Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, November 06, 1890, Image 2

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Then' are
many v.hitr. stus,
1 i:i7- -.ciurd to Lr
"just as ;4V)(! as tlur Ivory." !
J hey arc not,
hut like
all counterlfits,
-..-, inLiv
the peculiar
and remarkable
qualities of
the genuine.
Ask for
Ivory Soap
insist upon having it.
."j"js sold everywhere.
rublWhe.l every Thi'ii'I-U , uiul unity every
evening except Sunday.
KeRislere.l lit the, I'lamrmmih, b. o-t-oflieefitr
transmission tlirminu tlJe l'.v S. mail
attiecon.l clasc i;Ur.
Ofllee corner Vine ;uul Fifth streets.
One copy, one year, in ailvaueu;. ..
one cpy, ne year, not in advuiiee.
One copy. si uiontlif. in advance .
Oi'"i- py. llnee montlif. in nilvam-e.
Due -ii on; year in advance
One copy per iveck. ly carrier
One copy, per month
. -J. (K
Feoin Thin sil;iy !aily.
Kobt. Hayes went up to Ci-tcr county
this morning for a brief visit.
Sylvester JoLii-on and Jackson Ti n k r
of Louisville ate in the city on !u-itK
Xehiniiali Livingston one of ('as
county's oldest settlers is in town today
from Louisyiiie.
Profefsor Ilalscy wife is on the sick
list being unaKk to attend to her duties
in the school rxnn today.
Antill. the confectioner continues to
turn out huge quantities of his choice
pure home made candies.
Asher CT.rks storo windows make a
fellow feel hungry to look at them. He
has an exhibit worth seeing.
August Wendt a prosperous German
fanner and proprietor of the town of
Manley is in the city today.
James Walker, the Murray grain mer
chant wa.3 in town today. He reports
his tlevntor completed in that town and
that Murray is having quite a boom.
Geo. Vass the Fifth street watchmaker
is having his jewciry e.nporium hnnd
somely papered and the front netitly
painted by Col. Geo. W, Sawtelle the
celebrated hoosier artist.
Mrs. I)r, E. L. Siggins received a tele
gram announcing the unpleasant news
that her father was dangerously ill at
his heme in Columbus. She will leave
on the tirst train for that city.
Col. Frank P. Ireland. tle gnod look
ing democratic mayor from Nebraska
City is in town today putting on the tin
ishing touches and lining up the boys
for the fray next Tuesday.
The long drawn out case of Allen Dec
son y. the Omaha Southern llailway, to
a jury in district court will be finished
tonight. Judge Field -n ill go home to
night and Judge Chapman will finish up
the balance of the term.
The consciousness of having a remedy
at hand for croup, pucumniy. sore
throat, and sudden cold, is very con
soling to :i varent. With a bottles of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house, one
feels, in such cases, a sense of secunty
nothing else can give.
.1. W. Hendee, a traveling man from
Omaha, has purchased the U. V. Mathews
stock of hardware and will add to the
stock sufficient to make it one of the
best hand ware stores in the citv. Mr.
Hendee comes highly recommended and
without doubt will be Welcomed heartily
to our best business circles.
J Ion. John C. Watson has been the
fearless cliainpiop of every public meas
ure tint has for its object the good of
the people, lie fought the railroad in
terests through all the Van Wyck cam
paigns, ami within a week has van
quished them in a suit at the City where
the people were squarely against the
The new crop of com is already being
sent to market. Jim Carper of Mauley
shelled and marketed 1,100 bushels last
week at the handsome figure af 40 cents
per bushel. Coin that makes .10 bushels
per are this year will neirly pay for the
land on which it is raised, and yet the
democratic orators would make believe
that the farmer is suffering here in old
Cats. .
j Cheyenne County Letter.
i A Cleyenne f'orniy m:in. who haser
! identlv been r-iilinir on of Hryan's hmd
tiiyh JiUflu -. or oi.i-nt' H'lililUiV wo:ful
1 wuiN totli.i f inn. r. ' tit H. e '. M Mekcii
lo'A r. ii burn-l ( tine oiihr.s ri-lit f rom
,,1 ti'1 A : 1 1 I i ' i 1 1 .b'l. J I
) t.
1 kl.N, t'l.A I 1 sMO! 1 il, !S i-i:
, . i, :4i'Ti i ' -tiioiis tnnu ALi
t i.H t H"iily you, lout ciiii
. tli- i n i ili.' ymi poor, desiiti.t.:
-ai.i-ii -;i..ii;Ii stli'kell f nrtuers :il
1. 1
I in need, - I thought ve would donate.
I 1 woi. Id haye sent you some cabbage a:;d
! cauliflower, b it I "thought the freight
i would cost m.-re than the stuff would be
i worth down there. The be.,t crops hctv
; lev. r saw in my life; we can skin old
Cass to death raising anything but corn.
We hat wheat which avernge.t .vj
bushels to the acre; oats T'.l Imdiels to
the acre. 1 had a piece of barley whi.:'i
threshed .11 bushels to the acre. Our
corn will go about ;11 to 40 h'.i-bels to
the acre. Our potato crop is light.
Gov. and I raised about 1.10 bushels of
onions and .R,000 heads of cabbage; cur
celery can't be beat.
Frank Hoyd is still confined to his bed
but he is improving nicely.
The ladies are arranging for the Hun
gry with hot coffee and a nice lunch on
election day.
AuiSdell Sheidon. the next county
commissioner is in the city today and
made the Hkkai.i a pleasant call.
M ijor K'eutsch. editor of the Lincoln
Frie Presse, will, address his German
friends tonight at Liederkranz Hall. A
good turn out is expected.
Attorney Janus S Mathews learned
yesterday from Washington of the in
crease of the pension of Samp, Karnes
of this city and a well merited one it is
Hon Javies M. Patterson was hurriedly
called to Washington county, Pennsyl
vania last night by telegram announcing
the death of his brother-in law, 1J. T.
Tom HicKs, of the Pacific hou.-e is out
on crutches today as the result of an ac
cident at the shops Saturday which
cplintered off a piece of the shin bone on
his tight leg, a very painful though not
serious injury.
The funeral of the lute Geo. White
took place this afternoon at two o'clock
from the M. E. church. The pall beiircrs
were S. F. Foglesong, Dr. Mathews,
Wm. Herold, L. G. Larson, Win. Erown.
and George Wcidman.
Col. Ginger says he is having flat fer
ine success in getting donations for th
coming G. A. II. fir. He speaks very
highly of the liberality of the Platts
mouth citizens and sajs he has had bet
ter succesi here thau he had in Lincoln.
'One touch of nature makes the wh le
world kin," Miseascs common to the
race compel the searbh for common rem
edy, it is found in Ayers Sarsaparilln
the reputatton of which is world-wide
having lr.rgely superseded every other
blood medicine in use.
Some Tery sad reports as to the physi
cal condition of Col. Dick Barr, of the
Weeping Water Eagle, have reached this
office. We hope to hear 'ere long that
Dick has recovered completely and is
his former vigorous self again. Too
much brain work, writing heayy finan
cial editorials, has been shown to be
deleterious, as it has n amphibiological
effect upon the nerve centers; a fellow
can't be too careful.
A bright Jred car on the track this
morning attracted some attention and
we found that it was for white $: Black,
the apple met chant. White, Black and
red make a good combination. The
firm have purchased 'orer H,000 bushels
of apples and are shipping as far eart as
PennsyWania; one lot yesterday w: s
sent to Mendota, Illinois.
The city dads spent about two hours
last evening trying to agree on some ac
tion about buying a cemetery as there is
but :!4 vacant lots left in the old one.
As a tax can not be levied to exceed 10
mills to make the necessary purchase the
council are confronted with proposition
of how to raise the money and as to
what is best to be done in the premises
The council adjourned without arriving
at a solution of the problem" The "gas
and electric lamps came up for discus
sion but the motion to have the gas
lamps moved from under the electric
lights failed to carry, so the matter went
County Court.
Lat will and testament of OrviS II.
Tabor tiled for probate.
License to wed issued to Mr. Win. J.
Piipky, aged ' and .Miss Li t E. H'iil
iims, aged is, both of Weeping Water.
S'nce Jan. i), 181)0, when Judge Ilam
uey took his seat as County Judge, there
has been tiled in his court LIS civil cases,
is probate cases and 24 criminal cases,
nuking in less than ten months, a total
of 210 cases, or an average of f4 per
There have been issued 14''. marriage
licenses ami couples have been joined
in wedlock by that official.
For first class photographs at half
price go to the new gallery, corner of 7th
and Vine streets. If
j District Court,
i The jury lust night brought in a vir
' diet ;n tl case of Wiles ys. 0:u.iha
: Southe rn Bail way for' f 2.2.10, the ap
! praise :in nt from w hich the appeal was
' tiken was $l.!-00.
i The c::s.-of JJc.4r.isby, 1 ,rk .Sc Co. vs.
; O.J. Web-t- r v.: - continued to ThuisJ iy
, next.
j Th.-'caM- of Allen L: soivs. Oaiid.a
Southern lb,;jviy, has b en ' tri ll to a
jssrv ill day. A i- aj peal i. . :;i an ap
i ; pruis -i.'.t fit.
T.e City Aair: Victorious
J '! he case ot Henry .'-.iiler against the
I city was trivd yesterday in the county
court to a jury. Millt-r cl.dmed flOO
dannges on account of the loss of a
horse .-aused by tho horse getting its leg
broken a a bail bridge up towards
Leesley's place. Mathew Gering appear
ing for the plaintiff ami Polk Bros, for
the city; and after an all days trihl. the
jury was out about thirty mimites when
they brought in a verdict for the city.
The Lamp Factory.
This morning work was begun 4gain
at the Laaip factory under Superintend
ent Schaefer with a full compliment of
hands. It is a good thing for the com
pany and city that all differences have
been tixed up and that work has been
resumeel under the former management
which has thoroughly demonstrated the
fact that the Plattsmouth lamp is with
out a peer for brilliancy and longevity
the two important features of a good
Tut sday e ve ning at 8 o'clock at the
hume of the. brides parents in Hastings,
Mr. William Berdine to Misa Bessie
Hammond, county Judge Burton offici
ating. Mr. Berdine is a B. cc M. passenger
brakenii'ii ou the flyer with conductor
Ilali. Willie is one of the best young
men in this city and his many friends
will be glad to know of his good fortune
in taking for a life partner one of Hast
ings' fairest daughter. HKitAi.n extends hearty congratu
lations umlhopis the. new couple may
conclude to make Plattsmouth thvir
This morning at half past nine, of
quick consumption; Mrs. Sol. Biggins.
Mrs. Itiggins was born at Toulon 111..
Oct. 15, 1870, being but a few days past
20 years of age at the time of her death.
Her maiden name was Matie S. I Sounds,
and siie was married in this city to Mr.
Biggins, March 19, 180. The deceased
was a .devoted member of the Christian
church in this city and was greatly be
loveel by a large circle of friends who
admired her many christian graces and
kindly lovable disposition. Mrs. Big
gins has been in failing health for some
time as the result of aa attack ot la -grippe
and her demise was not unex
pected. We are told that she dieel as
she lived, full of hope for a brighter
honia in the great beyond. The funeral
will take place from the Christian church
tomorrow at 2:30.
George White departed this life last
evening nt six o'clock at the age of 4G
years. He had been a resident of this
city for about 13 years. The deceased
leaves a wife, formerly Miss Alice Snyder,
daughter of Henry Snyder; antl three
children, two girls and one boy. The
deceasetl was a nephew of the late M. L.
White, and had many friends in this city.
The funeral will take place tomorrow
afternoon at two o'clock from the Meth
odist church.
Campauini's first and exceedingly
readable article on "How to Train the
Voice," in which the famous tenor gires
many a goenl hint to singers, leads a be
wilderiugly number of gooel things iu
tho November Ldies' Home Journal
"Liberties of Our Daughters" is a very
god article bp Mrs. Admiral Dahlgren,
while another on "Can Women Keep a
secret r" by Junius Brown, is as
keen as it Js entertaining. Will Carleton
has a beautifully illustrated poem; Susan
Coohdge tells a bright Thanksgiving
fory; Anne Sheldon Coombs begins a
beautiful Italian romance: Foster Coates
gives a most gossipy and eminently read
able description of "Jewel Caskets of
Fashionable Women;'" "Why I Never
Married." gives the reasons why women
decline proposals of marriage, and is a
thoroughly enjoyable article: Dr. Tal
mage descriUs the Thanksgiving Day of
his youth: Mrs. Margaret Bottomes De
partment for "The Kiug's Daughters is
apparently a complete success;., ' Si 1
Talks With Girls,'" is dright reading for
every girl: Mrs. Lyman Abbo;t has her
Department; Mrs. Borer, Anna Alex
ander Cameron and several other author
ities on cooking give Thanksgiving me
nus, and altogether the November
Journal is a perfect model magazine for
women. It could not be improved
upon. And fer ten cents a single copy,
er one dollar a year, it becomes the
cheapest as well as the very best of all
domestic periodicals. Published at
4:) I 4:'..1 Arch street, Philaelclphia, .Pa.
Subscribe for Thk Pau.t Hkkai.u and
read all the news.
Onmo A ! art tt-T ';;!:
Lumbago ttrm
Sciatica, mrMSi
s i
Burns, f0"te
Wounds, 1;
!wp. 1 1 1 n r ft-
; a iiijc.
23 7
All Aches.
ill'. f.'-U1'
Chas. A. "Vogeler Cc,
italtlmore, Sid.
fo la Cream
jJlkTHTS prcpar.ition, with-
cut injure, mnovea
cuuf Fivckh'R, JJver-IoIc-s,
Pimplos, I$laIt-Tl'adst hunbunt
and Tan. A f-v applications will rt n
iivr the most Btubbornlv reel t-kin Kft,
-mcxith aud whit". Viola, Cream ii
not a paint or powih-r to cover defect",
but a remedy to f-i'.re. It is superior to
all other preparations, and is- guaranteed
f- . '.'lvoi-atlsfae ti:K At ir.:gr '.?: crti'.ail-
I !.r HO ce-iits. I':" pared by
l,c.U,. Cuio. t '. C K-L1'i Z.ll A- il.
F-rS de !.y i. 1 1 . Miyder, Di uugi.-t
Zr.rr., prctrpi-. Fe:,iin
Curt for Impotence, Loa
cf Manhood, Seminal
L missions. Spermatorrhea,
t enmusnefs, Self Distrust,
loss of Memorif. &c. Will
rr.uhe ifiua & TRGN3, Vigor
ous woi. Price $1.00, 6
Box? p. $5 00.
tS'r'.?!'! DtrffmriS Marie's
'Vi? torn finr. Adtirem
2.-4:tr..f.Siw tidasst C:-,
2tl9 LUC3 Pvt.
CT. '-OVJ1S. MC-
' i. s ... i -T-',- '.-.. int.
s.tlas nmmz works,
iND!Ar;APa:.!.s, f ri d.
Ch'rkV i'oiiltr.v Itemedy.
For sale l.y
0, 11. SMDEK,
Druggist, Plattsmouth, Nfb.
Cannot become healthy food pimply by
the process of death.
owe it to themselves anel society to
In swine raising that will promote the
public health. Hogs should be fed,
Dr. Jos. Haas'
The only reliable medicine for swine.
Used successfully for fourteen years
Prevents eisease,
Arrests Disease, slops Cough,
Hastens Maturity.
. Destroys Worms,
Increeses the Flesh.
PBK-Ks;2.lbs cans 12.."0. $2.50
$ 1.2- and 50e per package. The largest
are the cheapest, Vrite ror testimonials i
;.l T .. 1 . . - 4 . n rriVtl nn 1
Awine will be mailed for a 2-cent Btamr.
Orders by mail receive prompt attention
JOS. HAAS, fndianapolis, j
Mind wuderinc eard. Book 1ernei
fn on. reaflinc. Testiraooial. (mo all
part. th. clobt. Prosptn. POI
rgu, iuni on mptiucmtion to x r v
A. n Virtb 1. ew Yark.
ft" s.,
II k. Li U A
k f.
! ra'iio :;Ti'I l';ior ! ' v (ioih'
Niu' I !: iVi1 .
hi ....-v.cft lal! ... :.
I. wool ;:;;n iukciws,
l !! : 'LA IDS,
! i) flannels,
:: in i'Lain and kamcv
Wean; rviujr.a nice Vine of
lack irs silks in rros rain,
As-murcs Faille and iancy Surahs,
and a choice selection of velvets
in latest shades.
P. S.---Th? handsomest line of
Ingrain and llrueJ carpet ever
shown in the cicy at ; Iti) very low- ,
est price.-.
Any longer for crops are good in
Cass county and prices the best
for years and clothing is away
down at
"WiiQn ycu oan buy Overcoas, Suis for
2021, Boys and Clailrr on. In fact
woro by meinkind, you will find at bod
reels prices at tho old roliablo
he One Priee Clothier,
. ... -3
! : 1 1 . :
!l :l '.I
u 1 n mil