Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 30, 1890, Image 5
Viiuuin, i;-..irt-ii, Uu'iUL'JiK 61) 1500. V $ Second Reunion of Nebraska Sol diers. From Monday's Dally. Comrades: Wc have obtained the rate of no and one-third () fare for tho round trip for our second reunion to le held at Huttumouth, NoyemU-r 18, 11) and 20, 18'0, on tho following rail roads: The Eurliugton & Missouri Liver; Chicago, Rock Island fc Pacific; Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis So Omaha; Missou ri Pacific; Sioux City & Pacific; Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley; St. Joe & Grand Island and Union Pacific. Comrndes, when you purchase tickets, don't fail to take u receipt from j our local aiient, paying full fare to Platt.-:- niouth. This receipt, when endorsed by our asioeiation will entitle you to a re turn ticket home by paying one third (k) larc. If you change cars from one road to another, buy a ticket and take a re ceipt every time you pay a railroad fare. All agents or conductors niui: give you a receipt when asked for. We had a pleasant meeting at our first reunion and hope to maka this equally as good. Come, every one of you, bring jour wife and children and let Ukmu en joy this-meeting with us. We will have '"with us General John McNeil, Governor John M. Thayer, ex Governor Alviu launders, ex-Governor 11. W. Furnas. Major Tom Majors, Major Pearman, Col. George Armstrong, Col. W. F. Sapp, tx Scnaror T. W. Tipton and other lead ing orlicers f y".r old regiments, and last, but not l.-:ist, many of t'n- !.;di privates from the rear rusk. i -iaes there will he many distinguished repre sentatives of other state and branches of the service who reside in Ni brnsk.: and Iowa, that have signified their intention to be present with us on this i.ecasion. Let everyone that can possibly o so, answer to roll call at ! a. in., the HUh. As we propose to keep up our annual meeting, we would suggest that you come to be prepared to make some definite proposition for the next location of the reunion, as there are a number of places wanting it. Please notify the president of the association at as early a day as possible if you will be with us, and how many of your family. We have secured the following hotel rates: Perkins House, $1 per day; City Hotel, $1 per day; Pacific House, $1 per day; Cottage House, $1 per day; Hotel Riley, $2, $2.50 and $3 II. C. McMaken, Pres. Geo. V. Hall, See'y. Another World-Herald Fake Goes Down. The following from the Lincoln Jour nal explodes effectually the statement of !lfie Om&ha Hyphen, that the German re publicans goulde hoodwinked, through league officered and managed by dem ocrats, into voting against L. D. Rich ards for goyernor. Here is what they did: "The German republican members of the personal rights league of the Fifth ward held an enthusiastic meeting last night for the purpose of endorsing the republican state and county tickets and to formulate plans to oppose the adop tion of the prohibitory amendment. There were eighty seven representative German citizens present. Henry Rippe was chosen chairman of the me-jting and Carl Schmitt secretary. In view of the fact that the state executive committe of the personal rights league had attempted to drag the league into partisan politics by endorsing James E. Boyd for gover nor, thus endeavoring to make the pro hibitory amendment question a political party issue, the German republicans of the Fifth ward were desirous of repudiat ing the action of the executive com mittee. They are opposed to prohibi tion, but they are loyal republicans and desire to go on record as such. The fol lowing resolution was adopted: Resolved. That we, the German republicans of the Fifth ward of the city of Lincoln, hereby repudiate the action of the state executive committee cf the personal lights league in endorsing Jafei E. Boyd for governor, and we will not be bound by such action. A vote was then taken on the repub lican and democratic candidates lor governor, which res-ulted in seventy-eight for Richards and nine for Royd. This action effectually explodes tlu (rroneov.s statement that the German republicans would support Boyd. The republican i county ticket was then indor&tu. A j resolution was then adopted pledging ! those present to oppose the prohibitory 1 amendm;.-;.'.. , Although it was a meetir.i; of C'.-nv.s.n 1 republican::, se vt ral dtinorvat vcre prcs- ; cat, which ncrouiits for tie -' Mr. Boyd recc iv' d." j Mr. an! Mrs. John Yondron rc.-iuii:g on south Ti nth street were th-j victims of i a surprise by their friends anil neighbors j Saturday evening the occasion being j their ninth wedding anniversary and also as an earnest gotd bje ere they move to their new home on Chicago Avenue. They received many kindly testimonials of esteem from those present. J. L. One who was there. A Statement of Fact. Robert Metteer called at this office Sat urday with a copy of the Omaha Bee i containing a letter from Lincoln in which Mr. Metteer was severely censured for a purported letter written Gov. Thay er about the pardon cf John Polin, His fori Ceph Metteer was also slandered, and in proof of Mr. Metteers having done nothing but what a gentleman would do under the circumstances we j append the following: Pi.ATTsMOUTii, Neb., Oct. 2:;-To whom it may concern: I hereby state that I presented the petition of John R. Polin i to Gov. Thayer for a pardon ami heard j the letter of Robert Metteer to Gov ' Thayer read and I have also read the article in the Omaha Bee of Oct. 20 in regard to said matter and the statements in Ihe Be-' in regard to said letter are not tru?. Allen Bkkson. Plattsmoutji, Neb,, Oct. 2o: I take pleasure instating, the article appearing in tie Oinilu B e of Oct. 20, conc.rning tiie Polin and Metteer matter is aonosH inistatement of facts. Also Mr. Metteer has been considered a first class citizen. William Gilmokk. - C. Renwick of Glenwood tried to catch on to the flyer yesterday evening, but partly missed his hold, resulting in a full that will make him sore for many days. Taken up. By the undersigned person 2 miles south and 1 mile west of Murray the fol lowing property: One red cow with white spots, horns turned down side of her head and is about six years old. Per son proving property and paying charges may have same. Geo Lloyd. Birthday Party. Master Calvin Atwood arrived at the ae of thirteen last Saturday and his mother allowed him to invite a company of his young friends in and a splendid time was had. Refreshments were serv ed and games indulged in until nine o'clock when the party wishing their young host a pleasant good night dis persed. Those present were; Emory Buckner, Lou Smith, Ralph White, Myrtle Levings, Percy Agnew, Jennie Ritchie, Cal Atwood, Bertie Fletcher, Frank Fletcher, Bertie Bennett, Dick Waugh, Kittie Agnew, Oliver Young, "Mary Pat terson," Hilt Wescott, Claire Drummond Ralph Atwood, Sallie Agnew, Clyde Drew, Ethel Dutton and Ray Patterson. Passed Away. Yesterday about twelve o'clock at the residence of L. D Bennett, Mrs. Lavina Duke, better known as Grandma Duke, passed peacefully to the great beyond. Her life had been a busy one, yet she always found time to do good. She was one of the first members of the Methodist church in this city. Mrs. Duke, whose maiden name was Snedeker, was born in Bethany, West Virginia, on July 2, 1S02, and on the 14th day of March, 1S26, she was married to Shepherd Duke, who died in this city in 1872. She and her husband remoyed to Ironton, Ohio, where they remained until 1856, when they came West, settling in Plattsmouth in 1857. Mr. Duke was the proprietor of the Platte Valley House up to 1SG1, when he was elected county treasurer, holding the office for four consecutive terms. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Duke, who are today called upon to mourn the loss of a mother, are John S. Duke, Margaret L. Bennett, Elbert T. Duke and Mrs. R.E. Cooper. Mrs. Duke had made her home with her son-in-law, Capt. Bennett, since the eath of her husband. The funeral vill occur to morrow from the Bennett residence at 10 o'clock. The friends of the family are invited. County Court. From Tuesday's Daily. Letters of administration issued to John M. Jackman, administrator of the estate of John Bringman deceased. Final settlement John A. Ilennicg, guardian Spohr minors. Accounts al lowed and decree accordingly. A Prominent Citizen Uaned. lion. Allen Beson, hale and hearty, arrived at the age of last Saturday, and when he went home he found a house full of company and a dinner H waiting him fit for a king. But just before going out to dinner the climax of the surprise was reached by bringing in ;.ud presenting Mr. Beesor. by his family iriendi, an onriniiiitu ;:nd use fa 1 roil,' made of cine foreign wood, which -,v ill be heartily cherish.-d by the !,rtn- v.ost.i r. Frc ij'i-.t Wreck. A i-.!t:d vr- ck oc cured ou the Q. ;.t v .: ly Lcvr ti I i s'-rnifc three ivii; s or.; t of CnVioii. Two heavy freight tniiH were going --ut and for o;n? reason the rear train ds?h'il into the caboose f tin forward train derailing several cai.-ar.d completely demolishing the engine. Tiie engineer and fireman wcrethougLt to b3 hilled as their bodies hna not been re covered from under tiie wreck when the flyer passed the tcene of the disaster several hours after tUe wreck occured. The flyer was G hours late on account of it. . District Court. Isaac B, Miller va Emma Miller, di vorce granted as prayed for. The case of Isaac Wiles vs The Omaha Souther Ry., is on trial to a jury this af ternoon. The injunction obtained by Theodore Buck vs. the Omaha Southern Railway was dissolved by Jutlge Field yesterday. On Satnrday the jury in the Todd case was discharged, failing to agree. Two of the jurors held out for $1000, while the balance wanted from $1000 to SI 875. The latest English fad is a vvalkinc party which w is indulged in bv several of Platismouth's fashionable young la dies Saturday night. Th?y all carried canes as souvenirs presented by the Miss es Gerings with a bow of yellow ribbon neatly fastened to the top of the cane. The trip extendeel out to Livingston Heights and when the party returned they took supper at th Riley anel we suspect there were several good appetites in thj crowd. Tiu king walking prize was awarded to Miss Auna Livingston and Miss Amelia Yallery while the booby prize was earned by Miss Pierce and Miss Maggie Sampson. The ladies came in loaded down with beautiful coloreel leaves anel bitter sweets showing they hael improyed their time by gathering the loveliest harbingers of autumn. Political Notes. Mr. McClintic is in town toda This will be one of the days that Sherman is nor. for Lemasters. Why is it that Lemasters' neighbors put him down as an unreconstructed rebel! He must have given some cause for such an opinion. Ex-President Hayes was a usurper anel a eleep dyed villain in the democratic mind only a short time ago; he is now patted on the. back and quoted approv ingly by Mr. Bryan. The Dorsey telegram will soon be a reminiscence ot what a democrat will do to get into office. It would seem that a premium i3 offered by the party man agers on fraud and forgery, judging from the amount of it indulged in. The young Mr. Bryan has been gasping for breath since Congressman CDnnell eliew the Mills bill on him. The demo cratic bill is so inferior to the republican law in every feature that even Mr. Bryan finds it hard to muster up enough gall to defend it. State Journal. When Bryan stampeded the crowel at the opera house the other evening, having talked Col. Srnythe out of his time, our Col. Connor rushed to the front of the stage and got a part of the audience seated long enough to hear a ten minutes speech from that gentleman. Joe is not good enough for the democrats to elect to office, but he is a mighty handy man to have around to help other fellows in. The Electric Lamp Company bids fair to start up again in good shape. Judge Chapman came home today, having finished up the Lincoln term of the District Court. B C. Yeomans, who has the reputation of being one of the best detectives in the state, spent last night in the city. A fact that all men with gray and many shaded whiskers should know, that Buckingham's Dye alway colors an even brown or black at will. A fine $150 organ on exhibition at Henry Boeck's donated by him and Mc Conihie Post, will be one of the presents given away at the G. A. R. Fair. Go anel see it. P. S. Barnes one of Casj county's next representatives in the legislature made the IIerald a pleasant call this morning Mr. Barnes has made a clean houorable canyas in strong contrast to the methods of some of the democratic opposition. Col, SamT Barker entertained a large crowd with a political speech at the Perkins House last night. A3 an orator Uncle Sam is a stunner but insists that he must vote for Boyd. Joe Fairfielel held him level anel bets on the whole republi can ticket. L. G. Todd was giving our people fits for stealing an overcoat of his, andhe bought n new one which he wears around town for two or three days. This morn ing he was in the county clerk's office :;nd spied his coat just where he Maiden ly remembered he had left it The county commissioners were in .-.ssirn today on account of the delayed construction of several county bridges. 'Ihe contractor s peared, suid his luin'.-cr :,ul come and he was ready to compi-.-te tin- v-ork t once, which tvus ai that 0' rdd be asked. Union Items. P. J. Decker of the E. & V. Rt y ;ir town was down Sunday. C. II. VaaWyck drew a larjje audience j Thursday evening at the school buildin". Over fourteen dollars were raised at the oyster supper Tuesday eyenin. Tlic proceeds po to luy a dictionary for the school. Vote for John A. X);tvi;3 io county attorney and 0 tho amendment. f Normal. Died. This morning of malarial fever and other complications, Edgar Tihe, infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Tiuhe. The funeral will take place tomorrow at ! o'clock from the houe. The inferrinent will be made at tiie College Hill Catholic cemetery south of Louisville near Mrs. Tighe's former home. Grandpa Hayes got a bad fall about a week ago and thought he had si riously sprained his wrist, as it got no better a physician was called and it was found that lie had broken one of the wrist bones which was M-t after a painful oper ation and Mr. Hayes is now getting along all right. Pneumonia and Bronchitis carry off One-Third of the Human Race. It is not generally known that Pneumonia and Bronchitis carry off out-third of the human race, but such are the facts, and what is more surprising, both of the above diieases resuit from neglecting a com mon ordinary Cold. A Cough should sever be neg lected. If it is, every time you catch cold you cough harder, and it sticks by you longer. Ballard's He re hound Syrup is the best remedy in the world fir Pneumonia, Bronchitis and all Throat and I.ung trou bles. If you have any Throat trouble, call fur Bal lard's Horehound Syrup and take do other. For sale by F. (I. Fricke, druggist. "Good and Honest.' is thus pralse3 : itt(2 ' ll81fc ury IePt-i Columbus, " va;jj Ohio, Feb. 6, 1889. "I have used St. Jar cobs Oil in my family fur years, and find it to be the medicine of medicines FOR GENERAL USE. It !s a good, honest njedicino aud honest men will not hesitate to recommend it to suffering humauity." JOHN P. ELEMMOX3. Bookkeeper. In Every Hot He There is a Cure. In Every Application a Itelief. MARK MacoliBDifc cTba?to-mo .TheEhaS'MdgeierITD' 'I HE FIGURE 9." XtiO figw e9 in our datns w:ll make a .Dng atajt Jo man or woman now living will cvor dnte . locument without using the figure 9. It stands m the third place in 1890, when; it will remain ten ears and then move up to second place in 19001 rvhere it will rest for one hundred years. There is another "9" which h:i also come to stay, ft is unlike the iisjure 9 in our dates in the respect '.hut it ha3 already moved up to first place, where it will permanently remain.' it is called the "N )" High Arm Wneeler fc Wilson Sewing Machine. The "No. 9'' Wiis endorsed for ilrst place by the 'xperti of Eurojie at the Pris Exposition of 1889, vhere, after a severe contest with the leading ma chines of the world, it was awarded the ocly Grand Prize given to family sowing machines, all others on exhibit having received lower awards of gold medals, etc. The French Government ilso recognized i'.ssuperiority by thedecorationof Mr. Nathaniel V."ne::ler, President, of the company, with the Cross of the Legion of Honor. The "No. 9" is not an old machine improved upon, but is an entirely nw machino, and ttio Grand Prize at Puris was awarded it as the grand est advance in sewirit: machine mechanism of the vge. Those who b ty it can rest assured, there. I re, Of having the very laicst and best. THEELEU & WILSON II'F'G CO., 1ST and lSi' "Wabash 1 ve., Chicago. Dealer SWaated, Or- tho Liquor Habit, Positively Curet EY ADI.'JiSTERUG DS. HAIRES' 05lC!fJ SPECIFIO It cn be Given in a cup ot coffee or tea, or i:i sr iiclcs oi ooil. vr ithouc the know led sre of the per son taking it; it is absoiut.el y harmless and wii; effect a permanent ami -peeov cure. v.iicTi!. tiie patient is a !i!0ierrro ii i uker ov an a!c:io!i wreck. !T NEVER FAILS. v G U A R A NT t F. acHniilttecuro i;i e v in-:r.!i.:c. i-i piga 1-juK FPEZ. A.U- in eosi'sieii,-!,-. CLScM !??CF!C CO., tC5 Raci St.. Cincinnati. & CLARK'S HOG REMEDY Clark's Poultry, ISemcdy. BEsT IX TIIE WURKD. oil trade I :-h-3 f. . V',-L fr y-" 'i ' - - ' For sale lr O, II. S YDEK, DruSgist, Plattsmontb, Nfb. WEmMAN&BRECKENFKIfD , -DEALEH3 IN- Hardware. Stove sand Tinware. Agents for the RADIANT HOME and RADIANT NOVELTY Pase RurW We also have the exclusive khIo of the genuine ROUND OAK Heatm- Si.iy nn.l nd the OLD RELIABLE CHARTER ;o.YIv cooking st..v-H. You will hU. iiuj he finest steel range in the market nt our store. OAtt Mt) SEE US. ." 1 Jl.UX S'i'iiEKl' VaUery's Meal fflarhei 105 S 'Jth St., Union Rlock, formerly 415 Main street. A Splendid Market, where Everything kept is First Class. We aim to please, solicit the Patron age of tiie I'uMie. TIIE CHOICEST STEAK'S, EXCELLENT ROASTS, TIIE SWEETEST CUTS, FINEST CURED MEATS, (iAtlK. FISH AND THl;u 1 Mil, I ( ' V CILS IN SKA SON. Uy fair and henest dealing I expect to merit a share of the trade. iai-lm. J. R. VALLERY. Prop UQOLDJAND POKCELAIXICKOWNS Bridge work and fine gold work a SPECIALTY DK. STEINAUS LOCAL as well as other an estheticsgiven fort lie painless extraetioa ot teeth. C. A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald Bloc' Petersen & Larson (Successor to Whiting & Whicher) DEADERS IN Groceries and Provisions Miidle Koom, OperaIIouse Block. Choice, Fresh Goods in their line, both as to L'ltlCE AND QUALITY Gaiefl Fruits, DM Frails And Frencli Fruits in Their Season. . FLOUR AND FEED Always in Stock. Call and he Satisfied PLATTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA 3IIKE SIIXELLUACKEK. Wagon and Blacksmith shop. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and plovr Repairing done HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY lie unes tiie NEVERSLIP HORSESHOEj Which is the best horseshoe for the farmer, or fur fast drivimr, or for city purpose-sever invented. It is so made that anyone can put on sharp or flat corks, as needed for wet and slippery days, or smooth, dry roads. Call at his shop and cxanine the t.yi-.kslip and you will ue no ether. J. M. SIINEI.LR ACKER. 112 Nortii Fiftli St. ri itt.-mouth ?-:o CURE. NO PAY. , r--f, vi f. v V- .. . a- 6-. . : '-f t - I 3 I 6 Douglas Street, Omaha ?Jeb ;i7 YEARS EXPERIENCE. A reu'ar srra.iuatt Jn inlic'i: iur.n cj": lores, a-(lii-ioin i.s r-l:v. l--tiii tr-;t:in will the trrea-t sii'eH i.ll Nervou. t'linu.e unci Private diseases of sexes. A permanent cure ;iiara!i'''t-il for 7atarrh. SiermMiri ha. li-t Manhood, tfeniiaal Weakness, Nihr l.os-es, Impoteiiey, acd all dineases of rhe Blood. ikin and Ciinary Or gans. All Female Trouble of the womb, etc, treated by tneniosr improved methods of the iov.rlon and Pari9 Hopitai N.d. 'guarantee 5.xr for every ca?e I uudertake and fail tor- ; Consultation tree, gend for question list. suUTP. - K4i a TJ5I-: INTIvRX ATI O N A J, TYPEWRIIER A stiictly first i-Lic-i m.irliiiH-. fully ei!. M;ilo troin T 1 1 i-iy ln-t n.'.O -;tl bv -k ilit'il . i kni.-i . iii il wil !i" tin- I r-t tools ttat have Hvi-r 1 -n ile iscl pr t In- piil pus-. Wr iMiitcil io uil can lie i.-aso iitlily ex tn'ctcd of the very lievf typewriter ekt;iiit. Cap-ibleof wriiliiij l"ii wo pis tor inliiiile -or mine aeeiiicliiig i, llio aliili'y of tlin operator. ritJCE $ioo. Ifthere Is no aent in your town add reus thtti mauufacturei. TIIK PAItlKH M'K'i CO. Agents wanted Parish S, Y". P. B. SEELEMIRE, Agent. Lincolu, Neh. Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. tl. A. WATHBMAH k SOU PiNF LUMBER ! Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors5 BBinds Can supply everw demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. PURE MAPLE SUGAR and Syrup. Low prices quoted on large or small Iottl. Strictly Pure. Adirondack Maple Sngar Co 1230 Monroe St., Chicago, I1L FULL Ell & DENIPOX Western Agents. K. DRESSLER, The 5th St. Merchant Tailor Keep-i a Full Line oi foreign & Domestic Goods, Consult Your lnteres- by Giving Hid a'oall SHERWOOD BLOCK h h rx tuiH-K b - i'V" '. 7 fS THZ PL.vCE TO liCV VOUH FUEiTlTUEE, Parlorand Bed Room Sets. Mat tresses, Sofas, Lour.ee9 ana Office Furniture. Call and examine his stock before go ng elsewhere.