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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1890)
UiTIUi- V IA" .4 a tout or slavery vats. BY MISS II. E. BHADDON. They descended tho ntps "iln by eidfl, and traveled tho winding pathway, fol lowed by Toby. At the door of the carriage Oilbrt Margrave clasped tha Octoroon In his arms, and, pressing hrto hi5 h';irt, ex claimed wiih oiaotion, "farewell, my beloved ! Even this brief t nrtin;; Is pata and anguish to iue. May Ilea von bless and guard you." Thoro had been a si'.enl spectator of the interview between Gilbert Margrava and Cora. Gerald Leslie had ben standing be hlnH tho striped blinds in hi apartment, which overlooked t:io torruce, watchiDg the meeting of hia daughter and her lover. lie saw them descend th terrace steps, and lie thought that Cora had readily consented to depart. Ho heard the carriage wheels roll away upon the smooth gravel road, and tho bitterness of his feelings utterly overcame him. "She is k(juj !" ho ex claimed ; "gone, without casting one re gretful look upon the home she is leav ing. She is glad to fly with this man; she loves him; she is his! Ungrateful girl ! Uut what then, was it not my wish? She is saved at last. Thank Heaven for that ! biio is s.ived, and I am alone I I shall never see my child again." Overpowered by his grief he sunk into a chair, while his head fell fm ward on his clasped hands. Ho had remained thus for some mo ments, when the door behind him. was gently opened, and a soft footstep stole toward him. Ho raised his head, and beheld hl3 daughter kneeling at his feet. She twined her arms about his neck, and he clasped her to his heart with pas sionate emotion. Cora." he exclaimed: "Cora, is it von?" "Dearest father, how could you think that your daughter would consent to de part without you ! "Alas, alas, my unhappy child !" mur mured Gerald. "But, my father, why this terror, this agitation ? What is it you fear?" "Nothing, nothing, Cora. Shall not I be here to guard and save you? My Cora, my darling, you love me then, you forcive me?" would ask forgiveness." Once more the planter strained her to his heart. "This moment repays me for all I have Buffered," he exclaimed, "Oh, Heaven, I am too happy !" Then rising with a ges ture of terror, he cried, "Happy, did I say? Happy, when hark !" lie paused, clasping Cora in his arms, and listening Intently. The voices of several men were to be heard in the vestibule below, and at the same time hurried footsteps sounded on the stairs. Toby rushed breathless into the room. "Oh, massa, ma6sa, the dreadful day has come at last! Mr. Craig is below with the sheriffs ; he has come to take possession of the estate of all I" "Already? exclaimed oerald resile; 'then we are lost." The agitation of the morning had been oo much for the Octoroon ; this last ihock completely prostrated her, and he sunk, fainting, into her father's arms. "My daughter 1" cried Gerald: "my child Toby, the child you nursed is there no escape, no way to save her?" The mulatto wrung his hands in silent anguish ; then, with a gleam of hope il luminating his dusky face, he ex claimed "Stay, massa ; the garden below this communicates with the plantation; if we could reach that they could never find us. They are all below in the ves tibulewait, waitl" He rushed from the room, leaving Gerald Lesliu in utter bewilderment as to what he was about to do ; but in three minutes he appeared at the open window of the apartment, standing at the top of a ladder. "See, massa," he cried, "we will eav her yet. Give her into Toby's arms, and he will save her, though his own life pays the price of her liberty." It was too late. As tho faithful mu latto stretched forth his arms to receive the prostrate form of the unconscious girl, a harsh voice in the garden below, exclaimed : "What are you up to, there, you nig ger? I see you. If you don't come down quicker than a streak of greased lightning, I guess you'll get a bit of lead in your precious carcass that'll bring you down a sight faster than you went up. Come down, you old cuss, will you?" The speaker was ono of the men em ployed by the sheriff, who had crept round from the vestibule to the gardens to see if there 'Trore any doors or win dows by which some of the live stock ini-jht escapo. The ltvk stock" is the name given to the slaves upon a plantation. Human beings, with hearts capable of grief and affection, fidelity and love but in the eyes of the auctioneer, mere cat tie to bo knocked down by his hammer to the highest bidder. Amongst the live stock wa3 counted Cora, the Octoroon, the lovely and ac- comjdished daughter of Gerald Leslie, the destined bride of Gilbert llar- rave. CIIAITEn X11V. LL hope of es cape was over. The mulatto i i . '7.1 slowly descended the ladder, mut tering to the man below that he had onlv been making some al terations in the window shutters. C'oia Leslie reopened her eyes to be lie. 11 her father bending over her, his race almost'ghastly with agitation. The Octoroon was terriiied by that pale and horror-stricken countenance. "Is it all a dream?" she murmured, pass ing her hand across her forehead ; "speak, dearest father, what has hap pened?" "I am ruined, Cora," answered Gerald Leslie, in a hoaree whisper! "But como the worst, we love each other. There is no dark cloud between us now. We may be penniless, but at least we are united." Tho reader must understand that, as yet the Octoroon wag unawaro of all tho miseries of her position. Educated in England reared upon a free soil, where slavery Is unjthovro, she never dreamt that she would be sold because of her father's inaolvenoy. She bad pef ther seen nor heard of a slavt sale. Hojr trt 1a I sold with all the other goods and chat tels upon the estate "Come the worst, dearest father," she repeated, "wo will never part again." Gerald Leslie was silent. He bad no power to speak. Taking . his daughter by tbo hand, he led her down stairs into the laigot apartment fn tho ravlllon, where Silas Craig, with the hheriil and his assistants, were as sembled. The haidest heart might have been melted as tliu father and daughter en tered tho room. Cora, pale and trem bling, jet lovely in her pallor, robed in white, and graceful a? those lilies which f-eemed tho best emblems f her delicate beaut-. Gerald Leflb), proud, calm, and erect, although despair was stamped on every feature of his face. But the brutal nature of Silas Craig was incapable of pity; he felt only a fiendish joy in tho humiliation of one who had always despised him. "I expected to see you, Mr. Craig," said Gerald, addressing tho lawyer, with icy contempt,' "but I thought that you would como alone. May I ask why you are aecorai anied by thebe people?" "Merely as a matter of precaution," answered Silas ; "I have no doubt these gentlemen will lind their prosence use less; for of course you are prepared to meet your engagements. You have not fbrgotton that this is tho day that your acceptance for a hundred thousand dol lars falls due. Mr. Horton has given me full power to act in his name as woll as my own. Have j-ou tho money ready, my dear Mr. Leslie?" Gerald Leslie felt the sting of the mocking sneer with which these words were accompanied. "I am not yet prepared with tho money," he answered ; "but I have every reason to hopo that the New York steamer will bring tho required sum be fore night." "It is from the house of Richardson you expect the money, I believe," said Silas Craig. "It is." "In that case I am sorry to inform you that a telegram has just reached lew Orleans announcing tho failure of that house." Gerald Leslie clasped his hands in si lence. "Was that your only resource, Mr. Leslie?" askad Craig Still the planter made no reply, "You se, then," continued the lawyer, "that the presence of these gentlemen is not altogether useless. You can pro ceed at once to business," he added, turn lng to the men. Cora Leslie wondered at the 6llent de spair of her father. "Why bow your head, dearest father?" she said, "if your ruin leaves no stain upon your honor. We do not fear pov erty. Let us go 1" Grata looked at the Octoroon with a eardonlo smile. "I could have wished that your father had explained to you why you cannot follow him from this place, Miss Leslie," he said; "it will be a painful disclosure for me to make." "What, sir?" exclaimed Cora, looking alternately from the lawyer to her father. Gerald Leslie clasped her in his arms. "My daughter was born In England, Mr. Craig," he said. "She has nothing to do with this business 1" "Your memory fails you this morning, Mr. Leslie." answered Silas ; "your daughter was born on this plantation, and is the child of a certain Quadroon slave, called Francillla. Tho proofs are In my possession." "What of that?" asked Cora; "what matters whether 1 was born in England or Louisiana?" The lawyer took a memorandum-book from his pocket. "Since your father will not enlighten you. Miss Leslie," he said, "the law must answer your question." He opened the book and read aloud from one of its pages : " 'The children of a slave belong to the owner of the mother.' In other words," added the lawyer, as he replaced the book in his pocket, "Mr. Leslie is your master as well as your father ; you are, therefore, his property, or that of his creditors." "Father1." cried Cora, wildly; "do you hear what this man 6ays? You are si lent ! Oh, heaven, it is then true !" For a moment her anguish overcame her; then, turning to Craig, she said: "What, then, would you do with mo, sir?" "Alas, my poor child," answered Silas, with affected compassion, "you will be sold with the others." With a shriek of horror the Octoroon buried her face upon her father's breast. "Sold 1 she exclaimed, in a stineo voice ; "sold !" The mulatto Toby stood by, contem plating the scene with mute despair. "Mr. Craig," said (Jerald Leslie, "will not all that I possess suffice to pay the debt I owe? Why this useless cruelty? Do you fear that the produce of the sale will not be enough to repay you? If it ehould be so. I swear to you that I will employ the last hour of my life to en deavor to liquidate your claim. If, then, there yet remains one sentiment of pity in your heart, do not rob me of my child,:" "If I were disposed to grant your prayer, Mr. Leslie," answered Silas, "the law ia JlieOT&Di. ailiriiisioe eumi'" "N'o, no ; who could question your right to do as you please in the matter !" "You forget," answered the lawyer; "you forget the fifty thousand dollars due to Augustus Hoiton; I am h3re to represent his interests as well as my own." , "Augustus Horton," cried Cora; "you hear, father, you hear. It is to deliver me to him that they would separate me from you." "Ileafcsure yourself, Miss Leslie," 6aid Silas Craig; "the law requires that the slaves upon a property shall bo sold by public auetion. That auction will take piaco at noon tomorrow. Mr. Leslie has only to repurchase you if he can com mand the means." But Cora heard him not. The name of Augustus norton awak ened all her terror of the persecution oi a base and heartless prolligate. She imagined herself already in hia power his slave I1I3 to treat as his vil passion prompted. Wild with terror, she clung convulsively to her fattier. "No, no,"she cried ; "do not abandon me. I shall die ; I shall go mad. Do you forget that 1 hat man is the murderer oi my mother?" "Silence, silence!" whispered Gerald: "unhappy girl, do not infuriate him." "I hope, Mr. Leslie," aid Craig, aa Cora still clung to her father, "that you will not oblige us to have recourse to vio lence." "Kill mc, kill me, sooner than abandon m to that man," cried Cora. The mulatto drew a knife from his pocket and handed it to the agonized father. "Kill her, master," he whispered; 'better that than she should meet the fat of her mother." Gerald Leslie pushed the 6lave from Ll with a Mature of horror. "No. no r iciaimCi- "W nope u art ItlH nurtured, tenderly beloved, was to be Xievweeu iBitUiiuliMiiunon ouxxnr eomv thing can be done. I will see Gilbert. We will save you, Cora, my beloved; t will save you." Two of the men approached the fathei and daughter to take tho Octoroon from Gerald's, arms. But Cora only clung to him more con YulMvely. "Father, father!" 6he shriekod. At a gesture from Craig they seized her In their arms and dragged h? r away. Happily for the wretched girl, con. sclousness once more deserted her, and she sunk fainting in the arms of the brutal wretches whoso business it was to secure her. , Silas Craig looked on at this heart rending scene with an evil light shining in his red, rat-liko eyes. "For yeara and year, Mr. Gerald Les lie," he said, "you and the like of you have carried it with a hljh hand over me. But my turn has como at last, I guess. You look rather small today. It's a hard thing for a man to be so poor as to have, to tell his favorite daughter." "Wretch !" cried tho agonized father; "this is your hour of triumph; but re member that Heaven puffers mich as j-ou to prosper for a while, that it may the better confound them in the end. A being capable of infamy such as thla must also be capable of crime. Guilty deeds long forgotten are sometimes strangely brought to light, and it may be your turn to grovel in tho dust and ask for mercy of mo." In spite of hia hardihood in crime the color forsook Silas Craig's face, and left It of a dusky white. The random shot had struck him too forcibly. The man of guilt trembled. CHAPTER XXV. LL things went on at the Villa M o r a q u i tos as calmly as if noth ing out of the or dinary course had happened. Camil lia and her father met constantly and the Spaniard still displayed his absorbing love for his daughter; but, a few days after the 6cene in the gambling house, ho announced to her his intention of making Fauline Corsi his wife. The young girl's surprise at this an nouncement knw no bounds. Nothing could have' been more remote from her thoughts than the possibility of her father's marrying a second time. She knew of his devotion to her mother knew the anguish that had been caused to him by Olyrapla's early death, and to hear that he was about to wed the young and frivolous Frenchwoman filled her with bewilderment. This, then, was the 'fulfillment of the ambitious hopes to which Pauline Corsi had alluded. Being utterly without avarice or mer cenary feelings of any kind, the an nouncement of her father's marriage gave no pain to Camiliia. On the contrary, it pleased her to think that he should win a companion for his declining days, and her only prayer was that Pauline might prove worthy of his affection and might learn to make him happy. Her innocent mind could little dream of the terrible secret which was involved in this intended marriage. Again, 6he remembered that no donbt her fortune would be much reduced by this unlooked-for event; there would be, therefore, less objection to her union with Paul. This thought filled her with hope, and she seemed to recognize the hand of Providence in the turn which events were taking. But we must retrace our steps, in order to throw a light upon the timely appear ance of Paul Lisimon. Captain Prender gills, and the sailor Joe, in the secret gambling-house in Columbia street. It will be remembered that Camiliia Moraquitos had recognized the coppercol ored visage of the sailor in the pit of the crowded Opera-house. The beautiful Spanish girl had also been recognized by honest-hearted J oe, whose breast was overflowing with grati tude for the noble handful of dollars which she had only, that morning given him. The Amazon woe anchored in the har bor of New Orleans, and Joe had been commissioned by Paul Lisimon to de liver the letter to Camiliia, and had at the same time received his Captain's per mission to take a night's holiday on shore. With his pockets full of money the sailor was determiened to enjoy himself, and, attracted by the blaze of lights and brilliant crowd, he had strolled into the ODera-house. "Here, the entertainment being not very much to his liking, he amused himself by staring at the audience. It was then that he perceived Camiliia Moraquitos. From the moment of recog nizing her he scarcely ever took his eyes from the box in which she was seated. Was she not the sweetheart of his Cap tain's particular Iriend, the -new first mate of tho Amazon, and was it not there fore his duty to look after her? He saw Augustus Horton leaning over Camillia's chair, and immediately set turn of Paul .Lisimon. By and by he saw tbo planter leave the box to order the carriage at the close oi the performance. Determined to watch to the last, he quitted the pit at tho same moment, and reached the portico before the theater iu time to see Augustus and Camiliia enter tho carriage that was waiting for them. He also heard tho brief dialogue that passed between "them at tho door of the vehicle. But the indignation of the honest sail or was unbounded when ho saw ugustua take his seat in the carriage by thu sida of Camiliia. Ho thought that his Captain's new friend was betrayed, and immediately resolved to know the truth. As the carriage drove off, he flung himself into the io.adway, almost, under the hoofs of the horses 01 other vehicles, in order to follow that which contained Camiliia and the planter. In this manner he pursued it until it turned out of tho principal thorough fare. Then, favored by the obscurity of the street and the darkness of the night, he sprang forward, and, clambering like a monkey, contrived to seat himself on the board at th back of the vehicle. He was sufficiently well acquainted witn inow urieans to recognize uie quar- ( tor through which thev drove ; and when the carriage stopped, he slipped noise lessly from his position, and, lurking ia the shadow, watched Camiliia and Au gustus as they entered the gambling iiouee. .He saw enough to convince him that some description of treachery was on foot, and (hut in any case. Paul Llsi mon's happiness was in danger. The carriage drove off without the black coachman having noticed Joe.; and the 6ailor had ample time to examine th exterior of the house, and the street Is wkflk Utm litjiftt? 1 111 IS II CBI m street. Then, without a moment's hesitation, he ran to the quay, and got a boat to con vey him on board the Amazon. Late as H was, neither Taul nor the Captain bad retired to rost. They were both seated in tho cabin, with a pilo of charts before them, and Iho j-ouns lawyer was taking a lesson ia navigation. Joa Io3t no time In relating what he had just wit nessed ; and ten minutes af terward Paul LiMmoa and Captain I'ren dergills wero on shore. Tho captain knew the house on Colum bia Ftreet. "Many a dollar have I lost within its accurd wall?." he said, as the three men hurried through the deserted city ; "but that's in our favor now, for the keepers of tho houf.o know me, and I know the trick of tho door, which is a secret only confided to the habitual visitors of the house; so we shall get into the infernal den without any diffi culty, and once in wo'll find out what all this means, and whether Don Juan's daughter is deceiving you." "She deceive me!" exclaimed Paul, in dignantly; "8he is all truth, all purity; but if the man who was with her is ho whom I imagine, she is the victim of treachery as vile 0,4 that from which I am a sufferer." Thanks to Captain Prendergills, thoy had no difficulty in penetrating tho mys terious building. A man. Beated in a little anteroom on tho stairs took their hats from them, and told them which way to go to the gambling-saloons ; but at the very mo ment thoy reached the top of the princi pal stalrcaoO the thrilling 6hrlek of Ca milla Moraquitos echoed through tho house. The ear of Paul Lisimon sharpened by anxiety, told him whence this shriek pro ceeded. It came from a long corridor to their left. They rushed down this corridor, and burst open the door at the end as a sec ond shriek pealed through the building. The result is already known to the reader. The letter written by Silas Craig, which Bummoned Don Juan Moraquitos from the opera-box, was a part of the plant er's base plot, and had been planned between him and the lawyer. The business relations between Silaa and Don Juan were so complicated that it was easy for the artful attorney to oc cupy the Spaniard in discussing them till long after midnight. The two men sat talking till nearly three o'clock in that very apartment or namented with the map of the United States, and communicating with the gambling house in Columbia street. But the two houses were separated by a passage of considerable length, and Don Juan was too far from his beloved daughter to hear that terrible shriek of distress which alarmed every player at the gaming table. w Upon the day on which Silas Craig, ac companied by the limbs of the law, en tered the house of Gerald Leslie, taking with him desolation and anguish, Pauline Corsi and Camiliia Moraquitos wore once more seated In the boudoir of the Spanish girl. The Amazon had sailed from New Or leans, carrying Paul Lisimon away from danger of apprehension away also from her he loved. Matters were rapidly drawing toward a crisis within a few days the French gov erness was to become the bride of Juan Moraquitos. But the wealthy Spaniard had little of the aspect of a happy bridegroom. He rarely entered the apartments of either his daughter or Pauline Corel, but he spent his hours in gloomy meditation in his study, and admitted no one to his presence. Camiliia was cruelly distressed by this change, yet she dared not interrogate the haughty Spaniard. Sometimes she imagined that he re proached himself for contracting a sec ond alliance which might lesson hia daughter's wealth. "If ho knew how little SI care for the gold which others so value," she thought ; "if he knew how happy I could be in the numblest home shared with those I love, he would not fear to rob mo of a few thousand." The confidence commenced between Camiliia and Pauline upon the day of Augustus Horton's plotted defeat had never been discontinued, and it was to the Frenchwoman alone that Camilla looked fcr hope and comfort. Strange anomaly of human nature ! The ambitious and unscrupulous being who could rtoop to purchase a wealthy hus band by means of a vile and guilty secret, had yet some better feelings left. Taurine loved her pupil loved her with tho light love of a selfish nature it is true, but it is something that one spark of af fection remained in her perverted nature. "T'ou are sad, Camiliia?" she said, aa she looked up from her embroidery frame to watch the thoughtful face of the Span ish girl. Camiliia was seated with her handa lying idle In her lap, her eyes fixed va cantly upon the river, shining through the open window. "You are sad, Camilla?" repeated Pauline. Camiliia aroused herself as if with an effort. "Can I be otherwise," phe said, "when I think of him? When I remember that he is away I know not '"here his name branded with disgrace, a wanderer and an outcast." ".Silly child ! Have I not already told you that tho clay which c rowns my ambi tion shall also c rown your love?" "Ah, Pauline ! If I could but believe you !'' sighed Camiliia. "And can yoa not believe me? Do I look like one who has no will to accom plish her wish? Look in my face, and see if there is one line that tells of weak ness there?" Camiliia raise 1 her eyes to tho face ol her late governess with an earnest and wondering gaze. Youthful as was that countenance, deli cate as were the features and complexion, brilliant though the azure of the ej-es, there was a look of decision, a glance oi determination rarely seen in the faces of strong men. There was a power for good or evil terrible, incalculable, if employed for the latter the power of a great intellect and an unyielding will. "Pauline!" exclaimed Camilla, "you are an enigma." "Not so," answered the governess, her clear blue eyes dilating, her l.p quiver ing with suppressed emotion. "Not so, Camiliia; I am an injured woman." "Injured !" "Ye.-. You, whose life has been smooth as yonder river, sleeping be neath the sunshine that gilds its breast vou have never known what it is to' writhe beneath a sense of injury to feel that your whole existence has been blighted bv the crimesjof others. Therg to a fiend ; so do not wonder when you see me cold, heartless, ambitious, de signing. My nature was poisoned by the events of -my youth. I said that I would one day tell you taj story. Shall tteliit srovftpirt" .... .... tee, x-aunuu, yvj v m uotparnrui to you." ' "It la painful; but I foel a savage pleasure In the pain. I gnash my teetb at the remembrance of tho old and bittet wrongs ; but I love to recall them, foi the thought of them makes me strong. Have you ever wondered at my pat his tory. Camiliia?" "Never." "I was born beneath a princely roof, cradled In the luxury of a palace; the man I called my father was u duke the woman, whose gorgeous beauty smiled upon my infancy, was a duehosa !'' "They were your parents?" exclaimed Camiliia. "I was taught to think so. They were i of the Italiun race, and sprang from one of the most powerful families of the ; south a family whose pride had become i a proverb throughout ItHly. ! "Thoy had been rnurrlej for soino years, and had grown weary of hoping for an heir to the ancient naino which, if they had died without posterity, would have become extinct. Disappointed in his hope of perpetuating his noble race, the duke had grown indifferent to his beautiful wire; nay, something worue than indlfferenco had arisen something bordering on dislike, which, in spito of his efforts, he waj unablo to con ceal. The duchess came of a house al most as noble as that of hr husband. She was a haughty and imperious woman and she was not slow to perceive thU change in the manner of the duko. She discovered, that in the very prime of her youth and beauty she was despised by tier kusband. Tho bitterness of this dis covery changed her very nature. Every day she grew more haughty, more ex acting, more capricious. Shs shut her self from the gay world In which sho had been admired, and abandoned herself to a mute but terrible despair." "Poor woman, she suffered !" mur ium od Camiliia. "She did. She was wronged, but it did not make her more pitiful to othors when their thno of suffering came. It hard ened her nature, and made her merci less, as all injustice must ever do. The duke observed this gloomy silence this dumb despair. He could not restore to her an affection which he no longer felt; but he sought to revive her spirits by change of sceno, and by those hollow pleasures which are the sole iesourceof the idle." "Vain solace I Poor lady, sho was In deed to be pitied." "Ay, but her haughty soul would have rejected pity as the direst wrong. The duke left Italy, and took her to Paris, where, in the midst of tho gay and frivolous, she mlvht forget her domestio griefs; but in France, as in Italy, she refused to share In the pleasures of the world of rank and fashion, and obsti nately shut herself in her own chamber." "Yet she did not die! Strange that such sorrow could not kill 1" "Sorrow does not kill. Even her beauty suffered no diminution. It was still In the full splendor of its luxuriance, dark, proud, commanding, queen-like. Have you ever heard, Camill'a Mora quitos, of the secrets of Paris? Have you ever heard of the mysteries of that wonderful city, in which almost every 6treet has its secret, known only to the initiated In the winding ways of civilized life? Three months after the arrival of the duke and duchess in Paris, an event occurred which changed tho whole cur rent of their lives." "And that event waa " "Apparently a very simple one ; the lady's-maid of the duchess was a frivo lous girl; who had herself been educated in France, but who had never before tasted the delights ef the brilliant capi tal. She was intoxicated with rapture, and she ventured even to express her ad miration for Paris in the presence of the young duchess. Among3t the othF wonders of this marvelous city, Jean nette, as the girl was called, spoke of a fortune-teller who had related to her some of the events of her past life, and whom she looked upon as a powerful magician." "But surely the duchess did not listen to this peasant girl's foolish -babble." "She did ! Despair is, perhaps, terri bly near akin to madness. She listened at first from pure abstraction, scarce heeding what she heard ; but afterward eagerly. She asked the girl a thousand questions about this fortune-teller, and finally it was agreed upon betweea the mistress and maid that the woman should visit the duchess late on the fol lowing night, when the duke was absent at a political assembly, and all the serv ants of the establishment had retired to rest " "Stranae caprice !" exclaimed Camiliia. ; "Grief is sometimes capricious. The duchess doubtless, was ashamed of her own folly, but she wished to hear what this woman would say of the future, which seemed so dark. What if she were to prophesy the coming of an heir to that haughty house an heir .whose coming would restore all the power of the now neglected wife? The duchess passed the following day in a state of restless excitement, eager for the com ing hour which was to bring the fortune teller. "It was nearly midnight when Jean nette admitted the woman by a private door at tho bottom of the grand stair case. "There was something terrible in th look of the woman who crept with i stealthy and silent tread over the luxu rious carpets of that palace-like abode She was old arid haggard; her yellow skin disfigured by innumerable wrinkles: her gray Hair falling in elf locks about her low and narrow forehead. Hei mall eyes were surrounded by red anc ! inflamed circles, and almost hidden bj j the bushy eyebrows wtiicli projectec over them. Her chin wa3 frinKed will terrible gray brh ties ; her mouth disfig ured by two enormous teeth, which re sembled the fangs of a wild beast. Sh was a creature calculated to inspire dii gust and terror, and she seemed stil; more horrible by contract with the ele gance around her, as she entered th; superb apartments of th duchess. "THere is little do.:bt that the maid, Jeannette. had told this woman all tha secrets of her mit.tie.-s. Her task, therefore, was an easy one. Sho de scribed the troubles of the past, and foretold that, before the year had elapsed, a child would be born to the duke and duchess. On hearing thia prophecy from the lips of a miserable impostor, the haughty Italian fell at her feet, and burst into an hysterical flood of tears. "The woman saw in that moment the first dim foreshadowing of a future crime. A week afterward she came again at the same hour. This time she saw the duchess alone, and remained with her for so long a period that Jean nette's curiosity was excited. She con trived to overhear the interview. 'Once more the duchess eeemed a transformed being. She no longer shut herself from the world. Gay and ra diant f he re-enterrd society ; and in a lew momns me arnce was inrunneo cixat he would ere long become a father. "On hearing this he was eager for an Immediate return to Italy, in order that the infant might be born upon the sot which .t was by and by to Inherit; but t duchess had a rasf eaprit poi inn thi4 point. I la)u Paris, 1 ?r., , mild not l,V fa'-'- a.Dd "T:; wishes at bring hlmiwii w wFfw' uch a time. mnnu from the first ..Within a twelvemonth rr oro i ,ilt of the 'une teller, a thWj born .ad r rd indulged 1 was t. .-t f l.l.d. , narblMl i lux- thai such loaded me rested upon mo I ho i . mj with pu-,.,, bu be rn , raoo and J XL li-st "tii1 to love. A young ai tW.""0". , iovo engaged to paint turned, with me, and hi passion w"9 , d . For the ilrst and only time I toe. a devotedly, onduriugly. ..Kl though handsome honorable minded, distinguished, was drive" 1 ir thatd.K-al mansion with sco. tumeiy. What greater tu eouh ho h , committed? He had dared to lov . tho daughter of one of Italy's proudest no- bl"This was the first bitter wrongofjj life Tho pride of others trampled cm my hopes of happme.s, and at sixteen yoaia of ago my breast was imbittered ry a blighted affection. My lover wrote m e a lftter of despairing rewell and lef t the country for America, lo this aay 1 know not io what part of the mighty con tinont he went." "Poor Pauline 1" "A twelvemonth after this. JpaMtw. the servant of the duchess, (fled . and LOT her death-bed she sent for the duke and confided to him a terrible secret. I was not the daughter of the duoh"9B ,,5 spurious child, born of low parouto. and iutroduoed into the ducal mansion by tne old Parisian fortune-teller." "Oh Heaven, how terrible ! "It waa indeed terrible. The fury of the duke knew no bounds. He was a proud man. and for seventeen years ne had been duped, fooled, imposed upon by the child of some wretched French woman the child he had Introduced into the society of the noblest in the land, and whose beauty and accomplishments had been his boat. He had never loved me ; there was no link of affection between us to stay the torrent of nis rage. That rage was more terrific aga,n mo. the innocent 1 than even toward the guilty duehoss. He drove me from hia doore with loathing, and L the pampered heiress, wandered forth into the streets of Genoa, a beggar and aa outcast Be fore I reached the gates of the town I was overtaken by the steward of the duke, who brought me a pookeVbook from hU master. It contained notes to the amount of three thousand pounds. My first im pulse was to cast it in the dirt beneath ny feet, and to bid the steward go back and tell his lord how I had treated his generous donation; but a sudden Idea took possession of me. This sum ol money would enable me to go where I pleased. I might go to Amerioa I might find him I loved. Two months after this I landed in New York. I traveled from city to city, but nowhere could I obtain tidings of him I sought; and at last, wearied by my Ineffectual search, my funds nearly exhausted with the extrava gant outlay of roy travels, I found my self in New Orleans. You know tha rest." To Be Continued. IMHENDERSO 109&lilW.NinthSt.,iCANSASClTY,ML Tha only Specialist in th City who is a Begul&r Graduate ia Kedidaa. Over 23 yein' Practice, 12 yaara in Chicago. THE OLDEST IN ACE, AND LONGEST LOCATED, Aothorixed br tha fitute to treat Ohronio, Nervons an4 "Hpecinl ' eiwM, beminal Weakness (wight Jlobheb), ttexunl DebiUtr UOMa OF r BEXUAX POWF.B), Nervous LMj41itr, Poisoned Hlood.tTlceraand Swbllinss of every kiad, and Urinary LHaeaAne. Cnree guaranteed or money refunded Charsea low. Thousands of casne cored. xperienoe( important. All medicines are guaranteed to be pure and erfiicacious, being com pounded in my perfectly appointed laboratory, aod are furnished ready for one. No running to drtig stores to have uncertain prescriptions filled. No mercury or injurions chemicals used. No detention from business. Patient at a distance treated by letter and express, medicines sent everywhere free from Raze or breakage. State your cafte and send for terms. 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