Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, November 13, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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Commissioners Proceedings. I Ej Whircomb of tlio Friend Telegraph
Plait-wot ii, Nku, .cv. 5,18:0. f rolir,., it is fril or
ISoanl met pursuant to adj.-uroimt.t, : d M, Wfnj nit r)rr(. t
present Louis F,.!tZ, A. It. Todd and A. (:V(.ry )hrti(.u, .r. ,llly f,m up
C Led. r euunty commissioner.-, and Jl.rd ; jn ,jOI ,..,. fif . s lU MTotw
Critclitit-llr county ele.k. Governor Thayer for information na to
SeflcmeM untie for r-otmty brida tlllst ,,,,, lht. 8tate is .inf? fr trip
rompI.f.Uii:r Inst meel MXteen T!). Ur,; .iu.;c :l Vi n.r wii b
number m-.kir. a tot -.1 ..f AW l,n ! feet j ft ((.(ir in ....,..,
at Vl..',s (- or ,00., :.u: rninnr; 1.. mo Jmil
sum of $
A dru-.'oJstV perinit to vt-U liuorH for
iiicdii-iii il juii'i os '-s wiiy n r t- I to L. E.
Myies r,f ( (,';..! Cu k. C. M. Gnivr,
resignation m Justice of tin. i '-,w-: in
Ilock VAuiU pr ein. , r-.t. d
Whtreus enipluint havii'y b.-ni triub
l.y one IN.l.ert .'!tt-er :tn fib-il with
eounty clerk, 1 !itt said M.-tte'-r has
i-.MiTii to l-elii-v th;t. ?!;i?ln-vi' (Jerm.',
' County attorney, tdok h Imbo in dis
charging one Fropst from custody and
dismissed s-iil I'ropst on fier-mint of r:i;d
bribe mill that s:iid I'ropst was uilty of
felouy. The coimnifaionerKsrt Dee. 4th,
18D0, for heiirin in Hiiid cause.
Henry H-inlknock g;vv A. S. Cool.-y
of Eale u h'H'J knock l.y char-don biiu
with usinj eounty lumber. The mutter
'ita referred to the eounty attorney for
It was ordered tint eueh judijc !.r,d
clerk of election he allowed t-'i days for
services during election day and tli'j can
vas of the vote, and thut each messenger
making returns of faiid election he al
lowed one day for making said returns,
except those- from Tipton, (Jreenwoi 1
Elmwood and Stoye Creek, ulo'h -I-.-;;
he allowed two nays tor making r t n
The two criminal cases hroui:
from Loui-ville to the' district cooit .01
petty charges, which were not sustained,
post the county $ 110.(50, which was al
lowed. Cos's in state vs, Emory, $20.10,
were allowed. The jurors for the Hst
term of court cost the county the- full
sum of $044.20. The following hills
were duly allowed:
Western Wheel Scraper t o., scraper.
M B Murphy, lso to u-i
Ceo l'oisal, fprhiklini; street
Geo Harsh-nan, keeping poor
E W Cook, sal eo pliy
J M Woodson, keeping poor --
A B Knotts, printing
Omaha Ken, prt tax rcents...
S Buzzel!, t-Ie-dione rent
Wm Ilereld & Son. i.ul-e to noor
Omaha V,ep. stationery -
(1 W Noble, pal and ex
W J Withe. rent c h
" A Bacli. mdse to poor
Gas & Elect Lt Co, gas c'ly jail
K I MeNiulm. contstalde'.t fees
Peters!n& 1.11 rson. nulse to poor
Henry Boeek, n dse to poor
A Clark, mdse to poor
li Ct itchfield. sal and ex
E II Cunningham, cars sk-K
Ell Samson, kps poor -
T I'rei, mdse fo poor
I' MAkeson. livery for eons
Ie rson & Lpison. mdse to pror ...
f"? U een & Co, mdse to poor
Sr. V Breud"ll, sal and ex
J N Drake, prtg
B F Laiihlin, team to coiw
P M Jones, repair jail
W II Tickens, work on jail
C W Showaitcr, ex dist court
T Clark, tval to et
Cos s State vs Kelly & Ilo't
" Jos Emory
w'elc", Thornton it
Beeson & Root, defense pris
Louis Foltz, alary and expenses-.
A.B.Todd ...
A.C. Loder " "
A.C. Loder. K. R. fare pauper
Y, m. Tlgbe. b'd'ng and guard pris
A. C. M: yee, wi-rk for Co
W.J. White, repair bridges
Kichey Brop., lumber
s c 75
15 (iM
s O.'i
8 eo
35 1)0
8 50
3i 5(1
G'j tW
2 15
L-8 0J
i 0.1
10 00
ton CO
1(3 4"
5 :5
lii so
2 '.'O
2 (0
,0 25
10 5 -M
21 X
3 0
10 00
23 40
3 35
6 00
2 50
11 15
34 75
200 35
37 57
2C 10
99 0.1
50 0
27 CO
21 00
25 70
16 SO
218 75
7 25
88 Go
49 39
B. Clark & Co., elm lumber 82 85
J. f. Johnson, tiling
B. Clark & Co., lumber and t limr
B. Clark i Co, lumber and tiling
A. E. Todd, work on grader
B. Clark a Co., lumber
H. K. Kopp, nails
B. S. Torrence. Uow
Graham & Wilkinson, nai'.s
Murty & Schwab, nail and lumber
South Platte Lumber Co
Chicago Lumber Co .lumber
Tidball &. Fuller, lumber
36 00
73 64
40 17
10 00
15 55
1 75
18 90
1 00
27 70
M 50
16 IS
54 29
They Celebrate.
From Friday '8 Daily
The personal rights league in this
city hired all the hands anfl drum corps
to be found and paraded, the streets last
evening, celehrating the defeat of pro
hibition. A big bonfire blazed on high
school hill and a general hilarious time
was had. After jollifying out of doors
for some time the league and many
Others adjourned to the Liederkranz hail
where Louis Heimrod of Omaha, pres
ident of the state league, and L. F.
Karges, president of the 1'lattsmouth
league, addressed a crowded house,
thanking the people for the stand they
no piovi-i"M t"f s'ich
case." Neb. City lrvs.
Yi -terday :fti niootJ we veiled V. J.
IF"' :s gr een house a d .i w u very l ire
v.u i" ty of pulina and tr;ir:al phiiils,
soul of wii( li ii'i; large i-.nil l):.'UH
t'ftd. .Mr. II m: r hvs '.uiit unotlivr green
h iiise neatly tv.'ice ; s 1 ir;;u ".s Li-s old one-.
It; xper'.s to r ci ive crly in tlie -pritsg
1,000 worth of fire autl heanritid
plants which he will add to i:i.s
;;i!0 as-'oi tun nt, h-: will :duo h ivu in a
few days some very fine pitmt from Cali
fornia; he has' son". yery heamiful La
ii'i:a tiei-.s jro win.', 11 tie of which he ex
pects to hear fruit in the spring. While
there we learned that Mr. 1 lesser had sold
oyer .S,000 hudi; Is of apple.-, this year,
7,000 (pjarts of rasphcrric- ami w.OOO
quarts of hljick'ei r:cs. Anyone will he
well repaid by a yi it to W. J. 1 lessors' as
yon will not only see h;s beautiful palms
drac-cnas, yucas and agaves hut you
will see all the varieties of roses and
greeu house; plants in bloom.
The Journal is wasting a great deal of
ink oyer w hat it claims was the support
of a democratic candidate by an attache
of this uflice. He honest, old man, and
say in your paper what you think, and
aelmit that you are sorry for the election
of Mr. Travis. Mr. Knotts is the pro
prietor of the Hekai.i. and the IIkkald
has at nil times favored the election of
the republican ticket from top to bottom
in no uncut iin manner. And what is
more, we have not received a hundred
dollars from the central committee as you
diel; in fact the Herald is not a boodle
organ and has not reoeived a cent from
the committee or from any candidate
from the governor d- wu to constable.
Your effort to get republicans at logger
heads and have them wash their linen in
the Ukrai.d falls veiy fiat. What we
said in regnrel to Davies is more notori
ously true of Thomas than it was of
Davies. McClintsc carries this town
abeael of our neighbor Thomas, while
Trictsch, a democrat runs ahead of his
ticket for commissioner. Hut so long as
prominent republicans vote for F. E.
White, in this city, and other prominent
democrats, they may expect to keep the
county seat issue aliye and they may
expect to hear unpleasant news from
the republican precincts in the west end
of the county. Let straight republicans
attend the primaries and nominate re
publican tickets and then there need be
no besh about county seat issues, it will
not be an issue and can not be made
Polin a Free Man.
The following executive document ex
plains its self. The State Journal says
Polin will remain in that city and work
at his tra le, that of t-tone cutter:
Stjte of Nebraska. Executive De
partment. Lincoln. Nov. 5, 1890. In
my judgement John R. Polin hassuffereil
sufficient punishment for killing F. J.
Metteer. The act was done by Polin
under most, insulting and aggravating
provocations. It is altogether probable
that most men would have done exactly
what he did under the same circum
stances. Polin had taken Metteer into
his family and cared for him as a brother.
Metteer basely betrayed him and induced
hia wife to leaye her husband and family
to go with him, Metteer. After his re
turn Metteer taunted Polin w ith the dis
honor that he had brought upon Polin
and the latter shot him,
After the trial and conviction of Polin
his wife made a full and complete con
fession of her guilt in connection with
Metteer. Polin bore an excellent repu
tation beforu this trouble came upon him,
and in the prison his conduct hss been
above reproach. Warden Hopkins
speaks in the highest terms of him.
Bearing in mind hid great sorrow and
trouble which cannot well he expressed
in word.'i, the blasting of his home by the
one he had sheltered, the abandonment
by his wife at the instance of his betray
er, and the sufferings lie must loive en
dured during the eight years of his con
finement in prison, brooding over his
had taken against sumptuary legislation, wrongs, and bearing in mind also mat tne
judge br-fore whom he wis tried Hon. b.H.
Po,und, (certainly a conscientious and
Mr. Karges eloquently told the boys that
to the personal rights league, consisting
of 18,000 members, and the Business
Men & B-inkcrs' Association, a great deal
of credit belonged for the defeat of the
measure t hut they believed endanger d
the prosperity of the state, Col. C. W.
Sherman, forgetting his recent blue rib
bon movement; and the temperance zeal
awakened in his bosom by Francis
Murphy not long since, insisted on
making a speech, which he waspermited
to elo in his usually ters, brief, brilliant
and eloquent manner.
The latest returns at f6ur o'clock show
gains for Powers and Richards which
will probably el "ft Poweis. The bal
ance of the republican state ticket is
just judge), and Mnj. John C. Watson,
(a prosecutor of great ability) who con
ducted the case in behalf of the state and
that a large number of leading anel
representative men of all parties of Cass
county, have joined in asking for execu
tive clemency for Polin, I have come to
the conclusion that the law- in his case
has been fully vindicated. Having given
this matter in all its bearings thorough
consideration, I can forgive Polin and
thank the public also. He is therefore,
set free this dav. John M. Thayer.
One of the handsomest features of the
O. A. R. fair will be the zonaye drill by
24 young ladies. The goods fer making
the cistumes la been furnished by Wm.
Herold & Sou.
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3 1 SS'i 2 - .. H 5 T-P-i; sa3pnf imiiT-Sy
and Fancy
"We make a -specialty of tine China and fine Lamps and sell at
low prices. We are al?j agents for the New American Sewing Ma
chine which we guarantee to he as good as any machine in the market
We except none and sell them at one half the price of other machines.
Piattsmoutn, Nebraska.
What is':.--v.-..:.c : ... : jx:;v-.;v'.vij:iv:;i';..v-::x..c;:Jc uxx---iis.'a
Cavtoria is Dr. f.aitsucl PiU:!jorrt ircs( riptioa (or Infanln
.tnl Cluldrerj. It t o:it:iuiM t:eil'.ier Opitim, Tlorphiiio nor
ether NarctIo fnl-stiu'ce. It is ;i Iiariiilcs.--; Mihstituto
for Iarc:;or:c, Ivj-orx-;, f.U;oll;ii; f-yrupw, and jasttr Oil.
ii is Iloas.:iu. li j-!::iraiii' is thirty years tiso liy
jXillhms f Jloilicrs. C.i.tori:i !es( royn IVornss and allays
fevorishness. Ca.vtori.i ire'V'ii! s vomit 1:17 'otir Curl,
cures Ii:irrli-a, aal "Wial 1lie. (.'ay.t uria rellovcs
tectJiirsg; trMih!cs, iaes onstipal ion and Jlat uh'iiey.
Castoria a.-shnilatos tli'.i food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, jivi:ij liealtliy and natural .sleep. Cas
toria is tlio C!iildren.s I'atiaeea tho Blother's r"rienl.
"Castori.a Is an exo-Ili-nt uieHriiio for ci;i
'ren. Stotlic-rs have n-jM-atodly told nus of its
gixxl elTect uion thiir c-hiUrea."
Iu. G. C. Osgood,
Lowell, r.Uurf.
Castoria is tlie best remedy for children of
whie-h I am aojiiaiiiteil. I liojio tlio lay isiiot
far distant when mothers will consMer the real
interest of their chiMren, ami uso Castoria in
stead of tlie various quack nostrums whie-h aro
destroying their loved ones, by forein-j ojiiiim,
morphine, soothing pyrup and other hurtful
ape-its down their throats, thereby seudinj;
them to irmature graves."
Pre. J. F. Kincheiob,
Conway, Ark.
" r.Ttoria is so well Adapted loeliildren that
I r:-eimmeiid it as JiH.-rior toany preiiriptioii
known to me."
If. A. Aroheh, Jf. IX,
lit Bo. Oxford M., l;riK)klyn, N. Y.
Our physicians in tlio children depart
ment have KiMjUeii highly of tl:i Ir exxH
fiK'a In tlieir outsido praetieo with Castorin,
and although we only h.ivo anions; our
medieiil snpplii-u what is known, as regular
pnxlucts, yet we nro free to confe-ss that th
merits of Castoria has wou us to look with
favor u-ion it."
lloiiton, M&hl
Allen C. Smith, I'res.,
Tlio Centsnr Company, Tl Murray Street, New York City,
Everything to Furnish Your Mouso.
Under Waterman's Opera House
You can buy of him cheap for epot cash or cun ceniirf. what you need to funii-.h a cottage or"
niHimioD on tue liN-si Aia.Me.i'a 1 riv?. .
Agent for the Celebratet White Sewing Machine.
The largest and most complet" S'oe.ic to seleet from in Cass Coulitv. Call and see me
Opera House Block T VFiAROfAN.
W. D. JONES. Proprietor.
Carriages for Pleasure aiidQ Short Drives Always
Kept Ueauy.
Cor. 4th and Vine
riutt-sinonth, .Nebraska
St. Louis Weekly
erst rree to any Address
j.- I
Bost. Easiest to u?e. Cheapest. Relief is immediate.
A cure is certain. For Cold in the Head it lias no equal.
K 100
It is &a Ointment, of which a. email ptM-tic-le is appltl
to ttLO nostrOs J'ric, 605. Sold by DruffgiyU or -H-tv by
uuui. JbddxeCA, . T. iLutsLcsrc, Wtwrea, Pa.