'i a youiifr laay a;: ions i ) v. r.i Secretary W indom thinks that with three little fttrtenc'.ment3 the proposition f Scaatcr Stanford and the ftllianc peo ple for kf'.nin; tin money of th-r rr.'m ment ut 1 or 2 p-:r cent to farmers r.ouUT be pjencr.lly accfpttd. Oao amenduient he proposes ;s To lan it c ull kiiid? i-a property, us auo citizen heeled with pro perty. i3 as cod &3 another before the law. The socoad amendment is that if a man has braini and no preperry he should be loaned money on his brains. The other amendment is that if a man h3 neither brains or property and needs a loan worse if anything than all the other sorts of men, he should have a chance to borrew the money of the government on hi9 title a an American citizen. Thi would equalise tho thing tad sake it fair all arand. The newspapers of the state haye been full of opinions as to who would be governor, on tho generally accepted the ory that Boyd was ineligible. If Boyd is ineligible as a-candidnte, it seems to us he would not bo in the race at all; the votes which he recti red would not be considered any more than if they had been cast for Queen Victoria or some other alien. Hence the fk;ht would simply be between Mc?sr3. Richards and Power?, the only eligible candidates be fore the people. Tho one of these g-?titlc-ri:.n r;i. received it") nrr-z votes shov.ld therefore 13 nr.de governer. Accordirg ts our way of thinking,-Boyd i-'ni: in it. The legislature however is the power that declares the choioe of the people, and from present irdications Mr. Boyd will be counted in as governor; whether rightfully or not is another qucktion. iag, Omaha, December 20, beginaieg on December '.29, at 10 o'clock. "Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious" by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Thitjwonderful medicine so invigorates the system and enriches the blood that cold weather becomes positively enjoyaWJ Artie explorers would do well to make a note of thu. "3l2rr y Christmas" is the burden of thousands of letters this week, that to the tired post masters all ever, the country is better termed "We3ry Christ mas." F. SI, Young jr. gave an oyster supper at his residence Friday evening, south of town, where sixty-flve guests were cared for and entertained in a hospitable manner. Clif Shepherd undertook to board a fast moving freight train Saturday in order to catch a ride up into the stock yards, and was thrown violently to the ground. ITo bones were fractured but a very painful injury to Iv.z kurj was sus tained' which will keep him indoors fcr several days. Mr. and I-Irs. David Young, living sis nM'V c.nith of the citr, crtert-ibjed a lirrr,. number cf friends and relu'.ivci f J5 last Sunday. At 2 p. m. the company of some forty guest3 were invited to the dining room where a most inviting feast was spread that contained everything in the way of eatables that the appetite could wish. After the dinner hour was over, the balance of the evening was spent in a most enjoyable manner in chat ting until late in the day when all dis persed for their homes feeling well re paid for their visit with Mr. and Un. Toug. n iv.'.h.i: IV. i iirt C'V ii "Li'.'O iilU ', . '.te Vi.v.i-i.- v. l ie zbjis. She L. :;.. vei . v e ri-'rhr mcninj naivs of lhi;0. De of persons. cur Jul; nr. v '::". Sh- ,' r.:.d ,,;u ,1, . UilJj I i ! i L an:: -J 1 Oil f K ( I f ' I uh b. i ;U oh! I ll. 1; : cn en or FOR DYSPEPSIA, Ayer's Sas'sapaiiHa Is an effective remedy, as numerous testimo nials conclusively prove. "For two years I was a, constant suflerer from dyspepsia and liver complaint. I doctored a long lime ana the medicines prescribed, in nearly every case, ouly aggravated Uie disease. An apothecary advised me to use Ayer'3 Sarsaparilla. I did so, and was cured at a cost of $5. Since that time It has been my family medicine, and sickness has tC'.-omo a strangrr to onr household. I bciievc ii, to be Uie be3t medicine on earth." P. F. McNulty, Ha.kiiiaD,i23 Summer at, Lowell, Mass. RESTORERS it J ,, r -. rs F. Co., u rnciie aic tne uiny rarcies fceJimg our Alasta Crystal prilliaut Combination ecttezeEe Ayer's SarsaparSHa Is a certain cure, when the complaint oriei-n-.tc.i in i:ii:-ovvri.-'.-.i MoovL '"I waa a f-vc'f crf.Vrer "i-.i .v Ivv ecu lion oi' the Mood avA s"!i-r.l (JeViiy. beceniing Cnnliy, i .'.act. 1 tii.;5 1 v;;.; x,i,'z n.r ve;:. iuih ir.g: thr-t I old lor the coxj!il:ini helped nw so much us Ayi. rs K.trs'ipurilla, a lew hollies --f v'lic-h rcsi.ii'e.i rie heallii .and strenrth. 1 f j'-:e c ."; i y v ci ' ;::.i:y to re.:uiu:;ivau tbij l.is.hein i;s s;i:v:.i' c.v cs." C. t'.ioli, 11 U. Jlain s:., Clul-kvilie, Olilo. Ajid all disorders orlginatim; in impurity of the blood, ?uch as boils, carbuncles, pimples, blotches, salt-rheum, scald-head, scrofulous sores, and the iike. take only Ayer's Sarsaparilla PP.IPAKED BT DE. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Mm. Prloe $1 ; six bottle, 5. Werth $5 boUU. AND EYE-GLA AT ?iftT.T6M0UTft, These Lenses are for sunenor to any others sold in trie city, rossvssmg a natural u-ansparency and strength ening qualities v.diich will preserve the iUIIiij- e'csiIit. Leave your orders with the HERALD for JOB WORK your s 1