Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 30, 1890, Image 1

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    i ?f itv;
$1.30 A YEA It
r iK . IL H . .
NO. 3'J.
. i ... , i. -... " 1 - ' " "
6mmm fflira
w ae: Kin m im.jajay,
: !". Tr T S5T
In Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Glassware,
Woodcinvare, Willow-warc, Tinware,
Hardware, Cutlery and Notions-
You Will be Greatly stonislied at What You Can
for a Quarter of a Dollar at
415 Main Street,
The Leading ONE PRICE Clothier
Asks The Public
To Call on him and Examine his Large anil Complete Stock of
Eall and Winter Clothing.
Hats Caps, Trunks, Satchels and
' JOE will show you the
county and for less money
by his competitors.
ipjl a rirarsMuririHi,
T-irini va? us&sJ VaVin EHiial
4 . J. D. GRAVES & CO.
DOORS, BLINDS, and all building material
Call and see us
11th and Elm . street, one block
north of Heisel's mill.
Flattsmo-uth., Nebraska
Money to loan on farms in amounts of $300
to $5000 at 6 1-2 to 7 1-2 per cent. Interest
payable once a year. No commission charged.
Abstracts of title furnished, examined and
perfected at reasonable rates, on lands or lots.
Call on or address J. M. LEYDA, Platts
mouth. Office Union Block, with A. N. Sulli
van, attorney.
largest and finest stockin thee
than inferior goods are sold
at the corner of
"Ach! Carno.y Be Quick "
Ka hould 1'aney Million,
In i'.iiidy McMiilli.:ui.
Ouch, faiili ! it's iih-mU wud In; i,ik,i.' a kis-."
1'iles !:iddy Mr.snili&an.
YcVl bett'T i st 11 unln.
j Oi'll not l.eendonnn' such irealinent as"
"Arrali ! dea:e-t l:i lf'.y.
He itisy. be stiddy,
lndadc, its no use to 1 aetin' loike this ;
Ouch ! scratch a manV nse n.
An' tear all his clo'es olT,
It's a dale tiv a row to be ;,'it in' a Ids."
Co way, Mr. I'.arney.
No iin'it- of your b ey.
Or instead tiv stkis ye'il be iiillin' akiek.
Ould red-h aded Harney
Yer wastm' your blarney,
Fur Here comes the inissi ! A'-h ! H::rney,
be quirk!'' Yankee Ulade.
Republican Club Meeting
The last meeting of the Young Mens
Republican club before election will be
held in the council chamber Friday ev
ening at eight o'clock. A full atten
dance ia desired . dOt
Jim Antill is serving oysters in all
styles at his old headquarters opposite
the opera house, dtf
Over one thousand dollars in presents
have been donated by our business men
for the G. A. II. fair. It is believed that
every firm in the city will be represented
by a handsome present. Three thousand
j tickets are issued and are selling fast- A
full list of presents and tfia names of
those donating them will be published
next week. The prese nts will be display
ed at the fair. So far they consist of
city lots, organs, sewing machines, ranges
agricultural implements, fine blooded
stock, etc., etc
New photograph gallery corner of
Seventh and Vine streets. First class
work guaranteed.
To Nervous Debilitated Men.
If you will send us your address, we
will mail you our illustrated pamphlet
enplaininfi all about Dr. Dye's celebrated
Electro-Voltiac Celt and appliances, and
their charming effects upon the nervious
debilitated system, and how they will
quickly restore you to vit;or and man
hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus
afflicted we will send you a belt and ap
pliances on a trial.
Voltiac Belt Co. Marshall, Nich.
A good girl. Wages four dollars per
week. Mks. J. A. Connou. dot.
List of Letters
Remaining unclaimed, in the postoffice
at Plattsmouth. Neb., Oct. 29, 1890,
for the week ending Oct. 22, 1890.
AndTson, J I
Abies, Khoda
Baker. Miss Ida
Be. ts. Miss Eliza
Carter. Mable
Majjnev, J elm
Wolf, Mary
Day. Heleii
Goodman, Or H
Hubbard, Kobert
Johnson, George
Mather, C L
Propst. C M
Adamson, Fannie
Brown, W E
Brown, H
Cleary. Kobfrt
Calkin, Lottie
McClain, James
Watson, W J
Jordeii. A II
Harmau, J A
Maynes. W S
Lewis. K
Matthiie, Mi's C A
Keynolds. M A
Sullivan, Jerry
Thomas, Percival L
Trumon, Garner
Persons calling for the above letters
will please say "advertised."
The first fresh bulk oysters of the sea
son at J. Hatt & Co's
B. W. Birdsall, Esq. from Ontario is
yisiting his nephew, G. W. "Walker of
this city. Mr. Birdsall owns a couple of
farms up near Greenwood and thinks it
probable that he will move here next
year. He says the McKinley bill is a
bad thing for Canada and be seemed
greatly astonished at finding anyone in
this part of the c.untry opposing it.
Wall paper in all styles and prices at
Wildman & Fuller's.
The First Step.
Perhaps you are run down, can't eat,
can't sleep, can't think, can't do any
thing to your satisfaction, and you
wonder what ails you. You should heed
the warning, you are taking the first step
into nervous prostration. You need a
nerve tonic and in Electric Bitters you
will find the exact remedy for restoring
your nervous system to its rormal health
condition. Surprising results follow the
use of this great nerye tonic and altera
tive. Your appetite returns. good
digestion is restored, and the liver and
kidneys resume healthy action. Try a
bottle. Price 50 cents at F. G.Fricke &
Co's drug store.
Mrs. Lathrop drew a big crowd at the
opera house lrst night, and is inded a
talented lady. She said n any good
things which received the plaudits of
the crowd, though she wa3 a little bit off
on her remarks about what Mr. Connell
said. Politically, she seeired to be of a
democratic turn of mind.
The T opular tonsorial aitist under
Bank of Cass County. tf
W. J. Hesser has the reputation of be
ing a hustler and at one time he had 23
men in his employ on his 0 acres of
cultivated ground which we dare say
brings him more money than a section of
ground brings most men.
W. S. Wise offers some bargains in
real estate. Apply to R, F. Windham, tf. ,
Mrs. W. M. Turner is in Omaha and
Council IJluffs today.
Fri lay and Saturday of this week are
the last days for registration. d''t
Mins Delia Steimker went to Omaha
today to visit her bister for a few days.
Miss Nettie Ballance and Mrs. J. H.
Young will visit friends r.t Omaha today.
Mrs. Levi Golding went to Omaha to
day to visit her husband who is in busi
ness in that city.
For first class photographs at half
price go to the new gallery, corner of 7th
and Vine streets. tf
Members of the G. A. R., Sons of
Veterans and the Ladies of the W. R. C.
have tickets for sale.
There will be a meeting in the interest
of the amendment at Rock Bluffs, Mon
day evening, Nov. .1.
Mrs. Dr. Marshall started this morning
to join her husband who is attending
dental college at Iowa City.
Mr. Loughridge sold his Shaker Boy
colt to J. P. Lewis for the neat bum of
$125. It pays to raise good stock.
The Business Men's Association will
meet Friday evening at the parlor of the
Hotel Riley at. 8 o'clock. A full attend
ance is desired. d3t
County Clerk Critchfield is out in the
country today, distributing the poll
books, in order to be ready for the fray
next Tuesday.
Rev. J. D. M. Buckner will lecture at
Murray Saturday evening, Nov. 1.
There will be some of the champions of
the Demorest contest present and give
the recitation which won the medal.
Marshall Archer and Jack Denson
went to Omaha this morning and as
they had a hunting dog with them they
were probably after game. We have
not heard as to their success but from
what we saw we believe they will bag
their game.
The republican rally Saturday niht
will be a great affair, and the one Monday
night will not be a particle behind it.
Eyery man and woman ought to hear the
exponents of good doctrines, in the per
sons of Col. Colby and Paul Vander-voort.
Political Notes.
The Journal at this late date gleefully
prints the remark of somebody that Mc
Clintic was a horse doctor.
E. A. Stopher is a strong man for rep
resentative. He and P. S. Barnes In the
house will give Cass an able and honora
ble representation.
R. S. Wilkenson, chairman of the re
publican county central committee is in
the city today, accompanied by C. D.
Clapp of Elmwood.
The Journal sticks to the Doreey
World-Herald fake notwithstanding
Dorsey han proved that he never sent
the telegram which it prints.
Friend McClintic comes out in a very
sensible card in last nights Journal, but
it will not avail him much if the crowd
down here can hoodoo biru off the tick
et. He was a necessity at the county
convention, but that necessity no longer
L. D. Richards will unquestionably be
elected the next governor of Nebraska,
and all tie cowardly excuses weak-kneed
republicans can give for voting against
him, will avail nothing. We personally
know prominent democrats in Omaha
who will vte for Richards, and they
have dollars at stake on prohibition
where others have cents.
Cottonseed oil is being used to manu
facture and cheapen the price of lard.
Its use in that direction has rown so
that immense fortunes have been made
out of the product which greatly cheapen
the genuine article with which it comes
into direct competition. Congress
passed the lard bill at its last session in
the interest of pure lard and in the in
terest directly and absolutely of every
farmer in Nebraska. Yet the democratic
party opposed this measure with great
force a"nd came near defeating it. Why
don't the windy Bryan explain this fact.
District Court
A motion for a new trial in the case of
Baier vs. the M. P. was argued befoie
Judge Field this morning. His decisic n
was not given.
The case of Isaac Wiles vs. the Oma
ha Southern Railway Co. has been on
trial to a jury since yesterday noon, and
at 3 o'clock today the testimony was
not all in.
A Tricot shoulder cape on 'the street
Saturday. Finder will please leave the
Etme at the Herald sfticej dCt
, Omaha Voters to be Enjoined From
j Statu Journal. .
I It was lenrned last eve ning from au
thentic sources that two Omaha prohibi
tionists were in Lincoln bust evening
making preparations to lay before the
supreme court this morning un applica
tion for an order of injunction which
will be tho means of preventing hundreds
and perhaps thousands from voting in
Omaha. These gentlemen claim that
large numbers of foreign born men have
recently taken out naturalization papers
at the instance of the "personal libeity
league" with the apparent purpose of
voting against the prohibitory amend
ment, and that the expense of obtaining
these papers was paid by the league out
of a fund raised for the purpose. The
prohibitionists claim that this method of
securing voters is illegal nd will ask
thn supreme court to restrain all whose
papers were so obtained from voting and
to restrain election officers from receiving
votes for such. They claim, also, that
in case the supreme court fails to act and
the amendment fails they will contest
the election on the ground of "the illegal
ity of these votes.
The girls of the Presbyterian church
will give a Hallow e'eri entertainment
at the church Friday evening, Oct. 31st
Games Supper 10c. 4t
Cotner University Notes
Bethany Heights, Lincoln, Neb. (Jet.
27, 1890: Desiring to keep the readers
of the Herald pretty well posted with
the happenings of Bethany Heights, and
for the benefit derived to myself from
correspondence, I take the pleasure to
write again. Although somewhat 6low
of speech perhaps these items as related
by myself will be of some interest to at
least a few of the reader?.
President Dungan is with us again hay
ing been absent for nearly three weeks
in Des Moines, Iowa, where his family i
He brought with him two of his boys but
expects to move the rest of his family
here as soon as his house is ready to go
into, which will be in asftort time.
The social given by the Delphian and
the Athenian societies last Friday night
was a success. There was a joint prjgram
given in the chapel by the two societies
after which the audience went to the
dormitory and feasted on oyster soup and
cake to their hearts content. There was
present about a hundred students from
the State University and a goodly num
ber from the Weslyan University. Eyery
body seemed to enjoy themselves hugely
Saturday afternoon the Cotner boys
picked up a nine and went over and
played the Weslyan's a game of ball.
The score stood fourteen to eleycu in
favor of the Weslyan's, but I think the
Cotner's did well considering it was their
first game and not having practiced
Prof. Aylsworth preached yesterday
morning and evening in the chapel of
the university. In the morning he chose
text from Philipians 14th chap. Cth
verse, in the eyening from Mathew 19th
chap. 27th and 38th verses. Prof Ayls
worth is vice-president of the institution
and Dean of the bible department; he is
a good speaker, a splendid good man
and is well liked by all who know him.
Speaking of cheap people, "Whiskers"
of the Journal evidently had himself in
A. W. Wright came home yesterday
from an extended campaign tour through
out the state. He speaks enthusiastically
of the outlook for republican success.
Dr. B. L Paine, prohibition nominee
for governor will deliyer ak address on
the amendment at Rockwood hall to
morrow eyening, Oct. 20th, to which
every one is invited to attend.
Eight ten wheeler road engines have
been bought by the B, & M, and will
come in abeut the first of January, This
will be the first engine of the kind on
the line. The largest now are eight
Will Streight went hunting the other
davjand as a result of the days work he
brought home ne little half grown rab
bit. He figured up and discovered that
the rabbit had cost him just six dollars
and as he could have purchased a larger
one for ten cents he will buy his rabbits
hereafter on the score of economy.
All persons knowsng themselves to be
indebted to J. V. Week bach, deceased,
or to the firm of J. V. Weckbach & Son,
will please call and settle on or tefore
Not. 13, as all accounts not paid by that
time will be placed in the hands of an
attorney. Oct. 20, 1890. tf
J. V. Weci bacb Sox.
And Then Buy A Heme 111
South Paik.
Do not be caught jn the delusion ol .
many thousands in postponing a home
until they can have an expensive one
This idea is the devil's trap that catches '
men and women innumerable, who wiU
neyer have any at all. The laborer may
have, at the close of the clay, to walk er
ride farther than is rioirahlc to reach it
but when he yets to his destination in
ho teutide he will find something,
worthy ot being called by that glorious
and impassioned, and heaven descended
word, "Home."
Young married man, as soon as u
can buy such a place, even if you have
to put on it a mortgage reaching .from
base to capstone. The much abused
mortgage which is ruin to the reckless
man. to one prudent and provident is
the brginning of a competency and a
fortune, for the reason he will not be Rat
ified until he Las paid it off, ond all the
household are put on strictest economy
until then. Deny yourself all superflui
ties and all luxuries until you can suy:
"Everything in this honse is mine thaiilr
God! every timber, eyery brick everr
foot of plumbing, every doorsill." Dt
not have children born in a bearding
house, and do not yourself bt buried
fromonc. Have a place wh re your
children can shout and sing aid romp
and not be overhaulded for the racket
Hnye a kitchen where you can do some
thing toward the reformation of evil
cookery and the lessening of this nation
of despeptics. As Napoleon lost one of
his great battles by an attacked of indi
gestion, so many men have euch a daily
wrestle with the food swallowed that
they have no strength left for the battle
of life; and though your wife may know
how to play all musical instruments and
rival a prima dona, she is not well edu
cated unless she can boil an Irish potatoe
and broil a mutton chop, bince tne die
sometimes decides the fate of families
and nations.
Have a setting room with at least one
easy chair, even though you have to take
turns at sifting in it, and books out o
the public library, or of your own pur
chase for the making of your family in
telligent, and checker boards and guess
ing mntches, with an occassional blind
man's bluff, which is of all games mj
fayorite.J Rouse up your bomea with al
styles of innocent amusement, and gath
er up in your children's lives a restrvbr
of exuberance that will pour down r
freshing streams when life gets parched
and the dark days' come and the lights
go out and the laughter is smothered in
to a sob. T.'.De Witt Talmage.
For South Park Lots