Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, November 13, 1890, Image 6

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im:. am'k::d siiiivian
O.ii .t.i I le
Ivni-tr ni( Main street, Weten
k a 1 1 1 1 Mock.
Ji-u,-n" l.i- ' 'ii-vIhiiih an I fii.-iiislies a',1
Kl:rW ini'ii K'l ii'i mint r.ii :i!piiI,bi. -
i.. l i inm r,tses, i'.c.ies, S i" t. i. Ulai"
l ic m eklu;' I'le
THeplione No. 11.
t. r. i.i 'iN;sr:N e. . .::.!. min J
pjyjism? . ad items
"Wiie.-ts ar y. ii i:: n:. :nyn-ity nuild?"
"I'm j;on;; t s:ie .e, Klu.l .sir "-lio fM.
"And w Uo.-n v.iM.ou sneeze, my irctty
"Ati lio ) ! Ui -i i !.kiinl sir," slio
IjinIiiiiiiittoU Lead r.
"Do yo'. allow v:mr liusbuntl to cany
a night keyf a H.vcrc-looking
woman to Mrs. McGudby.
"Oh. law, ii ," nolied that lady, "I
! never think of m h a tiling. Hdf the
j time he'd catch Ms Ut-?v1 li of cold trying
I to tin 1 tin; k. y hole. II! just slims tho
! s!i i:t ts once or twice, and I.como down
nri 1 let him in." Washington Post.
mi :'t.
Teiei'lione .vt
1. 1'
!.iii IT. I.lvii:"-t:i.
1,' ii.' J 'r. t iiiiiiiiins, :
1VII, V.
; ! N I K!' ,:ii -I i-IKYLYOK
.;; males .iui'i )! mis oT all work furnished and
Kecoids kckt.
o;liiv in Martin Block.
County Surveyo
I r f'l.r'j- i-;il
omelS ICIl Willi an;my inm
receive prompt attention.
Wm. l. bkown.
Personal attention to all business entrii'tcd
t'i my caro
TitH's exitinineil, A list i act ciu piled, Inj-iir-ui'eviiiif!i,rf.l
estate soi l.
Better faeilmes for tiiakin;; F:imLounstlir.n
Attorney at-Iaw. Will siw pr'nni-i ;i?r.,tion
to ail s'lMiier-s eiitniHtctl to hii-i. "l.'.ce tu
Vninn l.lock. ICast Side. I'iat tfinoutli. Neb.
Notary I'ut.lie Notary l'ublic
OHice over Dank of fuss County.
Flattsmoiith ... - Nebrasha
B a afe a f Gas s Co unty
Cor Main and Fifth street.
Paid ur capital. .
V. 11. IVwiii'le
Fred iordcr
J. M. Patterson
Ja? Putterson, Jr.
C. H. Parnicle. .1. M. Patterson, Fred (lordfr.
A. B Smith, K. 1. Wiudhaiu, B. S. llanscey aud
Jas Patterson Jr.
Ace:iimts so!ieited. Iarerest allowed on time
deposit iin.l prompt artentiongiven to all bus
iness eutrusted to its care.
Kiio "Now wo aru iuitiie.1, Tom, you
iniht n'iV2 op Miiokirj' for my suke."
lie "I dou't m.-o why. I'm mre you
liao' g:n vi none of vour MimiseiiHiit.s
for my hnkc. Hive you, now?-' She
"Yes, I inivc I Ii tve init a- ttin' en-
g:in;ed, huvon't I?" Detroit Tree Press.
Sh.'iltuok "How are your huitairs
Krowiny, Dinwiddic '." Din widdic--"iMiit-ly,
finely! They are yetting um:ill-
,. , .1 l Ml.:........ Tntr.n ,..1n
NliiJilASKA or ever imj. v.
The Memb-r From Gaul "Papa,"
i i juired a Congressman's little daughter
over a French les.-oo, " whnt is the Freucli
for a b;ttla hors-j?"
"A war horse you maan, don't you?
"I guesH so, )iij)a."
"Of course you do, daughter. The
French for that is hors du combat," and
th'j member stroked his whiskers with
piideful dignity and went on with his
newspaper. Waehirgton Star.
You'll seldom find a maiden whom
'Ilio a-elsUlse.l.:t Mrlli
lint that i lie djiiip e.s to her cheek
jihe makes to piny at hide and seek
For every cei.t they're worth,
Chicago 1'ost,
The practice of a. certain hotel-keeper
in this city, wLose name we will not
m 'ution, cannot be too thoroughly and
promptly discouraged. We allude to
his haLit of entering the dining-room
during meal hours ond yelling "fire" or
"dog-fi-Vt," or, whnt i worse, calling us
out on a prettnse of business. Twice
we have lot our third piece of pie in
this manner. San Angelo (Tex ) Enter
prise. ".My son," said the dying bunco man,
"I guess you can't do better than to fol
low' the motto of your poor old dad,
whomsoever you find to do, do him
with all your might." ' Terre Haute Ex
press. Irtelligcut Compositor That new re
portet spells "victuals" " vi-t-a-l-s."
Foreman Yes, he's fresh; make 'er
right and dump'er in here; want to go to
press in just three minutes.
And this was what the public read
when the paper was issued: "The yer
dict of the coroner's iury was that the
deceased came to his death from the ef
fects of a gunshot wound in the
victuals. Whiteside Herald.
.. $"2000
. . 25 TOO
Vice President
Asst Cashier
As shown by tho oHU'inl canvas of the
vota of Cass ouiuty:
For governor, J;un.s E. Uoyd, 1). CoO
lieutenant governor. Alex li.-ar, D. 1-15:
Secretary of state, Sprague D. "00, b'.ate
treasurer, W. II. Gushing, 1)443, auditor
Wahlfjuisi, D 11, attorney general, llig
gins, D 112, superintendent public m- ;
struction, Rakcstraw, D I'ljii; coniinis-.iou j
cr public lundf, liigler, D 12, cougresy,
Bryan D o'.)T, Ho .t n -presentati vc, Wat- i
son. H IQ'i ), senator, Thomas, 1J, 11,
regreseiitati ves, Wiiit-, 1), 2 Hi, Shryoch,
1), '20, county coniiniioner, Tret.sch, D
531, county attoiuvy, Travis, D, 071.
Ag.tinst proliibition amendmt. nt. 1,05'J;
against liigh lieense, 1,321; lor incran'.-of
supreme judges, 1,471; for incrrase of
sab-try of judges of the district and su
preme court. 1 !)0.
'1 he Hkkald will give ollieial caiiViis
iu detail .Monday. It was too long to be
completed in time tor todays ibsue.
The Doveys received a circular a few
days ago announcing the fact that cur
pets had declined two cents per yard;
this on top of the democratic lying
about the McKiuley bill is very signifi
cant. The little girls of ill . and Mrs. G. o. E.
Dovey tendered their friend, Roberta
Fletcher, a farewell party at the Dovey
residence yesterday afternoon. Among
her friends present, were the Misses
Bertha White, Claire Drumiuoml, Myrtle
Levings, Janette Palmer and Henna
The Nebraska Fanner says: 'Over
one-half of tho exhibits of agricultural
products of the Illinois State fair, two
weeks ago at Pecria, was made by the
Nebraska counties, lied W illow, York
and Holt. This exhibit did much to
correct the impression that Nebraska
crops were a total failure the past sea
sou. Yet many of the old "moss
backs" who have never been outside
tho stale of Illinois declared that these
things had been bought up and never
came from Nebraska." These same
grangers believe that if all the rest of
this world is as large a country as Illi
nois, "that must be a mighty big world
of ourn."
The Citizens
Cayital stock paid ii 250 0
Authorized Capita!, SiCO.CCO.
President. Vlee-Piesi tact
U : W. It. CUSnrNG. Casliier.
yrank C.vrretli J. A. Connor, F. K. Cuth.imn:
J. W. Johnson, Henry Boeck, John O'Keele
W. D. Mr-rriam. Wrn. Vetencp.rop, W.
H- Cuahing.
A Close Call.
From Saturday's Daily.
Fred Egenberger went to take some
cough syrup this morning and by mis
take took a draught of ammonia that
stood in a cough syrup bott'e near by.
He rushed to the drug store near by and
poured sweet oil down his blistered
throat, but not in time to prevent having
a very sore mouth and throat. Luckily
however no s rious results are appre
hended, owing to
the piouipt use cf
The Little Tycoon.
McClelland, Miss Paul,
Transact a ireneral binkinu business. All
wim have ally bsnklno: business to transact
art! Invite 1 to call. No matter 1iot
larjre or email the transaction. It
will receive ourearefiil attention
aud we promise always cour
teous treatment.
Issues ificAt?s of deposits bearing Internet
P.uvs and sells exchange, county and
city sureties.
First National
George E. Dovey, and others are arrang
ing for the production of "The Little
Tycoon," by loaai talent in this city.
We hope they may get such encourage
ment as will induce them to proceed
with the work, as success would surely
crown their efforts.
Offers the verv be! facilities for the promp
transaction of legitimate
Banking Business
Stock, bonds, eold. government and local se
Ctiririo bought itnd sold. Deposits received
and interest allowed on the certificates
Drafts drawi. available in any part of the
TTt.iteu St;ue a: d all the principal towns of
TKI. Highest market picepid for County War
rants, State ami County bonus. ,J
John Fitzgerald D. Ilawfcswortb
John It. Clark F. E. While
ieor'f E. Dovey
John Kit7jr'arald. S. Wauch.
Pre-ident Caeli-
217, 210, 221 and 223 Main St.,
Piattsmouth, - Nebraska.
H. M. BOKSjProprietor,
The Perkins has been thoroughly
renovated from top to bottom and is
b! - .Aie of the best hotels in the state
Boarders -will be taken by the week at
$4.50 and up.
The Chicago, St- Paul &, K. C.
The editor of the Herald received a
letter yesterday from the president of
the new railroad company that purposes
building a line of road from Tarkio,
Missouri, on the main line of the Chica
go, St. Paul & Kansas City road, to
Omaha by way of Piattsmouth. The
president says that the matter has not
been abandoned, but is being looked
after in the cast, antl seems to think the
road will be built. He further says that
he will advise our people fully before
the route shall be changed from the ona
now preferred through Piattsmouth, so
that there is no danger of Nebraska City
or any other jealous rivals stealing a
march on us. The new road wouldjnot
only give us a new Chicago outlet, but
it gives us a direct line to the lumber
regions of the north and also a short line
to Kansas City, anel without doubt would
be worth twice as much to the city as
the Missouri Pacific will be.
All warrants for election officers will
be ready by the 15th of November, and
not earlier. Binn Critchfihrd.
County Clerk.
County Court.
Final settlement of the estate of Jane
Adam9 deceased, made today, narry
Becker administrator.
Benjamin Elson vs John Fast, suit ca
account, hearing Nov. 15th at 10a. m. .
Yesterday's telegrams from Chicago
tell us that the corner stone of the mag
nificent Masonic temple to be erected at
the corner of Randolph and St a to stre-ts
was laid yesterday afternoon by Grand
Master John M. Pearson, with the solemn
and impressive ceremonies of the Mason
ic order. The ceremony of laying the
corner stone was preceded by a parade
of local lodges, in which 5000 men par
ticipated. The temple when completed
will be twenty stories high and will be
the largest building of the kind iu the
world. The contract calls for its com
pletion by May 1st, 1S92, and the ground
and bnilding will cost $3,500,000.
The Grand Army fair to be held on
the 18, 19 and 20 promises to be the
grandest success of anything ever under
taken in Nebraska. Our business
men and citizens have responded most
liberally, and as Col Lew Ginger informs
us the list of presents will be much larg
er than was ever given in Piattsmouth.
One ticket admits to the entire three
days and evenings of the fair and the
coupon attached to it entitles you to a
chance in the drawing, which will be
clone by a committee ol ladies and gen
clemeu appointed by the audience. Buy
each of your little ones a ticket, they are
liable to draw the most costly presents.
The number of tick-its have been limited
to 3,000 and no more will be issued.
Many of the comrades have sold as Ligh
as fifty each already and no doubt the
entire 3,000 will be sold before the fair
The election returns in this county are
badly niix-d; in the 2nd ward no
voto was returned against any of the
amendments. In the 4th ward, besides
several irregularities, it was found that
there had beta live votes too many
counted for every canelidate on the dem
ocratic ticket. It was further discovered
that H. B. Walquist received less than a
hundreel votes iu the entire county while
a mythical person by tho name of B. F.
Walquist had received the balance of
the democratic votes for auditor. Hig
gles, democrat for attorney general, was
badly mixed also, several votes going to
the wrong Iliggins. Humphrey, repub
lican for land commissioner was repre
sented as Augustin It., as well as George
R., the wrong name receiving more than
the correct one. Some of the precint
returns show that the officers were never '
sworn and no one attempts to certify to j
District Court.
CI. C. Cov.dt vs. h;. A. Davis,
trator. forpi'f.
S. F. Andersen vi. .1. M. Andeison.
Referred to Jcrse L Ii'' tke. testi
mony and report f'hdiug of facts by
Dec. 3 , 18 0.
Migtjie Tcrryb. ny vs. .John Terryber
ry. Decree of divorce grant':.! and
custody of ni lor child given plaintiff.
S. D. Eels vs. F. M. Striplin. D. ciec
for forc'osur-; granted.
Cyu:s P. Gilbert vs. Edward Wilken
S"l). Cilll-c referred to Je.-se L. Root t
take te-t'iiiony and report to court.
Philips vs; Kirk- r t nl. (Viitinuil
on plaintiff's motion.
Wm. S. Hamilton vs. Phoebe Todd tt
a!; referred to Je.-r-c Root to take testi
mony a;id m ike Ii odiums of fact on cr
before Nov. 'JO, 1M0.
Beardsley, Clark Jc Co. vs. F. M. Wal
cottitnl; trial to court; judgment for
Win. Sand, is ys. Pauline Hm'ton et :d;
trial to court; judgment lor plf.
Chri.-.tian Schrumph vs. Ann
Sehrumpli; divorce granted.
Ei.-cta D.cker vs. B.-nj. Decker; di
vorec granted as prayed for.
A C. Loder et al vs. Sain'i II . Loder
dene" lor plaintiffs.
Court will convene -.t four o'clock
wh.-n Judge Chapman will probably ad
journ the term sine die.
License to wed was issued touav to
lolin C. Kotith agcrl 27 to Miss Bertha
Battersoii, both of whom reside in Rock
Blufis precinct.
The alarm called out the tire depart
ment tins in. ruin;' but tialipllv it was
puly tii-, burning out of a stove pipe hole
at Fred Hermans and resulted in no
damage w liatev. r.
Dr. E l Cummins is having a neat cot
tage built on Pearl street just west of
his father's residence. Wm. Osborn is
doing the work. Doc will not keep
bachelor's hall in the new house when
completed; it is said an Omaha lady
will take an interest in his household af
fairs. The Louisville Advertiser has changed
hands. A. F. Lewis of thi'.t village will
iiearafte r weild the pen ana shears in
stead of J. N. Drake, the former proprie
tor. We welcome Mr. Lewis to the jour
nalistic Held, there are millions in it,
but it takes a thoroughbred to get uny
thing out.
Judge Vauatta, of Piattsmouth is a
lawyer of distinguisheel ability and a
tine cioeiti'.-t player. He can also see
further into a 00 foot well than any hay
seeed in the country. Last week he
purchased 120 feet, of rope to draw-witter
out of this well, and then innocently in
quired of the store keeper, if le thought
that was enough. W. W. Eagle.
A IIer.vt.d reporter took a look at the
new cha'rs in the opera house yesterday
and fount! tlu;m exceedingly well ar
ranged aud very comfortable. They are
upholstered in leather, are of the latest
pattern, with hut rest, foot rest and cane
rack; and are not crowded in as much
a.s the old ones were. Mr. Waterman
deserves a liberal patronage for his en
tcrprise in placing new chairs iu a hall
tint has never paid hi:u a fair interest on
the original investment.
le' 1:
t r!c.i)tl. where all susnoiisc j tetns citn be iv.-oi deu alnl
eat'!; item, :is eon-a cuUv. l v (h'.tt (1, will talu' it.s"pl;:( e ut tin: lrolit" :ml
stnre voii in the face, until ' in ii i-d-m shall have attention.
Esj.eciaiiv a;!-!;t i t i t t .-rdin- ioi future; nttc nl im Midi mat
Ins us fijipoinf meld.-, i'awi.tnl td''e Insurance l'n iiiiiims, Kew.'wal
of Fire i !'-ura!:re, i'i-rn.l colh cti-ns, I'lomi.cs to pay, Dr. or Cr. .
Fav ii'ent. of iaxe;-, I.ti.-.- -et lor it s, Expiration ol" time hw appeal.
Fnsiness men who s, . e these files, as u rule:, uy them.
Price, with ink weils ami fi.ll -U-'h' td' ine niorai tluni cards
H. EARL., General Agent.
Burr Block, Lincoln, 2.. I.. Agents Wanted
BSwy yMR Eec& oftl-lie Home
S?5B4efly wlaEW yma ram Iet
yoazr owns iEe& iSasxt wSEE :i
rle42f4 sasacl toltes' wSasal
vssrletse? will tie 2fier53 iHznm
ensa b cay
the return which are full of errors.
Never before were so many gross mis
takes noticeel by a canvassing board in
this city.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When B&by wu sick, we gare her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, the pave them Castoria.
Police Court.
Fr on Tuesday's Daily.
Saturday, Henderson and Thomas
Ellis, a carpenter trom old Bjthlchem
got hilarious over the election returns
and were run in on the charge of plain
drunk. They were fined $5 each and
cos's, Ellis p .id and was discharged, but
owing to the depleted condition of An
dersons' exchequer he was remanded to
the county jail.
Saturtlay night Vie. Moq-jist. A, F.
Tall, F. A. Williams anel a switchman
known as 'Johnny Jump-up' got in a
scrap down on 4th street, they were all
caught but Johnny, aud fin. d $1 auel
costs they paid.
Walter Svvart.cope, an Oreopolis sec
tion man was fined $2 50 and costs today
for exercising his right to get drunk, he
paid up and was eiischarged.
Henry Spurgeon for using profane
language on the street contrary to the
peace anel dignity of the State of Ne
braska, was fined $2.50, and in want of
funds he was sent to jail.
juctge uuapman clecnitet quite f.u
important case Saturday, which he hid
held under advisement since the March
term of court. "We refer to the case of
A. C. Loeler et al vs. Sam Loder and
others. It seems that Wm. Loder died
in 1S87, leaving a fine farm of 100 acres
near Greenwood, and that his son Sam
sought to cut out the interests of the
other heirs by a deed which his father
executed in 1378, nearly ten years pre
vious to his eleath. The plaintiffs, rep
resented by Allen Beeson, G. W. Clark
and D. K. Barr, sought to set the deed
aside on the ground of the old gentle
mans mental condition at the time, he
having been thrown from a horse, and
on the ground of non delivery of the
deed. The defense was represented by
T. B. Wrilson and J. B. Strode. The
case was "hotly contested and resulted in
a decision for the plaintiff, setting aside
the deed and allowing the property lo
be divided up among the heire.
Apple trees, o years old -
Apple trees, 2 years old - - -Cherry,
early Jiiehmoiid, late Richmond, wray
Ium, Pottawattamie, lid (ioosc
Raspberries, Grej Syler
Strawberries, Sharpies C esen
Concord vines, 2 years old
Moors Early grapes, 2 years old -
Currants, Cherry Currants
Snvder blackberries - -
Industry Gooseberry -
Downing Gooseberries, 2 years old
noughton Gooseberries, 2 year old -Asparagus
- - -
Rosses, red moss and while moss
Shrubs, Hydrangias
Honey Suckle -Snow
Balls - -
25 2 00
20,1 75
10 .3 00
k 00
Evei g
reens, JN orv. ay spruce
li. F
10 GO
so :? oo
101 00
toll so;
10:1 00
iiaaFsepy sse-jLEaEs nine EaclEa t
Address all Orders 10
S 4 A
IxjMuVEMii JUL 9
Will keep constantly on hands a full atul comjilete line of pure
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours
Jlessrs F. G- Fricke & Co.,
are the Only Parties Selling
our Alaska Crystal Brilliant
jjr biunr
-. AT:', TO 4?X.fL.
These Lenses are for superior to any others sold in
the city. Possessing a natural transparency and strength
ening qualities which will preserve the failing eyesight.