4, 8 highest of all in Leaveaing Tower ABSOUUY13f Everybody Reads Jif Qhltsmoath Q'cehhj gjcrahl OFFICIAL PAPER LOF THE COUNTY THURSDAY, OCTOBER CO, 1890. B. & M. Time Table. OOINO W1CST goino kaht No 2 :...5:(5p. in. 4 10:25 a. ra 6 7 ;44 p. m. 10 10 :o a. m. 12 lc :1G a. m lo :25 a m, .3 :20 a. .5 : J5 p. 111 in " 3... " 5.-. - 7.... . 11. 19... ..9 :15 a. m. ..7 :15a. . . 6 :15 p.m. ..5 :25 p. Hi. .11 :00 a. ra. r. A. Salisbury has the excUilTf r!rht to me r Steinau'K Local AnwHthetlo for the Painle tlon of Teeth in thUcity. Office Hock wood 'Slock. I. O. O. F. CASS LODGE. No. 140.1- . O. F. meets ey Tuesday nlplit at, their hall J n .fed block. All Odd Fellow? are cordially invited to attend wlieu visiting in t.ie city. John Cokv, Sec. C A- R. lUcConnihie Twu'lio. 45. meets every Satur day eveninj; at 7 -.30, in thetr liall. Kockwood Block. All visiting comrades are invited to meet with us. . F. Nile. Post Adj. F. A. Bates, Poet Com. Wanted-AN ACTIVE HONEST MAN r .n aiv Sioo monthly if suitable wit!: ..ppoi timities for advance, to represent - '' sponsible New York house. .,.i.uUi:Uiier, lock Hex 1585. N. Y. Rock Bluffs. Mrs. Dr. Reynolds has improved so that she is able to sit up in bed. Wm. Shera and sister, Mrs. Addie -Knan. started back to Rapid City, S. D. last Monday morning. James Carper has sold his eighty acre farm two miles south of here to Charles Franz for twentytwo hundred dollars. Amos Worl has got his new stone and brick house so near completed that he lias moved into it. Dr. Tabor, a young doctor from Tazewell county Virginia, arrived here Friday and is the guest of Dr. Reynolds. He thinks some of locating at Murray, in this county. Mr. Swain and daughter, of Chilli cothe Missouri, the f ther and sister of Mrs. A. M. Holmes, have been yisiting with relatives and acquaintances for a few weeks. Rock Creek school house has got a brand new set of window blinds made of boards and are strong and tight They are put on for the purpose of keeping tramps out of the school house at night. But more especially to keep out the local tramps that have been in the habit ot going there nights and gambling at high five. ' Thomas Sullivan had fifty head of cattle dehorned last Saturday. This practice will become a universal custom before many years, and the horned herd will look vicious and dangerous. We have yet to see the first person who has hl cattle dehorned that does not Wnm a strons advocate of it. For no uerson can see, or realize and appreciate . . - . iJ r. .the advantages ot it uniu ne uas uuu i done. lierrian Hiatt and family who have recently n.oved from Beaver City, Fur- eountv. are visiting oia acquaim- and neighbors. Berrian grew up to manhood from a small boy in Rock ninffa school district, and went west a Furnas county, but the 1CW jrcnio ,i weather out there has been too f,.r him. and he has come back to raBa as many others are doing. S. L. Furlong completed the second mocula ion of forty-nine head of pigs i i. l. Saturday. The first inocu lation was done the 23th of September, . o all have done well. They were only off full feed two or three days -r- ti.. first inoculation. Ten days from the second inoculation he is ready . of them among the cholera Cf UUb O - hogs that are dying, as a test to prove their immunity from taking the genuine -W cholera in the natural jr. B Tim Shaver. -- ucwnisCOVERY. You have heard your friends and .. li oiUnir about itr You may yourself be one of the many who know J . ;,,cf Imn irnnn tfrora personal expencuj - . thing it is. If you have ever tried t, oo are one of its stauncn i 5 .,irfnl thin about it is realise nic wwui c. . 1 when once given a tna. Dr.K.ng s Ttw Discovery ever aiier uu - r--in the house. If you have never used it and should be afflicted witn a old or any throat, lung or chest trouble -eenre a bottle at once and give it a lir rl It ia guaranteed every time, or refunded. Trial bottle free at ZT. G. Fricke & Co'b drug itore. 6 U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, i88 Baking! tUe Pally Herald. Amendment Notes. 1CKV. J. I. M. 15UCKNK.lt. D.ar friends, we come now to theclos in" article of thesre amendment notes. Six months ago we coininenccd a series of articles on this subject for no other purpose, than the good of the city and state. We commenced with malice to ward none and charity for all, and we close in the same spirit. In our Hi st notes we said; "If the saloon is a goo1 thing, if it makes people better, wealthier and happier, it must be protect- j ed and fostered; but if it makes people nAAP,t anA rmisf-s macv sad VTUISt) v i . t. . l homes, it must die." I have tried to show that it is a source of crime, a de stroyer of wealth, a school of iniquity and that we would be latter off without it. But you know how hard it is to convince a man of a truth if he is preju diced against it. But now to be hontst mv brother, if you was on your dying bed and your little boy ten years old should take you by the hand and say: father, shall I visit the saloons when I get older? Shall I be a moderate drinker? Would you answer, yes, my son, by all means? If you would give that kind of advice to your boy on your dying bed, go to the polls and vote for the suloon. But if you would say to your boy, stay out of the saloon, let whiskey alom. then I ask you, in the name of father hood, to vote against the saloon. Do not vote to perpetuate an institution that you would be unwilling for your boy to patronize saloons, what would you advise your neighbor's boy, if you had an in terest in him and you was sure he would follow your adyice? Would you not say, keep out of the saloon, let whiskey alone? My brother, if in the secret judgment of your heart you believe a man will be as healthy, as wise and as rich if he be a total abstainer, as if he should be a drinking man, then I beg of you to vote for the prohibitory amendment for our boy's sake, for the safety of our homes, and the security of our state. Now do not say, I would vote for the prohibitory If T thmi oh t it would be aiuuuuiu.tu - 1 enforced. We must do right, we must be true to our convictions, we gain nothing by de lay, to license is to strengthen, there is k.. nno Knnrcp to imrKiiA and that is to put the law in harmony with the gospel and prohibit what is wrong. There are many things to mislead us, many things to deceive us on this mat ter. Let us think for ourselves, and when whiskey men say it will take away our personal liberty, it will take away our money and leave us bank rupt, it will flood our state with whiskey and drunkards, let us tell them we know better. The saloon is not a wealth pro ducer, it is not an institution working for temperance and purity. How strange t hear the saloon keeper talk ing for temperance. I want to call your attention to the re sults of the conflict. If the prohibitory amendment carries there will be joy n many hearts; and if it is lost there will be joy in many hearts: this joy will break out in a jubilee, and there will be great demon strations of victory. Where shall this celebration be held i The result of the election will determine. If the prohib itory amendment carries it will be in the church. Sabbath School. W. C. T. U. and Good Templar. There will be songs of p-aise and prayers of thanks-giving all oyer this 6tate. But if the sa'o m; win the celebration will be held in them. The saloon keeper the brewer, the distiller, the drunkard, the prostitute, all the wortt c' aractei s will take an active part in this jubilee, the triumph of evil. My dear friend, are you willing to join that crowd and lead in the celebra tion of the triumph of the saloon? Which ide is God, rght ou-ne 8, pur ity and sobriety on? Which side do you want your girls on? Your boys? Which side will you be on? May Goi help us to make no mistake. M a. McCmstic look out ! The sc heme afoot and will " be worked hard to is throw vou overboard in exchange for the unreconstrue'ed Lemasters next Friday at the Louisville mettiag of the demo cratic central committee. Plattsmouth democrats want your scalp, Mr. McClintic and they will hare it if they can get it. WEEKLY HERALD iPLATSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 30 1890 The following oftichit report of Consul Dui.l.ip of Brtsl-u, Germany, vh al t. u l.:.l the .rrnu il exhibition of agricul tural nuuhiiniy in .Tune of this year, of tl:: prices t agricultural machinery from the United t'tate?, will be conclu sive to such leaders of the Journal as sre .M-quiiiutcrt with tl. j rice in this co'.i ntry : M.-f'rumirk's rt'itni-r ami hinder, coin- , , ?L-.'S oo p;e e M.-CorM-ir-UN s'lf liikt-r c.iplcl. HI 0l M"Coim!r-lv'!ii"wer, live f.otcir H" WoodV ie:t. er ami biinh-r, ct:iiph-ti!. . . . -TC " Wood's .-lf-r!;kln;:r aj.r, eot-U-t ... 1U Wood' self-iaVin reaper. !iht 12 (KJ VoodV mower '. " 1). M. Osborne & Co self lv.kinn rc:i( er.. 144 00 Deere Cj.. twelve inch plow with roll in., cutter 1 ' Deere A Co.. riding plow c'-' 4 Acme harr-w 40 ,n Philadelphia lawn mower, fourteen inch cut. eight inches hl'h Philadelphia lawn mower, cixfeen inch 16 80 r-iit rM"lif. inches hiirh. 19 20 Philadelphia lau mower, sixteen inch cut, four Inches his" 1440 State Journal. Tub New York importers have shown their hand by attacking the Mciviniey bill in the courts and the democratic press has shown its hand by assisting in the fight and lending comion to n.e enemy. That vat sums of money are being poured out by the importers in the interests of the democratic party i i i ..11 n'linf irt!l1 now conceded oy mi. ence it can exert is being shown on be half of British monopolies and foreign importers as against American working- men and American interests "I AM TIItED OF HEARING ABOUT LAWS BEING MADE FOR THE MEN WHO WORK IN the shoi's." W. J. Bryan, democratic candidate for congress, in his speech at Weeping Water. Couuty Court Weckbach & C. vs. A. Baldwiiv. Continued for service until Oct. 31, 10 a. m. Chnrles . n-ttcmnutb. On trial to a jurv, Matthew Genug lor plain defendant. Surah J. Fairfield vs. Andrew Kerns et al. Tnken under further advisement by consent uutil November Srd, 2 p. m. License to wed issued Saturday to Mr. David F. Stootzman aged 21, and Miss Annie Troyer aged 19, both of Plattsmouth. The Westinghouse Electric Co. vs. J. P. Antill and -J. II . Bellows. Demur rer of defendant Bellows overruled. Leave to answer by Nov. 10, 1890. .1. ir TTirlmnn for nlaintiff. II. D. Travis ax iiivivn- i for defendant Bellows. W. C.T. U. Meeting There will be a meetin'; of the W, C T. U. at the home of Mrs. S. A. Davis Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, to per feet all arrangements decided upon. By order of the President. George White is still alive but such is his condition that he cannot live long. Married Mr. Ralph McPheroa to Miss Mary Ward at the office of the county judge, at 1 o'clock. Judge Ramsey officiating The bride and groom are both residents of Tabor Iowa. Rnoirinn'sArnica Salve- The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Soros Tetter. Chaoued Hands, ChUDiains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures f lies, or no pay requires u i truaranteed to give satisfaction, or monev refunded, f rice 20 cents per nox For sale by . ricxe y. v u. - . a j- TT 1 W 1 If you want to bny a cood house call on Merges over ociuappagasse 04 tu Acre lots within and outside of city lira ;ta TTnnsps from $500 to S3.500. Wrmt ?n Class countv and the west for sale or trade. Peter Merges. d&w-tf. The first fresh oysters of the season at J. Hatt & Co's, tf Plenty of A No. 1 flour on hand to exchange for wheat at the Factoryville Roller Mills. Wheat taken on deposit wtf. T. M. Warne. Sleepless nights, made miserable by I,.. furrihlo foncrh. Shiloh's Cure is the rmprlv tnr von. For sale bv F. G Fricke and O. H. Snyder. 2 For lame back, side or chest, use Shi loh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents For sale by F..G. Fricke and O. H. Sny der. " . For Rent, My residence property, No. 1411 rust. St. Suitable for one larse or Lo two small families. Dr. Shii'.man. Farm for Sale. ojft rrr of fine land, with all modern improvements, within one mile of Mur ray. Will sell all or part of the same. Prire9 reasonable and terms easy, for further particular address or call on, E. Beroer, Murray, Cass Co., Nebraska. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for constipation, loss of appetite, ' dizziness , n : and all symptoms 01 dyspepsia, 10 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by F. G. Fricke and O. H. Snyder. 4 Subscribe for The Dailt Herald and read all the newt. "Is this the best?" Is a question often itbkcd, wlun medicine is wanttd. The following are a few of the medicines of known reliability, sold by Fricke & Co., druggists of this place. They have inHiiy other excellent medicines, but these arc worthy of especial mention: Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous for its cures of severe cold.-,, aud as preventative for croup. Price 50c per buttle. Chamberlain's Pain Balm, a general family liniment mid especially valuable for rheumatism. Price 50c per bottle Chamberlain's Colic, ChoUra and Di-airho- i Remedy, th- most reliable known medicintf for bowel complaints. It JS especially prized by persons tnl.jcct to colic. It has cured many cases of chronic diarrlxea. Price 25 ond 50c per bottle. , , t St. P.ttaick's Pills, for disorders of the liver and bowels. A vigorous but gen tie physic that cleanes and renovates the whole system. Price 25c per box. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment f(;i tetter, salt rheum, scald-head, eczema and chronic sore eyes. Prico 25c per box . Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's catarrh remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal injector free. For sale by F. G. Fricke and O. II. Sny der. - Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bit ters sing the same song of praise A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases ot the Liver and Kidneys, will remove pim- nles. Boils, Salt Klitum ana otuer ac tions caused by impure blood. Vv ill drive Malaria from the system and pre- r vent ns well as cure an xuaiariai icveia. rw rnre of Headache. Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters En tire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cents and $ 1 per b.tt!e at F. G. Fiicke& Co's , drugstore. Will vou suffer with dyspejsia and liver complaint? ' Shiloh s vitalizer is ouatanteed to cure you. For sale by K G. Fricke find O. 11. bnyrter. 1 Mortar Spotted Skin. Covered with Scales. Awful Spec- . a a 1 tacle. cureainiivencciis by the Cuticura Rem edies. I Mm uoinir to tell you of the t xtraordiuarv cure voTir ci'TirntA Kfmediks perior-rea on me, About the 1st of April la-t noticed some red pimple-like eomini: out a 1 over niy body Lc" r. '...1.. v, t ! ,,nii k niftime later snots of mortar spotted on, and whUh ewe i'rt in layers as coinpauied with itching. I wuill snatch every liiuht un til I was law. then the next nicht the scales being formed meanwhile, were scrathed off anain In vain did I consult all the doctors in the county. hut witnoui am- f".(s un all hopes of recovery, I hap penea to see r n . ... tha ,.wmn.rter about your U N "VU.Vr .'hasf..! them of ..KooDedoif and disappeared one .,y one iritii I had been fully emeu. 1 nau me one u 1111 1 ,,,. a 1 l.f.'nn takinif d s;.s.- thirteen niomi" . was n the Ukmeoiks auri in four orfie weeks was en rirelv rured. WV ueseasc - SSLl?? know of a Bre.tn.an, wh 1 , t ken tue f kui - ,t,otllPlli wi10 knowledtje of 'keV..especiaoy . have babes witn scai ei"i t,..lnWs tn . . . . .- ..... f ..rnrpss ni lliarKS 10 aiKI DOdies. 1 twu' - - a . m. iw.Hu u na r-nveieu ' and I was Hit awful speeiacie iu Now my skin is clear ,,orl.m WIS Cuticura Resolvent. rh w mood and skin purifier and greatest of Humor remedies. . (internally to r. leanse . e hlr.od f all ! mpnrities. and thus re n, ye Uie ....V'ltTicrRA t he CrrHI -kiii rtiivi ATtprnallv Itociar t ue smu uu o.... ?.xtlrV,.J 1,V.,i r V-nrp everv species of .goniz- "uk Whliip. burning. c v. and pimply diseas es of! he skin, scalo and blood. ,,1,1 eveiywheie. li ice.i VTJV i.Uo 00. i:m i.vKM'.sl. rrepuieu uy me -DM am chemical corporation. Boston t-Sendfor"HowtoCure SKin iJiseases T- "fvt .,,... n, ,,nri inn testimonials. 64 pages, 00 in,iM,rti,", PIMPLFS. black-heaas. rea. rouii, cu-iiu 'oily skin cured by Cuticcra soap. I Can't Breathe. Chest Pains. Soreness, Weakness Hacking Cough, Asthma. Pleurisy, and Iutlamation relieved in one nun .TTrT r!,itir.iir Anti-Pain Plaster. Noth ing like it for Weak Lungs. AviJbJN lb Book, covering his l.ife's WANTED R!SJlS,rindn'Fr?a the Christ-Land," entitled "From Manger To Throne," Embracing a New LIFE OP CHRIST, and a Story of Palestine and Its Peoole. illustrated with oyer 400 wonder nil eiJgravii'B of scenery 111 Holy Land. cpie ofo drnastersand 2CUI"'"' hi ni4 and Times of the saviour. ik?aLBmiU pi"ure LfJerusalem on the d - y of the crucifixion, in 9wUranAtn1t in lensth. 'Ibis is Or. TALtWAGE S Ilr wo, k and his great e-t book. Orders are now murine in from all prts of the civilized L world territoof Such, chanrej only come once in a lifetime, txnus aeirnnu'j lection: llie most remarkable nd wonderful of all books about tne lana. ume iicwt i Jt1 wnrlf NOW and VOU will make hundred, of dollars Jtory go ing with a rush ; act now ; no capital needea. Name territory you want, and wilt at occe for particulars to W. D. C0ND1T & CO.. DES MOINES, IA. JULIUS PEPPERRERG. f AXT7FACT1TRKR OF AW WHOLESALE & RETAIL DKALKR IN THB . Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our D..nrhsres' and Bu d FULL LINK OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE always io ttock. Nor. 28. 1885. BARGAINS! - BARGAINS! SPECIAL, LOW PRICES IN BOOTS and SHOES. goods before the and shall continue to close them out - Vt usual LOW PRICKS, be sure and consu i your interest and call and get prices belore you buy elsewhere. W IT JBGmT' CGUJE .Gia.2BH "Conlbund it the old man bought one of those cook stove with the oven door full of holes like a bcive, if he had sense he would get a Garland: It heats the air before it passes into the oven and it doesn t take near as much wood or coal to bake. I saw I30ECK & WALK ER cook with a Garland stove at the fair and it was the nicest baker 1 ever saw. You bet I'll have a Garland stove." Anyone who will cut this picture out and bring with thein when they buy a ftove we will give a 5 per cent discount for cash, CALL AILTID S3jIEj BOECK & Watch for the old man's reply next Gortons Implement Bepot WHOLESALE The Oldest Implement All the Standard Goods are KEPT IjNT STOCK- Such as J ohn Leere ifc Co's. David Bradley & Co's. Peru City's., St. Joe's and George D. Browns, ot Galesburg & The Js'ew Departure cultivator, the best that's made. THE BEST Always in stock. Received in car HIKl IVCLCUUIIl. J.J14IVL,J AyiUUUlO "IJU .'A Ki o rHE FZXTEST IiIlJ Of Buaaies, Carriages and Road Carts Headquarters for the best barb fact everything in any of YKf ill niin en It tlifir own interests bv prac If IU V-VllCUiu " J O O ..v. y lav M. lairll mouth, or Fred II. Gorder, at Weeping Water, when in want of any thing in the Implement line. Fifteen years experience has taught me how to buy goods right, and my trade shows for itself that I sell right. Branch. House at Weoping Water. Insure your property against lire, lightnin fPnnlr lit til a XUI UIIUU, Ait AMAZON INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Cincinnati, Ohio. Commenced Business Qcstofiet? CASH CAPITAL - - $300,00o.00 Stockholders individually naoie , . . - 1 . ; . 1 . Of UlllO WI11CU lOgetutsr wilu uicmeseui, net 6UrpiU8 18 a net Duarantee of about $700,000,00 to ped icy holders. Losses paid in nineteen years, (since organization) uearly four million dollars J. H. BEATTIE, Secretary. Wm. L. BROWNE, Resident Rubber advance of lO per ce rii. tVier and BOECK & CO. WALKER, week. and RETAIL House in Cass County. WAGONS a load lots such as Sehuttler, Moline wire, "THE GLIDDEN" the above lines of goods and ir o-oino to Kred (irnrrlpr nf Plotfo and unaer uie constitution of the Stat t, , a. . . GAZZAM GANO, President. Agent, Plattsmouth Nebraska 4 e