Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, November 27, 1890, Image 1

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    ifin a i
.a T
V '.V V
cass ."oi;
$l.i10 A V HAH
The Leading ONE
Asks The Public
To Call on him and Examine his
and. TflTxater' ClotSaisig.
Hats Cans,
JOE will show you the
county and for less money
by his competitors.!
The Largest Line of
Ever Shown in This cm.
Our Plush Sacques are made up of the
rery best plushes and the Loops of the
eal skin. The prices are lower than
ever and we are showing extraordinary
Talues at $20, $25, $30, $35, $37.50, $40
f Ladies plush walking sacques at $15,
$29, $25; $35 and $45. In soma of these
qualities we -are showing the NEW
The latest novelties and at way down
figures Fall lBC - Misses and Chil
One Boor east of First
PRICE Clothier
Large and Complete Stock of
Satchels and
largest and finbst stockin thee
than inferior goods are sold
dren's New Markets, Cloaks, and Jackets
cheaper than ever.
Muffs in CoDey Silver Hare Oppos
urn Racoon Immitation Seal Wool
Seal Astraean Lynx Beaver Mon
key Ladies and Misses Capet in Coney
Tiger Hare Astracan Immitation and
Wool Seals.
And a full line of Dry
Goods, Notions, Etc.
National Bank.
! I 1 ! I V
x ill
') i'vi,'V' Court
A i 1 .
p;.'vl:: juuilant.
The Court House Bond Contest Case
Deciciutt by the Supreme Court
in F.ivor or Plattsmouth.
The proposition to bond Cass county
in the Miiii of :SU,O0!J was submitted to
a vote in June, IX8'.I, mid on a total vote
of nearly 0.000 wus curried by a majori
ty of 203.
L. O. Todd and others nt once brought
an action in the District Court contest
ing the election on the ground of fraud
ulent voting here and sought to have
the vote of Plattsmnuth thrown out.
Judge Broady was brought here and
tried the case, with which ll are more
or lees familiar, deciding that our vote
was bad on account of irregularities and
fraud. The case was then appealed to
the Supreme Court, where it has been
ending for scvcial months until yester- ?
day, when Justie Maxwell, with the?
unanimous consent of the coin t, reversed j
the decision of Judg'.; Broady, and dis
missal the i.-ii.'e. The fillowiia; is the
sylahus of the opinion:
1 lii order to e.-tabli-h the fact thut
illcgsd votes were: cast at an election in a '
sieeiiw-il vntinc mi t.ronf must h; '
ol'i'ert-d by one i.r more v.itm-t.-i s having
aetual knowledge of such fact that per
sons who vel''i)..r legal Voters did act
ually Vot-J at r-Ufll ion, ::5ld HlCil
wilmss or vitnessit r.nt des-ignatc t-ueh ;
illegal vok'rs. VS litre the proof merely
tends to thow that th ' witnesses do not j
know all thf; legal voters in the precinct, j
and therefore fail.- to designate certain
voters as illegal, it is insutlieii nt to au
thorize the n ie::tioa of such votes as il-
In conte.-t!ng nn election in court
die allegations of the petition and proof
must correspond. In other words, the
plaintiff must set fortli in his petition
the narucs of the pvis''iis wliosu votes are
claimed to be illegal in order that issue
may be taken thtnou. If fiich tames
are unknown at the time of bringing the
action the contestant nlttrwards should
obtain permission of court to amend his
petition, giving a list of the names of
voters claimcel to be illegal, and it is the
duty of the court to designate from the
evidence the particular persons who have
yoted unlawfully.
3. Where ballots have been cast in
the mode provided by law, the presump
tion cannct be overtunud by vague, in
definite and uncertain testimony.
In its opinion the court says further:
'If the proof in this case was held
sufficiet to ar nul the election it would be
possible on vague, indefinite charges to
annul any election held in the state.
This cannot be permitted. Elections
can only be annulled for sufficientcauses
which are open and apparent to all and
susceptible to all of specific proof. The
judge in the case at bar confesses that ho
does not know from the evidence what
illegal votes were cast. It was his duty,
however, to have found what particular
persons, if any, voted illegally, specify
ing the names, based upon the testimony.
Upon the whole case it is apparent that
the proof is not sufficient to warrant the
judgment annulling the election."
UnPaid Taxes.
The county commissioners have had
Divid Miller Esq. employed on the rec
ords looking up the state taxes on per
sonalty that have not been collected from
1830 up to and including 18S7. The in
tentien of the commissioners is to have
the state give us credit for the amount
which is due the state and which it is
unfair for us to advance or haye stand
ing against us. The investigation snows
that there is quite a large amount of
money lost to the c -unty in these worth
less accounts as the table below shows
only the state taxes; the yaluations how
ever are given that the amount of tax
shirking that has been done can be seen:
Valuation. State Tax.
1SS0 576.225 SS04 90
1SSI 41 4G7 2C9 73
1882 31,721 202 32
18S3 61,631 493 01
1S84 52.084 416 67
1885 65,448 597 47
1&6 81,996 735 90
18S7 78,782 670 76
Making a total on valuations of $ 491,-
383 and a credit to the county on state
tax in the sum of $3,680.89.
The Equitable Life Insurance compa
ny of New York is going to erect a mil
lion dollar building in Omaha.
Carry tho News toBi oady
Cui v i! .- i,(ms both f.!r;iinl m ar,
T' ll) li- i;- (,-is (l:u-l:teic :
A- we lii-ar tin- moai s that i mv iiound
I'l.iin tin; wiiilii'rf Wfetii-ijj Water.
The IhuhIs w t-i e roiifetMeil by a man ;
His liai;:e is I.. (. 1 (.ln,
V.'Iki li:it!i n;il beallli and of v.e kltll,
'1 Ixiiiuli :i Mn'iT to bis Cixl .
He cliewt'il bis ' i i n i ;iral niiook bis liair
.Mist like a blliy gimt ;
lie t-w ere t lie bond were all a fraud
Causfil by tlie iJao vote.
J'ollanl, SbebJon. Keed and Kace,
With Kusto, all eried fraud :
While les-cr lilits ealled for their right.
And aid L. ;. aiilaud.
Tliey Mad employed one of their men--Ti
e Weepirg Water bully :
Vho doth poness the l)aj;i type,
His name is E. II. Vo,lev.
He, as leader of the defunct league,
For laurels did anpire :
And every witness that was called ;
He claimed was a boundless liar.
For many days the contest raeil.
They called In men of note :
They tried in vain to prove by them.
Who wrongfully did vote.
Judce Broady sat upon his bench,
With eyes lixed on the witness ;
With predjudiee in his heart,
Which made him doubt their fitness.
It inijjht have been a boodle case
We cannot guess the cause ;
Though it does seem, he had a dream
Of some new fancied laws.
He dirt presume that all were liars.
And with presumption did decide,
That every witness wiio was called.
Undoubtedly had lied.
With his presumptions, he presumed
To j;ive a :-tale decision :
And all he i'i honest hearts,
was silence and Ut n-aoii.
The supreme court, uiipivj .-('.l and f i ir.
Showed D'uaily was a H and ;
Ami wliilt; the tioii'iled w. iters weep.
We'll tl:e:a, heartily jipplaiel.
Siearry ihe news to Uroady aiHi'iiac,
To W ;(! V. ' " i lis: n ;:;.d 1 odd :
A:ni tell the loni; haired guai chewer,
ToteaicU and find his God.
We'll bury you in silence in Use still of night .
Neath the Weeping Water towers ;
VVii i not a bugle sound, or tear of remorse.
Except the midnight t bowers.
Tlii'teloomy toL-s. o'e- thy little burg.
Since tee hour of thy defeat.
Will chuege thy boasted luture.
To a lonely owls' retreat,
J. C. 15,
A Roaring Farce.
Twenty PhUtsniouth braves, duly dec
orated with the insignia of their rank,
boldly marched cut to Xehawka last
night to capture the cannon, which the
soulless vandals who inhabit that village
once stole from the honest, unsuspecting
yeomanry of this model city. We -have
agreed to not mention any names and
will particulnize as littl as possible.
The warlike gentleman who resides in
the Second ward, whom everybody
knows as Colonel Kroehlcr, seemed to be
one of the leaders; Fred was in good
form and thirsted for blood. One of
hi assistants Was Guy Livingston, of the
Sons of Veterans, a young man of pug
nacious qualities who also desired a taste
of conflict where the rattle of musketry
kept time to the rat, tat, tan, of the kettle
drum. The cavalcade in wagons started
for the fray and arrived at Nehawka be
fore midnight. The boys detoured, and
felt of the enemy, takiDg great qare that
they should nut be ambushed. They
finally located the cannon in a cellar,
which they invaded, .cd brought out on
the sidewalk. The town was now thor
oughly alarmed, the fire bell was rung,
shot guns were fired, and the entire pop
ulace, frantic over the invasion, rushed
into the street?. . Our brave3 seem to
haye been unable to stand the shock of
battle, and early showed that nice dis
cernment -which is so much admired in
the weaker party when they are opposed
by the strong and invincible. To make
a long story short, the boys flew to their
wagons and hurried to Plattsmeuth for
reinforcements, leaving the gun in charge
of the fearless champions, Kroehler and
Livingston. The defenders uid not last
long however, when a lank, lean, huagrv
looking Missourian told the 6ilent
watchers they could just have rive
minutes to "git." Fred began to hustlr.
It was too warm, so the two struck out
for Union, about nine miles down the
track, where they arrived footsore and
weary; they then hired a team and came
in about noon today, all having con
cluded that the cannon was dangerous
on" account of ae. and that we did aot
want it anyway.
Organ Recital.
Mr. Marshall, who is setting up tha
pipe organ for the ladles of the Presby
terian church, will have it completed this
week. The opening will taka place
Tuesday evening, Dec 2. Prof. Butler,
organist of Dean Gardner's church in
Omaha, will sing a solo in connection
with whichtbe beet talent of the city,
will appear. Everybody ia cordially
. A v
7 V
V.D A Ils1' i l
if You Can't Get Satisfied and Suited at
Its Timo to Quit and go to School
To buy Tr.-isli :it :tny JVico, lint it
That is what
f t $ h jr.
Iin'iert B'::!eil"ii r
ilcut4 E iidcrwc.-ir
" Ii i 1 tl re ! l"n e r we a i
'a rns
ISsryr :!js
vitnIi irt.-
Tin v:s re
Sioux- ZIr:tv;n-e
'arM'ii t e r 1':ils
loth-H Tjiiit'N
ISird Vns- s
Bird l;e 1
Presents suitable for everybody--I he ip lor Casliat
The police force are arranging for a
full dress bull, to be given some time be,
fore the holidays. k
For turkeys, ducks, chickens and oys
ttrs go to the City Meat Market, 414
Main i-treet. tf IIatt & Otto, Prop.
License to wed was issued ycstcnlay to
John-Edwin Uarwick, aged 28. and Miss
Lillian Evelyn White, aged 20, both of
this city.
Messrs. Holmes & llinkle, the enter
prising liverymen, have moved into
their new birn at the corner of Sixth and
Vine street?, where they will continue to
do an extensive business in their line.
Mr. David Ilawksworth is having a
lirj;e and well arranged conservatory
built for Mrs. Ilawksworth, who is the
possessor of many rare and beautiful
plants, at their pleasant home, corner of
Fifth and Vine streets.
Jim Walker says the next time Judge
Sullivan, M. li. Murphy, M. D, Polk et
al go down to Nehawka to steal a can
non he wants them to be men enough to
get it and not fool the people thnt way
any more.
S. & C. Mayer are making the most
determined i ffort of their lives this sea
son in supplying everybody in what they
need in clothing and furnishing goods.
They bought their goods at such prices
thai is bound to make it a snccess. Call
and examine their goods. tf
There will be services at the colored
Baptist church conducted by Rev. Bos
well and Rev. January of Omaha at 11
o'clock aud alo at 7.30 in the eveneng.
Rev. Boswell hopes that the colored
people who have 60 much reason to be
thankful to the Almighty formany bless
ings will turn out and render homage to
The Most High.
The P. E. O. meeting that was to meet
at Mrs. Atwooi'9 Friday is postponed to
Daccuiber 5th.
By order of President.
There will be an auction sale of the
balance of the Weckbach stock Decem
ber 10th 1S90. Everything must be sold
regardless of prices- w2t
Frisk Gcthmaw,
not pay
locs jny to buy r ,..(! guuLs cheap
you can lo :it
tut iojiery
f'lioto A I IIIII1H
Aiitsrrn(ili .VlbuniM
Kcr;ii AllxiniM
Seiioo! ilr.cM
'l'ji lr (iii'N
1 h lor JIy.-4
mm mil
Jacob Vallery jr is in Omaha today.
Geo. XV. Vss went to Omaha today on
Alf "White; n .turned home this morning
from Chicago.
Sam Brynn the Ashland flur mnn i
in town today.
Sam ShumakiT made a business trip to
Chariton, Iowa todny.
Mrs Chas 1'oediker returm-fl today
from a weeks visit with her brother at
City attorney Polk is attending to le
gal business before the supreme court at
Lincoln today.
Mrs. James Walker, of Murray, and
Mrs. Jani'.-s M. Patterson were Omaha
visitors this morning.
Mrs. Geo. W. Fairfield returned to her
Cheyenne county home this morning by
the w-ay of the Union Pacific
Mrs. J. L. Root will join her husband
in Lincoln today and will then go with
him to Beatrice where they will ppend
Thanksgiving with Mr. Reots father and
mother who are residents of that city.
Robert J. Vas-s and wife, of Hutchin
son, Kansas, are in the city visiting reJa
tivea. Mr. Vans is here at this time for
the purpose of taking treatment of Dr.
Mansfield, of Ashland for catarrh he be
ing a great sufferer frem that malady.
Deputy Sheriff Tighe and Sam Arch
er went to Lincoln today after Wm. Con
nors and John Cox. the Elmwood hog
tnieves thut have been serving a i-enteece
in the Lancaster county jail which ex
pires today.
To Nervous Debilitated Men.
If you will send us your address, we
will mail you our illustrated pamphlet
eaplaininli all about Dr. Dye's celebrated
Electro-Valtiac Belt and appliances, and
their charming i fleets upon the nervious
debilitated system, and bow they will
quickly res'are you to vitror and man
hood. Pamphlet free. If yon re that
afflicted we will send you a belt and ap
pliances on atrial.
Volthc Bar Ca. Marshall, Nich-.
Miss Grant is now prepared to ire
lessons on the piano. She can Le found
at 811 Locnt street, next door to the
Christian chnrch. dtf
Additional Local on Fourth Pag:.